How to make the soul, body and mind one. Mind – Body – Spirit: the law of the trinity in the Technique of Fulfillment of Desires. Personal letter to God

Zetas:« Man and his soul- are these two different objects? Do they think separately or as a unit until death? - This different objects , because the soul does not die, but the human body dies. During the incarnation soul fills the body And communicates with this physical body , which belongs to mind created by the physical brain. In most cases, even before death, the soul has already left the body, which is why those returning from a state of clinical death remember that they saw their body below them on the operating table or on the highway.

Souls are born, evolve and grow , just as in your physical world plants and animals develop from a seed, from a single cell. The soul communicates with the mind by biochemical means, causing a biochemical effect.Chakras actually exist. Although there are many human names for what is perceived as biophysical connection with the soul. When the essence is embodied, then what you call the soul merges with physical body, spreading throughout all its parts .

Auras exist, and some people are able to see them. Auras have nothing to do with spirit , but are radiation or a by-product of the human body, like an oven, which maintains a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius. Some human healers use their own aura and the patient's aura to heal. When auras come into contact, they influence each other using feedback from the body. In this way there is actually one person can breathe life into another, changing the patient’s aura with his own, absorbing part of the sick aura, using his strength and energy reserves to help the sick person.”

"Body, Mind and Soul may become unbalanced. It is, in a way, a tug of war between different parts of a person. The body, which has ancient origins, wants to live simply , focusing on bodily comfort - availability of shelter, food, rest and sex. The body is really cannot be ignored without consequences. His demands are constant and clear. Intelligence , which was imposed on the human body by genetic engineering methods, has its own life where he is driven by curiosity and obsessions. That the mind has a life of its own can be seen when an intelligent and curious person is given a puzzle to solve. He will ignore the demands of defecation and urination, hunger, sleep, until he solves the puzzle. Mind and body can work together, and often do, but sometimes they can pull in opposite directions.

Now as for embodied spirit. This is another center that can sometimes act in harmony with the body, such as in a situation where a person wants to have contact with another person of the opposite sex when both of them feel sexual desire. Spirit can also sometimes act in accordance with reason, when the desire to be in the service of others manifests itself along with the opportunity to explore. Soul dominates above the body, If only the soul is not so immature that it lives out its first embodiment.

But body, mind and spirit can be pulled in different directions , thereby involving the body in disease. Witch Doctor can streamline the interaction of mind and spirit in the body, basically talking to the mind and spirit of the patient and helping to restore balance. This is non-verbal consultation on the mental and spiritual levels. Because a healer can be in contact with higher entities , then they can help him in these actions, and the medicine man essentially gives the Call to those in the Service-to-Others. The healer convinces the patient's parts to adjust to each other, so that the mind and spirit will more readily take into account each other’s needs and the needs of the body.”

“The soul adapts itself to the density in which it incarnates, andcan affect the human body . Genetics is just chemistry. The soul influences growth and developmentthrough chemical composition. The soul communicates with the mind by biochemical means, causing a biochemical effect. The soul can talk to the mind onlyif the mind is ready to receive a message from her. If the biochemical pathways for the concept that the spirit wants to convey are not yet present in the mind, the spirit can only speak toemotions. Thus, people feel that they have lived before, but have no explanation for this concept. Therefore, if they are not willing to support the concept of past lives, they will not be open to the revelation of this spiritual memory.

The Soul-Body-Mind connection is also a mystery for us. We understand that the soul enjoys incarnations by fully inhabiting the physical body, and appears to have the functions of the heart and mind, just like the physical body. But the structure of the soul, the matter of souls, is not what we experiment with or dissect. Thus, apart from describing the properties and abilities of the soul’s matter, we cannot explain how it manages this.”

for lovely ladies: 11 simple exercises to develop your body at home:


For life on earth, nature has given everyone three essential resources: body, mind, soul.

How much do we know the potential of our own resources?

How environmentally and rationally do we use them?

How aware are we of the consequences of their disparate use?


The body is a resource for action. It manifests our thoughts and feelings in the world around us.

The body is limited by real space and real time. It can only act here and now.

The body needs safety, regularity in nutrition, physical activity and care, a balance between activity and rest, and attention.

The choice is ours:

  • overeat while concentrating on TV programs, or eat a balanced diet, feeling saturated with energy from high-quality and sufficient food;
  • complete a marathon once a year and then fall into bed, or run three times a week;
  • drink beer or play football;
  • relax in bed or go to the theater;
  • play computer games until the morning or go to bed;
  • to rush and not do it, or not to rush, but to do it.

This is neither good nor bad. This is a choice that determines the quality of life.

If the body is not happy with something, and this is often associated with negative and unbridled thoughts and a closed soul, it speaks about it through tension. If we don't clear tension from the body, it turns on pain. The body has no other way to tell.


The mind is a resource for creating thoughts. It collects information from outside through the senses and transforms the information into a single understanding for subsequent expression. The mind is familiar to us.

The mind creates a database to support our actions in the world around us. Thought gives rise to human action. To the extent that the way of responding to an event is meaningful and felt inside, it will manifest itself in the outside world in words and actions.

The mind is not limited by space or time. He can “chew” the past, fly to Mars in the future, tearing us out of the present moment.

The mind needs to be kept in check, purity and discipline and developed in it flexibility, mobility and progressiveness.

The choice is ours:

  • chase information across the surface that “a black cat crossed the road means trouble” or verify from personal experience (if you can’t let go of this belief) that three jumps on one leg remove superstitions in an instant and lift the spirits of me and those around me;
  • sigh “you can’t run - it’s bad for your joints,” grieving about your past and imagining yourself powerful in the future, or explore possible options for playing sports depending on your body’s characteristics and go to the pool for a swim at the next session;
  • limit yourself to “my time is gone”, “there is no time for personal life” or honestly understand the reasons for your own inaction and find, implement ideas and balance in the present;
  • to be hostage to one’s own illusions or to free oneself from them by understanding the difficulties and pain that arise.

This is neither right nor wrong. It is a choice of supportive or limiting beliefs.

Working the mind and wandering the mind are two opposite alternatives. The mind is afraid of change and blames the causes of difficulties on external circumstances.

If we do not free the mind from rigid knowledge, the mind becomes an obstacle. If we do not implement ideas into actions, information intoxication occurs in our minds, and we lose the meaning of life. The mind turns into information noise and a “thought mixer”.


The soul is a subtle and difficult to describe resource. We feel it in our chest and heart. It’s as if she sees, hears, touches, smells and feels us from the inside. This resource is unusual for us, as it goes beyond the mind due to the inability to touch it and defies logic. It's not something that becomes an association. This is what it feels like.

The soul is a filter for the mind and body. She supports and approves the thoughts and actions within, if not hidden in her own internal fortresses. The mind often resists, doubts, evaluates. But the soul does not have the answer “I don’t know.” She clearly says “yes” through positive feelings (good, comfortable, happy) or “no” through negative feelings (bad, uncomfortable, anxious).

In our souls we carry the feelings and emotions of our ancestors. The states that they felt at that time and in that environment. Rod stands behind us and supports us. Due to the interpretation of the mind, we are not ready to hear and accept the information of our ancestors, which we often feel as Conscience.

The soul needs trust, without proof.

The choice is ours:

  • unconsciously carry the experiences of their ancestors within themselves and spend resources on anxiety (afraid to earn money because the grandfather was repressed; afraid to choose creativity in a profession because the grandmother, after the dispossession of the family, had to play the role of the father of the family,)
  • or find situations in the family in which a limiting event first occurred, realize and understand the reasons and decisions at that moment, restore connection through memory, respect and gratitude to the family.

Feelings and emotions need to come and go, consciously express themselves and disappear, but not be held constantly inside. Then positive feelings expand and negative feelings are transformed.

When the soul says “No”, we feel a heaviness in the chest, heart and closedness. If we do not open our souls to true feelings and emotions, we close ourselves off from the world around us and suffer. This is how the soul calls on the mind to rethink the chosen path to solve the issue at its root.


Life is spontaneous. Every moment new events occur. And the mind resists changes that do not correspond to its associations and requirements. The body produces automatic and predictable reactions, it is tense and the mind is not oriented to the variability of the external world. The soul whines in the prison of the mind. Each resource is important, but separate from each other.

Words "I am here and now"– our inner awakening and presence in every event of life. This is your own center for conscious control of bodily, intellectual and spiritual potential, their balance, interaction and complementarity.

Simultaneously comprehending three resources together in the current circumstances of life - body, mind and soul - was difficult for us at first. When awareness grows, self-esteem and self-image fall. You see that the current state, with the exception of a number of cases, is consciously or unconsciously organized by you. But when you find clear answers to the questions: “Why?” and “What and how do I do?” and you implement them in life, integrity and energy that cannot be expressed in words appear inside.

Coming to harmony is possible only through independent awareness. It's like putting a stationary flywheel into rotation. To make it move a fraction of centimeters, we make efforts without stopping for a second. Just a little more. Just a little more. And the flywheel slowly spins. If we continue to apply the same effort, the rotation speed becomes higher. And there comes a moment when the flywheel rotates on its own without any external effort.

The issue is not about self-improvement. The value of awareness is that you:

  • you can make choices and change circumstances;
  • you understand that every choice has a price and pleasure, and therefore you become realistic in your choice and are responsible for your actions;
  • Having made a choice, you follow it without regrets or fear;
  • manage resources: lack and difficulty in one resource is a chance to improve and renew another resource;
  • You understand that rather than waste energy on pity and searching for reasons in external circumstances and people, it is better to be responsible for your own current life.

We are in the mood if the THREE - body, mind and soul - are in harmony and cooperation. We are upset if the body, mind and soul are running in opposite directions or each pulling the blanket over itself.

When we consciously manage potential, we control ourselves and feel an incredible surge of energy to naturally realize ourselves in the outside world and respond to events in life.

When we rely only on self-regulation, when events occur that are contrary to what we expected, energy is spent on local internal dialogues of the mind and the uncomfortable state of mind and body, or is directed to remove the body from stress.

Their favorite technique is the instillation of seemingly “irrefutable” truths about the need to pave the way to happiness from a young age, pushing out those who are weaker with their elbows...

The choice of proposed behavioral patterns is small: either climb over your head to the top of the social ladder, or turn to the sidelines and admit your own worthlessness.

Pendulums purposefully drive both the mind and the soul into far-fetched postulates, from which it is not at all easy to get out without outside help. A person turns into a puppet, ready to unquestioningly carry out someone else's will.

A more efficient mind quickly learns to shut up the soul and prefers to talk down to it. Her already quiet voice becomes completely inaudible, dissolving in the growing roar of the mind, striving to imitate in everything the pendulums that have captured it.

The mind strives to limit the impulses of the soul in everything: this is impossible and this is impossible, but we simply cannot afford this... All dreams are killed in the bud.

And it doesn’t matter that the soul wouldn’t mind waiting. Reason will categorically convince her of the fundamental impossibility of getting what she wants. Most often, the soul has to put up with the arbitrariness of the mind and, reluctantly, bury childhood dreams...

The mind has no idea how to achieve truly significant goals, because not everything in this world can be contained within a logical and understandable framework. I don't care about logic. His task is to silently carry out orders, supported by the unity of mind and soul.

The time has come to stop perceiving the logic of reason as an indisputable truth. There are a lot of things that are inexplicable from the point of view of common sense, which are no less real than a washcloth and an oak broom in a bathhouse.

Video about the unity of soul and mind (according to V. Zeland):

Inexperienced people think little about who or what controls a person - spirit, soul, body or mind (their own common sense or “Higher Mind”)?

Some religious leaders may argue that man is controlled by the spirit, and the spirit controls the soul, body and mind.

Others, more “down to earth”, say that a person is controlled to a greater extent by the body, with its passions, lusts and needs.

Someone will say that the soul controls the body and mind, that it even influences the strength of the spirit.

Well, someone completely “earthly”, who considers himself a realist, will think that the whole person is controlled by his mind, including his body, soul and spirit.

How do things really stand in life, real, psychological and psychoanalytic understanding? Let's find out!

Spirit, soul, body and mind - what is what in a person?

Do you want to understand what actually controls a person to a greater extent? Then let's go.

You and I will not fall into philosophy and talk about the primacy of the material or spiritual in the world and man - there was and is someone to do this.

Let's move on immediately to the definition of concepts: what is spirit, what is soul, what is body and mind.

What is “Spirit” and can it control a person?

Religious people believe that man is created in the likeness of God, i.e. one in three persons (hypostases) - spirit, soul and body (the mind, apparently, is an integral part of the soul).

The spirit in a person, in their understanding, is primary (like “breathed life into him”, or “gave up the ghost”), because at the beginning of the creation of the world (from the Bible) - “The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Gen. 1, 2).

It is believed that a “spiritual” person is valuable to God, and not a “spiritual” one - the latter is valuable for other “spiritual” ones... (this is not about the sick)).

“Spiritual”, accordingly, inherits the world and the Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. eternal life in paradise.

But this is later, after earthly life... And what now controls a person, say, so that he gets to heaven?

Spirit? Your own, or the Spirit of God? Or has a “demonic spirit” settled in a person and controls his soul, mind and body?

Can any spirit control a person? The answer is obvious - yes, it can. This is what happens often. If so, then with a “bad spirit” we have a direct road to hell, and sometimes already here, in earthly life.
Who or what then can help a person expel the “bad spirit” and call on the “good” one, or learn to control himself?

What is the “Soul”, and can it control a person to a greater extent than the spirit, body and mind?

“Soul” is, in fact, the human psyche (“psychos”, from Greek - “soul” is).

Do you think your psyche controls you: your thoughts, feelings and emotions, behavior?

Have you noticed that the soul controls not only the person himself, but also relationships with other people, with the world around him?

Maybe you paid attention to how emotional experiences influenced the strength of your spirit, bodily ailments, and your mind with its sound thinking?

Yes, and pain can be mental or physical, but not spiritual - isn’t it?

And illnesses can be mental (mental) or somatic (physical), and often psychosomatic.

At the same time, for example, a disorder such as schizophrenia (literally translated as “split mind”) is also a mental illness.

So what then controls a person to a greater extent - the spirit, the mind, the body, or the soul?

Can the body and mind control a person to a greater extent than the spirit and soul?

The human body is perishable and perishable. At the same time, the body is the “Temple of God”, which needs to be nurtured and cherished, in a word - taken care of and protected, and not harmed by food, smoking, alcohol, excess work or “immobility” and lack of sleep and rest.

The spirit and soul with mind live in this “Temple” - this is their home, and without the body there will be no spirit and soul, and vice versa.

The question still remains open: what controls a person to a greater extent? Spirit, soul or body, mind? Can the body control the mind, soul and spirit of a person?

Let's think - turn on your mind.

Does physical pain also bring you mental suffering? Does your mental strength decrease if something is wrong with your body?

Or, do your bodily needs, any of them (the need for food, sex, warm clothes, a roof over your head...), affect your psyche (soul), along with emotional or rational thinking, and your spirit?

(For example, at the sight of a beautiful girl and lust for her, you perked up and decided to finish things off with her, turning on your emotions and reason).

What happens, the body with its biological (vital) needs controls a person more than the spirit, soul and mind?

Well, about the mind itself, can it control a person more than the spirit, soul and body combined?

Think carefully.

If a person has problems with his body, can he use his mind to solve them? For example, it is reasonable to “eat” an analgesic for a toothache - this is the first step. And then going to the dentist is quite reasonable, right?

And what would be even smarter in this case is probably to take care of your teeth. Then neither an analgesic nor a dentist was needed (the latter, except for a routine examination).

And if the soul hurts, obsessive fears, depression have appeared, relationships are collapsing, unlucky in life, etc., then can a person solve these problems with the help of reason?

And if there is despondency, apathy and loss of spirit (precisely because of mental or physical problems), or the spirit of aggression, negativity and irritability has “settled” inside, the “spirit of bad luck” or another, in the word “a demon has taken possession” - will the mind help with this? case?

Or use mental, spiritual or physical strength to solve problems?
How can this be? The mind will answer.

But what to do if the mind is turned off or does not work at full capacity due to mental and physical suffering and loss of spirit - what to do then?

And then - seek help and support from those whose minds are turned on at a given time, for example, close people, friends, family, a priest (if a believer), or professionals... - this will be reasonable.

Deepak Chopra, David Simon


Series “Spiritual Laws of Health”

© 2004 Deepak Chopra and David Simon Originally published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

© Golden N., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2018


The source from which the world and the mind arise and in which they decay is called Reality, which neither arises nor fades away.

Ramana Maharshi

It is not I in the world, but the world in me. This bold statement of the ancient yogis reflects the enduring truth that the material Universe, physical bodies and thoughts are manifestations of a fundamental, limitless realm of consciousness. The “I,” transforming, seeks a way out of the closed ego into the sphere of the spirit. These pioneers of consciousness research charted a course for us - the path of yoga. The path we follow.

We sincerely welcome the growing recognition in the West of philosophies and practices usually attributed to the East. Through books, lectures and seminars, we share our experience and understanding of the Vedic and yogic traditions, because we are sure that this is very valuable knowledge. No one would argue that, for example, gravity only exists in England because Sir Isaac Newton was an Englishman, or that the theory of relativity is only true in Germany. We propose that the profound insights that yoga gives us are important for everyone living on this planet, regardless of their age, gender or cultural background. The principles of yoga are not limited by time or space.

The inhabitants of the Earth are increasingly aware of themselves as part of a single organism, and therefore ideas that were once rejected by the majority - with the exception of a few intrepid explorers of the inner space - are beginning to resonate in our collective consciousness. Until recently, the mention of yoga and meditation as an indispensable component of a healthy lifestyle was met with ridicule. But ideas that bring true value to life always find their way ultimately to human consciousness. To paraphrase the great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer: every great idea goes through three stages before being accepted. First they reject it, then they laugh at it, and in the end it becomes something taken for granted. The value of yoga for body, mind and soul is becoming increasingly clear to countless people in North America and around the world.

Our relationship with yoga spans over three decades. At the beginning of our spiritual path, we realized the value of various asanas (as poses are called in yoga), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation in stabilizing consciousness. At Spiritual Seduction, our twice-yearly intensive meditation course at the Chopra Center for Well-Being, we see every time the benefits that mindful movement brings to our students when their attention is focused on themselves for many hours a day. This book is the result of both our personal experience and the experience of thousands of course participants.

The knowledge and practices detailed in this book open the way to a deep understanding of the relationship between the individual and the world around him. Our planet needs healing and transformation. As a result of the population explosion, the number of people on the planet is increasing every day. People who understand the relationship between personal and collective choice care about issues such as social justice, economic inequality, environmental degradation and cultural conflicts. The challenges of our time sometimes seem insurmountable, beyond the influence of an individual. But we believe that everyone can contribute to a better world if they do good deeds every day. Through the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga program, you will feel the connection between your body and mind and learn to maintain balance and flexibility if you suddenly find yourself in a problematic situation. You will discover creative power within yourself, your intuition will open, and you will understand how your own thoughts, words and actions affect the world around you and how the world affects you. This understanding will allow us to contribute to the collective awakening of world consciousness.

All activities of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing are based on the key principle: consciousness is the primary force in the Universe. Consciousness generates thought, thought generates action. Any change begins with viewing the situation as an opportunity to do something greater, accepting the endless creative potential that exists within each of us to bring about the change that is needed for you personally and for future generations.

Through the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga program, you will feel the connection between your body and mind and learn to maintain balance and flexibility if you suddenly find yourself in a problematic situation.

Not so long ago, no one could have imagined that smoking in public places would be limited, and tobacco companies themselves would sponsor public service advertising promoting smoking cessation. However, this shift in consciousness occurred when a large number of people decided that they would no longer tolerate a state of affairs that was causing so much harm. We expect that as more and more people change their internal mindset from “What do I care?” to “How can I help?”, we will become increasingly aware of our responsibility for the future of the planet. We hope that as a result of the changes that will occur in you through the program of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, you too will want to contribute to the healing and transformation of humanity and the entire world.

If there were only physical benefits from yoga, yoga would still fully justify its presence in our lives. But yoga is more than just a physical training system. Yoga is the science of a healthy lifestyle, it is the path to the full realization of human potential. In these challenging times, yoga promotes harmony by helping people in today's technological world stay in touch with their natural humanity. Yoga is peace in the midst of the storm.