How to take Viferon suppositories for adults. How to use Viferon suppositories for adults: indications, contraindications, side effects, reviews. Interaction with medications

Among the huge number of medicines actively advertised by manufacturers and recommended by doctors as a panacea for various infectious diseases, a series of drugs under the Viferon brand stands in a special place.

First of all, because this medicine is widely used in treatment regimens for severe septic conditions in newborns, including premature babies.

It is also successfully used in gynecology in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area caused by fungal flora, protozoa or atypical bacteria that are resistant to the action of most antimicrobial agents.

In addition, the medicine is very effective in the treatment of herpes and viral hepatitis.

With all this, reviews about Viferon are quite contradictory. And even after collecting all the information available on the Internet, it is not just quite difficult, but almost impossible to understand how much the drug is necessary for you.

Neither numerous numbers, nor mysterious medical terms, nor unprofessional laudatory odes or equally unprofessional criticism, make it possible for a person who first encountered this medicine to decide what exactly the doctor prescribed to him: an absolutely harmless and super-effective medicine or an obscure complex for which it is difficult to expect serious, and, most importantly, quick, benefits.

In search of truth

Mothers of newborn babies and pregnant women surf the Internet especially diligently in search of unofficial information about the drug. And this is not surprising: after all, it is Viferon suppositories that doctors usually use in the treatment of infants suffering from respiratory or herpetic infections, atypical forms of pneumonia and other diseases that are extremely dangerous for the child’s body in the first days of life.

In obstetric and gynecological practice, Viferon is also used very often, and not only for vaginal infections of a fungal, bacterial or viral nature, but also for influenza, acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases that can cause significant harm to the developing fetus.

It should be noted that active use in obstetrics, neonatology and pediatrics is in itself the best evidence of the negligible toxicity of the drug and the absence of any serious reactions to its action.

However, it must be remembered that even the most harmless medicine is, nevertheless, a medicine. And it should be used exclusively for indications, and not because the drug helped (or did not help) a friend or colleague.

Let's figure out what, how and why this group of drugs treats, in what cases the use of ointment, gel and suppositories is indicated, when treatment with Viferon can help without the additional use of other drugs, and when you should not count on the omnipotence of the drug.

Let's determine what side effects may occur when using the drug in one form or another, and why you need to carefully study this section of the instructions before purchasing and using Viferon.

Composition and dosage forms

Drugs from the Viferon series are available in the form ointments, gels and rectal suppositories. If until now you have not had to use such a dosage form as suppositories, and you are confused by the incomprehensible word “rectal”, do not attribute this term to some unknown properties of the medicine.

Rectal suppositories are called due to their method of application: the suppository is freed from plastic packaging and used rectally, i.e. placed in the rectum (in Latin - rectum). Here, under the influence of the temperature of the human body, the waxy base-forming substance melts, and the medicinal base is absorbed into the mucous membrane and enters the blood.

The main active ingredient of each of the dosage forms of Viferon is interferon human recombinant alpha-2. A synthetic protein obtained in the laboratory using genetic engineering. It is completely identical to interferon, produced in the human body in response to the effects of harmful viral or bacterial microorganisms, and protecting tissue cells from the destructive effects of infection.

Once at the source of infection, the “foreign” interferon begins to work “in unison” with the person’s own interferons, simultaneously stimulating the production of the latter.

Interferon alpha-2 has the greatest activity against viruses. Moreover, unlike many antiviral drugs that act very specifically, interferon is equally effective against influenza, hepatitis, herpes and other viral infections.

The second area where interferon has proven itself to be the best is the treatment of diseases caused by atypical and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria or protozoa. Preparations based on miracle protein are used for ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis and trichomoniasis.

In addition, interferon shows very good results in the treatment of fungal infections - candidiasis and mycoplasmosis.

In general, many effective drugs have been created based on interferon, such as Kagocel, Arbidol, Anaferon, etc.

However, you need to know that in each medicine from the Viferon series of drugs, interferon has “faithful squires” that complement and enhance its effect, as well as relieve undesirable effects that it can cause, primarily in people with increased allergies.

Viferon ointment contains tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), the gel contains an alcohol solution of methionine, benzoic and citric acid, as well as an equally powerful immunomodulator than interferon - human serum albumin.

The polyvalent, powerful medicinal effect of suppositories is explained by the presence of a powerful antioxidant tandem in them: vitamin E and ascorbic acid.

In addition to the active ingredients, each dosage form includes auxiliary and formative additives, a detailed list of which you will find in the annotation. By the way, before using the medicine, it is recommended to carefully study its full composition. First of all, this applies to allergy sufferers. After all, if you or your child cannot tolerate, for example, cocoa butter, which is part of the suppositories, then the use of the drug in this form is contraindicated for you.

Why is it not available in tablets and injections?

This is explained quite simply. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, any medicine is exposed to gastric juice, bile, pancreatic secretions and the numerous enzymes contained in them (and not only in them) that are involved in the digestive processes.

These enzymes actively decompose protein molecules that enter our body along with food. And since we already know that the main active ingredient of Viferon - interferon - is nothing more than a protein, it is not surprising that the medicine taken orally will simply be ineffective.

As for injections, everything is much more serious: there are many interferon-based drugs that are used by doctors as immunomodulatory auxiliaries in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including tumor processes.

However, the introduction of these drugs directly into the blood can cause very serious reactions from a wide variety of organs and systems.

Such medicinal substances, for example, include an interferon-containing injection drug called Feron. Some patients in reviews tend to combine these two medications, considering Feron an analogue of Viferon and thinking that they differ very slightly, mainly in the country of production (Feron is produced in Japan).

Many also mistakenly consider Viferon and Feron to be analogues, based on the name of the Russian pharmaceutical company that produces Viferon - “Feron”.

However, this is not true. As mentioned above, the active ingredient in Viferon is interferon alpha-2, while Feron “works” with a protein with a different structure, called interferon beta-1b.

Therefore, they are not analogues, they are 2 different drugs, of which Feron is the more aggressive and is used to treat cancer and other conditions in which the harm from possible adverse reactions is lower than the benefits provided.

When developing Viferon, Feron pharmacologists set themselves a completely different goal: to create a series of safe drugs for the treatment of viral and other infections, including in infants and pregnant women.

Therefore, there is no point in looking for Viferon in pharmacies in the form of injections or tablets: the drug is available exclusively in the three dosage forms described above.

Application of ointment, gel and suppositories Viferon

Three dosage forms, and, in fact, three quite different drugs called Viferon are used in different treatment regimens.

Suppositories are the most widely used, indications for the use of Viferon gel are quite limited, and the ointment is used exclusively for the local treatment of skin rashes due to herpes. Such rashes are characteristic of herpes zoster, genital herpes, otitis externa of herpes nature and the “common cold” - rashes on the lips.

With herpes zoster, herpetic rashes are most abundant in the lower back, lower back and abdomen (hence the name of the disease). Genital herpes, as the name of the disease suggests, is localized on the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals, and with external otitis, the herpetic infection affects the auricle.

If genital and “cold” herpes cause itching, discomfort and general malaise, then the rash with herpes zoster and otitis media, among other things, is accompanied by severe pain, which, together with fever and other symptoms of the disease, quickly disappear when using Viferon gel or ointment. At the same time, the ointment has a milder effect, and the gel is more effective.

In addition to the treatment of herpetic rash, the gel is used in the complex treatment of laryngotracheitis of a viral-bacterial nature, accompanied by severe catarrhal symptoms (swelling and redness of the mucous membrane), spasm and persistent cough.

Such tracheobronchitis is very difficult to treat according to the usual regimen, but the use of Viferon gel in most cases allows you to achieve quick and lasting relief.

This happens, among other things, because the gel has one extremely useful property: when applied to any part of the body, including the tonsils, the medicine creates a film on the treated surface that remains there for a fairly long period of time.

It goes without saying that all this time interferon and albumin are actively “working” for the benefit of our body. Unfortunately, it is the substances involved in the formation of the film that most often cause gel intolerance. Ointment causes allergies in extremely rare cases.

The use of Viferon gel in the treatment of viral diseases of various localizations is often combined with the simultaneous administration of suppositories. This complex effect brings very good results.

It should be noted that Viferon in candles is used so widely that it is simply impossible to talk about it in a nutshell. Therefore, we will devote the entire next section to this unique dosage form, which is very helpful in the fight against infections of various types and manifestations.

When small children, especially infants, get sick, parents have a hard time - after all, babies can be treated with a limited range of medications. Some adhere to the principles of traditional medicine, trying not to “stuff” the child with medications, but to treat him exclusively with natural remedies - mustard plasters, rubbing, soldering, rinsing the nose with salt. But these methods are not always effective.

Modern pediatricians often prescribe complex treatment for colds and flu to children, which includes Viferon suppositories. This is an immunomodulatory agent that has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use of Viferon

It is worth noting that the drug is widespread and effective in treating not only children, but also adults.

Viferon is prescribed if the following indications exist:

  • If a person suffers from acute respiratory infections that are viral. These include influenza, which over time can develop into pneumonia.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases in recently born babies. These include premature babies who have postpartum complications in the form of meningitis, sepsis, intrauterine infection, cytomegalovirus infection, enterovirus, and candidiasis.
  • The presence of chronic viral diseases in adults and children - hepatitis C, D, B. Usually the use of Viferon in this case is combined with plasmapheresis, hemosorption (if the viruses have pronounced activity, which leads to cirrhosis of the liver as a complication).
  • Infectious urogenital diseases. The list includes: trichominosis, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus, vaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis).
  • An infection of the epidermis, manifested as herpes, accompanied by relapses.


The standard package of candles includes ten pieces. The composition may be different, Viferon is divided into four groups, each of which includes a different dosage of interferon: 150,000 IU, 50,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU. The price of the drug varies from 270 to 950 rubles.

The medication is dispensed without a doctor's prescription and is sold in pharmacies. The shelf life is two years.

It is important to store Viferon in appropriate temperature conditions; the norm is considered to be from 3 to 8 degrees.

Pharmacological properties

Viferon suppositories are a medication containing human recombinant alpha-2b interferon. They have the following effects:

  • Active fight against viruses in the body;
  • Restoring the protective function of the immune system;
  • Antiproliferative effects.

When interferon acts in the human body, the level of activity increases:

  • T-helper cells;
  • Natural killer cells;
  • T-lymphocytes.

The phagocytic function, the level of differentiation of group B lymphocytes, and the quality of expression of MHC antigens belonging to the first and second types also increase.

In addition to interferon, the product includes such substances as:

  • Tocopherol acetate;
  • Ascorbic acid.

The above components act as antioxidants that stabilize the membrane. It is due to this that the effect of interferon increases 9-12 times.

The drug also directly inhibits the replication and transcription of viruses and chlamydia.

Experts say that when using this drug for two or more years, the human body forms antibodies that neutralize the pronounced effect of interferon - both antiviral and anti-inflammatory.
Viferon makes it possible to refuse a course of antibiotics and hormones.

Interferon action

Interferon is the main component of Viferon. It is this that ensures the high effectiveness of the drug and fairly rapid achievement of results. But what is its effect? Is it as safe as they say it is?

What is interferon? In simple terms, this is a product that the body produces on its own. As a result of research, it was revealed and proven that this component is produced by absolutely any cells of the human body. It is an instant protective agent if harmful, genetically foreign components are introduced into cells.

It is important to know that this component is not specific, but rather universal. It does not treat the body from a specific type of virus; interferon acts as a protection against any infections. That is why treatment with drugs containing interferon (Viferon) must be comprehensive, that is, include other medications aimed at eliminating the symptoms and signs of the disease.

To obtain medications, interferon is produced artificially.

What is the antiviral effect? The main mechanism is to stop the synthesis of viral RNA and proteins located on the virus envelope. As a result, the production of enzymes inside the cells is activated, substances such as:

  • Protein kinases;
  • Adenylate synthesate.

The first component suppresses the possibility of combining proteins with the RNA matrix, which prevents the synthesis of proteins. The second provokes a combination of substances that destroy the RNA of the virus.

Immunomodulatory effect - the ability to control, restore and normalize the functioning of cells involved in the functioning of the immune system. How does interferon perform this function?

They regulate the susceptibility of cells to cytokines, the level of expression on the membranes of cellular molecules related to the major histocompatibility complex of the first type (abbreviated as MHC1). When expression increases, the possibility that virus-infected cells will be detected by cells that contain immune components increases markedly, resulting in a kind of “cleaning” of the virus cells from the body.

Viferon suppositories are used rectally. The following dosages of the drug are classified and prescribed exclusively by a competent specialist:

  • Adults (this group also includes pregnant women), as well as children under seven years of age - dosage 500,000 IU, one suppository twice a day.
  • Children under the age of seven years, this includes infants born at 34 weeks - 150,000 IU, one suppository twice a day. The course of treatment is no more than five days.
  • For premature babies whose gestational age has not reached 34 weeks, it is recommended to use 1 suppository of 150,000 IU every eight hours (3 suppositories per day).

For infectious-inflammatory diseases, experts recommend taking the following number of courses:

  1. For sepsis, it is necessary to carry out at least two courses of treatment with Viferon, preferably three;
  2. For meningitis, no more than two courses are usually prescribed;
  3. For recurrent herpes, one course is prescribed;
  4. If enterovirus infection is present, patients undergo one course of treatment.

How to properly administer a suppository to a child

Before starting therapy with Viferon rectal suppositories, you need to prepare everything. After the child has emptied the intestines, it is necessary to wash it, dry it thoroughly with a towel, and do not put on a diaper. After this, take out the candle and remove it from the shell (packaging). It is important to do all manipulations promptly so that the candle does not have time to melt.

How to administer a candle to a child without him feeling it?

Lay the baby on his side, spread the buttocks with one hand, and carefully and smoothly insert the suppository with the other. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances; in order for the candle to fit well, lubricate the child’s anus with baby cream.

After introducing the suppository, place the baby on his tummy, let him lie in this position for fifteen minutes, this is enough for the suppository to be completely absorbed.

Suppositories are made from cocoa butter, which makes them melt instantly, which is why it is important to do everything as quickly as possible.

What if the child defecated after inserting the suppository? This question plagues many parents. What to do if the baby pooped after you inserted the suppository. Time is the main factor in this matter. If this happens after ten minutes, then there is no need to repeat the manipulation. If the incident happened literally a minute later, then administer the drug again.


The drug Viferon is an immunomodulatory agent with an antiviral effect, whose active component is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. The medicine has the function of increasing immunity and is produced by the Russian company Feron. Read its instructions for use.

Composition and release form

Viferon is available in three forms: suppositories, ointment and gel. Their composition:


Yellow-white homogeneous ointment with the smell of lanolin

Opaque white-gray homogeneous gel

White-yellow bullet-shaped suppositories with a diameter of 10 mm

Interferon concentration, IU

150000, 500000, 1000000 or 3000000 per 1 piece.

Additional components

Water, tocopherol acetate, peach oil, anhydrous lanolin, medical petroleum jelly

Aqua, alpha-tocopherol acetate, ethanol, benzoic acid, sodium carmellose, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, glycerol (glycerol), methionine, human serum albumin solution, sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate

Confectionery fat, alpha-tocopherol acetate, cocoa butter, ascorbic acid, polysorbate, disodium edetate dihydrate, sodium ascorbate


Tubes of 6 or 12 g, cans of 12 g, in a pack with instructions for use

Tubes of 12 g

Packs of 10 pcs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Recombinant human interferon exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects, suppressing the replication of RNA and DNA of pathogenic viruses. The drug enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages, exhibits an antibacterial effect, and does not affect hemosorption.

Interferon increases its activity in the presence of antioxidants (vitamin E, benzoic and citric acid), which increases the body's own immune response to infectious agents. Viferon exhibits a pronounced local immunomodulatory effect, increases locally formed antibodies, which prevent pathogenic microorganisms from establishing and multiplying on the mucous membranes. This gives the drug a preventive effect.

The quickly absorbed base of all forms of product release gives them a prolonged effect. The antioxidants in the composition exhibit regenerating, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing effects, and preserve the biological activity of interferon. Water-soluble protein alpha-interferon is effective against influenza viruses, hepatitis, herpes, and mixed infections. It restores the functions of endogenous immunity and increases the production of antibodies.

The antiproliferative effect of Viferon manifests itself in the form of suppression of the growth of malignant tumors and viral genome replication. Use of the drug topically or rectally leads to rapid absorption by the mucous membrane and skin, and its penetration into the lymphatic system. 12 hours after use, the level of interferons decreases. The remainder of the dose is excreted by the kidneys, metabolized in the liver and excreted to a lesser extent in bile. The substance does not accumulate.

Indications for use

The drug has many indications for use. According to the instructions, this is:

  • influenza, frequent and prolonged acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), including complications with the addition of a bacterial infection;
  • prevention of colds;
  • relapse of stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;
  • acute form or exacerbation of the course of chronic recurring herpetic infection of the skin, mucous membranes, urogenital tract;
  • herpetic cervicitis;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus (herpes, chlamydia, enteroviruses, cytomegalovirus, candidiasis, visceral mycoplasmosis);
  • bacterial, chlamydial or viral pneumonia;
  • bacterial, viral meningitis, sepsis;
  • chronic viral hepatitis B, C or D;
  • bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, human papillomavirus infection.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use of Viferon vary according to the type of release of the product. Ointment and gel are intended for application to the skin or mucous membranes - externally. Suppositories are inserted rectally into the anus and can be used intravaginally for some diseases. The dosage of the drug and the course of treatment depend on the type of disease and its severity.

Viferon candles

According to the instructions, Viferon suppositories for adults are used rectally. Dosage and frequency of use:


Dosage of suppositories, IU per piece.

Dosage, pcs.

Frequency of administration, once/day

Course of treatment, days


2 every 12 hours

Repetition of treatment courses: sepsis - 2-3, meningitis - 1-2, herpes - 2, candidiasis - 2-3, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus) and enterovirus - 2-3

Chronic viral hepatitis

Then three times a week every other day for a course of 6-12 months

Urogenital diseases

Treatment begins when initial signs of damage are detected (burning, itching, redness)

Gel and ointment

If the skin is affected by a herpetic virus, an ointment or gel is applied to the areas of inflammation 3-4 times a day for a course of 5-7 days. Therapy begins immediately when the initial signs are detected - itching, burning, redness. This helps to cope with the disease faster and prevent relapse. According to the instructions, for the treatment of influenza, the drugs are applied in a thin layer to the mucous membrane - children 1-2 years old - 0.5 cm pea 3 times a day, 2-12 years old - 0.5 cm 4 times a day, 12-18 years old - 1 cm 4 once a day for a course of 5 days.

For long-term and frequent colds, including those complicated by a bacterial infection, a 0.5 cm drop of gel is rubbed into the mucous membrane of the tonsils 3-5 times a day using a cotton swab. To prevent ARVI, repeat the procedure 2 times a day for a course of 2-4 weeks. To eliminate the symptoms of laryngotracheobronchitis, a strip of gel is applied to the palatine tonsils 5 times a day for 5-7 days, then three times a day for 3 weeks. To prevent the disease, 0.5 cm of the product is applied twice a day for a course of 3-4 weeks, twice a year.

For herpetic cervicitis, 1 ml of gel is moistened with a cotton swab and the cervix, cleared of mucus, is treated twice a day for a week. The product is used on the nasal mucosa after ensuring patency of the nasal passages, on the tonsils - half an hour after eating. If the gel is applied to the skin or mucous membranes, a thin film will form after half an hour. You can rub the drug onto it again, or peel it off or wash it off with water.

Special instructions

As stated in the instructions, it has not been established that the use of the product has a negative effect on the ability to drive a car or operate machinery. Special instructions:

  1. Viferon injections, syrup or tablets are not available. This is due to the fact that if the interferon protein enters the digestive tract, it will undergo enzymatic processing and lose its effect. Injection of the drug can cause dangerous side effects. Due to the release form of Viferon in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment, experts have achieved the safety of the product.
  2. Suppositories are available in 4 dosages marked 1,2, 3 and 4. 1 – for the treatment of children under 7 years of age and the prevention of viral diseases in pregnant women, 2 – for children over 7 years of age and the treatment of pregnant women, 3 – for the treatment of adults and viral childhood hepatitis , 4 – for adults only.
  3. Local forms of the drug do not cause cancer.

During pregnancy

Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed from the 14th week of gestation (second trimester) 1 suppository of 500 thousand IU twice every 12 hours for a course of 10 days. Then women can use 1 suppository twice a day, every 4th day for 10 days. A month before the expected delivery, Viferon is prescribed, according to the instructions, 1 suppository of 150 thousand IU twice a day for a course of 5 days. From the 38th week of gestation, the drug is 500 thousand IU, 1 pc. administered twice a day every 12 hours for a course of 10 days.

Viferon for children

According to the instructions, Viferon for newborns can be used even in children born at 34 weeks of gestation. For such children, up to the age of 7 years, 150,000 IU is prescribed, 1 pc. twice a day for a course of 5 days. The break between courses lasts 5 days. For premature babies, 1 suppository of 150,000 IU is prescribed three times a day, every 8 hours, for a course of 5 days. Children up to six months of age are recommended 300-500 thousand IU per day, 6-12 months - 500 thousand IU. A child 1-7 years old is prescribed 3 million IU per square meter of body surface area per day, over 7 years old - 5 million IU.

Drug interactions

Viferon goes well and is compatible with most medications used in the complex treatment of diseases. It can be combined with chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, albumin agents, and medications for plasmapheresis. The instructions for use do not mention prohibited combinations with other medications.

Side effects

Most patients using Viferon say that it is well tolerated. As stated in the instructions, side effects such as skin rash, allergies, and itching may rarely occur. The phenomena are reversible and resolve on their own 3 days after stopping the medication. When treating the mucous membrane, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and burning may occur. The phenomena are weak and disappear on their own. An overdose of Viferon has not been detected.


All forms of release of the drug are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There is one more contraindication for the ointment - it cannot be used in children under one year old with cirrhosis of the liver. For such cases, the use of gel or suppositories is allowed.

Terms of sale and storage

All forms of release of the product are available without a prescription. They are stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. Candles can be stored for two years, gel - 1 year, after opening - 2 months, ointment - 1 year, after opening the tube - a month, after opening the jar - 14 days.


The drug can be replaced with drugs based on interferons of various types. Analogues of Viferon include:

  • Infagel is an antiviral gel based on interferon alpha-2a.
  • Vitaferon is an immunomodulating rectal suppository with the same composition.
  • Genferon – antiproliferative suppositories.
  • Laferon – immunostimulating nasal solution and lyophilisate powder.
  • Laferobion - antitumor suppositories, nasal powder and lyophilisate for preparing a solution.
  • Anaferon is a sublingual tablet containing affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • Kipferon is an antibacterial suppository based on immunoglobulin and interferon.
  • Grippferon – immunomodulating spray and drops.

Viferon price

The cost of the funds is influenced by the trading margin of the networks, the form of release, and the amount of interferon in the dose. You can buy medications online or in pharmacies. In Moscow prices will be.

The immune system of the human body is not always able to effectively eliminate viral and infectious manifestations. Therefore, it is very important to promptly select an effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases. Viferon suppositories for adults are an effective remedy that has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

Description of the medication

Before using any medication, you must familiarize yourself with its purpose, how it should be used correctly, and to whom it is contraindicated.

Viferon is a powerful drug, the main purpose of which is to activate the immune system in the body, fight viruses and infections. This is a combined pharmacological agent and contains recombinant alpha-interferon, as well as a complex of certain vitamins. It also contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • polysorbate;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sodium ascorbate.

The main components also include butter, cocoa and fat, which in the total composition do not exceed 1 gram. The medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment.

Description of suppositories:

  • candles in the form of a bullet, have a slightly pointed, oblong shape;
  • color white, slight yellowness is acceptable;
  • The blister pack contains 5 or 10 suppositories.

The product is available without a doctor's prescription. There are several types of Viferon suppositories, with a dosage of 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 IU, in which not only the dosage of the main components differs, but also the auxiliary ones.

When purchasing a drug, you must pay attention to the dosage, since the number of times of use per day and the possibility of use for children and pregnant women depend on it.

Pharmacological properties

Many people are interested in the question: why are Viferon suppositories prescribed and what are the main properties of the drug? It is worth noting that this is a modern remedy, which contains the main component - alpha-interferon, contained in the human body. Suppositories with Viferon help activate the protective functions of the human body, stimulate the immune system and fight various types of viruses.

In addition to the main component, the medication contains ascorbic acid, which also has an antiviral effect and protects the body from harmful free radicals, which are the cause of most diseases.

Interesting fact:

Thanks to vitamin C, interferon activity increases, and alpha tocopherol helps restore cells and relieve inflammatory processes.

By prescribing Viferon for adults, the need for many antibiotics is eliminated, while the use of other drugs that are usually prescribed for viruses and infections is significantly reduced. It should also be noted that the treatment period is also significantly reduced. By choosing such therapy, the gastrointestinal tract and other systems are affected with less intensity. The risk of occurrence and development of other diseases characteristic after long-term therapy with various tablets is reduced.

It is worth noting that the drug helps reduce the production of its own interferon, and does not improve immunity. In this regard, it is not recommended to use the drug too often and for a long time to avoid dependence. The dosage of Viferon suppositories for adults depends on the doctor’s prescriptions and the degree of damage to the body by the virus. The instructions for use of Viferon suppositories for adults contain more detailed information about the composition, as well as the properties of the medication.

Video “Fight for immunity with Viferon”

Informational video with advice from a specialist who recommends using Viferon for immunostimulation.

Viferon for adults - indications

The main purpose of the product is the treatment of infectious viral diseases. Diseases for which suppositories are used:

  • pathologies caused by infections of the urogenital system;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • sepsis, various infectious diseases, enteroviruses;
  • acute respiratory diseases in adults and children;
  • cirrhosis;
  • complication of influenza and ARVI;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • candidiasis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydial infections.

The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women and newborn children, as the drug has a fairly safe composition.


It has been confirmed more than once that Viferon rectal suppositories are an absolutely safe pharmacological product, so they can be used by any category of patients.

However, there is a certain contraindication here too. This is an individual intolerance to any component.

Suppositories are allowed to be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, in the first trimester you should still stop using the product. This is due to the fact that the placenta has not yet fully formed, so all substances can penetrate to the fetus. Starting from the second trimester, Viferon is absolutely safe.

You should not use the product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If side effects or allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Side effects may occur, most often they occur in the form of:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • rash.

Usually, after discontinuation of suppositories, such symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.

Directions for use

Depending on the form of Viferon, the method of using the drug also depends. Suppositories are administered rectally, into the rectum; the daily dose is influenced by several factors, such as:

  • patient's age;
  • the nature of the virus and the disease itself;
  • body characteristics (pregnancy, individual intolerances, etc.).

This pharmacological product is prescribed for the treatment of certain pathologies, and can be used both as an independent remedy and in complex treatment.

For newborns and children up to 6 months

For premature babies, as well as children under six months of age, the daily dose is one suppository twice a day. It is necessary to choose a drug with a dosage of 150,000 IU. The duration of treatment depends on the stage and the disease itself, as well as on individual characteristics. Determined by a doctor after diagnosis.

For children aged 6 months to one year

Usually at this age, specialists prescribe this drug for the treatment of viral hepatitis C, D, B. 1 suppository in the anus, once a day. Dosage - 500 thousand IU. The course may vary.

Children under 12 years old

To eliminate the symptoms of flu and colds, you need to use one suppository twice a day. The dosage of one suppository is 150 thousand IU.

Dosage for adults

The number of suppositories administered, as well as their dose, depends primarily on the disease, stage and individual characteristics.

Chronic viral hepatitis is treated with suppositories with a dose of 3 million IU, one unit, twice a day. Typically the treatment period is 10 days. After this, the attending physician should reduce the dosage, depending on whether the patient is recovering.

Viferon suppositories - instructions for use in gynecology:

  • 500 thousand IU;
  • daily dose - 1 million IU, but at a time, in the evening.

The average length of the course is 5 days; after a five-day break, the course is usually repeated.

Most often used to treat:

  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • vaginosis and so on.

For genital herpes, suppositories are prescribed, and their dosage is 1 million IU, twice a day. For viral colds, suppositories of 500,000 IU are used, twice a day. The average duration of the course is a week. It is worth noting that suppositories melt quickly, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator and remove them from individual packaging immediately before administration.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During lactation, Viferon is prescribed to eliminate bacterial as well as infectious pathologies of various types. The dosage is the same as for adults. The use of suppositories is not recommended before week 14 due to insufficient research.

Overdose and adverse reactions

Another advantage of the drug is the fact that adverse reactions occur very rarely, since the drug has excellent tolerability.

If there are side effects, they are expressed locally - allergies in the anus, itching, burning, rash and discomfort. In this case, the doctor must assess the degree of allergy and make a conclusion - leave the suppositories for therapy or refuse to use them.

There is no data on overdose, but failure to follow the instructions may result in dangerous consequences. Therefore, doctors and manufacturers recommend strictly adhering to the instructions and dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

You should be careful when combining Viferon suppositories with other medications, since their main component can enhance the effect of such pharmacological products:

  • various types of antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs of various forms;
  • antimicrobial agents;
  • immunostimulants.

Doctors note that constipation and stool disorders negatively affect the main effect of suppositories. Therefore, it is recommended to use laxatives or do an enema.

Viferon candles for men

Recently, quite often, many urologists prescribe Viferon suppositories to men, as they are excellent at fighting infections. But it is known that infections become the main root causes of various male diseases, starting with prostatitis.

That is why anti-infective drugs must be included in comprehensive treatment. However, Viferon will not help get rid of male diseases on its own, so it is necessary to prescribe additional medications and procedures, such as prostate massage, heating, etc.

Viferon suppositories for prevention in adults

To date, the effect of using suppositories for the prevention of viral diseases, as well as more serious pathologies, has already been confirmed. These include:

  • chlamydia;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis in children and adults;
  • seasonal viral infections and diseases.

To prevent such infections and pathologies, it is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, using the smallest dosage. It is best to consult a doctor for help and recommendations to prevent addiction.


Today, the pharmacological market is developing well, so you can see many analogues of Viferon in pharmacies. These drugs are similar in composition, properties and indications. Analogues include:

  • Laferon;
  • Alfarekin;
  • Laferobion (no less effective and popular option);
  • Interferon and so on.

An exact analogue of Viferon has not yet been invented, but the above drugs are very similar in composition. Their main component is identical.

How to store candles?

Like most other medicines, candles must be stored away from sunlight and heat devices - fireplaces, radiators. The maximum permissible storage temperature is ten degrees. Therefore, the most suitable place for storage is the refrigerator.

You need to save the pharmacological product in its original packaging, without removing the suppositories from the blister in advance. The shelf life is 24 months from the date of production; it is strictly not recommended to use expired candles.

  • Genferon light
  • Grippferon
  • Ingavirin
  • IRS 19
  • Kipferon
  • Nomides
  • To treat a child from viral infections or to strengthen his defenses so that viruses are not scary for the baby, Viferon in suppositories is often prescribed. Is this drug safe for children, in what dosages is it used and what else do parents need to know about the use of Viferon suppositories in children?


    The main active substance in the drug Viferon is alpha-2B interferon, created synthetically (it is also called genetically engineered or recombinant). This substance has antiviral properties, as well as an immunomodulatory effect. Interferon, after being introduced into the rectum and absorbed, activates the activity of cells that protect children's bodies from viruses and bacteria.

    Its effect is enhanced by the presence in the preparation of such additional components as ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate (this is a form of vitamin E). Since the suppositories are based on cocoa butter, this makes them easier to administer and promotes faster dissolution in the intestine.

    Application of Viferon

    • Enhances the production of immunoglobulins.
    • Restores the production processes of its own interferon.
    • Reduces the activity of the inflammatory process.
    • Stabilizes cell membranes.
    • Activates regeneration processes.

    All these effects on the child’s body lead to faster recovery due to suppression of the infectious process and activation of the baby’s immune system.


    Thanks to the inclusion of Viferon in treatment regimens when using hormonal and antibacterial drugs, it becomes possible to reduce their therapeutic doses, which reduces the toxicity of the drugs and the number of side effects from such therapy. Viferon combines well with these medications without reducing their therapeutic effect.


    Viferon in children is not prescribed if there is intolerance to any of the components of the drug. There are no other contraindications to the use of this drug.

    Release form

    Viferon suppositories for rectal administration are bullet-shaped, yellow-white in color (sometimes with a marble pattern or small inclusions) and up to 10 mm in diameter. They are packaged in blister packs of 5 or 10 pieces. This form of the drug should be stored at low temperatures (+2+8ºС), so they are kept in the refrigerator.

    Viferon suppositories are produced with different contents of the active substance, while in childhood suppositories of 150,000 IU and 500,000 IU are used. For adults, suppositories with a dosage of 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU are used. In addition to suppositories, Viferon is also produced in forms such as gel and ointment.

    Side effects

    Rare side effects from Viferon in suppositories are an allergic reaction in the form of itching and rashes on the skin, weakness, headaches, fever, chills, muscle pain, decreased appetite, nausea. As soon as the drug is stopped, these phenomena disappear within 72 hours without leaving any consequences.

    The use of Viferon suppositories allows you to avoid the side effects inherent in interferon administered parenterally. This is due to the lack of antibodies that neutralize the antiviral properties of the drug.

    Like all drugs containing interferons, the drug is an immunomodulator and affects the immune system, so many parents complain that the baby’s body gets used to Viferon, when with frequent use the body is no longer able to cope with viruses on its own.

    Features of use for newborns

    The drug is completely safe for babies in the first month of life, including babies born prematurely. The dosage of Viferon for prematurity is determined individually, taking into account the gestational age.


    The selection of the dosage of suppositories is primarily influenced by the age of the child. Up to the age of seven, use suppositories containing 150,000 IU of the active substance:

    • Newborn babies and infants under one year of age are administered 1 suppository every 12 hours, that is, the drug is used twice a day.
    • For children over one year old, but under 7 years old, 150,000 IU suppositories are also administered 1 piece twice a day with a pause of 12 hours.

    For premature babies, the dosage is determined based on the age at which the baby was born:

    • If the baby was born after 34 weeks of gestation, he is prescribed 150,000 IU suppositories, 1 piece twice a day, with a 12-hour break between administrations.
    • In case of prematurity, infants with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks are administered 1 suppository of 150,000 IU three times a day with a pause of 8 hours.

    Children over 7 years old are prescribed suppositories of 500,000 IU. They are administered 1 piece twice a day with a pause of 12 hours. When treating viral hepatitis, dosages are often increased, calculating them based on the child’s body area, so the attending physician should prescribe suppositories for such infections in childhood.

    Instructions for use

    1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
    2. Cut one candle from the package.
    3. Open its packaging and remove the candle.
    4. Do not heat the candle in your hand as it will melt quickly.
    5. Place the child on his side or on his back, lift his legs bent at the knees with one hand.
    6. Lubricate the area around the anus with Vaseline.
    7. Using the sharp end, carefully insert the candle into the rectum, pushing it 1-2 cm deep with your little finger.
    8. Squeeze the child's buttocks and hold them in this position for a while so that the candle does not slip back out.
    9. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling.

    To learn how to light candles for a child, see the following video.

    You can download detailed instructions for use by clicking on the following link.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    A popular doctor classifies Viferon as a means whose effectiveness has not yet been proven. He believes that children do not need such medicine either for treatment or for prevention. At the same time, a well-known pediatrician does not classify such a drug as harmful.

    Komarovsky calls the use of Viferon in childhood more of a psychological therapy for parents, since it gives them confidence that they are at least doing something to treat the baby.