How to make dimples on your face when you smile. Beautiful dimples on the cheeks: surgery and other ways to achieve the “kiss of an angel.” Instructions for applying makeup

It is impossible to create real dimples. Cheek dimples are the result of a genetic muscle deformity - contraction of the facial muscles: the only way to get them is to be born with them. However, if you want to create the illusion of dimples, there are exercises and beauty tricks that can help you achieve it. There are several tricks that can help you get dimples, from using makeup and even surgery! However, we will tell you about all this in this article.


Exercises for dimples

    Protrude your lips and suck in your cheeks. Make a face as if you just ate a lemon or something very sour. Pout your lips and partially retract your cheeks. Don't clench your teeth, but keep your lips closed. Your cheeks should be facing inward so that the notch is just between your top and bottom teeth, between the front and back of your mouth.

    • Note- this is the old-fashioned method. It’s not at all a fact that it will work!
    • Your cheeks should, even in theory, retract inward, and the deepest point of the “retracted” part of the cheeks should be between the teeth, approximately in the middle of the mouth.
    • It's actually possible to eat or drink something sour if you're having trouble imagining an appropriate facial expression.
  1. Press and hold the marks. Determine the area where your cheeks recede the most. Hold this point on both cheeks with your index fingers.

    • You can also hold these points with your thumb or the rounded end of a pencil if that makes it easier.
  2. Smile and move your fingers to the right place. Gradually smile wider and wider, holding your fingers on the same points on your face. You need to smile widely, with your whole mouth, since dimples, as a rule, appear precisely with a wide smile. Your fingers should be located along the edges of the “smile” - where dimples appear on the cheeks.

    Continue pressing for 30 minutes or longer. If you want to train your cheeks to create dimples for a longer period of time, you need to press these artificial dimples with your fingers for at least 30 minutes.

    Repeat the exercise every day. Continue doing dimple exercises daily for several weeks. If a month has passed and you still have not managed to create dimples, then you should try other methods. Since this technique is not scientifically proven, it may not work for you.

    Cosmetic effects

    1. Smile widely. Look in the mirror, smile broadly and determine the location of future dimples.

      • When you smile, creases should form on the outside of your mouth. Your dimples should fall right on these folds, starting at the top corners of your lips.
      • Smile widely and naturally. You will better understand where you need to draw cosmetic dimples if you smile widely - and smile, and not grin. In general, don't be embarrassed!
      • Note- this method is suitable for those cases when you need to take a photo with dimples on your cheeks. In other cases, everything may look a little... unnatural.
    2. Make a small dot with eyeliner. Use a dark brown eyeliner or pencil to define your dimples - they usually look like short lines or thin arched shapes.

      • A dark brown tone works better because it can be blended into a more natural shade. But it is better to avoid black and colored eyeliner.
    3. Draw a curve on the cheek. Relax your mouth. Draw a small curved line starting from the point you have already marked. Please note that you need to draw with the same thing you used to mark the point!

      • The line should be no further than 2.5 cm below the point. It should be slightly curved.
    4. Shade and redraw if necessary. So, the dimples are drawn, all that remains is to apply makeup on top so that everything looks natural (as far as possible, of course). Use your fingers or a sponge to blend the line, moving up and down rather than side to side.

      • One application may not create a dark enough line, so you may have to draw the line and blend it several times.
    5. Smile to see the result. If your dimples aren't quite right, remove your makeup and try again. See if everything is in order - if the lines are dark enough, symmetrical, if they look strange. If you don't like something, wash it off and paint again!

    Cheek piercing

      Contact a professional. Do not attempt this procedure at home. Visit a qualified professional with an excellent reputation, straight hands and clean instruments to minimize the risk of infection or complications.

      • Remember that most professionals will refuse to give you a dimple piercing if you are under 18, even with parental permission. However, the exact “disputed” age depends on the laws of your country. Coming of age in Russia occurs only upon reaching 18 years of age (Article 21 of the ACRF).
      • Remember that many professional piercers refuse to do this type of piercing, regardless of the client’s age. Nose and ear piercings only go through the skin and cartilage, while dimple piercings go through muscle. As a result, there is a correspondingly high risk of nerve damage.
    1. Wash the puncture area thoroughly. More precisely, if, of course, your piercer is a pro, then he should do this himself. The outside of the cheek should be cleaned with antibacterial soap, alcohol, or other appropriate sterilizing agent. All this is in order to destroy pathogens located on the cheeks, which can lead to the development of complications.

      • The piercer may also ask you to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial solution to reduce the risk of bacteria from the inside of your cheek contaminating the piercing site.
    2. Make sure the tools are clean too. A good piercer uses only disposable needles - that's a fact. Please note that cleanliness is an extremely important point. The needle that will be used to pierce you is obliged to be pure without a shadow of a doubt. Never and never do not agree to piercing with a needle that has already been used to prick someone. Besides:

      • The needle must be calcined before use.
      • The technician should wash his hands with antibacterial soap. He may or may not wear disposable gloves.
      • Earrings should be cleaned with an antibacterial solution.
    3. Make a puncture. The piercer will pierce the area where the natural dimples should be. Immediately after the skin is pierced, it is necessary to insert earrings into the puncture site and treat the area with an antibacterial solution.

    4. Take care of your piercing after the procedure. You will need to clean the piercings for several days with a saline solution until the piercing heals, which will reduce the risk of complications. Check with your piercer for details.

      • The treatment solution can be purchased from a specialist. You can make it yourself - just mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 250 ml of distilled water.
      • Apply the saline solution using a cotton pad. Wipe the area adjacent to the piercing and behind the earring.
      • Try not to play with the earrings until the piercing has healed, otherwise bacteria from your hands will enter the wound, and you may displace the piercing site, which will worsen the wound.
    5. Leave the earring in the piercing for 1–3 months. It will take you the same amount of time for the piercing to heal. Please note that first the puncture must heal, only then can you safely remove the jewelry. If you take out the piercing ahead of schedule, then there is a chance that the puncture will heal on its own (and you will not be able to put the jewelry back in). Wait at least 1 month (1-3), during which time your cheeks will heal.

      • The scheme is simple: they pulled out the earring and the skin began to heal. While it is overgrown, two small holes will remain in it. When they are overgrown, two small depressions will remain in their place - two, in fact, dimples.
      • Be careful what jewelry you wear in your piercing! Some people develop allergies to some jewelry, sometimes even serious ones (cheap jewelry is especially prone to this).
      • Remember that these dimples will remain on your face regardless of whether you smile, frown, or express no emotion.
    • Dimples look cute, but you always have to be yourself.
    • You can take a bottle cap and suck in your cheeks. However, it will be an artificial dimple.
    • You may be considering cosmetic surgery. Although this is not a natural way to get dimples, it can be very effective.

How to make dimples on your cheeks? Most often, this question is asked by young ladies who dream of not only smiling radiantly, but also winning hearts with cute and gentle dimples. And while science in the field of modern medicine puts forward various versions of the appearance of such a distinctive feature, women do not stop thinking about what to do to make these playful cavities appear.

Such pits on the face come in different sizes and shapes, in some they are located deeper, in others they are longer, in some they are even on one side. This phenomenon is not noticeable until the person begins to smile or expressively move his facial muscles.

Despite many versions of the origin of this effect, doctors are of the opinion that the reason for this is the individual structure of the facial muscles, which, when contracting, pull the corners of the lips upward. It is the zygomaticus major muscle, which has a bifurcated structure, that is attached at its base to the zygomatic bone. Bifurcating, the muscle tissue intertwines with other muscles, and in some cases is woven into the dermis of the side of the face.

When a person smiles, this muscle stretches, pulling the cheek inward and thereby forming a hollow. Many are inclined to believe that this is a kind of birth defect, but, nevertheless, no one denies the attractiveness of such a human reaction.

How to make dimples on your cheeks quickly?

What is an effective way to make dimples on your cheeks at home quickly and easily? There is one technique that can not create the dimples themselves in the cheeks, but create a high-quality illusion of the presence of the desired dimples.

The cosmetic method is one of the simplest and fastest techniques that you can create with your own hands within a few minutes.

The only disadvantage of this trick is that this transformation is only suitable for creating a suitable image in photographs. In everyday life, artificial dimples will look quite ridiculous.

  • To achieve the desired effect you will need the following decorative cosmetics:
  • eyeliner;
  • pencil;
  • powder;
  • corrector;


Cosmetics will help you achieve a certain result by darkening and lightening certain areas of the skin in the cheek area.

  1. Before you start modeling your face, you should determine the future location of the dimples. To do this, you need to smile broadly in front of the mirror.
  2. During the contraction of the “laughter” muscles, folds will appear on the outer part of the face in the cheek area. It is in these longitudinal stripes that future holes should be located.
  3. You should smile as naturally as possible in order to determine the ideal position.
  4. On the intended side areas, make a small mark with a pencil or dark brown eyeliner.
  5. After this, you need to relax the facial muscle tissue and draw a curved line like a small comma.

The mark must be shaded with eye shadow in matte light tones. You can erase clear lines with your finger or a special makeup brush.

The main thing in this procedure is to produce symmetrical drawings, in which it is necessary to shade the pronounced contours. At the end of the transformation, artificial dimples and the entire face should be lightly covered with powder for a more natural look.

Exercises for the zygomaticus major muscle, which is responsible for smiling, will help those who want to get more natural dimples on their cheeks. Exercises can be either facial or using your own fingers. All you need to perform the manipulations is a mirror and a moisturizer, ideally a cream that prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Initially, you should apply a cosmetic moisturizer to your face while standing in front of a mirror. The next set of exercises will be aimed at increasing the activity of muscle tissue.

  1. Smile. Expressive movement of the facial muscles directed towards the reflection should be made with closed lips. To achieve the best effect, you should press your index fingers on the areas where the dimples should be located. Movements should be carried out slowly to feel the tension in the muscle tissue.
  2. Grin. In this case, it is necessary to lift the corners of the lip folds one by one, first the left side, then the right, while keeping your fingers on the cheeks.
  3. Cheek retraction. Try to pull (suck) your cheeks inside your mouth and try to smile at the same time.

Exercises for the face should be performed in two sets of 15 times each. Take your time when training. It should be noted that in order to achieve maximum results, special training must be done every day, persistently increasing the number of approaches.

Alternative options

Alternative options are those actions that are reproduced surgically, puncture or other manipulations associated with exposure to tissue using surgical instruments.

Women resort to such extreme methods quite often. In the modern world, where various plastic surgeries or piercing of any part of the body for jewelry are no longer a novelty, such processes are not considered something rare or unique.

By the way, men are also not averse to acquiring such a charming highlight, which is why they can sometimes be seen in specialized plastic surgery centers.


Plastic surgery to create dimples on the cheeks is called dimplectomy. Although such manipulation is a simple surgical procedure, the operation should only be performed by a highly qualified surgeon. Before starting the operation, the doctor must determine the future location of the dimples, as well as their shape and depth. The only caveat (because it’s hard to call it a minus) is that you won’t be able to remove dimples even surgically, you can only make them smaller.

Under general anesthesia and painkillers, the doctor makes an incision on the inside of the cheek to remove fatty tissue. The resulting cavity is tightened with thread and sutured. This is where the dimple appears. The same is done on the second mucosa.

The operation is so minor that the patient is released after an hour, without leaving him under supervision in the hospital. After this, the client must treat the oral cavity with special solutions for several weeks, especially after meals.

Such an operation costs a considerable financial investment, so not everyone can afford to get dimples. Of course, in some places the price may seem quite reasonable, but in this case you should check the certificates of specialists and reviews about this clinic.


Piercing is the physical modification of the surface of the body through piercing for wearing jewelry. Piercing on the cheekbone muscles creates the illusion of natural depressions due to decorative jewelry attached to the skin.

These dimples are often called metal dimples because the jewelry is made from a variety of precious and semi-precious metals.

Only a professional should create such indentations, so do not try to make a puncture yourself, otherwise you risk not only introducing germs, but also getting injured.

A qualified specialist with many good reviews and disinfected tools is exactly what you need. But, remember, not every master will undertake to do the necessary punctures if you have not reached the age of majority. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to visit a neurologist, who will determine the location of the facial nerves at a medical level. The piercer can do two types of punctures: classic and intradermal implantation.

He must explain the features of the species clearly and clearly. Regardless of the chosen method, it is imperative to take care of the areas at the puncture sites. The master should also indicate options for healing and antibacterial solutions.

According to statistics, the smile of 30% of the world's people is accompanied by charming dimples appearing at the corners of the mouth. Cute hollows are so attractive that many people want to get this cute detail of appearance by any means.

Is it possible to acquire dimples on the cheeks bypassing natural predestination, and how to do this? Modern cosmetology gives an affirmative answer and offers various means to achieve the desired effect.

The hollows on the cheeks only appear clearly when a person smiles. On a relaxed face, without facial expressions, they are practically invisible. The appearance of dimples when smiling is explained by the peculiarity of the anatomy of the large zygomatic muscles, simply called the “laughing muscles.” A spectacular appearance feature is, in fact, a flaw in the structure of the facial muscle.

The fibers of the bifurcated muscle bundle are separated, moved to the side and attached to the inner skin segment of the cheek. When you smile, the muscle tissue contracts, the welded area is pulled inward, resulting in hollows forming on the cheeks.

Makeup - Here's how to easily create dimples. The main thing is not to overdo it.

The special structure does not in any way affect the functionality of the facial muscles, it only gives the appearance a pleasant prettiness. An anomaly of this kind is dominant in nature and is transmitted genetically. Dimples can be located on one cheek or both.

They differ in appearance:

  • deep dimples;
  • barely visible depressions;
  • with symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangement;
  • rounded recesses;
  • vertically elongated depressions. The size of the dimples depends on the individual appearance.

Reasons for the popularity of dimples

There is a certain amount of truth hidden in the ironic statement of the Canadian writer Stephen Butler Leacock about the fact that a man who falls in love with dimples mistakenly marries the whole lady. It’s not difficult to give your heart to a beauty with an incomparable smile.

Hollows on the cheeks are associated with femininity, kindness, a cheerful disposition and a slightly childish, touching image that evokes sympathy and trust.

Society has a positive attitude towards those with a pretty smile. Dimples are considered to be a “sign of happiness,” and are sometimes called “the kiss of an angel.” It is believed that those with lucky marks are lucky. Men often choose girls with “marks of happiness” on their faces as their life partners, hoping to get a share of luck and success with them.

Among some representatives of Asian people, the presence of dimples indicates increased human sexuality. In addition, those with dimples look younger than their age. Perhaps this is where the attractiveness of a special cosmetic detail lies for many ladies.

Is it possible to make dimples on the cheeks?

Experts in the field of cosmetology suggest how to make dimples on the cheeks or create the visual illusion of their presence. Flirty notches can be obtained in 2 ways - on your own, with home remedies, or surgically.

The list of basic techniques for achieving the goal includes:

  • decorative cosmetics;

  • a set of special exercises;
  • cheek piercing;
  • Botox injections;
  • an operation called dimplectomy.

Independent manipulations do not lead to instant results. The desired effect is achieved through systematic training of the facial muscles. During the period when dimples have not yet formed, and the desire to have them is great, professionals recommend using decorative cosmetics. Any girl can master the technique of shading and skillfully use foundation.

You can get advice on how to properly decorate your face in this case from a professional cosmetologist. And then, following the recommendations, apply makeup yourself. A radical technique is piercing. The depression is formed when you smile due to a puncture and fixation of the earring in it. The negative side of this technique is that the puncture leaves a scar.

A small mark will always be present, even on a relaxed face, without facial expressions. Plastic surgery is considered an irreversible procedure. It will never be possible to completely get rid of newly acquired depressions during surgery.


Special gymnastics for the formation of the desired cavities has a beneficial effect on the appearance as a whole, improving the contour of the face and smoothing out fine wrinkles.

The complex includes:

  • cheek muscle training;
  • gymnastics for the zygomatic muscles;
  • gymnastics for the large zygomatic muscles;
  • exercises for the appearance of dimples.

Exercises that will help you create dimples on your cheeks should be performed in front of a mirror.

If the muscles of the cheeks lose their tone and sag, then the lower contour of the face changes not for the better. Dimples will not decorate a swollen face, so cheek training is an obligatory component of the overall complex.

Muscles are trained as follows:

  • Open your mouth, lower your lower jaw, form your mouth in the form of the number “0”. Place a clean index finger on the bottom row of teeth. The lower jaw should always remain in a lowered position. Squeezing the muscles of your cheeks, try to move your finger to the center of your mouth. Repeat several times. During the first execution, there is a desire to push the finger with the lips, but the algorithm of actions must be correct: first the muscles contract, the cheeks seem to be drawn inward and move the finger, and only then, by inertia, the lips come into action.

The zygomatic minor muscles, located on the line from the eyes to the corners of the mouth, are trained according to the following algorithm:

  • Bring your mouth to the position of the number “0” similar to the first exercise. Place your index fingers upward in the mouth at an acute angle of 45°. Try to use your upper lip, without straining your lower jaw, to move your fingers inward. Try again several times, working only with the muscles of the upper lip.

The zygomaticus major muscles, running from the temporal region to the mouth, support the facial frame. Keeping them in good shape ensures a clear outline of the cheekbones.

Gymnastics for the large zygomatic muscles is simple:

  • Bring your mouth to the familiar “0” position, tense the muscles under the eyes (try to move the area under the eyes up, closer to the eyes). Relax your face. Repeat. These muscles are rarely involved in facial expressions and may not respond during the first training session. Over time, you manage to feel them, and the exercise gives an effect.

A table with a special training complex will tell you how to make dimples on your cheeks. It is recommended to perform gymnastics twice a day until the desired result is achieved, without skipping. The effectiveness of your training will increase if you gradually increase the number of repetitions in each exercise.

Exercise no. Description Recommendations
1 Press down the areas selected to form the depressions with your fingers. Smile as widely as possible without opening your lips. Repeat the exercise 50 times.
2 Starting position with fingers on cheeks, as in option 1. Smile alternately, first with one corner of your closed lips, then with the other. Repeat at least 50 times for each cheek.
3 Retract your cheeks as much as possible, biting them lightly from the inside with your teeth. Smile. Repeat 10 times.
4 Press your upper lip tightly to your teeth and smile, slowly lifting the corners of your lips upward. Then smile, raising the corners of your lips at an accelerated pace. Do 15 times quickly, 15 times slowly.

Cosmetic techniques

How to get the “mark of happiness” without exhausting yourself with training and without resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon? Decorative cosmetics are a quick and gentle method of achieving your goal. With the help of makeup, it is easy to create artificial dimples or highlight the small depressions on the cheeks given by nature.

Instructions for applying makeup:

  • smile and determine where to draw cosmetic dimples;
  • draw a small comma with a thin tail lowered down 1–1.5 cm. An elegant design is applied with eye shadow or eyeliner with a matte effect. It is better to avoid glossy and shiny products in this case in order to get a more natural result;
  • use cosmetics in natural light brown and beige shades. If the purpose of creating a cosmetic effect is to create an original photograph, then darker tones will do;
  • disguise the drawing with shadows. Shading is done in a circular motion with a small brush along the trajectory of a comma;

  • use a large brush to lighten the edges;
  • powder your face, smile and check whether the desired result has been achieved.

Technique using a cosmetic pencil and brush:

  • determine the location of future dimples;
  • use a brown pencil to place volumetric dots symmetrically on each cheek;
  • at a distance of no more than 2 cm from the points, draw arcs above and below;
  • Having relaxed the facial muscles, shade the pattern with a brush.

Reception "contouring":

  • Use a bronzer with dark dye to place dots at the expected location of the dimples;
  • cover the area around the dots with highlighter;
  • To highlight existing dimples, only a highlighter is used. Using a product for highlighting individual areas of the face, the area near the natural depressions is highlighted, thereby creating a beautiful relief pattern.

Powder helps highlight natural hollows. The choice of color for a powdered cosmetic product depends on your skin tone. The powder should be 1-2 shades darker than the natural shade. The powder is applied with a brush to the borders of the dimples, thoroughly shaded and covered with foundation on top.

Surgical operations

Surgical intervention, as a result of which it is possible to create dimples on the cheeks, has 2 types.


A plastic surgeon will tell you how to make dimples on your cheeks quickly and permanently. Cosmetics give only a one-day effect; the results from exercises are extended over time. And only through surgical intervention does the image change instantly, dramatically and forever.

The operation to create cosmetic depressions on the face, widely practiced abroad, is also carried out in some Russian clinics. The cost varies depending on the level of the clinic and the range of additional services from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Plastic surgery is not very complicated and takes about an hour.

After the procedure, the patient is usually discharged home immediately. During the operation, under local anesthesia, the doctor makes an incision on the inside of the cheek at the location of the future dimple and removes fatty tissue. Next, using suture material, the surgeon tightens and fixes the muscle in a certain position, thereby forming an artificial depression on the outside.

The rehabilitation stage after surgery lasts about a month, accompanied by taking antibiotics, painkillers and compliance with all medical prescriptions.

  • eat only soft, ground food;
  • after a meal, rinse your mouth with an antibacterial agent;
  • Gently brush your teeth without touching the injured area of ​​your cheek.

Healing time depends on the individual body's ability to recover. Follow-up medical examinations are carried out every other week, after 30 days and at the end of 3 months.

General complications (bleeding, internal scars) occur extremely rarely since the amount of tissue trauma during the operation is small.

Sometimes defects appear in the form of:

  • asymmetry of the location of the depressions;
  • different depths of dimples;
  • not natural looking recesses;
  • transforming artificial dimples into deep, unnatural wrinkles on still ageless facial skin.


Professionals consider correction of the lower part of the face with botulinum toxin injections a risky procedure.

Only an experienced doctor can accurately determine the required amount of the drug, select the correct points for its administration, taking into account the thickness, age-related characteristics of the skin, changes in tissue structure as a result of previous cosmetic procedures.

Botulinum therapy gives a quick visible effect and, despite the high cost and potential risks, is popular. An injectable drug with a viscous and plastic structure - a filler - is injected into the muscle tissue of the face and forms convex formations on the cheekbones. These formations tighten the contour of the face and lift the cheeks.

As a result of manipulations to change the relief of the cheekbones, the skin in the lower part of the face moves inward, forming depressions. The procedure is painless, but to ensure maximum patient comfort, an anesthetic is applied to the skin.

The dimples on the face are clearly visible after injections until the injected filler enters into a metabolic reaction and is absorbed. The duration of action is approximately 6 months, after which the procedure is repeated. To avoid an excess of toxic substances in the body, the number of repetitions should not exceed 4 times a year.

The drug is still the subject of controversy. According to doctors, toxin injections should be used only in exceptional cases. The disadvantage of this method of acquiring cute dimples is the need to regularly perform a risky procedure and constantly invest money in its implementation.


Modifying the face with a piercing and jewelry inserted into it is a rather extravagant method of acquiring an attractive cavity.

An earring in the cheek does not look like a natural indentation, but it really changes the face.

And if you remove the jewelry, the pierced cheekbone muscle retains a mark similar to a natural cavity.

Experienced piercers know how to make dimples on the cheeks.

Usually they resort to one of two methods:

  • traditional version- puncture with a special needle;
  • subcutaneous implantation. A small puncture is made under the skin and a barbell is passed through it. A decoration of your choice is screwed onto it: a ball, a spike or an earring of a different configuration.

Getting your face pierced is a big step.

It is important to take into account the following aspects:

  • The procedure must be carried out by an experienced master who has a license for this type of activity. Trying to perform a puncture yourself can lead to negative consequences (infection, damage to the skin or facial nerve);
  • Before the procedure, you should visit a neurologist and seek his recommendations, since any puncture on the face is potentially dangerous. It is important to choose the puncture site correctly so as not to damage the facial nerve and cause muscle atrophy. Upon completion of cosmetic procedures, visit the doctor again;
  • an important circumstance is sterile conditions for the procedure;
  • immediately after the puncture, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic and an earring made of precious metal - silver, gold, platinum - inserted;
  • Wash the wound with special solutions according to your doctor’s prescription until it heals. Do not allow hot water to get into it. Avoid visiting the solarium and swimming pool. Wear the jewelry until the wound heals, at least 2–3 months.

On average, the price of the procedure is 1 thousand rubles. for 1 puncture. Costs include the cost of jewelry, medical consultations and medications used during the recovery period. Dimples on the cheeks are a gift from nature.

For those who do not have such a gift, but who dream of an “angel’s kiss,” modern cosmetology and medicine provide many opportunities. All that remains is to choose how to make yourself the desired “sign of happiness” in the most optimal way.

Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about dimples

How to quickly achieve dimples on your face:

Knowing how to make dimples on your cheeks, you can surprise others with an attractive smile and add a touch of coquetry to your appearance. Notches can add romance, innocence and make a smile slightly mischievous. You can achieve the desired result in two ways - surgically and at home. Before choosing any method, you need to familiarize yourself with each and decide which one is most suitable.

Is it possible to make dimples on the cheeks?

It is possible to ensure that notches appear. If you perform any manipulations yourself, you need to know that it will not be possible to achieve an immediate effect. Exercises should be performed systematically, several times a day. During the period when dimples have not yet made themselves felt, you can resort to the help of decorative cosmetics. In this case, you need to skillfully use toning products, master the shading technique and try not to smudge the applied makeup.

TO a radical way is possible include cheek piercings. But you should think several times before getting a piercing: firstly, it will not give your appearance respectability, and secondly, the piercing will leave a scar. Due to the piercing and a small earring with a ball, when you smile, a depression will form.

Plastic surgery is also an irreversible procedure.- the dimple will be made forever, it will no longer be possible to completely remove the depression. Botox injections can also be classified as plastic surgery.

Set of exercises

You can make dimples yourself at home using a set of exercises. It must be performed at any opportunity. Among home methods, gymnastics is the most effective, without creating a visual illusion, but actually working out the cheeks. Each exercise is illustrated with a photo for greater clarity:

The video shows in more detail a set of exercises that will help you make dimples.

With makeup

Decorative cosmetics allow you to quickly create dimples or highlight existing ones. To do this, you can choose one of the following step-by-step instructions:

Pencil + brush

Advice: The shade of the pencil should be selected based on the color type (a darker tone is suitable for dark-skinned girls, a less noticeable one for light-skinned girls).


Tip: If you have dimples, but you need to make them more noticeable, then you should use only a highlighter, highlighting the area near the dimples.


By the way, men are also not averse to acquiring such a charming highlight, which is why they can sometimes be seen in specialized plastic surgery centers.

You can instantly make dimples deeper using the cosmetic procedure of Botox injections or through surgery.


Manipulation is carried out using fillers - these are special gels based on hyaluronic acid. They are injected and appear as convex formations on the cheekbones. Due to the fact that the cheeks are raised, the skin in the lower part of the face goes inward, forming dimples. At the same time, the oval of the face is tightened, the shape becomes more defined.

The disadvantages of this procedure include the high cost and the need to perform it regularly, since fillers tend to dissolve over time.


This is a simple plastic surgery that is performed under local anesthesia and includes a subsequent stage of rehabilitation. Its essence is to make an incision on the inside of the cheek. At the site of the intended dimple, fatty tissue is removed, and the edges of the incision are sutured together. Fixed, they will eventually tighten in this position, creating a dimple.

Before deciding to have a dimplectomy, you need to visit a doctor and get his recommendations. Plastic surgery does not cause significant damage to the body, but includes a recovery period that lasts up to a month and is accompanied by taking antibiotics and following doctor’s orders.

There are several ways to create dimples or make them larger. If you want to avoid outside interference, then the best way out is special exercises. Some simple manipulations using decorative cosmetics will create the appearance of dimples if there is a need for quick results.

Experts in psychology and physiognomy believe that those with dimples are necessarily cheerful, cheerful and independent people who lead an active lifestyle. Women with such facial characteristics are romantic, amorous, and are extremely popular with men. However, in Russia, representatives of the fairer sex with dimples are usually very rare. What is the reason?

How dimples form on the cheeks

From a medical point of view, dimples on the cheeks are a facial defect that is inherited. The zygomaticus major muscle, located on the outer surface of the zygomatic bone, moves downward and medially, intertwining with the orbicularis oris muscle and the skin of the corner of the mouth. It has a bifurcated structure, but its anatomical features vary among different people. In some cases, it is of insufficient length, and in its middle part there are sometimes transverse fibers that are woven into the dermis of the cheek. This allows subcutaneous fat to “grow” through the fork of the muscle to the underlying muscle layers. When you smile, when the zygomaticus major muscle contracts, the fused segment of skin is pulled down, which leads to the formation of small depressions on the cheeks. This defect occurs in men and women, and over time it may disappear. But in any case, many factors play into the appearance and maintenance of dimples on the cheeks.

Emotional impact

If you look at 2-4 year old children, no matter what nationality or race, more than half will have visible dimples. However, by the time a person reaches puberty, they often disappear. Lange Fritz, a German surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, in his book “The Language of the Human Face” explains that the influence of heredity on the formation of the shape of the mouth, facial features and even the nose of a child is as irrefutable as the influence of his further environment. How long a person’s dimples will last depends on the amount of time the child sucks the pacifier, how he generally eats, and what kind of psycho-emotional structure he has in his family. Lange Fritz gives an example of how, before his eyes, a child with naturally thin lips and dimples on his cheeks due to the fact that he sucked a pacifier until the age of 5 and did not receive enough parental love, by the age of 6 already had slightly inverted, plump lips and a round, full face without any zygomatic fossae. It’s not for nothing that psychologists attribute these facial expressions to a sign of a cheerful character. Even if they are genetically determined, but the surrounding reality throughout life forces a person to suffer or very often be in a tense and stressful state, visually the dimples become invisible. At the same time, the zygomatic muscle can become longer with age, because the corners of the mouth are constantly drooping or its original defect, as such, still remains and can even be inherited, but on a given face it is overgrown with adipose tissue.

Age-related changes

With age, a person's facial muscles relax and lose strength. In women, especially those with an emotional nature, this happens faster and more noticeably. The famous French plastic surgeon, member of the French Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Claude LeLouarne, found that tense facial muscles seem to push fatty tissue, usually located on the face under the muscles, to the surface. Further, due to earth's gravity and stretching of the ligaments (which slowly occurs throughout life) fixing the muscles in a certain position, the tissues displaced from the inside gradually fall down. In this way, ptosis of the eyebrows, cheeks, and the formation of “jowls” are formed. By the time women reach adulthood, the existing dimples on the cheeks are usually covered with fatty tissue, which then sinks and visually conceals them forever. Dr. LeLouarne, based on his theory of structural facial aging, believes that such changes can not be expected if plastic surgery is sought in advance. Modern medicine can partially prevent the irreversibility of ptosis of facial tissues, restore dimples on the cheeks, and even give them to a person who has never had such facial features.