What does the nose look like after rhinoplasty? Proper rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: helping ourselves to recover. Video: How it goes

The most prominent part of the face is subject to self-criticism with enviable consistency, which leads to surgery to correct the shape of the nose.

Plastic surgery allows you to create the perfect nose, although after rhinoplasty you need to go through a serious rehabilitation period.
Post-operative recovery must be treated responsibly, because it accounts for up to 50% of success. Failure to comply with the rules of care and ignoring prohibitions threatens a repeat operation, which, by the way, is more difficult to perform and more expensive financially.

The patient spends the night after the operation in the clinic under the supervision of specialists. On the second day you are discharged, the surgeon prescribes medications that must be taken strictly.

It is advisable to spend the first week or two of the rehabilitation period in a calm home environment.

It is better to spend a couple of days after discharge in bed. This, by the way, will be facilitated by an elevated temperature (about 38 degrees) and slight weakness with pain, which can be relieved with analgesics.

Prohibitions after nose surgery

  • Sleeping after rhinoplasty for three months or more should only be on the back. In this case, it is important to create a raised headboard with an angle of 30-45 degrees - for this you can use several large pillows.
  • Washing your hair should be postponed for three days.. Then, when taking a shower, you need to try to prevent water from getting on your nose and the fixing bandage.
  • Until the splint (or other retainer) is removed from the nose, you will have to wash with cotton pads, without touching the surgical area.
  • Applying cosmetics is possible only after two weeks. However, mascara, eyebrow products and lipstick are not prohibited.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch your nose with your hands, try to correct it yourself, and even more so, remove the retainer from the nose.
  • For a couple of weeks, avoid bending forward, even towards a child. Sit upright.
  • Sneezing is only possible with an open mouth.
  • You can't knock your nose out for 4-6 weeks. Blowing the nose is done alternately from each nostril without pinching each side (it is enough to put a finger on the nasal passage), cleansing is done by blowing without straining the nose.
  • To minimize movements of the nasal tissues, avoid any facial expressions; in the first days, it is advisable to even reduce conversations. This rule also applies to brushing your teeth - you must act as carefully as possible.
  • Sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium, as well as exposure to the sun, should be avoided for an average of two months after rhinoplasty.. During the recovery period, bruises and nasal tissue are especially susceptible to the formation of pigmentation, and bruising and scarring may occur at the suture sites. When outdoors in warm/hot weather, apply cream with SPF 50 or more to your face. It is also advisable to wear wide-brimmed hats.
  • If the operation was carried out in the cold season, as soon as the doctor gives permission to use face creams, it is advisable to use nourishing creams that protect against frost before going outside.
  • Swimming in open water or a pool, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, bathhouse, hammam, etc. is prohibited for 8 weeks.
  • Sports training and working in the gym with weights are possible only after 1.5 months.
  • Attending a facial massage, as well as performing it on your own, is unacceptable for an average of 1.5-3 months.
  • In postoperative care (as prescribed), a special anti-inflammatory ointment is applied to the sutures until they are removed.
  • After removing the turundas or other inserts, gentle nasal rinsing (3-4 times a day) is prescribed to remove mucus and crusts from sores. For rinsing, use a pharmacy saline spray or a self-prepared solution. Rinse for no longer than 30 seconds.
  • From 3 to 12 months (depending on the type of nose surgery) do not wear glasses (even the lightest ones)- replace with lenses. The rule applies to both vision glasses and sunglasses. If replacement is not possible, you must notify the surgeon in advance - some clinics can make special protection for the nose from glasses. If you ignore the prohibition, a dent forms on the bridge of your nose.
  • Try not to fly for about a month.
  • Alcohol of any strength is prohibited for 3 months, a slight relaxation in the form of wine (not sparkling) is allowed only after 1-1.5 months.
  • Smoking—reduce cigarette smoking as much as possible, and if possible - complete refusal.
  • During the first weeks, food taken should be warm; hot and cold are unacceptable. It is better to drink through a straw without straining your lips. Grind or puree food. Avoid foods that retain fluid in the body.
  • Intimate life is suspended for an average of three weeks.

What are the complications after rhinoplasty?

Carrying out any surgical interventions implies the formation of predictable minor complications.

For a quick recovery, many plastic surgery clinics offer recovery courses, which should not be neglected.

  • Swelling of the nose after rhinoplasty

At first, almost the entire face swells; this condition lasts for almost a week. Then moderate swelling of the nose remains, which will last with varying intensity for about a month.

The next period, up to a year, may be accompanied by slight swelling on the face and ongoing swelling of the nasal cavity, at which time the nose still does not breathe after rhinoplasty.

It is an absolute norm that after nasal surgery, during the reconstruction process, small vessels may be affected and tissue traumatizes. The problem resolves on its own, the bruises gradually resolve, and healing will take about four weeks.

  • Loss of smell or hyposmia, decreased/loss of sensation in the nose and upper lip

It's a common problem, but don't worry, everything will go back to normal. It’s very difficult to talk about the timing, because there are lucky people who get their “habitual nose” back in a couple of weeks, but the situation can last up to six months.

  • Dry mouth and throat after nose job

Due to the inability to breathe through the nose, the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth and feels constantly dry.

To ease the condition, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere, and leave a glass of liquid on the bedside table before going to bed. As soon as the swelling of the nose begins to subside, it will become easier and nasal breathing will gradually improve.

As doctors say, about 15% of people on the planet have a deviated nasal septum. At the moment, medicine can correct this deficiency very effectively.

Nasal septum surgery takes relatively little time, but the postoperative period lasts much longer and is in many ways a more significant stage. During this period, complications may arise that require additional treatment.

How long does the rehabilitation period last?

The duration of this period is about 4 weeks, and it is divided into two stages:

  • postoperative– you will need to walk with tampons and breathe through your nose, but this period lasts quite a bit from one to three days, depending on the individual history;
  • restorative– usually lasts up to three weeks, although full recovery may take longer – 8-12 weeks.

Before the start of the recovery period, the doctor removes the tampons and prescribes appropriate treatment. You will need to use drops for crusts, drugs that prevent the development of infection.

The duration of rehabilitation partly depends on general lifestyle habits and body condition. Compliance with doctor's orders is important. The logic is elementary: the better the body feels as a whole, the faster the recovery occurs.

Specialists give patients a list of instructions, but it is better to list what should not be done:

  • consume alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances;
  • tilt your head during the day;
  • visit the beach and pool;
  • go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • wear glasses;
  • do physical exercises, endure heavy things.

Besides this you should try to sleep only on your back and avoid infections and colds in every possible way. Particular difficulties are associated with washing your hair. During the first week you will need to abandon this procedure altogether. After a week, washing your hair becomes possible, but you should not tilt your head and moisturize the paranasal area.

Features of the recovery period

Even if the operation on the nasal septum is performed carefully and professionally, the postoperative period is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. During the recovery period, they are considered absolutely normal.

Before the body fully recovers (usually takes up to 12 weeks), various symptoms may appear:

  • sore throat and toothache;
  • pain in the nose;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tearfulness;
  • strange sensations in the skin.

Most of all these sensations are caused by deformation of the nerve tissues, which are located in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses. These tissues may be related to those that also innervate areas near the gums and teeth. Accordingly, sensations spread throughout the entire facial area.

When to remove the bandage

Depending on the complexity of the operation performed, the period of wearing a plaster or thermoplastic bandage is determined. As a rule, the time range is from 7 to 14 days.

During the first two weeks, visits to the doctor should be regular - every 2-3 days.

Accordingly, it is he who accurately determines the period of removal of the bandage, but much depends on the speed at which the tissues are restored.

Why can't my nose breathe?

Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period is almost always accompanied by some kind of breathing difficulties) directly affects the respiratory tract, so at first it is possible to breathe only through the mouth - before the tampons are removed.

After this, a bandage remains, which can also slightly compress the airways. Then, swelling persists for about three weeks, and crusts may form, which impede the flow of air. Regardless of the cause of difficulty breathing, there is no particular way out and you will have to endure this time.

In most cases, swelling will subside almost completely within three weeks., then minimal discomfort may remain, which eventually also disappear. It is necessary to monitor complications and prevent them, but basically, to complete the recovery stage, you only need to have a certain amount of time.

How long does swelling last?

The duration of edema depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but the very fact of its appearance is obligatory, since it is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage. The standard period is about 20 days, but can last longer.

The most pronounced swelling is observed for seven days at the very beginning, after which it gradually subsides.

You can predict how long swelling will last in a particular case by estimating how long it takes for wounds on the body or bruises to heal. The longer this period lasts, the longer the tissue swelling will persist.

There are situations where swelling persists for up to 12 weeks or even more. And this condition is a variant of the norm. In addition, some organisms may produce a non-standard reaction to surgery, and in this case, rehabilitation measures should be selected on an individual basis. For example, in some people, after the recovery period, swelling reappears in humid weather.

How to relieve swelling

  • rest and bed rest;
  • ice packs;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • drugs that strengthen blood vessels;
  • drops for vasoconstriction;
  • nasal sprays;
  • room humidification.

We are talking about an integrated approach, i.e. You need to use several methods at once. In this case, the drugs must be taken strictly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. For example, you should not use antihistamines for more than 7 days in a row.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, including massage., which can be executed independently. Massage movements should be smooth and light, and the direction of the massage lines should be observed. Thanks to this effect, tissue trophism improves.

After the sutures are removed, wound healing ointments are prescribed. They also help relieve swelling and help restore tissue without additional complications.

Runny nose

It is one of the most common symptoms that occurs during or slightly after the recovery period. The reason is the destruction of the mucous membrane, which requires time to recover.

After surgery on the nasal septum, a runny nose may occur.

As a rule, surgery on the nasal septum with a normal postoperative period does not cause complications in the form of chronic runny nose or sinusitis. You just need to wait for complete recovery. Then the mucous membrane will return to normal and will work as before - the runny nose will disappear.

The seam is festering

It is necessary to regularly check whether the seam has festered, since if this complication occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. A festering suture in itself does not cause significant inconvenience, but if the infection begins to develop and penetrate deeper, then more serious consequences may occur, in particular blood poisoning.

At the beginning of the recovery period, antibiotics are prescribed to help prevent the appearance of pus. Then you should carefully monitor the condition of the seam. A festering suture should not be treated with painkillers and left unattended. When seeking medical help, the doctor cleans out the pus and eliminates the main cause of its appearance. Next you will need to follow his recommendations.


Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period may be associated with certain complications) is often combined with the appearance of nasal discharge, in particular green snot. They often indicate the body’s immune response and not just normal, but even good recovery.

However, this particular sign may also be a symptom of sinusitis. That's why, If you notice nasal discharge, you should immediately contact a doctor. The disease is an inflammatory process in a sinus and requires treatment with antibiotics and sometimes surgery.

Violation of the integrity of the nasal septum

This option is most often caused by deterioration in the nutrition of cartilage tissue.

The so-called perforation begins, the symptoms of which may be:

  • feeling of dryness;
  • discomfort in the septum;
  • purulent discharge.

If such damage occurs, surgery will be required again.

During this process, the specialist takes a piece of adjacent fabric and covers the damaged surface. As a result, the integrity of the septum is restored, and the tissues again fully perform their functions.

Formation of synechiae

This term translates as jumpers or solders. We are talking about when additional fusion occurs between the walls of blood vessels. The result of this is a decrease in the size of the nasal cavity and, accordingly, breathing difficulties appear.

Synechiae are also treated surgically, but the operation can also be performed with a laser. After this, special splints are installed in the cavity, which prevent the vessels from merging further and allow the cavity to recover normally.

Deformation of cartilage and bones

As a result of treatment, various deformations may be observed:

  • narrowing of the arch;
  • partial curvature;
  • narrowing of cartilage;
  • reduction of the wings of the nose.

Repeat surgery will be required to eliminate these complications. The presence of deformities can be determined by secondary symptoms, such as dry throat and mouth, changes or decreases in the brightness of taste and olfactory sensations.


Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of hematomas, but this is a rare occurrence) subsequently involves wearing a special drainage. This rubber insert, which the surgeon places at the edges of the incision, prevents the accumulation of blood clots and bleeding.

How to restore your breathing

At the initial stage, breathing through the nose may not be possible at all. Even if the surgeon installs tubes, it is difficult to breathe through them. To make breathing easier in the future, ointment and drops for crusts will be useful.

Restoration of the mucosa

To restore the mucous membrane, use drops for rinsing, for example, such as Aqualor or similar help to remove crusts, after which the cavity is cleaned with cotton wool.

Ointments like Naphthyzin help not only remove crusts, but also dry nose.

Why the sense of smell is lost and how to restore it

The sense of smell may be lost due to complications. If none are found, then we are talking about an individual reaction. Over time, the sense of smell recovers on its own, especially if you follow the recommendations for the recovery period that were given earlier.

Nasal hygiene after surgery

Every day you will need to thoroughly rinse your nose to remove various contaminants and secretions. You also need to take care of hygiene in order to be able to monitor the occurrence of complications.

The care process consists of regular rinsing with sea salt-based drops (for example, previously noted Aqualor) and using softening drops.

Oil-based drops and rhinitis drops are also useful. For example, a specialist may prescribe Polydex or Flixonase.

If you get an infection

A five-day course of antibiotics is prescribed to get rid of the infection., in addition to which antibiotic ointment applied topically can be used. But it is necessary to identify what kind of infection caused the inflammatory process. The specialist must take a sample of microorganisms and, based on the results obtained, select the optimal ointment.

There is an interdependence between the general condition of the body and susceptibility to infections. That's why Before surgery, you should strengthen your own immunity and the body as a whole., for example, through vitamin therapy. If you have an infection, you should definitely contact a specialist and do not prescribe antibiotics yourself.

In addition to limiting spicy and hot foods, doctors give practically no advice regarding diet. However, you need to be clear about the relationship between the food you eat and the body's recovery rate.

During the recovery period, it is recommended to focus on food rich in vitamins and healthy in all respects.

It is better to focus on various smoothies and fruit juices, because... they are not only healthy, but also liquid, and at the initial stage of the recovery period such food should be given preference. Before the stitches are removed, you should not eat food that is difficult to chew. You should also not consume foods that can cause sneezing, allergies, etc.

What to do if you have a cold?

A cold is not a disaster during this period, but it is advisable to recover quickly. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since many drugs can provoke bleeding and, as a result, worsen the recovery process. If you have a cold, you should contact your otolaryngologist so that he can provide a list of medications necessary for treatment.

Is it possible to blow your nose?

Gentle rinsing of the nasal cavity is optimal. For this, a mixture based on sea salt (purchased drops) is used, and then Miramistin can be used, which disinfects, treats and reduces the amount of discharge.

Blowing noses and similar impacts are not acceptable. Only rinses are prescribed that do not affect tissue, especially cartilage, which is in the process of recovery.

If you have a significant amount of snot that makes breathing difficult, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Cost of nasal septum surgery

The cost may vary depending on the clinic and sometimes the amount involved is many times higher. However, the lower level is about 20 thousand rubles, and the upper limit is about 50-100 thousand rubles.

The cost depends on the type of operation:

  • endoscopy;
  • radio wave;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • classical.

The classic version is more affordable. Other options are considered more expensive. Also, the cost increases if additional correction is performed, for example, on the skeleton of the septum.

It is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s instructions and monitor your well-being after nasal septum surgery. In the postoperative period, complications may appear that require immediate additional treatment. Otherwise, the recovery period proceeds smoothly and only a certain amount of time is needed to normalize the condition.

Video about nasal septum surgery

The doctor explains how this procedure is performed:

First days after surgery:

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is very important, since it is its correct completion that determines the speed of healing and the final result of the operation.

Duration of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period may vary depending on what kind of correction was carried out and what correction method was used. On average, rehabilitation lasts up to six months. This is a complex manipulation that is carried out on one of the most visible areas of the face, so you need to be prepared for certain nuances and subtleties. The entire rehabilitation period can be divided into several stages:

  1. At the first stage, which can last from 7 to 10 (depending on the type and volume of intervention and the individual characteristics of the patient), the patient will experience pain and discomfort. He will also experience swelling and hematomas, which cannot be avoided. You also need to be prepared for the fact that breathing may be difficult.
  2. The second stage can last up to 2 weeks. At this point, the patient is freed from the cast and can begin their normal activities.
  3. The next stage can take up to 4 months. During this period, the patient himself can see the result of the operation and how the surgical site is healing.
  4. At the last stage, the final recovery occurs, and usually this stage is completed no later than a year after the operation.

Now let's look at each of the stages in more detail.

The first days after rhinoplasty

During this period, the patient experiences the greatest discomfort and fear, since he still cannot visually assess the result of the operation, and his face with hematomas and swelling does not in any way suggest what the final effect will be. Therefore, when you decide to have rhinoplasty, you need to be prepared for it in advance.

Scarring- this is something that scares any person, and since a bandage is applied immediately after the operation, it is impossible to see what incisions were made and where, and the pain spreads far beyond the surgical site. But now cosmetic surgery has reached such a level that most procedures are performed using advanced surgical techniques. Closed rhinoplasty allows you to avoid visible scars, because all the incisions are made inside the sinuses. But even if rhinoplasty was performed openly, and the scars are slightly noticeable, the qualifications and experience of the surgeon will allow the operation to be performed with fewer incisions and a smaller size.

Edema and hematomas

This is an integral part of any surgical intervention, just like hematomas. The skin and other tissues on the patient's face are subject to significant stress as a result of the operation, as blood vessels are injured during the operation. Patients also experience pain and discomfort because the skin is cut and punctured during the operation.

In the first days after the operation, the general condition may also be somewhat depressed, since the operation is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, during the period of recovery from this state, premedication is usually carried out. But the patient may still feel drowsiness, weakness, dizziness and nausea. In addition, in order to avoid various inflammatory processes after surgery, a course of antibiotics is usually prescribed, as well as painkillers to reduce pain.

A mandatory procedure after surgery is fixation of the nose. This is necessary in order to avoid damage to tissues that have not yet fused. Otherwise, even a small touch can nullify the result of the operation. Usually, plaster is applied after rhinoplasty for fixation. This plaster cast is called a splint. Nowadays, along with a splint, thermoplastic is used, which is attached with a special adhesive plaster. But recently, doctors are increasingly giving preference to fixators, because the plaster requires replacement when the swelling begins to subside, and replacing a plaster splint can be very painful. In this case, the use of plastic clamps is more convenient.

Also during this period, wearing intranasal tampons is recommended, which allows you to maintain the correct shape of the nose. These tampons also absorb any secretions, helping to reduce swelling. It is best if silicone splints or hemostatic sponges are used as intranasal tampons. These materials can be painlessly removed later because they do not stick to the mucosa. They are installed along with the air duct so that you can breathe.

The first weeks after surgery

During this period, some negative consequences of the operation may still be felt, which are most pronounced in the first days. But in general, the condition is already better, since the swelling decreases and the bruises after rhinoplasty begin to disappear. Negative phenomena that may also persist during this period may include numbness of the skin of the nose, as well as the skin of the upper lip. This happens because the nerve cords have not yet fully recovered. It is also not recommended to wash your face or use cosmetics during this period.

The third stage of rehabilitation lasts up to 4 months, less often it can last up to six months. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations here. So, during this period it is not recommended:

  • bending or lifting heavy objects;
  • eating food that is too cold or hot;
  • You should try to sleep on your back;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • visit solariums, swimming pools or the beach;
  • wear glasses.

Final restoration

In general, improvements can be seen within a month after surgery, but full recovery takes almost a whole year. In general, the period of complete recovery largely depends on the type of surgery. So, if closed rhinoplasty was performed, then final recovery occurs after about six months. A year after rhinoplasty, you can return to your normal lifestyle and fully experience all the delights of the new nose shape.

Those who want to undergo rhinoplasty often wonder how the rehabilitation period proceeds? Before carrying out such an operation, it is worth clarifying what complications there may be, how long the swelling does not disappear and how to speed up the recovery process?

Possible complications

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is carried out in several stages. Complications after such surgical intervention occur extremely rarely, since the mechanism of the operation has long been improved and well-developed. At the same time, patient statistics are positive. The risk of developing some complications is significantly reduced.

The worst thing is death. Most often, death occurs as a result of anaphylactic shock, which occurs only in 0.016% of cases. Of these, only 10% are fatal.

The remaining types of complications can be divided into internal and aesthetic. To avoid unpleasant consequences, rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is required.

Aesthetic complications

Among the aesthetic complications it is worth highlighting:

Internal complications

There are much more internal complications than aesthetic ones. In addition, such consequences pose a great danger to the body. Among the internal complications it is worth highlighting:

  • infection;
  • allergies;
  • difficulty breathing due to the shape of the nose;
  • atrophy of nasal cartilage;
  • osteotomy;
  • toxic shock;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • perforation;
  • dysfunction of the sense of smell.

To avoid such complications during the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, you should undergo a thorough examination before surgery.

Side effects of rhinoplasty

During the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, side effects may occur. The doctor should warn the patient about possible risks. In the first weeks after surgery, you may experience:

  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • nausea;
  • numbness of the nose or its tip;
  • severe nasal congestion;
  • bruises around the eyes of a dark blue or burgundy color;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nosebleeds blocked by tampons.

Each surgical intervention is individual. The method of its implementation depends not only on the experience of the doctor, but also on the general condition of the patient.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

Reviews and photos of patients after surgery prove that rehabilitation often proceeds without complications. It is extremely rare that a hospital stay under the supervision of specialists is required. After just a day, the patient can take a bath or simply wash his hair, independently or with someone’s help. The main thing is to follow all the rules. First of all, this concerns the tire. It should always be dry. It is forbidden to get it wet.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty, reviews of which are mostly positive, does not last long. The entire period can be divided into 4 stages.

Stage one

How does rehabilitation after rhinoplasty proceed day by day? The first stage, as patient reviews show, is considered the most unpleasant. It lasts approximately 7 days if the operation went without complications. During this period, the patient is forced to wear a bandage or plaster on his face. Because of this, not only the appearance deteriorates, but also many inconveniences arise.

In the first two days, the patient may experience pain. The second disadvantage of this period is swelling and discomfort. If the patient underwent astrometry, then there is a high probability of bruising and redness of the whites of the eyes due to burst small vessels.

At this stage of rehabilitation, you should be extremely careful when performing any manipulations with the nasal passages. It is worth considering that all discharge from the nostrils must be removed.

Stage two

During the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, the mucous membrane and other soft tissues are restored. The second stage lasts approximately 10 days. At this time, the patient is removed from the plaster or bandage, as well as the internal splints. All major sutures are removed if non-absorbable sutures were used. Finally, the specialist clears the nasal passages of accumulated clots and checks the condition and shape.

It is worth considering that after removing the bandage or plaster, the appearance will not be entirely attractive. Don't be afraid of this. Over time, the shape of the nose will be completely restored, and swelling will disappear. At this stage, the patient can return to a normal lifestyle and even go to work if the operation went without complications.

Swelling and bruising will subside quite a bit at first. They will completely disappear only three weeks after rhinoplasty. Much depends on the work done, the mechanism of the operation and the properties of the skin. Swelling by the end of this period may disappear by 50%.

Stage three

How long does this period of rhinoplasty last? The body recovers gradually after the operation. The third stage can last from 4 to 12 weeks. Restoration of nasal tissue occurs faster at this time:

  • swelling disappears completely;
  • the shape of the nose is restored;
  • bruises disappear;
  • All stitches are completely removed and the places where they were applied heal.

It is worth considering that at this stage the result will not be final. The nostrils and tip of the nose take longer to recover and acquire the desired shape than the rest of the nose. Therefore, you should not critically evaluate the result.

Stage four

This rehabilitation period lasts approximately a year. During this time, the nose takes on the necessary shape and shape. Your appearance can change a lot during this time. Some roughness and irregularities may completely disappear or appear even more pronounced. The latter option often arises as a result of asymmetry.

After this stage, the patient can discuss reoperation with the doctor. The possibility of its implementation depends on the state of health and the result.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period

What is the result of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty? The photo allows you to evaluate the external condition of patients after surgery and the final result. To avoid problems, the doctor must tell you in detail what is possible and what is not possible during rehabilitation. Patients are prohibited from:

  • visit the pool and swim in ponds;
  • sleep lying on your side or back;
  • wear glasses for 3 months after surgery. If this is necessary, then during rehabilitation it is worth replacing them with lenses. Otherwise, the frame will deform the nose;
  • lift weights;
  • take a hot or cold shower/bath;
  • visit the sauna and steam bath;
  • take long sunbathing and sunbathe for 2 months after surgery;
  • drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

In addition to the above, the patient should protect himself from diseases during the rehabilitation period, since immunity drops significantly during this time. Any illness can cause complications or lead to tissue infection. It is not recommended to sneeze frequently, since the respiratory organ is held on by threads during the rehabilitation period. Even a minor sneeze can cause deformity.

Give up alcohol

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is a difficult period. During the month, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Alcohol can cause complications and lead to dire consequences. It is worth considering that alcoholic drinks:

  • increase swelling;
  • worsen metabolic processes, as well as the removal of decay products;
  • are not compatible with some medications prescribed by the attending physician;
  • significantly impair coordination of movements.

Alcohol such as cognac and wine can be consumed within a month. Drinks must be non-carbonated. However, you should not abuse them. As for carbonated drinks, you should avoid them. These include not only cocktails, but also champagne and beer. They can only be consumed six months after rhinoplasty.

Medications after rhinoplasty

During the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose or nasal septum, medication is required. They are prescribed by the doctor who performed the surgery. Moreover, the dosage is selected individually in each case. Patients are required to be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, as well as painkillers. The first ones are taken up to 2 times a day according to the course during the recovery period. As for painkillers, it is recommended to drink them depending on how you feel for 4 to 10 days.

To eliminate swelling during the rehabilitation period, the doctor may prescribe injections. The main drug used after rhinoplasty is Diprospan. It is worth considering that such injections themselves are unpleasant. Pain may occur during the procedure. You can also apply an intervention patch. But it is worth considering that after its removal there may be an influx of swelling.

Physiotherapy and massage

To speed up the healing process of scars, as well as prevent the proliferation of bone tissue, special massage and physiotherapy are prescribed. It is recommended to carry out such procedures regularly. You can do the massage yourself:

Sports activities

A month after rhinoplasty, you are allowed to start playing sports. At the same time, minimal stress should be placed on the body. During the rehabilitation period, the best sports are yoga, fitness, and cycling.

Three months after surgery, the load can be increased. However, those sports that require significant muscle tension are prohibited. For six months, you should avoid activities where there is a risk of hitting your nose. These sports include handball, martial arts, boxing, football and so on.

In conclusion

Rhinoplasty has its own characteristics. Before carrying out such a complex operation, you should undergo a thorough examination and consult a doctor. In most cases, rhinoplasty goes without complications. However, it is important for the patient to comply with all rules and restrictions. In addition, you will need a vacation from work, at least for a week.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult operations in aesthetic medicine.

According to official statistics, complications after it occur in 7-13% of patients. They can be associated with both the negligence of the surgeon and the neglect of rehabilitation standards on the part of the patient.

In this material, I covered in detail the stages of rehabilitation and gave basic recommendations for protecting patients from side effects.

Recovery “after” depends on what is done “during” the operation.

Important There is no difference between closed and open rhinoplasty in terms of recovery!

When performing an operation using a closed technique, the skin of the nose is also peeled off from the soft tissues, and the same capillaries and vessels are also cut. If we are talking about rehabilitation, then here are clear examples of patients immediately after the removal of the cast.

As you can see, there is no difference between recovery after open and closed rhinoplasty.

Bruises and hematomas during surgery - what will the anesthesiologist say?

Many patients are afraid of bruising, swelling of the nose and around the eyes. Primary edema develops during surgical manipulations during surgery. If it is significant, it prevents the doctor from working efficiently and thoroughly with cartilage and soft tissues. Added to this is bleeding. The manifestation of these processes depends on the anesthesiologist, and not on the surgeon! During the operation and immediately before it, the anesthesiologist administers adrenaline-based drugs that cause transient vascular spasm.

A “dry surgical field” is an ideal option for a surgeon to consistently and correctly achieve the goals and objectives planned before rhinoplasty. And this is the merit of an intelligent anesthesiologist, working with whom is real luck.

Now remember how many times you heard about this from surgeons during consultations or read about it on the websites of different clinics? Good surgeons take pride in their team. The bad ones save on it.

The role of the plastic surgeon

During operations on the face, I use special medications to stop the development of edema. This step contributes to faster postoperative neutralization of congestion.

Important! The best way to protect yourself from complications is to choose not even a surgeon, but his team - an experienced and competent anesthesiologist, rehabilitation specialists and junior medical staff!

The duration and complexity of rehabilitation greatly depends on the algorithm of the doctor’s actions during the intervention.

Immediately after surgery

The nose itself at the end of the operation looks like this:

It looks creepy, but this blue-violet color disappears within 2-3 days, the patient does not see it - everything is hidden by a fixing bandage!

Any work of a plastic surgeon entails the formation of hematomas (the common name is bruises). Surgeons using outdated rafter techniques leave extensive blue-violet marks on patients' faces, localized not only on the nose, but also around the eyes. I perform rhinoplasty using modern and advanced technologies, so my patients are not afraid of their reflection in the mirror after surgery - There are no bruises around the eyes immediately after surgery! The exception is those cases when a person has increased fragility of blood vessels. In this situation, I recommend taking medications in advance that increase their elasticity and strength.

By the time the plaster cast is removed from the “new” nose, the blueness has already disappeared and the nose itself acquires its natural color. But hematomas under the eyes may last a little longer. Therefore, I advise you to undergo a series of special procedures to speed up the rehabilitation period (more on this below).

First 3 days

For the first three days, you will be able to breathe mainly through your mouth, because there will be special splints in the nasal passages, which, although they allow you to breathe, make this process difficult. They stop bleeding and maintain shape. Under no circumstances should you remove them yourself!

The first 7-10 days and subsequent period

During the first 10 days, a splint is placed on the nose - a special plaster cast or metal pad that restrains swelling and fixes the new shape.

After removing the bandage, the swelling intensifies. The main temporary problem will be difficulty breathing. There is no cause for concern: the swelling will go away and breathing will be restored. Swelling in deeper tissues takes quite a long time to subside, so a stabilized result can be assessed no earlier than after a year.

After plastic surgery, keep in constant contact with me and my assistants: 1-2 consultations in the first week, once after removing the plaster and scheduled examinations throughout the year.

Global (residual) edema

Swelling after rhinoplasty is a sore subject. It is known that they disappear from 4 to 12 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The final result of the operation can be assessed only after the complete disappearance of congestion. Visually, they appear exclusively on the nose itself - it seems to you that the nose is a little swollen, sometimes it seems that the tip of the nose protrudes strongly and is itself larger than necessary.

The nose will take its final shape 8-12 months after the date of surgery. There is no need to knead it, massage it or soak it; swelling is a natural physiological process that we cannot speed up, unlike the disappearance of bruises.

Once again about the scar with the open technique

The topic of scars after open and closed rhinoplasty still causes heated debate in the professional and consumer environment.

Some surgeons have developed a special “fashion” - to promote closed rhinoplasty under the auspices of the absence of any traces of intervention. There is no point in arguing with the last factor - closed rhinoplasty really does not leave the slightest scar on the outer nose. But is this price too high for the fact that your nose will hardly change?

Please note that with closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon has extremely limited options for correction, so it won’t be possible to change your nose radically. For example, if we are talking about a hump, it will decrease by a maximum of 1.5-2 mm. It is not at all customary to operate on the tip of the nose with a closed approach - the work is too scrupulous, delicate and “jewelry” to be performed virtually blindly. To these disadvantages is added another important nuance - the number of surgeons who really know how to work in a closed technique can be counted on one hand.

After open rhinoplasty, in which I and the vast majority of my colleagues in Russia and the West work, a suture remains across the columella. By the time the plaster is removed it looks like this:

After posting this photo on Instagram, I received a lot of questions along the lines of “Where is the tripe?” from subscribers. The secret is that it is really difficult to notice a scar after an open rhinoplasty performed by a professional surgeon with the naked eye. And if within 10-14 days it is still visible in the form of a thin pinkish stripe, then after a month it completely merges with the surrounding skin in shade, structure and relief.

I have not met a single person who has dealt with a columella scar using laser resurfacing. Just because after 3-6 months, my patients themselves find it difficult to show where it was located.

Of course, there are exceptions here too. Surgeons who have poorly mastered the university or institute program make incisions and sutures carelessly, and therefore the wounds scar accordingly. They undertake to perform surgery on those who suffer from keloidosis. I think it is beneficial for them to promote exclusively closed rhinoplasty.