How to check for the presence of the evil eye or damage. How to find out whether there is an evil eye or damage on a person, methods of simple self-diagnosis and removal of the evil eye. How to identify the evil eye and damage at home. A professional is better than an amateur

How to determine the evil eye or damage yourself...
Take a regular glass glass, pour cold tap water into it, and place the glass on your head. Here you need a little outside help - someone takes an ordinary egg (it must be fresh), carefully breaks it over a glass of water, and the egg is lowered into the water. The most important thing is not to cut the egg in half with a knife, but only to make a crack and, breaking it, pour it into the water.
Hold the glass with the egg on your head for half a minute, or better yet 2 minutes, and look at the glass and at the light. Damage or the evil eye is immediately visible. If they are not there, then the water is completely transparent, and the yolk lies at the bottom, surrounded by white. If from the white (the yolk lies on its own) threads go to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish and they have a milky appearance, as if the white was boiled, something is wrong with you. It all depends on what the thread pattern is. There can be several types, some end in bubbles, which means the damage is serious. If the threads are thin or just one, then this is the evil eye. Sometimes it happens that after some time the threads sink to the bottom of the glass - this means that your enemy does not want you to know about him, that is, he is afraid of exposure.

You found out that you have damage. No need to panic, no need to cry. What was in the first, defining glass must be poured into the toilet and said: “Let it go back to the one who does this...” Next, buy 8 fresh eggs. Every evening before going to bed for eight days in a row, pour water into a glass, but do not place it on your head, but carefully break an egg into the glass. Then place this glass with the egg at the head of the bed, so that the egg is opposite your head. The back of the bed or sofa should not be between your head and the egg in the glass. If this doesn’t work out, then it’s better to sleep on the floor or across the bed.

All 8 days the egg will clean you out. There may be nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness - don’t be afraid, it will pass. Pills and doctors won't help you, so don't take anything. Every morning the picture in the glass will change. Pour the contents into the toilet with the words: “Let it go back to the person who did it...”.

Depending on how strong the impact was on you, the result will be visible. This operation must be performed all 8 nights.

If after 8 at night the threads are still visible in the glass, then the damage to you is severe. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

However, before you go to anyone, make yourself some special water, it also helps in removing damage.

Pour water into a glass and add a pinch of salt. Light a match and cross the water three times. Three times while saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The burnt match must be broken into three parts and thrown into the water. If at least one of the three parts drowns, then this is very bad. Then you need to read over this water 9 times. The glass should be held in the left hand and read so that the breath touches the water (there are ripples in the water while reading).

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save and preserve the servant of God from every evil eye, from a bad hour, from a woman’s, from a man’s, from a child’s, from a joyful one, from a hateful one, from a slanderous one, from a negotiated one!”

Then spray the person you are helping or yourself with this water. The remaining water should be drunk within the next three days. You should drink on an empty stomach and in the morning.

This is one of the ways to determine the evil eye and damage on your own, as well as one of the ways to help yourself in this situation if you cannot immediately find someone who can help you.

The success of some people always causes envy of others. And this, unfortunately, cannot be changed in any way. Some envious people commit petty mischief, others silently envy. But there are also those who resort to much more serious and dangerous methods. For example, they cause damage.

Damage is magical actions that bring failure and harm. If a person is damaged, then luck completely turns away from him. This is exactly what the spiteful critics want. As a rule, such rituals are performed by sorcerers and magicians, but ordinary people can do it too. So you can expect mischief from everywhere. In order to get rid of misadventures in time, you need to know how to recognize damage.

What kind of damage happens?

There are different types of damage. It all depends on the purpose of the person who imposes it. But the most common types are:

1. To fail. From personal life to financial issues. This is the most common type of damage. After all, people most often envy those who are lucky. Some people try and work hard every day, while others succeed simply and easily. Well, why not a reason for envy? In addition, this type of damage is the most harmless. So the conscience of the instigator will not torment him.

2. For illness. This damage is already noticeably more serious. As a rule, you need to really annoy someone for them to wish you health problems. A separate type can be identified as damage to infertility.

3. To death. The most dangerous of all. If you have been damaged by this kind of damage, you should immediately contact a specialist.

It can be done in a variety of ways: from photographs, using the victim’s personal belongings, her nails, hair, etc. Of course, removing damage is a very difficult and sometimes dangerous task, and in many cases it is simply impossible to do on your own. But anyone can determine that something is wrong with you. And since many curses are very dangerous, there is no point in delaying. Therefore, knowledge of how to recognize damage will undoubtedly be useful to you.

Vivid signs of damage

The first sign of damage is obsessive thoughts. You have never had such thoughts before, but now they haunt you. Depending on what kind of damage was applied, thoughts can be of very different shades. It could be despair, dissatisfaction with your life, although everything seems to be fine with you, doom, emptiness, etc. Or, on the contrary, an unbearable desire appears to do something that promises pleasure and joy, although it looks wrong. Remember that you should never trust such thoughts and desires - it is likely that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

Long-term (doctors cannot determine what is wrong with you);

Animals are wary of you;

The pectoral cross may rub or cause irritation;

You feel uncomfortable being in church, etc.

In fact, there are a lot of signs of damage. If you find at least a few of them, you should seek help from a priest or magician.

How to check spoilage using an egg

Today, there are many rituals that help you recognize whether you are under a curse. Perhaps the simplest of them is a ritual with an ordinary chicken egg. You can do it yourself at home, without resorting to the help of sorcerers or priests. Moreover, it does not require any special knowledge.

Pour a raw egg into a container of water. You need to try to do this so that the yolk remains intact and does not spread. Then place the jar on your head and wait a couple of minutes. It is believed that if a person is damaged, the yolk will spread in the water. If the yolk is covered with white streaks or dark spots, this is a sign of a deadly curse.

and wax

To determine whether there is damage to you, you can use church candles. Light three pieces and place them directly in front of you and read the prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Watch the state of the fire. If the candles burn evenly, you are fine. If at least one of them begins to smoke or crack, you are under damage or the evil eye.

There is another way to recognize damage. For this you will need an assistant. He should hold a bowl of cold water over your head. Melt the wax and pour it into the bowl. You can learn a lot of interesting things from what happens to the wax:

Smooth wax - you're fine;

Lumpy - damage;

Holes or sores - the same people periodically cast spells on you.

Folk sign

There is a belief that damage can be recognized using an ordinary pin. In order to do this, it must be pinned to the clothing so that the head is at the bottom. The best place is considered to be the heart area. After this, you need to read any prayer, and you can go about your business.

Most often they do this before going outside. At the end of the day, take a look at your pin. If it’s not there, it means they managed to put a serious spell on you; if it’s just unfastened, they’ve jinxed you.

And remember, the sooner you detect damage, the easier it will be to get rid of it. So there is no need to hesitate.

To understand whether a person has damage, you first need to determine the presence of its precursors. After conducting an audit in the house, you may find strange objects that do not belong to you. Often they are harbingers of induced damage. From them you can find out that they have brought negativity on you and even what its nature is. Found items should not be taken with bare hands. They must be taken out of the house, wearing gloves, and thrown into the fire, saying: “ Where you came from, go there" Pay attention to items that departing guests left behind, and do not accept unexpected gifts.

Damage can cause physical or mental illness, and in especially severe cases, even death. It contributes to the development of mental disorders, for example, fear, melancholy, anxiety, sadness, and other negative manifestations of mental illness. Experts say that damage can cause various mental illnesses, including schizophrenia.

In the family of a person who has been damaged, scandals often occur; spouses lose not only love, but also mutual respect and understanding. In this case, only timely treatment will help to save the relationship. So that the young family is strong and no one can destroy it, white magicians advise the newlyweds to get married. The wedding will give the patronage and protection of the Almighty.

A spoiled person becomes prone to adultery and begins to reach for alcohol, especially if the bottle is attached to the bottle. His life changes dramatically for the worse. From time to time he loses something - money, friends, the trust of loved ones, etc. The person becomes disobedient and arrogant. He does unreasonable things, refuses to work, wastes money from the family budget. Children in his family often get sick.

In addition to physical and mental laziness, a person is overcome by anger, for which it is impossible to find an intelligible explanation. He hates his loved ones, does not respect his parents and does not love his children.

It is worth noting that damage sent to a person affects his pets, which begin to get sick, and also brings crop failure on his land. Less striking phenomena can also serve as signs of damage, but they are also gradually capable of poisoning human life.

Symptoms of damage

Damage to a person can be determined by the following symptoms:

  1. Sleep disturbance: insomnia, frequent dreams with nightmares and waking up in a cold sweat from the feeling that you are being choked or crushed. It also happens that despite sufficient sleep duration, a person constantly does not get enough sleep. Waking up in the morning he feels broken and exhausted.
  2. Poor appetite: complete loss of appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger that cannot be satisfied.
  3. Loss of strength, constant malaise, weakness, fatigue, although the person lives in a normal rhythm.
  4. Constant headaches, sudden surges in blood pressure, dizziness.
  5. The appearance of causeless aggression and hatred towards others, irritability and nervousness.
  6. Problems and troubles in family and personal life.
  7. Cooling towards a loved one.
  8. The appearance of melancholy or apathy, melancholy, fear, sadness and other mental disorders.
  9. Business failures, frequent physical injuries, a sharp decline in business income.
  10. A sharp deterioration in health, frequent and prolonged colds, weight loss, the appearance of various tumors and skin diseases (warts, pimples, boils), prolonged toothaches, infertility, sexual dysfunction.
  11. Damage to death causes a person to develop an unexpected and untreatable illness with a fatal outcome.

Recently, bioenergetics experts are increasingly talking about a new disease based on corruption. This is chronic fatigue syndrome, a constant symptom of which is fatigue. People suffering from this syndrome are not just tired, they are exhausted and empty.

In addition to loss of strength, there are other symptoms of damage: fever, chills, pain in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, tonsils and neck, as well as pain in the joints, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, and inability to make important decisions. This list also includes a fear of sunlight - photophobia.

To reliably determine damage, you need to count at least eight symptoms. If there are fewer of them, then you need to look for the root of the problem not in damage, but in something else. If you feel unwell, first consult a doctor and get the necessary tests. If you are tired and depressed, then perhaps your current job, apart from the hassle, does not bring you either material or moral satisfaction. Then you should think about moving to another position or changing jobs.

Damage and behavior of the person who has it

When damaged, a person perceives reality inadequately, he constantly has problems in the family and at work, everything falls out of hand. He, unlike ordinary people, is more likely to get into accidents, disasters and other troubles. Often the victim is subject to attacks of uncontrollable rage, becomes aggressive and categorical in his judgments.

Often, the spoiled person sincerely does not understand what is happening to him, and when loved ones try to explain something to him, he becomes withdrawn and irritable, and begins to abuse alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, after being damaged, the victim becomes lethargic and apathetic, losing interest in life. In this state, people often lose their jobs and cannot find a new one for a long time. In addition to the above troubles, health problems begin.

Doctors began to see the origin of many mental and nervous diseases in suggestion. And induced damage is an ailment that often develops as a result of suggestion. The impact of one person on the psyche of another, fully confident in the existence of damage, is enough to cause mental trauma or even mental illness. However, real damage is considered to be a conscious negative influence on the victim, expressed in the evil will of the ill-wisher.

Signs of damage

Below are signs of damage, if present, you should definitely check whether there is a negative effect on you:

  1. While cleaning the house, things are found that do not belong to you or that were not there before.
  2. “Foreign” objects were found in the yard, near the front door or in the workplace.
  3. Something foreign was found in a bag, in pockets or on clothes (grains, poppy seeds, cereals, foreign hair, a button, a needle, thread, a handkerchief, a black ribbon).
  4. People regularly come to you to lend salt, bread, flour or money.
  5. On religious holidays, conflicts arise in the house.
  6. Pets, birds or livestock disappear, run away or die.

Damage: methods of determination

First, take a close look at your palms. If you have three clear lines, then you belong to the category of people who are not subject to damage. If there is a fourth line crossing the lines of the heart and mind, then the person’s energy is too weak to withstand energy attacks. If there are many lines on the palms, in the design of which crosses are visible, then the damage came to the person from a past life, or was inherited.

Determination of spoilage by egg

This is one of the simplest and most popular ways to find out whether a person has damage. To do this, pour water into a glass, place it on your crown and, holding the glass with one hand, carefully pour a chicken egg into the water. If the yolk lies on the bottom and the water on top is clean, then there are no signs of spoilage. If silvery balls or streaks appear in the water, and shoots like arrows extend from the egg, then a negative is directed at you.

Determination of spoilage by matches and water

Take a wooden, tin or clay bowl, pour water into it and prepare three matches. The matches need to be burned one by one so that they burn out completely, so when the flame reaches your fingers, grab the burnt part and wait until the fire reaches the end. After this, throw the match into the water and see whether it sinks or not. It’s good if all three matches remain on the surface. This indicates that there is no damage to you. But if at least one of them drowns, then a negative program has been imposed on you.

Determining spoilage by candle

A candle ritual will help you find out whether a person is damaged. On Sunday, go to church and before the start of the liturgy, buy four wax candles. Place three in the church near the icons: Jesus, the Mother of God and the saint in whose honor the church is illuminated. Take the last candle home. On the same day in the evening, place the person being examined on a chair in the center of the room, facing east. Stand behind him, light a candle and read the Lord's Prayer. Then slowly walk around the person sitting, holding the candle at a distance of 50-70 cm from him. Take a step, pass the candle from head level to the floor. Take a step and again pass the candle around the person sitting. Take another step and repeat the manipulations. You will need to make three such circles. If in some place near the person’s body a previously calmly burning candle begins to crackle, smoke or shoot wax, then the person being examined is damaged. The flame may change color to red. With particularly powerful witchcraft, an unpleasant odor appears. The wider the zone to which the candle reacts, the stronger the damage. Sometimes the candle reacts to the entire space around the head, legs or behind the back. If the zone of negative energy is small, then there is no damage, but there is an evil eye. In this case, it is located above the waist. Usually, during the evil eye, the flame crackles a little right behind the back of the head.

With the help of a candle, you can diagnose yourself, but you need to do this on a certain day. Suitable for self-diagnosis:

  • full moon;
  • week between and ;
  • the week before Easter;
  • week after ;
  • two weeks before;
  • week after .

In the same way, you need to purchase four candles from the church, three of which should be placed near the icons, and the fourth should be taken home. From one to three o'clock in the morning, cover the table with a white tablecloth without a pattern. If you don't have one, then a white sheet will do. Place a candle on a wooden stand on the table. Sit at the table so that there is a distance of 25-30 cm between the candle and your eyes. Light the candle and carefully look at the flame for five minutes, then pay attention to its appearance:

  1. If the flame is weak and quiet, but even, then in the near future you will experience a quiet, measured life without worries and failures.
  2. If the flame is dim, then you have been jinxed for good luck.
  3. A bright, winking fire promises an improved quality of life.
  4. A very bright flame with crackling indicates the presence of damage that has not yet manifested itself.

The color of the flame also matters:

  • yellow - joy awaits you;
  • yellow-red - for profit;
  • dark and smoky indicates the presence of any type of damage.

Pay attention to which direction the candle floats:

  • exactly in all directions - no changes are expected in the near future;
  • in your direction - good luck on the love front and material profit await you;
  • in the opposite direction - there is an evil eye or damage to you (for unmarried women this may indicate the presence of a “crown of celibacy”);
  • to the left - there is an evil eye that leads to material failures;
  • to the right - to conclude a profitable deal.

If during the burning process the candle itself bends, then you are damaged. During the evil eye, it will remain level.

It is not always possible to accurately perform self-diagnosis using a candle ritual. If the flame is even, quiet and yellow in color, then we can say with confidence that there is no negativity on the person. In other cases, doubts may arise. To resolve them, use wax fortune telling. A week after the ceremony, take a tablespoon of wax from the candle you used. Melt it over another candle, saying: “ The wax burns and cracks, tell me the truth. Were you robbed, bewitched, sent negativity, or the heart of your loved one (name) stolen? Wax, don’t be silent, but show me the whole truth».

After the wax has completely melted, pour it into a saucer with milk and see what shapes you get from it. If one or two are large, then you are fine. If the wax has broken up into many pieces, then you are under damage or the evil eye, which was most likely caused by an envious woman or a rival in love who dreams of destroying your family happiness. It is definitely worth doing fortune telling with wax if your husband has become cold towards you, has started to get involved in alcoholic drinks, and is returning home late. It is quite possible that another woman is trying to bewitch him to herself with the help of magic.

Video: diagnosing damage

Damage is a negative impact on a person, which can lead to problems in all areas of life and even death. Very often, the manifestation of a negative program can not be noticed immediately, attributing everything to a series of failures or just a coincidence. But, if the black streak does not end for too long, perhaps the reason is a magical effect.

The presence of a negative program on a person or a house can be indicated by various everyday symptoms that are difficult to miss. We will list them below.

To death

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous. The sooner damage to death is recognized, the higher the chances of getting rid of it.

Symptoms of damage to death:

  1. A sharp deterioration in health, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. Diseases cannot be diagnosed or standard treatments are ineffective.
  3. Constant weakness.
  4. Death seems to be on his heels: a person cursed to death often witnesses accidents, fires, etc.
  5. The man cannot stand eye contact.
  6. Blackening or loss of the pectoral cross.
  7. During church services, the spoiled person’s candle constantly goes out.

Important! Damage to death does not kill instantly; it usually takes from several months to a year. But the longer the damage is on a person, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

Per family

You can find out if there is damage to the family by looking at some symptoms.

The symptoms are:

  1. Frequent quarrels, usually without reason.
  2. Nervous disorders of spouses.
  3. Treason.
  4. Irritability and intolerance of spouses towards each other.
  5. Problems with the family budget.

For loneliness

Damage to loneliness is one of the most popular types of damage. Usually the weaker sex is susceptible to this type of damage, and the effect is aimed at repelling the rival.

Symptoms of damage to loneliness:

  1. Lack of attention from the opposite sex.
  2. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy.
  3. Health problems, frequent illnesses.
  4. Disorders of the menstrual cycle in women.

For beauty

Damage to beauty is one of the witches' favorites, because it can prolong youth for many years.

Symptoms of damage to beauty:

  1. Hair begins to fall out.
  2. Skin problems, rashes.
  3. Rapid aging – wrinkles appear, the skin takes on an earthy tint.
  4. Rapid weight gain or weight loss.
  5. Lack of desire to take care of yourself.

To your home

Damage to a house affects all its inhabitants, often lasting for several years.

The house is cursed if:

  1. Houseplants are dying.
  2. Animals behave warily and do not settle down for a long time.
  3. The inhabitants experience constant fatigue, as if the house is “drinking” all the energy.
  4. Unpleasant odors arise: rot, burning, dampness.
  5. Bad dreams.
  6. In a damaged house, holy water spoils.

Watch the video that talks about the symptoms of spoilage:

The presence of several of these signs may indicate the presence of a negative program. To find out for sure, you need to conduct a diagnosis.

How to recognize on your own whether you or your family have it?

There are various diagnostic methods that allow you to independently determine whether there is damage to you or your family. We will describe the most proven and effective methods in detail below.

Using an egg

For diagnosis you will need:

  • 0.5 liter jar of clean water;
  • fresh egg.

How to check:

  1. A jar of water should be placed on your head and held for 3-5 minutes so that the water absorbs information from the energy field.
  2. Then, carefully so that the yolk does not burst, break the egg into the water and see the result:
  • If the water remains clean and the yolk sank to the bottom, there are no negative programs.
  • Threads and bubbles extending from the protein indicate the presence of spoilage.

Important! If the threads sink to the bottom after some time, the damage was done intentionally.

With a candle

For diagnosis you will need:

  • large full-length mirror;
  • wax church candle.

How to check:

The candle flame slowly, clockwise, “shines through” the reflection in the mirror. Start from the head, slowly going down to the floor. A signal of damage will be the crackling and soot of the candle. The type of spoilage depends on the level at which it begins to smoke. At the level of the head - damage to death, chest - loneliness, if the candle smokes in the legs - damage to blocking roads and good luck.

Using matches

For diagnosis you will need:

  • container with water;
  • three matches.

You need to hold the matches in your hands for a few minutes to charge them with your energy. One by one, they light the matches and throw them into the water and watch the result:

  • Matches float on the surface without touching each other - there is no damage;
  • Matches on top of each other or tilted down - the evil eye is possible;
  • If a match goes under water, it may be damaged.

With the help of a pet

Pets often become assistants in identifying negative influences. Cats are especially good for this.

A domestic cat, even the most affectionate one, will feel tense sitting on the lap of a spoiled one and try to escape. If this behavior is unusual for a cat, this may indicate the presence of damage.

Using Tarot cards

One of the most reliable diagnostic methods is diagnostics using Tarot cards. To diagnose damage, it is better to take a deck of dark Tarot cards, since they are more designed to identify negative influences than others. Only the major arcana will be needed. You need to draw one card, asking the question “Am I damaged?”

If the Moon, Hermit and Tower cards fall out, this is light, everyday damage, the evil eye. The hermit indicates damage to loneliness. The High Priest and Hanged Man cards indicate the presence of church corruption. As a rule, this is damage to illness or death. It is quite difficult to remove such damage.

Death and Judgment indicate corruption through the cemetery. Sometimes a person brings trouble upon himself by bringing something from a cemetery.

Important! You cannot bring objects from the cemetery into the house, or leave photos of living people on it. This may cause damage.

The High Priestess indicates love corruption. The devil points to corruption, from which a person begins to suffer from various kinds of addictions. This is a very powerful damage.

Important! To be absolutely sure, it is worth conducting several types of diagnostics.

How to understand that you have been negatively influenced?

When the diagnosis showed the presence of damage, I want to find out who it came from, because even after getting rid of it, this person can continue to harm. It happens that damage is caused unconsciously. Very strong emotions of anger, despair and irritation, coupled with the wish “May you die!” can lead to damage to the person to whom this message is sent.

Negative programs can be established by close relatives who say: “It’s cold outside. You’ll catch a cold!”, “No money,” etc. Such seemingly harmless phrases can cause so-called household damage or the evil eye. Moreover, with bad thoughts and words you can damage yourself.

But, if the damage was caused by someone from the outside, there are many ways to reveal the identity of the ill-wisher.

Wax casting

Wax will help you find out who caused the damage. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. A small amount of wax needs to be melted in a water bath and poured into a container with cold water.

Then look at the results:

  • If the wax draws geometric shapes or silhouettes of animals, the damage was caused by a man.
  • If the wax pattern consists of hearts, flowers, the moon, the negative came from a woman.

Sometimes the wax even draws silhouettes of people and faces with characteristic features or strange figures that speak of the enemy’s profession. The numbers indicate how long ago the damage was done, and the letters indicate the initials. The stronger the damage caused, the more information will be revealed.

Knowledge in a dream

One of the most common and simple methods is revealing the enemy through sleep. Before going to bed, you need to relax and stop the internal dialogue, get rid of obsessive thoughts.

When you manage to do this, you need to cast a spell:

“I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson. In the name of God, eternal and living, I say the holy word - Holy Samson, show me a prophetic dream. Let Saint Samson show me my enemy, Let the prophetic face show him to me through a dream. Living and most holy Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my sleep, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Another version of the conspiracy:

“I descend into the kingdom of Morpheus, I plunge into blissful sleep. Let the gift of broadcasting be revealed to me this night, and the whole truth about the enemies will be seen. Through a dream I will see the face of my enemy and find out his real name. The Lord himself guards my sleep and protects me from all my enemies. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing, you need to immediately go to bed with the intention of seeing the offender in a dream. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the enemy's face. It’s better to immediately prepare a pen and notepad to write down what you see.

With needles and candles

You need to purchase two candles from the church. Set one of them on fire, and break the other and melt it over the flame of the first. Pour the wax into a container of water. If the wax takes the shape of an object, the type of this object will indicate the gender of the ill-wisher. After this, three needles are taken and stuck into the resulting image.

As you insert each candle, repeat:

“Spike into the water! Water - under the canopy! Whoever wishes evil to the Servant of God (name) will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Show yourself to the servant of God (name)! Amen!".

A container of water is placed at the doorstep all night. The next day, the enemy will make himself known - by coming to visit, by calling, by a chance meeting on the street.

Using a pendulum

For this method you will need a pendulum made of natural stone; black tourmaline is best. If there is no stone, you can take an engagement ring. The selected item is suspended on a chain and raised into the air. If this is your first experience with a pendulum, you need to set it up.

First, you need to ask the pendulum obvious questions (For example: am I a woman? Was I born in January? Etc.) and look at its swings. Typically, back-to-back and clockwise oscillations mean “Yes,” and side-to-side and counterclockwise oscillations mean “No.”

After setting up the pendulum, you can move on to questions about the enemy. The answer to the questions must be “Yes” or “No”, the questions must be clear and understandable.

A sample plan of questions is as follows:

  • Was the damage caused by a man/woman?
  • Do we know each other personally?
  • Will I see this person soon? Etc.

With the help of higher powers

A ritual involving an appeal to higher powers can also help in catching an ill-wisher.

To do this you need to take:

  • seven rusty keys;
  • container with boiling water.

The keys are thrown into boiling water with the words:

“Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (your name) wants to bring the devil into his house. There will be no peace for my enemy, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen".

The next day the ill-wisher will reveal himself.

With the help of a ritual through the lining

Important! As a rule, damage to a house is caused by an object that is carefully hidden in the house. Perhaps she was brought in by a close person who entered the house.

If a lining was found in the house, with the help of a ritual you can find out who made it.

To do this, you need to buy a package of new identical needles, squeeze them tightly in your hand, investing all your intention to recognize your enemy. Then needles are stuck into the found object, each one is asked the question:

  • Who did it?
  • Who wishes me harm?
  • Who is my enemy?
  • Who wants to inform me? etc.

After the ritual, sprinkle the object with Thursday salt to block its negative effects.

Over the course of a few days, you should take a closer look at those around you. If someone avoids communication or, on the contrary, shows excessive friendliness, most likely it was this person who caused harm.

According to Tarot cards

Tarot cards can give accurate and meaningful results.

Major Arcana:

  1. Inverted Moon, Tower - household damage from a loved one.
  2. The magician - the young man brought misfortune.
  3. The High Priestess - the negativity comes from an elderly woman.
  4. High priest - the damage was caused by an elderly man.

Minor Arcana.


1. an elderly dark woman, lonely or living alone;

2. a woman from work;

5. mature man, divorced;

6. husband or lover;

8. girl;

9. married woman, godfather, neighbor.

A page is a relative of the husband.

A knight is a business partner, an employee.

The Queen is a close friend who knows magic.


1. parents of the spouse, sworn enemy;

3. divorced woman;

4. ex-lover;

5. wife of a military or government official;

6. woman;

9. old woman

The page is a young girl.

The queen is a widow.


1. young rich woman;

4. relatives

6. the one who was given money and gifts.

9. childless relative or friend

The Queen is a relative. Lots of animals.

The king is his father's relatives.


1. at a holiday, at a wedding, a bright girl

2. mistress cast a love spell

4. relatives

The knight is a rejected admirer.

The queen is a wife, mistress.

Video: how to find out who did it?

Watch the video that tells you how to find out who caused the damage:

Damage is a dangerous phenomenon and the sooner it is detected, the easier it will be to get rid of it. And it is imperative to get rid of it, since the outcome can be disappointing.

To determine whether there is an evil eye or damage to a loved one, it is not necessary to have practical magical experience and see the subtle worlds. It is enough to carry out certain rituals, with the help of which you can independently determine whether a harmful ritual was performed. There will be no harm from simple diagnostic measures, and if you are successful, you can obtain valuable information that will protect you from the most dire consequences. Traditional medicine uses many techniques that go back to antiquity to identify damage.

Church attributes in defining negativity

The easiest and safest way to determine damage is to use church attributes. Here are some rituals.

Church candle

One of the simplest and most effective ways to determine the presence of damage is considered to be the method with a church candle. To do this, you need to hold the candle in your hands for several minutes, carefully listening to your feelings, and paying special attention to your well-being. After the concentration reaches the desired level, you need to light the candle, squeezing it tightly with both hands, and continuously look at the fire. If the flame is even and bright, then there is no need to worry, but in the opposite situation, serious measures must be taken. If the fire begins to twitch nervously, there is black smoke with an unpleasant hiss, or the candle does not want to burn and goes out, then these are signs of negative attachments.

Silver chain

There is also a known method with a silver chain, which must belong to the person performing this ritual. It should be remembered that it is better not to use a pectoral cross. First you need to light the candle, taking it in your left hand. A left-handed person takes it in his right palm. The chain of turf is placed on your fingers, allowing it to move freely in weight. Next, you need to carefully look at the fire of the church candle and read any cleansing prayer. The chain begins to oscillate, and if it suddenly slips from the fingers, then this is a direct sign that the person has been damaged.

It is well known that evil spirits cannot stand church paraphernalia and everything else that is somehow connected with the Lord. This can also be used to understand whether the damage was caused to someone other than a person. To do this, a possible victim of black magic just needs to visit a church. It is best to do this several times to completely verify the presence of negativity or its absence. You should not expect that a parishioner who has been hexed will immediately begin to choke or scream in church, but negative symptoms will appear.

Many damned people find it unpleasant to touch consecrated water, as well as any other things in the church: an icon, a cross and an amulet. An irrefutable sign that a person has been damaged can be a blackened cross on his body, if it was not like that before entering the temple. A parishioner with a soul blackened by corruption is able to make candles suddenly smoke just by his presence in the church.

It is worth noting that some believe that believers are completely protected from any black witchcraft. And this is not an entirely correct opinion. To receive complete protection from damage, you need truly unbending faith with a high level of spirituality, and not everyone is capable of achieving all this.

Products as a diagnostic tool

Holy water is a simple and effective method that helps identify symptoms of damage. Water that protects against spoilage should not be ordinary water taken from a tap or well. You need to go to church to get it. If there is no church nearby, then water is collected from a natural spring and cleansing prayers are read over it for a long time. You need to wash your face with this water in the evening before going to bed, and then read the “Our Father” prayer and place a cup at the head of the bed. In a dream, water should tell you whether damage has been caused to a person or not. The fact that the curse is in effect will become clear if in a dream the person being tested sees someone rejoicing after defeating him or rejoicing at his misfortune. In this case, the caster of evil spells can be either a loved one or a stranger.

Salt can also be used to determine whether a person has a curse. To do this, you need to sew a bag and pour coarse salt into it so that the bag is half full. The edge through which the salt was poured must be sewn up so that its threads are inside the bag and not outside. For three days this bag should be in the room of the person being tested for negative effects. After this time, you need to see what happened to the salt. If it becomes hard and crumpled, then this will indicate the presence of bad energy, and if it is crumbly, then there is no damage to the person.

The chicken egg has always been considered a successful method for diagnosing negative connections. This method is classic; it has been used for a very long time, proving its benefits over the years. A chicken egg must be rustic, because it won’t work from stores. To carry out this ritual, you need to fill a glass with holy water and place it at the head of the bed, but first add a broken egg to the water, and then you can go to bed. The presence of damage to a person in the morning is easily determined by the state of the egg in a glass of water. If the product has deteriorated, acquired a different color and smell, there is definitely an evil eye or damage. And if the egg has not changed since the evening, then there is no need to worry about superimposed magical programs.

Coffee can also hint at spoilage. This is a fairly simple method with which you can detect malicious magic programs on yourself. You need to brew ground coffee, drink it, and then turn the cup over. The next step will be to study the pattern of the grounds. If large lumps are found, this is a sure sign of spoilage. At the same time, the size of the clots indicates the degree of danger of the evil eye.

Bay leaves have always been considered good protection against black magical influences. People who feared the evil eye and damage hung a branch of this plant in the kitchen or front door, which protected them from various diseases and unkind guests. At the same time, someone grew a laurel tree near his house, which could protect not only its owner, but his entire family.

It is also possible to determine the presence of damage on a person using a bay leaf. To do this, you should set fire to a bay leaf and fumigate all the corners of the home of the person who may be damaged. Smoke can cleanse a room of evil. He can also tell you that the owner of the house is damaged if the branch does not burn well or smokes too much. All this will signal danger, after which it will make sense to take care of carrying out a ritual to expel the evil spirit.

What household items will help diagnose

Damage can be detected with simple matches. You need to take a jar of water, place it in front of you, then take three or more matches from the box and hold them between your palms. This is necessary to fill the matches with their own energy. Next should be a question regarding the presence of harmful effects on the biofield of the person being tested. After this, you should light one match at a time and throw them into the water, and the answer to the question of interest is determined by the location of the matches on the surface of the water. If the matches float freely and do not intersect, then there is no damage; if they intersect or are inclined toward the bottom, this is a sign of the evil eye. If they sank down, despite the fact that the density of the tree is less than the density of water, then the reason for this can only be damage.

A pin will also help to identify damage. It is a popular and effective tool for identifying negative energy sent by a black sorcerer. To activate this technique, you need to take a pin and pierce it on the wrong side of the clothes of someone who is suspected of having damage. The pin can be absolutely anything: new, old, your own or someone else’s - it won’t play any role. In this case, it is necessary to place the pin in clothing directly with the head down and closer to the place located near the heart when the supposedly cursed person is wearing this jacket or shirt.

After this, you need to ask the Lord for help. Forgive me, so that the Almighty will protect you from any kind of evil and negative thoughts of ill-wishers on the road. This ritual should be performed before going out; you must go with a pin. After returning home, you need to check if the pin is lost. If it is not there, then the damage was indeed caused by someone.

A gold ring can indicate damage. Identifying negativity using a gold ring is considered one of the simplest techniques to perform. At the same time, this ritual helps to accurately determine damage, unlike some other methods, during which it is sometimes difficult to say unambiguously whether the negative was actually sent to a person. Before this small ritual, it is recommended to wash your face well. This is especially true for representatives of the fairer sex - there should be no cosmetics left at all, and if something is not washed off, it can negatively affect the situation and the technique will not work. After washing your face, you need to take the ring and run it across your cheek. A black mark may remain on the face, as if the ring was covered with dirt. This will indicate that the person was attacked by a black magician. In this case, special attention should be paid to facial cleansing, because cosmetics can oxidize when they react with this expensive metal. And if just such a reaction occurred, then one should not talk about damage, but one cannot talk about its absence either.

Cards, runes and a pendulum in diagnosing damage

You can identify damage using Scandinavian runes. This method is the most accurate in diagnosis. It helps not only to understand whether a person has negativity, but also to find out what type of curse we are talking about. To do this, you need to make a runic layout so that you get three rows. In the first row there should be four runes, which will tell whether the person has any negativity sent by the black sorcerer, or whether there are problems attracted directly by him. The runes of the first row allow you to find out in which area of ​​life the victim gave damage the opportunity to penetrate himself.

The second row consists of two runes that will tell you what or who is the cause of the negativity that appears, if the runes of the starting row have already shown the presence of damage. In the last row you need to put only one rune. She will indicate how the negativity was sent to the person.

Tarot cards have always been considered incredibly popular and accurate in magic. At all times they have been used to identify negativity in a person. However, regular cards can also do something, you just need to use them correctly. The presence of damage is indicated by all the peaks that fall out in various combinations of the classic layout. At the same time, ordinary cards are able to indicate not only the presence of damage, but also the fact that it is the damage that has affected a person’s health. The presence of such cards on or under the heart will indicate illness and complex health conditions of the cursed person.

With the help of a pendulum and a frame you can see the curse. This method is actively used in bioenergetics to identify negative magical programs. Armed with a frame, the specialist looks through the person’s chakras, analyzing their condition. The frame is drawn from top to bottom, and certain questions are asked. Attention is focused on exactly how the frame will rotate during this action.

As for the pendulum, everything is simpler here. It can be purchased at any esoteric store, or made independently, at home, from strong thread and a nut. Before work, the tool must be properly configured, and then begin to determine damage.

Pets and photographs in the diagnosis of damage

Cats sense the damage that their owner has. They see entities walking around the house and can play with them. If a demon sits in the layers of the biofield, the cat lies down in this place and forces the entity to leave the owner’s body and move into her body. After this, she leaves home forever or soon falls ill and dies, and her owner recovers, having gotten rid of the negativity.

Dogs don't like entities. They don't like negative information. Some bark angrily at the spoiled person and try to bite him, others tuck their tails between their legs and whine. In any case, the dog’s inappropriate behavior should alert you.

Damage can also be identified from photographs. Before starting testing, you need to stock up on holy water, which you can take from the temple. This technique is very simple and does not require any special costs, and it indicates damage or refutes its presence quite accurately.

To do this, you need to find a photo of a person who may have been influenced by negativity, and lower the photo into holy water, previously poured into a transparent vessel. The photo should remain in the water for several minutes. Then you need to see what changes have occurred with the image in the water. Cloudy spots may appear on it, which will indicate that the curse has indeed been induced. It is worth noting that the severity of the damage will depend on the size and number of stains. It is not worth removing the photograph from the consecrated water, since its presence there will at least slightly weaken the dark effect of damage on the human energy field.

When several applied methods confidently indicate the presence of damage, then you need to look for ways to eliminate it. Various techniques are used to free yourself from negative connections. They can be studied and applied for a long time until one of them works. You can follow the path of least resistance and contact the contacts listed on our website. Then you will receive quick liberation from damage. This will allow you to do what you love and not waste your life fighting black magic.