How to delay your period for a few days? How to delay your period by a week. Oral contraceptives, medications, folk methods

Every woman at least once in her life has had the thought in her head: “If only I could delay my period for a couple of days.” According to the law of meanness, they begin precisely when a trip to the sea or a meeting with a loved one after a long separation is planned.

There are medications that can delay the onset of menstruation.

It is known that the timing of menstruation is dictated by hormonal changes. The main hormones that control the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone. During the cycle, the ratio of these hormones constantly changes.

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen plays a leading role, and after ovulation it is replaced by progesterone, secreted by the corpus luteum formed at the site of the burst follicle.

Such hormonal fluctuations occur cyclically every month.

A delay in menstruation can occur spontaneously, against the background of severe stress, nervous exhaustion, physical starvation, and hormonal disorders. It is unlikely that there will be anyone willing to deliberately create such conditions, so it is worth paying attention to other ways to delay the day “X”.

Ways to control hormones

Almost all women are familiar with such a group of drugs as oral contraceptives (birth control pills), but not everyone knows that they can delay menstruation.

The fact is that oral contraceptives (birth control) are hormonal drugs, they were created based on studies of hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle in healthy women.

Doctors use these drugs to correct hormonal imbalances and establish the correct time for menstruation, and healthy women around the world use these drugs as protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The mechanism of action of these tablets is to impose their own rhythm on the onset of menstruation.

Oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic and triphasic.

It is important to know that three-phase drugs most accurately replicate the physiological changes in hormone levels. 28 tablets of a three-phase drug contain estrogens and progestins in three different concentrations. Monophasic oral contraceptives least accurately imitate the hormonal fluctuations of the cycle. All blister tablets of a monophasic drug contain the same dose of progestins and estrogens.

Method of using contraceptives to delay menstruation

So, to deceive nature and delay menstruation, you can use oral contraceptives.

If you are using a monophasic or biphasic drug, after the tablets in the blister run out, you do not need to take a break for 7 days, you must start drinking a new pack of the drug. If you use this regimen of oral contraceptives, your period will not begin.

Important to know! If you are taking oral contraceptives for the first time, the first tablet from the package should be taken no later than 3 days before the start of menstruation. Only if this period is observed can you delay your period.

If you are protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy with a three-phase drug, there is also no break after finishing the next pack of pills. They start drinking a new pack not from the first tablet of the blister, but from the first tablet of the third phase. After finishing the pills of this phase, you can expect the arrival of your period.

Attention! This regimen of taking three-phase drugs requires the couple to use additional methods of contraception, as the level of protection against unwanted pregnancy is reduced.

Other deferment methods

  1. Gestagens. You can use a drug such as Orgametril. Contains only progestogens. Doctors use it only for medicinal purposes, as it has the following effects on a woman’s reproductive system:
  • Suppresses ovulation.
  • Suppresses menstruation.
  • Causes an atrophic effect on the uterine myometrium.

The drug should be taken with caution after consulting a gynecologist.

The following have similar effects:

  • Exluton (Orgametril).
  • Pregnin.
  • Primolut-Nor.

Gestagens begin to be taken 2 weeks before the arrival of critical days. This is the optimal time to start taking medications. If the reason why it is necessary to delay menstruation occurs later than this period, then taking gestagens should begin no later than 5 days before the first day of menstruation. Starting to use pills from this group of drugs later does not make sense and will not help delay menstruation.

Attention! When taking gestagens, a woman should not forget that she needs to stop taking it on the last day of expected bleeding.

After completing the intake of gestagen tablets, the appearance of menstruation will not take long. In a couple of days the usual periods will begin.

  1. may also help delay the onset of menstruation. The drug Dicynon) can become such a lifesaver. Due to its powerful hemostatic effect, its frequent and prolonged use threatens the formation of blood clots. Therefore, you should be careful when using this drug, using it no more than once a year. Women who have a tendency to form blood clots should refrain from using this method of delaying menstruation.
  2. Psychology can also come to the rescue. Auto-training, methods of visualizing the desired result, taking placebos, and self-hypnosis have their place and often work successfully. Such methods of delaying the onset of menstruation may well help out if a woman does not want to interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system by using drugs from the pharmacy.

Traditional methods

The effectiveness of folk remedies for delaying menstruation is a big question, so you shouldn’t place high hopes on them. But when there are no pharmaceutical drugs at hand, it’s not a sin to use folk remedies.

  1. Nettle decoction. It is easy and simple to prepare. It is necessary to pour 6-5 tablespoons of nettle leaves with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. The preparation of the decoction does not end there. Next, heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for another 20-15 minutes. After this, the decoction is ready for use. It can be used not only to delay menstruation, but also to shorten the duration of critical days.
  2. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It has properties that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is necessary to take a loading dose of vitamin C for 10 days before the onset of your critical days. When using this method to delay your periods, do not forget about allergies. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful allergens. Therefore, for women who have a high allergenic state of the body, this method of delaying menstruation cannot be recommended.
  3. Vitamin K It has, like nettle, a hemostatic effect. You should pay attention to water pepper as a source of this vitamin. The more natural and closer to nature the source of the vitamin, the more fully it is absorbed by the body. Water pepper is just such a source.

Before use, the decoction must be properly prepared. You need to take 2 tablespoons of pepper and put them in a bowl. Next, pour 250 ml of boiling water over the pepper. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The daily dose of the resulting solution is 1/3 cup. Start taking it 10 days before day “X” to get the desired delay in menstruation.

Everything is good in moderation

It is so intended by nature that monthly, under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the structure of the uterus, aimed at accepting and bearing a child. If pregnancy does not occur, the “old” changed inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) is rejected and brought out. A woman gets her period.

Regular use of oral contraceptives in order to delay the onset of menstruation can cause irreparable harm to the reproductive system. Intervention in the normal course of the menstrual cycle is fraught with the development of hormonal imbalances, which entails a disruption in the cyclicity of menstruation.

Moreover, if a woman, without understanding the intricacies of methods for delaying menstruation, begins using contraceptives at the moment spotting appears. This can disrupt the natural shedding and excretion of the endometrium, which can trigger an inflammatory process in the uterus.

There is a list of contraindications that make it undesirable for a woman to take oral contraceptives. Here he is.

  1. Women whose age has passed 35 years.
  2. Presence of a tendency to form blood clots (increased blood clotting), especially if this condition manifests itself in the form of blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis).
  3. Tobacco smoking also vetoes the use of oral contraceptives.

Before choosing one or another method to delay your periods, you need to seriously think: “Is the reason really that important?” Maybe it’s better to drink something proven and use a tampon?

Every girl has been puzzled by the question of how to delay her period at least once. The reasons may be different - a long-awaited date, an important event or a vacation at a resort that nothing should spoil. Well, there are many methods. All, of course, can entail consequences, but if the situation really requires it, then you can resort to one of them.


Girls who take oral contraceptives (OCs) know how much they simplify everything. Menstruation begins at the same time, almost to the hour, its duration is always the same, the amount of discharge is moderate, and there are no unpleasant sensations.

And if the question arises about how to delay menstruation, then the girl simply opens a new pack, and does not take the required break, at the moment at which they begin. Hormones continue to flow, which means ovulation continues to be blocked, and the viscosity of the uterine fluid remains at the same level. It will be possible to stop when the onset of critical days does not cause inconvenience.

The girl has never taken birth control, but her period is about to start? Well, if she is not afraid of disruptions in her cycle, then you can go to the pharmacy to buy oral contraceptives and start taking them on the same day. After an hour and a half, the drug is completely absorbed and begins to act. Whether or not it will work properly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. However, in the vast majority of cases the method works.

Which tablets to choose?

It is important to note that oral contraceptives are prescribed by a doctor based on tests and medical history. There are also contraindications. These include thrombophlebitis, circulatory disorders, coronary heart disease, cancer, hypertension, migraine, acute liver diseases, etc.

However, you can familiarize yourself with the list of existing tablets. The list is impressive:

  • Microdosed OK. Suitable for young girls and those who have not previously taken such drugs. Names: “Jess”, “Klaira”, “Lindinet”, “Zoeli”, “Dimia”, “Novinet”, “Mersilon”, “Logest” and “Miniziston”.
  • Low-dose OK. More efficient. Suitable for young women, including those who have given birth. Names: “Yarina”, “Janine”, “Femoden”, “Silhouette”, “Sileste”, “Marvelon”, “Chloe”, “Regulon”, “Belara”.
  • High-dose OK. They are usually prescribed for the treatment of hormonal diseases. Names: "Ovidon", "Triziston", "Trikvilar", "Non-Ovlon", "Tri-Regol".

By the way, correctly selected tablets entail a number of other positive consequences. The condition of the skin and hair improves, pain during menstruation goes away, the cycle normalizes, and some even lose weight.


It should be noted that hormonal levels are a very delicate mechanism that must be handled carefully and carefully. If you overdo it with birth control, you will get the effect of an overdose and hormonal imbalance.

Some girls, thinking only about how to delay their periods, start taking several pills a day, so to speak, to be sure. It is strictly forbidden to do this. One tablet already contains a sufficient amount of hormones. Otherwise there may be consequences:

  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Dizziness or migraine.
  • Imbalance of the mechanism of sleep and wakefulness.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Changes in blood sugar levels.
  • Stomach problems.

In addition to the above, excessive and uncontrolled use of contraceptives can lead to infertility. This applies to girls who often practice deferment using OCs, who already have problems with hormonal levels and women's health.

Therefore, every girl who is puzzled by the question of how to delay menstruation with the help of “Jess” or any other drug must strictly adhere to the dosage.

Taking Duphaston

This drug is an analogue of natural progesterone. And many girls, knowing about the powerful hormonal effect of the medication, are wondering how to delay their periods with Duphaston.

First we need to talk about the effect of the drug. This medication affects the uterine mucosa and promotes increased production of progesterone, an endogenous steroid.

If you are interested in how to delay the onset of your period, first of all you need to know the following: Duphaston must be taken in the middle of the cycle. It will not be possible to correct the situation 2-3 days before the start of menstruation, which contraceptives are capable of. However, this method is considered safe, since the components of the product affect blood viscosity and do not provoke the occurrence of stagnation in the pelvic organs.


It is believed that you can take these pills to delay your periods. "Vikasol" is an antihemorrhagic agent that normalizes the process of blood clotting. It is usually taken to make menstruation less heavy. This is facilitated by regular use of the drug.

With its help, you can delay your period for several days. How exactly? You should start taking it a week before the expected onset of menstruation. Drink one tablet twice a day and inject 0.03 g of Vikasol intramuscularly once a day.

This is a serious drug. Therefore, if you have problems with blood clotting, you should not take it. Otherwise, there may be consequences, including an increased risk of thrombosis.

Taking hemostatic drugs

In addition to Vikasol, there are three more of these. Namely:

  • "Dicynon."
  • "Tranexam."
  • "Etamzilat."

They are prescribed for heavy periods. These drugs reduce bleeding and help prevent blood clots. Depending on the characteristics of the girl’s body, menstruation can be delayed for a period from several days to 2 weeks. You need to start taking the drug a few days before it starts, 0.5 g.

You just need to know that then your period will begin, as usual, after 15-20 cycles it will not happen. The most powerful of the drugs is Tranexam. If you decide to start drinking it, you need to be very careful when measuring the dosage.


This is the name given to hormones that have the biological activity of progesterone. They suppress menstruation and ovulation, and also have an atrophic effect on the uterine myometrium.

The drug is prescribed by a doctor. The effect described above can be produced by “Orgametril”, “Pregnil” and “Primolut-Nor”.

You need to take the medication two weeks before the start of your period. Then the artificial delay will be achieved with a probability of up to 99%. If the reason why a girl wants to delay the onset of her period arose later, then she must start taking medications at least 5 days in advance. Otherwise, their use will be ineffective.


Well, above we talked about how to delay your periods using birth control and other medications. But besides them, there are also a lot of folk ones. One of the most popular methods is based on the use of lemons.

The method is strictly prohibited for girls with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The bottom line is this: 5 days before your expected period, you should eat 4-5 sugar-free lemons a day. You can delay the onset of your period by 3-5 days.

However, this method has consequences. These are skin problems, allergies, and also cystitis and inflammation of the ovaries. An excess of citric acid will not go away without a trace.


A decoction made from this plant helps to constrict blood vessels. During menstruation it is drunk to reduce blood loss. And a few days before their onset, they are used to pre-constrict blood vessels and delay menstruation.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with this drink. Nettle contains more vitamin C, and the effects can also be unpleasant.

The recipe is simple. Dried nettle in the amount of five tablespoons should be poured into a saucepan and filled with warm water (0.5 l). Put on the fire, bring to a boil, hold for another 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Then strain into a separate container and drink the entire volume at once. This should be done the day before the expected start of menstruation.

Parsley decoction

This plant is often used in folk medicine. Parsley is a real storehouse of nutrients. It includes vitamins K, C, PP, folic acid, bioflavonoids and essential oils, as well as various micro- and macroelements.

In addition, parsley has properties that help not only delay the onset of menstruation, but also prolong the cycle. That is, they will last less with regular and moderate use of the drug.

If you need to delay your period one time, chop a bunch of parsley and pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for 2-3 hours. You need to drink in two approaches - morning and evening. Repeat for the next three days. You need to start 4 days before the expected start of your period. It will be possible to delay them for a few days.

Vitamin K

Interested in how to delay your period without harm? Then you will need vitamin K. Either in its pure form or as part of products. It is best to opt for a decoction of water pepper. It contains very high levels of this vitamin.

You will need 5 tablespoons of dried plant and half a liter of boiling water. The herbal composition must be poured with water and sent to boil on the fire. After 5 minutes, the container with the broth can be removed from the stove and left to infuse for three hours. After time, you need to filter the infusion through gauze.

Use the resulting decoction three times a day, 2 tbsp. l. You need to start four days before the expected start of your period. This way you can postpone them for 3-4 days.

Herbal infusions

Their action also needs to be mentioned, since we are talking about how to delay menstruation for several days using folk remedies. You will need:

  • Mint.
  • Raspberry leaves.
  • Shepherd's purse grass.

In the morning, all the listed components must be mixed in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Then drink in three doses in one day, using an equal amount of decoction (about 120 ml each). This must be done 4 days before your period.

There is another recipe that involves the use of the following components:

  • Yarrow herb.
  • Burnet root.
  • May nettle herb.
  • Cinquefoil goose.

Mix in equal quantities, then take three tablespoons of the resulting mixture, brew with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 10 minutes. Take one glass three times a day. Drink every day, but you need to start 5 days before your period.

Consequences of artificial delay

Well, a lot has been said above about what to do to delay your period. Now we need to talk about the consequences and complications. And they are far from harmless:

  • Discomfort when restoring the cycle.
  • Increased duration of menstruation (from a week or more).
  • Anemia.
  • Neurotic process in the uterus.

If a girl, puzzled by the question of how to delay her period, decides to resort to taking any serious medications, then the following side effects are possible:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe dizziness.
  • Bloating.
  • Painful breast tenderness.
  • Swelling.

One way or another, suppressing menstruation will not go away without consequences. Therefore, any method should be resorted to only in extreme, emergency cases.

The menstrual cycle is an absolutely natural process that occurs regularly in every healthy woman. Unfortunately, sometimes this phenomenon happens at an extremely inopportune moment and, accordingly, a logical question arises - is it possible and, if so, how to delay menstruation without harm to health?

A little about female physiology

If there are no deviations, the menstrual cycle is quite regular and predictable, but each woman has her own individual characteristics. So, for some women, menstruation proceeds quickly, painlessly and not very heavily, for others, on the contrary, menstruation is delayed for several days and is very heavy, which makes this period as uncomfortable as possible.

It all depends on the functioning of the body’s hormonal system. It is hormones that regulate the entire process. Ideally, starting from the first menstruation, cycles are repeated regularly every 28 - 30 days of the month with a duration of 4 days to a week. Sometimes disturbances in the usual rhythm occur, but if they are temporary and everything is restored soon, there is no reason to worry.

This process is necessary for the female body to renew the mucous membrane of the uterus and develop the egg, which awaits fertilization and, if this does not happen, menstruation occurs - the egg disintegrates and, together with the internal endometrium of the uterus, exits through the vagina to the outside.

The most abundant discharge is observed in the first few days of menstruation, after which the process slows down and by the end of the cycle the discharge stops. Since significant blood loss occurs these days, it is advisable to help the body restore it. To do this, you need to provide a special diet rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins.

The regularity of your cycle can be affected by many different factors, including emotional ones. Each woman has her own individual cycle, which can differ significantly from the ideal. There is no need to be hysterical about this, but if you notice that unexplained changes are occurring, be sure to contact a competent gynecologist, since such behavior of the body may indicate the development of a pathology that requires treatment. For example, if on the third and subsequent days the bleeding intensifies (should noticeably decrease), there is a possibility of uterine bleeding, which in turn is caused by some disease.

Menstrual cycle - ways of regulation

Sometimes it happens that it is simply necessary to delay the onset of menstruation, for example, when important competitions, seaside holidays and similar situations fall on these days. It is quite possible to do this, but this can only be done after consulting a gynecologist and, under no circumstances, do this regularly, since gross interference in physiological processes can be dangerous.

There are a number of medications that can be taken to delay your period for a week or several days. All of them are hormonal in nature, since they must influence the hormonal system. The first phase of menstruation is characterized by an abundance of estrogen, and later progesterone begins to be actively produced. There is a special delicate balance between them, breaking which can delay your period for a couple of days, and sometimes longer.

Medication methods

To begin with, it is worth saying that a delayed menstrual cycle is possible only a few days before its planned start, but if the process has already begun, you cannot try to stop it, and it is unlikely to succeed.

Almost all medications used to delay menstruation have another main purpose - to normalize this process. As a rule, these are drugs of three groups of action - contraceptives, gestagens and hemostatics. Let's look at them in more detail.


In addition to their main purpose, these medications are often used to restore the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system by normalizing hormonal balance.

These drugs are taken in specific courses related to a woman’s monthly cycles with short breaks between them. If you do not take a break and immediately start taking medications from a new course at the end of the course, your period can be delayed by a week, and sometimes even until a new cycle.

One of the most popular drugs in this series is Jess Plus. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, this drug can be used to regulate the timing and duration of the menstrual cycle. This is achieved by the ability of Jess Plus to thicken uterine mucus, and this in turn affects the endometrium - it inhibits its separation, and therefore delays menstruation.

Jess Plus allows almost every woman to achieve scanty periods, since it inhibits the physiology of the ovaries, and therefore suppresses hormonal levels. In addition, the drug thickens the blood and prevents the thickening of the endometrium in the middle period of the monthly cycle, so there is much less discharge. The blood quickly coagulates and oxidizes already within the uterus, so when it comes out it acquires a dark brownish tint, which is quite normal.

Another hormonal drug is Regulon. It is taken mainly for conditions that cause a deficiency of sex hormones, but with the help of Regulon you can also delay your periods by several days, up to a week. This drug has a positive effect on lipid metabolism, which means it greatly reduces blood loss during menstruation and slows down its onset.

Utrozhestan also refers to hormonal drugs that help in the treatment of infertility and unstable menstrual cycles. The main active ingredient is the female hormone progesterone, the level of which affects the reproductive processes of the female body. It is taken only as prescribed by a gynecologist from about the 16th day of the cycle up to the 25th day inclusive.

Hormonal drugs are very effective, but they must be used very carefully and preferably not often, because with their regular use, the body stops independently producing natural hormones and reproductive function malfunctions. This is dangerous not only for the possible development of infertility, but also for a whole bunch of female diseases, the most dangerous of which is uterine cancer, which is detected much more often in women who abuse hormonal drugs than in others.

Hence the conclusion - hormonal contraceptives should be taken only as directed and strictly according to the instructions of the gynecologist who prescribed them.

Progestogen medications

These drugs are used to prevent ovulation and delay menstruation, as well as, if necessary, affect the uterine mucosa, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Orgametril, Primolut and Prengyl are used most often. These traditional medications can help you get rid of your period if you start taking them two weeks before your period starts and stop taking it a few days before it ends.

Such remedies are quite effective, but they need to be used as rarely as possible, otherwise the resumption of the usual monthly cycle may not take place - you will have to undergo serious treatment.

Hemostatic drugs

There are a huge variety of such medications, but almost all of them have a similar effect. When used correctly - under the supervision of a doctor, these drugs practically do not cause side effects and do not lead to menstrual irregularities.

A number of such medications include Tranexam, Dicynon, Etamhilat, Duphaston and others.

Tranexam is well suited for women whose discharge is very heavy and prolonged. It is very important not to overdo it with the dosage. The drug is very powerful and if you take more than 500 mg per day, menstruation stops completely, but this does not mean that this can be done constantly.

Dicinone can also reduce bleeding. It activates platelet formation and improves the condition of the tissues of the vessel walls, which leads to minimizing blood loss.

It is often prescribed to women who have had heavy discharge for more than 3 days. The duration of administration is 5 days, and if the blood loss is very heavy and prolonged - 5 or more days, dicinone is taken for up to 10 days, 250 mg per day. With the help of Dicynon, you can also delay the onset of menstruation for up to two weeks. For these purposes, a few days before starting, take 500 mg of the drug per day. If you plan to delay your periods with Dicinon tablets, you should know that the next cycle usually arrives on time. That is, after taking Dicinon, the next menstruation will come not in 30, but in 15 - 20 days - at the usual time.

Etamzilat - allows you not only to delay your periods for several days, but also to greatly reduce their duration and abundance. This medication is used mainly in the form of tablets, but there are also injectable samples. They are used to restore and strengthen blood vessels in case of very severe bleeding. The drug is very effective, but has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken if there are blood clots or while taking anticoagulants.

Duphaston is a non-steroidal drug that rarely causes side effects, but is very effective in restoring the monthly cycle and postponing it by several days. In addition, Duphaston has a very good effect on the condition of the blood, while it does not affect blood clotting at all and does not have a negative effect on liver tissue, so it can be taken even by pregnant women.

Grandma's recipes

At all times, folk remedies based on natural ingredients have been especially popular. With minimal harm to the body, they are quite effective, and they are easy to prepare even at home. However, their use should only occur under the supervision of a professional gynecologist, otherwise unpleasant surprises are possible. How to delay menstruation - the most popular folk recipes:

  • Nettle. Nettle is used in the form of a decoction, which is prepared from dried raw materials by pouring six tablespoons of it into 500 ml of boiling water and bringing to a boil in a water bath. Nettle infusion, after boiling, is infused for half an hour, after which it is cooled and taken in small doses three times a day. Nettle helps not only to delay the menstrual cycle, but also to normalize it. Substances contained in nettle stems help to significantly shorten the period of menstruation;
  • Ascorbic acid is vitamin C. This vitamin has a wide range of beneficial effects on the body. It protects it from viruses, relieves pain, spasms and strengthens blood vessels, but can cause severe allergies if it is in excess. To delay menstruation with the help of ascorbic acid, it is taken in large quantities about a week and a half before the start of the cycle;
  • Lemon juice can also delay your period, but only slightly. To do this, five days before they start, eat 4 to 5 slices of medium lemon daily without sugar or other sweeteners;
  • Water pepper, rich in vitamin K, improves blood clotting, and this helps to postpone your period a few days later. A vitamin of natural origin works best, so it’s worth taking the trouble to prepare a drink from two tablespoons of dried water pepper infused in boiling water. You need to take this drug 10 days before the start of your period, a third of a glass once a day;
  • If you are in good health, you can delay your period by dipping your feet in cold water, but this method is dangerous - you can get an inflammatory process in the ovaries;
  • Parsley also has certain properties that can help slightly delay menstruation. The drug is prepared by infusing dry herbs in boiling water. You need to take the product very moderately - no more than a tablespoon three times a day. This remedy is contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis and low blood pressure.

There are many other recipes, each of which has the right to life, but it is worth clearly understanding that they will help one woman, and not another. In addition, it is advisable to carry out traditional treatment only under the supervision of a professional doctor, at worst after his consultation.

A little bit of good things

Since the menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon, normal for every healthy woman, its artificial regulation is undesirable. Abuse in this matter can lead to serious hormonal disorders, even complete and incurable infertility, so you should always follow the recommendations of a qualified gynecologist and maintain moderation.

One more thing - if the doctor recommended a drug to your friend, this does not mean at all that the same one will suit you. Each body is individual and requires a special approach, otherwise you risk getting the opposite of the expected result, which can often be seen from reviews on women's forums.

And finally, it is worth mentioning once again - failure to follow the recommendations for taking hormonal and other medications that affect the monthly cycle is fraught with the development of an inflammatory process, in which the uterus may have to be removed, so unless absolutely necessary, you should not interfere with the natural rhythm of the body.

It is strictly forbidden to take hormonal medications for women on the verge of menopause, with genetic pathologies of the vascular system associated with low patency, and for women who abuse smoking and alcohol.

In this article, we told you how you can delay your periods and what consequences this can have. As you can see, if you do it correctly - under the supervision of a doctor and only in case of emergency, problems can be avoided, especially when using traditional medicine. But abuse threatens the most serious troubles, including cancer pathologies.

I want to remain young in soul and body longer. And many people associate aging with the arrival of... Along with it, not only the chances of becoming a mother disappear, but the state of health worsens, the skin becomes less elastic, and interest in the intimate side of life disappears. Understanding the inevitability of what is happening, women are nevertheless looking for ways to delay it.

Read in this article

Is it possible to prolong youth

At the age of 45-55, that is, by the time of appearance, many women are still making full careers, some are raising small children. They need health and strength, they need to think quickly and be attentive, and look presentable.

Menopause, or rather its severe course, largely interferes with this. A decrease in ovarian activity leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes and weakened immunity. This is a natural development of events. And if so, is it possible to delay menopause?

The time of its onset is determined by genetic characteristics. But this is not a sentence to the fact that if a mother’s periods stopped at 45, her daughter will experience exactly the same thing. The rate of decline of ovarian function is also affected by:

  • Lifestyle;
  • Reception, ;
  • Natural hormonal balance.

It is more advisable to intervene in the process at the stage of premenopause, when a disruption of the menstrual cycle is noticeable. It will mean that the ovaries are about to exhaust their resources.

All measures to prevent the onset of menopause must be agreed with a doctor. They are preceded by a thorough examination. But, of course, you can start leading a correct lifestyle on your own and long before the first manifestations of menopause.

What you can do yourself to delay menopause

When worrying about how to delay the onset of menopause, you need to remember that the condition itself depends on the volume of sex hormones. That is, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with their production, and take as a rule what contributes to it:

Herbs against menopause

In addition to maintaining the natural amount of sex hormones at a high level, there are ways to gently influence the body from the outside for the same purpose. Simple methods are known and tested by great-grandmothers on how to delay the onset of menopause using folk remedies.

Medicines for menopause: hormone therapy, herbal remedies, vitamins. ... How to delay the onset of menopause: drugs...

Your vacation should not be spoiled by anything, and everything you need- this is a pleasant company, a new swimsuit and a good mood! But nature sometimes presents us with unpleasant surprises, and menstruation, according to the law of meanness, can coincide with vacation dates. How to "move" your cycle - read on.

There are two effective methods that are often used by athletes before competitions and celebrities before important filming: taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and taking progestins or gestagens.

Oral contraceptives

Is it dangerous to take monophasic tablets without a break? There is no threat to your health in this. If you take COCs, during the seven-day break you do not have a real period, but menstrual-like bleeding, which occurs as a result of a rapid drop in the concentration of hormones in the blood after you take all the pills. Recent research suggests that bleeding is not necessary, and COCs can be taken without interruption for 60 to 80 days. But, before changing your contraceptive regimen, consult your gynecologist.


Progestin drugs are usually used to prolong the cycle. You need to start taking it 14 days before the start date, at least 5 days. You need to finish on the day your period was supposed to end, after which menstruation will begin within 1-3 days. If you choose this method, be sure to consult your doctor first!

There are many COCs, and each drug has its own dosage of hormones. If taken incorrectly, the contraceptive effect is lost. Important to remember: It is necessary to postpone the beginning of the cycle only in rare cases and not to make a habit out of it.

Folk remedies

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since certain methods may work for one person, but for others they will give absolutely no result. Medicine also says nothing about this. But if you don't have stomach problems, try one of the options we offer.

Water with vinegar

You may have heard about the many health benefits of vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar. , blood sugar levels, and the fight against cholesterol. Vinegar helps in the fight against cramps that cause serious discomfort before and during menstruation. In addition, water with vinegar promotes retention. Add vinegar to salads or drink it as an infusion with water to naturally delay your period.

Avoiding spicy foods

Warming up the body helps produce more estrogen. And since spicy food is associated with an increase in body temperature, it can cause early menstruation. This is why girls living in warm climates experience their first period earlier than girls living in colder climates.

So if you want to delay your period without the pill, avoid eating all kinds of spicy foods that contain paprika, jalapeno or chili peppers. Science has not yet proven the connection between spicy foods and the early onset of the menstrual cycle. But by avoiding spicy foods before your vacation, you may be able to delay your period by a few days.


Like vinegar, it contains an acid that helps delay your menstrual cycle for a while. Try mixing lemon with vinegar and water, or just drink lemon water.

Cinnamon tea

Many women use cinnamon tea to naturally delay their periods. To make tea, you can use a cinnamon stick or powdered cinnamon. Pour water over the cinnamon and let it brew. Ideally, drink tea at least twice a day.

Raspberry tea

is one of the first natural remedies used by Chinese women to delay menstruation. Raspberry leaf tea tightens the lining of the uterus and obstructs blood flow. Many women who suffer from severe cramping during this period also drink raspberry tea to soothe the uterus and reduce bleeding.

Buy ready-made tea or prepare it yourself by steeping raspberry leaves in hot water. Experts advise drinking this tea at least twice a day for a week.

Parsley leaf tea

Parsley is known to improve digestion, but did you know that it can also delay your period? You can make hot tea using parsley leaves (fresh or dried, your choice), adding a few teaspoons of honey and a few drops of lemon.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to And, conversely, the more active you become, the better your body works.

Exercise releases endorphin, a critical factor in delaying menstruation. Scientists have confirmed that exercise directly affects the delay of menstruation, but does not have any harmful effects on your body in terms of fertility. But you shouldn’t overload your body with heavy sports. Walking, yoga or stretching are best.

Watermelon and cucumber

These products have a cooling effect on the body. And, as mentioned earlier, the colder your body is, the later your period comes.

To delay your period, start eating more cool foods, especially if you live in a very hot environment. Drink cool smoothies with cucumber or watermelon. As a bonus, you will notice how your skin has improved.