How to insert plates. The principle of operation of orthodontic plates for straightening teeth. How the structure is manufactured and fixed

Dentistry today makes it possible to achieve perfect results in eliminating congenital or acquired defects of the jaw bone, abnormal bite, the absence of one or a number of teeth, enamel pigmentation and other clinical situations.

If the problem is solved in a timely manner, you can achieve even greater results and maintain the effect of treatment for many years.

A special section of dentistry is represented by pediatric dentistry, where adequate treatment and correction of jaw deformities at an early age allows one to maintain a snow-white smile and straight teeth as they grow up.

Plates for teeth straightening (otherwise known as braces, retainers) are orthopedic structures for gradual alignment of the dentition. In pediatric dentistry they are a good alternative to classic braces.

The product consists of the following parts:

  • arc (titanium/nickel alloy with memory effect);
  • palatal part (high-quality plastic with medium level of hardness).

The following algorithm can be applied to the operating principle of removable retainers:

  1. Under the influence of the plate, the jaw stretches or contracts.
  2. Fangs, molars, and incisors are straightened if they have an incorrect angle.
  3. The pressure of the plate guides the teeth, eliminating malocclusions.
  4. The wire passes through special clasps and is attached to the teeth.
  5. Twisting allows you to reduce or increase pressure to move teeth in the desired direction.

Alignment plates cannot correct severe jaw defects or malocclusions.

The purpose of retainers is to delicately eliminate local imperfections and curvature of teeth (one or more). To treat complex situations, more serious long-term systemic installations are often resorted to.

Indications for installation

There are no specific guidelines for the use of plates at a certain age. Their installation is possible both in early childhood and in adult patients. Most often, corrective braces are installed on children who have molars.

  • acceleration or deceleration of the processes of formation of jaw bones;
  • correction of jaw shape;
  • eliminating possible bias;
  • changing the angle of one unit;
  • correction of sky parameters;
  • formation of a normal bite;
  • preparing teeth and jaw bones for installation of braces;
  • maintaining results after removing braces.

Dentists are of the opinion that it is advisable to correct the bite with corrective plates in children during the period of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones.

The video shows in which cases leveling plates are used.

Main contraindications

Due to the simplicity of the design, there are no absolute contraindications to installation. Before installing the plate, the child undergoes a thorough examination of the oral cavity, evaluates the effectiveness of the use of retainers, and excludes malocclusions and complex deformations of the jaw bone.

The main contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions to materials;
  • course of periodontitis;
  • pathologies of the development of the respiratory organs and respiratory tract;
  • swallowing reflex disorders;
  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy.

During the course of some diseases, installation of corrective structures is possible, but the dentist together with specialized specialists can assess the risks of complications.

Types and features of designs

Bite correcting plates are classified into two categories: removable and non-removable. Each type has its own method of installation, fastening, and special wearing instructions. The orthodontist will select the required type of structure in accordance with the problem being solved.

Removable retainers

Removable structures are popular in pediatric dentistry. Such plates are installed if the child requires minor bite correction.

The staples consist of a plastic base and hooks. Removable retainers do not pose a danger to the child, do not create discomfort while wearing, they can be easily tightened, distributing the necessary load on the jaw.


  • adequate cost;
  • ease of use.


  • effective only for minor malocclusions;
  • are intended to correct only one unit.

Removable retainers are classified according to other criteria, distinguishing the following subtypes:

  1. Single jawed. Recommended for wearing in case of pathological deformation of separately located units in children, as well as adult patients. They allow you to restore the optimal size of the dentition if it is narrow or insufficiently long. Pressure is applied to the jawbone by tightening special screws.
  2. With a branch on a metal arc. Used when the angle of only one tooth is disturbed. Under the influence of the screed, the process affects only the pathologically changed unit and gradually levels it out.
  3. With a retraction type arc. Installed when the incisors of the lower or upper jaw are protussive. The result is achieved by regularly tightening the screw elements.
  4. With a pushing fragment. The block consists of one or two parts on springs. Ideal for eliminating deformities along the upper jaw line.
  5. Bruckle's apparatus. Effective for eliminating minor defects in the frontal dentition on a mobile jaw.
  6. Andresen-Goipl activator. Suitable for correcting pathologically altered teeth on the upper and lower jaw bones simultaneously. Consists of several parts.
  7. The Frenkel apparatus is designed to correct irregularities in the dentition, as well as to restore the correct bite. Refers to complex structures in structure. In addition to hooks and clasps, cheek shields and lip pads are installed on a metal base.

The main advantage of removable structures is the ability to remove or provide some rest to the oral cavity. These braces are worn for about 18 months, but the period of wearing may vary as directed by your doctor.

Fixed structures

Fixed plates look like a metal arc (wire) with locks. With the help of locks, the arc is firmly fixed, while maintaining the ability to change position.

Fixed structures are used by both adults and children. The appointment for the installation of such retainers assumes a severe curvature of the dentition.

The duration of wearing depends entirely on the severity of the dental situation. Permanent plates are installed for up to two years, but if necessary, the doctor can extend the wearing period.

The non-removable design allows you to eliminate severe pathological bites and straighten your teeth.

The staples have high fastening strength and guarantee almost 99% success in correction. Such installation systems are more expensive due to the high quality of the material used and the complexity of the product parts.

Manufacturing and fastening

Teeth straightening plates are made of high quality medical plastic. This material does not cause allergies and does not injure the oral cavity. The metal arc is made of an alloy of nickel and titanium.

Titanium is a popular material in the manufacture of dentures; it is highly durable, unaffected by temperatures and acids, and is known for its hypoallergenic properties.

The plates are made in accordance with the anatomical structure of the jaw, the position of the teeth in the row, and the severity of the deformation. The manufacturing process may take some time, as fitting or additional correction is required before installation.

Only after making the ideal molds does the doctor begin installation. All preparation looks like this:

  1. Taking an x-ray. A photograph of the jaw is important for a clearer picture of the patient's teeth and other jaw defects.
  2. Cast. The impression allows you to make a model from plaster that is identical to the anatomical structure of the patient’s teeth.
  3. Manufacturing. The plate is made of medical plastic based on the existing plaster model.

After the plate has been successfully installed in the mouth, the patient may feel discomfort for some time when eating or talking normally.

After a week, such sensations disappear and the presence of the plate in the mouth is practically not felt. It is important to follow all hygiene rules and monitor the integrity of the structure.

Pros and cons

Many patients doubt the successful treatment of malocclusion with plates. But despite the simplicity of the product, retainers have undeniable advantages:

  • opportunity to shoot while eating or brushing teeth (removable retainers);
  • ease of wearing, methods of care;
  • no pain or discomfort;
  • hypoallergenic materials;
  • reasonable cost.

In addition to the advantages, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • age limit(high effectiveness has been proven in childhood);
  • Can be used for mild deformities(for example, diastema, incorrect palate size, etc.);
  • easy to remove(regular adult supervision is required when wearing removable structures).

It is up to the patients themselves to decide which bite correction systems to choose. But only a doctor will determine exactly which types are suitable for a particular case.

Duration of wearing

The wearing time is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disorders. If the plates are installed after the braces system, then the correction can take up to two years.

The curvature of one or more teeth requires continuous wear for six months or more. Straightening the front teeth while wearing removable dentures requires the use of the structure around the clock throughout the year.

If you only need to prevent malocclusion, then wearing removable plates at night is sufficient.

Unpleasant sensations

With proper installation and ideal dimensions of the structure, the appearance of pain can be caused by caries, stomatitis, or too much screw tension.

If you experience pain or discomfort, it is important to contact an orthodontist to find out the true causes of the pain. If necessary, the design is corrected.

Rules of care

It is important to remove the removable structure before each meal. This will prevent food particles from getting into the structure of the structure, which makes the correction ineffective.

Leftover food can cause tooth decay or infection of the oral cavity (for example, ulcerative stomatitis). In addition, a set of some rules will speed up the treatment process and avoid side effects:

  1. Remove the plates from the oral cavity only with treated hands, then rinse them thoroughly with boiled water or special solutions.
  2. The plate should remain in the antiseptic solution until the morning.
  3. During the day, it is necessary to clean the plate with gel or ordinary paste.
  4. The correction plate should be removed during intense sports activities.
  5. After eating, it is better to always rinse your mouth to completely remove any remaining food.

An orthodontic product should always be worn after brushing and removing plaque.

Plates and braces - selection criteria

Both braces and dental plates are orthodontic structures for eliminating pathologically altered bites and straightening the dentition.

Advantages of plates:

  • ability to remove if necessary;
  • easy to care for the oral cavity and structure;
  • adequate cost.

Disadvantages of plates:

  • removable structures often make treatment ineffective;
  • when broken, it takes more time to repair;
  • long-term addiction.

Advantages of braces:

  • continuous exposure to teeth;
  • quick addiction;
  • quick elimination of breakdowns and defects while wearing;
  • bite correction occurs much faster;
  • ability to move teeth in different directions.

Disadvantages of braces systems:

  • difficulty in daily hygiene;
  • high cost.

Any corrective system can eliminate defects in the dentition and jawbone. Patients choose orthodontic structures according to different criteria, based on their financial capabilities, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Estimated cost

The cost of plates for dental correction is determined by the type of design, quality of materials and status of the dental clinic.

An important aspect in determining the price is the region where the dental office is located.

Type of correction plate Approximate cost in rubles
Classic simple plate 7000 - 12000
Classic plate made of very soft plastic 12000 - 20000
Complex design with one screw 9000 - 12000
Screw installation per unit 1000 - 3000
Installing the tongue flap 500 - 2000
Installation of a premolar or molar system

An ugly smile and malocclusion do not always appear as a consequence of unfavorable heredity. Typically, orthodontic defects and anomalies occur in early childhood or adolescence. The reason for this is also external factors: bad habits, diseases of the ENT organs and other body systems. If you contact your dentist when the first signs of a problem appear, you can avoid long-term correction with braces or surgery. In such cases, it is often enough to place plates on the teeth.

Plates for straightening teeth are the most effective and comfortable to wear in childhood. An orthodontic dental plate can look different: production in one form or another is determined depending on the nature of the anomaly. In this article, we will tell you what defects can be corrected with the help of dental plates, and how long you need to wear the device to straighten your child’s teeth. You will also see what the plate looks like and how it is put on, and find out what the average cost is.

Characteristics of orthodontic plates

Dental plates are a removable orthodontic appliance. The device is manufactured using soft plastic and metal wire of various thicknesses. The design of dental plates is completely safe, since it does not provoke allergic reactions and does not injure the oral mucosa.

Orthodontic plates consist of three basic elements.

  1. Firstly, this is the basis. It is moderately hard and durable, and can come in almost any color.
  2. Secondly, the orthodontic plate has an elastic metal wire from which the arch and hooks are made for attaching to the teeth. It is thanks to force that correction occurs.
  3. Activation of the dental plate occurs using a special mechanism hidden in the base of the device. For this, a third element is used - a special “key”, which in appearance resembles an ordinary needle.

If it is necessary to correct serious defects, dental plates for children may have additional devices in the form of hooks. It is worth noting that the final cost of the structure largely depends on the configuration. In modern orthodontics, these devices are usually used when it is necessary to correct anomalies in children under 12-15 years of age. This is due to the fact that at this age the child has not yet completed the formation of the bite and jaw bones, which means that the impact on them will be easier, and the teeth will resist straightening less.

It is also worth saying that the child adapts to dental plates faster and less painfully than with correction using braces. With the help of this device you can successfully get rid of numerous dental problems. It is only important to trust your doctor. Let's list what an orthodontic dental plate can do:

  • adjust the shape of the jaw;
  • slow down or accelerate the natural growth of the jaws in accordance with the existing anomaly;
  • change the position of the incisors in the row;
  • expand or narrow the size of the palate.

Of course, it is not advisable to use a dental alignment plate to correct complex dental anomalies. For example, it is not able to solve the problem of an open bite or severe crowding of teeth. In some cases, the manufacture and installation of plates on children’s teeth is considered only the first stage of correcting the defect, followed by wearing braces or surgical intervention.

Features of plate installation

How do you put a plate on your teeth? It is installed much faster and easier than various fixed structures, for example, braces. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, of which the bulk of the time is occupied by the final adjustment of the device.

  1. Despite the fact that the construction is manufactured in accordance with the cast of the jaws, small errors are still possible. That is why the plate is always put on for the first time accompanied by a doctor.
  2. The device may create minor discomfort at first, but you will have to get used to it soon. There is no need to worry as this is quite normal. The orthodontic dental plate is perceived by the body as a foreign body, so it takes time to adapt to new conditions.
  3. It is difficult to say for sure how long it will take to get used to, because it depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of a person’s bones. On average, the structure in the mouth stops interfering after 3-5 days.
  4. Despite the fact that the device is manufactured using very durable and reliable materials, you should take very careful care of the record to avoid damage. It is because of this that the plate is usually not given to very young children with poor self-discipline.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Plates for straightening teeth in children have become very popular in modern orthodontics due to numerous advantages. We invite you to study the most important of them.

  1. The ability to quickly get rid of various anomalies. For example, a dental structure of this type allows you to correct the shape of the jaw, change the size of the palate, narrow or widen it. Children's plates are an excellent tool for correcting minor bite defects. It can also be used to eliminate diastema, that is, a gap between teeth, in a few months.
  2. Comfortable to wear. Plates for straightening and correcting teeth are removable devices. This makes them as comfortable as possible for children. Without compromising the correction process, they can be removed during meals and hygiene procedures. This benefit is especially important for young children, who may not fully understand how important it is to keep their teeth perfectly clean.
  3. Fast production. Fixed dental structures usually take at least 2-4 weeks to complete, depending on the type of appliance. The production of a removable plate is several times faster, since production takes place in the same clinic where you plan to undergo bite correction.
  4. Low cost. On average, a plate for teeth correction costs 2-3 times less than the most inexpensive braces. Average prices for teeth plates are in the range of 5-10 thousand rubles. How much the entire course of orthodontic treatment with plates costs, you need to check with the specific clinic where you plan to go. In the photo you can see several models of plates.

A ready-made plate for correcting teeth, of course, also has disadvantages. Firstly, these dental structures cannot correct serious malocclusions. Secondly, to get the effect you need to wear it at least 22 hours a day. This means that you need to closely monitor your child and make sure that he does not remove the plate too often.

Hygiene and care rules

Plates, like other orthodontic devices, require careful attention and careful care. There are several basic rules that must be followed without fail to achieve a positive result.

  1. In order for the plate to effectively straighten teeth and correct pathologies, it cannot be removed at night, otherwise the correction will be completely ineffective. It is best for children to be supervised by their parents in this matter, especially in the first days after installation, when the jaws may hurt slightly.
  2. Don’t forget about hygiene not only of the oral cavity, but also of the plate itself. To do this, you need to purchase a special small brush and gel for daily cleaning.
  3. No matter how many times a day you eat, the orthodontic plate must be removed each time. This will avoid damage and serious contamination.

In modern orthodontics, plates for the correction of dentoalveolar pathologies are the most common means of correction for children under 12 years of age. Like other designs, they have pros and cons, but the positive aspects are still disproportionately greater. The effectiveness of these devices has been proven by many years of successful stories of correction of jaw defects. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video that clearly demonstrates the comfort of correcting a bite using a plate.

A beautiful smile is the dream of many people, however, only ten percent of all inhabitants of our planet are born with a completely correct bite, while the remaining ninety have certain problems.

Some disorders are corrected as the baby grows, while others require special intervention. have long ceased to be a problem. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time and choose an adequate method of therapy.

Dental plates are a simple and at the same time effective solution to most bite problems in children.

Plates are a removable orthodontic appliance used to correct malocclusions. They consist of a metal wire, the thickness of which is determined by the required degree of impact, as well as a soft plastic base. The materials used for manufacturing are hypoallergenic and therefore do not have a negative effect on the body. Their use is completely safe.

What basic elements does the record consist of:

  • Plastic base made of material of moderate rigidity and sufficient density. At the same time, the color range is quite wide to make use pleasant for the little patient.
  • Wire of varying stiffness, from which hooks and staples are made in places where correction is necessary. It is from the pressure exerted by the metal element that the corrective effect occurs.
  • A compression mechanism controlled by a special key, with which you can change the pressure force, which will allow you to independently adjust the device without medical assistance.

Children are given dental plaques before the age of twelve. This is due to the fact that the bite itself and the jaw bones are not yet fully formed, and, accordingly, are better amenable to correction. In most cases, this device is installed after the removal of baby teeth and the appearance of molars.

Compared to braces, removable orthodontic appliances are easier for children to accept. It is much easier for them to adapt to a foreign body in the oral cavity and get used to temporary discomfort.

What effect is achieved using a bite correction plate:

  • the shape of the jaw is corrected;
  • jaw growth slows down or accelerates in accordance with the anomaly that exists;
  • the location of the incisors changes;
  • the palate narrows or, conversely, expands;
  • the distance between the incisors is adjusted and gaps are eliminated;
  • displaced teeth are put in place;
  • further displacement is prevented;
  • the dentition is fixed in the required position;
  • the bite is corrected.

Advantages of using orthodontic plates:

  • The malocclusion is corrected in a fairly short time. Of course, we are talking about simple problems with the structure of the jaw. For example, the gap between the incisors is corrected over several months.
  • Comfort when using. The design is removable, which is optimal for small patients. Thus, the child can remove the plate while eating or performing hygiene procedures. This does not affect the main effect in any way, provided that the device is subsequently installed in place.
  • Speed ​​of production. Unlike fixed structures, the production of which can take up to four weeks, bite correction plates are created many times faster. Their production takes place directly in the clinic, and therefore does not take a long period of time.
  • Low cost. The average cost of the product is several times lower than braces. Therefore, even people with low incomes can afford them.

Types of dental plates

There are a huge number of different designs that allow you to correct all kinds of bite problems. It is depending on what anomaly needs to be corrected and the severity of the situation that the doctor chooses one or another device. However, if we take it simplistically, plates for straightening teeth in children are divided into two main types: removable and non-removable.

Removable models

  • They are made of metal wire of varying hardness and hypoallergenic plastic. A huge advantage is the absolute safety of the design and ease of manufacture and installation.
  • The system is fastened using special hooks. If the curvature of the dentition is more pronounced, then the model is equipped with additional screws and springs, which increase the degree of rigidity.
  • Most parents consider the possibility of painless removal of the system to be a plus. However, this issue is quite controversial. The fact is that it is necessary to wear the device for at least twenty-two hours a day, and it is impossible to control the child 24 hours a day. In addition, their use is possible only for mild anomalies.
  • Installation is possible on both the upper and lower jaw. The average service life is about one and a half years, although each case must be considered individually. A removable plate for children's teeth is shown in the photo below. As you can see, the bright color of the plastic can be chosen depending on the gender and taste of the little patient.

Fixed models

  • They allow you to level the outer surface of the dentition. This design is a system of specific locks attached to each tooth. There are metal arcs threaded through each of the locks, which must be periodically tightened. This allows you to use the system at almost any age.
  • Complex deformations in the jaw row can only be corrected with the help of fixed systems. But the structure needs to be worn for quite a long time, about several years. At the same time, the device must be changed periodically.
  • Getting used to each type of bite correction plate takes some time. Therefore, if a child grinds his teeth in his sleep, this does not always mean health problems; perhaps a foreign body in the oral cavity causes him discomfort.

When to place a plate on a child’s teeth

The installation of plates on children's teeth most often occurs between the ages of twelve and fifteen years. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that the active formation of the jaw bones occurs. However, some dentists advise starting the straightening process from the age of eight, because the younger the child, the easier the bones and teeth are susceptible to mechanical action.

It is important to understand that after the process of bone formation has already completed, it will be impossible to correct violations in the structure of the jaw bones without surgical intervention. Any changes can only be made to the dentition, and only with the help of a braces system.

What points are important to consider:

  • If the process of bone formation has already been completed, wearing a plate is useless; even if used for a long time, it will not bring any results.
  • If the anomaly in the structure of the jaw bones is serious, it cannot be corrected with a plate. This is because the pressure exerted by the wire is too weak for this to happen.
  • There are cases that structures are also installed for adults. However, this is not done for the purpose of correcting the dentition, but to consolidate the result after removing braces, and to prevent repeated deformation.
  • The period of use of plates for correcting jaw anomalies is at least two years.

Plates on teeth BEFORE and AFTER treatment

Many parents, when their children need a plate on their teeth, try to find photos of the results on the Internet. However, it's not that simple. Most of the photos are normal computer photo manipulations. The fact is that, for clarity, some clinics use as an example very strong anomalies in the structure of the jaw, which cannot be corrected with the help of orthodontic plates.

And it’s not worth looking for the doctors’ fault in all cases. Often the problem is that the design is used incorrectly, or the device is selected incorrectly. In order to get a good result, you need to start by selecting a good clinic, because the effectiveness of therapy depends on the professionalism of the medical staff.

We invite you to look at several examples of correcting dentition using dental plates.

How to put a plate on a child's teeth

  • The whole process takes quite a long time. However, the main work is done at the stage of creating the device, and not during its installation.
  • Most parents are interested in the question of how plates are placed on children’s teeth. Let's take a closer look at what stages a small patient must go through before starting the path to a beautiful smile.
  • First of all, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination at a dental clinic, which necessarily includes an x-ray, as well as the creation of an impression of the dentition and oral cavity.
  • It is the cast and X-ray examination that dentists rely on when creating a plaster model, which will become the basis for the structure.
  • The comfort in the further use of the orthodontic apparatus depends on how accurately the relief of the palate and the pattern of the gums coincide with the plastic base.
  • Manufacturing often takes several weeks, taking into account the time for examination and preliminary fitting. And installation can take just ten minutes. If everything is adjusted correctly, then the little patient will be able to cope perfectly with removing and putting on the plate on his own at home.
  • Most often, a foreign body in the oral cavity creates some discomfort. You should not be afraid of this, because this is a completely normal phenomenon. It is impossible to name a specific time during which addiction will occur. This depends largely on the individual characteristics of the jaw bones. On average, the adaptation process takes from three to five days.
  • Despite the fact that durable materials are used in the manufacture of the structure, without proper care it will not be possible to avoid breakdowns. Therefore, children should not be given such systems; their discipline and self-organization are not yet at the proper level.

Important! In exceptional cases, it is allowed to install a plate on baby teeth. However, this process requires increased control from the dentist. After all, after they fall out, the system may need to be corrected.

How long do you wear plates on your teeth and how to wear them?

Depending on how complex the pathology requires correction, the service life of the correction plate may vary. In order to correct the gap between the incisors, several months are enough, but correcting the bite may require several years. If we take the average value, then they are worn for about one and a half years. An important point is that every one and a half to two months the structure requires replacement.

How to wear records correctly:

  • The device must be worn for twenty-two hours.
  • The plate may only be removed for eating and performing oral hygiene.
  • In some cases, the doctor may allow you to remove the structure at night, but this is rare.
  • Discomfort at the initial stage of wearing is normal, so you need to put on the plate in any case.
  • If a special type is included in the structure, then it requires periodic tightening. It is the pressure created by the plate that creates the therapeutic effect.
  • Any breakdown should be a reason to immediately visit a doctor. Interruptions in treatment are unacceptable and lead to worsening of the condition.
  • Hard plaque that forms on the orthodontic plate must be removed by a specialist, because it can provoke an inflammatory process in the oral cavity or carious lesions.

How to tighten a dental plate

In order to enhance the effect of the bite correction plate, it needs to be tightened from time to time. This will expand the main surface of the device, as well as increase the load. It is the doctor who sets the frequency of twisting and clearly shows how to perform all the manipulations.

Most often, curling is necessary once a week, however, sometimes this happens every five or even ten days. It depends on the pathology that needs correction.

The essence of twisting is that a key is inserted into a special hole and turned all the way in the direction indicated on the plate. One turn is forty-five degrees.

Do not be afraid of severe discomfort; the increase in load occurs very gradually. However, if you experience severe discomfort, you can always turn the key back and return everything to its original position.

Even if you have lost your key, you can always find a replacement. Any sharp object of appropriate diameter, such as a needle, awl or paper clip, will do.

How to care for a dental plate

First of all, control over hygiene and proper use of the device falls on the shoulders of parents. The fact is that not all children still have sufficient self-discipline and organization to responsibly approach the issue of caring for an orthodontic plate. It is important to wear it at night, because the entire therapeutic effect may be lost, and the dentition will return to its previous state.

The plate requires careful care, because plaque can cause caries and gum inflammation. It is better to perform hygiene of the oral cavity and the apparatus separately, using separate products for this.

It is your orthodontist who will advise which products are best to use for plate hygiene. Most often, two different types of gel are needed. One, softer, helps clean the wire structure from daily plaque, the second, stronger, is used once a week for deep cleaning.

Cleaning the device is only possible with a soft-bristled brush to avoid damage and chips.

Disinfection and hygiene must be of paramount importance to avoid inflammation. It is also important to remove the structure before each meal.

After thorough cleaning, apply a drop of vegetable oil to the screw mechanism. This will avoid stagnation in the twisting mechanism and extend the service life.

Dental plate or braces

Depending on the severity of the situation, as well as the age of the patient, a decision is made regarding the advisability of choosing one design or another.

The dental plate is located behind the dentition, and only metal fasteners are visible on the surface of the teeth. In addition, the advantage is that the production takes place on a strictly individual basis, and accordingly, the discomfort will be minimal.

Braces require constant wear, unlike removable structures that can be put aside during eating and oral hygiene.

The use of plates in adult patients is inappropriate; their effect is insufficient. However, in childhood they perform well.

Braces can solve more severe cases, while plates can correct minor problems.

What is important to consider when choosing an orthodontic appliance:

  • patient's age;
  • severity of pathology;
  • the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain substances;
  • the wishes of the patient, if they do not contradict medical prescriptions.

Video about orthodontic structures

In this video, an experienced dentist talks about the main differences between removable and non-removable devices for correcting the jaw bones and dentition. Which of these two types is preferable and why.

A smile is an integral part of the image of any person, regardless of his gender and age. And not only appearance, but also health can depend on how correct the bite is.

Did your child have problems with his teeth? How did you solve them? Have you encountered plates or braces? How long did it take to solve the problem, and what difficulties arose along the way? Share your opinion with our readers, your experience is very important.

Today, dental services have become accessible to everyone. Doctors can correct your bite and straighten your teeth using modern orthodontic technologies. New techniques are constantly being developed, equipment is being improved, and the design of orthodontic devices is changing.

An orthodontic plate is a device that requires almost no modifications. With its help, dentists have been successfully straightening teeth and correcting malocclusions of their patients for many years with a minimum of effort.

Design features of plates for children's teeth

Plates, also called braces, are designed to correct malocclusion in the early stages of development. This device is often used to consolidate the effect achieved by braces.

It has long been proven that it is better to undergo orthodontic treatment in childhood. The effect of using plates for teeth correction in children is achieved much faster than in adults. Children's teeth are more pliable; even in adolescence, the result of dental procedures will be better than 10–20 years later. The most optimal option for installing plates is considered to be the age when a child’s milk teeth change to permanent ones.

An unformed bite at a young age (12–15 years) can be corrected with special plates. Their difference lies in a softer effect. They perform several functions at once:

  • redistribute the load on the masticatory muscles;
  • help the jaw to form correctly;
  • increase the interdental space, leaving room for unerupted teeth;
  • prevent displacement of crowns from the growth axis.

Although different models of orthodontic plates have some differences, their basic elements are not much different from each other. The design includes a plate, an arc and a fastening.

Plates for children are made of high-quality plastic of soft or medium hardness. Its color can be completely different. The plate follows the contours of the little patient's palate. It is held in place by a metal arc (an alloy of nickel and titanium) with a “memory” effect.

The arc does not change its original shape under the influence of load. It constantly has a gentle effect on the crowns, helping to straighten the teeth. The pressure applied causes the teeth to move in a given direction.

The doctor selects the appropriate wire thickness for the patient in each individual case. The fasteners are made from the same raw materials. They look like small hooks.

If it is necessary to use the plate for a long time, it is equipped with activators. Using a special wrench, the doctor or patient can tighten the system, creating a tight tension.

Indications for installation

Braces cannot help in all cases; orthodontists prescribe them only to correct minor dental defects. Installation of plates on the upper or lower jaw is indicated if:

  • it is necessary to accelerate or slow down the growth of the jaw bones;
  • it is necessary to change the shape of the jaw bones;
  • there is a possibility of teeth shifting from the growth axis;
  • the position of individual crowns in a group of teeth has been changed;
  • adjustment of the width and size of the palate is necessary;
  • you are about to install braces or want to consolidate the results after using them.

Corrective braces eliminate difficulty chewing, help correct speech defects and promote the formation of a correct bite. They normalize respiratory and swallowing functions, and act as a means of preventing dental diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

It is not advisable to install brackets to straighten the dentition if there are serious anomalies in the structure of the teeth and jaw (for more details, see the article: the structure of the human jaw with photos and descriptions). Such a device will not help correct an open bite and will not give the desired result if the teeth are severely crowded. Sometimes installing braces for children is just the first step towards achieving your goal. Often, correction with plates ends with the installation of braces or surgery.

Removable and non-removable plates

Orthodontic plates for teeth straightening have a special classification, where the main criterion is the method of their installation. There are two main types of structures for aligning the dentition:

  • removable;
  • non-removable.

A distinctive feature of fixed devices is the ability to correct the dentition in any of the given directions. A complex structure, consisting of a series of locks and a leveling arc, is attached to the outer surface of the crowns.

Fixed braces are used for both adults and children. Dental plates are often attached to baby teeth, in which case constant monitoring by a specialist is required. Only the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, determines the optimal period of wearing the device. Typically, a person has to live with such a device in his mouth for 2 years.

The clasp system allows you to correct quite complex dental deformations. With the help of non-removable plates, an almost 100% result is achieved (look at the photo before and after the procedure), but their cost is significantly higher than removable devices.

Such structures are made only after X-ray examination and impression taking. The base of the finished plate exactly follows the dental contour.

Removable devices are also made of high-quality plastic, but their structure is slightly simpler than that of non-removable plates. The teeth straightening device is attached using metal hooks. Sometimes removable devices are supplemented with springs and screws, which can be tightened if necessary.

Removable corrective plates are divided into:

  • single-jawed;
  • with a hand-shaped process;
  • with a retraction arc (we recommend reading: how is retraction thread used in dentistry?);
  • with pusher, etc.

These types of devices for correcting bites can be easily removed if necessary; even a child can independently install or remove braces. Typically, correction of minor dental anomalies lasts for 1.5–2 years. How long you need to wear the plates is up to the orthodontist to decide.

Installation and adjustment of the structure

The process of creating a corrective plate, its installation and adaptation takes several days. At the first visit, an impression of the patient’s jaw is taken and an x-ray is taken. Then the specialist makes the braces taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. At the next appointment, fitting and installation of the plate takes place. If the slightest errors in the design are detected, they are quickly eliminated by a specialist. In childhood, one plate cannot be used for a long time. The jaw is constantly growing, the position of the teeth is changing, so the device requires replacement.

Removable plates are installed quite quickly. The doctor explains the installation technique, then the patient repeats exactly the same manipulations.

The next stage is the most unpleasant. It will take several days to get used to the foreign body in your mouth. During this time, the patient may experience discomfort. Constant pressure placed on the crowns causes pain. During this period, speech defects may occur and salivation may increase, but to get a beautiful smile you will have to be patient. In each specific case, adaptation occurs differently. All people have different pain thresholds. Much depends on the psychological mood. As a rule, it takes 3–5 days to get used to the plate in the mouth.

After the adaptation stage is completed, if there is no inflammation, it is no longer painful for the patient to wear the plate. The soft impact of the arc on the crowns is practically not felt.

You have to wear braces for a long time. To achieve the desired result, the orthodontic appliance must be tightened regularly. To do this, use a special key to turn the screw at the base of the plate clockwise. It is enough to make one revolution (see how to do this correctly in the video). The tension in the plate increases, the pressure on the teeth increases, and the process of restoring a normal bite accelerates.

Your doctor will tell you how often the device needs to be adjusted. In some cases, it is enough to tighten the screw once every 1.5 months, sometimes the interval is reduced to two weeks.


All mechanisms that are used for a long time are susceptible to breakdowns. Sooner or later, devices fail. Corrective plates are also no exception. It is necessary to follow certain rules for caring for orthodontic appliances:

  • the removable device is stored in an individual container and washed with boiled water each time before installation;
  • clean the device daily using toothpaste or disinfectant gel;
  • once a week the plate is immersed in a disinfecting solution for several hours;
  • the product is worn around the clock, with the exception of time for eating and disinfection;
  • periodically lubricate the screws to prevent stagnation;
  • the broken plate is not used, but sent for repair;
  • It is advisable to remove the plate while playing sports;
  • after eating, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, only then install the plate;
  • It is recommended to use a fluoride solution as a mouth rinse;
  • To exclude complications, it is necessary to regularly see your doctor (at least once every six months).