How to salt porcini mushrooms? Recipes for salted porcini mushrooms. How to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter: simple homemade recipes

Salted porcini mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious snacks. Mushrooms are a universal product that can be dried, pickled, fried, boiled and salted. There are several ways to pickle porcini mushrooms, each of which has its own pros and cons. By trying different methods of pickling porcini mushrooms, you can get a completely different taste and find one that will appeal to all members of your family.

How to salt porcini mushrooms correctly? There are 2 traditional recipes for pickling porcini mushrooms, which are most often used by housewives.

Recipe for salted porcini mushrooms


  • Porcini mushrooms - 1 bucket
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.


  1. Place the mushrooms in boiling water; when they boil, drain them in a colander and place under running water until they cool. Then leave them to dry, turning them over several times.
  2. After this, take liter jars and place the mushrooms with their caps up. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Then cover with a dry lid and weigh it down with a heavy stone.
  3. After 5 days, when the jar becomes incomplete, add fresh mushrooms again and pour melted warm butter over them. Store mushrooms in a cool, dry place.
  4. Before eating, soak the salted mushrooms for 1 hour in cold water. Soak mushrooms that have been salted for a long time for a day. After this, rinse them under running water.

Classic recipe for salted porcini mushrooms


  • Porcini mushrooms - 1 bucket
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.


  1. Take porcini mushrooms, put them in a container, add salt and leave for a day. Stir occasionally.
  2. After this, strain the resulting juice through a sieve and pour it into a large saucepan. Heat the juice, as soon as it becomes a little warm, pour it over the mushrooms.
  3. On the second day, drain the juice again and heat it to a higher temperature, pour over the mushrooms again.
  4. On the third day, heat the juice so that it is hot and pour over the mushrooms.
  5. After 3 days, boil the mushrooms along with the juice.
  6. After the mushrooms have cooled, place them with their caps up in an oak tub or glass jar, fill with brine, and top with warm sunflower oil and tie a bag.
  7. Before eating, soak in cold water for 4 hours, place on a gas stove with water, heat and drain. Do this 3 times, constantly changing the water, the salt should completely come out of the mushrooms.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms: cold pickling


  • Porcini mushrooms -1 kg
  • Rock salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Cherry and oak leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Dry dill seeds


  1. Take a wooden barrel or tub. If not, then glass, enamel or ceramic dishes. If you use a wooden barrel, you need to wash it well and soak it in water for a while.
  2. Mushrooms must be whole, without damage. Fill them with cold water and let them soak for 3 days so that all the bitter and acrid juice comes out. In hot weather, soak for 2 days; more is not advisable, otherwise they will become moldy. Stir them regularly, change the water 2 times a day. per day. There should be enough water. Then drain the mushrooms and let them drain well.
  3. Scald all ingredients with boiling water. Then start placing leaves on the bottom of the container first, then mushrooms with the plates up, caps down. Sprinkle rock salt over everything. Then lay the layer again, add salt and so on until the entire container is filled. Place garlic between layers. Place pressure on top over the entire area.
  4. After 40 days, the mushrooms will be ready. During this time you need to monitor the brine. As soon as it starts to evaporate, add salt water on top. If mold appears, remove it with a wooden spoon. It is best to keep mushrooms in a cool place on the balcony until frost.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms: the hot method

One of the ways to pickle porcini mushrooms is the hot method.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Blackcurrant - 2 leaves
  • Dry dill - 5 g
  • Salt - 30 g


  1. Pour water into the pan, add salt. Place the pan on the fire and boil the water.
  2. Place mushrooms in boiling water and cook them, do not forget to stir constantly. When foam appears, remove it and add all the spices. Cook for 25 minutes.
  3. As soon as the mushrooms settle to the bottom and the brine becomes clear, turn off. Place the mushrooms in a bowl for 3 hours to cool. After this, place in glass jars, sprinkle with salt, and close. The brine should be no more than 1/5 of the weight of the mushrooms themselves. After 45 days, the mushrooms will be ready.
  4. Store mushrooms for 9 months at 8 degrees.

How to salt porcini mushrooms dry?


  • Porcini mushrooms - 2 kg
  • Salt - 300 g
  • Leaves of oak, black currant, cherry - 5 pcs each.


  1. Peel and cut the mushrooms into thin slices and place on a board. They need to be dried a little in the sun.
  2. Then take a bowl and mix the mushrooms and salt in it.
  3. Place the mushrooms in dry, clean jars. Place the mushrooms tightly so that there is no air between them.
  4. Sprinkle a small layer of salt on top and close the jars with metal lids.

How to salt porcini mushrooms with preliminary blanching?

Porcini mushrooms can be salted in this way, but it is rarely used specifically for porcini mushrooms, although it is the simplest.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 75 g
  • Dill seeds, horseradish root
  • Celery, garlic, currant leaves


  1. Peel the mushrooms, rinse, place in a colander and place in boiling water for 8 minutes.
  2. After this, quickly cool them under running cold water and place them in a bowl, add salt and seasonings.
  3. After 10 days, the mushrooms will be ready.

Autumn is mushroom time, when you can pick up a whole basket of delicious porcini mushrooms. One way to preserve them for the winter is salting. Porcini mushrooms can be salted in different ways: cold, hot, dry, etc. Each of them is usually used for certain types of mushrooms, but all will work for white mushrooms. What these salting methods have in common is the need to prepare young, clean, undamaged porcini mushrooms.

By following the simple rules for preparing porcini mushrooms for the pickling process, you will get wonderful salted porcini mushrooms with which you can pamper your whole family on long winter evenings!

Autumn is the time to collect and prepare mushrooms, and porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms stand out from them. White mushrooms prepared for future use in the winter are good in any form; these mushrooms are dried, pickled, frozen, and salted for the winter. Decently salted porcini mushrooms will look great on a festive New Year's table.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms: Cold method of salting porcini mushrooms

Ingredients for 1 kg.

  • White mushrooms,
  • Coarse table salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Garlic - 1 small head,
  • Oak and cherry leaves - 10 pcs.
  • A couple of dill umbrellas with seeds,
  • Horseradish leaves for strength, to taste.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter

In a wooden barrel in advance!, (if it is new or old, dried out, pour water (1/4 of the volume) and lower the heated piece of iron (my grandmother used a piece of rail for this purpose), cover the barrel for a while with a matting, while the barrel it is disinfected and swells and will not leak in the future. If you do not have a barrel, you can use enamel, ceramic or food-grade plastic dishes.
Mushrooms for pickling should be clean, free of worms, if possible whole and of the same size. Porcini mushrooms, unlike lamellar mushrooms (milk mushrooms, volnushki, nigella, green mushrooms, svinushki), should not be soaked for a long time; they do not contain bitterness and can only be spoiled by this. (You can also salt the saffron milk caps without soaking). Shortly chopped boletus mushrooms can be placed in salted water to get rid of mushroom worms if necessary. It is advisable to lightly boil the white ones without bringing to a boil, drain the dirty water and let it drain well.
Place the mushrooms in a dish in layers, first place the leaves on the bottom, then the mushrooms with the stems up. Sprinkle everything with salt. Then lay the next layer, add salt, and so on until the entire container is filled. It is recommended to place garlic cloves between the layers for flavor; crush the cloves slightly. Place a plate on top of the surface and press it down, preferably with a washed piece of granite or a glass jar of water. So that the mushrooms release juice. Make sure that the brine covers the plate all the time; after a month you can try the whites (we do this much earlier). If mold appears, remove it with a spoon (to combat mold, you can lightly sprinkle the surface with powdered mustard). It is best to store mushrooms in a cool place or refrigerator.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms the hot way

A much faster way to pickle porcini mushrooms is the hot method.

  • Porcini mushrooms - 1 kg.,
  • 3 clove buds,
  • 1 bay leaf,
  • Black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • 2 black currant leaves,
  • 5 g dill seeds,
  • Salt - 30 g

Preparation: Pour water into a saucepan, add salt. Place the pan on the fire and boil water. Place mushrooms in boiling water and cook them, stirring constantly. When foam appears, remove it and add all the spices. Cook for 25 minutes. You can tell when the mushrooms are ready when they settle to the bottom and the brine becomes clear. Then place the prepared mushrooms in glass jars, sprinkling them lightly with salt, and cover with plastic lids. Store mushrooms at a temperature of 8 degrees. Here you will find out

The porcini mushroom grows in the forest and it is not for nothing that it is called the king of the mushroom kingdom. It won this title due to its valuable nutritional qualities and excellent taste. Boletus appetizers are a delicious delicacy that will impress everyone who sits at the holiday table.

The Russian people especially love salted porcini mushrooms, because they are good both as a separate appetizer and as an ingredient for preparing salads and other dishes. No, of course, do-it-yourself porcini mushrooms pickled for the winter are also good, but we talked about them yesterday... Today is a different topic. How to cook salted porcini mushrooms for the winter? How to pickle? This is what we are talking about today. There are two methods of salting - cold and hot, and we will consider them. But first, let’s clarify how to prepare the product for salting.

Preparatory process

To pickle porcini mushrooms, you first need to peel and wash them. Boletus mushrooms are considered pure mushrooms, so they are not peeled with a knife. They don’t even remove the film on the cap. Cleaning a boletus involves removing sand, debris and soil residues from the base of its stem. Just trim the end about a centimeter, taking a little around the circumference of the leg.

It is customary to clean the inside of the hat itself with a brush. If you have a regular toothbrush, that will work too. Remove debris and sand from the inside of the boletus cap. Small mushrooms are first soaked to soak the dirt, and then cleaned. Now the porcini mushrooms need to be thoroughly rinsed with water. Very large fruits are cut into about 4 parts, small ones are left whole.

Getting salted porcini mushrooms - cold method recipe

Before salting, boletus mushrooms should be soaked. Fill the mushrooms with cold water for 2-3 days. If the weather is hot and you don’t have a cellar, reduce the soaking period to a day, otherwise the mushrooms will turn sour. Be sure to change the water several times. Some people soak porcini mushrooms in a saline solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). If you choose this method, you should change the water twice a day.

Prepare a container in which you are going to put boletus mushrooms for pickling. It would be better if it was a wooden tub. But if you don’t have one, a glass container with a wide neck or a bucket will do. The container must be processed so that it is clean.

Porcini mushrooms, whose beneficial properties are beyond doubt, will be even more healing when combined with various herbs. Prepare spices - dill, horseradish leaves, garlic, peppercorns, cumin. Take leaves of fruit bushes and trees - cherries, currants. They will add a subtle aroma to the mushrooms. Rinse them with water.

Sprinkle a thin layer of salt onto the bottom of the container. By the way, the recommended dosage of salt for pickling is 4-5 percent of the weight of mushrooms. That is, for 1 kg of product take approximately 40-50 g of rock salt. Now we lay the boletus mushrooms. The mushroom layer should not be thicker than 5 cm.
Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt again on top, but now we also add spices. Then we alternate - boletus, salt, spices. After filling the container, place a clean cloth on the top layer, then build a weight. Under pressure, the mushrooms will release juice, which will be the brine.

After just a couple of days, you can put the barrel in a cool room. After some time, the mushrooms will settle, and space will be freed up in the cylinder. Then, to fill it up, you can add a new portion of mushrooms. In this case, you need to add the required amount of salt, based on the weight of the new batch. After 5 days, it’s worth checking how the salting process is going. Make sure the mushrooms have released their juice. If the brine is not enough, add salt water (20 g of salt per liter of water) and increase the weight of the load. Boletus mushrooms will be ready to eat in 35-40 days. It is important to maintain the correct temperature regime - from 1 to 6 degrees Celsius.

Important! You must understand that the beneficial properties of porcini mushrooms will not be affected in any way thanks to this cooking method, since there is not the slightest heat treatment. This means that this recipe can be considered medicinal.

Salted porcini mushrooms - hot recipe

This method is used when there are no suitable conditions for cold pickling of porcini mushrooms. For example, when there is no cellar. Another good thing about the hot method is that boletus mushrooms can be eaten within a week. And don’t worry, mushrooms won’t become completely useless when exposed to temperature. Of course, they will lose some of their medicinal properties, but not all of them, not in full.

So, peeled, cut and washed mushrooms need to be immersed in salted boiling water for 15 minutes. We determine the amount of salt based on the weight of the mushrooms - 10 g per 1 kg of product. When the boletus mushrooms are boiled, remove the resulting foam and stir the mushrooms themselves, preventing burning. If they begin to sink to the bottom, it means they are cooked, it’s time to take them out. Let the water drain; a colander or large sieve is good for this.

While the water is draining, prepare the spices. For a kilogram of boletus, take 3 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns, a couple of leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, a pinch of cumin, a few clove buds. Don't forget about salt - for every kilogram of product you will need 40 grams.

Let's start filling the container. You can use any clean container, the main thing is that it does not narrow at the top, because you need to put pressure on the mushrooms. Sprinkle salt on the bottom of the vessel, placing a mushroom layer on top. Do not apply too much, each layer should be 5-6 centimeters thick. Now add salt again and then add some of the spices to the mushrooms. Fill the balloon this way, covering it with a clean napkin or towel. Place a circle on top (you can use a lid whose diameter is smaller than your cylinder). Place a weight on the lid to create pressure on the mushrooms. Put the boletus mushrooms in a cool place for a week. After seven days they will be completely salted.

How to properly store salted boletus mushrooms?

If you have pickled a large number of porcini mushrooms, you need to store them properly so that they do not spoil before you eat them. How to store salted boletus mushrooms? Here it is important to maintain the correct temperature regime - from zero to six degrees Celsius. If it drops below, the mushrooms will freeze, become brittle, and their taste will noticeably deteriorate. As the temperature rises, the mushrooms will begin to deteriorate and mold will appear. If this happens, remove the mold with a rag by wiping the edges of the jar. At the same time, you should also wash the fabric that covers the boletus mushrooms under pressure.

If you managed to collect several buckets of boletus mushrooms, be sure to try pickling them. This is truly a wonderful appetizer that you can delight guests with at any family celebration. If you follow all the recommendations, you will have an excellent royal snack!

It is not for nothing that the white mushroom itself is called the king of mushrooms. The porcini mushroom owes its nickname to its delicious taste, aroma and quite beneficial properties. It is good both fried, canned and dry. Salted porcini mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious snacks. There are several methods for salting such mushrooms - we will share with you the most delicious recipes. We advise you to try them all, because each time you will get a different taste and, in the end, you will find one that absolutely all family members will like.

The first traditional recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms

The ingredients for this recipe will be very simple. For one bucket of porcini mushrooms, take two glasses of salt. You put the mushrooms in boiling water, and when they boil, discard them in a colander and place under running water until they cool down. Then let them dry well and turn them over several times.

After this, you take liter jars and place the mushrooms with their caps up. All layers are sprinkled with salt. Then they are covered with a dry lid and pressed down with something heavy - for example, a stone. After five days, the jar will become incomplete as the mushrooms are well compacted. You again add fresh mushrooms and pour melted and always warm butter over them. The salted mushrooms are ready - all that remains is to hide them in a dry and cool place.

Before use, mushrooms are soaked in cold water for 1 hour. True, if the mushrooms have been pickled for a long time, it is still recommended to soak them for one night, or even a day. After this, they are washed again under running water and served.

The second traditional recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms

Here you will also need a bucket of porcini mushrooms and two glasses of salt. The mushrooms are placed in a container, salted and sent to a dark place for a day. Stir them occasionally. The mushrooms will release juice - it will need to be strained through a sieve and poured into a large saucepan. Heat the juice, and when it becomes warm, pour it over the mushrooms.

On the second day, the juice is also drained and heated to a higher temperature. The mushrooms are filled with it again. Exactly three days later, the mushrooms are cooked with juice. When they have cooled, place them with their caps up in an oak barrel or glass jar, then fill with brine. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil on top and tie the bag tightly.

When you serve the porcini mushrooms, soak them in cold water for four hours, place them on the gas stove with water and heat them up. After this, the water is drained. Do this procedure three times. This is done so that the salt that is in the mushrooms comes out completely.

Cold pickling of porcini mushrooms

Mushrooms prepared according to this recipe turn out incredibly tasty. Perhaps one of the most interesting recipes!

You will need to take a kilogram of porcini mushrooms - this amount includes a tablespoon of salt, a head of garlic, oak and cherry leaves (10 pieces each), and dry dill seeds. Also, do not forget to prepare a wooden tub or barrel where you will put the mushrooms. If this is not the case, take glassware, ceramic or, in extreme cases, enameled.

Mushrooms are selected whole, without any damage. You fill them with cold water and leave them to soak for three days so that the acrid and bitter juice is completely released. In hot weather, we recommend soaking for two days. No more, otherwise the mushrooms may become moldy. Stir them regularly and change the water twice a day.
After 2-3 days, the mushrooms and water are drained. All ingredients are scalded with boiling water and placed at the bottom of the container.

First you place the cherry and oak leaves, then the mushrooms with the leaves facing up and the caps facing down. Everything is sprinkled with rock salt. Then a layer of mushrooms is placed again, salted, and so on until you fill the entire container. Oppression is placed on top of the area.

The mushrooms will be ready in about 40 days. If the brine suddenly starts to evaporate, add a little salt water on top. Mold may appear - in this case, remove it with a wooden spoon. Mushrooms are best kept in a cool place until frost sets in. For example, on the balcony.

Hot pickling of porcini mushrooms

The hot method of pickling mushrooms is one of the simplest and most common. For a kilogram of mushrooms you take three cloves, one bay leaf, 3 peppercorns, two currant leaves, 5 grams of dried dill, 30 grams of salt.

Pickling mushrooms begins by pouring water into a pan and adding salt. Then the pan is placed on the fire, the water is brought to a boil. You put mushrooms into boiling water and cook them, not forgetting to stir. When the foam appears, remove it and add all the spices. Cook for 25 minutes.

When the mushrooms settle to the bottom and the brine becomes completely transparent, the stove must be turned off. The mushrooms are placed in a basin for three to four hours. After this, place them in glass jars, sprinkle with prepared salt and close. How much brine should be in each jar? In our experience, no more than 1/5 of the weight of all the mushrooms in the jar. After 45 days, mushrooms can be eaten as an appetizer with side dishes.

These mushrooms can be stored for a maximum of 9 months. The ideal storage temperature is 8 degrees.

Dry pickling of mushrooms

To pickle mushrooms using the dry method, you will need two kilograms of porcini mushrooms, 300 grams of salt, 5 pieces each of oak, cherry and black currant leaves.

You peel the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices, then place them on a board. You will need to dry the porcini mushrooms a little in the sun - then they will be better salted. Then take a basin in which the mushrooms and salt are mixed. They are placed in clean, dry jars along with salt so that there is no access to air. A small layer of salt is poured on top, and the jars themselves are rolled up with metal lids.

Pickling porcini mushrooms with preliminary blanching

This method of salting is used for porcini mushrooms quite rarely. At the same time, it is considered the simplest. Take ordinary porcini mushrooms in the amount of 1.5 kilograms and 75 grams of salt. For seasoning, we recommend taking dill seeds and horseradish root, as well as celery, currant leaves and garlic.

The mushrooms are cleaned, washed very well and placed in a colander. Then they need to be immersed in boiling water for about eight minutes. Cool them quickly under running water and place them in a bowl, add salt and seasoning. In just 10 days the mushrooms will be ready.

Pickling porcini mushrooms with vegetables

We offer a very original way of salting porcini mushrooms with vegetables for the winter. For a kilogram of fresh mushrooms you need to take 0.5 liters of water, 80-100 ml of vinegar, one medium carrot and one sweet pepper, two tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, allspice and bay leaves to your liking.

So, you peel the mushrooms, wash them and cut them into small pieces. Vegetables are also washed and peeled, carrots are grated, peppers are cut into strips. Add sugar, spices and salt to the water, then bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, add vinegar and vegetables, bring to a boil again and simmer for three minutes. Then add the marinade to the mushrooms and boil for fifteen minutes over low heat. Cool the finished mushrooms. There is no need to infuse them - the mushrooms are ready to eat immediately after cooling. It is best to store porcini mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Another simple recipe for pickling mushrooms

A reader shared this recipe on one of the mushroom forums. We tried it, we confirm - it turns out quite tasty, it lasts quite a long time in jars. And in winter nothing explodes.

Take a bucket of mushrooms and fill it with plain water so that all the mushrooms are hidden. Add 1-2 tablespoons of salt and ¼ teaspoon of citric acid there. It will be needed to ensure that the mushrooms do not change color. Then bring it all to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. 60% of the original volume of mushrooms should settle to the bottom. Then the liquid is poured out, and it is better to leave the mushrooms to cool.

Meanwhile, you prepare the brine while the mushroom cools. This can be ordinary salt in boiled water. Here you can take everything to your liking. For example, some people like the mushrooms to be saltier, while others, on the contrary, prefer that the salt is almost undetectable.

When the mushrooms have cooled, you transfer them to jars and fill them with brine. That's all!
We hope that our tips have diversified the menu in your family and made it more healthy and nutritious.

Cooking mushrooms for the winter has its peak - late summer and autumn. At this time, you need to have time to collect and prepare mushrooms for future use. Prepared salted mushrooms for the winter, dried and pickled, will be very useful to you later. But first you need to know how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to freeze mushrooms for the winter, how to prepare dried mushrooms for the winter, how to cook mushrooms for the winter. Almost all edible mushrooms are suitable for harvesting for the winter: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms, boletuses, boletuses, butter mushrooms, champignons, volushki, saffron milk caps, and of course porcini mushrooms. Recipes for preparing porcini mushrooms for the winter are very varied, since this mushroom is very tasty and easy to prepare. This is why many people love to collect and cook porcini mushrooms. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter include all known methods, while many lamellar mushrooms can only be salted.

Let's start with the question, how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. More often than others, pickling porcini mushrooms for the winter is common. The porcini mushroom is the king of all mushrooms, and pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter are very tasty. Usually we pickle white mushrooms for the winter separately from other mushrooms. When we marinate porcini mushrooms for the winter, we cut large mushrooms into pieces, and marinate small ones whole. These rules, in principle, work when we prepare others pickled mushrooms for the winter. The video recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter will show you all the stages of pickling, show you how to prepare and how to roll mushrooms for the winter. The marinade for mushrooms for the winter is standard: salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Depending on what kind of pickled mushrooms you want to prepare for the winter, the recipe may contain different types of spices and proportions of marinade ingredients.

Another way to preserve mushrooms for the winter is to pickle mushrooms for the winter. The recipes will show you how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. Perhaps this is the most ancient way to cook mushrooms for the winter. The recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter may differ for different mushrooms. Some lamellar mushrooms are pre-soaked to remove the bitterness from them. Salted milk mushrooms, volushki, saffron milk caps are classics of the genre, but they require a special approach. Therefore, you should figure out how to salt mushrooms for the winter and which recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter is right for you. For example, salting porcini mushrooms for the winter and salting chanterelle mushrooms will be slightly different. Harvesting for the winter, or rather, salting, is possible in two ways - cold and hot. In both cases, you can prepare salted porcini mushrooms for the winter, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, etc., but hot pickling requires preliminary boiling of the mushrooms, and cold pickling takes longer.

And if you look at how to boil mushrooms for the winter and how to preserve boiled mushrooms for the winter, then perhaps choose this option for preparing mushrooms. Usually vinegar or boiling sunflower oil is added to boiled mushrooms. After this, the usual preservation of mushrooms for the winter occurs. Recipes for boiling mushrooms may be useful for both pickling mushrooms and hot pickling.

Drying mushrooms is the choice of lazy people. This way you can prepare boletus, chanterelle, butterdish, porcini mushroom. Preparing dried mushrooms for the winter will pay off handsomely in the form of aromatic mushroom soup or gravy. Again, there are several recipes for drying mushrooms for the winter: in the sun and in the oven. For example, some believe that the preparation of dried porcini mushrooms for the winter should be carried out according to the classic version - drying on a string. But keep in mind that not all mushrooms can be dried. Porcini mushrooms are especially often prepared this way for the winter, since they retain their flavor perfectly. This is perhaps the simplest way to prepare mushrooms for the winter.

Freezing is also a great way to prepare mushrooms. There are many ways to freeze mushrooms for the winter. You can freeze raw and cooked mushrooms for the winter. So if you have collected a lot of porcini mushrooms and want to save them for the winter, freezing the porcini mushrooms for the winter will help you. Even fried mushrooms can be frozen. If you love fried mushrooms, you should definitely read how to fry mushrooms for the winter. For example, at your service are recipes for fried porcini mushrooms for the winter, fried boletus mushrooms for the winter, and fried chanterelle mushrooms. Recipes for the winter will show you how to preserve mushrooms for the winter in a slow cooker.

There is more than just storing mushrooms for the winter; the recipes will also help you prepare practically ready-made mushroom dishes for the winter and snacks. This is mushroom pate for the winter, mushroom caviar for the winter, mushroom salad for the winter, mushrooms with vegetables for the winter, cabbage with mushrooms for the winter, solyanka with mushrooms for the winter, etc. In addition to marinade and brine, you can cook mushrooms in tomato for the winter , mushrooms in oil for the winter, mushrooms in fat for the winter. This is how, in particular, fried mushrooms are prepared for the winter. So you have a lot of options on how to close mushrooms for the winter.

Canned mushrooms for the winter should not be stored for too long. Maximum - 1 year. At the same time, canning mushrooms for the winter does not allow the use of metal lids. Mushrooms for the winter in jars it is better to seal with glass or plastic lids. Sealing mushrooms for the winter is done according to standard rules: sterilization of lids and jars, etc.