How to make strawberry jam? Strawberry jam: recipe. Good recipes. Cooking tips

Currently, it has happened that real garden strawberries are mistakenly called strawberries due to the size of the berries. In Europe, wild strawberries are almost ubiquitous, with aromatic but small berries. This plant has been treated as a medicinal plant for many hundreds of years.

In the 17th century, Virginia strawberries were brought from the North American state of Virginia. The berries of this species were larger than wild strawberries, but they were much inferior in taste. Almost a hundred years later, a French officer exported five bushes of Chilean strawberries from South America, which were distinguished by even larger, but sour berries.

Quite by accident, one of the bushes of this plant was planted next to Virginia strawberries. As a result of spontaneous pollination, a plant with large and tasty berries was obtained. It was called garden strawberry. It is this that is very often confused with strawberries. It is from garden strawberries that housewives make delicious and aromatic jam in the summer.

How to make jam from garden strawberries or strawberries

To ensure that the berries in strawberry jam remain intact, it is advisable to pick the berries in dry weather so that they contain a minimum amount of moisture.

For jam you need to take:

  • garden strawberries (strawberries) – 1 kg;
  • sugar 0.5 kg.

Sort the berries and remove the stems. After this, the berries should be quickly rinsed in hot water and allowed to dry a little.

Pour the berries into a bowl or pan with a non-oxidizing coating. Add sugar there.

Leave the strawberries and sugar on the table for two to three hours. When the berry gives juice, put it on the fire and heat it to a boil. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, stir the contents once. After five minutes of boiling, remove the container with the berries from the heat and remove the scale.

When the contents have cooled completely, heat the berries again to a boil, boil for five minutes and cool completely again.

Repeat the procedure a third time. Fragrant strawberry jam with whole berries is ready.

As can be seen in the description of the ingredients, berries and granulated sugar should be taken in equal parts to prepare thick jam. Next, we will describe the cooking process itself. I already said above that meadow strawberries can only be collected together with green tails. Before you start peeling the berries, they need to be laid out on a clean, dry surface and dried a little.

Peeling berries takes quite a lot of time, so call help if possible. During the process, do not forget to rinse your hands often; peeling the berries will be much more enjoyable.

When the berries are cleaned and sorted, they need to be rinsed with a colander and make sure that all the water drains out. Then sprinkle the strawberries with granulated sugar, mix well and leave for several hours so that the berries give juice. You can keep it in the refrigerator overnight.

To make the jam thicker, it needs to be boiled in two stages of five minutes each. When the berries and sugar boil, a lot of foam will form. If possible, it should be removed.

When the jam boils for the first five minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool. Then we repeat the five-minute boiling again, remembering to stir and skim off the foam.

Pour the jam while still hot into jars that have been sterilized in advance for five minutes. To be safe, sprinkle the jam with a small amount of sugar on top, since strawberries sometimes turn sour quickly. Then close the jars with screw or regular lids and let cool at room temperature.

I store the finished strawberry jam in the refrigerator. A cellar will also do, as long as it is cool. That's all the secrets of delicious, thick wild berry jam, bon appetit!

Familiar to many. Who hasn't tried this wild berry? And its name comes from the old Russian word “strawberry,” which literally means hanging close to the ground. Of course, now this berry has been cultivated and grown in private plots. Although the fruits of garden strawberries are larger than those of forest strawberries, they are not at all as fragrant. And strawberry jam from the forest guest is much tastier and healthier.

There are also meadow strawberries. It differs from its forest relative in its rounded shape, aroma and taste. In addition, meadow berries have a longer shelf life, and they are also much denser than forest berries.

Any strawberry is valued for its beneficial and medicinal properties, so many housewives prepare them for the winter so that they can eat this product all year round. And the recipes for such preparations are quite varied. Especially when you consider that not only berries are used for medicinal purposes, but also leaves and roots of the plant, which also contain healing substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Composition of strawberries and their healing properties

Wild strawberries have a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Thanks to such a valuable chemical composition, it is called the “queen of berries” in the east.

Among vitamins, it comes out on top. Also predominant in the composition of this berry are and. It contains almost a complete assortment. There are and, and, and, and.

The mineral complex is represented by: , and . There are in it both , and , as well as , and many other and . Most of all, the content of calcium and iron stands out, and the latter is contained several times more in strawberries and products prepared on its basis than in and.

In addition, the chemical composition of strawberries is represented by 0.3 grams, 0.07 grams and 58 grams. This berry also contains useful salicylic acid, and, and. And it owes its sweet taste to its presence in the composition and.

Strawberries are a low-calorie berry, and one hundred grams of them contain only 32 kcal, but jam made from them has much more and is already about 220 kcal.

Strawberry fruits, like its leaves, are useful for both adults and children, pregnant women and the elderly. The numerous healing properties of strawberries include:

  • decrease in blood glucose levels, but this only applies to fresh berries, not jam;
  • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman, since it contains folic acid, which is so necessary during this period;
  • increased appetite and improved functioning of the digestive system;
  • strawberries quench thirst well;
  • improvement of hematopoietic processes and increase in hemoglobin;
  • normalization of metabolic processes and reduction of levels;
  • lowering blood pressure, so it is very useful for older people and hypertensive patients to consume this berry;
  • restoration of lost strength and energy, increased performance;
  • diuretic effect of the plant.

Strawberries are used to whiten teeth and are also used as a prophylactic for various inflammatory and cold diseases. Strawberry jam is especially effective in this case.

It also saturates the human body with beneficial vitamins, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system and restore the body’s natural defenses.

In folk medicine, not only jam and fresh berries are used, but also decoctions from the leaves of the plant. They contain essential oils, tannins, beneficial substances and ascorbic acid. Due to this, decoctions and teas based on such leaves are used for:

  • throat diseases and colds;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract and bronchitis, thanks to the ability to liquefy and remove mucus from the lungs;
  • loss of strength and vitamin deficiency, as well as to improve the body’s immune system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels to strengthen the vascular walls and heart muscle;
  • dyspeptic disorders and inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • swelling, thanks to the ability of strawberry leaves to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • nervous disorders as a sedative;
  • bruises, abrasions and cuts, as a regenerating and restorative agent.

In addition, an infusion of strawberry leaves has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, has strengthening properties and promotes blood renewal.

The forest queen is also useful for cosmetic purposes. With its help, excellent anti-aging masks are obtained, since its chemical composition contains a very high content of vitamins C and E, which effectively slow down the aging process, being essentially natural antioxidants.

They make masks based on it to whiten the skin, thus getting rid of age spots and freckles.

The beneficial acids contained in the berries remarkably exfoliate dead skin cells, improve metabolic processes in cells and tone them. And the grains present in strawberries are a natural scrub and are good for facial massage.

Harm and contraindications to eating strawberries and products made from them

No matter how good strawberries are, they also have contraindications for use. Firstly, it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of sweet jam is unsafe for diabetes, and also leads to excess weight and tooth damage. You should also not use it when:

  • individual intolerance to the berries and leaves of the plant, as this often leads to severe allergic reactions;
  • a tendency to allergies in principle, since then the body is very sensitive to the effects of various types of allergens;
  • increased stomach acidity and digestive problems;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and peptic ulcers.

You should know that it is necessary to introduce such berries into a child’s diet with caution, several berries at a time, determining the possibility of use by the presence or absence of a child’s reaction to them.

In addition, you should not eat strawberries and jam based on them on an empty stomach, as this can provoke undesirable negative consequences.

Strawberry jam recipes

Each housewife has her own recipes for preparing this tasty and healthy dessert. However, in order for this product to be of the highest quality and value, it is necessary to follow some rules when preparing it:

  1. Berries should be picked before cooking, no more than a day before making jam. It is good if the collection takes place in dry and sunny weather.
  2. It is recommended to store them in a dark and dry place with temperature conditions not exceeding twelve degrees Celsius.
  3. Medium-sized strawberries are best suited for jam so that the cooking process takes less time, since larger berries require longer cooking. And this leads to the loss of valuable and useful properties of the product, because they are significantly reduced during heat treatment.
  4. In order to avoid sugaring of the finished product at the end of cooking, it is recommended to add a little citric acid.
  5. Strawberry jam should be cooked for an average of half an hour.
  6. Maintaining sugar balance is important. The ideal ratio is half a kilogram per kilogram of forest berries.
  7. Before cooking, it is necessary to remove the sepals and other possible greens, otherwise the product will acquire a tart taste.

Recipe for five-minute strawberry jam

Five-minute strawberry jam contains the maximum amount of useful substances and is very aromatic and natural. In order to prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • strawberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - from 300 to 900 grams, depending on the desired sweetness.

Before cooking, the berries must be sorted, washed and dried, spread in an even layer on a towel. Then place the dried product in a saucepan, alternately sprinkling with sugar, and leave for eight to ten hours to release the juice.

After this time, place the pan on low heat and bring to a boil. Cook for five minutes, then cool and repeat this procedure two or three more times.

After finishing the last cooking, pour the finished product into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

Garden strawberry jam recipe

To make jam from garden strawberries, you need the following ingredients:

  • garden strawberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 800 grams;
  • or citric acid - a quarter of a teaspoon.

The berries must be sorted, separated from low-quality ones and cleaned of greens. Then rinse well with cold water and spread on a towel in an even layer to dry.

Place garden strawberries in a prepared pan, sprinkle with sugar and let steep for six to twelve hours.

After releasing the juice, place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for five minutes, periodically skimming off the foam. Then remove from heat and cool.

After cooling, heat the berry syrup again and boil for five minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. Then cool again. Repeat the process until cooked, adding lemon juice or citric acid during the last cooking.

How do you know when the jam is ready? To do this, you need to drop a small amount of jam on a saucer: the drop should be thick and not spread. In such cases, two to four five-minute cooking sessions are usually sufficient.

If you don’t want to use cooking in several periods, then for the first time you need to increase the cooking time from five to fifteen to twenty minutes.

Place the finished product in prepared sterilized jars, seal, cool at room temperature and store in a cool place.

Meadow strawberry jam recipe

To make meadow strawberry jam you will need the following ingredients:

  • meadow strawberries – 1 kilogram;
  • clean water – 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Meadow berries are not as juicy as garden strawberry varieties, so there is no point in sprinkling them with sugar; it is easier to cook them with sugar syrup. To do this, mix water and granulated sugar and dissolve, gradually stirring, over medium heat.

Bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Then add peeled, washed and dried berries to the resulting syrup and leave the mixture for five to eight hours.

After the time has passed, put the resulting mass on the fire, boil for five minutes and cool again. Repeat the procedure three times. By the last stage, the strawberries will be saturated with sugar syrup, unnecessary water will evaporate, and the product will thicken.

Pour the prepared strawberry jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Instead of results

Strawberry jam is an incredibly tasty and very healthy product. It is used both as medicine and as a dessert. It is often used as a filling for baked goods, dumplings, pies or pancakes. And in winter, adding strawberry jam to tea, you can use it as a preventative measure for colds and viral diseases. Moreover, it should be taken into account that wild strawberries contain almost one and a half times more useful substances than their meadow and garden sisters.

But it is also necessary to remember that excessive infatuation with such a product often leads to damage to teeth, gaining extra pounds, and also causes allergic reactions. You should not overuse strawberry jam, because everything is good in moderation.

For 1 kg of ripe berries, prepare 1.75 kg of powdered sugar. Place the berries in layers in a bowl, sprinkle powder between them. Set the mixture aside for 4 hours to allow the future preparation to infuse and release juice. Set the mixture aside and let it sit for 5.5 hours. Place the mixture in a bowl, place it on a hot flame to boil, and after 15 minutes immediately remove it to the side. Repeat the same procedure 4 times. Add 1 g of acid and lemon juice at the end. Pack while still hot.

How to make strawberry jam

You will need:

Water – 90 g
- granulated sugar – 1/25 kg
- filtered water – 95 ml

Cooking steps:

Sort the fruits, put them in a multi-cooker bowl, sprinkle with sugar, add water, turn on the “Stew” mode, cook for about half an hour, pour into sterile glass containers, roll up, turn upside down to cool completely.

What do you think?

How to make strawberry jam

Required Products:

Strawberry – 1 kg
- sugar – 0.25 kg

Cooking features:

This preparation option is considered anti-cold, so you can safely prepare several jars at once. You won't be afraid of the winter cold. Grind the berries with sugar, place on the stove over low heat until dissolved. You need to cook without boiling. Pour into containers, screw on boiled tin caps.

Strawberry jam: a recipe for the winter

Required components:

A pinch of citric acid
- strawberry – 1 kg
- sugar – 1.55 kg

Cooking features:

Sort the strawberries, prepare them, remove large fruits. Place the selected berries in a bowl, sprinkling generously with granulated sugar. To release the berry juice, leave the mixture for at least 6 hours. Place the mixture in a brass bowl and cook over low heat. Once you get it to boil, wait 20 minutes. If the fruits are large, you need to wait half an hour and 30 minutes; after boiling, bring to cooking. Skim off the foam regularly, and when finished, add 1 g of lemon per 1.1 kg of sugar.

Consider various options as well.

Cooking tips:

1. When cooking wild strawberries, an unpleasant bitterness often appears. It's easy to get rid of it. To do this, the jam is cooked with the addition of peeled raw carrots. At the end of cooking it is simply removed. You can also add red currants. Jam cooked in one batch does not taste bitter either.
2. The readiness of the sweet treat is checked with a drop of syrup. It is enough to drop it onto the surface of a cold saucer and watch how it behaves. If it has not spread, then the dish is ready to eat.
3. If you do not add enough sugar, the product will ferment.
4. In order for the delicacy to be well candied, add a teaspoon of sugar at the end of cooking. This amount should be enough for 1 kg of sweet sugar.
5. The optimal container volume for seaming is 0.5, 1 liter and 2 liters.
6. For cooking, select only freshly picked strawberries.

Prepare and.

Garden strawberry jam

Prepare sugar and strawberries in equal quantities. Place the washed and peeled berries in an enamel bowl and add granulated sugar. Grind the berry mass using an electric meat grinder. Beat with a mixer to get rid of lumps. The consistency of the workpiece should become homogeneous. If lumps remain, the workpiece will become moldy. Sterilize the containers, dry them, place treats on them, and cover with nylon or metal lids. Sprinkle the top with sugar. Pour the ground mixture into glass containers, close the lids loosely, and place in a saucepan with heated water. Pasteurize future seals and store in the pantry after capping.

Cook and...

How to make wild strawberry jam

Prepare the components:

One and a half glasses of water
- granulated sugar – 1.75 kg
- strawberry – 1 kg

Cooking features:

Boil the mixture in an enamel container with added water. Add sugar, stir until granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the syrup over the peeled and washed berries. Place the mixture in a container over low heat. After boiling, leave for exactly 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 4 times. A couple of minutes before completion of boiling, citric acid is introduced. Pack the hot delicacy into dry and heated containers, cover with tin, pre-boiled lids, and screw on.

Consider variations too.

Wild strawberry jam - recipe

You will need:

Granulated sugar – 1.25 kg
- berries (pre-prepared) – 1.1 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort the berries, wash in a basin, and dry on a cloth. Layer with sugar and leave in a cool place for five hours to release the berry juice. Set the juice on a fairly low heat and boil the syrup. There is no need to introduce water. Dip the berries into the sweet filling, stir regularly with a wooden spoon, and cook until moderate. Pour into containers, leaving 1 finger from the top, and close with lids. Unroll onto lids and cool in the open air.

Delicious jelly

Required components:

Gelatin – 10 g
- citric acid – 2.1 g
- sugar – 0.75 kg
- strawberries – 1.1 kg

Cooking features:

Sort the berries, throw away spoiled and contaminated ones, and remove sepals. Place the sorted berries in a colander and place them in a bucket of water three times until the fruits are completely clean. The water should drain. Pour a couple of glasses of water into an enamel container, boil it, and carefully pour in the strawberries. Boil directly in syrup. Cook in the syrup for 10 minutes, turning the heat to low so that there is little boiling. Drain the resulting juice and filter through flannel cloth or a thick sieve. Squeeze out the pulp a little. Boil the resulting liquid by exactly half, removing foam and various impurities with a slotted spoon. Add granulated sugar in suitable proportions in several additions per liter of juice. Stir constantly until the mixture comes to a boil. There are not enough pectin substances in strawberries, so citric acid and gelatin should be added to the preparation.

It also has a special taste. It has an amazingly beautiful color and incredible taste.

Boil again until the sugar is completely dissolved. Take a test for readiness. If the jelly is spread on a plate and it quickly hardens, then this indicates that the cooking can be completed. The jelly can also be considered cooked if foam forms in the middle. Package the finished jelly, place it in prepared jars, place the lids on top, and immerse them in a container of boiled water for pasteurization. After the procedure, the containers can be tightened.

Recipe with apricots

You will need:

A pinch of vanillin
- lemon zest
- granulated sugar – 1.62 kg
- strawberry – 1.1 kg
- apricots – 1.1 kg

Cooking features:

Rinse the apricots and strawberries separately. Completely remove seeds and leaves. Get rid of rotten fruits, as they can greatly spoil the taste of the jam. Season the strawberries well with sugar and leave for about an hour to allow the juice to release. Let the contents cook and stir. Boil for five minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the resulting mixture for about four hours.

The next step is to cut the apricot fruit into quarters. Grate the lemon zest. Feel free to place the jam on the stove and gradually add the lemon zest. Add chopped apricots and a little vanillin (it will add more flavor). Be sure to stir and continue boiling for 10 minutes. Be sure to stir the strawberry mixture, periodically removing the foam, which can greatly spoil the taste of the jam.

For the third time, place the cooking mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, and leave for 5 minutes. Pour the hot mixture into a boiled glass container.

Strawberry jam will turn out incredibly tasty if you follow all the cooking tips. Be sure to try our recipes, as they have been tested by experienced housewives. For taste, various spices are added to the preparation - you can select them according to your taste.

Strawberry jam is prepared by boiling the berries in sugar syrup. This is a very healthy product that contains many vitamins, acids and microelements. During cooking, the beneficial properties are lost during heat treatment. The healthiest option for preparing the recipe is five minutes. Since the berry is little processed thermally, almost all the vitamins are preserved as in fresh berries. Strawberries normalize metabolism, normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and immunity. Helps you recover faster from colds.

Features of making strawberry jam

How to make strawberry jam?

Compared to other berries, strawberries do not need to boil the sugar syrup in advance. Preparation is much simpler, you just need to add sugar, cover the container with baking paper or a towel and leave for ten hours. The berry itself will release the required amount of juice.

To ensure that the finished product contains an equal amount of berries and syrup, the same amount of sugar is added per kilogram of fruit. If you want more syrup, use one and a half kilograms of sugar per kilogram of berries.

If you want to make a large amount of jam, do not put the berries in one pan. This will damage the fruits. The ideal proportion per pan is two kilograms of berries, excluding sugar. In this case, the fruits will cook evenly and the strawberries will retain their shape.

It is necessary to cook over low heat, stirring constantly so that the berries cook evenly and do not burn. You cannot leave the product unattended; during boiling, foam rises at lightning speed, and if you hesitate, it will be difficult to wash the syrup off the heated stove.

Many housewives believe that it is impossible to stir berries during cooking, so as not to damage the fruit. This is a misconception. It is necessary to mix, but correctly. Use only a wooden spatula or spoon. There should be no sudden movements. Stir only along the walls and gently along the bottom, touching the fruit as little as possible.

Berries sprinkled with sugar should release juice, this takes time. You can’t cook it right away, the strawberries will lose their shape and the undissolved dry sugar will burn.

It is better to cook in an enamel basin. This material heats up evenly. The strawberries will not spread, will remain strong and retain their original shape.

How long to cook strawberry jam?

Being a delicate berry, strawberries do not require long cooking. Having put it on the fire, you need to boil it, simmer for five minutes, stirring very carefully with a wooden spoon and skimming off the resulting foam in the process. Remove from heat and leave to cool for ten hours. Repeat this three times. With this approach to preparation, the fruits remain strong, the syrup is transparent, and the aroma is pleasant. With a longer cooking option, if you decide to cook more, the berry will lose its original appearance and the syrup will become thick. Between preparations, store without refrigeration in a dark place away from direct sunlight.

How to choose the right berries?

When choosing strawberries, you should pay attention to the size and level of ripeness. It is important to choose the right time to harvest. It is optimal to collect in dry weather, preferably during the day. If you pick in the morning, the dew will be absorbed into the strawberries, making the berries soft and watery.

Classic strawberry jam

This recipe for strawberry jam for the winter is the simplest and most common.


  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • strawberries – 3 kg.


  1. It’s good to sort through the fruits. Remove sepals. Rinse in the basin several times, changing the cold water. If it is not possible to purchase medium-sized berries, then cut large ones in half.
  2. After washing, dry the strawberries. You can leave it for several hours to allow the moisture to evaporate, or use a paper towel and gently blot it dry.
  3. Place the berries in a high heat-resistant container and cover with sugar, leaving for ten hours.
  4. After a while, when the berries have released their juice, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Next, cook for five minutes over low heat, remembering to remove the foam and stir.
  5. After half an hour, when the mass is not so hot, cover with a towel or baking paper. Leave for ten hours.
  6. Repeat the same procedure two more times.
  7. After the third time, pour it hot into jars that have undergone a sterilization process. The container should be filled to the very top, leaving no room for air. If there is foam or bubbles, remove before closing the lid. Roll up the lids, previously boiled in water.

"Strawberries in their own juice"

There are few recipes for strawberry jam in your own juice for the winter. Their difference lies in the amount of sugar and the time required for sterilization.


  • sugar – 500 g;
  • strawberry – 2000


  1. Dry the prepared, washed berries and cover with sugar for ten hours.
  2. Sterilize jars. Transfer the berries. Pour the juice with a spoon.
  3. Boil the lids and close the container.
  4. Cover the basin with a cloth and pour in cold water. Place the jars, which should be in water up to the middle.
  5. Turn on the fire. When it boils, cook for ten minutes.
  6. Immediately screw the lids on tightly and cover.