How to live with a double kidney. Complete and incomplete kidney duplication: causes and symptoms Ultrasound signs of kidney duplication

Nowadays, the concept of incomplete doubling of the kidney is quite common. This term describes one of the forms of abnormal development of one of the organs of the pyelocaliceal urinary system. Doctors do not consider this a disease, since it does not have pronounced symptoms, but this pathology makes the patient quite vulnerable and prone to various inflammatory diseases that have chronic features.

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Often, doctors do not classify this kidney disease as dangerous and do not make a special clinical conclusion about this. But when the pyelocaliceal system and ureters are doubled, a dangerous situation arises for the patient. Therefore, to clarify the entire clinical picture, excretory type urography may be prescribed.

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General information

The abnormal structure of the kidneys begins in the prenatal period. According to statistics, one out of 150 newborns has a double organ. Girls are at risk for developing the disease; in boys, the diagnosis is confirmed 2 times less often. Duplication on one side occurs in 89% of cases, and for unclear reasons, duplication of the right kidney is more often diagnosed. Anomaly on both sides occurs in 11% of cases.

Visually, the duplicated organ differs from a healthy one and looks like two kidneys fused at the poles, each with its own blood supply. Despite the irregular structure, the doubled organ performs the main functions of cleansing the blood and removing harmful substances from the body.


In addition to one- and two-sided doubling, pathology is classified according to forms:

  • complete doubling is a type of abnormal kidney in which the organ is presented in the form of 2 independent structures connected into one whole; from an anatomical point of view, the structure of the kidney with complete doubling is organized as in 2 separate organs - both elements have their own blood supply system, characterized by the presence of doubling of the renal system of the kidney (pyelocaliceal system);
  • incomplete doubling of the kidney is a type of anomaly when one renal element is integrated into the tissue of another; a characteristic feature of this form is associated with the presence of a single CLS; with incomplete doubling, the organ greatly increases in size; Incomplete duplication of the left kidney is more often diagnosed.


In medicine, there is no accurate information about the causes of the disease. The hereditary factor is of no small importance - if one of the parents or other close relatives is diagnosed, the likelihood of an anomaly increases. Another significant reason is associated with the impact on the female body during pregnancy of negative factors in the form of:

  • ionizing radiation;
  • working in hazardous conditions;
  • past bacterial and viral infections;
  • drug intoxication, poisoning;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • intake of alcohol and nicotine;
  • severe forms of hypovitaminosis.

As a result, two foci of kidney growth appear in the developing embryo, and conditions are created for the development of two buds. Complete division of the CL does not occur; the doubled kidney is covered with a common fibrous layer. Occasionally, in an abnormal organ, vessels intertwine, penetrating from one element to another, which complicates the possibility of performing operations in the future.


People with double kidneys usually do not have negative symptoms. Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs by chance, during examination for other diseases. Negative symptoms become clinically significant only when complications occur. With complete doubling, complications are more serious than with incomplete doubling. In both cases, over a long period of time, anomalies arise:

  • frequent, recurrent inflammatory processes;
  • hydronephrosis - a condition in which the renal pelvis dilates and urine excretion is impaired;
  • backflow of urine from the ureters.

Additionally, the presence of an anomaly may be indicated by:

  • aching pain in the lumbar area;
  • pain when tapping the lower back;
  • rise in temperature;
  • attacks of renal colic;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • weakness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the face and limbs.

Survey tactics

To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental studies are organized:

  • echography with color Doppler mapping is a method that allows you to identify the presence and assess the condition of independent CLS;
  • cystoscopy - necessary to visualize the orifices of the ureters, their number and location;
  • excretory urography is a method that allows you to assess the condition of the ureters, the presence of dilations and doublings of the urinary tract;
  • MRI will allow you to reliably examine the pyelocalyceal system in a three-dimensional projection.

Laboratory diagnostics are carried out to identify inflammatory processes in the urinary organs and evaluate the effectiveness of their work. For this use:

  • general urinalysis;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • biochemical blood test with determination of the concentration of creatinine, urea, albumin, uric acid, ions (potassium, chlorine, sodium);
  • smear from the urethra for bacterial analysis.


There are no specific methods for treating the pathology. But patients with organ duplication are subject to systematic observation and examination to monitor the functioning of the renal system. For preventive purposes, diuretics and herbal medicines are prescribed. If complications develop, therapy is symptomatic:

  • taking broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • antispasmodic and painkillers;
  • balanced diet with limited salt and fat;
  • taking special kidney teas.

Surgical intervention for anomalies of the renal system is carried out for a number of indications:

  • chronic recurrent pyelonephritis;
  • vesico-ureteral reflux;
  • functional or anatomical destruction of an organ and its segments.

Types of surgical interventions:

  • nephrectomy - excision of the affected renal segments; if complications arise in the form of a tumor and it is impossible to separate the kidneys, a complete nephrectomy is performed;
  • antireflux surgery - creation of artificial lumens for the free flow of urine;
  • excision of ureterocele with interrupted sutures and suturing of the ureters to the walls of the bladder;
  • Kidney transplantation and hemodialysis are indicated in the event of acute kidney failure due to doubling.

The course of pregnancy with pathology

A woman with a double kidney can become a mother - the pathology is not a contraindication to pregnancy. The only contraindication is considered to be a severe course of the anomaly with the need for surgical intervention, or renal failure that has arisen against the background of doubling. Preparation for pregnancy should be thorough, with a comprehensive examination and treatment (if necessary) of detected foci of infection.

A possible risk for a pregnant woman is associated with compression of the abnormal kidney by the growing uterus and disruption of its filtering ability. Therefore, throughout the entire gestation period, a woman should be observed not only by a gynecologist and therapist, but also by a nephrologist (at least once every 2 months). If complications occur in the renal system, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized in the urology department to correct the condition.

Preventive measures

There are no specific preventive measures, which is associated with the mechanism of formation of the anomaly at the genetic level. A responsible approach to pregnancy planning and a healthy lifestyle for the expectant mother can reduce the likelihood of developing pathology. Proper nutrition, taking multivitamin complexes, and following medical recommendations allows you to maintain your own health and ensure adequate formation of organs in the fetus.

Persons with a confirmed diagnosis of kidney duplication should follow basic preventive measures:

  • optimal drinking regimen, no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day;
  • rational nutrition with limitation of salty, bitter, spicy foods;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • hardening;
  • avoiding hypothermia.

If an abnormality of the heart rate is detected, an adult should stop drinking alcohol and smoking - alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the renal system, undermining its function.

Kidney duplication is an anomaly in which negative manifestations may be absent throughout life. It is important to understand that an illness can become a prerequisite for the development of other, more serious diseases. With a responsible attitude to health, the life expectancy of persons with a double kidney is identical to that of healthy people.

Double kidneys. What is it?

The kidneys in the human body are a paired organ. They perform the function of removing toxins from the body. Everyone knows about this. But not everyone has heard that kidney doubling occurs. What is it? This is the division of an organ into two halves, fused at the poles. Each part is equipped with its own blood supply system. Externally, such a kidney is much larger in size. The development of pathology occurs during intrauterine development.

Double kidneys in children are the most common congenital anomaly of the urinary system. An altered kidney does not pose a threat to human life, but is often the cause of other diseases.

The structure of the renal pelvis

This funnel-shaped structure is formed by the fusion of the major and minor calyces of the kidney. It is in the pelvis that urine accumulates. The surface of the inner part of the pelvis is covered with mucous membrane. In the wall of the pelvis there are fibers that perform peristaltic contractions, as a result of which urine flows down the urinary tract.

Due to the impermeability of the walls of the pelvis and ureters, the liquid with the substances dissolved in it never enters the peritoneal cavity, but always remains within the urinary system.

Complete kidney doubling

Sometimes a person is diagnosed with complete kidney duplication. What is it? This is an abnormal phenomenon when the kidney is divided into two parts by a groove. The upper and lower lobules are distinguished, and the upper one is most often underdeveloped and smaller in size. Each of them has its own artery and its own renal pelvis, which is usually underdeveloped in the upper half. They also have their own ureters. Each goes separately and ends in the bladder with its own mouth. It is possible that one ureter flows into another.

So, instead of one, there are two separate buds. In itself, complete doubling of the kidney does not bother a person, so there is no need to treat it. But it leads to other diseases.

Problems that arise when a kidney doubles

Often, some kind of disease may begin to develop in one half of the doubled organ. Complete doubling of the kidney can provoke pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephrosis, and polycystic disease. It happens that the mouth does not flow into the ureter, but into some other organ. It can be the rectum, cervix, vagina. In this case, a person may feel urine constantly leaking from the ureter.

This pathology is observed when a person develops one large kidney with clearly defined upper and lower sections. Each of them has its own renal artery. N, each part of the doubled organ does not have its own pyelocaliceal system; they have one for two sections. There are two ureters, but they are connected to each other and flow into the bladder with a single trunk, like one.

In medical practice, cases have been recorded where incomplete doubling of the left kidney is more often observed, rather than the right. Most people with this anomaly live until old age, unaware of its existence. Incomplete doubling of the kidney does not cause inflammatory processes in the organ.

Causes of kidney duplication

If the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, which happens when a person has incomplete duplication of the left or right kidney, it doesn’t matter, you may not even know about the abnormal development of this organ. It is discovered by chance, during an ultrasound examination of some other organ located next to the kidney. Doctors often diagnose a double kidney in a newborn child. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. Let's look at some of them:

  • Radioactive exposure of the fetus in the womb, if her work activity during the entire period of pregnancy takes place at an enterprise whose production cycle is associated with radiation.
  • The predisposition is inherited if one or both parents have a double kidney. What it is is described above in this article.
  • Poisoning with drugs during pregnancy, including hormonal drugs.

  • Presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman: abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc.
  • Vitamin deficiency occurs frequently and regularly during pregnancy. There are many places on our planet where vegetables and fruits do not grow due to harsh climatic conditions. But women live and give birth to children there too. So the expectant mother suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. It’s good if everything works out and the child does not have a disease such as kidney duplication. Of course, there may be other reasons, but this one can be ruled out for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.


If no examination was carried out when the person was a child, kidney duplication is diagnosed, as a rule, after an inflammatory disease of the organ begins or accidentally, during a preventive examination using diagnostic devices. First you need to do an ultrasound examination. If this is not enough, the doctor prescribes other methods.

When a person does not have pathology, there are only two ureteric orifices in his body: one for each kidney. If the doctor suspects kidney duplication, the patient is prescribed a cystoscopy. With its help, it is determined how many orifices the ureter has: if there are three, then the diagnosis of “double kidney” is confirmed. To determine the size of the enlarged kidney and identify the presence or absence of the third calyceal pelvis and additional ureter, the doctor prescribes excretory urography.


Kidney duplication does not manifest itself in any way. It does not need to be treated until it causes some other disease in this organ. Signs of kidney duplication vary. Typically, inflammatory processes are characterized by:

  • Increasing temperature.
  • Weakness and swelling.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Reverse flow of urine.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Unpleasant sensations when urinating.
  • Renal colic.
  • The occurrence of infection in the urinary canal.

Whether all signs appear at once or each one separately will depend on the disease.


Kidney duplication is characterized by complete or incomplete division of the organ into two parts. If it doesn't bother the person, nothing needs to be done. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular preventive examinations. This pathology provokes inflammatory processes in the kidney when it completely doubles. Even in this case, there is no point in doing a complex operation to correct the defect. It may not cause trouble to a person throughout his life.

Therapeutic treatment is usually used when diagnosing some serious disease, for example, pyelonephritis, if it was caused by this anomaly. When the disease becomes chronic and cannot be treated using conservative methods, then they resort to surgical intervention, which is aimed at correcting the cause that caused the complication. But they always try to save the kidney. It is removed only when it has completely lost its functionality.


If during the examination a doubling of the kidney is discovered, there is no need to panic. This diagnosis is not fatal. When the pathology of an organ does not bother you, it will not affect a person’s quality of life in any way. You need to take a closer look at your health:

  • Give up bad habits, if any: stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs.
  • Change your job if it involves toxic chemicals.
  • Urgently switch to a properly balanced diet.
  • Strictly monitor the work and rest schedule.

If one of your relatives experiences a doubling of the kidney, what it is is known to the whole family. Therefore, when a woman from your family is bearing a child, you need to treat this period with double attention. The child in the womb must develop, receiving the necessary vitamins. A woman is obliged to take care of her health and not take alcohol, drugs, or medications that can cause poisoning to the child.

Causes of the anomaly

Doubling of the heart rate of the right kidney - what is it? Surprisingly, this question began to appear quite often. This is due to the spread of an unusual pathology. Incomplete duplication or duplication of one of the kidneys is the first stage of such an anomaly. It can occur during the development and formation of the fetus in the womb.

Due to the influence of various factors on a pregnant woman or if the parents have altered genes during the formation of the urinary system, specific abnormalities may develop (doubling of the left kidney).

Among the factors influencing intrauterine development, several main ones can be identified:

  • various ionizing radiation types;
  • lack of vitamins and essential minerals;
  • use of certain medications;
  • bad habits: alcohol and smoking.

The disease can develop in two directions:

  • the kidney has two pelvises, which are supplied by one artery;
  • the excretory organ is equipped with two arteries and one pelvis, while the arteries have separate exits from the aorta.

Basic concepts of partial doubling and variety

One type of organ duplication can be called partial kidney duplication. Its characteristic feature is the special structure of the urinary organ. Such kidneys have several bifurcated vessels and parenchyma. But the pelvis itself is not subject to such bifurcation.

Thus, the organ consists of two sections, independent of each other, and the renal sinus is divided by a bridge created from parenchyma. This non-standard division makes the kidney larger in size.

Often, doctors do not classify this kidney disease as dangerous and do not make a special clinical conclusion about this. But when the pyelocaliceal system and ureters are doubled, a dangerous situation arises for the patient. Therefore, to clarify the entire clinical picture, excretory type urography may be prescribed.

Today, thanks to the achievements of science and new technical equipment, cases of the appearance of certain pathological abnormalities have become known, one of which is the abnormal structure of the organ. This pathology can have either partial or complete duplication of the urinary system.

Externally, the organ looks like two kidneys connecting to each other. But the uniqueness of the structure lies in the fact that each of them has its own independent blood supply. Quite often such pathologies develop on one side, but there are doublings on both sides.

The term “complete doubling of the kidney” is characterized by the peculiarities of its structure. Externally, the anomaly has a special difference - instead of one kidney, there are two. If pathological development occurs on the left side of the body, then such a person experiences a doubling of the organ’s heart rate. Despite the outwardly correct features of these organs, their structure has an abnormal structure.

With such doubling of the left kidney, one of its areas will have an inferior pelvis structure. The kidneys will have their own ureter for each pelvis. It can be located in a very unusual way.

Clinically, the disease does not manifest itself in any particular way.

A person can live his whole life with a double kidney and not even know about his unique body.

In the case when a complete doubling of the right or left kidney has formed, partial emptying of the abnormal organ occurs.

This can lead to various inflammatory processes that provoke serious disorders and the development of dangerous diseases. With such processes complications appear:

  • various changes caused by inflammation;
  • backflow of secretions may occur from the ureters;
  • urine accumulates in the pelvis and is retained for a long time.

For example, when the FLS doubles on the left or right, the patient may experience a sensation of pain in the lower back with a characteristic manifestation in the side where the abnormal development exists. In addition to the characteristic aching pain, other symptoms may predominate: fever, unexplained weakness, and swelling.

The patient may also experience frequent colic in the kidney area, a sharp rise in blood pressure, and problems with urination.

Doctors do not treat doubling of heart rate because they do not consider it a disease. But when inflammatory processes with complications occur, standard therapy is used, selecting the necessary antibiotics with an extended spectrum of action.

With such an anomaly, kidney stones may appear, which cause colic of varying degrees. Therefore, doctors can prescribe analgesics, herbal remedies and painkillers. If drug treatment does not produce results or severe stages of hydronephrosis appear, surgical intervention is possible.

By the term “doubling kidney,” doctors understand a congenital defect in the development of the kidneys, when the organ completely or partially doubles. Each kidney has its own blood supply and often a collecting system. More often, duplication of one kidney is diagnosed, although it happens that a mutation occurs in both. The pathology is dangerous due to possible complications from the urinary system. Treatment is usually aimed at stopping secondary diseases. In rare cases, there is a need for surgical treatment of the anomaly.

An abnormal bifurcation in the kidneys can be harmful to a person’s health, but also not cause any obvious harm.

General information

Duplication of the kidneys is a disease characterized by abnormal development of the organ, when one or two lobes of the organ double, forming three or four kidneys. Although additional organs often have their own collecting system and ureter, the lower kidneys are more functional. With complete doubling of the organ, each lobule has its own outlet for the ureter in the bladder. The growth of an additional organ is caused by congenital or acquired anomalies. Dual organs are quite common. Pathology develops during intrauterine development. The defect occurs in every 150 children. In this case, the disease is more typical for girls. Unilateral duplication accounts for more than 80% of cases.

Anatomical picture

The organ is visualized as two kidneys fused together, each of which has its own blood flow (separate arteries provide the blood supply). The size of such an organ is much larger than usual. More often, the upper and lower parts are visualized, which are separated by a groove. The lower lobule of the bifurcated kidney is more functional, despite the fact that there is a separation of the parenchyma and blood supply. In this case, the upper part of the organ is sometimes large, often symmetrical. With absolute doubling, each of the kidneys is provided with a ureter and a collecting system. The accessory ureter can have its own entrance to the bladder or connect to the main ureter, which is physiologically safer, since it does not lead to hydronephrosis.

Types of doubling

Bifurcation of the kidneys can be partial or complete.

There are 2 types of kidney duplication:

  • complete;
  • incomplete.

Complete cleavage is a defect when two lobules are formed from one organ, while the pelvis of one of them is underdeveloped. The pelvis is equipped with separate ureters that empty into the bladder at different levels. Possible abnormal development of phlebotomy, when the ureter is discharged into the urethra (urine leaks in children), vagina, or urinary diverticulum. Each lobe is capable of filtering urine.

Incomplete doubling of the kidney is a congenital anomaly, which is much more common. In this case, doubling of the left kidney and doubling of the right kidney occur with the same frequency. The size of the organ is larger than usual. Each lobe has its own blood supply, but there is only one PC. It happens that two pelvises are formed, but the blood supply is common.

Causes of the anomaly

A double abnormal kidney can be formed by the following factors:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

An accessory kidney of congenital etiology is formed genetically during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Abnormal genes are inherited from one or both parents. Acquired causes arise from gene mutations, which are caused by the effects of chemical, biological or physical factors on the fetus during pregnancy.

Kidney duplication is a genetic abnormality or the result of intrauterine radiation exposure.

The physical cause is radiation treatment to which the child was subjected in the womb. Chemical provocateurs are determined by the behavior of the mother. These include the pregnant woman’s use of alcohol, medications, smoking, and drug addiction. Biological causes include viruses that can cause cellular mutation in the fetus. Acquired anomalies can be prevented, since they all depend on the behavior of the pregnant woman.

In addition, a bifurcated abnormal kidney can result from exposure to the following factors during pregnancy:

  • bacterial infections;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • environmentally hazardous situation;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • viruses.

Bifurcated kidneys are accompanied by swelling, lower back pain, loss of strength, nausea and vomiting, fever, and painful urination.

With complete doubling with double CLS and a bifurcated ureter, symptoms are usually absent until the development of pathologies of adjacent organs or kidney diseases. If one of the ureters is discharged into the vagina (into the urethra, into a urinary diverticulum), the patient will be bothered by various symptoms, for example, urine leakage, which occurs not only in a child, but also in an adult. With other ureteral defects, hydronephrosis often develops (urine accumulates in the urinary tract). Possible signs of a divided kidney:

  • swelling;
  • loss of strength;
  • pain in the kidney area;
  • cloudy urine;
  • elevated temperatures;
  • pain when urinating;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • high blood pressure;
  • renal colic.


Diagnosis in an adult usually occurs by chance during a routine examination, since there are no symptoms of kidney separation. The following diagnostic procedures are performed for children and adults:

  • magnetic resonance urography.
  • computed tomography;
  • Dopplerography;
  • radiography;
  • urine test;
  • ascending urography;
  • excretory urography;
  • cystoscopy;
  • bacteriological examination of urine sediment.

Ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics)

Typically, incidental diagnosis occurs during an ultrasound scan. The information content of ultrasound is especially great with dilatation of the upper urinary tract. The doubling pattern cannot be seen using this procedure. After diagnosis, ultrasound is used to monitor the course of pathological changes during pregnancy or for other follow-up examinations.

Kidney duplication is a congenital pathology, which in most cases is observed in girls and is often unilateral. The reasons for this phenomenon are very different. The duplication of the kidney begins to form and develop in the child while still in the womb.

What is it?

The kidneys in the human body are a paired organ. They perform the function of removing toxins from the body. Everyone knows about this. But not everyone has heard that kidney doubling occurs. What is it? This is the division of an organ into two halves, fused at the poles. Each part is equipped with its own blood supply system. Externally, such a kidney is much larger in size. The development of pathology occurs during intrauterine development.


Kidney duplication does not manifest itself in any way. It does not need to be treated until it causes some other disease in this organ. Signs of kidney duplication vary. Typically, inflammatory processes are characterized by:

  • Increasing temperature.
  • Weakness and swelling.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Reverse flow of urine.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Unpleasant sensations when urinating.
  • Renal colic.
  • The occurrence of infection in the urinary canal.

Whether all signs appear at once or each one separately will depend on the disease.


Kidney duplication is characterized by complete or incomplete division of the organ into two parts. If it doesn't bother the person, nothing needs to be done. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular preventive examinations. This pathology provokes inflammatory processes in the kidney when it completely doubles. Even in this case, there is no point in doing a complex operation to correct the defect. It may not cause trouble to a person throughout his life.

Therapeutic treatment is usually used when diagnosing some serious disease, for example, pyelonephritis, if it was caused by this anomaly. When the disease becomes chronic and cannot be treated using conservative methods, then they resort to surgical intervention, which is aimed at correcting the cause that caused the complication. But they always try to save the kidney. It is removed only when it has completely lost its functionality.


If during the examination a doubling of the kidney is discovered, there is no need to panic. This diagnosis is not fatal. When the pathology of an organ does not bother you, it will not affect a person’s quality of life in any way. You need to take a closer look at your health:

  • Give up bad habits, if any: stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs.
  • Change your job if it involves toxic chemicals.
  • Urgently switch to a properly balanced diet.
  • Strictly monitor the work and rest schedule.

If one of your relatives experiences a doubling of the kidney, what it is is known to the whole family. Therefore, when a woman from your family is bearing a child, you need to treat this period with double attention. The child in the womb must develop, receiving the necessary vitamins. A woman is obliged to take care of her health and not take alcohol, drugs, or medications that can cause poisoning to the child.

Sometimes doctors observe kidney doubling, which is diagnosed in the fetus during intrauterine development. If there is a violation, an anomaly occurs in the development of the pyelocaliceal system, resulting in complete or partial division of the kidney. Moreover, each lobe of the organ has its own blood supply system. More often pathology of one kidney is diagnosed, less often two are affected. Such an abnormal structure of the internal organ can threaten impaired urinary function. When doubling, therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating secondary infections are required. In particularly difficult situations, surgical procedures are prescribed.

Kidney duplication is a congenital pathology that can slightly or significantly affect the functionality of the organ.

What structure do healthy kidneys have?

The kidneys are a paired organ that is divided into two lobules. There is adipose and connective tissue around the organ, which prevents injury and damage. and the gate is located in the concave part of the organ. Also, 2 ureters depart from each kidney, through which urine enters the bladder. The lobes of both kidneys are separated by blood vessels. If for some reason anomalies occur during intrauterine development, then a doubling of the child’s kidney is noted. Doubling also often occurs.

It occurs in humans for various reasons that are congenital in nature. The splitting of a healthy organ occurs during intrauterine development. The doubling of an organ on one or both sides is influenced by the following negative sources:

Kidney duplication occurs in utero under the influence of hormones, radiation, and genetic abnormalities.
  • hormonal therapy during pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals during intrauterine development;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • drug intoxication;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant.

Extra kidneys in children can occur if at least one of the parents suffered from such an illness. In this case, complete or incomplete doubling of the kidney on the right or left side is possible. According to statistics, renal twinning is more often recorded in representatives of the fairer sex. Doctors have not been able to fully figure out why women are more likely to suffer from doubling.

What happens when a full doubling occurs?

With complete doubling, two organs are formed at once. In rare cases, pathology is observed on both sides. Each double kidney has its own pelvicalyceal system. Sometimes one of the emergency response systems is not fully developed. Complete duplication of the kidney does not require surgical therapy, provided that the urinary process is not impaired. With such an anomaly, it is important to carefully monitor your health and be regularly examined by a nephrologist.

Incomplete doubling: the essence of the problem

Often, incompletely doubled buds are diagnosed, in which case incomplete doubling is noted. The disorder is characterized by the presence of one ureter, through which urine exits into the bladder. In rare cases, doctors observe the entry of the ureter of the double kidney into the vagina or intestines. With this disorder, urine may exit through the posterior opening or leak through the vagina.

Incomplete doubling of the kidney is more common, but this problem is in no way inferior to complete doubling.

Incomplete duplication of the left kidney is diagnosed much more often, while in the process of intrauterine development 2 rudiments of metanephrogenic blastoma are formed, which soon form 2 internal urinary organs.

The following morphology of incomplete organ duplication is distinguished:

  • preservation of the joint capsule of daughter neoplasms;
  • supplying each half of the organ with its own circulatory system;
  • separation of the renal arteries in the renal sinus or the vessels arise directly from the aorta.

What are the dangers of a double kidney?

Doubling the kidney on the right or left side entails negative consequences. Complications are most likely to develop with incomplete doubling, since in this case urodynamics are significantly impaired. Patients with duplication of the right or left kidney suffer from the following complications:

  • inflammatory process in a paired organ;
  • stone formation;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • tuberculosis lesions;
  • nephroptosis;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms.

If the patient also has vesicoureteral reflux, then the likelihood of an inflammatory reaction against the background of doubling increases significantly. Complications can progress over many years, disrupting the function of many systems in the body. Such disorders are difficult to respond to therapeutic measures and often bring only short-term results.

What signs indicate illness?

If complete bifurcation is noted, then the signs, as a rule, are absent or do not appear clearly enough. When the ureter is removed into the vaginal area, the patient exhibits signs of a different nature. Urine leakage is often seen, which occurs in adults and children. Doubling can be detected by the following pathological signs:

  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • cloudy urine;
  • high temperature and pressure;
  • pain when passing urine;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • renal colic.

What to do?

Importance of diagnosis

Kidney duplication is clearly diagnosed by hardware examination.

It is almost impossible to identify a bifurcated kidney on your own, even if the patient’s urinary process is disrupted, this can be mistaken for an inflammatory process in the organ, and not an abnormal structure. To detect pathology, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Most often, doubling is accidentally detected on ultrasound during examination of other organs. When diagnosing, the following diagnostic methods are used, given in the table.

With the help of complex diagnostics, it is possible to identify organ growth, determine secondary pathologies and the degree of disorder. Diagnostics also allows you to select the most accurate therapy.

Recently, diseases associated with genetic abnormalities that occur even before a person is born, so-called developmental defects, are often diagnosed. They are a consequence of the deterioration of the environmental situation and many other unfavorable factors.

General information

Kidney duplication is a congenital change in the genitourinary system (MS), manifested by the development of an additional kidney on one or both sides. The anomaly may take the form of a separate organ, growth or section in a healthy kidney.

Often such a malformation is discovered accidentally during an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Causes and factors of education

During the study of the disease, it was found that kidney doubling occurs for two main reasons:

  • genetic mutations;
  • heredity.

It can develop under the influence of the following factors on the fetus:

  • alcohol;
  • nicotine;
  • radiation;
  • chemicals;
  • medicines.

If a similar condition is observed in one of the parents, there is a high probability of it occurring in the child. If the disease is present in both the father and mother, the risk of transmission increases.

Age and gender differences

Of all MS defects, kidney duplication is the most common. Moreover, in females the likelihood of development is 2 times higher. Scientists suggest that this fact is somehow related to the characteristics of the body, but the exact reason is not clear.

The anomaly can be diagnosed at any age. This often happens after 25-30 years of age. For most women during this period, the load on the kidneys caused by pregnancy and childbirth increases. Unstable hormonal levels are also an impetus for the development of new diseases or exacerbation of existing ones.

For males, the picture is slightly different. Their development of kidney diseases is often associated with:

  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • an abundance of heavy food (spicy, salty, smoked, etc.);
  • neglect of one’s health (refusal to visit a doctor, hypothermia, heavy lifting, etc.).

In children, as a rule, the anomaly is detected accidentally and is asymptomatic. But even in this case there are exceptions.

Kidney problems in babies may be associated with:

  • abundance of medications;
  • hypothermia;
  • not drinking enough;
  • infections.

Damage to two kidneys at once makes them very vulnerable, regardless of age. If the congenital feature was identified early enough, then if medical recommendations are followed, the likelihood of problems in the future is significantly reduced.

Characteristic symptoms

As medical practice shows, the disease has no characteristic symptoms when all the kidneys are healthy. However, people with double kidneys need to know that such organs are more susceptible to the development of various pathologies, so they should be protected.

If complications occur, the defect may be accompanied by:

  • painful urination;
  • disruption of the flow;
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • increased pain when tapping the lower back (right or left);
  • retention of urine inside the pelvis;
  • high body temperature;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • weakness;
  • dark circles under the eyes.


Depending on the nature, the following types of illness can be distinguished:

  • Incomplete doubling. With this type of pathology, the kidney has an increased size. Its two formed sections are combined into a common collecting-pelvic system (PCS). The ureters join together and empty into the bladder.
  • Full doubling. It is distinguished by the development of additional organs, each of which has its own CLS. One kidney is often complete, while the other is underdeveloped. Two ureters arise from each organ.

Regardless of the form, a second renal artery is necessarily formed at the daughter kidney or department, providing a separate blood supply.

Based on location, the anomaly is divided into:

  • one-sided;
  • two-sided.

Sometimes one of the ureters may open into the colon or vagina rather than into the bladder. In this case, a person may feel urine leaking in the corresponding places. This phenomenon is most often observed in children.


To identify defects in the structure of the kidneys, it is necessary to undergo an examination of these organs, including:

  • X-ray using contrast;
  • MRI or CT;
  • cystoscopy;
  • excretory urography;
  • Dopplerography of the renal vessels.

The presence of such a structure does not cause changes in laboratory test results, but they will still need to be taken.

They will allow you to evaluate:

  • general condition of the body;
  • presence of inflammation;
  • work of internal organs;
  • presence of infections, etc.

The most informative will be:

  • general urinalysis;
  • General and biochemical blood test.

It is often not difficult to identify bifurcated kidneys; it is much more difficult to determine the structure of such organs and which group they belong to. The list of studies may vary depending on the situation.

When is treatment required and what kind?

Drug therapy is not effective for kidney duplication. Treatment can be carried out to eliminate complications, relieve pain and improve organ function.

The patient may be prescribed the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesic;
  • antibiotics;
  • stone dissolving agents;
  • diuretics.

A prolonged absence of positive dynamics and deterioration in well-being is a reason for emergency or planned kidney surgery:

  • removal of the entire affected kidney or part of it (nephrectomy);
  • creation of passages for the outflow of urine (anti-reflux surgery);
  • connection of the bladder and ureters using a suture (excision of ureterocele);
  • the use of anastomoses (artificial connections between organs) for reverse reflux of urine (pyelopyeloanastomosis).

The type of operation is selected by the attending physician, based on the test results.

The diet has no therapeutic effect, but it reduces the load on the kidneys, so patients are advised to limit certain foods throughout their lives.


  • alcoholic beverages;
  • everything smoked, salted and spicy;
  • sweets (sweets, cakes, pastries);
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • mineral water;
  • instant products (semi-finished products);
  • mushrooms and legumes.

Alternative therapy

To cope with the exacerbation of certain MS diseases or to maintain renal function, it is possible to take folk remedies. Before use, you need to consult your doctor, who, based on the test results, will select the optimal prescription.

The following remedies can be used to prevent kidney diseases:

  • Rosehip decoction. Fresh rose hips are cut in half; dry ones can be crushed in a blender. 100 gr. raw materials are poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil. Leave for about 4 hours, filter. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day, regardless of meals. Duration 2 weeks. After 7 days, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Apple diet. This recipe is quite simple. It has a beneficial effect on kidney function and promotes weight loss. For 3 days you need to eat only apples or freshly squeezed juice. Please note that inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the digestive system are an absolute contraindication to eating fresh apples.
  • Diuretic infusions. Raspberry, elderberry and coltsfoot flowers are mixed in equal proportions. Then a teaspoon of raw material is poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes. Drink in one go. Use up to 5-6 times a day. The ingredients can be used separately.

What to do as a preventive measure

When you discover a daughter kidney, you should not fall into despair. You can live a full life with this anomaly without constantly visiting the hospital.