What does silicone look like? Silicone breast shape before and after surgery. How safe are silicone implants?

Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, you have probably at least once in your life wondered whether the breasts of an interlocutor, a passer-by, a colleague, or just a girl sitting on the next seat on public transport are real. Since the rules of decency and public morality do not allow us to ask this directly, we will have to rely only on external signs, which, with the current capabilities of plastic surgery, will be extremely difficult to notice, but still possible. As you know, all the paired organs of our body do not have the same size: the length of the feet, the shape of the eyes, the ears and even the chest in almost 100% of cases will differ in shape and appearance by at least a few millimeters.

Signs of silicone breasts

Unnatural shape

If you see a woman in motion, then pay attention to whether the position and shape of her bust changes: if the breasts have implants, then when you raise your arms, their shape will not change, and when you bend over, they will not fall, as happens with breasts given by your mother - nature. A lying woman's breasts always fall and seem to be flattened. If your lady took a horizontal position, and her bust remained sticking up, then be sure that it is not real, but skillfully created by a plastic surgeon.

Too full breasts

The physiological normal shape of a large breast size has a sliding smooth contour. If the bust is not natural, then even without a bra, its upper part just above the nipple will look like an inflated bubble, completely defying the laws of gravity.

If a girl, preparing for surgery, chose the wrong size implants for herself, then her breasts may look like two balls inflated to the limit, which are about to burst. This is primarily due to the fact that a woman’s breasts grow along with her, gradually increasing the fat layer and thereby the bust size. If you insert too large implants, the skin will become stretched, which will be a clear example of unnaturalness.

Breast disproportion

Any disproportion in the chest area can give away a girl with an unnatural bust. So, if your friend’s nipples are very small, while her breasts are a third size or larger, then the girl has clearly been in the hands of a master of transformation - a plastic surgeon.

For those with natural breasts, everything will be in proportion: small breasts - small nipples, large bust - large nipple circles.

Also, an unnatural bust can be exposed by the nipples themselves: they are located too high or low, “look” in different directions, or have a too smooth and tense appearance.


If you have the opportunity to come into contact with the bust of a girl whose naturalness you are checking, then pay attention to the area under the breast. If there is a small scar there, then in the vast majority of cases (with the exception of any other surgical interventions or accidents) this is exactly the place through which the silicone was injected.

Stretch marks

As a rule, stretch marks on women's breasts are a common occurrence that demonstrates age-related physiological changes or the presence of children. If a woman is no longer 20 years old, and her breasts are ideally shaped and without stretch marks, then they are most likely silicone. Stretch marks most often appear after breastfeeding, and women with silicone in their breasts try to avoid this process. Otherwise, they may need additional surgery.

Too obvious cleavage

In the vast majority of cases, the cleavage between women's breasts has a natural shape, i.e. soft, smooth transition and some removal of the breasts from each other. The presence of implants makes the interbreast distance extremely small, and the transition is sharp. With too much silicone, it feels like one breast has simply been cut in half.

Violation of body proportions

You will never meet a tall girl with model body proportions, but with a breast size of 5-6, as this is unnatural and not intended by nature. Slender or even slender women continue to make the same mistake: they make themselves too big a bust, and then suffer from it. Not only will this be noticeable even to a person who has not previously thought about the fact that women can enlarge their breasts, but it also places an excessively large load on the spine and lumbar region, which subsequently leads to health problems.


Another factor that allows you to be sure that a woman has unnatural breasts. Behavior can be both challenging and distracting. In the first case, the girl will put her breasts on public display in every possible way, will completely refuse to wear a bra and will constantly ask whether you like her breasts and how good they look in certain clothes. In the second case, the woman hides the fact of breast enlargement through surgery. Of course, she never ceases to be proud of her appearance and does not make some kind of complex out of it. It’s just that she will try to take conversations about the bust in a different direction, blush if they ask tactless questions, and will dress modestly and not provocatively.

Advice from a Plastic Club expert: Breast augmentation is no longer a trend, but a help to a woman who, after breastfeeding, loses almost completely both the shape and size of her breasts. Our plastic surgeons have been doing breasts in such a way for a long time that even another plastic specialist cannot quickly determine “by eye” whether they are “real” or not...)))

Flashlight to help

Plastic surgery has long since reached a new level of development and is showing quite good results. Often, even when examined by a doctor, you cannot say with certainty whether your bust is natural or not.

A world-famous model from Thailand, Vichuda Cheich, does not hide the fact that she has unnatural breasts. She once said that she is sometimes afraid of her bust and showed a video online in which she helps expose her silicone breasts.

To do this, you will need a dark room, as well as one or two flashlights (even the built-in flashlights in your phone will do). The switched on lights should be applied to the outside of the chest. In the case when there are two of them, then on both sides. If at the same time you see uniform highlighting, then in front of you is a female representative with fake breasts.

Is it possible to visually determine the presence of implants?

If a modern girl or woman wants to have a chic bust, but at the same time looking completely natural, then she should work hard and look for a good plastic surgeon with extensive experience and a reputation as a jeweler. There are often cases when artificial breasts are no different from natural breasts and only those who have direct contact with them can actually detect surgical intervention. Of course, even in such a situation, only someone who is experienced in feeling natural female breasts and is not an amateur in this matter can determine unnaturalness.

Visually, a woman can only be identified by breasts that are too disproportionate to her body, inconsistency with her age (in women over 40, large breasts without a bra cannot be firm and high), lack of underwear on a bust size 3-4 or larger, etc.

If you met a girl and started a whirlwind romance, then you will probably be able to tell whether her breasts are natural or whether the girl went to an experienced surgeon. In the case when you have feelings for your girlfriend, then do not try to find flaws in her and do not check for the presence of silicone in the breasts or other parts of the body, but come to terms with the choice of your soul mate and accept her for who she is. Only this way, neither you nor those around you will have any reason to doubt your love!

Many girls worry about how their significant other will treat them after mammoplasty. There is a very heated discussion of this issue on our forum. Join us!

Advice from a Plastic Club expert: Don’t be jealous...)))

When a woman decides to have plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the choice of a suitable implant is largely determined by her own idea of ​​what shape and size her mammary glands should be. The selection of the best endoprosthesis is individual for each patient and, in addition to her wishes, is based on taking into account the structural features of her body and the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

A breast implant, or endoprosthesis, is a medical product that is made from high-quality material that is biologically compatible with human tissue. Their purpose is to improve the shape and increase the size of the female mammary gland.

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    Advantages and disadvantages of implants

    Breast augmentation operations using silicone are traditionally popular among women. Therefore, research is constantly being carried out in this area of ​​medicine to improve implants, making them safer and more natural.

    Modern endoprostheses used for breast augmentation have many advantages:

    1. 1. They are completely biocompatible. For their production, modern materials are used that eliminate the risk of rejection and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
    2. 2. Modern endoprostheses are completely safe for human health. Even if the implant is damaged, its filler will remain in place.
    3. 3. Breasts after surgery look as natural as possible. It is natural not only visually, but also to the touch.

    A small number of cases of ruptures were noted. Even with careful testing, a small percentage of such cases still exist. This occurs with chest injuries.

    Manufacturers provide a guarantee for each implant, confirmed by the appropriate document. In case of rupture due to mechanical impact, it can be replaced free of charge.

    Breast implants

    Side effects of mammoplasty are usually associated with insufficient qualifications of the surgeon or incorrectly selected size or shape of the implant, when it does not correspond to the actual size of the woman’s breast. After such an intervention, the following defects are possible:

    1. 1. In some women, the contours of the prosthesis are determined in the lying position. Typically, contouring is observed if the implant is installed under the gland. This does not happen when an endoprosthesis is installed under the muscle.
    2. 2. In addition to contouring, the implant can be palpated tactilely if it is installed under the gland.
    3. 3. When using implants with a smooth surface, there is a high probability of fibrocapsular contracture.

    Types of implants

    Physically, all implants are a shell made of a special material, filled with a gel or a special solution. The shape of the endoprosthesis, its filling and surface vary. Depending on this, the final appearance of the dairy product may be different.

    It is customary to classify breast implants according to several parameters: filler, size, surface texture and shape.

    Types of endoprostheses based on filler

    Depending on the type of filler, endoprostheses are divided into:

    • silicone;
    • saline;
    • bioimplanted;
    • filled with silica gel.

    Saline implants appeared a long time ago; they belong to the very first generation of endoprostheses. Externally, such a prosthesis resembles a silicone bag filled with saline solution. They are filled before or during surgery through a special valve. In the second case, a smaller incision is made on the patient’s body. Saline implants offer the possibility of manual correction of the breast after surgery.

    The main disadvantage of such prostheses is the frequent incidence of shell rupture or damage. In this case, there is a need for repeated surgery and restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the mammary gland, although the liquid inside the implant is completely harmless to human health. Some women note characteristic gurgling sounds during movement among the disadvantages of such implants.

    You can install saline endoprostheses from the age of 18. From the same age, operations to enlarge the bust as a whole are permitted.

    Types of implants

    Silicone implants appeared much later than saline implants, in 1991. They look like a multilayer elastomeric shell filled with gel. In this case, different fillers are used:

    1. 1. Highly cohesive dense gel, tactilely reminiscent of marmalade. This substance is capable of remembering the shape of the prosthesis. This gel does not deform and does not leak when the shell breaks. The disadvantage of such breasts is the unnatural appearance of the mammary gland and its unusual hardness when touched.
    2. 2. Standard cohesive gel has a jelly-like texture. Such an implant gives the breast a natural, beautiful shape, but if the shell ruptures, it will leak out, although it will not harm the woman’s health.
    3. 3. Soft Touch gel resembles highly cohesive, but less dense. Its texture is more like jelly and has fewer negative qualities.

    Implants with silicone fillers are used most often, as they make it possible to give the mammary gland a beautiful natural shape. They can even be installed under the mammary gland, since, unlike others, they do not give the effect of wrinkling. Due to the fact that when the shell ruptures, its contents do not leak out, such endoprostheses are recognized as the safest. The disadvantage of them is the need to make large cuts for installation. After surgery, the woman will need to undergo regular examinations to identify possible ruptures.

    Bioimplants, also called hydrogel, are filled with a special natural polymer that is completely safe for health. If the shell of such an implant ruptures, the contents break down into carbon dioxide, water and glucose and dissolve in the human body.

    Hydrogel implant

    The advantage of such implants is a wide variety of sizes and shapes, as well as the absence of the need to undergo special, expensive examinations to identify possible damage. They also have disadvantages: high cost and the likelihood of hydrogel leaking through the shell, which over time leads to changes in the size and shape of the mammary gland.

    Silica gel endoprostheses are filled with microscopic silicate beads. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the prosthesis and reduce the likelihood of breast ptosis over time.

    Types of implants by surface texture

    Breast implants can be smooth or textured.

    The first species is a thing of the past and is now very rare. There are no pores on the smooth and even surface of such a prosthesis. Therefore, after its installation, a special compaction is formed called fibrocapsular contracture, which leads to a change in the shape of the prosthesis. In addition, when using such an endoprosthesis, there is a high probability of its displacement.

    Smooth endoprostheses have their advantages:

    • their shell is thin, which makes it possible to create natural soft breasts;
    • they are inexpensive;
    • they last quite a long time.

    Textured implants prevent connective tissue from growing around them. At the same time, the porous surface of the prosthesis allows it to be securely fixed in the tissues and reduces the likelihood of displacement. The absence of complications makes these endoprostheses very popular, and they are often used for plastic surgery.

    Classification by shape

    There are two types of endoprostheses, depending on the shape:

    • round;
    • anatomical.

    Round implants can solve the problem of asymmetry or sagging breasts. Such endoprostheses can be with a high, medium or low profile. Their advantage is ease of installation and low price. But over time, such a prosthesis can turn over and make the breast unnatural.

    Anatomical implants require a more labor-intensive installation process and are much more expensive than round ones. Their structure is quite dense, so even in a lying position, the breasts keep their given shape and look unnatural. They can also have different profile heights.

    Classification by size

    Like natural female breasts, implants vary in size, which is usually measured in milliliters. One size equals filling 150 ml of saline or gel. To get beautiful large breasts, you need to take into account the initial size of the mammary glands.

    The cosmetic medicine market offers endoprostheses with a predetermined volume and size, having a special valve that allows filling the cavity during surgery. When filling such an implant, it is very important to accurately set the volume of the filler, since excess will lead to hardness of the breast, and its insufficiency increases the risk of damage to the shell.

    How to choose implants?

    To get beautiful large breasts after surgery, you need to choose the right implants. To do this, before the operation, an experienced surgeon must examine the woman and help her choose suitable endoprostheses, taking into account her anatomical features of the body and wishes.

    The following factors play an important role in choosing an implant:

    • woman's body size;
    • the size and shape of the patient’s natural mammary glands;
    • the breasts that a woman ultimately wants to get are natural or fake;
    • degree of mastoptosis (loss of elasticity);
    • the condition in which the mammary gland tissues are located;
    • woman's lifestyle.

    When choosing the profile of an endoprosthesis, an experienced surgeon takes into account the width of the patient’s mammary glands. For silicone breasts to be natural, the width of the prosthesis should not exceed the transverse size of the woman’s natural breast. This will give a good aesthetic result and will not allow the enlarged breast to extend beyond the chest.

    The patient is usually offered comparison tables that clearly show the different sizes of implants. During this, the surgeon makes recommendations on the choice of size, taking into account the volume of the woman’s natural breasts. To facilitate the process, computer modeling is used, which clearly shows how the breast will look after surgery with a particular implant. It is also recommended to look at photos of the results of previous manipulations.

    When choosing a size, it is important to take into account the woman's lifestyle. If she is active in sports, breasts that are too large can cause problems. With large implants, their edges are often visible under the skin.

    Manufacturers of endoprostheses

    When choosing endoprostheses, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and give preference to well-known, well-established manufacturers. The most popular products are from the following companies:

    Company name Product Features
    ArionThe French manufacturer produces round and anatomical endoprostheses with silicone and hydrogel filling
    AllerganA company from the USA produces implants with a special texture of the outer surface. It allows the connective tissue in the depth of the prosthesis to dissolve. Endoprostheses filled with soft gel allow you to create a natural shape for a woman's breasts. They are very popular and have a low complication rate.
    NagorThe English manufacturer offers a huge range of different shapes and sizes of endoprostheses. All of them have a textured surface of a special shell and are filled with gel
    PolytechThis manufacturer from Germany offers prostheses made of highly cohesive gel with a memory effect that practically do not change their shape. The smooth or textured shell of such an implant consists of several layers
    MentorThis American company produces prostheses with a high degree of elasticity. They have a durable textured shell and are filled with a highly cohesive gel. The range also includes saline implants that are adjusted during surgery.

    Each woman, when choosing endoprostheses, is able to focus on her wishes regarding breast size and shape. But to get a good result when choosing implants, you must take into account the surgeon’s advice. Only a professional will always help you choose the ideal option, taking into account all the anatomical features and preferences of the client.

A woman's desire to become beautiful is limitless in her existence. When nature has blessed you with wit and beautiful eyes, but has somehow forgotten about your lush breasts, you can resort to the services of a surgeon.

The operation is not the cheapest, so every patient needs to know what the price of the operation consists of. What can you save on, and when is it better not to practice it?

The article presents approximate prices for various services, which have an average indicator for all regions of Russia.


Pricing includes several mandatory items:

  • carrying out all necessary tests;
  • the price of a doctor's work;
  • a certain percentage of the clinic;
  • the cost of the implants themselves;
  • hospital stay, food.

The price for surgery is determined by the experience of the surgeon, the popularity of the clinic, and the quality of its equipment.

The cost of implants depends on the brand that produces them, and accordingly, the quality of silicone breasts.

In the absence of all the necessary tests, the operation is strictly contraindicated. The undetected presence of a particular disease can significantly affect the quality of further results, and, moreover, the patient’s health.

All necessary examinations can be completed at the clinic or done independently, which will significantly save your budget.

What examinations will be required:

  1. Blood test (general, biochemical, electrolytes, sugar content, HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, determination of group and rhesus, coagulogram) - the price for each of them is about 200 rubles. Total 2000 rub.
  2. Urinalysis (general) - 100-200 rubles.
  3. ECG of the heart - 700-1000 rubles.
  4. Fluorography - 400 rub.
  5. Ultrasound of the breast - 700 rub.
  6. Consultation with a therapist, as well as any specialized doctor - 500 rubles.

The duration of most analyzes is about 2 weeks, so all papers must be prepared quickly.

If you have a history of any chronic diseases, you should consult a specialized doctor. Permission for the operation is given by the therapist who has studied all the tests obtained.

Surgeon's work

The cost of a surgeon’s work varies so greatly that it is almost impossible to figure out whether you should save money on this or turn to a professional with high experience, who, naturally, charges much more for his services.

The price of surgical intervention is influenced by the doctor’s experience, the technique of performing the operation, the general pricing policy of a particular clinic, or the average cost of the same manipulation among other doctors.

The price ranges from 120-350 thousand rubles.


In addition to the fact that implants are produced by different manufacturers, which significantly affects their price, they have different variations of internal filling.

Pricing is determined by the clinic that provides the services. Sometimes the markup on artificial breasts is 50 and even 100%.

According to their location, breast implants are:

  1. Subfascial. They are installed under the pectoral muscle, which helps ensure the most reliable fixation. Cost from 30 thousand and above.
  2. Subpectoral. Part is located under the mammary gland, the second part goes under the muscle. The price starts from 25 thousand rubles.
  3. Axillary. They are inserted through an incision on the side of the chest. The cost is 25-30 thousand.

The surface of the implant can be smooth or rough. The second option is more anatomical, therefore a little more expensive. Its average cost ranges from 30-35 thousand rubles.

Depending on the filler, the price for one implant is:

  • saline costs 25 thousand rubles;
  • silica gel balls (bioimplant) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of the silicone version ranges from 50 thousand rubles.

Installing any of the implants has its advantages and some disadvantages, so their choice should not be taken from the point of view of economy.

The woman’s future health, the presence or absence of large scars on the chest, loss of shape in the future, and so on, depend on their quality and basic characteristics.

The types of implants are described in more detail in the video.

The final choice of implant rests with the patient. If the doctor does not allow this, having made a decision for her, we can talk about the surgeon’s unprofessionalism.

There are many different brands of breast enlargement implants available on the market today. Each brand has conquered a specific niche in this business.

Some implants are more popular, but they are more expensive. Others are much cheaper, which sometimes affects the quality of the product.

The most common manufacturers in Russia are Mentor and McGan Medical.


This American company specializes in the production of gel implants. The product comes in different sizes and shapes: round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical).

The surface of the artificial breast is smooth or has a moderate relief, which allows tissues to better adhere to substances foreign to the body.

The Mentor brand is also famous for its dual-chamber implants. One cavity is filled with isotonic solution, the other is filled with gel. This helps to gradually stretch the tissue if the breast was previously removed, which does not injure the skin so much.

The company offers a large size range, high quality and minimal risks of complications. Their gel has “memory”, which allows you to quickly restore its shape after any damage.

The implants have a barrier layer that prevents the gel from soaking out, which can harm nearby tissues.

With the purchase of this product, the customer receives a lifetime warranty. The cost of 1 implant starts from 30,000 rubles.

McGan Medical

Mc Gan is also a world class company. The product has international, European and Russian certificates. They are produced with a textured surface, which minimizes the risk of the material not engrafting. Implants from this manufacturer are sold with a lifetime warranty.

The implants themselves are highly physiological and have a unique pore size that no other brand specializing in the production of the same products can replicate.

They have two filling options: a special saline solution or a silicone-based gel. The first option has its drawbacks in the form of loss of shape due to the flow of matter, but it is still popular due to its relatively low price.

The gel in the second version has a shape similar to jelly. The cost of 1 McGan Medical breast implant is about 30,000 rubles.


It is a less popular brand from America. It also specializes in the production of round and anatomical shapes of implants.

The filler is silicone or cohesive gel. The product, like other manufacturers, has a rough surface.

It is the most anatomical, provokes a minimum of complications and rejections, which makes it so popular among all brands.

No different from other brands, the CIUA brand provides a lifetime guarantee on artificial breasts. The cost of one implant starts from 20,000 rubles.

Types of anesthesia

The type of anesthesia chosen is influenced by the general condition of the patient, the presence of any diseases, and existing contraindications.

Also, the method of anesthesia used depends on the surgical technique and the personal preferences of the surgeon. Naturally, the choice is always discussed with the client.

Possible anesthesia options:

  1. General anesthesia. This option is prescribed in the absence of contraindications. It greatly facilitates the doctor’s work, since there is no need to optimize local anesthesia. The cost is within 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Sedation. Represents a superficial sleep, from which it is easier to get out. Has far fewer complications. Sometimes combined with local anesthesia. Costs around 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Local analgesia. It is prescribed if the manipulations being performed are not extensive, and also if there is a ban on other types of anesthesia. The price starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, the choice of pain management also falls on the patient’s shoulders. However, if she does not have sufficient knowledge in this matter, it is recommended to trust a professional.

This will help prevent the development of many complications that require repeated surgery.

Other factors

When the most basic expenses are calculated, the cost of a hospital stay no longer seems so exorbitant. It also varies depending on the clinic and the nutrition they can offer to their patients.

On average, a day in a hospital costs about 3,000 rubles. You will need to spend at least 3 days in the hospital. Total 9000.

The patient also pays for all supplies, staff gloves, pain relief injections, medications, and so on. All this is included in the price indicated in the price list of the medical center for plastic surgery.

The clinic's share is calculated if the surgeon does not work on their staff. She can charge within 30-40% of the total amount for the location of the operation.

How to choose the right clinic

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you must carefully study all the information about the clinic where the operation will take place. It would be useful to find out the experience and experience of the surgeon, his qualifications.

The success of the manipulations and, as a consequence, the result depends on how qualified the specialists work in the center, as well as the quality of the equipment with which the intervention will be carried out.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Number of services offered. The more the clinic can provide, the better. This means that the staff is fully staffed, thanks to which they can anticipate and prevent almost all emergency situations.
  2. Permission to provide such services, relevant licenses, diplomas. As a rule, in large centers such papers hang in frames in the most visible place.

    If they are not observed, you can request all the papers from the registrar, who is obliged to provide them upon request. Certificates should be carefully checked for the organization and address provided. The date of issue indicates the length of service of the hospital.

  3. The doctor has the necessary requalification certificates. This suggests that the surgeon is constantly expanding his knowledge and increasing his experience in this field.
  4. Availability of intensive care. A prerequisite for a good clinic.
  5. The presence in the price list of clauses about carrying out all the necessary tests on site. This takes the clinic to a higher level.

You should also talk to the doctor who will perform the operation. He must calmly and thoroughly answer all questions that the patient asks him.

Attention should be paid to the entire staff. They must be welcoming, correct, and friendly.

In the video, a specialist will tell you how to choose the right plastic surgeon and clinic.


Determination of breast size is carried out according to clearly established parameters and rules. It is important for any woman to know what size of mammary glands nature has awarded her and what advantages her breasts hide behind. Usually, many inexperienced girls determine their data “by eye,” which entails an erroneous choice of underwear and complete disappointment. And only if you have knowledge about this, you can eliminate any troubles and embarrassing situations.

Speaking about girls who naturally have a second breast size, I would like to say that such bust parameters are considered standard; according to statistics, the majority of the female population of the planet has this size.

But, despite these data, many of them are dissatisfied with their volume in the décolleté area and strive in every possible way to increase their bust. To understand how justified such worries and discontent are, it is worth understanding in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of breast size 2.

Initially, to make sure that a woman really has a naturally second bust size, two body circumference measurements are taken:

  • girth of the torso under the mammary glands;
  • the diameter of the body at the most protruding point of the bust.

Next, you need to subtract the smaller parameter from the larger number, and compare the resulting difference with the dimensional grid data. When performing such body measurements, it is imperative to maintain a straight back and apply the centimeter tightly to the body. For the second breast size, the difference between the above two parameters will be no more than 14-15 cm. Now you can begin to visualize breast size 2 in the photo.

This is what breast size 2 looks like in the photo

Typically, women of different body types have such breasts, not only thin women, but also women of large body constitution. Visually, the second bust size can be associated with fruits such as medium-sized oranges. At a time when the first breast size will not exceed the size of two apples, and the third bust size is comparable to two decent-shaped grapefruits.

Breast size 2 in the photo

Second breast size: pros and cons

The second breast size is considered the most uncertain, since some ladies with such breasts are satisfied with their parameters and consider their breasts to be lush and attractive. For others, this size is insufficient and becomes a reason for complexes.

To dispel unnecessary thoughts, you should simply compare the advantages of such breasts with a large bust:

  • The second breast size always has a huge selection of sexy, fashionable underwear.
  • A woman with such breasts can afford to wear any style of dresses, T-shirts and blouses with or without a neckline.
  • Second-size breasts in any outfit will look elegant and not vulgar.
  • This breast size is practically immune to age-related changes and deformation.
  • In women over 30 years of age, such a bust does not suffer from sagging skin, the shape and circumference of the mammary glands do not lose their original appearance and look attractive for many years.
  • During lactation, breasts of this size will retain their tone and relief, and the woman will not have problems with the spine.
  • Small breast size is easier to restore after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Looking at such a large list of advantages of a second breast size, many women will probably reconsider their views on their bust. But it still has several disadvantages:

  • compact breasts in dresses with a deep neckline look less appetizing than large breasts;
  • the wrong choice of clothing can give a woman with a size 2 breast the appearance of a boyish physique.

There are no other negative aspects of a second breast size, so the opinion that such breasts require enlargement cannot be considered justified.

Increasing the second breast size

It is possible to significantly enlarge size 2 breasts only by.

But only a few women decide to take such a step, since in addition to the high cost, the prospect of carrying a foreign body in oneself appeals to few people.

You can increase your second breast size through physical exercise, an adjusted diet, special care for the mammary glands and through cosmetic preparations.

  1. . To ensure that your breasts always look toned, you need to have strong pectoral muscles. To do this, you need to do several exercises, such as push-ups, arm swings, weight lifting and others. As stated in the previous article, such training should be performed three times a week.
  2. . The mammary glands and their size are determined by the volume of fatty tissue in them. In addition, a woman’s hormonal background influences breast growth. Therefore, you need to eat foods rich in healthy fats every day. And you can improve your hormonal levels with foods that contain a lot of plant hormones like estrogens.
  3. Water procedures and massage. To improve blood flow and nutrition of the mammary glands, you can perform contrast shower procedures and then perform a simple breast massage. These actions perfectly tone and improve the shape and relief of the breasts.
  4. Many cosmetic products have been developed for breast growth, which contain plant and natural female hormones, which the woman’s body often lacks.

If you follow all the methods comprehensively, the results will not take long to arrive.

Second breast size: gift or punishment?

Do not think that a second breast size is not attractive enough for the opposite sex. Men value the aesthetic features of the breast much more, namely its elasticity, well-groomed and youthful appearance. A lush bust under its own weight very soon begins to sag and lose its tone and elasticity of the skin. In women with a second breast size, on the contrary, the original shape and relief of the mammary glands is preserved throughout life, emphasizing the miniature and femininity of the lady.

It is not for nothing that small breast size in ancient times was considered a sign of aristocracy and the elite class; many ladies from rich pedigrees were specially corseted.

Today, the catwalk of many fashion designers and designers is fragrant with slender beauties with zero, one and two breast sizes. And it’s rare to see a plus-size model here. Therefore, the desire to change and increase the second breast size can be safely considered unfounded and impractical.

It has long been known that men like a woman's full bust. What woman does not dream of being attractive to the stronger sex? When the parameters do not match, and other methods have been tried, silicone breasts help get closer to the ideal. Shape correction with the help of prostheses is a popular plastic surgery today. Deciding to take such a step is not easy. To avoid dangerous results, you need to study the issue thoroughly.

Possible contraindications

First of all, you need to know that there are contraindications to artificial breasts.. There are not many of them:

  1. Malignant tumors.
  2. Individual intolerance to polymer products.
  3. Loss of strength.
  4. Inflammatory processes and other pathologies of the mammary gland.

So, if your health is fine, you can discuss further issues.

What are dentures filled with?

The implant looks like a transparent round-shaped bag; it is made of silicone. This polymeric substance is also poured into the medical device in a jelly-like state. There is another content option - physical solution. These modifications have both advantages and disadvantages. The downside of salty liquid is gurgling when moving. The advantages are affordable price and safety: if it gets into tissue, there will be no harm.

The advantage of a jelly-like substance is that the gel does not spread when the shell breaks. Nowadays durable models are produced; the surface is damaged in rare cases. There is also a negative side to this. When the silicone leaks out, the breast must be operated on again.

Experts advise not to save money and choose quality products that have an unlimited shelf life.

Which forms of implants are better?

Previously, only round samples were produced. Their purpose is to give the bust a voluminous, raised appearance.

Now they produce other models similar to a drop. These types are more expensive, but they hardly show their presence, since the mammary glands remain smooth and natural. The disadvantages of anatomical options include possible displacement.

Regardless of the configuration of the medical device, it is clear that the surgeon has worked on the body. The signs are:

If the patient is concerned about how silicone breasts look, natural or unnatural, then it is better to install teardrop-shaped endoprostheses.

Installation methods

Mammoplasty is performed in different variations. Surgeons determine the optimal location for the incision based on the characteristics of the individual patient:

You should not be afraid of scars; the level of modern medicine allows you to operate without the scars being noticeable. It’s worse if health problems begin after the intervention.

Is silicone implantation safe?

Manipulation with a scalpel always risks worsening the condition. No doctor guarantees a favorable outcome, since complications are likely:

All operations that are performed repeatedly cost more. When explantation is done, the skin needs to be tightened, which leaves large scars on the chest. There are negative aspects of mammoplasty - which surgeons are silent about.

What are the consequences

In the 80s, the famous American implant manufacturer paid multimillion-dollar lawsuits from women who had mammoplasty. The victims experienced serious health problems due to the fact that the shells of the prostheses were leaking silicone. The substance spread throughout the tissues, causing deformation, swelling, pain, and severe diseases of the mammary glands.

The public was alarmed, doctors said that neurological consequences and malignancies appeared due to the implants. Then in the 90s, such operations were banned in the states for almost a decade.

In 1999, several independent American scientists gave reports and confirmed that silicone does not cause cancer. The researchers noted that the condition of operated patients worsens as a result of:

  • postoperative complications;
  • intolerance to polymer substances;
  • in case of violation of the production and installation technology of a silicone product.

However, in 2012, Ukrainian scientists published a study on the negative effects of polymers used in medicine. Facts confirm that over time, toxic microparticles are formed due to silicone prostheses, causing the body to be gradually poisoned. This is fraught with damage to the lungs, immune system, nervous system, as well as the liver, skin, and the appearance of allergies.

Long-term experiments of the Russian scientist Anatoly Borisovich Shekhter have proven that implants with a smooth surface cause chronic inflammation in the body, since the gel comes out through the shell. That is why textured products are safer.

The polymer can tear imperceptibly, but the spreading of the liquid is not felt. Therefore, experienced surgeons advise clients to undergo an MRI every three years.

Warranty period of medical products

According to surgeons, the shell of a modern endoprosthesis is very durable. In addition, there are harmless fillers. Therefore, women can live in peace; silicone breasts in old age will not cause inconvenience.

The manufacturer of quality products promises a lifetime of service. It is recommended to check the availability of the certificate.

Pregnancy and lactation

Most women undergo surgery after having children. Partly because, having undergone plastic surgery, you supposedly cannot feed the baby. Many people are confused by the possible problems of silicone breasts after childbirth.

Practicing surgeons answer that prosthetics do not interfere with childbirth. The only condition is that the incision must pass under the mammary gland.

Silicone does not get into milk because it does not dissolve in liquid. Therefore, implants are not dangerous for a newborn. In addition, certain medications that are prescribed for colic in infants contain this substance. Implantation does not harm pregnant women.

There is a possibility that the skin will sag after breastfeeding ends, since the bust initially increases in size. In such cases, new forms require special care: you need to moisturize your skin often and wear supportive underwear. In addition, changes in the size of the glands lead to the loss of the shape given by the prosthesis or its displacement. It is often necessary to resort to a lift after weaning the baby.