Which saints do akathists read every day? What akathists to read for everyday needs (for every need). Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov

An akathist is a chant in which the Mother of God, the Savior or other saints are praised. Similar to other religious traditions, the akathist should be performed in accordance with certain standards. Let's look at the rules on how to read the akathist.

It is best to do this when your memory is fresh, that is, in the morning. It is very useful to pray in the morning, while the body is not burdened with food. In this case, you can feel every word of the chant. It is recommended to read all prayers out loud, as the words pass through the soul and are easier to remember. It is not necessary to memorize them; daily repetition in the morning and before bed will allow you to remember them sooner or later. If you cannot remember, you can post a note of this prayer near the dining table. When reading, the main thing is to try to put faith, attention, sincerity into the words you read and make a promise to God not to sin. Regarding the question of what time to read the akathist, it is recommended to start reading after reading all the prayers in the morning and before going to bed. The reading is performed from the first kontakion, after which one should begin reading ikos 1, and then kontakion 1. After this, one should begin the prayer located at the end of the akathist. It is worth carrying out this prayer work for 40 days or more after the permission of the priest to whom you came to confess. If you have no idea what an akathist is and when it is read, it is important to know that this chant includes 25 songs arranged in accordance with the Greek alphabet.

When can and should you read the akathist?

While reading the akathist, people turn to the holy saints of God for help. In accordance with practice, there are no instructions regarding the recitation of these chants either in the temple or at home. Despite this, you cannot read akathists during Lent. An exception may be the article Akathist to the Mother of God, the reading of which is permissible on Saturday before Easter and the Akathist to the Passion of Christ. On other days of the year, reading these chants is allowed.

Each person independently decides when to start reading the akathist. Situations arise when people start reading due to a specific need or calling of the heart; sometimes a priest can give such instruction. There are situations when parishioners without experience start reading and have absolutely no idea how to do the reading. For help and a detailed description, you can contact a priest. Going to church has always been considered a useful activity. There you can listen to choral church singing, which evokes certain feelings in every person. If you decide to take up reading on your own, it is important to know that such chanting is not performed while sitting. An exception may be elderly and sick people who are simply unable to stand. It is best to read the akathist in front of the icon of the Saint to whom you are addressing. So you send your request.

For what purposes can people read the akathist? For the reason that this chant has miraculous power. It helps to solve the difficulties that have arisen, to help with the hardships of life. The akathist is also read in case of problems in the family, discord between husband and wife, to achieve grace in the home and find true love. Akathist to the miracle worker saint will help solve problems with real estate. It’s good if, when reading a chant, you feel the grace of God, this indicates a response to your words and needs.