What infections does garlic kill in contact? What is treated with garlic? Healing properties of garlic. Garlic milk will relieve cough in adults and children

From Masterweb

28.10.2018 21:30

Who would have thought!

In our country, garlic is on a par with onions and is well known to everyone. It has been used for centuries, especially in the kitchen, writes Remedes De Grand-Meres.

Some people use it to prevent and relieve many diseases. Garlic is not a herb, as some people think, but a vegetable.

Chefs use it to transform a bland dish into something extraordinary, flavorful and healthy.

However, did you know that most fresh produce is irradiated?

Irradiation is the process of exposing fresh and/or processed food to kill diseases and pathogens and extend shelf life.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves food irradiation, so be sure to buy fruits and vegetables grown in the right conditions.

However, completely organic foods offer many health benefits.

What are the benefits of garlic?

Allicin and other sulfur compounds not only give garlic its strong smell, but also make it incredibly medicinal. One milligram of allicin is 15 times more effective than penicillin.

Garlic contains more than 33 active sulfur compounds. When consumed, allicin is transformed into sulfenic acid, which destroys all free radicals.

Scientists from the University of Florida found that garlic increases the number of T cells in the blood. These cells fight viruses.

Fresh garlic is the best form of this healing product, and no supplement will really give you the same benefits as the natural product.

Chop or crush the garlic and let it breathe for 5 minutes before eating. This is the only way to activate allicin.

But keep in mind that garlic powder and granulated garlic are not nearly as healthy as fresh garlic.

Dr. Joseph Mercola explained:

“It should be emphasized that the garlic MUST be fresh. The active ingredient is destroyed within an hour of crushing the garlic.”

And in order not to chew it just like that, here is a recipe for soup with 26 cloves of garlic.

Required ingredients (for 4 people):

  • 26 cloves of garlic;
  • one large chopped onion;
  • 2 tablespoons organic olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric;
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon and half chopped fresh thyme;
  • ½ cup skim milk (pasteurized organic milk, coconut milk or almond milk);
  • 3 and a half cups vegetable broth;
  • a slice of lemon.

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. First, place the unpeeled garlic cloves in a baking dish, drizzle them with olive oil and add a pinch of sea salt.

Wrap the pan in aluminum foil and place in the oven. Cook for about 45 minutes until the garlic turns golden brown.

After they have cooled a little, squeeze the cloves with your fingers to free them from the peel.

Place the butter in a saucepan and melt it. Add thyme, onion, ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric and cook until onion is translucent.

It will take you about 6 minutes. Divide the peeled cloves into 2 parts and mash thoroughly. Then add the fried garlic and cook for 3 minutes.

Pour in the broth and reduce heat. Let the soup simmer for about 20 minutes.

Then add your favorite milk and let it simmer a little more. Season with sea salt and ground black pepper.

Squeeze the juice of one lemon slice into the finished dish and serve hot.

Did you know about the magical properties of garlic?

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Garlic is a real antibiotic. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria, unlike artificial antibiotics, which only attack a narrow range of microbes.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been cultivated for such a long time that it is difficult to determine exactly where this plant came from.

The Swiss botanist of the 17th century, one of the founders of plant geography, Decandol believed that the birthplace of garlic was southwestern Siberia, from where it spread to southern Europe and was acclimatized in Mediterranean countries.

More modern theories suggest that garlic may have originated in southwest or central Asia.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Photo: LoboStudioHamburg / pixabay

Garlic comes from the past

There is written evidence in Sanskrit of the use of garlic approximately 5,000 years ago.

A Sumerian clay tablet dating back to 3000 BC was found containing a recipe including garlic. The Chinese also used it at least 3,000 years ago.

The builders who built the Cheops pyramid ate garlic, leeks and other onions to maintain physical strength and strengthen immunity against infections. Garlic was consumed in large quantities by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Roman soldiers received garlic daily to maintain strength. It is believed that it was the Romans who first introduced garlic to Britain. The English word garlic comes from the Anglo-Saxon words gar (spear) and lac (plant), which no doubt refers to the appearance of its leaves.

In Great Britain, just before the turn of the 20th century, tuberculosis was the leading cause of death, and British doctors successfully used garlic ointments, compresses and inhalations to treat it.

During World War I, there was a high demand for garlic in Britain as field hospitals used liquid garlic poultices to fight infections. Garlic cloves were crushed under pressure and then the juice was diluted with water.

The bandages were soaked in garlic water and applied to the wounds. As a result, the incidence of amputations due to wet gangrene has decreased significantly.

Garlic is one of the most useful plants. Since ancient times, herbalists have valued it so much that white garlic flowers were chosen as the symbol of the first apothecary guilds in Asia and Europe.

Garlic in modern reality

Currently, drug-resistant types of tuberculosis are spreading at an unprecedented rate around the world, circulatory disorders are increasingly common in Western countries, and large-scale outbreaks of viral infections such as SARS are becoming a global problem.

  • By strengthening the body's immune system, garlic is a true antibiotic in the sense that it kills harmful microorganisms.
  • Garlic is effective against a wide range of bacteria, unlike man-made antibiotics, which only attack a narrow range of microbes, and there is no danger of resistant bacteria developing, as is the case with man-made antibiotics.
  • Garlic is effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staphylococcus and salmonella.

Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, but not garlic

Garlic, however, directly kills many viruses, including influenza virus, herpes virus, vesicular stomatitis and cytomegalovirus (a source of secondary infection in AIDS patients), and in the case of many other viral diseases in both humans and animals, cure and/or symptomatic relief occurs.

It contains large amounts of minerals such as iron, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus, and also effectively cleanses the blood and improves its ability to deliver oxygen to tissues.

Strengthening plants are always prescribed by herbalists as part of skin mixtures. Garlic also contains iodine and bromine, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine gland.

Garlic breaks down, changes the chemical composition and removes cholesterol deposited on the inner walls of arteries, veins and the heart.

Garlic is available to everyone. This natural remedy can help the body and protect it from external enemies. Photo: postchiangmai0/pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

How to take garlic

  • Garlic can be taken orally in fairly large quantities, up to 20 capsules per day, without causing harm to the body. If your body has accumulated a lot of waste, you may experience stomach discomfort and develop gastrointestinal malabsorption.
  • It should be noted that you should not consume garlic in large doses if you have problems with the liver, gallbladder or pancreas.
  • Alternatively, mince or crush three cloves of garlic and add 3/4 cups of wine, vinegar or carrot juice. Leave it overnight.
  • For external use, dissolve three cloves of garlic in approximately 950 ml of water and use as a rinse or rinse. Be careful when applying raw garlic directly to your skin as it may cause irritation or burns.

Luke Hughes is a classical Western herbalist and horticulturist from Sydney, Australia.

In the autumn-winter period, the issue of treatment and prevention of viral respiratory diseases is especially relevant. In such cases, in addition to drug therapy, people look for alternative ways to eliminate diseases and resort to traditional medicine. So, many are interested in the questions of what methods are there to eliminate ARVI, and does garlic kill viruses?

Garlic has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times due to its rich composition. It is used raw, stewed, pickled, salted and eaten raw to eliminate and prevent various pathologies. In addition, tablets and capsules are made from garlic powder; this option is convenient because when they are consumed, the odor does not spread to the oral cavity and does not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Garlic is used in the form:

  • Tincture.
  • Decoctions.
  • Syrup.
  • Oils.
  • Juice.
  • Extract.
  • Essences.
  • Ointments.

The root vegetable is used for rinsing, compresses, inhalations and other methods. Garlic contains: fiber, ascorbic acid, proteins, sulfur compounds, bioflavonoids, iron, calcium, vitamins, extractive components, sulfuric and phosphoric acids and, of course, phytoncides.

The most important component of the plant's essential oil is allicin; this component is an organic compound formed by crushing the cloves and is responsible for eliminating a wide range of bacteria and viruses (including the influenza virus).

Garlic for ARVI

Research on the effectiveness of the plant against viral diseases has been carried out more than once. The results of only one experiment were accepted, since the rest were implemented with errors. Data from this study indicated the effectiveness of garlic in fighting viruses, but more accurate data is needed for official recognition by science.

In any case, it can be argued that garlic, like onions, is useful in the prevention and treatment of colds and acute respiratory viral infections in the early stages. In the fight against viruses, a freshly squeezed product is most effective, as it retains the most healing properties. When the product is heated, the beneficial properties that are necessary to eliminate viral infections are lost.

In addition to eliminating the symptoms of colds, ARVI, garlic and onions are also used for other respiratory diseases, such as: acute tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, lung abscess, pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough.

The product is useful for viral infections because it:

  • Eliminates viruses.
  • Fights bacteria and fungi.
  • Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
  • Has a healing effect.
  • Reduces swelling.

It should be remembered that garlic and onions can only act as additional means of treatment, in combination with other methods of eliminating a viral infection.


To treat viral diseases of the respiratory tract and prevent their development during epidemics, garlic is widely used in various recipes. Among the most common and effective methods are the use of root vegetables:

  1. In raw form. To prevent colds and generally strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to consume 1 clove of garlic per day, once a week you should take a break for one day. You can divide the lobe into 2 doses - morning and evening.

  2. Infusion. Peel 1 large head of root vegetable and pour 150 ml of warm water for 20 minutes. After this time has elapsed, strain the liquid. Use 1 tbsp. l. every hour, wash down with a small amount of warm water. This option of using garlic will speed up recovery from sore throat and flu.
  3. Mixture with added honey. Grind 10 cloves of garlic and add 2 tbsp. l. linden honey, stir until smooth. The mixture is 1 tsp. every hour. Helps with severe flu symptoms.
  4. Garlic with butter. Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic, add 1 tbsp. l. butter and a pinch of salt, mix the ingredients well. This mixture should be taken in one dose from the first days of the onset of illness. After consumption, refrain from water and food for 30 minutes. This recipe has repeatedly saved me from influenza viruses.
  5. Garlic with milk. Add 1-2 cloves of chopped garlic and 1 tsp to a glass of warm milk. honey (optional). Drink this drink daily until relief occurs. The liquid is used to soften the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation of the throat and reduce the intensity of cough.
  6. Infusion for gargling. Crush 4 cloves of garlic, add 1 tsp. salt, pour the mixture with 200 ml of warm water. Let stand covered for 15–20 minutes. Rinse up to 6 times a day until symptoms disappear. This folk method is effective for treating acute tonsillitis, sore throat and other ENT diseases.

  7. Compress for feet. 1 tsp. minced garlic mixed with 1 tbsp. l. pork fat. Spread the mixture on your feet, wrap the film on top, apply a layer of fabric and put on warm socks. Apply this foot compress for 10–12 hours before going to bed. This warming procedure is effective for colds.
  8. Inhalations. Chop a few cloves of garlic and place in an enamel pan with water at 40 °C. Lower yourself over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the garlic fumes. The procedure should be carried out for 5–10 minutes, after it is completed, wrap yourself well and rest. You can dilute the water with onion juice (squeeze ¼ of a medium onion). Inhalations help reduce runny nose and cough. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to take into account the patient’s age and contraindications. It is recommended to carry out steam inhalations only as prescribed by a doctor.
  9. Garlic drops. Squeeze the juice out of crushed garlic through cheesecloth and dilute with boiled warm water in a 1:1 ratio. Place the resulting drops in the nasal passages, 1–2 drops a couple of times a day. Use natural drops with caution in children, as there is a risk of burns to the nasal mucosa (consult your doctor before use). For a milder effect, you can replace the water with olive oil. Oil drops should be prepared based on the proportion of 2-3 drops of juice per 1 tsp. oils This option is suitable for eliminating rhinitis and sinusitis.
  10. Compress for back and chest. Prepare a mixture for a compress from crushed garlic and honey in a 1:1 ratio, in such an amount that it is enough to treat the chest and back. Apply the paste to the indicated areas of the body, wrap with film, apply the cloth tightly, wrap in a warm scarf, and cover with a blanket. Leave the warming compress overnight and repeat the procedure for 4–5 days. The method is useful for severe paroxysmal cough.

  11. Ointment. Squeeze the juice from the garlic, chop the pulp of 1 aloe leaf and cyclamen root, add Vishnevsky ointment. Take all ingredients in equal quantities and mix well. Apply a small amount of ointment to the nasal passages a couple of times a day until the runny nose disappears. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Before use, warm up a little so that the ointment is slightly warm. Use garlic ointment with caution; if itching or burning occurs, stop using it.
  12. Air disinfection. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic and add 50 ml of water. Place the liquid in the rooms. You can lay it out in its entirety near the bed, periodically replacing it with a fresh product. This method helps reduce the concentration of viruses in the room and acts as a preventive measure during influenza epidemics.

​Remember that treatment with folk remedies using garlic must be agreed with your doctor.


The root vegetable contains biologically active substances that can negatively affect the body. So, there are a number of restrictions on the use of garlic:

  • Allergy to product components (may manifest as redness, itching, gastrointestinal disorders).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Anemia.

Contraindications should be taken into account and the product should be used correctly in treatment to avoid negative health consequences.

We can safely answer that garlic kills viruses, but its use as a preventive measure and in the initial stages of the disease will be more effective.

Adults and children know about the benefits of garlic. When the first cold weather arrives and the first “sneezes” appear nearby, we hastily begin to eat garlic in the hope of protection from viruses and bacteria. Our ancestors also used garlic in the fight against infectious diseases, snake bites and other dangerous ailments.

There are known scientific tests by Nigerian scientists on the benefits of garlic oil, which affects cholesterol and fatty acids, and this is the first step towards treating obesity with garlic.

Hindus are also partial to garlic. They are studying garlic oil on the course of coronary heart disease. There is no exact data on this yet. Currently, interest in garlic is growing because many people prefer natural remedies to chemical drugs.

Garlic is a powerful remedy for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. It relieves sore throat, runny nose, wet cough and common colds. The biological substances of garlic act quickly, safely and very effectively. Garlic is an excellent immunomodulator that can retain its properties in the body for a long time.

There is a simple way to activate the immune system - take garlic as a medicine (3 cloves per day). The appointment time is not limited in any way. Can be taken morning, afternoon and evening by swallowing a clove of garlic like a tablet. It’s also a good idea to chew garlic, thereby obtaining a healing effect for the mouth and gums. The infection will be stopped immediately on its way into the body.

Inhale garlic vapors correctly!

Prepare a paste of garlic and wrap it in homemade turundas. Insert them into each nostril for 7-10 minutes. Perform this procedure up to five times a day, depending on garlic tolerance. The phytoncides that make up garlic actively destroy the bacterial flora that has settled on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Systematic inhalation of garlic vapor is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent in the fight against pathogenic agents.

Garlic milk will combat coughs in adults and children:

The use of all folk remedies in children requires consultation with a pediatrician. To prepare garlic milk we will need the following products:

  • homemade milk (preferably fresh) – 1 liter;
  • butter – 5 grams;
  • head of garlic (small or medium) – 1 piece.

Pour milk into an enamel saucepan and add peeled garlic cloves. Boil the mixture for 2-4 minutes and remove from heat, adding 5 grams of butter. Drink 25 ml milk every 3 hours.

Garlic-lemon juice with honey - cough medicine:

To prepare a miraculous mixture, prepare a few ingredients:

  • lemon juice from one lemon;
  • garlic juice – 5 ml;
  • honey (forest or linden) – 400 grams.

Place lemon and garlic juice in a jar of honey and stir. Use the mixture several times a day on an empty stomach or 30–40 minutes before meals. A single dose of treatment is 5–10 grams. The medicinal mixture suppresses coughing attacks, clears the bronchi of phlegm and improves breathing. Garlic-lemon mixture with honey is the best means of preventing chronic forms of diseases of the tracheobronchial tree.

Garlic juice with sea buckthorn oil will defeat a runny nose:

Combine the juice from a head of garlic with sea buckthorn oil (take 10–20 drops of oil). Nasal drops are ready. Pour them into a dark bottle and store in a cool place for 3-4 days. Place two drops in each nasal passage, after warming it slightly in your palms. 3–5 instillations per day are sufficient. In the acute period, the frequency of installations (instillations) can be increased to 8 times a day.

People call this mixture “hurricane”. The gruel is prepared from equal parts of garlic and horseradish root. Take a teaspoon up to three times a day. Colds go away quickly thanks to the warming and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and horseradish.

Garlic inhalations:

To perform inhalation, prepare the following mixture:

  • a paste of three large cloves of garlic;
  • boiling water – 150 ml.

Boil the mixture for 10–15 minutes and cool to 80° C. Perform inhalations for 5 minutes, deeply inhaling the vapor through your nose. Do not forget to cover yourself with a terry towel during the procedure to prevent the garlic vapor from evaporating. The product is very strong and emits caustic fumes. During the procedure, close your eyes to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

Nasal drops made from garlic, beets, carrots and sea buckthorn oil:

It is necessary to mix the juice of beets and carrots (take 1.5 ml of each). Add 3.5 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 3 drops of garlic juice to them. Place the prepared drops into the nose three times a day until rhinitis (runny nose) ends.

How to overcome a cold with garlic

Using garlic during a cold shortens the duration of the disease and speeds up the rehabilitation process. Be sure to place a saucer with crushed garlic cloves near the patient’s bed so that its vapor fills the room. Phytoncides will not only have a positive effect on the patient, but will also help prevent infection of household members.

In the acute phase of the disease, garlic tea will be useful. It is very simple to prepare: crush a clove of garlic in a mortar, let it “breathe” for 5 minutes, and then pour boiling water (200 ml). Leave for about 5–7 minutes. It is better to drink this tea in one gulp, since it does not have an aromatic and pleasant taste, but the benefits from it are invaluable.

In addition to tea, compresses made from garlic and pork fat on the foot area are perfect. For the compress, you need to prepare a medicinal mass: mix a dessert spoon of pork fat with garlic pulp (three cloves are enough). Apply the resulting composition to your feet, wrap with wax paper, then with plastic bags, and finally put on warm socks.

Throughout the entire cold period, consume garlic with kefir or yogurt. This composition fights not only coughs and colds, but also normalizes the intestinal flora, and, as is known, eliminating intestinal dysbiosis helps get rid of many ailments.

Taking garlic with honey and Cahors will be useful if the body temperature does not exceed 37.3 ° C. At higher temperatures, drinking alcohol is not recommended so as not to increase the load on the heart, which already suffers from hyperthermia.

Swallow a clove of garlic, drink a little water, and then drink Cahors (50 ml) with a teaspoon of honey. The body will warm up well, the cold will subside, and the body will recover.

Take care of your health! The best remedy for viruses and bacteria is preventative use of garlic!

Scientists and nutritionists around the world have scientifically proven that our health directly depends on the food we eat. Over the past decades, researchers have repeatedly compiled lists of foods that have a beneficial effect on the body.

The healing properties of garlic are so multifaceted that this spicy vegetable crop is certainly included in the list of the healthiest foods. Garlic is extremely popular all over the world; it is used as an aromatic seasoning for food and a medicinal plant that helps fight many ailments.

Pythagoras once called garlic the king of all seasonings. The homeland of the vegetable is Central Asia, in particular Turkmenistan. It was cultivated more than 4000 years ago. Garlic grows wild in the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other parts of the world. Among bulbous crops in modern vegetable growing, in terms of its distribution and nutritional value, garlic takes an honorable second place after onions.

Chemical composition of garlic

The healing properties of garlic are due to its unique biochemical composition. It is the biologically active components of the vegetable that make it an indispensable medicine, successfully used in modern and folk medicine.

Garlic bulbs contain:

— vitamins: choline, C, B1, B5, B6, PP;

- antioxidants;

— macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;

— microelements: iron, selenium, zinc, iodine, manganese, cobalt;

- vegetable protein;

- sugars and polysaccharides;

— essential oils consisting of allicin and phytoncides;

— organic acids: coumaric, caffeic, chlorogenic, ferulic;

- quercetin;

- saponins;

- glycosides;

- enzymes;

- carbohydrates;

- dry matter;

— dietary fiber;

- starch.

Green leaves (feather) of garlic rich in vitamin D, B9, carotene, which is practically not present in the bulbs (2.7 mg/100 g), they have a higher content of ascorbic acid (67 mg/100 g).

Medicinal properties of garlic

1. Garlic boosts immunity.

The plant activates immune cells and increases, thanks to which the body effectively resists diseases.

2. Garlic as an antibiotic.

It has been proven that garlic kills pathogens, viruses, and fungi. It exhibits antimicrobial, bactericidal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. In the Middle Ages, garlic was used to protect people from cholera and plague. The biologically active phytonutrients of garlic inhibit tuberculosis and dysentery bacilli and kill bacteria that cause typhus. Garlic phytoncides are active against staphylococci and streptococci.

External use of garlic juice helps restore damaged tissue. During the First and Second World Wars, garlic juice was used to treat wounds to kill infection and prevent tissue rot. The plant was nicknamed “Russian penicillin”, since before the widespread use of antibiotics, it was with the help of garlic that diseases caused by microbes and bacteria were treated.

3. Garlic for viruses.

One of the main active components of garlic is allicin, due to which the bulbs have a sharp taste and specific smell, and exhibits pronounced antiviral activity. Eating garlic, as well as inhaling its vapors, saturated with phytoncides, shortens the duration of ARVI.

4. Garlic for vitamin deficiency.

These healing properties of garlic were known to the first sailors, who always took a supply of onions with them on board the ship to prevent scurvy. Currently, despite the wide selection of vitamin complexes, many residents of the northern regions prefer to use them as aromatic seasoning for food, as well as all kinds of infusions, decoctions and tinctures of garlic.

5. Garlic exhibits antitumor activity.

Scientists have proven that garlic is an effective cancer prevention. Its active components help the body slow down the growth of tumors and the proliferation of diseased cells. Garlic is especially useful in preventing lung cancer caused by smoking, as the plant destroys cancer cells in the bronchi and oral cavity. Just 2 garlic cloves a day, eaten over a long period of time, can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%.

6. Garlic as an antidote.

The components of the plant neutralize carcinogens, poisons and toxic substances, helping the body cleanse itself of them.

7. Garlic inhibits pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

Thanks to this property, garlic relieves inflammation and suppresses the processes of rotting and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, and is effective against increased gas formation (flatulence) and bloating. Eating root vegetables improves appetite, stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and normalizes the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs.

8. Garlic improves metabolism.

Garlic contains iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, activates cellular metabolism, increases the digestibility of food and nutrients from it, and promotes weight loss.

9. Garlic reduces the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood.

Systematic consumption of garlic leads to cleansing of blood vessels, improvement of blood circulation, normalization of the entire cardiovascular system and hematopoietic organs. High iron content helps improve blood composition. Garlic has long been used as a preventative against heart attack and stroke.

10. Garlic for blood cholesterol

Consumption of garlic restores liver cells and also enhances bile secretion, preventing the thickening of bile and the subsequent appearance of gallstones. External use of garlic-based preparations leads to accelerated epithelization and rapid healing of wounds.

12.Garlic as an anti-inflammatory agent.

The vegetable effectively relieves inflammation. It has a particularly active effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, dilutes sputum and leads to its increased separation.

13. Garlic prolongs life.

Antioxidants and other active components of garlic slow down the aging process and promote active longevity.

In addition to the above, garlic has the following therapeutic properties: restorative, tonic, sedative, hypotensive, antifever, diuretic. The plant is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, enhancing sexual desire and stimulating the gonads.

What does garlic cure?

Considering healing properties of garlic, it is advisable to use it in the treatment of the following diseases:

- dermatological diseases, burns, (alopecia);

- Trichomonas colpitis;

- malaria, fever;

- impotence;

- trophic ulcers, radiation ulcers in dentists;