How to get a job without experience or education. What does it take to get a job? How to prepare and what documents to collect

Despite the difficult economic situation, it is much easier to find a decent job in Moscow than in any other city in our country. Therefore, many citizens go to the capital to get the income they need to live. In this article we will talk about where to go to work during the 2018 crisis in Moscow and how to find a good promising vacancy.

Where to look for work?

In order to find, you can use different sources:

  • Internet;
  • Labor exchanges.

Recently, many citizens of our country are looking for work on the Internet. On the Internet you can find many offers from different companies and organizations. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where it is better to go to work in Moscow, try looking for a suitable option on specialized employment sites. Prepare your resume and keep a close eye on new vacancies. As soon as a suitable offer appears, immediately call the employer and arrange an interview with him.

If you find several vacancies, do not rush to apply for a job on the first offer. Maybe you can choose a more attractive job with a high salary and good conditions. But, at the same time, you should not get too carried away with the search, as this may negatively affect your reputation.

You can get the answer to the question of where to go to work in 2018 at the employment center. The main problem is that labor exchanges offer vacancies that most often do not meet the requirements of applicants. Therefore, if you want to find a good, well-paid job, rely on yourself.

Work without experience

According to the results of recent sociological surveys conducted in the capital, many potential employers are ready to hire employees without work experience. They can offer you special testing developed by company specialists. If you are looking for where to go to work in Moscow without experience, believe in yourself and start looking for available vacancies. Attend interviews, confidently answer all questions and you will definitely succeed.

The easiest option for men who do not have any specialty is general laborers at construction sites, wholesale warehouses and various warehouses. Such professions are not very attractive to people, especially young people, but at the same time they guarantee a decent, stable salary. If you are not afraid of hard physical work, you can get a job, for example, at a large construction site. During the crisis, people, as in a stable economic environment, continue to build and renovate houses, so you can find a vacancy in this area at any time.

Catering establishments

If you're looking for a place to work without a degree, try getting a job as a bartender or waiter in a cafe. There are many different establishments in the capital where you can have a snack and a cup of coffee, so finding such a job will most likely not have any problems.

Of course, many coffee shops operate at a frantic pace, so you will have to work hard to earn money. But there are also advantages. Some companies offer their employees official registration and a full benefits package. In addition, in many prestigious institutions, staff undergo free training in advanced training courses. Sometimes bartenders are sent abroad so that they can exchange experiences with their colleagues from other countries.


This is a huge field of activity in which any person who is looking for where to go to work during the 2018 crisis can choose a suitable option. Most often, applicants are not required to have experience or any special knowledge. Salaries for sales workers are average, but many citizens of our country are quite happy with it.

There is also the other side of the coin. Some companies have too much staff turnover, and these can be both small companies and large retail chains. Almost everyone knows about this, but, no matter what, they go to work in trade. Your best bet is to find a job in a grocery store, supermarket, or pharmacy.

Government institutions

If you are not afraid of a small government salary, you can get a job in a kindergarten, school or any other social institution. This is an ideal option for specialists who are interested in where they can go to work with education. Many young people who have recently graduated from university are attracted by stability, legal security, and all kinds of guarantees.

But some experts believe that not everything is so optimistic in this area. In their opinion, yesterday’s graduates most often get jobs in government agencies. Basically, they find their way into government agencies through labor exchanges or find employment on their own in order to gain experience. In addition, government agencies employ many employees who are over forty. These are people who cannot get a job in commercial organizations due to age restrictions, so government agencies are the only way out of the situation for them.

Jobs for girls

As you know, it is much easier for men to find work than for women. Employers doubt whether the fairer sex has enough strength for strenuous active work, so they most often give preference to men. In addition, a woman may not be able to cope with stress or go on maternity leave.

Let's try to figure out where a girl can go to work in the capital? In principle, any profession is suitable for women - lawyer, doctor, computer engineer, etc. Some girls easily master even typically male professions. It is much easier to get the job you want if you have some professional skills.

If you do not have special education, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Take training courses to master a certain specialty;
  2. Try to get a job in a profession that does not require any special skills;
  3. Make useful contacts with people who can help you find a job.

The most popular professions for girls are secretaries, managers, accountants, sales representatives and lawyers.

Employment for youth

Young people don't have to worry about where to go to work in Moscow. Many companies are happy to hire young people with on-the-job training.

Without work experience you can take the following positions:

  • Sales consultant;
  • Cashier;
  • Telephone operator;
  • Manager.

If a young person shows his best side, the company management will definitely pay attention to him, which means that broad career prospects will open up for the employee.

Many young people who come to Moscow for the first time to earn at least some money get jobs as promoters. They hand out promotional items in busy areas. Each employee must distribute a certain number of leaflets per day. Sometimes promoters wear special suits to attract people's attention. In the center of the capital, there are often walking hamburgers or hot dogs that invite hungry passers-by to visit a specific establishment.

Another common option where to go to work without experience is in a courier service. Almost every company needs such employees. If you don’t want to travel all over Moscow every day, you can find a job as a district courier. In this case, you will deliver within a specific area.


If you can’t find where you can go to work in Moscow, try becoming an employer yourself. Of course, not every person has an entrepreneurial spirit, but if you still have it, you can organize your own business.

This option is perfect for citizens who are wondering. If you do not have start-up capital, you can take out a loan from a bank or try to get free financial assistance from the state. The most important thing is to choose the right direction of activity. In Moscow, almost all niches in the market are occupied by experienced entrepreneurs, so if you decide to open your own business, you need to be prepared for fierce competition.

Free profession

For many residents of the capital who are interested, an alternative option may be to make money on the Internet. If you want to work from home, think about what you enjoy doing and then carefully explore all the possibilities. The most important thing is your desire, and there will always be work.

How to find a job in Moscow? No experience. No connections.

People who have certain skills or knowledge in programming, design, or self-education can become freelancers. This is where in the work chain there are only the performer and the customer who hires him to perform a certain job. You can start writing texts, translating or developing program codes. The more tasks a freelancer completes, the higher his rating. Along with the rating, client confidence grows, as does the specialist’s remuneration. If you cannot find a suitable option, choose the freelance profession.

  • If you want to take a good vacancy, you need to first inquire. Be clear about what salary you want to receive and what position you are applying for. In addition, you should note in your resume where you previously worked, had an internship, or attended additional courses. Focus employers' attention on your personal qualities and capabilities;
  • During the interview, you may be asked questions that relate to your professional skills. To pass such a test with dignity, collect as much information as possible about the chosen position and prepare approximate answers;
  • Before the interview, carefully study all the employer's requirements for the applicant. If you have any questions about work, it is better to ask them by phone;
  • To get a well-paid job, you need to have a Moscow residence permit. In principle, registration in the Moscow region will do. If you do not have the opportunity to register in the capital or region, try to resolve this issue at an interview.
  • (32 voted. Rating: 4.75 out of 5)

The world is full of absurdity. A striking example is applying for a job: they don’t hire you without experience, and to get it, you need to work. Yesterday's students, faced with such a situation, grab their heads and don't know what to do. But there is a way out. Let's figure out how to get a job without experience or education.

How to get a job without experience

When entering university, many thought that upon graduation they would immediately get a well-paid job. However, during interviews, the most common phrase is “We’ll call you back.” What's the matter? Lack of experience. But how can you get it if you don’t get a job?

Experience is a flexible concept. It is obtained not only by working in one’s specialty, but also in related positions. If you want to get a job as an HR manager, first get into the position of an assistant. This principle applies to all industries.

Popular vacancies that hire without experience:

  1. Network marketing.

Some network companies are already annoying everyone with their intrusiveness. However, network marketing has not lost its benefits. An active person with a loose tongue can achieve great heights here. The main thing is entrepreneurship and the ability to go beyond the promotion schemes that the company offers.

Choose young companies that have not yet ruined their reputation. Due to low-quality products and aggressive marketing, it is impossible to break into large companies.

  1. Waiter.

The main requirements for this profession are neatness, good appearance, physical and moral stability. Experience is not required, but once you have it, you can get a job in an establishment where wealthy people gather. This promises a high salary and decent tips, which often exceed the salary.

A friendly and courteous waiter can make a career in the restaurant business, rising to the rank of manager and general manager of the chain. However, for this it is necessary to work a single shift for 12, and sometimes 15 hours, while always smiling.

  1. Realtor.

Getting a job at a real estate agency couldn’t be easier, since they usually have a wild staff turnover. This is alarming, and for good reason. Not everyone is gifted at making deals. You need to know at least the basics of sales and psychology.

A realtor lives on a percentage of real estate sales and rental transactions. Of course, this is not the same as selling vacuum cleaners, but the commission here is much higher. Having sold a prestigious apartment or house, an agent receives several tens of thousands of dollars.

  1. Freelancing.

Remote work is a salvation for young professionals, especially in the field of IT technologies. Experience is not required, but a freelancer’s income depends on it. The better the quality of the order, the higher the price tag.

Programmers, web designers, copywriters, translators, editors, content managers, SEO specialists, and artists make money from freelancing. This list includes all professions that are not tied to a workplace.

To find freelance work, register on exchanges and complete orders, gradually filling your portfolio. After you have acquired several regular clients and gained experience, gradually increase the cost of your work. This way you will get rid of cheap orders and attract more “fat” employers.

  1. Sales consultant.

Suitable for people who love to communicate and want to make a career in sales. Working without experience in this field is not uncommon. The main thing here is to navigate the parameters of the goods and be able to explain the advantages of one over the other.

In large chains, sellers of household appliances and electronics receive good money. A competent specialist who regularly helps people with their choices can build a worthy career in this field.

  1. Courier.

Working as a courier does not require experience, but you need to be resilient and resistant to stress. Young people can get a job in several online stores, develop an effective route and deliver goods to the post office or to the customer’s door. To work with a large volume of parcels, you need a personal car.

If you build a delivery scheme and work out some of the nuances of the work, then a good income is guaranteed. Subsequently, all this can develop into your own delivery service, and completely different money is circulating there.

  1. Working specialties.

If you don’t know how to find a job as a turner or milling machine, don’t be discouraged. Many blue-collar skills are taught in factories and factories. Of course, no one is allowed into the machine immediately. Therefore, you will have to work as an apprentice for some time.

In practice, training takes place much faster than at school desks, so after a year or a year and a half a person gains enough experience to work independently. This is hard work, but it brings a stable and predictable income.

How to get a job without education

When looking for work, many people face a double problem: they have neither experience nor education. Usually these are those who do not want to work in their specialty or who did not study at a university. How can you get a job with such an “incredible” resume? Here are four recommendations:

  • Learn to solve problems.

Remember the truth - money does not pay for the A's in the diploma, but the ability to solve the assigned problems. If you do this efficiently and meet deadlines, the specialist receives even more income and quickly grows up the career ladder.

Tell us at the interview about your experience in solving problems and how you approach this issue in your professional and personal life. Prepare (come up with) several stories that will show your best qualities as a specialist.

Analyze the position you want to get into. What kind of person does the company want to see in this position? You can directly ask this question to the HR manager and, based on the answer, build a self-presentation.

  • Get an alternative education.

For the employer, it does not matter how much the applicant wiped his pants at the institute. It is important to him what knowledge and skills he acquired during this time. Therefore, if you have learned to do the work yourself, learning from video lessons or in practice, this will be enough to get you on probation.

As a rule, self-education provides much more knowledge than full-time education, since a person approaches this issue more responsibly and does not scatter himself into unimportant disciplines.

  • Don't attach any importance.

Education is only one of the resume points and far from the most important. Don't give it too much importance. Focusing on your own inadequacy creates insecurity that hiring managers are sure to feel.

Learn to present yourself by describing your own experience in solving problems. Focus on the benefits. In some cases, even speaking at a student event will be considered an advantage, as it will show you as an active person who is not afraid of public speaking.

  • I have a diploma, but it’s not like it’s there.

As a rule, no one asks for a diploma, especially in private companies. However, if they ask to see it, say that you will tell it later. Usually, having a document with grades is a simple formality. Therefore, having received a job, the main thing is to do it well, then everyone will happily forget about the diploma.

That's all. Now you know how to get a job without experience. The listed vacancies are just examples.

Understand that success and career do not depend on the degree obtained at the university, the personal and professional qualities of a person are important. In the first stages, it is enough to do the job normally and not mess up too much, and then experience will appear, and a promotion is not far away.

According to statistics, 66% of employers are ready to hire yesterday’s student. In large companies this figure is even higher - 85%. So, with a well-written resume, the chances of getting hired are quite high.

Making a resume

Clearly state your goal, for example, the position of an accountant or manager. After all, it is likely that the company is recruiting a whole staff of employees, and if the goal is not specified, the HR manager will not have time to read the entire resume to understand what position you are applying for.

When writing a resume, you should not write about your complete lack of work experience. Surely during your studies you had a practical training, so describe what exactly you did during it.

Be sure to mention your skills that may be useful to the employer. For example, if you know a foreign language, indicate this in your resume, even if there is no such requirement in the job description.

Don't overestimate your salary requirements. As a rule, for beginners it is slightly lower than the market average. Don’t be afraid of low salaries; you will have the opportunity to prove yourself, which means asking for a raise in the future will be appropriate.

Contact information should be placed at the beginning of the resume so that recruiters do not have to re-read it in its entirety in search of your phone number.

Don't send out the same resume to every job opening. Slightly modify your documents, adjusting them to the employer’s requirements.

When going for an interview, leave your modesty at home. It's better to slightly exaggerate your knowledge. Even if your new job responsibilities include work that you have not encountered before, it is not worth saying that you do not have the slightest idea about this matter. It’s better to focus on the fact that it won’t be difficult for you to master a new area.

Beware of scammers

An inexperienced applicant is easily misled, and unscrupulous employers often take advantage of this.

For example, you may be asked to do a “test” presentation or translation of a text. This is how unscrupulous managers look for free employees. It is clear that you will not pass the test, even if you do the job brilliantly. Therefore, you should not agree to such offers. After all, in order to test your knowledge of a language, it is not necessary to entrust you with translating a huge text.

Another way to “test” candidates is through a probationary period. Please note that during this time they must conclude a contract with you and pay you a salary even during the testing period.

Another popular scam is asking people to pay money for training or internships. In reputable companies, during the training period, a newcomer is paid a stipend! You can only deposit any money if you enroll in courses.

It's no secret that it is quite difficult for yesterday's graduates to find a job. But nevertheless it is possible! With the right approach, initiative and a bit of luck, you have every chance of entering the office almost immediately after receiving your diploma.

Have you ever looked for a job and have no idea how to approach this difficult task? It's okay - read our tips, make a plan and act.

Decide what you need

First, you need to understand what you want to do and where to work. Many people think that the main thing is to please the employer. In fact, you should like him too! Think about it: you will spend at least eight hours of your life in this office. It is very desirable that work and colleagues evoke pleasant emotions and not irritation, otherwise you will not last long.

How to determine your inclinations? Take a piece of paper, a pen and make a list of your strengths and what you can do. Then write down in a separate column those tasks that you are successful in and those that you are not. This list will help you understand what you are passionate about and will come in handy when preparing for an interview.

Register on job search sites

If you haven’t done this yet, be sure to post your resume on leading online job search platforms (like HeadHunter,, SuperJob and others).

Don't neglect registering on LinkedIn - here you can talk about your skills and work experience (if you have any), add people you know to your network of contacts, join interesting groups, publish posts and comment on what others write (just be careful not to errors). Don't forget to update your profile with relevant skills - at a minimum, it will be a useful online resume, at a maximum, it will attract recruiters who are browsing LinkedIn for candidates.

Do your research

So, you understand what you want to do. Now start looking to see which employers have interesting openings. When you find a suitable company, take the time to read more about it: find out how they work and relax there, who the founder is, what kind of people work in key positions. Look for articles and interviews, study the company’s website, look for employees of this company among friends and acquaintances on social networks (including LinkedIn) and ask them questions. If a company releases a product, be sure to check it out. This research will be useful to you both at the interview and to understand whether you need each other.

Don't forget about the hidden labor market

Don't panic if your dream company doesn't have a suitable job. It happens that a vacancy is not published either on the official website or on the work website, but they look for the right employee on social networks or through friends. What to do in such a situation? Find company accounts on Facebook, VKontakte or Twitter - there may well be job advertisements there. You can go to the profile of the HR director or the head of the department you are interested in - sometimes they also write about open vacancies.

If nothing is found, be brave and write a letter to the company - this is normal practice. Of course, it must be thoughtful, competent, and you must send it to the right address. Contacts can be found in the “Work” section. Remember that an unexpected letter is like an unexpected guest, so write politely and meaningfully so as not to waste someone else's work time.

Take the initiative - make a resume website

Let's say you found a company you would like to work for. How to get into it? A girl named Nina dreamed of getting a job at Airbnb. She analyzed the prospects for the service in the Middle East and created a Wix website, where she explained why everything was not going as expected and what needed to be done. And she honestly wrote that she really wants to become part of the team.

What did it give? The link to Nina’s website spread across Twitter, the director of Airbnb drew attention to it, and the Queen of Jordan retweeted it! Lead by example and keep in mind that each of you can do this. This is a good way to show initiative, attract attention and demonstrate your skills to an employer.

Make a good impression

It seems that the employer is interested in you. Great, then the next stage is an interview. This is where all your research, lists and findings will come in handy. It’s true that you can fail an interview miserably if you don’t think about the impression you make. To avoid this, dress appropriately (you can find out if the company has a dress code), don't be late, and bring a copy of your resume just in case.

Come up with a list of counter questions. People who understand everything without words are perplexing, so don’t be shy and ask about the company, working conditions, responsibilities, projects and plans.

Learn to sell

Modesty, of course, makes a person beautiful, but not during an interview. No one can tell you better than you, so make it clear that you are a valuable asset. The recruiter should get the impression that your skills and abilities will be very useful to the team.

Get ready to work hard

Everything worked out and you were offered a job. Great! Praise yourself and please yourself with some good gift. And then start working. In large companies, newcomers are initially assigned very simple tasks, but don’t be discouraged. In a little time, you will establish yourself as a good specialist, and projects will become much more complex and interesting.