How to make sweet yogurt in a slow cooker. Yogurt in a slow cooker without jars - recipes and tips

It's no secret that fermented milk products are good for the digestive system. And for the whole body as a whole. Bifidobacteria, vitamins, calcium again - all this is important and necessary in any diet.

For me, the best example of fermented milk is yogurt. Light, tasty, combined with all fruits and berries - easy to eat. But the question is: how to choose this product in a store so that it has more benefits than harm? Dyes, flavorings, preservatives – it’s scary when you read the ingredients.

I decided to learn how to cook such happiness at home. My mom knows how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, so I borrowed her recipes. We even made the first one together at her home - so that I could probably do it myself.

Yogurt in the Polaris multicooker

If you don’t have starter on hand, you can use either leftover homemade or store-bought yogurt. My mother and I cooked with a store-bought one in her slow cooker, and everything worked out well.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker and mixer, mixing container (deep), cups with lids (we got 6), spoon, multicooker bowl.


To make yogurt tasty and healthy, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing ingredients:

  • You can use any milk, be it whole or pasteurized – you can get yogurt anyway. The main thing is that it is fresh; do not be lazy to check the end of consumption date on the packaging. Milk must also be sold from the refrigerator. If you buy whole meat at the market, always pay attention to the cleanliness of the seller’s hands and never hesitate to take a sample. There, this is the only way to establish that it is good and has not gone sour.
  • Take any yogurt, preferably in a glass. Either with or without filling – to your taste. The main thing is that the expiration dates are observed, it is sold from the refrigerator, and the label indicates that it contains the bifidobacteria we need. My mother takes Activia, and everything always works out.
  • Take fruits or berries according to your desire, taste and season. Even frozen ones will do. This is an optional ingredient, but they make yogurt taste much better.

If everything you need is at hand, you can start creating our fermented milk dish.

Step-by-step preparation

Bon appetit!

Recipe video

If you still have questions about how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, just watch this video. Here, step by step, the entire algorithm for creating this healthy and tasty fermented milk product is analyzed.

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker in jars

At home, I decided to prepare this dessert strictly according to the recipe - with sourdough. I don’t have multicooker cups, so I cooked in jars with lids. It turned out no worse.

Cooking time: 11-12 o'clock.
Number of servings: 4.
Calories: per 100 grams of finished product 120 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, deep mixing container, jars with lids, spoon, multicooker bowl.

As you can see, the set of dishes and equipment has not changed much. Nothing complex was added to the products either.


You already know how to choose milk, now let’s figure out the rest:

  • Cream can be found in any store. As with any dairy product, the main criteria here are that they are sold from the refrigerator, that the expiration dates are in order, and that the container is not damaged.
  • Dry sourdough can now be bought anywhere. But I am suspicious and only buy it at the pharmacy - there is at least some kind of quality control applied to the products. It is important that it is refrigerated, that it is sealed tightly and that the end date is correct. Otherwise, the bacteria inside the jar will die or there will be fewer of them, and this is not at all useful for us.

When you have everything you need in the kitchen, you can start preparing our fermented milk dessert.

Step-by-step preparation

Bon appetit!

Recipe video

This video explains in detail the entire process of creating homemade yogurt in a slow cooker. Be sure to watch it, then even if you are a beginner, you will definitely succeed.

How to decorate a dish

The yogurt itself is quite dense, so you can put beautifully chopped fruits or berries on top of it directly into open jars:

  • Oranges;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bananas;
  • Peaches;
  • Cherries;
  • Raspberries;
  • Blackberry.

Choose any fruit or berries according to the season - they will definitely decorate the fermented milk product and add flavor to it. In addition, if desired, such a dessert can be topped with thin streams of topping or melted chocolate, and even jam. Or just sprinkle with chocolate chips - all options are good, choose to your taste.

Tips for preparing yoghurts in a slow cooker and serving them

  • When preparing such a product at home, it is very important that the milk, cream and yoghurt (or starter) are at the same temperature, preferably from the refrigerator.
  • The fattier the milk from which you are going to make yogurt, the thicker it will turn out.
  • In order to make yogurt, bifidobacteria need to work. If after the allotted time you open the multicooker, and the contents of the jars are completely liquid, close everything and leave for another hour or two, everything will definitely work out.
  • Store the finished fermented milk product only in the refrigerator and for no more than three days.– there are no preservatives, it tends to spoil.

These desserts are served chilled. This is a great light breakfast for those on a diet. Yogurt looks great for an afternoon snack. This dish can be the perfect dessert for any table and any meal.

Options for preparing yoghurts

In fact, making yogurt at home is not a difficult task at all. In addition, you can prepare it in different ways:

  • If you have such a unit, you will like the recipe for making yogurt in a yogurt maker, it is very simple and just as tasty.
  • Greek yogurt turns out very well, be sure to try it, it’s an amazing dessert.
  • It was an unexpected but pleasant discovery for me. Be sure to prepare it, both you and the children will love this dessert; everyone in my family loved it.

No recipe can be an axiom; there is always something to change, supplement or improve. Each housewife adapts the cooking method to suit herself. If you can complement or improve my recipe or you have your own delicious way of preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, share your ideas in the comments, I’m interested in your opinion!

Yogurt in a slow cooker (easy way)

We will need:

1 liter of milk, I bought 2.5% fat in the store

1 jar of Activia without additives (by the way, with such a starter, yogurt is even tastier than with flavors and fillers).

How to cook:

Pour all the milk into the multicooker pan, turn on the “Baking” mode, and stand nearby so as not to miss the moment when the milk heats up to 40 degrees. I cooked in a Panasonic 10 multicooker, I didn’t close the lid, so the milk heated up to the desired temperature in 5 minutes. I checked the temperature with a thermometer, this is important because the quality of the finished yogurt depends on the temperature of the milk:

As soon as the milk reached 40 degrees, I pulled the saucepan out of the multicooker so that it did not overheat. I turned off the “Baking” mode.

I poured some milk into a mug and mixed it with Activia:

This mass was poured into milk and mixed thoroughly.

turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes.

Turned off “Heating” and rested for 1 hour.

“Warm up” again for 15 minutes.

Left for 6 hours. I left it overnight, early in the morning I put the pan in the refrigerator, and when I took it out, the yogurt looked like this:

I poured the finished yogurt into jars and closed the lids.

no fuss with banks

no need for a napkin on the bottom of the pan

put it in the night and sleep well

I really liked this method of making yogurt in a slow cooker.

Many girls simply cannot live a day without light diet yogurt. Children love to enjoy this wonderful fermented milk product, especially if you add something sweet to it.

Now we will prepare yogurt according to several recipes, naturally in a slow cooker. At the same time, we will calculate the cost and calorie content of the product.

In any case, yogurt is very tasty and healthy, but today this product is quite expensive, and you won’t always find it fresh.

The slow cooker yogurt recipe I settled on

I've tried many recipes. And I stopped there. I consider it the simplest and most useful.


  • pasteurized milk, fat content 2.5% or more
  • two bottles of bifidumbacterin (or lactobacterin)
  • two tablespoons of sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt

It is important to take sour cream or fermented baked milk that tastes good to you. And use only pasteurized milk. You can take baked milk, the taste will be even more interesting.

Recipe and preparation:

pour approximately 720 ml of milk into a convenient bowl. Open the bottles with bifidumbacterin and dilute their contents with warm water. Add to milk. Add two tablespoons of sour cream or fermented baked milk there.

Mix everything directly with a spoon in the jar. We don’t really need high-quality mixing, so we just stir without fanaticism.

By the way, the second option is to put the sour cream immediately into jars, pour milk with bifidum bacterin into it and then simply mix.

Pour into yogurt cups, cover with lids, and place in the multicooker bowl. Close the lid, install and launch the yogurt program. In my case, the standard program is 8 hours exactly.

When the process is complete, place the yogurt in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Bon appetit! As you can see for yourself, everything is simple and fast (not counting the operating time of the multicooker, but you can set it overnight).

Cost price

As you can see, the cost of a serving of homemade yogurt is low: approximately 21 rubles. per serving of 180 gr.

Calorie content of homemade yogurt

The dish is low in calories - one serving contains only 140 calories.

Yogurt in a slow cooker (basic, simple recipe)

Prepare the following products:

  • A liter of milk (any fat content from 2.5% and above).
  • Ready-made yogurt (Activia is best).
  • Sugar – use as desired.

Note: for those who are on a diet, do not use full-fat milk. But the tastiest yogurt comes from fattier milk. For the first starter, ready-made yogurt without additives is used. In the future, you can use your product.


Let's start cooking! Heat the milk to 40 degrees. You can also do this in the microwave if you don't have time. Add 125 gr. (one package) of pre-purchased yogurt and mix everything well with a whisk or spoon. Do not use a mixer.

Pour the finished mixture into baby food jars. The capacity should not exceed 200 g. Place a silicone mat or a soft napkin at the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Pour 1 liter of warm water into it and place the jars (keep them open). Cover with baking paper.

Set the "Multi-cook" mode. To prepare yogurt in a multicooker in this mode, set the temperature to 40 degrees, and program the time for at least 6 and no more than 8 hours! Turn off the heating. After the program ends, remove the jars and place them in the refrigerator.

After 2-3 hours, fresh yogurt is ready to eat. Now you can add corn flakes, berries, muesli or sugar to the product if you wish.

Fruit yogurt in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • a glass of fruit (banana, apple, peach... any fruit of your choice and according to the season)
  • glass of live yogurt


Wash the fruits thoroughly, peel them, remove the seeds and pits, and use a blender to make a fruit puree.

Boil milk, cool to 40 degrees, add fruit puree and yogurt. Mix and place the resulting mass into washed and dry portioned jars. Place the jars in the multicooker bowl, first placing a cloth or silicone napkin on the bottom. Pour warm water into the bowl so that it covers only a third of the height of the jars.

Set the multicooker to “yogurt” mode for 7-8 hours. If your multi model doesn't have a special mode, no problem. For these cases, there is a scheme tested by other owners of multicookers:

  • heating 15 min
  • multi off 1 hour
  • heating 15 min
  • multi off 3 hours
  • open the multicooker and transfer the jars of yoghurt to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

The trick is to not open the multi and not let the water temperature drop below 40 degrees. You can check whether your gadget maintains this mode without yogurt by heating the water for 15 minutes and checking after three hours.

Yogurt in a slow cooker without jars (with honey and walnuts)

You will need:

  • liter of milk (preferably homemade, boiled)
  • a glass of natural yogurt or homemade sour cream. If you don’t have anything homemade on hand, buy a bottle of Prostokvashino sourdough from the supermarket.
  • honey and walnuts, to taste, for this amount you can take 50 ml of honey and a third of a glass of peeled nuts


Pour warm milk into a multi bowl, add starter (sourdough, yogurt or sour cream). “Yoghurt” mode for 8 hours. You should get a fermented milk mass and a small amount of whey. If you took store-bought milk, there may be a lot of whey.

Separate the mass from the yogurt, for example using a sieve, put the mass in a bowl and add nuts and honey.

The delicacy is ready, enjoy your meal.

Today we will talk about how to make yogurt in a slow cooker simple and fast. To make homemade yogurt, you can use a yogurt maker, but not everyone has one, while a multicooker can be seen in almost every family. Having this miracle of technology at your disposal, you can easily prepare at home any fermented milk products that are better in quality and characteristics than industrial ones.

Why is it better, you ask. It's simple. In industry, in the production of yoghurts and other fermented milk products, stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and other additives are used, which allow the product to last longer, but are not very healthy, and in large doses can even be harmful.

Therefore, today it is best to eat food that you have no doubt about and know exactly what is included in it. This is especially true for baby food, because every mother makes sure that her child receives only high-quality food. It is known that yoghurts that contain live bacteria are more beneficial.

Their regular use improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on digestion. To cook yogurt in a slow cooker you need to know the exact amount of ingredients for a particular multicooker model, as well as the general technology for its preparation. With this knowledge, you will get something that is not only healthy, but also delicious, which both adults and children will enjoy.

Any yogurt in a slow cooker, recipe which you wouldn't find is made with milk. It is best to take homemade whole milk, in which case your yogurt will have a more pronounced creamy taste, and yogurt made with full-fat milk is much thicker. If you use store-bought milk, try to take milk with a fat content of at least 3.5%. As a starter, it is advisable to use dry live starter or Activia yogurt. Remember that dry sourdough contains much more bacteria, so give it preference.

You can cook yogurt in a multicooker Polaris, Philips, Redmond and many others, but one way or another, every housewife will definitely have a question about its shelf life. Be sure to store finished yogurt prepared in a slow cooker in the refrigerator in jars with lids. Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days.

There are situations when, for some reason, the shelf life of yogurt has come to an end, and you still have a few jars of it left. Of course, it’s risky to give such yogurt to children and hardly any mother will do it, but on the other hand, it’s a pity to throw it away. What to do in this case? This yogurt can be used to make homemade baked goods, in particular you can bake pancakes with it or add it to pie dough, as well as bake. If desired, you can add nuts, jam, dried fruits, as well as fresh berries and pieces of fruit to the finished yogurt.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker. Best Recipes

Today we will look at the most popular recipes for making homemade yogurt for different models of multicookers.

Yogurt in a multicooker Polaris


  • Milk - 1 liter,
  • Dry starter – 1 sachet

This Polaris slow cooker yogurt recipe It is popular among mothers with small children. It should be noted that Polaris multicookers, unlike multicookers from other manufacturers, have a “Yoghurt” cooking mode and come with yogurt cups. Regardless of what kind of milk you use, homemade or store-bought, it needs to be boiled and cooled. Yogurt cups also need to be sterilized.

All utensils, as well as the ingredients, must be sterile, this will allow only beneficial bacteria to develop in the yogurt. Add dry yogurt starter to milk at room temperature. Mix well so that there are no lumps in the milk. Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars. Close them with lids and place them on the bottom of the multicooker. Select the Yogurt cooking mode. In this mode, the yogurt will cook for 7 hours.

After this time has elapsed, remove the jars of yogurt and place them in the refrigerator to ripen. During this time it will thicken and reach the desired consistency. The finished yogurt should have a thick consistency, slightly sour, but at the same time not sour. As you can see, making yogurt in a slow cooker It’s not burdensome and takes an average of half an hour, and the rest will be done for you by a smart multi-cooker – an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Yogurt is delicious on its own, but for variety, you can add berry or fruit puree, as well as a spoonful of delicious jam, to it just before use.

Yogurt in a multicooker Redmond


Yogurt in a multicooker Redmond It turns out very tasty if cooked correctly. Redmond slow cookers do not come with special cups for yogurt. But it doesn’t matter, because you can use jars of chocolate paste or baby food. Boil the container in which you will prepare your yogurt or place it in the oven for a few minutes. Boil the milk and cool it to room temperature, then add the starter to it and stir until smooth. Pour it into clean jars.

Place them on the bottom of the multicooker, in which you have previously placed a clean cotton towel. Turn on the Multicook program. The cooking time for yogurt in this mode is about 2 hours. If you are preparing yogurt for the first time, it is advisable to observe it from time to time. With a little practice, you'll have a good idea of ​​when it's ready. In any case, 2 hours is enough. After the program is completed, the yogurt must be left in the multicooker for another 2-3 hours to ripen. After this, take out the yogurt and put it in the refrigerator for one hour.

Now let's figure it out how to make yogurt in a Philips slow cooker.

Yogurt in a Philips multicooker


  • Milk with a fat content of at least 3.5% - 1 liter,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered milk – 1 tablespoon,
  • Vanillin,
  • Dry sourdough – 2 tablespoons

Yogurt in a Philips multicooker According to this recipe, as you have already noticed, it is prepared with the addition of sugar and vanillin. The principle of preparing such homemade yogurt using a multicooker is very similar to the previous recipes that we have already reviewed, but it has some features. So, all ingredients for making yogurt should be at room temperature. In a deep bowl, mix milk with sugar. Add milk powder and vanillin (you can also use vanilla sugar). Stir again.

Powdered milk in this recipe is added to obtain a thicker consistency. If you don't have powdered milk available, just take a spoonful of powdered baby formula. Pour the resulting mixture into clean, sterilized jars. Cover them with lids and place them on the bottom of the multicooker.

Please note that there is no need to pour water into the multicooker. Select the Yogurt cooking mode. In a Philips multicooker in this mode, yogurt is cooked for 8 hours. After this, remove the jars from the multicooker and place them in the refrigerator. Unopened jars of yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Before serving, you can add fresh berry and fruit puree to the yogurt.

Now you know how to cook yogurt in a multicooker Polaris, Phillips, Redmond. And finally, we offer you another recipe for making yogurt with step-by-step photographs.

Adults and children adore tender homemade yogurt. Are you planning to prepare a dairy dessert in the multicooker you purchased, but you don’t yet have special glasses/jars with thick bottoms and walls? In fact, their absence is not a problem. Because delicious yogurt can be prepared right in the multicooker bowl.

I cooked RMC-01, which has a power of only 350 W, and the ceramic bowl holds 2 liters. The menu of my multicooker includes the “Yogurt” program/mode, the default cooking time is 12 hours.

Ingredients for 500 ml milk/4 servings of yoghurt:

  • milk fat content from 2.5% - 500 ml
  • cream fat content from 10% - 200 ml
  • granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon without top
  • sourdough – 100-125 ml.

Yogurt in a multicooker Redmond - recipe

As a starter, you can use a special pharmacy starter or store-bought yogurt, as well as Actimel, Activia or natural Landliebe. In this case, the starter can be either with or without fruit additives. The fattier the cream, the thicker and tastier the yogurt. Sugar aids the fermentation process and adds a sweet taste to the final product.

Pour milk, cream and starter into a clean and dry (not heated!) multicooker bowl. All ingredients at room temperature.

Then add granulated sugar, but you can do without it if you plan to get unsweetened yogurt (like Greek). Mix all ingredients.

Insert the bowl into the multicooker.

Close the lid and turn on the device.

In the Menu, select the “Yoghurt” program/mode and press the “Start” button. If your multicooker does not have such a program, set the temperature to 40C and start the multicooker for 8/10/12 hours depending on the power of your assistant 860/700-600/350 W.

Convenient to start cooking homemade yogurt in a multicooker Redmond in the evening, and in the morning after the signal about the end of the program, (do not stir the yogurt in the bowl!) pour into any jars with lids and put in the refrigerator for at least 2-4 hours. It is better to use small portioned jars. The finished product with airtight lids can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

When serving, thick and tender, soft and very creamy homemade yogurt can be supplemented with fresh berries, your favorite jam, healthy cereal or aromatic honey. Bon appetit!

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker. Photo

So, we need a couple of packs of milk. The fattier the milk you use, the thicker and tastier the yogurt will be. Someone can get the starter at the pharmacy. I’ll just take a small pack of store-bought yogurt for 2 liters of milk. And I’ll get 2 liters of yogurt, beautiful and homemade!

Pour the milk into the multicooker container. We turn on the “Multi-cook” mode or the one that is provided on your device for making yogurt. Set for 15 minutes at 40 degrees.

Preparing jars for yogurt. We wash them and wipe them dry. The containers in which the yogurt will be placed must be the same in volume, as this will affect the cooking time. Pour yogurt into cooled sterilized milk and stir. Pour the resulting mixture into jars, cover them with lids, but do not screw them on.

Be sure to place a towel or rubber mat on the bottom of the multicooker container. The jars should not stand on a “bare surface”. Close the multicooker and set the "Multicook" mode. Set it to 40 degrees and leave for 6 hours. If you do not have such a mode, set the heating for 15 minutes and leave for an hour. Do this 2-3 more times at intervals of an hour and a half. Cover the cooled yogurt and place in the refrigerator until completely cooled and thickened. Serve with berries, fruit or jam. Your family will appreciate this healthy, tasty dish!