How to find out if there is damage or... How to find out if there is damage to a person: three methods available at home. With a candle

If troubles constantly happen and the streak of bad luck does not stop, these are obvious signs of damage, which can be diagnosed by other noticeable symptoms. We offer ways to find out if there is damage to a person.

In the article:

General signs of damage

There are many types of damage that manifest themselves in different ways. For example, it does not always affect the victim’s financial situation and her relationships with relatives. But all the common ones are the same.

A couple of troubles can be considered a coincidence, but if there are many signs, then The sooner you pay attention to problems, the better. The main reason for the appearance of advanced damage is ignoring its signs at the very beginning. The longer it was present, the more difficult it will be to remove it. Follow the principle “the sooner the better.”

When diagnosing, all options are used in combination so that the conclusion is accurate: analysis of what has happened recently, well-being and other factors, magical methods for determining negative impacts on a person. This will help and its narrow focus.

How to determine damage to a person - emotional state

The first thing a negative program affects is your mood. Character also deteriorates, a person gets irritated over trifles, often gets nervous for no reason, and mood swings appear. It is important that this is not typical from childhood.

This category also includes depression and thoughts of suicide, which often accompany negative attitudes. Most often, the desire for suicide is a consequence of a series of troubles, but it happens that damage is induced in order to bring a person to the extreme. There are techniques that make you hear voices calling for suicide. Olfactory hallucinations, usually of an unpleasant nature, may also appear.

Obsessive ideas are often caused not so much by damage as by attempts at manipulation using magic. If unusual desires have become common, which shocks your loved ones, it’s time to think about whether these ideas belong to you at all.

Severe damage causes a state of emptiness and confusion, apathy, although nothing has changed in a person’s life and there is no reason for this. One of the most obvious signs of negativity is disgust and fear of sunlight. Many people do not like the rays of the sun, especially those with sensitive skin, but the sudden appearance of disgust should alert you.

People with good intuition have a bad feeling. Of course, this is not necessarily damage, but if you have been haunted by a vague premonition of trouble for a long time, also in combination with a set of troubles described in the article, you should contact a specialist or carry out a medical treatment.

Decreased self-esteem is another symptom of corruption. The person does not like himself in the mirror, although those around him claim that the victim looks good. However, if the goal is to look better, there is no reason to worry.

Symptoms of damage to a person - relationships

Relationships with others are subject to outside influence. Relationships change not for the better, and many begin to hate relatives. Sometimes damage is done specifically to relationships with loved ones or to destroy a family. Colleagues do this in order to survive a person from the team, people who are prevented by the victim from receiving an inheritance, rivals who want to take away their husband. If there are no reasons for hatred, perhaps it is a matter of black witchcraft.

When those around you begin to avoid the spoiled.

Purposeful damage to loneliness repels people of the opposite sex (despite beauty and character), to destruction of the family - quarrels with the husband, and some other varieties are aimed at relatives and the team. Constant scandals, the reasons for which at other times would not be enough for an ordinary domestic dispute. Intolerance, jealousy, the appearance of assault and betrayal cannot be ignored.

Fear of communicating with people, even those closest to you, indicates harmful magic. Fear can be subconscious and is expressed by a reluctance to communicate. Without a reason, the desire to communicate with people and even see them does not disappear.

Relationships change not only with people, but also with animals. The pet begins to avoid the owner or, conversely, pesters more than usual. When the negativity is weak, animals try to help get rid of it, and pets try to stay away from the carrier of a strong negative program. The disappearance of animals is also associated with the affairs of black sorcerers.

How to identify damage - health

Well-being also suffers, even if it was not or Most likely, the victim suffers from problems with blood pressure, toothache and headache. Doctors cannot determine the causes of this condition.

Decreased immunity, frequent colds and other not too serious, but persistent health problems can be symptoms and consequences of damage.

Regular injuries can be associated with many things, from character traits to banal bad luck, but it’s still worth paying attention.

Trouble sleeping is often considered a sign of negativity. Nightmares and insomnia are observed. Pay attention to the content of dreams. Repeated bad dreams contain clues. Especially when the enemy rejoices in victory. If you decide not to remove the damage at home, but go to a specialist, it is better to tell the sorcerer about your dreams.

An unambiguous sign or health is the appearance of diseases that medicine cannot cope with. Doctors make different diagnoses, treatment and medications do not bring relief or help only for a while. Sometimes a person is completely healthy according to test results, but feels unwell.

The appearance of a person suffering from damage and inconsistency with age is a sign of taking away beauty and youth (damage to appearance). This is more often the case with women, rivals or envious people, or strong witches who want to look better (less common).

Weight is also subject to negative influence, excessive fatness or thinness appears, provided that the issue is not a physical disorder. Tens of kilograms are gained, but exercise and proper nutrition do not stop the process.

Another symptom is a feeling of heaviness on the shoulders, coldness inside the body, squeezing in the chest, provided that traditional medicine has not identified the causes. Most often this manifests itself in a complex manner and can accompany any type of negativity.

Happens . It is accompanied by menstrual irregularities in women, and for men the induction may even be

How does damage manifest itself - luck and money

Any business that is damaged is doomed to failure. If the negativity is advanced, and it was specifically induced, the victim will not even be able to get an appointment with a specialist due to bad luck: the bus broke down, the alarm clock did not go off, etc. Often, for similar reasons, home diagnostics are constantly postponed: forgot to buy an egg, ran out of matches...

There are damages aimed at work and financial situation. They are accompanied by problems with career growth, making money, and relationships with superiors. It may lead to dismissal and inability to find a job.

Damage to money is always accompanied by financial problems. If a person initially has no prospects due to a reluctance to study, the issue is clearly not witchcraft. When a successful person loses income or is forced to make constant unplanned expenses for a large part of his income, we are talking about black witchcraft.

Accompanied by a lack of money in the family budget. There are many reasons: it’s not always about a small salary. But the fact remains that the family is suffering financial difficulties.

In a room where a person with damage is often present, equipment breaks down. This applies to personal mobile phones, household and office equipment. Any breakdown does not count, but regular ones signal problems not so much with the equipment as with the energy of the person nearby.

How to determine damage yourself - spirituality and religion

- not only a bad omen. This is a sign of damage, just like the loss of an amulet or just a favorite piece of jewelry.

When an object protecting against negativity is hit too hard, the amulet breaks or is lost.

The pectoral cross may turn black. If darkening is not listed in the properties of the metal, this is a sign of evil magic. Many people believe that it is impossible to harm a believer through witchcraft, but this is a misconception. To obtain powerful protection, you need really strong faith and a high level of spirituality, which only a few achieve.

People who have been damaged find it unpleasant to touch holy water, incense and other consecrated objects. Although this also depends on religion: not everyone is an adherent of Orthodoxy.

Those who are corrupted feel bad in church, and the desire to cross its threshold disappears. If you feel bad during a church service, this is not an indicator, because on holidays the churches are full of people, which causes banal stuffiness.

The church candle begins to smoke near them. But it’s worth checking the reaction on a happy person; perhaps it has to do with the manufacture of a specific candle, the material of the wick. The candles of people who have been cursed to death are regularly extinguished during the service.

In a house with a negative program, holy water spoils.

What to do if there are symptoms of spoilage

If you have discovered more than one or even two symptoms of damage, do not despair. Perhaps it's a matter of simple bad luck or coincidence. Individually, these are not signs of harmful witchcraft, but if there are many coincidences, do not hesitate.

To be sure, additionally diagnose the presence of damage according to the instructions in the relevant articles: this includes diagnostics using matches and much more.

The site has detailed recommendations on how to remove the damage and the one who said it. You will also find ways to protect yourself: prayers, amulets, amulets. Almost everyone has ill-wishers, and how far enemies will go in their desire to harm is unknown.

It always happens in our lives that some people are more successful in life than others. Great success causes envy among people around you. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed in any way. People who are jealous of you sometimes do little dirty tricks on you, and sometimes people simply go crazy with their envy and inflict dangerous damage on you.

Damage- this is an unkind action that is directed at a person towards whom great envy is experienced. When it is pointed, no ritual always occurs. Often this happens with the help of words that come from an ill-wisher and linger in the subconscious of the person at whom this damage was directed. People who believe in corruption are more vulnerable to its perception. For this reason, there will be no problems causing damage to such a person. Often, ill-wishers induce it so that a person constantly has scandals in his family, begins to drink alcohol in large quantities, psychotropic drugs, divorces from his significant other and other bad deeds. A person who has been damaged has no luck to expect. And this is exactly what your enemy, who brought this bad deed on you, is directly seeking. Mostly, such rituals are performed by people who have magical powers, but such misfortune can be expected from an ordinary person. In order to get rid of damage in a timely manner, you need to know how to recognize it.

What kind of damage happens?

There are a huge number of ways to cause damage. However, they often suggest the following:

    Bad luck. From individual existence to money problems. This is the most popular type of damage. Because people who are most envied are those who are lucky in life. Some people strive and work tirelessly every day, while others are lucky without any effort. For many people this is a huge source of envy. This type of damage does not cause significant harm to a person. For this reason, a person who causes such damage will not be greatly tormented by his conscience.

    Damage to all kinds of diseases. Such damage should already be feared; it can cause enormous harm to human health. Often it is caused by very offended people. A separate type can be noted as damage to childlessness.

    To death. Such damage is the most terrible of all that can be done. If you discover such damage on yourself, you should immediately seek help from professionals.

Damage can be done in many ways: using a photograph, using hair or other personal belongings. Naturally, removing the damage caused to you is a very difficult action, and sometimes even very dangerous. Often, ordinary people cannot remove it without the help of specialists. However, anyone can determine whether you have damage. You cannot delay detection, as this can end in disaster. Every person needs to know all the symptoms of damage in order to recognize it in time.

Vivid signs of damage

The first feature of corruption is annoying ideas. You have never had such ideas before, and at present they do not give you peace of mind. Depending on what kind of damage was used, ideas can come in very different shades. This could be despondency, dissatisfaction with one’s own existence, hopelessness, vanity, etc. Or, on the contrary, an unbearable desire arises to do something that promises pleasure and pleasure, although it looks wrong. Do not forget that you should not believe such ideas and desires under any circumstances - it is absolutely obvious that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

By the emotional state of a person, you can understand whether there is damage to him. Such people are characterized by depression and an inability to observe white streaks in life.

Continuous depression, indignation at one’s appearance, reluctance to have fun or communicate with people - all this looks more than surprising if a person does not have significant difficulties in life, and everything has always been successful. Those afflicted with the curse are regularly tormented by unfamiliar worries and fears, and have horror dreams. Moreover, every day a person’s emotional state is deteriorating at a tremendous speed. In such a state, even the most qualified psychiatrist will not be able to help.

Common signs of spoilage

When identifying damage, experts advise which symptoms you should pay attention to first.

    Looking at your image in the mirror, you may notice that one of the pupils has decreased in size.

    A large number of age spots have begun to appear on your body.

    For no particular reason, your palms begin to sweat a lot and your fingers begin to shake.

    Persistent poor health. Moreover, doctors cannot identify what is happening to you.

    You have started to notice that your pets are wary of you.

    Your cross, which you wore during the baptism ceremony, constantly gets in the way or irritates you.

    When visiting a temple, you feel discomfort and immediately want to leave it immediately.

In addition to these seven lists, there are also a huge number of different signs of damage. If you have at least one of them, immediately contact a clergyman or a person who has magical powers.

How to examine hand damage

First of all, carefully examine your own palms. A person with powerful energy has 3 clear lines: life, intellect and heart. If the last 2 of them are crossed by another one, then the owner of the palm can be freely damaged. This is also evidenced by the presence of a significant number of crosses. Moreover, these signs on the palms indicate damage that has been passed down “by inheritance” or from a past life. The presence of moles also indicates a severe evil eye.

How to check spoilage using an egg

Currently in our world there are a huge number of rituals that can determine whether there is damage to you or not. The most elementary of many rituals is the removal of damage using a chicken egg. You can perform such a ritual yourself without resorting to the help of specialists in this field. This ritual does not require any specific knowledge.

You will need: a glass, water and a raw chicken egg. Pour water into a glass, and then carefully break the egg into it, so that the yolk is not damaged and is intact. Then place the glass with the egg on your head and wait a few minutes so that the contents of the glass are saturated with your energy. If the yolk bursts in water, this indicates that you are damaged. If white veins have formed around the yolk or the yolk is covered with dark spots, this indicates that you have been damaged to death. The yolk remains intact and clean - breathe out a sigh of relief; there is no damage to it.

How to find out if there is damage using matches

For this ritual you will need: a glass, water, salt and matches. Pour clean water into a glass and hold it in your palms for two minutes. After saturating a glass of liquid with your energy, you can add a little salt to it for greater effect. Then light the match, but it should not burn completely. When a small cinder remains, immerse it in a glass of water. Take a good look into the glass - if the remainder of the match begins to sink, this indicates that you have been damaged. If the cinder lies on the surface of the water, this is a good sign, you have no damage.

Church candles and wax

Light a candle bought in the temple and move it around the person while reading the prayer words. Pay special attention to how the candle burns. If it starts to crackle or smoke heavily, this indicates that you have damage. If the candle burns without any extraneous sounds, then relax, there is no damage to you.

There is another method to detect damage using a candle. The person should hold the glass of water over your head for a few minutes and then pour the melted wax into it. During this ritual you will learn:

If you find smooth wax without any defects on the surface of the water, you have no damage;

If the wax forms lumps, there is an evil eye or damage;

You found a large number of holes and irregularities on the poured wax - this means that the same person periodically spoils you.

How to find out about damage using gold

Take a high-grade gold ring and run it across your hand or face. After this action, if you have a dark streak left on your cheek, then someone has cast a spell on you. If the stripe is white, you have no damage. If you use low-grade gold or jewelry gold containing various impurities in this ritual, then this ritual will be ineffective.

It is not necessary to carry out various rituals in order to determine whether there is damage to you. You can simply listen to your body and yourself, and understand everything without much manipulation. If someone has damaged you, you will have the following symptoms:

If you just started to feel hatred towards your family or friends for no reason;

You are constantly bothered by various severe pains (headache, toothache);

If you are very irritable and nervous for no particular reason;

If your mood is constantly unstable;

Constant malaise and continuous visits to doctors;

When a person is damaged, he feels useless, absent-minded, and in constant depression. If you suddenly experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, be sure to contact a professional.

And remember, the sooner you identify damage, the easier it will be to free yourself from it. If such a problem is discovered, there is no need to hesitate!

If the usual way of life suddenly collapses, good health is replaced by a series of illnesses, and a good mood gives way to apathy and irritability, it is possible that damage and the evil eye have their effect. How to determine that a “black streak” is the result of someone’s evil thoughts? And is it possible to independently recognize the signs of the evil eye and damage?

It is enough to be attentive

“To defeat the enemy, you need to look him in the eyes” - this is what the ancient Eastern wisdom says. The same applies to damage and the evil eye: before plunging headlong into the fight against misfortune, you need to make sure that it was the evil forces that caused endless troubles and misfortunes.

Magic experts identify several main symptoms:

  • Constant, almost never-ending headache
  • Depression and indifference to everything happening around
  • Lack of desire to do things you love
  • Distance from loved ones
  • Extraneous “voices” in my head
  • Feeling powerless, irritable, exhausted

Those who do not know how to understand that you have been jinxed are advised to listen to themselves: in addition to health problems, there is often a desire to “drown your sorrows in wine” and even drugs; Frequent thoughts of suicide are possible. These conditions are a manifestation of symptoms indicating that there is induced negativity, and it must be dealt with immediately.

This is interesting: How to protect yourself from the evil eye or envy?

Symptoms of the evil eye in the fairer sex

As you know, representatives of the fair half of humanity are more susceptible to outside influence than strong men. The energy biofield of women can be destroyed faster. Ladies can find out for themselves whether there is a “curse” on them - to do this, they need to analyze the last weeks of their life and determine what has changed in their usual rhythm.

Direct and indirect signs of damage or the evil eye in women:

  • sleep disturbance, nightmares (especially if there were no problems with falling asleep and dreaming before);
  • rapid fatigue and loss of strength. Even those women who have always been highly efficient and energetic notice that their former activity is no longer there;
  • An indicative symptom that helps determine whether there is an evil eye is the ability to look into the eyes of interlocutors and even the reflection in the mirror. Those who notice that their eyes begin to constantly water, and it becomes very difficult to withstand prying eyes, should think about the reasons for what is happening.

Women who do not understand the issues of energy-informational influence and do not know how to independently determine the evil eye and damage often experience sudden changes in mood, rapid weight gain or loss, deterioration of the skin condition and deterioration of appearance in general.

A special type of negative impact can be. Even successful beauties and smart women are capable of losing their charm in a matter of days if there is a place for damage and the evil eye in life - it is simply necessary to fight them in order to return to the usual state!

The stronger sex can also suffer!

Despite the fact that men have a fairly powerful biofield, it can also fall under the influence of evil eyes and evil thoughts. To find out for yourself whether you have the evil eye or damage, you need to learn to hear and analyze your inner feelings.

Representatives of the stronger sex can hear strange voices in their heads (sometimes even dead people), see hallucinations, and experience a strong degree of irritability towards their wife, children and parents. An addiction to bad habits - alcohol, nicotine, drugs - will help determine whether there is damage and the evil eye.

For those who were previously addicted to harmful habits, the craving for them increases significantly, acquiring the proportions of a real disaster!

How can you tell if a child has been jinxed?

Some people, in their anger and envy, do not disdain anything and even bring negativity to the smallest, defenseless and innocent children. It is not surprising that in ancient times, a child under one year of age was hidden from strangers and not shown to others unless absolutely necessary.

How to understand that a child has been jinxed? What needs to be done to recognize the negative impact and quickly begin to break the evil spell?

First of all, parents should be wary of an unreasonable and sudden rise in temperature. If there is no cold, cough, or runny nose, and the baby complains of feeling unwell, you should take a close look at other symptoms that may be present.

Does a cheerful and friendly child often have a bad mood? A kind and affectionate baby has become irritable and hysterical? Is he afraid of his family and friends? Refuses to play with your favorite toys? It is quite possible that all of these are symptoms of the evil eye in a child.

Young children are very sensitive to negative energy coming from outside, so an increased degree of attention needs to be shown to them. The simplest thing you can do is attach a simple English letter to your child. Simple but effective.

Special rituals to identify the presence of a negative program

Sometimes the mood is at zero, and health leaves much to be desired, but these signs of damage and the evil eye in men and women seem insufficient. How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not, with the help of special rituals and ceremonies?

In many countries, the old folk method is very popular, for which you will need the following equipment:

  • Glass of clean water
  • Fresh raw egg

You need to carefully place a glass of water on your head and hold it with your hands so that the liquid does not spill. An assistant - necessarily a close and “trusted” person - must break a fresh egg and pour it into a glass, while carefully monitoring the integrity of the yolk. If you have no one to rely on, you can use a mirror and carefully carry out all the manipulations yourself.

After one or two minutes you can evaluate the result. If the water remains clean and clear, and the yolk falls evenly to the bottom, then there are no symptoms of external negative influence. If the egg behaves in an unclear way: the yolk has separated, and white threads or bubbles are extending upward from the white, then all the signs of damage and the evil eye are present, which can be immediately recognized. At the same time, the number of threads and bubbles directly demonstrates the “degree of severity” of the situation: the more threads, the stronger the negative effect.

Another important nuance that you need to pay attention to is the “behavior” of bubbles and threads - they will help to recognize the intentionality of evil intentions. After some time after surfacing, do the threads sink to the bottom? It makes sense to say that the damage was done on purpose, and the person who did it wants to hide his unseemly act.

The wax will tell the truth...

You can adopt one more ritual. Beeswax needs to be heated over a plate of cold water. When the wax becomes liquid, you need to carefully pour it into a plate and wait a couple of minutes. The resulting image, drawing or figure will help determine whether there is an evil eye.

An even, uniform pattern indicates that there is no damage to the person. Complex, torn, uneven figures, in turn, indicate interference in the consciousness of extraneous negative energy. In this case, you need to start “cleansing” procedures as soon as possible.

The success of some people always causes envy of others. And this, unfortunately, cannot be changed in any way. Some envious people commit petty mischief, others silently envy. But there are also those who resort to much more serious and dangerous methods. For example, they cause damage.

Damage is magical actions that bring failure and harm. If a person has been damaged, then luck completely turns away from him. This is exactly what the spiteful critics want. As a rule, such rituals are performed by sorcerers and magicians, but ordinary people can do it too. So you can expect mischief from everywhere. In order to get rid of misadventures in time, you need to know how to recognize damage.

What kind of damage happens?

There are different types of damage. It all depends on the purpose of the person who imposes it. But the most common types are:

1. To fail. From personal life to financial issues. This is the most common type of damage. After all, people most often envy those who are lucky. Some people try and work hard every day, while others succeed simply and easily. Well, why not a reason for envy? In addition, this type of damage is the most harmless. So the conscience of the instigator will not torment him.

2. For illness. This damage is already noticeably more serious. As a rule, you need to really annoy someone for them to wish you health problems. A separate type can be identified as damage to infertility.

3. To death. The most dangerous of all. If you have been damaged by this kind of damage, you should immediately contact a specialist.

It can be done in a variety of ways: from photographs, using the victim’s personal belongings, her nails, hair, etc. Of course, removing damage is a very difficult and sometimes dangerous task, and in many cases it is simply impossible to do on your own. But anyone can determine that something is wrong with you. And since many curses are very dangerous, there is no point in delaying. Therefore, knowledge of how to recognize damage will undoubtedly be useful to you.

Vivid signs of damage

The first sign of damage is obsessive thoughts. You have never had such thoughts before, but now they haunt you. Depending on what kind of damage was applied, thoughts can be of very different shades. It could be despair, dissatisfaction with your life, although everything seems to be fine with you, doom, emptiness, etc. Or, on the contrary, an unbearable desire appears to do something that promises pleasure and joy, although it looks wrong. Remember that you should never trust such thoughts and desires - it is likely that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

Long-term (doctors cannot determine what is wrong with you);

Animals are wary of you;

The pectoral cross may rub or cause irritation;

You feel uncomfortable being in church, etc.

In fact, there are a lot of signs of damage. If you find at least a few of them, you should seek help from a priest or magician.

How to check spoilage using an egg

Today, there are many rituals that help you recognize whether you are under a curse. Perhaps the simplest of them is a ritual with an ordinary chicken egg. You can do it yourself at home, without resorting to the help of sorcerers or priests. Moreover, it does not require any special knowledge.

Pour a raw egg into a container of water. You need to try to do this so that the yolk remains intact and does not spread. Then place the jar on your head and wait a couple of minutes. It is believed that if a person is damaged, the yolk will spread in the water. If the yolk is covered with white streaks or dark spots, this is a sign of a deadly curse.

and wax

To determine whether there is damage to you, you can use church candles. Light three pieces and place them directly in front of you and read the prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Watch the state of the fire. If the candles burn evenly, you are fine. If at least one of them begins to smoke or crack, you are under damage or the evil eye.

There is another way to recognize damage. For this you will need an assistant. He should hold a bowl of cold water over your head. Melt the wax and pour it into the bowl. You can learn a lot of interesting things from what happens to the wax:

Smooth wax - you're fine;

Lumpy - damage;

Holes or sores - the same people periodically cast spells on you.

Folk sign

There is a belief that damage can be recognized using an ordinary pin. In order to do this, it must be pinned to the clothing so that the head is at the bottom. The best place is considered to be the heart area. After this, you need to read any prayer, and you can go about your business.

Most often they do this before going outside. At the end of the day, take a look at your pin. If it’s not there, it means they managed to put a serious spell on you; if it’s just unfastened, they’ve jinxed you.

And remember, the sooner you detect damage, the easier it will be to get rid of it. So there is no need to hesitate.

To determine whether there is an evil eye or damage to a loved one, it is not necessary to have practical magical experience and see the subtle worlds. It is enough to carry out certain rituals, with the help of which you can independently determine whether a harmful ritual was performed. There will be no harm from simple diagnostic measures, and if you are successful, you can obtain valuable information that will protect you from the most dire consequences. Traditional medicine uses many techniques that go back to antiquity to identify damage.

Church attributes in defining negativity

The easiest and safest way to determine damage is to use church attributes. Here are some rituals.

Church candle

One of the simplest and most effective ways to determine the presence of damage is considered to be the method with a church candle. To do this, you need to hold the candle in your hands for several minutes, carefully listening to your feelings, and paying special attention to your well-being. After the concentration reaches the desired level, you need to light the candle, squeezing it tightly with both hands, and continuously look at the fire. If the flame is even and bright, then there is no need to worry, but in the opposite situation, serious measures must be taken. If the fire begins to twitch nervously, there is black smoke with an unpleasant hiss, or the candle does not want to burn and goes out, then these are signs of negative attachments.

Silver chain

There is also a known method with a silver chain, which must belong to the person performing this ritual. It should be remembered that it is better not to use a pectoral cross. First you need to light the candle, taking it in your left hand. A left-handed person takes it in his right palm. The chain of turf is placed on your fingers, allowing it to move freely in weight. Next, you need to carefully look at the fire of the church candle and read any cleansing prayer. The chain begins to oscillate, and if it suddenly slips from the fingers, then this is a direct sign that the person has been damaged.

It is well known that evil spirits cannot stand church paraphernalia and everything else that is somehow connected with the Lord. This can also be used to understand whether the damage was caused to someone other than a person. To do this, a possible victim of black magic just needs to visit the church. It is best to do this several times to completely verify the presence of negativity or its absence. You should not expect that a parishioner who has been hexed will immediately begin to choke or scream in church, but negative symptoms will appear.

Many damned people find it unpleasant to touch the consecrated water, as well as any other things in the church: an icon, a cross and an amulet. Irrefutable signs that a person has been damaged can be a blackened cross on the body, if it was not like that before entering the temple. A parishioner with a soul blackened by corruption is able to make candles suddenly smoke just by his presence in the church.

It is worth noting that some believe that believers are completely protected from any black witchcraft. And this is not an entirely correct opinion. To receive complete protection from damage, you need truly unbending faith with a high level of spirituality, and not everyone is able to achieve all this.

Products as a diagnostic tool

Holy water is a simple and effective method that helps identify symptoms of damage. Water that protects against spoilage should not be ordinary water taken from a tap or well. You need to go to church to get it. If there is no church nearby, then water is collected from a natural spring and cleansing prayers are read over it for a long time. You need to wash your face with this water in the evening before going to bed, and then read the “Our Father” prayer and place a cup at the head of the bed. In a dream, water should tell you whether damage has been caused to a person or not. The fact that the curse is in effect will become clear if in a dream the person being tested sees someone rejoicing after defeating him or rejoicing at his misfortune. In this case, the caster of evil spells can be either a loved one or a stranger.

Salt can also be used to determine whether a person has a curse. To do this, you need to sew a bag and pour coarse salt into it so that the bag is half full. The edge through which the salt was poured must be sewn up so that its threads are inside the bag and not outside. For three days this bag should be kept in the room of the person being tested for negative effects. After this time, you need to see what happened to the salt. If it becomes hard and crumpled, then this will indicate the presence of bad energy, and if it is crumbly, then there is no damage to the person.

The chicken egg has always been considered a successful method for diagnosing negative connections. This method is classic; it has been used for a very long time, proving its benefits over the years. A chicken egg must be rustic, because it won’t work from stores. To carry out this ritual, you need to fill a glass with holy water and place it at the head of the bed, but first add a broken egg to the water, and then you can go to bed. The presence of spoilage on a person the next morning is easily determined by the state of the egg in a glass of water. If the product has deteriorated, acquired a different color and smell, there is definitely an evil eye or damage. And if the egg has not changed since the evening, then there is no need to worry about superimposed magical programs.

Coffee can also hint at spoilage. This is a fairly simple method with which you can detect malicious magic programs on yourself. You need to brew ground coffee, drink it, and then turn the cup over. The next step will be to study the pattern of the grounds. If large lumps are found, this is a sure sign of spoilage. At the same time, the size of the clots indicates the degree of danger of the evil eye.

Bay leaves have always been considered good protection against black magical influences. People who feared the evil eye and damage hung a branch of this plant in the kitchen or front door, which protected them from various diseases and unkind guests. At the same time, someone grew a laurel tree near his house, which could protect not only its owner, but his entire family.

It is also possible to determine the presence of damage on a person using a bay leaf. To do this, you should set fire to a bay leaf and fumigate all the corners of the home of the person who may be damaged. Smoke can cleanse a room of evil. He can also tell you that the owner of the house is damaged if the branch does not burn well or smokes too much. All this will signal danger, after which it will make sense to take care of carrying out a ritual to expel the evil spirit.

What household items will help diagnose

Damage can be detected with simple matches. You need to take a jar of water, place it in front of you, then take three or more matches from the box and hold them between your palms. This is necessary to fill the matches with their own energy. Next should be a question regarding the presence of harmful effects on the biofield of the person being tested. After this, you should light one match at a time and throw them into the water, and the answer to the question of interest is determined by the location of the matches on the surface of the water. If the matches float freely and do not intersect, then there is no damage; if they intersect or are inclined toward the bottom, this is a sign of the evil eye. If they sank down, despite the fact that the density of the tree is less than the density of water, then the reason for this can only be damage.

A pin will also help to identify damage. It is a popular and effective tool for identifying negative energy sent by a black sorcerer. To activate this technique, you need to take a pin and pierce it on the wrong side of the clothes of someone who is suspected of having damage. The pin can be absolutely anything: new, old, your own or someone else’s - it won’t play any role. In this case, it is necessary to place the pin in clothing directly with the head down and closer to the place located near the heart when the supposed cursed person wears this jacket or shirt.

After this, you need to ask the Lord for help. Forgive me, so that the Almighty will protect you from any kind of evil and negative thoughts of ill-wishers on the road. This ritual should be performed before going out; you must go with a pin. After returning home, you need to check if the pin is lost. If it is not there, then the damage was indeed caused by someone.

A gold ring can indicate damage. Identifying negativity using a gold ring is considered one of the simplest techniques to perform. At the same time, this ritual helps to accurately determine damage, unlike some other methods, during which it is sometimes difficult to say unambiguously whether the negative was actually sent to a person. Before this small ritual, it is recommended to wash your face well. This is especially true for representatives of the fairer sex - there should be no cosmetics left at all, and if something is not washed off, it can negatively affect the situation and the technique will not work. After washing your face, you need to take the ring and run it across your cheek. A black mark may remain on the face, as if the ring was covered with dirt. This will indicate that the person was attacked by a black magician. In this case, special attention should be paid to facial cleansing, because cosmetics can oxidize when they react with this expensive metal. And if just such a reaction occurred, then one should not talk about damage, but one cannot talk about its absence either.

Cards, runes and a pendulum in diagnosing damage

You can identify damage using Scandinavian runes. This method is the most accurate in diagnosis. It helps not only to understand whether a person has negativity, but also to find out what type of curse we are talking about. To do this, you need to make a runic layout so that you get three rows. In the first row there should be four runes, which will tell whether the person has any negativity sent by the black sorcerer, or whether there are problems attracted directly by him. The runes of the first row allow you to find out in which area of ​​life the victim gave damage the opportunity to penetrate himself.

The second row consists of two runes that will tell you what or who is the cause of the negativity that appears, if the runes of the starting row have already shown the presence of damage. In the last row you need to put only one rune. She will indicate how the negativity was sent to the person.

Tarot cards have always been considered incredibly popular and accurate in magic. At all times they have been used to identify negativity in a person. However, regular cards can also do something, you just need to use them correctly. The presence of damage is indicated by all the peaks that fall out in various combinations of the classic layout. At the same time, ordinary cards can indicate not only the presence of damage, but also the fact that it is the damage that has affected a person’s health. The presence of such cards on or under the heart will indicate illness and complex health conditions of the cursed person.

With the help of a pendulum and a frame you can see the curse. This method is actively used in bioenergetics to identify negative magical programs. Armed with a frame, the specialist looks through the person’s chakras, analyzing their condition. The frame is drawn from top to bottom, and certain questions are asked. Attention is focused on exactly how the frame will rotate during this action.

As for the pendulum, everything is simpler here. It can be purchased at any esoteric store, or made independently at home from strong thread and a nut. Before work, the tool must be properly configured, and then begin to determine damage.

Pets and photographs in the diagnosis of damage

Cats sense the damage that their owner has. They see entities walking around the house and can play with them. If a demon sits in the layers of the biofield, the cat lies down in this place and forces the entity to leave the owner’s body and move into her body. After this, she leaves home forever or soon falls ill and dies, and her owner recovers, having gotten rid of the negativity.

Dogs don't like entities. They don't like negative information. Some bark angrily at the spoiled person and try to bite him, others tuck their tails between their legs and whine. In any case, the dog’s inappropriate behavior should alert you.

Damage can also be identified from photographs. Before starting testing, you need to stock up on holy water, which you can take from the temple. This technique is very simple and does not require any special costs, and it indicates damage or refutes its presence quite accurately.

To do this, you need to find a photo of a person who may have been influenced by negativity, and lower the photo into holy water, previously poured into a transparent vessel. The photo should remain in the water for several minutes. Then you need to see what changes have occurred with the image in the water. Cloudy spots may appear on it, which will indicate that the curse has indeed been induced. It is worth noting that the severity of the damage will depend on the size and number of stains. It is not worth removing the photograph from the consecrated water, since its presence there will at least slightly weaken the dark effect of damage on the human energy field.

When several applied methods confidently indicate the presence of damage, then you need to look for ways to eliminate it. Various techniques are used to free yourself from negative connections. They can be studied and applied for a long time until one of them works. You can follow the path of least resistance and contact the contacts listed on our website. Then you will receive quick liberation from damage. This will allow you to do what you love and not waste your life fighting black magic.