How to enlarge a window opening in a slag house. Slag disposal house. Construction of plastic windows

A fireplace in your home is an opportunity to enjoy warmth around the clock. But it is not enough to install a fireplace; it is important to create conditions for its safe and efficient operation. For this purpose, thermal insulation of fireplaces is carried out: chimney, firebox, walls using high-quality materials.

Why insulate the stove?

When it comes to thermal insulation of fireplaces, the question arises about its necessity. If there is no time, money and desire to carry out additional work on the stove, then insulation may not be carried out. But to increase efficiency and increase service life, the work is necessary and important. And why exactly you need to make insulation should be considered for each part separately.

Fireplace insulation

  • to prevent heating of walls located near the pipe;
  • to increase the cooling time of the pipe, the heat from which is evenly distributed in the room;
  • to prevent condensation accumulation.

Thermal insulation is also required to protect the walls adjacent to the fireplace. It is important to strengthen the supporting and interior structure to prevent fire and damage to the finish along with the base. Insulation also increases efficiency, helping to quickly distribute heat throughout the room.

Modern materials for insulation

Thermal insulation of fireplaces and walls to protect against hot fireboxes is carried out using several materials, many of them have been developed recently and are used mainly by professionals:

Chimney insulation with basalt wool

    • Basalt wool with a foil surface - can withstand high temperatures (up to +750 degrees). Goes well with other parts of the fireplace chimney.
    • Gypsum fiber sheet - obtained by pressing cellulose fiber and natural gypsum. It is characterized by high strength, the ability to retain properties under any operating conditions, and moisture resistance. Used for thermal insulation of the furnace and furnace box, extending its service life. The disadvantage is that the sheet cannot be bent, so it is not used for a chimney.
    • Calcium silicate is a material with high thermal insulation properties. Used when arranging the firebox and fireplace box. Calcium silicate is suitable for stoves that will be decorated with shelves and niches. Thermal insulation prevents overheating of additional elements, as well as the fireplace itself. The material fits well on any surface and goes well with putty. The disadvantage is the high cost. But when arranging a fireplace in a private home, silicate is indispensable.
    • Supersil is a fabric heat-insulating material with an operating temperature of up to 1200 degrees. It is based on silicon oxide, which is environmentally friendly and safe. When heated, the material does not emit dangerous vapors and is suitable for insulating fireboxes, hoods and walls. The high cost prevents superpower from being used.

A cheap and practical material suitable for self-installation is stone mineral wool in slabs. It meets all the necessary requirements: non-flammability, excellent thermal insulation, resistance to high temperatures, durability.

Thermal insulation of fireplaces and walls is carried out in several stages

      1. Preparation. Calculate in advance how many slabs you will need to minimize costs and reduce waste.
      2. Wall insulation with mineral wool. The wall located next to the fireplace is exposed to high temperatures. As a result of strong heating, the structure is subject to fire and damage. To ensure that the heat is retained inside the firebox and does not go outside, mineral wool with a foil surface is used. Secure the boards with high-temperature adhesive or stainless steel dowels. This method of thermal insulation is suitable for fireplaces located at a distance of no more than 50 centimeters from the wall.
      3. Insulation with multilayer construction. If it is necessary to insulate walls located at a distance of more than 50 centimeters from the fireplace, then a multilayer structure is made, consisting of the following materials: metal lath for sheathing, wooden slats, mineral wool slabs, reflector (foil), heat-resistant plasterboard, facing material (tile, stone ). This method prevents the walls from overheating, while maintaining their attractive appearance (which cannot be said about nailed mineral wool).
      4. Thermal insulation of wooden and stone elements. This is done to protect against overheating and further damage. To do this, pieces of the required size are cut from mineral wool and glued to the parts on the side adjacent to the fireplace.
      5. Thermal insulation of the chimney. It is carried out depending on the type of structure.

Fireplace insulation

How to insulate a chimney

Having protected the walls from the hot fireplace insert, proceed to insulating the pipe. For this, one of the following materials is used:

Chimney insulation

      • mineral wool is the most popular and sought-after material, which is convenient and inexpensive to work with;
      • glass wool - its properties are similar to mineral wool, but it is more difficult to work with;
      • brick - the use of whole and chipped specimens is allowed;
      • slag slabs - designed for insulation in unstable climatic zones.

If the fireplace and chimney are made of brick, then insulation is carried out quickly and with little financial loss. To do this, the surface is plastered using a reinforcing mesh. At the junction of the pipe and the roof, reinforce it - lay an additional layer of brick. This completes the thermal insulation.

It is much more difficult to work with round pipes made of metal and ceramics. These materials overheat strongly during operation of the fireplace, and accidental touching them will inevitably lead to severe burns. Therefore, be sure to take care of insulating such pipes. This is necessary to reduce heat loss and maintain the integrity of the pipe for a long time.

Thermal insulation is carried out with non-flammable materials of dense structure. Mineral wool is ideal and is used to wrap the pipe as the first layer. The second layer of insulation is reinforced on top - stainless steel sheets. They are wrapped around the chimney and sealed. Instead of stainless steel, plaster can be used.

The above method of thermal insulation increases the efficiency of the chimney, increases the service life of the structure and prevents overheating of nearby surfaces. If all the work is done correctly, then re-installation will be required after about 15 years with intensive use of the fireplace.

Video: Insulating fireplaces

The quality of the fireplace directly depends on the correct installation of thermal insulation and the selected materials. In addition, proper thermal insulation is a guarantee of fire safety, so the cost of thermal insulation materials and installation work can sometimes exceed the cost of the fireplace itself.

Note that thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics of insulating materials. The lower the thermal conductivity of a material, the higher its ability to prevent heat transfer. Therefore, this indicator is one of the most important criteria for choosing thermal insulation materials. What else you need to pay attention to, as well as what thermal insulation materials are on the market today, we will tell you in this article.

Insulation for fireplaces

Basalt wool

When choosing this material, focus primarily on European manufacturers. As a rule, the quality and accuracy of their characteristics fully correspond to the declared ones, which is not always possible to observe in the example of domestic brands. The most reputable and trusted manufacturers are Isoroc, Rockwool, Knauf and Paroc.

Basalt (stone) wool is a fire-resistant material with a fibrous structure, which is made from basalt, metallurgical slag and their mixtures. One of the components of the material is a binder (bitumen, synthetic binders, bentonite clays) that holds the wool fibers together. Basalt wool is produced in different forms: slab (“mat”), roll (“cylinder”) or in the form of bale wool in bags (without binder).

Among the main advantages of this heat-insulating material are high fire resistance (the material does not ignite or melt), resistance to rotting, and good water-repellent properties. Speaking about the disadvantages of stone wool, it is especially necessary to highlight the fact that when the temperature reaches 600-700 degrees, the binder in the structure of the wool begins to collapse, which is why the properties of the material change. Disadvantages also include high cost, the presence of seams at joints, the release of a large amount of dust during installation and a fairly high vapor permeability, which limits the functionality of the material.

Basalt wool is widely used for the construction of residential and public buildings: thermal insulation of pipelines, technical structures, floating floors, passage of a chimney through the ceiling, insulation of walls, ceilings, installation of insulated sandwich chimneys and the manufacture of sandwich panels.

Kaolin wool (or ceramic, an alternative to glass wool)

Kaolin wool is a thermal insulation material made from technical alumina. Today, ceramic wool is produced in the form of rolls, slabs and lump wool. Some of the most popular manufacturers are K-FLEX, URSA, Teplopromproekt and Termoceramika. Ceramic wool fibers are held together by various binders: fireclay, silicate glass, aluminous cement, organosilicon substances.

This material attracts consumers with such advantages as high heat resistance (1100-1250 degrees, and if the fibers are zirconium or alumina, then all 1400-1600 degrees), low thermal conductivity, good sound insulation, water resistance, excellent electrical insulation, fiber density - 130 kg/m3. Among the disadvantages, good ventilation, environmental hazards during disposal, and labor intensity during installation are noteworthy.

Kaolin wool is used for filling closed volumes, making slabs, sealing inserts, thermal insulation of ceilings, vaults, walls of furnaces, for protective fiber lining of furnaces, making insulated chimneys, thermal insulation of passages through the ceiling, as a backfill thermal insulation material.


This is a lightweight porous material with very good thermal insulation properties (due to small pores it can withstand temperatures from -200 to 1100 degrees), made on the basis of calcium silicate. Among specialists, the products of Skamol, Silka and SuperISOl are especially respected. By the way, despite the fairly high cost, Superizol is becoming more and more popular. It is relatively light (a sheet of 1220*1000*30 mm weighs about 8 kg), has good density, and is environmentally friendly. But you should remember about its low moisture resistance (although today there are already options for superisol with increased moisture protection).

Superizol is used to solve almost all problems related to the thermal insulation of fireplaces. In particular, for thermal insulation of floors and chimney passages through the roof, installation of fire walls behind fireplaces, installation of a high-power fireplace, as well as for the manufacture of decorative self-supporting fireplace boxes. Today, Superizol is one of the best heat insulators for stoves and fireplaces, so it can be safely used in the most critical installation areas.

Vermiculite boards

This thermal insulation material is made on the basis of a hydromica group mineral with a layered structure and organic binders (bitumen, silicate glass). Good options can be found among the products of Skamol, Grenamat, Balta Group and Ekoplast.

Vermiculite boards are environmentally friendly, do not contain asbestos, organic components, fibers, have a high level of thermal insulation and fire resistance (from -50 to +1200 degrees), have an unlimited service life, are easy to cut and glue.

Overall, vermiculite is a good insulation material. But due to the fact that the slabs are characterized by high density and mass, they are not suitable for creating lightweight structures.

It is also necessary to note the fragility of the material (this is especially true for domestic products, which, due to violation of production standards, very easily crumble and break). Vermiculite boards are typically used for fireproof lining, thermal insulation of fireplaces and chimneys, as well as increasing the fire resistance of load-bearing structures.

Silica wool Supersil

Among the worthy alternatives to mineral wool insulation, Supersil silica wool is especially worth highlighting. And a clear indicator of this can be the fact that it was this material that served as a thermal protective coating for the Buran fuselage. One of the most popular manufacturers of silica wool is the Russian company Silica.

Unlike other thermal insulators, Supersil does not have binders in its structure, as a result of which the wool does not emit harmful substances during strong heating or direct contact with a flame. Due to the properties of amorphous silica fiber, this material has high fire resistance (up to 1200 degrees), good heat and sound insulation, does not contain carcinogenic fibers or fibrous inclusions, and is environmentally friendly.

Supersil is produced in the form of rolled mats and is used for thermal insulation of various structures, including fireplaces: chimneys, walls, fireboxes, air ducts, exhaust pipes and thermal insulation ducts.

Minerit and analogues

Minerite slab, made on the basis of fiber cement, fibrous material and lime filler, has a hard surface and high density. The fireproof panel does not absorb moisture, does not rot, has good sound insulation, strength and thermal insulation (fire resistance from -80 to +1100 degrees, while fiber cement material can withstand temperatures only up to +400 degrees), is easy to paint and clean, does not emit toxins when heated. The products of FireFix, Knauf, Flamma, and Oy Minerit AB are popular.

Very often, experts consider Firefix boards as an alternative to fiber cement boards. Note that instead of two layers of fiber cement boards, you can use one layer of Firefix material. Minerite is used for interior decoration, creating heat-reflecting screens, passageways between floors of chimneys, fire partitions and ducts, thermal insulation of walls near stoves and fireplaces, and the passage of a chimney pipe through a ceiling made of flammable materials.

Knauf-superlist (GVL)

The material is made from a pressed mixture of fluffed waste paper fibers and a gypsum binder. Supersheet is notable for the fact that, despite its low cost, in combination with superisol or mineral wool it can provide good thermal insulation and a durable frame for fireproof structures. It is environmentally friendly, has a good level of sound and heat insulation.

Since GVL can be painted, boxes are often made from it. Knauf supersheet is also used for cladding frame structures, fire protection of structures, partitions, thermal insulation of floors and walls near the fireplace.

Other thermal insulation materials

Often used as thermal insulation today:

· Solid bricks – characterized by a high level of thermal insulation and excellent fire safety indicators (such bricks can only be used in areas where the temperature does not reach the firing temperature);

· Hollow bricks – reduces heat exchange between the external environment and the internal space of the fireplace due to internal air voids;

· Cement-sand bricks – characterized by high thermal inertia, which allows for almost constant thermal protection;

· Diatomite foam bricks – retain their heat-insulating properties at temperatures up to +900 degrees.

It is important to understand that when choosing a thermal insulation material, it is necessary, first of all, to determine what goal you are pursuing. If it is necessary to increase the efficiency and durability of the fireplace, it is recommended to use the bricks listed above. If we are talking about increasing the fire safety of the entire structure, then you need to make your choice only in favor of mineral wool insulation, super-insulation, etc.

Today there are many different types of multi-layer walls. The most common option is a multilayer wall, where on the room side the wall is formed of foam blocks, on the outside there is a facing brick, and between the brick and the foam block there is insulation and a ventilation gap. Most often, when installing plastic windows, we encounter just such multilayer walls and, as a rule, they require serious preparation before a plastic window can be installed correctly and efficiently.

In order to correctly choose the method of fastening and installing a plastic window into a multi-layer wall, I suggest turning to GOST 52749-2007. From which it becomes clear that before installing a plastic window in a multi-layer wall, it is necessary to consider the following points:

When preparing the lower part of the window opening, it is necessary to ensure that the level of the facing brick does not exceed the level of the prepared base. It is acceptable if the base is 1-2 cm higher than the facing brick

Preparing and sealing the sides of the window opening

1-On the mounting plates

2-For MRS concrete screws

The plastic window is attached to the opening in accordance with the recommendation of GOST 52749-2007. That is, the number of fasteners and support blocks should directly depend on the size of the window or door. We also recommend taking into account the linear expansion of plastic due to temperature and humidity effects when calculating the amount of fasteners.

Our company’s specialists are ready to come to your site at a time convenient for you, agree with you on a list of work to prepare window openings, discuss the configuration and characteristics of your future windows, and also offer options for rational savings when glazing.

We bring to your attention a photo report on the work done on the high-quality installation of plastic windows in multi-layer walls. To be more precise, in this case, we will figure out how and where to correctly install plastic windows in a multi-layer wall.

As an example, we provide photographs of the reinstallation of plastic windows in an apartment building with multi-layer walls.

Today there are many different types of multi-layer walls. The most common option is a multilayer wall, where on the room side the wall is formed from foam blocks, on the outside there is a facing brick, and between the brick and the foam block there is insulation and a ventilation gap.

Most often, when installing plastic windows, we encounter just such multilayer walls and, as a rule, they require serious preparation before a plastic window can be installed correctly and efficiently.

In order to correctly choose the method of fastening and installing a plastic window into a multi-layer wall, I suggest turning to GOST 52749-2007.

From which it becomes clear that before installing a plastic window in a multi-layer wall, it is necessary to consider the following points:

1-Preparation and organization of the base for installing a plastic window frame.

3-Preparing and sealing the upper part of the window opening, in the area of ​​the lintel

Preparation and organization of the base for installing a plastic window frame.

As a rule, the window opening after completion of construction work looks like in the photo.

That is, given that we must install a plastic window in the insulation zone, we have neither support nor the ability to secure the windows in the opening.

In such cases, the base for attaching a plastic window to a multi-layer wall either needs to be provided in advance or modified before installing the windows.

There may be several options:

1-Use of metal plates on which the plastic window is mounted.

In our case, the builders of the apartment building used exactly these plates.

2-Use of antiseptic bars or boards or OSB, depending on the thickness of the insulation and the ventilation gap.

3-Use of reinforcement and concrete to organize the base.

When preparing the lower part of the window opening, it is necessary to ensure that the level of the facing brick does not exceed the level of the prepared base.

It is acceptable if the base is 1-2 cm higher than the facing brick

Preparing and sealing the sides of the window opening

Sealing the side part of window openings is a very important stage, since if these places are not organized correctly, the installation seam may freeze, with all the obvious consequences.

It also makes sense to take into account the fact that even in cases where there is no ventilation gap, foam cannot be applied to soft insulation, because there is no adhesion of polyurethane foam at such junction points!

In our case, when reinstalling plastic windows in a multi-layer wall, penoplex was used. Penoplex is easy to use, effective and relatively inexpensive.

The thickness of the penoplex in our case is 50 mm.

All gaps and cracks between the penoplex and the main wall material must be sealed with polyurethane foam.

Preparation and sealing of the upper part of the window opening, in the area of ​​the lintel.

Preparing the upper part of the window opening in the lintel area is no different from preparing the side parts.

In some cases, the window opening does not have an upper quarter, beyond which the plastic window will go. In such a situation, it makes sense to form a quarter from a steel corner in advance or order a corner when placing an order for plastic windows. Thus the issue will be resolved.

Installing a plastic window in a multi-layer wall also has some features.

There are several options for mounting a plastic window in a multi-layer wall:

1-On the mounting plates

2-For MRS concrete screws

3-Combined installation, when both MRS and plates are used.

To attach the plates to the foam block, it is possible to use long self-tapping screws, MRS concrete screws or dowel nails.

In all cases where fastening through a frame is possible, it is better to use MRS concrete screws.

If we are talking about large structures where large wind loads are expected, it is better to use stronger and stiffer stainless steel plates.

The installation of a plastic window into the opening is carried out in accordance with the recommendation of GOST 52749-2007.

That is, the number of fasteners and support blocks should directly depend on the size of the window or door. We also recommend taking into account the linear expansion of plastic due to temperature and humidity effects when calculating the amount of fasteners.

As a result, if you follow these simple rules, you can count on high-quality installation of a plastic window in a multi-layer wall. If you are not going to install windows yourself, entrust this work to professionals.

Our company’s specialists are ready to come to your site at a time convenient for you, agree with you on a list of work to prepare window openings, discuss the configuration and characteristics of your future Veka windows, and also offer options for rational savings when glazing.

If you are planning to replace or install new windows, you will need to learn the installation process. It all depends on how you will install the windows: either with your own hands or by hiring a third-party company. It takes approximately 4 hours to dismantle and install the structure if you do not have experience in this matter. For a company employee who does this often, such work will take no more than an hour. But installing tilt-and-turn windows yourself requires some construction skills.

Window system components

Before you begin installation, you need to understand the nuances and details. First, you should find out all the names of parts and materials. The main load-bearing part is the frame. In the version of plastic windows, its production is carried out from a plastic profile, which can be single-chamber, double-chamber, etc.

A special insert is placed in the center of the structure to ensure rigidity. In plastic systems, this insert is made of plastic; in metal-plastic systems, metal is used.

The profile system is assembled from 2 or more chambers

In addition, the profile is divided into classes: premium, standard and economy. All profiles manufactured at the plant are subject to certain standards. If you want to make a choice in favor of good tilt-and-turn windows, take the standard class. In terms of color, white windows are most often found, but other colors can be used: wood, brown. Products made from colored profiles will be more expensive than white ones.

Components of a plastic window

The main element of a window unit is the frame

  • The design of a plastic window includes the following parts:
  • frame – the main structural part;
  • if you have a large window, most often it is divided by a vertical partition, there may be several of them - it all depends on the choice of design;
  • the part that is motionless is called blind, and the part that opens is called the sash;
  • double-glazed windows can have different properties, for example, tinted, energy-saving, reinforced, using inert gas. In addition, they are single-layer, two-layer, three-layer or multi-layer - the choice is great;
  • In order for the glass to hold securely, they are pressed with a bead, which is a thin plastic strip. For tightness, a rubber seal is used, most often black;
  • in addition, seals are needed to ensure the tightness of the entire structure;
  • Ventilated holes for drainage are made on the inside of the frame, which are covered with caps. Moisture formed when the temperature changes outside and inside the room passes through them to the outside;
  • another part of the structure is the ebb - it is mounted outside, and the window sill is installed from the inside;
  • parts located on the side of the frame are finished with slopes.

Is it possible to install the window yourself?

There is an opinion that installing windows in a house or apartment is a rather complicated procedure. It must be said that this is not so. What do you need to know during installation? To perform these works, you do not need special professional tools and equipment, or vast experience. The procedure includes two main points:

  • dismantling the old window unit;
  • installation of a new window.

Removing an old window takes an average of 1.5 hours

If we talk about the time required to complete the work, the first stage will require approximately an hour and a half. Installing windows yourself will take less than three hours. It must be said that if you nevertheless decide to opt for the services of specialists, then you should demand certain guarantees from them.

If you installed the tilt and turn windows yourself, this will void your warranty. In this case, it is necessary to purchase structures directly from a manufacturer who has been working on the market for a long time and has good reviews from customers. If you decide to buy single-chamber or double-chamber windows in winter, you can always count on a significant discount.

When a window is purchased from a company that also carries out installation work, the customer has a warranty on the fittings for about 5 years. If you install it yourself, you can get a warranty directly from the manufacturer, that is, at the place of purchase.

In order to install windows in a brick house, cinder block house, gas block house or apartment, you must first order a tilt-and-turn or blind structure from the manufacturer, and this requires accurate measurements.

Step-by-step instructions for correct measurements

When you place an order, you will be asked to indicate the following dimensions: the width and height of the structure, the width and length of the slope and window sill.

Before ordering a window, you must take correct measurements of the structure.

Before you start measuring, do not miss an important point - what type of opening you have: with or without a quarter. Look carefully at the window opening: if the outer part is narrower, it means there is a quarter-sized opening in front of you. The measurement is carried out as follows: you need to measure the narrowest part, you will need to measure in several places, find the smallest value, add 3 cm to it. The height is indicated as it is. If your opening is even, then the measurements are done as follows: after measuring the width, subtract 3 cm; measuring the height, minus 5 cm. Read a detailed article about.

Before taking measurements, you need to determine the type of window: with or without a quarter

To determine the size of the window sill, you need to add about 10 cm to the width of the opening inside the window. For low tide, the same is done, only along the outer part of the window. Everyone chooses the width for the window sill for themselves: it is better if it protrudes slightly beyond the radiator.

In addition, when placing an order, you need to decide what components your design will be made of: what options for two-, three- or single-leaf windows you need, how they will open, on which side the capercaillie is located. Don’t forget to decide on the type of fittings (handles, locks, ventilation mechanisms).

If you order several designs at the same time, the width of all openings may be different, but the height should be the same; you must choose the smallest size. Please note that window openings can be located at different distances from the floor. In apartments, the distance from the floor to the window is approximately 80 cm, while on the balcony the windows can be from the floor. Accommodation in a private house can generally be anything at the discretion of the owners.

Features of measurements for glazing balconies

To determine the width of the glass structure, it is necessary to measure the length of the part of the balcony on which the balcony window will be installed, minus 7 cm on each side. This distance will be required for the installation of the corner profile to which the structures of the side elements of the balcony are attached. The height is calculated as the distance from the support to the roof on the balcony or loggia, and a tolerance of 3 cm must be subtracted for the gap.

How to take correct measurements of windows in a country house

To correctly measure the dimensions of a structure in a private house, knock out part of the slopes on both sides. Very often it turns out that the window opening is much larger than the window that is installed in it. This means that when the structure is dismantled, some of the materials with which the space was filled will also be removed.

Preparing to install a window structure

After you remove the old window, you will need to inspect the resulting opening, remove all parts that may fall off or collapse; if there are protruding elements, they should be knocked down. Then clean the opening from construction debris and dust. If there are large depressions, it is better to cover them with cement. You can also treat everything with primer.

The base will need to be cleaned before installation.

Having finished working with the opening, you need to prepare the PVC window, which is to be installed. To do this, you need to remove the window sashes; if it is solid, double-glazed windows. If your frame has small dimensions, then you can install it without removing the double-glazed windows and sashes. The outer part of the frame should be freed from the film that protects it.

Installation Technology Guide

The finished plastic window is brought into the opening, placed on support blocks and aligned horizontally. After this, using a level, the window is aligned vertically and secured in this position with spacer blocks.

Installation of both fixed windows and opening sashes is the same. There are two options for installing windows: with and without expansion of the structure. When using the first option, holes are drilled through the frame through which anchor bolts are driven into the wall. This method is more complex and more reliable.

When installing a window using the unpacking method, holes are drilled in the frame and wall, into which anchors are then driven in.
Places for attaching anchors and support blocks

If the installation is carried out without unpacking the frame, the window is fastened using special ones, which are attached to the profile and then to the wall. This option is faster. However, it must be taken into account that under significant wind loads, the frame structure may warp or it may sag. If you decide to mount it on a plate, you should choose thick, wide options. Please note that if the region in which you live has a strong wind load or windows will be installed at a height, then you should use the option of unsealing the frame.

Mounting on anchor plates

There are nuances to placing a window in the opening. If the walls are made of foam blocks, brick, cinder block, gas silicate or concrete, then the frame is placed 2/3 deep from the internal thickness of the opening. If the walls are insulated with foam plastic, then the fastening must be done before the insulating layer. When insulating and facing with bricks, the window is installed in the insulation zone.

It is very important to choose the correct installation depth

The installation sequence must be followed:

  • Having inserted the frame, level it using support and spacer blocks;
  • then attach it to the wall;
  • after installing the structure, it is necessary to assemble the window;
  • then you need to check the normal operation of the shutters and all mechanisms; to do this, open and close the window;
  • after everything has been checked, the doors must be tightly closed and the gap around the structure must be sealed. For this purpose they use .

However, it must be remembered that in direct contact with sunlight and the external environment, the material loses its properties and is destroyed. To protect it, you need to create, this can be a special film that needs to be glued to the outside and inside of the window. After the foam has dried, it is necessary to finish the slopes on both sides (external, internal) of the structure. You can open the window a day after blowing the gap with foam.

To ensure correct installation on both windows and windows, follow these simple rules:

  • we install the ebb from the outside in a special slot in the frame or attach it to it with self-tapping screws;
  • the window sill is installed as follows: it is necessary to trim it from the edges so that it fits the width of the window opening and rests against the end of the stand profile;
  • the level is leveled using special pads, after which the space under the window sill is blown with foam or filled with mortar.

According to the principle described above, windows are installed on a balcony or loggia, in brick or concrete walls. However, keep in mind that the entire weight of the window structure will be carried by the parapet, so you need to strengthen it.

Mistakes you can make when installing windows

There are a number of points that you should pay attention to when installing the structure so that it has a long service life:

  • you cannot install the window with the glazing beads facing outward, as this reduces the structure’s burglary resistance, since the glazing bead can easily be pulled out and the glass unit removed;
  • you need to be careful about leveling the structures when installing the window, otherwise opening and closing the sashes will be difficult;
  • It is imperative to protect the mounting foam from direct sunlight to avoid its destruction;
  • It would be wrong to choose to fix the frame structure only with foam: it is absolutely necessary to attach it to the wall, otherwise it may simply fall out.

By following all installation rules, you can successfully install the window structure yourself, and if you seek the services of professionals, you will be able to monitor their work at any stage.

A house made of aerated concrete blocks is characterized by high strength, ease of use, reliability, and ease of installation. The walls perfectly retain heat even in severe frosts, without requiring additional insulation, and in summer they protect from scorching heat, creating an oasis of pleasant coolness inside. Aerated concrete blocks also reduce construction time, so any craftsman can independently build the box of a large house in just a few months. One of the important aspects of the construction of any structure is the installation of windows. Installing them yourself will not be difficult if you strictly follow the instructions.

To install plastic windows with your own hands you will need:

  • Drill/screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Fine-pored polyurethane foam.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Roulette.
  • Polyethylene.
  • Ready-made packages according to the size of window openings.
  • Sheet of steel.
  • Wedges.
  • Windowsill.
  • Anchors.
  • Low tide.
  • Building level.

Installing plastic windows in a house made of aerated concrete is slightly different from the general technology for installing such structures. In most cases, double-glazed windows are fixed into the opening using dowels, but with a gas block everything is different. The porous structure of aerated concrete has excellent thermal insulation properties, but is not capable of holding driven fasteners, since when it is installed, the diameter of the prepared hole expands. For this reason, many craftsmen use self-tapping screws when working with gas blocks.

Before installing metal-plastic windows in aerated concrete, it is recommended to remove all furniture from the room and cover the floor with polyethylene.

The surface must be thoroughly dedusted by sweeping the window opening with a stiff brush, but it is best to use a powerful vacuum cleaner. Cleaning is very important, as is further priming, although many craftsmen do not consider this necessary. It must be remembered that dust significantly impairs the quality of adhesion between the base and the polyurethane foam, and this will greatly reduce the strength of the structure and may compromise the tightness of the connection. After applying the primer, wait for it to dry completely (at least 5 - 6 hours) and only then begin the main work, so it is better to do this procedure at night.

Window installation technology step by step

It is quite difficult to install metal-plastic windows in an aerated concrete house, as in any other house, given the size of the package and its weight, so you will need an assistant. Of course, the first step is to clean the frame of the structure from the packaging film, and then check and inspect for possible damage, such as cracks, scratches or chips.

Step-by-step installation guide

1. Installation of windows in a house made of aerated concrete is carried out in several stages, so there is no need to try to do everything quickly. The first step is to insert the frame into the window opening. This process is carried out gradually: first, one side of the frame is installed and only then the other.

2. It is almost impossible to prepare even grooves in advance for fixing the window frame in aerated concrete. For this reason, special wedges are used, preferably plastic ones. If you use wooden inserts, they will need to be removed after installation.

3. Next, the structure is aligned in width. To do this, use a regular building level and tape measure. It is important to ensure that there is a gap of about 3-5 mm on the sides of the package, where prepared wedges are driven in to fix the frame in aerated concrete.

4. After this, you need to align the frame vertically, using the same level. Remember that even the highest quality building block will not be able to provide ideal thermal protection for the room if the windows are not installed correctly. Next, wedges are driven into the upper part.

5. On the inside of the installed frame there are special marks (2 each), through which holes (40 cm deep) are drilled in the base blocks. Anchors are driven into them so that the caps do not interfere with the further closing of the window sashes.

6. The structure is fixed, and now the joints of the frame with the opening need to be treated with fine-pored polyurethane foam. Its price is slightly higher than usual materials in this category, but the quality of work in this case will be much better. If the inserted wedges were made of wood, then they are removed when processed with foam. Plastic ones are allowed to remain.

While the foam is hardening, you can begin constructing the window sill. Before installing the board in place, silicone sealant is applied to the surface as an adhesive. Next, the window sill is placed in its proper place in the opening, while all gaps and cracks from below are sealed with foam. To ensure strong adhesion of the surfaces, you need to place a load on top of the board.

The last thing to attach is the ebb. To do this, the surface of the block is treated with foam, which is pressed down with the fabric of the part, after which it is fastened with self-tapping screws.

The frame is placed in the opening approximately 15 cm from its outer edge. A house lined with brick requires the same work, but at the same time the window sill space expands, which will require larger boards and this should be taken into account at the planning stage.

Final part

Finishing is the final stage of installation of metal-plastic windows. To do this you will need putty, a knife, a spatula and gypsum plaster. After the polyurethane foam has completely hardened, you can hang the window sashes, but you must immediately check their functionality and the correct fixation of the frame.

After a day, excess foam is cut off with a sharp knife. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure earlier - damp areas may remain inside, and this will not only ruin the working tool (it will be very difficult to wash), but will also damage the thermal insulation.

Prime the resulting surface and cover it with gypsum plaster so that the grooves are not visible. Alignment is carried out in two ways:

  • As a continuation of the wall, in which the finishing layer extends onto the frame, hiding all the fastening elements. In terms of quality, this type is the most optimal, but sometimes the appearance of the window opening may suffer.
  • A certain area is formed perpendicular to the frame, but here it is important to do everything correctly, because if the layer is insufficient, cold bridges may remain, which will disrupt the thermal insulation.

The base coat of finish should be left to dry for at least 8 hours. Do not forget that in a house made of aerated concrete, the walls, while retaining heat, remain cold, so in winter the drying time may be increased. The secondary layer is the finishing layer, applied quite thinly, no more than 4 - 5 mm, and leveling is carried out with a wide spatula. After drying, the same tool is used to cut off the excess finishing mixture with gentle movements along the surface.

When installing metal-plastic windows with your own hands, it is of great importance to strictly follow the scheme so that the end result pleases homeowners for many years.

What does the cost of work depend on?

Many homeowners immediately wonder how much this will cost them. To avoid deception from unscrupulous sellers and work teams, you need to know what exactly the cost of this type of service consists of.

The amount is affected by:

  • The cost of the package itself, which depends on the design and number of glasses.
  • The amount of delivery, installation, further maintenance, if the service was provided on a turnkey basis.
  • The complexity of the design of the package, as this increases the labor costs of the master and the time for carrying out all work.
  • Simultaneous installation of several structures.
  • Carrying out work on the upper floors, for example, above 6 - 7 (in these cases, the help of industrial climbers or special equipment is usually required).

The profile is of great importance, since the heat and sound insulation in the house depends on the number of glasses. For those living in the northern regions, packages with at least 5 - 6 cameras are required, which is quite expensive. But residents of the warm southern regions can save a lot - a two-chamber profile is enough for them.

Accessories for systems also have a very significant impact on the total cost. As a rule, companies offer it in a wide range, which gives the buyer the opportunity to choose a price category. Calling a measurer will also increase costs, and here you can save money by taking all dimensions without intermediaries.

The cost of installing windows in each company is different and depends primarily on the type of design chosen, but on average, installing one turnkey package will cost from 11,000 to 20,000 rubles.