Which nebulizer to choose for a child. Inhalers (nebulizers) The best compressor nebulizers

Usually, when you hear the word inhalation, you vividly imagine a bowl of boiling water or boiled potatoes accompanied by a large terry towel. It is a rare mother who will have the courage to subject her beloved baby to such a test. Although the benefits of inhalation for diseases of the nose, throat and lungs has been repeatedly proven by scientific research.

Fortunately, modern medicine is doing everything possible to make treatment methods effective, comfortable and painless at the same time, and offers loving mothers all the benefits of inhalations in a convenient form. We are talking about modern devices for inhalation therapy, or inhalers. What types of inhalers for children exist, we will talk about their advantages and disadvantages in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Before moving on to the analysis of individual types of devices for inhalation, let’s consider what the essence and benefits of this method of treatment are.

The medical dictionary defines the term inhalation as a method of administering drugs, which is based on inhalation of steam, gas, smoke or dry powder with a certain particle size.

The therapeutic effect of inhalation is based on the fact that with this method of administration, medicinal substances can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. What cannot be achieved with conventional methods, such as rinsing or spraying with aerosols.

In addition, unlike tablets and capsules that are taken orally, inhaled drugs are immediately delivered to their destination and do not pass through the digestive system. Thus, they begin to act faster and with fewer side effects.

Inhalations are used for:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nose, throat, trachea caused by both viruses and bacteria;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hereditary lung diseases (cystic fibrosis).

From potato steam to nebulizer

Inhalation methods have come a long way from simply inhaling steam over a cup of hot water to modern complex devices - inhalers. Pharmacies and online sites selling medical equipment offer a wide range of different devices that differ in size, shape, and price.

How to choose an inhaler for a child among such a variety and not make a mistake? But not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. After all, all inhalers, based on the principle of operation, are divided into 4 types, having studied which, you can easily choose the right device.

The modern medical industry produces the following types of inhalers for children:

  • steam;
  • compression;
  • ultrasonic;
  • membrane or mesh inhaler.

It can be called the grandfather of all modern inhaler models. The main principle of its operation is the delivery of medicinal substances to the respiratory tract using water vapor. This can be the direct formation of steam from a solution containing medicinal substances, as, for example, in a pan of hot water over which the patient breathes.

Or, as in modern electric inhalers, the drug from a separate container is automatically sprayed into a chamber with water vapor and supplied to the patient in this form.

Although the steam of freshly boiled potatoes can also be considered the simplest steam inhaler, we will still focus on its modern representatives - electric steam inhalers.

What advantages and disadvantages do they have?


  • A price affordable for families of any income level. The average cost of an electric steam inhaler is about 1,300 rubles.
  • Does not make noise during operation.
  • Easy to operate, no need to buy replacement accessories, working parts are easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Possibility of inhalation with solutions of medicinal herbs, decoctions, infusions, essential oils, mineral water.
  • Constant comfortable steam temperature is about 45⁰C.
  • Ability to adjust the size of steam particles for inhalation into the nose and mouth.


PROHIBITED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE. The fact is that wet steam, acting on the mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract, leads to its softening and swelling. Infants have much narrower airways than adults and lack the skill of coughing. All this together can lead to blockage of the trachea with large volumes of sputum and the development of an attack of suffocation.

In children over 1 year of age:

  • It is difficult to keep the child strictly above the mask during inhalation.
  • It is impossible to carry out the procedure during sleep or with a lying baby.
  • Large particle size of steam, due to which medicinal substances do not penetrate beyond the upper part of the trachea. In other words, it cannot be used for bronchitis, asthma, and other diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antispasmodics are destroyed at high temperatures, so they cannot be used in steam inhalers.
  • It is prohibited to use steam inhalation at body temperatures above 37.5⁰C.


Thus, steam inhalers should be chosen by parents of children over 1 year in the event that the main purpose of their use is the treatment of runny nose, uncomplicated colds and seasonal viral diseases of the nasopharynx.

The following types of inhalers for children: compressor, ultrasonic and membrane - are combined into a common group of devices called a nebulizer. They are named so because they create ultra-fine particles of the medicinal substance (from the Latin nebula - cloud, fog).

As they say, a classic of the genre. The most versatile inhaler for a child of any age. Its operation is based on spraying the medicinal substance with a strong air flow, which is created by a compressor. The medicinal solution turns into a suspension of ultra-fine droplets - an aerosol that penetrates into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract.


  • The cheapest of all nebulizers. The average price is from 1800 to 2500 rubles, depending on the model.
  • Equipped with masks in 2 sizes – adult and children. Some models have nasal attachments, additional mouthpieces and mouthpieces, which allows the use of compression inhalers for any diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Easy to use, equipped with all necessary consumables, working parts are easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Suitable for use with almost all medicinal substances, including antibiotics and hormones.
  • Does not react with medications and does not reduce their effectiveness.
  • The technical features of the compression nebulizer make it possible to use it in babies from the first days of life, including premature babies; during sleep; in bedridden patients.
  • The ability to change the size of aerosol particles and thereby regulate the level of entry of medicinal substances into the respiratory system.
  • Inhalation-exhalation valves on modern, more expensive models, which allow medication to be nebulized only during the inhalation phase. This function is especially useful when treating with expensive drugs and in cases where it is necessary to strictly calculate the dose of the administered drug.
  • Availability of models for children in the form of bright toys.


  • High noise level, approximately 60 dB. Exactly the same as from a working electric razor.
  • Quite large in size and weight, so it is impossible to take it with you on trips.
  • Most models are not suitable for inhalation of herbal decoctions, infusions, and essential oils.


Compressor nebulizer- Ideal for home use by the whole family. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of all parts of the respiratory system, including relieving an attack of bronchial asthma. Not suitable for babies who are frightened by loud noises.

It was invented after the compressor nebulizer as a portable alternative. Its operation is based on the transformation of a medicinal solution into an ultra-fine aerosol using ultrasound. Ultrasound in the device is created by a thin plate that vibrates.


  • Does not create noise during operation.
  • Lightweight, compact, has replaceable batteries, so it is convenient for use on trips and walks. Some models are equipped with car charging adapters.
  • The most “hard-working” of all nebulizers. Can spray up to 30 ml of medicinal substance in 10-15 minutes. Due to this, it is able to irrigate almost the entire mucous membrane of the bronchial tree with the drug, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Easy to use.


  • There is no uniform scheme for the use of medicinal substances in ultrasonic nebulizers. Different models may use completely different drugs and formulations. For example, some manufacturers allow the use of essential oils, while other devices are designed only for a water base. Therefore, before purchasing, you must carefully read the instructions.
  • The need to be in close proximity to the nebulizer during its operation, since the distance between the spray chamber and the mask is very short. This limits the use of an ultrasonic nebulizer in infants under 6 months and in bedridden patients.
  • Replaceable accessories (cups for medicines), which periodically need to be replaced with new ones.
  • High price. The average cost of an ultrasonic nebulizer is about 2500-3500 rubles.


When choosing an ultrasonic nebulizer, you must carefully read the attached instructions about the permissibility of using certain medications. This is especially true for parents who want to use the device for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma and allergic diseases. Ideal for treating colds, ARVI, runny nose, pharyngitis, bronchitis in babies over 6 months.

Membrane or mesh nebulizer

Belongs to the modern class of inhalers-nebulizers. The principle of its operation is based on the transformation of a medicinal solution into an ultra-fine aerosol due to the oscillation of a thin mesh membrane with nanoholes.


  • It works silently.
  • Lightweight, compact.
  • Operates on AA batteries and mains.
  • Design features allow it to be used in any position, including horizontal (the angle of inclination may differ for different models).
  • Economical.
  • The ability to use any medications, including hormonal drugs, bronchodilators, antibiotics, essential oils.
  • Does not come into contact with medications and does not change their effectiveness.


  • Very expensive. The price of multifunctional models from well-known manufacturers reaches 8-9 thousand rubles.


It is the most advanced among nebulizers. It should be recommended to families with children who constantly need an inhaler, for example, patients with bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, or allergic diseases.


  • Can be used in all nebulizers ONLY finished dosage forms, specifically designed for inhalers.
  • Do not attempt to administer crushed or dissolved tablets and capsules through the device.
  • It is forbidden to dilute medicinal solutions with boiled or distilled water. For these purposes, only 0.9% sodium chloride solution (saline solution) is used.
  • The use of essential oils in children under 1 year of age is prohibited.
  • Essential oils are used only in modes that create large particle sizes (at least 8 nm), since in this case they remain on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. If the particle size is smaller, the oils will enter the bronchi, which can cause severe spasm with the development of suffocation.

Choosing an inhaler for a child is not an easy task. But knowledge of the principles of operation of various inhalers will help parents not to get confused in the variety of companies and names and choose exactly the device that will best meet the needs of the family.

Autumn and winter are a period of colds and viral diseases, the clinical manifestations of which can be rhinitis, cough, and sore throat. In the treatment of such diseases, inhalations with medications or traditional medicine are often prescribed. Modern technologies make it possible to choose the best inhaler depending on its purpose and features; it must be remembered that there are different models of these devices: used exclusively in cosmetology, intended for the treatment of adults, convenient for use by children.

Which inhaler is better to buy??

Before choosing the best inhaler, you first need to decide?

And only after deciding on the type of inhaler, you should choose the manufacturer and model. As for the best manufacturers of inhalers, Omron is the leader in popularity. Among children's inhalers, the locomotive nebulizer from B.Well is a huge success. Among the steam models, the most popular inhaler is Chamomile.

If the inhaler is intended for occasional use, and there is a child in the house, then it makes sense to look towards children's models. They are very reminiscent of toys, and it will be much easier to convince the baby to “breathe.” Children's models can also be used by adults. But the operating mode of almost all children's models is 20 to 40 (20 minutes of work - 40 minutes of rest). And 20 minutes is the maximum - during this time the devices get quite hot. Therefore, if procedures need to be done regularly, then it is better to buy a more powerful and versatile inhaler.

It is difficult to overestimate the advantage of inhalation during ARVI and other diseases.

Damage to the upper respiratory tract leads to serious discomfort. You can eliminate it using an inhaler.

But before using the device at home, you need to choose a suitable model, having first considered the advantages and disadvantages of each.

At what age can you use an inhaler?

Children's doctors are of the opinion that inhalers should only be used from 2 or even 3 years of age. But sometimes, it is worth using inhalations to treat infants. But when using the device to treat small patients, it is worth taking into account the doctor’s clear recommendations, as well as using a special inhaler that can work effectively in a horizontal position.

Types of nebulizers, their pros and cons

In practice, experts distinguish 4 main types of inhalers:

  • Ultrasonic.
  • Compressor.
  • Electronic mesh.
  • Steam.

Each has both positive and negative sides. Therefore, buyers often have a question: which inhaler is better to buy?.


During operation, an ultrasonic nebulizer for children creates steam from a medicinal substance. Such an aerosol cloud is created due to ultrasonic waves from a metal membrane. It is thanks to the steam on the mucous membrane Almost all of the medicinal solution remains.

Advantages of an ultrasonic inhaler:

The main disadvantage of this model is the high price.

Compressor nebulizer

This model is no less popular. The principle of operation is that the air flow passes through the chamber in which the drug is located, splitting it into small particles. They are the ones who can treat both the upper, and the middle respiratory tract. Due to the high efficiency of treatment, such inhalers are available in every second family with a child.

The advantages of this model are as follows:

Compressor inhalers are large and heavy and produce a lot of noise during operation. The sound produced can disturb the baby's sleep and also frighten him.

Electronic mesh

During operation, the electronic mesh inhaler converts the solution into an aerosol. To transform, a special film vibrates, which has special holes.

This model allows you to use almost any drug.

Positive aspects of using this type of inhaler:

As for the minuses, there is only one and it is the high cost.

Steam nebulizer

This version of the model is used in cases where it is necessary not only to carry out treatment by injecting the solution into the respiratory tract, but also to ensure warming of the entire respiratory system.

During exposure, the inhaler has an effective effect on the release of sputum and on softening the mucous membrane of the trachea and nasopharynx.

Aerosol state of the drug is created through the evaporation process, as a result of which fairly large particles appear, which settle on the mucous membrane.

The advantages of this unit are as follows:

  • A steam inhaler for children can also be used for cosmetic procedures, for example, to cleanse the skin of the face or relieve tension.
  • Great for doing aromatherapy at home.
  • The model allows you to regulate the temperature of the outlet steam.

The only disadvantage is the retention of large particles in the upper respiratory tract and the inability to penetrate further.

What parameters should you use to choose an inhaler?

It is not enough to just select the type of model. It is important to take into account certain parameters when purchasing, which affect the effectiveness of treatment. The choice of inhaler is influenced by the following parameters.

Weight and dimensions

A very important parameter for all families who need an inhaler on a regular basis. For example, if a child or adult suffers from asthma, then it is necessary to pay attention to compact models, as well as inhalers that can operate on battery power for a long time.

This model is also necessary for those who constantly travel and want to have an assistant if they have to treat ARVI. If the inhaler is intended to be used only at home and only when the child gets sick, you can choose absolutely any nebulizer according to size.

Noise level

If you have to purchase an inhaler in case When a small child, namely an infant, is to be treated, it is important to pay attention to models that operate completely silently. The cost of such models is higher, but strong noise will not wake up or frighten the baby, which means inhalation can be carried out during sleep.

If the model is purchased exclusively for adult children and adult family members, then the noise level does not matter.

Solution spray speed indicator

The intensity of drug spraying also affects the effectiveness of treatment. It is worth paying special attention to those units that allow you to independently regulate and set the spraying speed.

Type of medicines

Each inhaler model has a specific list of medications that can be used in treatment. Naturally, the larger this list, the better. In this case, effective treatment can be carried out with the use of various drugs, and therefore for people of different ages.

Availability of masks and attachments and additional components

As for additional accessories, they should be there, since masks of various sizes will allow you to effectively treat patients of different ages. In general, the more different additional accessories, the better.

How to properly use and care for your inhaler

In order for inhalation not to cause harm, but to help solve problems with the respiratory tract, it is important to consider some aspects of using the device.

You cannot use ordinary water to dilute medicinal solutions, even if it is boiled. Often it is this that can lead to bronchial spasms.

In this case, the child has a very high temperature, inhalation cannot be carried out, since the device has a warming effect, which means the body temperature can increase even more.

If there is a need to use essential oils for treatment, it is important to determine whether this solution can be used for a particular product. Not all inhalers can work with oils, which means they can break if this contraindication is neglected.

In order to be sure that the solution is prepared correctly, it is better to use ready-made preparations and infusions, which can be purchased in pharmacies.

Before using the model for the first time, it must be prepared, namely, treat all existing parts with hydrogen peroxide. All details are sufficient for processing, with which the child will have contact in the future, soak for 30 minutes and then simply rinse with water.

All parts of the inhaler must be washed after each use. This treatment with running water should be done so that the next time you use it, it does not aggravate the disease, and also not infect other family members.

By keeping all parts of the inhaler clean, all its components will not require replacement for a long time.

It is not always advisable to use a nebulizer. In some cases, namely with certain characteristics in the body, inhalation is contraindicated. Some diseases of the lungs and heart do not allow the use of inhalation for treatment.

Do not use the inhaler if the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees. This procedure may cause the temperature to rise even further, which can be dangerous.

Among the main diseases that act as grounds for prohibiting inhalation are the following:

  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Pneumonia.
  • The course of purulent processes in the body.
  • Tendency to nosebleeds.

In the event that there is no complete certainty that If a child can undergo inhalation, it is better to refrain until consulting a doctor.

Inhalations are the most effective way to combat diseases of the respiratory system, from the common cold to allergic and asthmatic attacks. The method has been used for a very long time; many people conduct sessions at home, using medications prescribed by a doctor. And more and more often they use for this not a container of hot water, which is uncomfortable and can lead to burns, but special devices - inhalers (nebulizers) for children.

The type of device determines the method of drug delivery:

  • steam;
  • compression;
  • ultrasonic;
  • electronic mesh.

How to choose a children's inhaler (nebulizer)?

The most familiar to us is a steam inhaler. When the solution evaporates, the medicine is inhaled by the patient, entering the upper respiratory tract. Modern inhalers for children allow you to regulate the temperature of the steam, which ensures the comfort of the procedure. However, if the inhaler is intended to treat children, this is not the best option, since many children refuse to breathe hot air.

A compression inhaler creates an aerosol cloud: a powerful stream of air flows through a narrow opening in the chamber with the drug, spraying it. This process is accompanied by quite a lot of noise.

The most portable is the ultrasonic nebulizer. It is capable of creating small particles of medicine, less than five microns, does not make noise, is easy to carry with you, and can be used in a car if necessary. Due to the minimal particle size, the medicine penetrates deep into the bronchi, even into the lungs, allowing you to quickly stop a coughing attack and relieve swelling.

The latest development is electronic mesh devices. They are completely silent, light, and small. When administered, the medicine in the inhaler is not even partially destroyed, that is, the effectiveness of the effect is fully maintained. It is especially valuable that this type of medical equipment allows the use of drugs of all types:

  • hormones;
  • mucolytics;
  • antibiotics.

When treating a child, this type of device is optimal, providing a wide spectrum of action and not frightening the baby. When choosing a children's inhaler (nebulizer), you should pay attention to the size of the particles produced by the device and focus on which organs need to be treated:

  • oral cavity - 10 microns;
  • upper respiratory tract - from 5 to 8;
  • bronchi - no more than 5;
  • light - no more than 3.

What do we offer?

Our online showroom presents all types of inhalation devices at reasonable prices. There are devices that are designed specifically for children. The baby perceives such a device as a toy and as a result tolerates the procedure well. Despite the special design, such models do not differ from their analogues in price.

Many devices are suitable for both children and adults, as they are equipped with masks of different sizes.

How to place an order

To place an order, place the selected item in the cart, then go into it and click the “Continue checkout” button. In the window that opens, you need to fill in the fields with contact information, select payment and delivery formats, and click the “Order” icon. The product you purchased will be sent to the specified address immediately.