What medications are included in the lytic mixture. Dosage of lytic mixture for children of different ages, indications and contraindications for use

A high temperature in a child is a serious cause for concern for parents. Conventional medications (paracetamol, ibuprofen) do not always help, and if they bring down a fever, it is not for long. At the same time, an increase in temperature beyond 38.5 can lead to dangerous consequences: dehydration, convulsions, and fainting. What should parents do if they cannot eliminate the fever with medicinal syrups and suppositories? You can use a lytic mixture for children.


Not everyone knows what a lytic formula is for a child. This is a complex drug that includes three main components:

o Analgin. Its part is 50%. As part of the medication, it plays the role of an antipyretic.

o Diphenhydramine. This substance is included in the composition in only 1% of all components. Diphenhydramine relieves allergic reactions and enhances the effect of analgin. For children, diphenhydramine can be replaced with Suprastin in combination with No-shpa.

o Papaverine. It is included in the drug in an even smaller volume - 0.1%. This substance acts as an antispasmodic, increases heat transfer and dilates blood vessels.

Lytic mixture for children is a strong remedy for fever, so it should be used only in extreme cases. This drug has a number of side effects and can cause allergies. To check the body's reaction to the components of the mixture, a little medicine is applied to the lower eyelid. If irritation, itching, redness or other signs of allergy do not appear within 30 minutes, the lytic mixture can be prescribed.

Drug in tablets

The lytic mixture in tablets can be given to both adults and children. For a child, the required dosage must be crushed and then mixed with boiled water. The effect of the medicine will follow within half an hour.

However, you need to be careful when using the lytic mixture orally. Analgin in its composition can irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke allergies. At the same time, the advantage of medicine for children in tablets is that in case of allergies, you can do a gastric lavage and quickly remove the drug from the body.

For children, the composition of the lytic mixture will be represented by one-fourth tablet of each of the following drugs:

o analgin;

o suprastina;

These ingredients for a child need to be ground, diluted with water and given to the baby to drink. You need to drink the lytic mixture with a large volume of water.

The drug is injectable

Intramuscular injections of the lytic mixture are more effective than tablets. The effect appears within 15 minutes. However, the injection can be performed once every six hours, ideally once a day. To prevent allergies, you can drop a little mixture on your eyelid.

Injections with the drug are indicated at temperatures above 38.3 degrees. But if the child has developed a convulsive syndrome or fainting, the injection can be given at a lower temperature.

To prepare the liquid for injection, use the following composition:

o analgin (metamizole sodium can be used as a substitute - the dosage of the latter is 10 mg per 1 kg of weight);

o diphenhydramine 1% (for a child under one year old, a dosage of 0.1% is used);

o papaverine 0.1% (for children after one year, 0.1 ml of the substance is added for each year).

Before giving an injection to a child, the ampoules must be heated so that they reach body temperature. To do this, you need to hold them in your hands for a while. The components are mixed in a disposable syringe. The injection is made into the buttock, with the needle positioned perpendicular to the body and inserted two-thirds into the skin.


Lytic mixture for children cannot be used in the following cases:

o for pain in the abdomen simultaneously with an increase in temperature (the cause of the disease may be appendicitis, and the drug, by eliminating pain syndromes, complicates diagnosis);

o if you are allergic to the composition of the drug;

o babies under six months (if the doctor still prescribed a lytic mixture, the dosage should be calculated according to age);

o if drugs containing analgin were taken less than 4 hours before the administration of the lytic mixture.

There are usually no side effects from the drug. Sometimes the child may feel weak and drowsy.

How often can I use the mixture?

The lytic mixture can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, who also determines the composition of the fever remedy. The drug should not be used whenever the temperature rises at any time. Only if other medications have been tried and found to be ineffective, is it recommended to resort to the help of a lytic mixture. Its dosage is selected in each individual case.

The form in which the mixture is produced is difficult for children to use at home. Not every baby is ready to swallow tasteless pills, and only a medical professional can give an injection. In this regard, the medicine is used only in medical institutions or by ambulance workers and only as a last resort.

A high temperature is always a cause for concern, and a child’s temperature that does not decrease even with medication deserves special attention. Whatever the causes, prolonged hyperthermia can be dangerous. Convulsive syndrome in children and the elderly, severe pain in the head and muscles, dehydration - all this is not a complete list of the consequences of high temperature. Conventional medicines from the home medicine cabinet do not always cope. To bring down the temperature, you should use stronger remedies such as a lytic mixture for fever.

What is a lytic mixture?

This is a medicine consisting of various drugs and is used to quickly reduce fever and relieve pain. The lytic mixture for fever is a strong drug with a number of contraindications and side effects. In addition, the mixture can cause allergies, and therefore the following test should always be carried out: a drop of the finished mixture is dripped onto the lower eyelid, and if no irritation appears within half an hour, the drug can be used. Irritation can manifest itself in a variety of ways: swelling, redness, itching, pain, etc.

The lytic mixture comes in both tablet and injection form.

Lytic mixture from temperature in tablets

The main advantage of the lytic mixture in tablets is that in the event of an allergic reaction, the patient’s stomach can be washed out. However, the results from taking pills appear later than from injections. The medicine begins to act only after half an hour. The required dose of the drug should be crushed and diluted with water, and then given to the child. At the same time, analgin tablets cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and can cause discomfort.

Lytic mixture for temperature in injections

A faster and more effective remedy is intramuscular injections. This is an excellent way to combat fever, because the effect of the injections becomes noticeable within a quarter of an hour. The injection should be given no more than every 6 hours, and ideally once a day. You can insure yourself against a possible allergic reaction using the above method: a drop of the drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac. If there is no burning, itching or redness, then there is no allergic reaction.

When is lytic mixture used?

First of all, a lytic mixture is prescribed based on temperature. It is worth noting that experts do not recommend lowering the temperature below 38.5, except in some cases. For example, if a child begins to have convulsions, severe chills, accompanied by pain in muscles and joints, an antipyretic should be taken even at a temperature of 37.5.

The lytic mixture is also relevant in cases where conventional medications, such as syrups or suppositories, do not help. The lytic mixture for fever is especially indicated for children, the elderly and groups of people with chronic cardiovascular diseases, and prolonged hyperthermia can cause their exacerbation.

This remedy is also prescribed in cases where there are symptoms of intoxication of the body, with severe vomiting and diarrhea, or with a hangover.

Depending on age, weight and severity of the disease, a certain dose of the drug is prescribed. It should be carefully observed, since too little of the mixture will not work, and abuse of the drug is fraught with dangerous consequences and will worsen the patient’s condition. A lytic mixture for fever for children, the dosage of which is determined correctly, is not capable of harming the child.

To bring down the temperature, analgin or metamizole sodium is used in the mixture. The dosage of metamizole is determined at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. It is important to remember that 1 ml of solution contains only 500 mg of the active substance.

The second component is usually 1% diphenhydramine. The drug has a hypoallergenic effect. Instead, you can use suprastin or tavegil. For a child under one year of age, use 0.1 ml of diphenhydramine.

The dosage of papaverine hydrochloride solution is calculated in the same way as diphenhydramine. For children under one year of age, use 0.1 ml of solution. For older children, add 0.1 ml to each year of the child. The drug has an antispasmodic effect and enhances heat transfer, thereby reducing the temperature.

Calculating the required dose for those over 12 is simple. A lytic mixture for fever is prescribed to adults only in cases of very high temperatures. Its composition remains the same as for children, but the proportions change. For an adult, 1 ml of analgin, 1 ml of diphenhydramine and 1.5 ml of papaverine or no-shpa will be enough. All this is administered intramuscularly and begins to act within a quarter of an hour.

How is the injection given?

Initially, ampoules with drugs need to be heated to body temperature, especially if the injection is given to a child. You can let them hold them in your palms for a while. The needle and ampoules must be disinfected. The lytic mixture is mixed depending on the temperature in a disposable syringe. Then the injection site is treated with alcohol. The needle is inserted 2/3 of its length perpendicular to the skin. The injection is made into the upper outer square of the buttock. The medicine is administered slowly, so it has time to dissolve in the tissues.

In certain cases, a lytic mixture in tablets may be more appropriate than regular injections. A lytic mixture for fever for children is widely used, the dosage in tablets of which includes the following portions of drugs: ¼ tablets each of analgin, suprastin and no-shpa. The tablets can be crushed and diluted with water, and then given to the child to drink. Instead of tablets, you can use liquid from ampoules of these drugs.

The lytic mixture for fever in tablets for adults is also suitable. The proportions of this method of drug administration are simple: 1 tablet of analgin, 1 tablet of suprastin or diphenhydramine and 1 tablet of no-shpa or papaverine.

The tablets should be taken with plenty of water.

What are the contraindications to the use of the lytic mixture?

The lytic mixture should not be used in the following cases:

Abdominal pain accompanied by high fever. If a child or adult has these symptoms, you should wait for a doctor. Their cause may be appendicitis, and the lytic mixture stops these manifestations of the disease. Undiagnosed appendicitis in time can provoke serious negative consequences, including death.

Individual intolerance to components. When the allergy test mentioned earlier shows irritation, this treatment should be abandoned.

Age up to 6 months. The baby’s temperature should be brought down in other ways, and if the doctor nevertheless prescribed a lytic mixture for fever, the dosage should correspond to the doctor’s recommendations.

Take analgin-containing drugs less than four hours before the injection. A large amount of analgin taken or other drugs included in the mixture will lead to an overdose and side effects.

What are the side effects of the lytic mixture?

Uncontrolled treatment with this drug can be disastrous for both children and adults. You should always strictly follow your doctor's instructions and not use the mixture too often. The body of a person who constantly fights hyperthermia in this way may become resistant to other medications. Quite often the drug is easily tolerated, but drowsiness and distraction are possible.

How to reduce the temperature in other ways?

Before using such strong remedies as a lytic mixture, you should definitely try to bring down the temperature using gentler methods that will not harm and activate the body to fight the disease.

First of all, this includes drinking plenty of fluids. Dehydration is an eternal companion of high temperature. To replenish your electrolyte balance, you should drink more water than usual. It is better to give up sugary drinks and drink plain water.

It is important that the room in which the patient is located remains cool. A lot of warm blankets and a stuffy room can provoke heatstroke, and this will only aggravate the situation and worsen the patient’s well-being.

You can use traditional medicine methods: wraps and rubdowns. The patient should be wiped with a solution of vinegar and warm water mixed 1:5. The entire body is wiped, starting from the back and stomach and ending with the arms and legs. You can use compresses from a decoction of mint or yarrow. They are applied to the forehead, temples and wrists.

If no improvement follows after these procedures, you need to resort to medications from your home medicine cabinet. If they did not help, then a lytic mixture should be used. In cases where the temperature does not drop after the lytic mixture, you should urgently call a doctor or an ambulance. A high temperature that does not decrease for a long time can cause convulsions, spasms, and even respiratory arrest.

Parents strive to bring down the child’s fever as quickly as possible. Tablets, suppositories and syrups are used. But when the mentioned remedies do not help, a lytic mixture is used.


The product contains three substances. The main component is Analgin, which has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

The second component is Diphenhydramine (1%), which has an antihistamine effect. It enhances the effect of Analgin. It can also be replaced with agents such as Tavegil or Suprastin.

The third component is Papaverine. It dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms, thereby increasing heat transfer from the body and reducing temperature.

Indications for use

Doctors say that antipyretics should be given only when the temperature rises to 38.5°C. If the indicator is lower, it means that the body itself is successfully fighting the infection. You can help him, for example, by rubbing him with vinegar.

But there are a number of symptoms for which the use of antipyretics is mandatory even when the temperature reaches 37.5°C:

  • pale skin, chills, pain in joints and muscles, deterioration in general condition;
  • cramps caused by extreme heat;

Judging by the composition of the lytic mixture, we can say that it is a potent agent. Therefore, it is used only in cases where the temperature is significantly higher than normal, and other antipyretics do not have an effect. Very often the mixture is used for influenza, when symptoms include severe chills and fever.

Uncontrolled use of the drug is fraught with complications, so it should not be given to children without first consulting a pediatrician.

If you give a child a lytic mixture very often, he will develop immunity to less strong antipyretics.

It is not recommended to lower the temperature to the standard 36.6 °C. If half an hour after the injection there is no increase above 38 ° C, then the drug is working. This condition indicates that the body can again activate its forces and continue to fight the disease.


  • If a high temperature is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. Since one of the active ingredients is Analgin, it relieves pain. This is not good, as pain can be a symptom of appendicitis inflammation.
  • If in the previous 4 hours the child has already been given substances included in the lytic mixture.
  • Less than 6 months old.
  • Allergy to the components of the drug. Before you give the injection, you need to do a test: drop a drop on the lower eyelid. If pain, itching, redness, and swelling do not appear over the next 30 minutes, then the lytic mixture can be used.

How to give an injection

It is necessary to follow certain rules in order to achieve good absorption of the substance through the blood and to avoid the formation of “bumps” at the site of needle insertion, as well as infectious contamination.

  • Before mixing the components, the ampoules must be heated to body temperature. To do this, you need to hold them in your hands for some time.
  • Before opening the ampoule, wipe it with alcohol.
  • Syringes are used only for disposable use. All components are mixed only in one of them. The needle must also be disinfected.
  • The needle insertion site should be wiped with alcohol before and after the injection.
  • The needle is inserted deep into the muscle (2/3) strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin into the outer upper square of the buttock. The plunger is pressed slowly so that the medicine spreads normally through the tissues.
  • An iodine mesh is made at the site of the formation of the “bump” from the injection.

Dosage for children

Metamizole sodium (50% analgin solution) is taken at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. 1 ml of solution contains 500 mg of active substance.

Diphenhydramine in an ampoule is used at the rate of 0.1-0.2 ml for each full year of the baby. For children under one year of age, take a standard dose of 0.1 ml.

Papaverine hydrochloride solution is calculated based on age. For children under one year old, only 0.1 ml is needed. For older children, the standard dose is multiplied by the number of full years.

An important point is that the lytic mixture can be used no more than once every 6 hours.

Dosage for adults

The standard proportions of active ingredients for a weight of 60 kg are: 2 ml of papaverine and analgin, 1 ml of diphenhydramine.

For every subsequent 10 kg of weight, another 1/10 of the specified standard is added.

The same dose is used for adolescents over 15 years of age. The injection interval is every 6 hours.

It is worth noting that the lytic mixture will help quickly relieve the symptoms of intoxication in adults and eliminate hangovers.

Is it possible to use the lytic mixture in tablets?

If it is impossible to give an injection for one reason or another, an alternative may be to prepare a similar remedy from tablets. But it will act much slower.

If it is necessary to bring down the temperature of a child under 3 years old, then mix a quarter of a tablet of Analgin, Suprastin and Paracetamol.

An increase in body temperature in a child indicates that the body is responding with a protective reaction to the negative factors affecting it. Most often, an increase in body temperature in children occurs through the overcoming of the body by viruses, infections and various bacteria. It is not recommended to reduce the temperature to 38 degrees, but in extreme heat, you should definitely resort to the use of antipyretics.

To lower the temperature, medications such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are used. In critical situations, doctors resort to the use of medications such as Analgin and Suprastin. A lytic mixture is prepared from these components, which allows you to quickly and effectively have a positive effect on the process of reducing high body temperature.

What is a lytic mixture?

The lytic mixture is also called trifoliate. This mixture received this name for the simple reason that it is based on three drugs:

  1. An anesthetic antipyretic drug, which is presented in the form of Analgin. If Analgin is not available, then it is allowed to replace it with a drug such as Paracetamol.
  2. An antihistamine, which is Suprastin. Suprastin can be replaced with Diphenhydramine, which is basically the same thing.
  3. An antispasmodic drug, which is No-spa. If a medicine such as No-shpa is not available, then it is replaced with Papaverine.

All components should be combined in one syringe in equal quantities, and then injected into the child.

Important to know! A lytic injection is injected directly into the gluteal muscle at a high temperature in a child over 39.5-40 degrees, when a small patient experiences the development of febrile convulsions.

Once the drug is mixed with the blood, a number of the following positive effects are observed:

  • Analgin provides an antipyretic effect on the body;
  • Suprastin takes an active part in eliminating swelling and also promotes a sedative effect. Thanks to the use of Suprastin, there is a reduction in the risk of developing an allergic reaction when using the lytic mixture.
  • Thanks to the use of No-shpa, blood vessels dilate and spasms of various types are eliminated.

In what cases is the medicinal mixture used?

For children, medicine in the form of Analgin, Suprastin and No-shpa is prescribed for use in the following situations:

  • If a child develops symptoms of “white” fever. The main signs of this disease are cool limbs and paleness of the child.
  • If the baby's temperature increases to 39 degrees or higher.
  • When the child’s body does not tolerate fever and its consequences. In this case, it is possible to give a “triad” injection, even if the body temperature is 38.5 degrees or higher.

The analgesic drug Analgin is indicated for use to relieve painful signs of the disease. The main types of ailments for which the use of Analgin is advisable include:

  • toothache;
  • headaches;
  • burns;
  • various types of injuries;
  • colic;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis.

Analgin has a positive effect on eliminating the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

When is the medicine allowed to be used?

The lytic mixture, which includes drugs such as No-shpa, Suprastin and Analgin, is approved for use in children over 1 year of age. Individually, the drugs can be used at different ages:

  • Analgin from 3 months of age;
  • Suprastin from one month of age;
  • No-shpa is approved for use over the age of one year.

If there is an urgent need to bring down a high fever in a baby up to one year old, then it is permissible to prepare an injection from two main components: Analgin and Suprastin. Analogs of these drugs, such as Papaverine and Diphenhydramine, are approved from a later age, so they can be used no earlier than 7 months.

Important to know! If a child has signs of intolerance to a particular drug, then it should be replaced or the administration of the drug should be completely eliminated.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

Giving an antipyretic injection to a child is prohibited if the following contraindications exist:

  1. Intolerance to any of the constituent components.
  2. If signs of serious liver or kidney disease are detected.
  3. If the patient has hematopoietic dysfunction.
  4. For bronchospasms.

Important to know! An injection of the lytic mixture can only be administered to a child by a doctor, since the slightest allergic manifestations can cause serious complications.

Features of injection

An injection of the lytic mixture is given in exceptional cases. The injection is administered using a disposable sterile syringe, which must be disposed of after administration of the drug. The place where the injection will be given must first be treated with alcohol, which will remove most of the dangerous microorganisms located on the surface of the skin.

Before filling the syringe with the main drugs, you need to hold the ampoules in your hands to warm them. Each injection should be administered in equal quantities in turn. We will consider the dosage of drugs in more detail in the next paragraph. After the injection is ready for administration, it is necessary to insert the needle into the child’s gluteal muscle with a light and sharp movement, and then begin to slowly inject the drug. The needle should go deep into the muscle, which will speed up the process of the positive effect of the product and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Important to know! Although you can prepare the injection yourself at home, it is recommended to administer it as directed by your doctor.

Features of dosing the drug in tablets

The dosage of the drug is the main thing that needs to be paid attention to when using a medication. If tablets are used for treatment, then this requires the use of ¼ of each drug. In order not to make a mistake with the dosage, you need to consult a doctor who will select a safe and effective dose for the child according to his age and weight.

  1. Analgin tablets should be used in children under 8 years of age, depending on their weight. In order to select the correct dosage of Analgin, you need to multiply your body weight by 5-10 mg of the drug. A single dosage should not exceed the norm of 100 mg for children under 3 years of age. For children from 4 to 7 years old, the normal dose should not be higher than 200 mg, and 300 mg for older children from 8 to 14 years old.
  2. Suprastin tablets can also be used in children under one year of age at a dosage of ¼. For children over one year old, the dosage is increased to 1/2, and for children over six years old - to 1 tablet per day.
  3. No-shpa tablets are allowed to be given to children aged 1 year in quantities of ¼ to ½. From 6 to 12 years old, one tablet should be given, and from 12 years old, 2 tablets at a time.

Features of correct injection dosage

The dosage of medications on which the lytic mixture is based is calculated exclusively by doctors as follows:

  1. Analgin is calculated at 5 mg per 1 kg of child weight.
  2. Suprastin is administered to children under the age of one year at a dosage of 0.25 ml. For children over 1 year to 6 years old, the dosage is 0.5 ml, and for children over 6 years old, up to 1 ml is already prescribed. When using Diphenhydramine, it is necessary to draw from 0.5 to 1 ml of solution into a syringe for children from one to 3 years of age.
  3. No-spa for children aged from one to 6 years is used in a dosage of 0.5 to 1 ml. If the child’s age is from 6 to 12 years, then the dosage is 1 ml.

After properly preparing the drug, you can give an injection for high fever. Analgin with Suprastin can reduce a child's fever from high fever within 10-15 minutes after intramuscular administration of the medicine.

The worst thing for a mother is a child’s illness, especially if he is still small and is not able to clearly explain what hurts.

It’s scary when illness occurs at night, and a person, confused, cannot correctly orient his actions.

For such emergencies, there should be a first aid kit on duty with all the necessary medications.

But sometimes difficulties arise with the correct calculation of the dose for the baby and the choice of medication. This article will answer these and other questions.

In order to correctly decide on an antipyretic drug, it is necessary to find out the causes of elevated temperature, which can be of the following nature:

  • Bacterial or viral.
  • Allergic.
  • Due to inflammation of connective tissues or internal organs.
  • Problems with the endocrine system, etc.
  • Reaction to teething.

For an infant or preschool-aged child, elevated temperature is often caused by overheating in the sun or excessively warm clothing.

Therefore, having decided on the cause, the baby needs to provide first aid by giving an antipyretic (if the temperature has risen to 38°), and call a pediatrician.

Pay attention! Acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated for a child under three years of age.

It is prohibited to take any medications containing this substance in any dose.

The use of the following medications is also undesirable:

  • Analgina.
  • Amidopyrine.
  • Phenacetin.
  • Antipyrine and their analogues.

Suppositories and tablets: list

There are a lot of different remedies for lowering high fever for children:

  • Candles.
  • Syrups.
  • Pills.
  • Capsules, etc.

The parent decides what to choose for their child based on:

  • Baby's age.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Individual characteristics of the organism.

Response to temperature should be taken into account. If your baby starts having seizures, you need to use a quick-acting medicine.

Syrup, mixture and tablets reduce the temperature in twenty minutes, candles - in forty.

The list of the most popular drugs in the form of suspensions, syrups, tablets and suppositories is given in the table:

Name Analogs Description
Paracetamol Panadol, Dolomol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, Calpol, Mexalen Reduces temperature by 1.5°, maintaining the effect from 2 to 4 hours
Ibuprofen Nurofen Used as an antipyretic in cases where previous drugs are not effective
Viburkol None Comprehensive treatment of colds and infectious diseases. Homeopathic remedy, not contraindicated for children under one year of age
Nimulid Nise, Nimez Relieves heat well, but should be used with caution from 3 years of age
Tsefekon D Paracetamol and its analogues Candles for children under three years of age, for older adults - ineffective
Extraplast None Patch to reduce fever in children. Does not contain medicinal elements. Absolutely harmless
Viferon Alfarekin, Vitaferon, Laferomax, Laferon Broad-spectrum suppositories, safe even for newborns
Ibuklin Ibuprofen, paracetamol and their analogues A complex drug that relieves heat and inflammation. Indicated after 18 years of age, so use is allowed in case of emergency

Pay attention! The main thing is to choose the right dosage by carefully studying the instructions and following the doctor’s prescription.

When choosing a remedy (suppositories for fever or antipyretic tablets, syrup, etc.), the parent makes a decision based on experience or on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is wrong to believe that some remedies are better than others. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Composition of the lytic mixture

A complex injection of analgin with diphenhydramine helps to quickly reduce a high temperature. This combination of drugs is called a lytic mixture.

The effect of quickly reducing temperature is achieved due to the mutual reinforcing effect of both drugs, where analgin acts as an antipyretic and analgesic.

And diphenhydramine relieves swelling of smooth muscles, providing a sedative effect.

If the child is under one year old, diphenhydramine is contraindicated for him and is replaced with suprastin. The injection is given intramuscularly, once.

If the child is afraid of such a procedure, the mixture is given under the tongue: although this method is effective, it is not recommended from a medical point of view due to contraindications for oral administration in childhood.

One of the varieties of lytic mixture is triad. Includes:

  • Analgin – 50% of the total volume, relieves fever and inflammation.
  • Diphenhydramine – 1%, enhances the effect of analgin, having an antihistamine and sedative effect. If necessary, it is replaced by suprastin or tavegil.
  • Papaverine hydrochloride or no-spa. Enhances the effect of analgin, dilates blood vessels, improves heat transfer.

How to prepare a threesome for a child?

Many people get confused when choosing the correct proportions of threesomes for babies.

It’s simple: 0.1 ml of each drug is taken per year of life and, combining the compounds in one syringe, injected intramuscularly.

For children over twelve years of age, an ampoule of each component is drawn into a syringe.

When choosing this drug, you should take into account individual intolerance and some diseases for which these drugs are contraindicated.

Folk remedies

If you have an asymptomatic high temperature, do not neglect folk remedies:

  1. Vinegar is diluted with water one to two, and the resulting mixture is wiped off the child’s body.
  2. Enema with boiled water cooled to room temperature. Inserted into the rectum.
  3. Compresses: a towel soaked in cool water is applied to the calf muscles. As it heats up, it changes.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids.
  5. Prayer for the healing of the sick. It will not only help a sick baby, but also relieve nervous tension in parents.

Only by studying all the symptoms and weighing the possible risks can you avoid unwanted complications. Approach any situation wisely, let your children be healthy.

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