What ointments for varicose veins are inexpensive and effective? Top most effective tablets for varicose veins Which gels are the best for varicose veins

Effective complex treatment of varicose veins is impossible without the use of local drugs. Ointment for varicose veins on the legs helps to cope with most unpleasant symptoms: swelling, inflammation, a feeling of heaviness. A properly selected drug will help slow the progression of the disease, prevent trophic complications and improve the tone of the venous vessels.

Varicose veins can progress and provoke severe complications. Therefore, treatment should be started as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the pathology (the appearance of spider veins, heaviness in the legs, discomfort).

Unfortunately, varicose veins are a very common disease that affects both men and women. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, stressful situations, endocrine and hormonal diseases, heredity and other factors. How to cope with the disease and stop its development? Which ointments for varicose veins on the legs cope with this task better and more effectively? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Varicose veins are a pathological expansion of the veins of the lower extremities, accompanied by weakening of the venous valves, poor circulation, congestion and swelling. The disease develops gradually, first the superficial vessels are affected, then the deep veins are involved in the pathological process. A venous network of vessels appears on the legs, nodes form, and the risk of blood clots and the development of dangerous complications (thrombosis, trophic ulcers) increases. The skin on the legs does not look aesthetically pleasing, persistent, long-lasting swelling appears, and bulging veins become noticeable. Patients suffer from discomfort, a feeling of heaviness in the legs and inflammatory manifestations.

Complex treatment for varicose veins involves the use of systemic drugs in the form of tablets and local agents (ointments, gels, creams), the action of which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. Conservative treatment helps improve blood microcirculation, eliminate congestion and swelling, reduce the inflammatory process, reduce the risk of blood clots and the development of severe consequences. Let us dwell in more detail on topical preparations and present to your attention an overview of the most effective ointments for varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Ointment for varicose veins: main groups of drugs

All local remedies used for the treatment of varicose veins can be divided into several groups:

  1. Phlebotonics. The purpose of such products is to improve tone and strengthen blood vessels. Representatives of this pharmacological group are drugs such as Troxevasin, Phlebodia, Venoruton. Their use allows you to restore a feeling of lightness, relieve fatigue, relieve swelling and discomfort.
  2. Drugs that reduce blood viscosity. These include drugs with an antithrombotic effect - Curantil, Trental, Venolife. Their therapeutic effect is to thin the blood, improve blood circulation, prevent congestion and reduce the risk of blood clots. This group also includes medications with an anticoagulant effect (heparin-based).
  3. Ointments and creams from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Voltaren, etc.). Help eliminate inflammation, reduce the feeling of heat, burning and irritation in the affected area.
  4. Drugs based on glucocorticosteroids. They are considered the most effective, but have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they are used with caution, in short courses and only as prescribed by a doctor. Representatives of this group are Sinaflan, Flucinar, Celestoderm.

Local medications play an important role in the complex treatment of varicose veins. The use of such drugs does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but it allows you to strengthen the veins, stimulate circulatory processes, prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the risk of complications.

The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of products used for varicose veins. How not to make a mistake with your choice and choose a truly effective drug? It is best to do this after consultation with a doctor, who will advise the optimal treatment option taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of symptoms and concomitant pathologies. Let’s start our review of the most popular ointments for varicose veins with the most affordable and time-tested remedies:

  • Heparin ointment for varicose veins. One of the most famous drugs with anticoagulant, antithrombotic and anesthetic effects. The basis of the drug is heparin, anesthesin and benzyl nicotinate. Their complex action helps to resolve blood clots, reduce blood viscosity and reduce the inflammatory process in the veins. The drug exhibits a maximum therapeutic effect at the initial stage of the disease, quickly eliminates the feeling of heaviness, burning, swelling, improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended to use the ointment up to 3 times a day. The drug is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer and lightly rubbed. Contraindications to the use of ointment are conditions associated with poor blood clotting, necrotic processes, open wounds or trophic ulcers. The average cost of a medicine is from 50 rubles.
  • Hepatrombin(Gepatrombin G, Gepatrombin S). The drug is available in different dosage forms (ointment, gel). The main active ingredient is sodium heparin, which reduces blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, different versions of Hepatrombin include allantoin, dexpanthenol, prednisolone or lauromacrogol. These components, along with the anticoagulant effect of the main substance, provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory, dermatoprotective and regenerative effects. They promote rapid healing and restoration of damage, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the further development of pathological processes. The cost of the drug on average ranges from 120 to 180 rubles.
  • Ointment for varicose veins Troxevasin. An inexpensive drug from the group of venotonics, which effectively fights the inflammatory process, strengthens small blood vessels and maintains venous walls in tone. Troxevasin copes well with swelling, quickly relieves fatigue and pain, and has a cooling effect. The basis of the drug is troxerutin, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. The ointment is applied to the affected area twice a day (morning and evening). The best therapeutic effect is achieved with regular use of the medication for a long time. The cost of Troxevasin is 210-220 rubles per package.
  • Lyoton (gel). This popular product also contains a direct anticoagulant - sodium heparin. It provides a resolving effect, eliminates congestion, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. The doctor determines the dosage of the medication and the frequency of use on an individual basis. The gel is used in strict accordance with the recommendations of a specialist, otherwise there is a high risk of developing adverse reactions from the digestive, nervous system or bleeding disorders. The average cost of the drug is 340 rubles.
  • Ointment for varicose veins Troxerutin (gel)– a popular anti-varicose remedy, with good effectiveness and a very affordable price. One of the main advantages of the drug is the lack of toxicity, since its main component, rutin, is a natural flavonoid. The gel helps improve blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminates their permeability and fragility. The local remedy can be used at different stages of varicose veins, even with severe lesions accompanied by the formation of trophic ulcers. The drug has a pleasant, light consistency, is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy marks on clothes, and is odorless. Like most topical products, apply the gel twice a day and rub in until completely absorbed. The price of Troxerutin starts from 36 rubles.

  • Chinese ointment for varicose veins. You can find alternatives to synthetic medications in the pharmacy chain. These are natural preparations created on the basis of ancient Chinese recipes. For example, the composition of the “Chinese ointment” includes extracts from the plants saplings, red safflower, and Bornean camphor. The base of the medicine is supplemented by musk secretions of musk deer (Far Eastern deer) and enzymes isolated from earthworms. The exotic remedy helps well with inflammation of deep and superficial veins, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other pathological changes. The instructions for the drug indicate that with regular use, this product improves blood circulation and reduces the severity of unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins. The cost of the ointment is from 600 rubles.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find other Chinese ointments and creams for varicose veins based on plant extracts, snake venom, bear bile and other exotic ingredients. The only question is whether these remedies will be effective enough in the fight against the disease and whether they will not cause unpredictable allergic reactions. Therefore, before purchasing such drugs, it is better to consult a doctor.

Another effective drug.

Folk remedies

They serve as a good addition to the main methods of treating varicose veins; they can bring significant relief and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Here are a few recipes for treating varicose veins at home using homemade ointments:

  • Ointment based on rendered lard. A popular folk remedy that our grandmothers used to relieve heaviness and pain in the legs. To prepare the healing composition you need to take 1 tbsp. l. melted lard, aloe juice, liquid laundry soap, onion juice and natural honey. All ingredients are placed in a small saucepan and placed in a water bath. The mixture must be stirred continuously until a homogeneous mass is obtained. As soon as the composition begins to boil, it is removed from the heat, cooled and used for its intended purpose. The finished ointment is used for compresses; it is applied in a thick layer to the sore spot and covered with a bandage on top. The compress should be kept for up to 8 hours, so it is recommended to do the procedure at night.
  • Ointment for varicose veins based on horse chestnut.
    1. Option #1: To prepare a folk remedy for varicose veins, you need to take 5 fresh chestnuts, high-quality apple cider vinegar and unrefined olive oil. Chestnuts should be chopped and mixed with 100 ml of olive oil. This mixture must be boiled in a water bath for 45 minutes, reducing the heat to low and stirring constantly. The finished product should decrease in volume by almost half. After this, remove it from the heat, cool and add 1 tbsp at the final stage. vinegar. The resulting composition is used as a compress.
    2. Option No. 2. Pour an equal amount of hop cones and horse chestnut fruits (5 pieces each) into 100 ml of unrefined sunflower oil, add 1 tsp. flax seeds and 50 ml of water. Simmer this mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the finished mixture slightly, spread it warm over a gauze cloth and apply to the sore spot. You can keep the compress for 2-3 hours, securing it with a bandage and wrapping it with a towel on top.
  • Garlic ointment for varicose veins. This composition is used at the initial stage of the disease, as well as when symptoms of varicose veins appear in pregnant women. Prepare an ointment from 5 cloves of garlic and 50 g of butter. Garlic should be crushed together with the husk and mixed with softened butter. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area, covered with gauze, plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm scarf or blanket. This compress can be left on all night.

Many experts recognize the effectiveness of folk remedies in the treatment of varicose veins, but advise using them as an addition to the main treatment. Do not forget that any herbal remedies or pharmaceutical preparations are effective only in the early stages of the disease. If varicose veins progress and enter a severe stage, only surgery can help.

Tablets for varicose veins are one of the most popular remedies to help cope with the disease. Complex treatment using this dosage form alleviates the patient’s condition and contributes to quality treatment.

The shelves of pharmaceutical companies offer a large assortment of effective tablets for varicose veins, and choosing the right remedy for yourself is not so easy.

Groups of drugs that help overcome the disease

Medicine for varicose veins in the form of tablets is many times more effective than local remedies, so it is better to fight the disease comprehensively. Usually treatment takes a decent amount of time: from 2 to 4 months. Oral medications help improve the condition of blood vessels and reduce inflammation. The main goal of treatment with tablets is not to relieve discomfort, but to eliminate the cause of varicose veins.

From the beginning of use, blood circulation is normalized, fluid stagnation in the extremities is neutralized, and swelling ceases accordingly.

What is meant by the term “complex treatment”:

This approach and medications approved by the attending physician will give good and long-lasting results. Only well-chosen treatment will guarantee the patient’s well-being in the future.


This group of drugs against varicose veins can be created from both natural and synthetic substances.

Therapists prefer to use phlebotonics in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.

The effectiveness is due to increased blood circulation and a beneficial effect on vascular patency. The tablets quickly relieve swelling and a feeling of heaviness. Phlebotonics are especially effective in the initial stages of the disease or to prevent exacerbation. Advanced forms sometimes require several courses of treatment with different groups of effective medications for varicose veins.

    Antistax, a natural remedy for varicose veins, is characterized by improved protection of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. It also has a good effect on their tone and permeability. The drug relieves swelling and prevents its recurrence, as it blocks the permeability of water, proteins and plasma through the walls of blood vessels, achieving restoration of their natural density. The drug is contraindicated only for people who are allergic to one of the components in the composition. Take 1 capsule after waking up. The doctor may increase the dosage to 2 capsules. The cost for 100 capsules of 182 mg reaches 1500-1600 rubles. 50 capsules will cost 1000-1200 rubles.

    One of the most popular options for phlebotonics. Prevents congestion in blood vessels, reduces their diameter, increases the tone of capillaries and veins. Phlebodia has a healing effect on the affected areas, helps improve microcirculation not only in large veins, but also in microscopic capillaries. Relieves inflammation, quickly fights swelling and heaviness. It is also indicated for convulsions due to varicose veins. Not allowed for pregnant women in the first three months, or for persons under adulthood. Phlebodia can be used both in the initial stages of development of varicose veins and in advanced forms. Suitable as the main component of complex treatment. Take 1 tablet in the morning. The course of treatment can be quite long, but usually no more than 2 months. Available in packages of 15, 18 tablets (up to 690 rubles), 30 tablets (up to 1200 rubles), 60 tablets (up to 1500 rubles).

    You can buy Phlebodia 600 in Russian pharmacies. There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

    Natural tablets against varicose veins on the legs Diosmin are aimed at relieving all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The effect is achieved by reducing the size of the veins, improving the tone of the vascular walls, and their strength. Improving blood cell circulation prevents congestion and swollen veins. Since the product is natural, it should be used carefully by allergy sufferers, people with kidney failure. It is used in the morning, 1 tablet, and the course can last from 2 to 4 months, which depends only on the severity of the disease. The cost of the medicine for the treatment of varicose veins Diosmin varies from 400 to 800 rubles.

    Prevents capillaries from increasing in width and becoming brittle. It relieves swelling well, has a beneficial effect on microcirculation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The antithrombotic effect is achieved by blocking the ability of blood cells to adhere to the walls of blood vessels. Troxerutin can be used both in the initial stages of development of varicose veins and in advanced forms. Suitable as the main component of complex treatment. Not suitable for persons under the age of majority, pregnant women in the first trimester, or breastfeeding. The drug Troxerutin should not be used if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the active stage of the fight against the disease, 1 capsule is prescribed along with meals three times a day. To maintain the effectiveness of treatment, the product is applied twice a day. The cost of Troxerutin capsules is approximately 350-390 rubles for 50 capsules of 300 mg.

    In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect and the fight against swelling and heaviness, Venoruton has a direct effect on the condition of veins and capillaries, reducing the distance between endothelial cells. The peculiarity of the drug is that it works with blood cells, promoting patency. Thus, the medicine for varicose veins helps fight against venous microthrombosis. Contraindicated during pregnancy, from 1 to 3 months. Capsules are used 2-3 times a day, one at a time. The cost of the drug Venoruton is up to 890 rubles for 50 capsules of 300 mg.

    Available in capsule form. The effect is achieved as quickly as possible: relief of pain and heaviness in the legs, removal of severe swelling. Troxevasin has a healing effect directly on veins and capillaries. Refers to anti-inflammatory drugs. The product should be excluded by allergy sufferers, pregnant women for 1-3 months and people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Use very carefully in case of renal failure of any severity, especially if long-term use is planned. Troxevasin is taken 1 capsule twice a day, along with meals. Cost of 100 capsules of 300 mg. - up to 850 rubles, 50 capsules - up to 500 rubles.

    The active substance is tribenoside. Available in the form of dragees (200 mg of tribenozide per 1 dragee) and capsules (400 mg of tribenozide per capsule). The drug helps cure pathological processes in blood vessels. It relieves swelling well, improves the permeability of blood vessels, and brings them to their original size. Inflammation is stopped and there is a tonic effect. This occurs due to the correct reduction in the permeability of capillaries located in paravenous tissues. Should be used with caution by allergy sufferers, pregnant women 4-12 months old and breastfeeding women. 800 mg is divided into 2-3 doses and taken simultaneously with food. Cost up to 500 rubles for 60 capsules of 400 mg.

Antiplatelet agents

Painkillers and medications that relieve inflammation and swelling. Medicines in this group reduce the likelihood of blood clots by affecting the blood.

Reducing the adhesion of blood cells, thinning the blood and relieving pain is exactly what is often necessary in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.


Antioxidant preparations must also be included in the complex fight against varicose veins. They help improve the extensibility and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, strengthen them well, and prolong the normal life of every cell of the walls of even the smallest veins.

Decongestant medications

Often, with varicose veins, the patient suffers from severe swelling every day, which often causes not just discomfort, but real pain.

To gain lightness in your legs and restore their natural functions, you should use decongestants. They accelerate the outflow of lymph from the affected areas and remove excess fluid from the body.

Tablets with complex effect

According to statistics from online pharmacies, the most purchased tablets for varicose veins are Venorex.

This remedy not only solves the problem and removes the symptoms of varicose veins, but also maintains the proper functioning of blood vessels, veins and capillaries.

However, there are many other remedies that can improve the health of your feet:

What ointment to supplement treatment with tablets

All modern ointments are an excellent addition to tablets for varicose veins. Without local treatment it is impossible to achieve a full therapeutic effect. The more advanced the form, the better and more thoughtful the treatment should be. The patient must take a serious attitude and strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

  1. Heparin ointment (40-100 rubles)
    Heparin, absorbed into the surface of the skin, creates an antimicrobial effect, as well as a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Actively promotes the resorption of existing blood clots in the patient and prevents the appearance of new ones.

  2. Gepatrombin (about 200 rubles)
    The application gel helps fight blood clots, regenerate damage, and relieve swelling. Indicated for the appearance of ulcers on the legs and circulatory problems.
  3. Troxevasin (about 230 rubles)
    The product relieves swelling of the legs, creates proper vascular permeability, strengthens the walls, preventing them from collapsing. Mild anti-inflammatory property.
  4. Troxevasin-Neo (about 300 rubles)
    Penetrates into all layers of the skin. It contains a combination of troxerutin, heparin and dexpanthenol. Good anti-inflammatory effect, reduces vascular permeability, improves tone, strengthens walls.

  5. Reparil (about 200 rubles)
    The gel relieves leg swelling, pain, and inflammation well. Quickly relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.
  6. Vishnevsky ointment (about 30 rubles)
    A good effect is achieved in the treatment of ulcers caused by varicose veins.
  7. Menovazin (about 20-30 rubles)
    Relieves itching, relieves pain (contains novocaine, benzocaine). Menthol gives a cooling sensation to the skin.
  8. Indomethacin (up to 100 rubles)
    An excellent remedy for relieving swelling, treating inflammation, morning problems with stiff legs, heaviness. Quickly relieves the feeling of heaviness.
  9. Diclofenac (about 170 rubles)
    An inexpensive and effective remedy that helps fight the symptoms and causes of varicose veins.

In order for the treatment to be of high quality and most likely to help, you should approach it comprehensively.

It is important not only to take medications on time and apply gels and ointments to the affected areas, but also to give up an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is important to walk more, do small exercises, and give up tight clothes, shoes and heels. The underwear should be compression. The diet should not be salty or spicy. Fatty foods also do not contribute to recovery.

The video presents several effective exercises aimed at helping in the treatment of varicose veins.


An ailment such as varicose veins requires complex treatment, an important stage of which is the use of local medications: creams, ointments, gels. At the moment, a very wide range of such drugs is available. It is worth talking about those that will be the most effective for such a disease.

What ointments are there for varicose veins?

The disease most often affects women. When the disease occurs, first the superficial and then the internal veins of the lower extremities are damaged. As a result, the venous valves become weak, the blood circulation process does not proceed correctly and it stagnates, and blood clots form. There are many causes of the disease. It is treated comprehensively, with tablets, injections, and external agents. Varicose veins are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • a person’s legs hurt, he feels heaviness;
  • limbs cramp, especially at night;
  • veins swell;
  • The color of the skin in the lower leg area changes, it can turn from bluish to dark purple.

All drugs for varicose veins on the legs are divided into several groups according to the principle of action. They are used to:

  • get rid of the symptoms of the disease;
  • eliminate the possibility of complications;
  • establish the natural process of blood circulation;
  • remove swelling and feeling of heaviness;
  • the valves began to work better;
  • the walls of blood vessels have become stronger;
  • prevent inflammation.


This is the name of an ointment for legs for varicose veins and fatigue based on horse chestnut, which suppresses inflammatory processes, eliminating blood stagnation. Removes swelling, cramps, heaviness in the limbs. Thanks to it, the tone of the veins increases, but you should not expect the swelling to disappear. The most famous remedies:

  • Antistax;
  • Venoruton;
  • Detralex;
  • Paroven;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Venoplant;
  • Escin (Venitan);
  • Reparil-gel.

Blood thinners

If the vessels are too dilated, these drugs cannot be avoided. You should find a cream for varicose veins on the legs, the regular use of which will prevent the blood from thickening. This will help prevent blockage of blood vessels, heaviness and swelling. It is important to understand that such medications will not cure the disease, but will help prevent complications. As a rule, blood thinning ointment for leg veins is used simultaneously with phlebotonics or alternates. The most effective drugs:

  • Heparin ointment helps a lot for varicose veins of the legs;
  • Lyoton gel;
  • Thrombophobe (a product with a high content of sodium heparin);
  • Venolife (gel with dexpanthenol and troxerutin);
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Trombless;
  • Dolobene.

Local anti-inflammatory drugs

For varicose veins, these medications are also necessary. Their main active ingredients are indomethacin and diclofenac. Anti-inflammatory medications will help cure thrombophlebitis and relieve pain. Drugs in this group:

  • Indomethacin ointment;
  • Dicloren;
  • Voltaren;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Fastum gel.

Herbal ointments

These drugs effectively fight varicose veins, but are gentler than heparin drugs. They are allowed to be used not in courses, but constantly. Very often, herbal ointment for varicose veins on the legs is prescribed during pregnancy, when more potent drugs are contraindicated. It makes blood vessels more elastic and heals damaged areas. The most famous herbal preparations:

  • Venitan;
  • Girudoven;
  • Aescusan;
  • Cycloven;
  • Venastat;
  • Aescin.

How to treat varicose veins on the legs

It is worth noting that there are a lot of different drugs on the market, but not all of them are equally effective. Check out the list of the best ointments for varicose veins on the legs:

  1. Heparin. This is a medicine for varicose veins on the legs with the lowest price and excellent therapeutic effect. A thin layer of it is coated on damaged limbs and rubbed in with massaging movements. Do not use if there are wounds, cracks or other damage to the treated area.
  2. Troxevasin. Affordable ointment for varicose veins on the legs. Its use in treatment and prevention is acceptable. The composition should be rubbed into the skin twice daily until completely absorbed.
  3. Venitan. Leg cream for varicose veins and fatigue, which makes capillaries less brittle, treats inflammation, improves blood flow and even the appearance of the skin. It is effective in the initial stages of the disease, with the appearance of bruises and a feeling of heaviness.
  4. Varicobooster. Complex action ointment for leg swelling. Contains essential oils, herbal extracts, caffeine, honey, horse chestnut and troxerutin. Relieves inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens capillaries, tones veins. Course is applied.
  5. Hepatrombin. Heparin ointment. Normalizes the process of blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. Apply to feet three times a day under a bandage. The product should not be used for skin tumors or fungus.
  6. Sophia. Cream for treating lower extremities with poor circulation. Contains extracts of leeches and plants. Particularly effective in the early stages of varicose veins. It is recommended to apply three times every day. Applying under a bandage is allowed.

Troxerutin gel

Tones veins, relieves swelling, strengthens capillaries, relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue. The main active ingredient of the gel is troxerutin. It has a good effect on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. Helps even with chronic diseases. The gel is applied in the mornings and evenings in a thin film to the affected legs. It should not be used by children and those who have a stomach ulcer, gastritis, or kidney failure.


An effective cure for varicose veins. The ointment contains heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. It relieves inflammation well and quickly relieves pain, removes swelling, and prevents the formation of blood clots and blood clots. The ointment should be used 2-4 times a day, applied to the affected skin and gently rubbed. As a rule, the course of treatment is up to 14 days.

Cream Healthy for varicose veins

An ointment consisting of beeswax, propolis extracts, horse chestnut, dead bees, cedar resin and olive oil. Restores the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, destroys blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones, removes cholesterol, strengthens capillaries. The ointment has a cooling effect, so after applying it, your legs immediately stop hurting and the heaviness disappears. It is recommended to use it every evening.


The main active ingredient is heparin. The ointment reduces blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots, and relieves swelling and inflammation. Lyoton should be rubbed into the affected areas three times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually by the specialist. The ointment is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, skin damage, hemophilia, purpura, hemorrhagic diathesis. Lyoton is easy to smear due to its special structure. It works very quickly.

Folk recipe for ointment for varicose veins


  • lard (rendered) – 30 grams;
  • Vishnevsky ointment – ​​2 tbsp. l.;
  • grated laundry soap – 30 grams;
  • ichthyol ointment – ​​2 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice – 30 ml;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion juice – 30 ml.

Preparation of ointment according to an old recipe and use at home:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a small metal container and place over low heat.
  2. Stir the ointment all the time and bring it to a boil. Immediately turn off and remove from the stove, cool.
  3. Apply to damaged legs and cover with a bandage. Walk like this for a day.
  4. Make new dressings every day until the mixture runs out.



Higher education:


Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU, KubSMA, KubGMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:

“Cardiology”, “Course on magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiovascular system”

Research Institute of Cardiology named after. A.L. Myasnikova

"Course on functional diagnostics"

NTsSSKh them. A. N. Bakuleva

"Course in Clinical Pharmacology"

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

"Emergency Cardiology"

Cantonal Hospital of Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Therapy Course"

Russian State Medical Institute of Roszdrav

Treatment of varicose veins is not an easy task. It should be started when the first symptoms appear, this will protect you from surgery and significantly improve your quality of life. It is impossible to cure varicose veins with one medicine; it requires an integrated approach. Therefore, phlebologists recommend combining medications with compression agents and traditional methods. Conservative therapy gives results only at the initial stage of the disease. What is the best treatment for varicose veins?

How to recognize the first signs of varicose veins?

In order to begin treatment for varicose veins in time, you need to know what symptoms indicate an impending disease. In total, varicose veins have 6 stages:

  • the onset of the disease, which is indicated by swelling, heaviness in the legs and night cramps of the leg muscles, night changes in the temperature of the legs - they are either hot or cold;
  • the first stage is characterized by the appearance of spider veins;
  • on the second, the veins begin to thicken and form nodules on them;
  • on the third, severe swelling of the legs is added in the evening.

The last two stages are the formation of trophic ulcers. A change in skin color on the legs in the affected areas should also alert you. It takes on a brown tint. The greatest success in treatment can be achieved at the initial and first stages. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to visit a doctor and start treatment.

The problem of varicose veins is especially acute for pregnant and nursing mothers. Manifestations of the disease greatly worsen the condition, and treatment options are limited. Therefore, when evaluating drugs for varicose veins, we will pay attention to the possibility of its use during these periods.

TOP – 10 remedies for varicose veins

Medicines for varicose veins are divided into several groups. They have different purposes. Some strengthen blood vessels, others thin the blood, others treat symptoms, and others relieve pain and relieve inflammation. There is not yet one drug that would have a comprehensive effect on the problem. Doctors recommend combining external agents - gels and ointments - with tablets and capsules. Traditional medicine does not lag behind official medicine and also offers a huge number of recipes for decoctions, tinctures, compresses, lotions and ointments.

The drug Troxevasin has long been widely known and is used in the treatment of varicose veins at different stages of the disease. The active substance troxerutin is an angioprotector. It increases the tone of the veins and the elasticity of their walls. Troxevasin is available in the form of gel and tablets. Used to treat symptoms of varicose veins. Today doctors recommend a medicine with an updated formula - Troxevasin Neo. The active ingredients heparin and dexpanthenol have been added to the composition, which significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug:

  1. Troxerutin eliminates heaviness in the legs, swelling, pain, reduces capillary fragility, and relieves inflammation. It improves trophism (cellular nutrition) of surrounding tissues, promotes their healing, and prevents stagnation.
  2. Heparin thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming. Improves local venous blood flow and microcirculation. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and restores connective tissue.
  3. Dexpanthenol or vitamin B5 is able to penetrate through all layers of the skin and be converted into pantothenic acid in the body. It, in turn, is part of coenzyme A, which participates in metabolic processes. By improving metabolism, dexpanthenol helps restore damaged tissue.

By combining external use (gel) and internal use (tablets or capsules) at the initial stage, you can completely get rid of varicose veins. At later stages of the disease, Troxevasin Neo can bring significant relief even when treating trophic ulcers.

The drug can be considered one of the best due to its complex action. Another advantage of the medicine is its budget cost. Most remedies for varicose veins cannot be used during pregnancy. Troxevasin Neo has no such contraindications except for the 1st trimester. It is not advisable to take it during lactation, as the drug may pass into breast milk.

A new development by French scientists is the drug Detralex. The drug formula contains two active ingredients:

  • diosmin protects and strengthens blood vessels, reduces the distensibility of veins, reduces congestion, reduces the fragility of small vessels, improves lymph flow;
  • hesperidin is a venotonic substance and also has an antioxidant effect.

The drug is used in the symptomatic treatment of varicose veins. It will help with swelling, pain, improve microcirculation, relieve inflammation and eliminate venous congestion. To increase the effectiveness of Detralex it is necessary to combine it with means for external use. It is also advisable to follow a diet and avoid stress on the legs, which provokes exacerbation and further development of varicose veins. A course of treatment is required. The advantages of the medicine include the possibility of its use during pregnancy. The disadvantage is the high price and the inability to take pills while breastfeeding.

Phlebodia 600

Phlebodia 600 are tablets with the active ingredient diosmin. The main objective of the drug is to increase venous tone, improve gas exchange in tissues, reduce lymph pressure on blood vessels and protect against free radicals. Its effect is essentially similar to that of Detralex. The main indication for use is lymphovenous insufficiency. Phlebodia treatment is carried out in courses; in advanced cases, they can last up to six months. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy. Cannot be used during lactation. The disadvantage is the high cost of the drug.

Lyoton 1000 is a leader among external agents with an anticoagulant effect. It is suitable for patients who are at high risk of vein thrombosis. The active substance is heparin. Due to its composition, the gel penetrates well into soft tissues and has a thinning effect on the blood. This is a highly specialized drug that is effective for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs only in combination with angioprotective agents. The main indication for use is thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders - pigmentation, thickening of the skin along the veins, ulcers, swelling. The advantage of the drug is that it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


This is another drug to help with varicose veins, consisting of several components - troxerutin, heparin and dexpanthenol. It allows you to significantly reduce the arsenal of medicines. Its action is similar to Troxevasin Neo (gel) - angioprotective, anticoagulant, venotonic and anti-inflammatory. However, reviews indicate that Venolife is less effective in treating varicose veins. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of active substances in it is lower. The gel can be used to prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve swelling, improve tissue trophism and microcirculation. The advantage of the drug can be considered the possibility of its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The medicine has conflicting reviews from patients on the one hand, and positive results from instrumental and laboratory studies on the other. It contains one natural component – ​​dry extract of red grape leaves. Antistax demonstrates an excellent preventive effect. When using it for medicinal purposes, a significant improvement is noted - pain is relieved and cramps go away, swelling decreases. The action is provided by substances contained in grape leaves:

  • bioflavonide isoquercetin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces capillary fragility and relieves edema due to plasma exudation;
  • quercetin has antispasmodic and anti-edematous effects;
  • resveratrol prevents platelets from accumulating on the vascular wall and forming a blood clot by improving and healing the inner epithelial layer of blood vessels.

Available in the form of gel, spray and capsules. Doctors readily use it in preparation for operations and in postoperative treatment. The disadvantage of the drug can be considered its high cost, since it requires a long course of treatment. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

horse chestnut

If among synthetic drugs we gave the palm to Troxevasin Neo, then in folk medicine it undoubtedly belongs to horse chestnut. The effectiveness of treating varicose veins is due to the content of several substances in the plant:

  • escin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood and has an antibacterial effect;
  • esculin prevents the formation of vascular networks (strengthens capillaries and other small vessels) and blood clots;
  • tannins have the ability to bind protein and fix it on the vascular wall, thereby increasing its strength;
  • rutin reduces the permeability of the vascular wall;
  • kaempferol helps tissue regeneration, heals ulcers and has an anti-cancer effect.

The result of using folk remedies based on horse chestnut is achieved during a course of treatment. It is expressed in a decrease in swelling, swollen veins, heaviness, itching and pain go away. The disadvantage of horse chestnut is that it cannot be treated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Like any folk remedy, it is only an addition to drug therapy. Based on horse chestnut extract, effective medicines have been created that help with varicose veins - Venitan, Venoplant, Aescusan and others.

Even official medicine recognizes its benefits for the treatment of varicose veins. A huge amount of useful substances - acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals - make it possible to combat several manifestations of varicose veins at once. Using apple cider vinegar allows you to:

  • normalize vascular tone;
  • increase skin elasticity and avoid thinning, which usually accompanies the disease;
  • relieve swelling;
  • increase smooth muscle tone;
  • relieve inflammation due to the antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar.

Industrially produced apple cider vinegar is not suitable for treating varicose veins. The homemade version is easy to make yourself from fresh apples. There are two possible ways of use - external and internal. Concentrated vinegar is used for baths, compresses, wraps and douses. For oral administration it must be diluted. The product can only be used if there is no risk of blood clots.

Compression products

Compression stockings and knee socks are 50% of the success rate for treating varicose veins. Their main purpose is to improve the functioning of the venous valve mechanism, the venous-muscular pump and microcirculation, that is, the ability of capillaries to absorb extracellular fluid. These goals are achieved by applying pressure to the muscles in specific areas. There are preventative underwear, and there is therapeutic underwear. The more severe the stage of the disease, the more pressure should be applied by the stockings. Prophylactic is available for free sale, medicinal is sold only with a doctor's prescription. Compression garments from the American brand Venoteks Therapy have proven themselves to be excellent. At a low cost, it has good wear resistance. The product line contains special underwear for pregnant women.

Wound healing dressings

Late stages of varicose veins are characterized by the appearance of trophic ulcers. This is a serious condition that often requires hospital treatment and nursing care. To help with trophic ulcers, different remedies are used depending on the condition and stage of treatment. One of them is healing dressings, which allow you to clean the wound and absorb exudate. For this purpose, doctors prefer to use German HydroClean products. This is a multi-layer dressing soaked in Ringer's solution. It effectively draws out the purulent contents of the wound. The bandage is valid for 24 hours.

Our review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for the use of the treatments for varicose veins described above. Specific prescriptions can only be made by the attending physician, based on the patient’s condition and the individual characteristics of his body.

The pathology of varicose veins, or varicose veins, is a disease characterized by weakness of the venous membranes. This pathology means a non-compliance with the regulatory standard for the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities (read what kind of blood this is).

With the development of venous expansion, blood clots can form in the affected areas, which can be fatal.

This pathology is common in people whose field of activity is aimed at overloading the legs, as well as:

  • With physical inactivity;
  • From having to stand a lot:
  • From physical stress on the body;
  • During the period of intrauterine gestation;
  • For hormonal disorders.

Signs of varicose veins for which you need to use ointment

Venous expansion - signs of its manifestation:

  • Leg pain;
  • When walking, you feel heaviness in your ankles;
  • Fatigue in the limbs after a working day;
  • Swelling on the feet and calves;
  • Itching on the skin in the legs;
  • The stars of blood vessels are visible through the skin;
  • Nodular seals appear.

To eliminate these symptoms, medications are taken orally and external therapy is also used.

But it is necessary to remember that ointment for varicose veins, balms and gels are used only for preventive measures, as well as at the first stage for varicose veins.

What to use externally for varicose veins?

How to smear your legs for venous pathology? Ointment for the pathology of varicose veins, as well as creams and water-soluble gels are not taken independently, and the effectiveness of external treatment is manifested only in complex therapy with medicinal substances taken orally.

Ointment for varicose veins contains an oil or petroleum jelly base with healing components, which relieves the inflammatory symptoms of the affected areas of the vascular system, improves the outflow of venous blood from the vessels of the legs, and treats the affected areas of the veins.

Ointments for varicose veins have many advantages for therapeutic therapy:

  • Apply the ointment gently to the skin. The ointment should be applied to the affected areas in stages and wait until the layer of ointment or cream is absorbed;
  • The external product for the treatment of varicose veins has skin moisturizing properties, which relieves dry skin, as well as exfoliation of the epidermis;
  • Relieves the inflammatory process in the veins, as well as in muscle and joint tissues;
  • Has an analgesic effect on affected areas;
  • Relieves swelling in the legs and feet.

The gel for varicose veins has a water base, which gives the effect of rapid absorption into the skin. The medicinal components of the gel are soluble in the water base of the medicinal product and quickly enter the affected areas through the skin pores.

The advantage of the gel against varicose veins:

  • Gels have medicinal properties, which are most suitable for the physiological processes of the body;
  • The products have a consistency that is gently applied to the skin, which is better and quickly absorbed by the skin and does not require prolonged rubbing into the affected areas of varicose veins;
  • Thanks to the water-soluble base, the gel is not difficult to remove from the skin and clothing using water;
  • The active substance of this medicinal product enters the epidermis in a matter of seconds and begins the healing process.

Properties of the gel for varicose veins:

At the initial stage of the disease, which is associated with dilated veins in the legs, this gel eliminates the following symptoms:

  • Chronic leg fatigue;
  • Swelling in areas where veins are affected;
  • Eliminates redness of the skin in places where the inflammatory process occurs;
  • There is no discomfort in the legs and feet;
  • Microcracks in the skin and heels disappear;
  • The outflow of venous blood from the legs allows longer interruptions on the legs.

Ointments for varicose veins in chronic pathology

In the chronic course of the disease of venous expansion of the membranes on the legs, ointments, as well as medicinal creams and gels are used, having the following effects on pathology through external use:

  • The most effective anticoagulant protection for thrombophlebitis. Drugs with an anticoagulant effect are heparin ointments, as well as Venolife;
  • Angioprotective drugs - Venitan;
  • External medicinal products of the phlebotonics group - Venoruton;
  • Corticosteroid external medications - the drug Celestoderm, as well as Lorinden;
  • Antibacterial agents for external use - tetracycline ointment, as well as Metrogyl cream;
  • Ointments, as well as creams with non-steroidal components that have anti-inflammatory properties - Indovazin ointment, Fastum gel;
  • Water-soluble effective non-steroidal external agents - Levosin;
  • Ointments that can enhance metabolism in tissue cells - the drug Venolife;
  • External medicinal preparations that are characterized by the regenerating properties of tissue cells - Solcoseryl ointment;
  • Ointments that have sorption effects on the vascular system - Algimaf;
  • External agents of the antiseptic group of medicinal drugs are Trypsin ointment, as well as Dimexide.

Preparations that are used simultaneously with external remedies for old varicose veins

In case of an old disease, when large affected areas already appear, in the treatment of varicose veins, using only external preparations (ointment, as well as gel and cream) does not lead to the proper therapeutic effect.

In this case, along with external therapy, drugs from various groups of medications are prescribed for oral administration.

Medicines taken orally:

  • Tablets of the antioxidant group;
  • Anticoagulant drugs orally;
  • Medications from the phlebotonics group;
  • Anti-inflammatory tablets;
  • Disaggregant group tablets;
  • Fibrinolytic drugs;
  • Medicines for the treatment of trophic skin disorders.

Functions performed by external remedies for varicose veins

Medicines that are used externally for varicose veins are intended to provide additional assistance in the treatment of veins and blood vessels, as well as their effective use for prevention:

  • Prevents stagnation of venous blood;
  • Perform the functions of means for toning the vascular system and skin tissue cells;
  • Increase the performance of the valves of venous vessels;
  • Prevent the complicated form of varicose veins and the formation of thrombosis;
  • To relieve pronounced symptoms of varicose veins - removing swelling from the legs, eliminating painful sensations in the veins and limbs, treating dry skin.

To achieve an effective result in the treatment of varicose veins, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology and know the degree of its development.

Diagnosis of varicose veins is carried out using the following methods:

  • Fiscal examination of veins;
  • Dopplerography technique;
  • Angioscanning of the venous system;
  • Plethysmography of veins and vessels;
  • Computed tomography of the blood flow system;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the vascular system.

The pathology of venous expansion has 3 stages of its development, and at each stage of the pathology, its own methods of treatment with oral medications are used, and external ointments are also used, with different therapeutic effects.

Stages of development and course of varicose veins

The first stage of development of varicose veins is characterized by symptoms of pain, as well as fatigue of the legs, but visible signs of varicose veins do not yet appear. At this stage, there may only be asterisks of venous capillaries in the form of a mesh.

At this stage of treatment, an ointment based on heparin is used, as well as with horse chestnut. To relieve symptoms of pain, Diclofenac gel is used.

Second degree of development of venous disease. At this stage, venous nodes appear, severe pain occurs in the lower legs and feet, and darkening of the skin occurs in those places where the inflammatory process and damage to the veins occur.

Using only external methods in treatment will not bring the desired result; it is necessary to take medications internally. For external use, ointments with heparin are recommended, and other medicinal groups of medications are also added.

The name of the drugs, their required dosage, as well as the treatment regimen are prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication of varicose veins is not allowed, since you can simply select ineffective drugs and aggravate the course of the pathology.

At the third stage of development of the pathology, not only the veins are damaged, but the skin is injured.

Treatment for stage 3 pathology is a whole range of measures:

  • Surgical treatment of distended venous nodes;
  • Treatment with painkillers by injection;
  • Treatment with anticoagulants;
  • Oral use of tablets;
  • External use of ointment for varicose veins, for the prevention of new areas of stretched veins, as well as for the treatment of affected skin.

Varicose veins are a disease that is completely incurable, because the hereditary pathology of weak vascular membranes leads to new foci of disease manifestation.

Preventive use of ointment for varicose veins can significantly reduce the number of foci of venous expansion.

The best external remedies for varicose veins

Gel for varicose veins Venosal +. The main component in the gel is an extract from the seeds of the medicinal plant chestnut (horse).

This external product also contains components of the following plants:

component namehealing effect
horse chestnut· accelerates the process of lymph passage;
· tones the walls of blood vessels;
· normalizes permeability in blood vessels;
· normalizes blood flow;
· accelerates stagnant venous blood;
· blocks thrombosis of blood vessels.
calendula flowers· relieves inflammation in tissues and veins;
· disinfects the skin from germs.
ginkgo biloba· natural anticoagulant, which prevents the development of thrombosis;
· improves the functioning of the blood flow system.
witch hazel leaves· natural antiseptic;
· has a hemostatic effect on blood vessels;
· strengthens the membranes of blood vessels.
butcher's broom roots· improves the performance of the blood flow system;
· strengthens the membranes of veins;
· removes inflammation.
sweet clover grass· has an effect on the skin in the form of healing ulcers and eczema;
· increases vascular tone.
D-panthenol· this is a component with an anti-inflammatory effect;
· antipruritic properties;
· relieves swelling from the legs.
mineral components - polysorbitol, menthol, and ethyl alcohol· auxiliary actions in the composition.

Also, when using Venosal + gel, you can treat phlebitis that develops against the background of lymphatic type insufficiency, and also use it against seizures and for the treatment of hematomas.

This drug can be used by everyone, even during intrauterine pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is the best new drug for the treatment of varicose veins.

List of the most effective ointments for varicose veins

The main components of the ointment for varicose veins

A disorder in the veins that leads to varicose veins is the incorrect operation of the venous valve system that transports venous blood to the heart. If the blood does not work correctly, stagnation occurs in the veins, venous blood thickens, which can lead to clots in the veins and clogging of the veins.

Thick blood provokes the development of the pathology thrombophlebitis. An imbalance in the venous system leads to the fact that the blood is not distributed evenly and in the part of the vessel where there is a lot of it, venous stretching occurs with weak membranes.

Such places are a good environment for the formation of venous blood clots (thrombi).

Blood clots can form quite large in size, which poses a danger to humans.

A blood clot can reach the heart organ through the bloodstream and clog a vital vessel, leading to death.

Many ointments that pharmaceutical companies offer for the treatment of varicose veins have a coagulation effect to prevent thrombosis.

Also included in medicinal ointments for varicose veins are:

  • Analgesics to relieve pain;
  • Vasodilator components;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes to nourish the walls of blood vessels and muscle tissue cells;
  • Anti-inflammatory ingredients included.

Heparin ointment for varicose veins

Heparin ointment is a universal remedy for the external treatment of not only varicose veins, but also the following pathologies in the body:

  • With sprains in the joints;
  • For joint dislocations;
  • For muscle sprains and bruises;
  • For resorption of hematomas;
  • For mastitis;
  • For hemorrhoids that go away without bleeding.

The main purpose of ointment with heparin for varicose veins is to protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots, in addition to this property, Heparin ointment has the following effect on the affected areas:

  • Heparin has anti-inflammatory properties, which gives an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Benzonicotinic acid in the composition gives the drug a vasodilating effect;
  • Benzocaine in the composition is an analgesic and relieves pain.

Heparin ointment

Analogues of heparin ointment, which are sold in the pharmacy chain:

  • Geparoid ointment;
  • External drug Gepatrombin;
  • Venosan product;
  • Ointment for varicose veins Dermaton;
  • Anti-varicose ointment Venogepanol.

Also, based on the active substance heparin, an effective gel for the pathology of varicose veins is made - Lyoton. It also contains: alcohol, essential plant oils, organic components.

Ointment for varicose veins based on horse chestnut with heparin

The composition of the ointment for varicose veins very often includes two active components that complement each other’s actions - horse chestnut extract and the heparin component. When used together in one composition, the medicinal properties of the product increase.

An example of this combination could be the gel for varicose veins - Venosan.

The composition of this drug contains:

  • Venosan contains horse chestnut fruit extract, which has the properties of accelerating blood flow, toning the walls of blood vessels, dispersing stagnant venous and arterial blood, and preventing blood vessels from forming blood clots;
  • The gel contains phospholipid molecules - these molecules thin the blood and suppress the functionality of platelets in the blood, which participate in the coagulation process of the body's hemostasis system;
  • Heparin improves the performance of the blood flow system, accelerates the circulation of arterial and venous blood. The antithrombin effect occurs because heparin improves the functioning of venous valves, which accelerates the circulation of venous blood in the area of ​​the affected areas.

Venosan gel is used for the following pathologies:

  • Injury to the skin of a closed type;
  • Skin damage that does not have open wounds;
  • Thrombophlebitis disease;
  • Pathology thrombosis in arteries and veins;
  • Swelling after injury;
  • Damage after exposure of the skin to low temperatures (frostbite);
  • Stagnation of venous blood;
  • Allergy to insect bites.

Ointments for varicose veins, as well as gels and creams, have a therapeutic effect, but also side effects on the body. It is especially necessary to take this fact into account for people who are susceptible to allergic reactions. Do not use drugs for the treatment of varicose veins as part of self-medication.

The use of any medication that is taken orally or externally must be agreed with the attending physician.

Possible side effects may include:

  • Sensitivity of the patient's body to one or several components in the composition of the ointment, gel;
  • Contact of ointment with open wounds of the skin;
  • Hematological pathology, which is caused by poor blood plasma clotting;
  • Also, these drugs are not prescribed in childhood;
  • For women during pregnancy, heparin ointments are prescribed as a last resort and with caution;
  • When a woman is breastfeeding a baby, these medications should not be taken;
  • Also, side effects may depend on the stage of development of the pathology of varicose veins.

Substance troxerutin for varicose veins

The composition of many external medicinal preparations includes the component troxerutin.

Troxerutin is a vital medicinal substance that is necessary for the vascular system. This substance has P-vitamin activity, takes an active part in the biochemical processes of the body, as well as in the cells of the lining of blood vessels.

The beneficial properties of troxerutin are as follows:

  • The substance has an anti-inflammatory effect in the vascular system and in the bloodstream;
  • Troxerutin quickly relieves swelling, and it also has anti-edematous properties;
  • The substance has an antioxidant effect:
  • Troxerutin also has angioprotective properties.


Troxevasin ointment for varicose veins

Troxerutin is the main active ingredient in Troxevasin ointment. This drug for varicose veins has excellent healing properties in the treatment of varicose veins.

Therapeutic actions of Troxevasin:

  • Tones veins and blood vessels;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes from the veins, as well as from the skin;
  • Relieves venous swelling, as well as swelling from muscle tissue cells and from the skin;
  • Strengthens the membranes of blood vessels;
  • Resists vein stretching and damage;
  • Resists the formation of blood clots (thrombi).

Troxevasin gel relieves all symptoms of varicose veins and can be used at all stages of the development of this disease.

Troxevasin is also used:

  • For muscle tissue injuries;
  • In case of joint injury;
  • For swelling on the face;
  • To eliminate wrinkles.

The only contraindications to the use of this drug are sensitivity to the components in the composition, and the gel should not be applied to open wounds.

Troxevasin can be used:

  • In childhood, for the treatment of bruises and closed injuries;
  • To relieve swelling of closed fractures;
  • During the period of intrauterine gestation;
  • When breastfeeding a baby.

Cream for varicose veins - Varicobooster

The manufacturer of this drug calls it an innovative solution to the problem of varicose veins. Many people do not want to use synthetic medicinal ointments and creams; they prefer drugs that are developed on the basis of plant extracts and extracts from medicinal plants.

With a properly developed formula and the correct selection of the concentration of each component, such products can really treat varicose veins. Today, Varicobooster is the most popular remedy for solving the problem of varicose veins.

Its healing effect is due to its miraculous composition:

  • Horse chestnut fruit extract is a natural herbal venotonic that is included in most ointments for varicose veins. As part of this drug, chestnut functions against thrombotic effects, and prevents the occurrence of the pathology of thrombophlebitis, and also strengthens the vascular walls. Horse chestnut has the properties of increasing circulation in the bloodstream and accelerating venous blood in places of stagnation;
  • Chamomile and nettle have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also heal all cracks in the legs, affect the healing of old eczema and ulcers;
  • Menthol - refreshes the skin, relieves tired legs, as well as pain in the affected areas;
  • An extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba is a natural anticoagulant that thins the blood and prevents the formation of blockages in blood vessels in affected areas, and also increases blood flow in peripheral vessels and capillaries;
  • Honey - regenerates tissue cells of the vascular system, as well as the skin, accelerates their metabolism, speeds up the functioning of the blood flow system of the whole body;
  • Caffeine tones blood vessels. The vasodilating effect of caffeine is also vasoconstrictive. This component has contradictory properties in the cream;
  • Mint - relieves inflammation in blood vessels, improves blood circulation and relieves pain;
  • Troxerutin is a flavonoid and natural antioxidant that relieves inflammation of blood vessels and skin;
  • Sea salt saturates the skin and blood vessels with iodine, and also has antiseptic properties;
  • Coconut oil is one of the main suppliers of lauric acid in the body, which accelerates metabolism in cells and also fights microbes on the skin.

Varicobooster cream has no contraindications and does not cause an allergic reaction, thanks to the correctly selected components and in the correct concentration.

You can use creams during pregnancy, while breastfeeding your baby, and also in old age.

It is only necessary to take into account individual sensitivity and intolerance to the components in this cream for varicose veins.

Medicine Renoven for varicose veins

Renoven is a medicine that is taken for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. This medicine is available in powder form and has an effect after use that is safe for the body, since it contains only natural components of Siberian medicinal plants.

The manufacturer of this drug claims a miraculous effect not only on sore lower limbs, but also on the healing of all organs of the human body.

Composition of the drug Renoven:

  • horse chestnut is a natural venotonic. As part of the drug, it performs actions to prevent clogging of veins with blood clots, and prevents the occurrence of the pathology thrombophlebitis. It has a beneficial effect on strengthening vascular walls. Horse chestnut has the properties of increasing circulation in the bloodstream and accelerating venous blood in places where it is stagnant. The extract is made from chestnut trees that grow beyond the Ural Mountains;
  • Red grape leaves is a natural anticoagulant that has blood thinning properties, which prevents the development of thrombosis in the veins. This component grows in the Khakassia region;
  • aloe plant- has a positive effect on the skin. The plant is collected from the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • Peppermint essential oil tones blood vessels. This component is taken from the Eastern Sayan region;
  • Pacific agar agar- this is a component that strengthens the membranes of blood vessels;
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves- natural plant anticoagulant. It has a thinning effect on the blood composition, protects the blood flow system from the formation of blood clots in it. This raw material was collected in Kamchatka.

This medicinal powder must be diluted to a gel state according to the manufacturer’s instructions and used this substance for 7 calendar days.

Renoven has a positive effect on vessels damaged by varicose veins:

  • Relieves skin itching in areas of varicose veins;
  • Eliminates swelling;
  • Prevents the skin from dryness, peeling and microcracks;
  • Ointment for varicose veins according to traditional medicine recipes

    Medicines prescribed by traditional healers are an additional therapy to drug treatment of varicose veins and the vascular system. These ointments can reduce the inflammatory process in the lower extremities and relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.

    But we should not forget that traditional medicine does not treat the root cause of the pathology, but serves only as an addition to official treatment and can only relieve the symptoms of the disease.

    Therefore, you should not treat varicose veins only with traditional methods, because you can only aggravate the development of the pathology, and it will move to a more severe stage of the disease, when it will be necessary to use surgical methods in treatment.

    Recipe for preparing ointment for varicose veins:

    • Fat-based ointment for varicose veins made from melted lard. Recipe - all ingredients are taken in the same proportion - 50 grams each. Ingredients: melted pork fat, aloe plant juice, liquid laundry soap, white onion juice, honey. All components are mixed and brought to a boil in a steam bath. After cooling, the ointment for varicose veins is ready for use;
    • Ointment for varicose veins based on cow's oil and garlic. The medicinal properties of garlic can not only disinfect the skin, but also thin the blood and relieve inflammation. This mixture is used as a paste compress on the affected areas at night. You need to apply it to cotton fabric and wrap your leg in a warm woolen scarf. Recipe - mix 50.0 grams of cow's butter (softened, but not melted) with 5 cloves of garlic, crushed together with the unseparated husks.


    Ointment for varicose veins is an excellent remedy for relieving the symptoms of this pathology at different stages of the disease, but it is necessary to understand that the pathology of the vascular system is not associated only with damage to the veins.

    Disturbances in the vascular system affect the functionality of the blood flow in the body, and any damage to the blood vessels leads to disturbances in the blood flow and pose a threat to vital organs.

    The use of external treatment must necessarily occur in combination with drug treatment with drugs that are taken orally and act on the root cause of varicose veins.

    With varicose veins, the most dangerous thing is the risk of thrombus formation inside the vessels and the occurrence of thrombophlebitis. The main therapeutic measures for the treatment of varicose veins are aimed at diluting stagnant venous blood in the affected vessels.