What is the best stepladder to buy for an apartment? Tips for choosing an aluminum ladder. Let's look at some of these materials

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Choosing the right ladder or stepladder

a) height (working height)
The working height of a ladder or stepladder is calculated based on the height of the platform and the height of the person. The height of the landing may indicate the maximum height a worker can climb on a ladder. The person’s height is added to this length (only up to shoulder level, since while on the stairs you need to work freely and not reach for the right place) and the working height is obtained. In some cases, manufacturers calculate the working height by adding 120 centimeters and the height of the level at which the last step is located.
Professional and household stepladders have a working height of up to 6 meters. Conventional household models are compact and durable, with a ladder height of up to two meters. The working height depends only on the number of steps. Depending on the height, all models are intended for different types of installation work.

The working height of transforming stairs can reach five meters. Conventional single-section models, or attached ones, are safe and stable and have a maximum working height of up to five meters.

The highest models are two- and three-section stairs. The staircase with two sections is compact; when folded, its maximum length is five meters, and when working – up to nine meters. The working height of three-section tools can be up to 10.5 meters when unfolded.

b) material
When choosing a stepladder or ladder, you need to pay attention to the material from which the tool is made. Modern manufacturers use only aluminum for the manufacture of professional stairs, and aluminum or steel for the manufacture of stepladders.

For professional work, special requirements are placed on the quality of the model. Aluminum tools are durable and portable, as well as easy to use. Stepladders made of this material are intended for work in small spaces. They are considered the lightest and highest quality, and can be transported without any problems. Aluminum ladders are used for almost all types of installation work.

Steel structures weigh much more, but they have one advantage - low price. In addition, they are durable and stable, which makes them used in large-scale production and construction. Steel stepladders are considered an indispensable professional tool. Regardless of the material, any stepladder or ladder can withstand heavy loads due to its good stability.

c) model
All stepladders can withstand loads of up to 150 kilograms with a maximum platform height of 2.08 meters. The enterprises produce aluminum structures and steel models, which are painted with polymer paints.

Double-sided aluminum structures are equipped with steps on both sides, which gives them high strength and allows them to extend their service life. The model is very easy to use, mobile and convenient.

Single-sided aluminum stepladders are considered the most popular models. With low weight they can withstand heavy loads, are resistant to corrosion and are used for household work.

Metal models are made of durable steel with surface painting with polymer paint. They are equipped with strong and stable steps made of aluminum, usually with a grooved surface. They have more weight than aluminum structures and are used in large industries.

The models are predominantly made of aluminum, which is durable and lightweight. Several types of professional and household stairs are produced.

Single-section ladders, or ladders, have a wide range of applications. The model is installed attached to any type of surface. It is characterized by low cost, light weight and ease of use.

Transformable stairs, or articulated stairs, have found wide application both in everyday life and in production. The model is convenient and compact for transportation, has many modifications and can be used as an attached model, platform or stepladder. The transformer consists of several sections, which are attached with special mechanisms that allow you to change the shape of the structure. When folded, the transformer is compact and takes up little space in the room.

Three-section aluminum stairs combine several additional and useful functions. They can be used as two-section models, as stepladders or ladders. They differ from other models in their maximum working height and consist of three parts. The upper section is used in production as a separate attached structure.

Two-section aluminum ladders carry the functions of a model with the ability to transform into a stepladder or a regular ladder. They are used in large industries and for household work. They are lightweight and practical to use.

An ordinary inexpensive stepladder has many functions. It is equally needed during repairs, remodeling or when solving everyday problems. Compact folding models do not take up much space, they are wear-resistant and stable; It is recommended to store equipment in a dry place so that the metal is not exposed to external factors (temperature, dampness) and the service life is not reduced significantly.

Home stairs will definitely come in handy to facilitate access to high shelving and mezzanines. The design of the folding stepladder ensures the wear resistance of the equipment. Questions - whether to rent a ladder for the duration of certain work or how to choose a stepladder with a guarantee of safety and how much it will cost - become the main ones when planning moves.

In addition to absolute versatility, stepladders have the following advantages:

  1. Relatively small in size and light in weight, as a result of which the ladder can be easily lifted by one person, and when folded the item does not take up much space.
  2. Simple design and ease of operation. To use a ladder you do not need to have special skills or “get along” with technology.
  3. Stability and reliability of the structure, which ensures the proper level of safety during any type of household, repair or installation work.

The reliability and stability of rental models should be checked especially carefully.

The choice of a convenient stepladder can be based on personal preference - steel ladders weigh much more than aluminum ones, but are considered more reliable.

If a small folding stepladder can be easily stored in a closet, on a balcony or mezzanine, then tall, bulky or specialized structures are much easier to rent. How much the rental will cost depends not only on the model, but also on the timing.

The table below shows examples of the cost of stairs

The cost of structures also largely depends on the fame and reputation of the manufacturer. Sometimes a product from a popular construction brand costs several times more than its domestic counterpart without any functional advantages.

A stepladder is a folding ladder. The stepladder consists of a pair of rigid frames connected to each other by a hinge joint, and for insurance, these two frames are connected to each other by a soft or rigid structural element.

All stepladders can be classified according to 4 parameters:

  • purpose;
  • material of manufacture;
  • overall dimensions;
  • type of construction.

There are household (amateur) and professional stepladders according to their intended purpose. Household ones are lightweight options with relatively weak fastenings and do not have any reinforcements.

Budget materials are used for their production and they are designed for rare use in everyday life.

The maximum weight of such stepladders reaches up to 100 kg of load; sometimes such stepladders have a transformer design.

For certification, these samples are tested for stability, reliability and rigidity. Professional stepladders can withstand loads of up to 120 kg, so more than 1 person can work on the stepladder at the same time.

Professional samples almost never come in a standard design. A transforming stepladder would be an excellent option. This design will allow you to perform the maximum number of different types of work at various sites.

Professional from amateur can be determined by external characteristics:

  • Footrests are rolled into the profiles of the racks;
  • The steps and racks are larger in cross-section;
  • Thicker profile walls;
  • Large distance between steps - up to 40 cm;
  • There are rubberized support;
  • Compliance stickers;.
  • Higher cost.

Well-known brands often produce similar designs for household and professional options. And to differentiate them, they make them in different colors.

Based on the material, stepladders are classified into metal, plastic, wood and combined.

The vast majority of stepladders, up to 80% of the total, are made of metal alloys. The materials used are duralumin, silumin, aluminum and others. The advantages of stepladders made from such materials are: lightness, strength, corrosion protection and ease of repair.

This type of stepladder is widely used for painting and renovation work in apartments. Light weight is their main advantage.

A wooden stepladder is only amateur and is often made independently. They are convenient at home, but not practical for regular use, due to the rapid wear of the fasteners and heavy weight. Perhaps their only advantage is the possibility of their decorative execution.

Also sometimes there are combined stepladders, but this is probably a legacy of the past and over time they will disappear. Such samples consist of a metal frame and wooden steps secured with bolts.

Stepladder size

Painting (Ladders-stools). Up to 60 cm. They are characterized by the presence of 2–3 steps and a convenient platform.

Average. From 60 to 150 cm. Used during interior finishing and repair work.

Tall. From 150 to 180 cm. They are used in open spaces, in trade pavilions, etc., where it is necessary to carry out work no higher than 4-4.5 m.

Foldable. 180–280 mm. Also used in open areas.

Without stirrup. Allowed if there are up to 4 steps.

Standard. With arch/belt height from 70 to 180 cm.

Telescopic. They are equipped with retractable legs, with the help of which they can be adjusted in height.

Transformers. The design is based on complex hinge joints. This type can take several positions: a simple long ladder, in the form of a scaffold or a painting one. These collection options are shown in the photo of the stepladder below.

To do this, you need to clearly understand your needs. Determine the following parameters: at what height the work needs to be done and how often it will need to be used. By determining these values, you will significantly narrow the range of stepladders that suit you.

For convenience, it is desirable that a household stepladder meets the following characteristics:

  • The width of the step is more than 12 cm.
  • The rise of the step is no more than 20 cm.
  • The width of the frame is at least 35 cm on the platform and 50 cm on the supports.
  • Practical and convenient folding.
  • Small size and weight (These parameters are typical for aluminum stepladders or other light metal alloys). After all, most of the time the stepladder will be in “standby” mode.

It is undesirable for a stepladder to have the following signs of a low-quality sample:

  • Riveted fastenings.
  • Deflection of the profile of the rack and step during ascent.
  • The rack supports are made of hard plastic.
  • Fragility of connections and parts and connections.

To make the stepladder safe and convenient, it is better to purchase a factory tool than to build it yourself. After all, a stepladder assembled with your own hands will be inferior in safety to a store-bought copy.

But still, if you decide to make a stepladder yourself, then without much effort on the Internet you will find many options on how to make a stepladder yourself.

A stepladder - every man should have this thing in his home. To do something with your own hands, even to screw in an ordinary light bulb, sometimes you need to climb on something, and the height of the stool is often not enough. And here a stepladder comes to our aid, but it doesn’t make sense to buy it just once, this thing should serve for a long time and reliably, and we will tell you how to choose such a stepladder in this article.

When choosing the type of stepladder, it is important to consider where it will be used. If you choose a stepladder for a garden or a private house, this is one thing, if for an apartment it is completely different. If you intend to use the stepladder more than once a year, then it is worth considering its appearance, for example you may want to place it in a large wardrobe or home library.

And in repairs, and in the household, and at home, and in the country, a stepladder is a must-have purchase. Screw in a light bulb, get something from the mezzanine, collect crops - and there’s just so much a ladder can help you do. And you need to choose it wisely and taking into account the needs of use. How to choose a stepladder for an apartment or private house?

In the Soviet Union, GOST standards were prescribed for such projectiles, but modern manufacturers, first of all, must be guided by new European standards, since these requirements ensure maximum reliability when using modern lightweight materials. Let's look at everything in more detail in this article.


First of all, in order to choose the right stepladder, you need to pay attention to its dimensions:

  • The minimum width between the side beams at the top of the stairs is 29.21 cm. Each stepladder must be equipped with a metal spacer or locking device to ensure reliable fixation in working condition.
  • The width of the platform must be at least 45 cm.
  • Two-section variations should not exceed 14 meters in length.
  • Models consisting of two or more sections should not exceed 18 meters in length.
  • The step pitch should not exceed 30 cm.

Also important assembly features:

  • Steps should only be made of stable or corrugated materials.
  • Sliding models must be equipped with locking devices to prevent the ladder from folding during operation.
  • Models with wheels must be supplemented with lock-type fasteners to prevent the rollers from moving during operation.

If these conditions are met, it will be easier to understand which stepladder is best for the home:

  • The device comes with clear instructions in Russian.
  • The staircase platform is strong and reliable.
  • The steps are rolled with high quality.

Important! Unlike rivets, rolling is not subject to loosening; this model will last much longer. In addition, such steps have many joints with the fastening profile, so they are much safer.

  • Width of steps. The larger it is, the more confidently you will stand on the support. Standard size 28x28 mm.
  • Anti-slip protection on stepladder legs - shoes. It is better to choose rubber ones.
  • The correct design has a safety arc of at least 80-100 cm above the platform level. Try it, the arch should be at waist level or slightly lower.

Firstly, it is very important to look at its assembled size. It should go into a dressing room or closet. Or match the size (width and height) so that you can put it behind the closet if there are no special storage spaces in the apartment. Secondly, the stepladder must be stable. So let's look at the design.

  • Free standing.
  • Attached inclined.
  • Mounted.
  • Attached vertical.
  • Marching.


Usually designed in the shape of a clamshell or the letter A, on one side of the step, on the other - a support, a frame.


  • For better mounting on the floor, it usually has rubberized legs or pads.
  • Stability is provided by the upper platform and safety straps in the center.
  • The legs are fixed in pairs.
  • Typically, the length of a stepladder is no more than 6 meters.

Mini stepladder

This format is more like a stool with steps. Suitable for daily use and convenient for household and everyday activities.


  • Provides a seated work surface.
  • Usually has 3 or 5 steps.
  • The height of this structure is no more than 90 centimeters.

Important! This is an excellent option if you need to choose a stepladder for your apartment.

Stand with platform

The staircase with an upper working platform and a support block has a mobile design. Can be equipped with wheels.


  • Typically such a mechanism is made of aluminum or stainless steel.
  • The platform most often has a corrugated surface for stability and storage of tools.

Of course, the most popular and convenient option for an ordinary apartment is a stepladder. It does not take up much space when assembled, is light and easy to use even for women, and is suitable for all household needs.

But here everything is not so simple. If you decide to opt for this design, here are the main options for stepladders that you will find on the market.

Here we will answer the question of how to choose a stepladder for an apartment in height.

Steps in this format are always located on one side only, on the other there is a supporting frame mechanism that holds the structure. The weight of such a ladder is less than that of its double-sided counterparts, which means it is more suitable for domestic use.

But this option is only suitable for single use and is less stable. But easy to transport and extremely affordable.

It differs from the previous one in the presence of two rows of steps - for simultaneous paired use. The supporting side or platform is supplemented with special places for storing and hanging tools.

Important! This type is stable and reliable.


Consists of two support beams and steps, attached directly to the wall or any stable surface. Such a mechanism can be folding or monolithic - the choice is yours. The usual length of such a household model is no more than 5 meters, which, of course, limits the level of high-altitude work.

Sliding stepladder

Such devices can be single-sided, double-sided, or attached; their main feature is retractable additional blocks that increase height and stability.

Important! Such sections can also be used as separate independent stairs, for example, when building a house.

Articulated ladder

Such platforms are used as detachable ones and adapt to any working conditions. Fastenings of this model are reliable and durable, but are quite labor-intensive to fix.

Such ladders are used for construction work at height; they consist of two or three parts that extend from each other to provide the required level. This type can be extended to a full attached structure, providing a maximum length of up to 8-10 meters.

Mobile ladder

In appearance it resembles a one-sided split one, usually equipped with wheels on the base of the supports. In the normal state they are fixed - the holder is removed to move the structure. This allows for easy mobility, and some models provide additional work and mounting areas.

  • Aluminum is strong and durable. Modern alloy has replaced the wooden structures of past centuries. Stairs made from natural materials quickly became unusable; the material was subject to rotting and loosening. With the advent of technology, safety and reliability have increased significantly.
  • Mechanisms made of steel also provide strong structural fixation and security locks, have a non-slip coating, but are not as corrosion resistant as their aluminum counterparts. For prevention, steel is coated with a special compound that prevents destruction.

Important! Steel stairs have such advantages as high strength and longer service life, compared to aluminum ones, due to the strength of the metal. The relatively low price of the product is also considered an advantage.

The model loses, first of all, in weight - it is 3-4 times more than the aluminum one.


We hope that now you can very quickly choose the right stepladder for your apartment and use it comfortably and safely as needed at any time. Good luck!

» Miscellaneous » How to choose a stepladder for the height of an apartment

A stepladder - every man should have this thing in his home.

To do something with your own hands, even to screw in an ordinary light bulb, sometimes you need to climb on something, and the height of the stool is often not enough.

And here a stepladder comes to our aid, but it doesn’t make sense to buy it just once, this thing should serve for a long time and reliably, and we will tell you how to choose such a stepladder in this article.

How to choose a stepladder for an apartment in height

From time to time, many people use a stepladder, not only somewhere in the countryside, but also at home. It is indispensable when you need to carry out repairs, attach a cornice to a room, repair a chandelier, and so on.

The main indicator that we focus on when choosing a stepladder is the height. The smallest stepladders have only three steps. They help with work at low heights (for example, removing something from the mezzanine). In this case, the top step is 60 centimeters above the floor. In this case, a man of average height (175-180 centimeters) will be able to reach up to 250 centimeters, that is, almost to the ceiling.

But for greater convenience, it is better to take a higher stepladder. The most suitable stepladder for the home will be with 4-5 steps, its height is 250 centimeters. It is convenient to hang a cornice from it, remove a chandelier and much more. The highest step is 82 centimeters above the floor in a four-step stepladder, and 103 centimeters above the floor in a five-step device. An excellent stepladder with a price that will suit everyone is available on the website zsonline.ru, we advise you to take a closer look.

In a garden or country house you will need a higher stepladder. So, in order to paint the walls, you will need a stepladder with 10 steps. And if the height is greater, then a stepladder is not enough. You will need a ladder. They are usually much higher than stepladders. There are also models such as stepladders that fold out and can be used in one or another capacity.

The table below of types of stepladders is designed for a man of average height, and therefore, for short people, appropriate adjustments must be made. Companies produce stepladders of different heights. The distance between steps may vary. This matters for Alumet stepladders.


It is very convenient if there is a platform at the top of the stepladder on which you can put everything you need, and a person can work while standing on the step below. This allows a person not to waste time, each time going downstairs to get the desired item. The platform itself is the last step.

It can be made of steel or aluminum. The latter is much lighter, which makes it easier to carry from place to place. A stepladder with 5 steps made of steel weighs 6 kilograms, and made of aluminum - only 4. It must be taken into account that both older parents and women can use it. Stepladders can withstand up to 150 kilograms.

When you purchase a stepladder, you need to make sure that the legs are at the same height, that it stands level and does not wobble.

Tips for use: no need to use it as an extension ladder; It is not recommended for two people to stand on it at the same time; Do not place it for work near an open window or work under voltage.

It is not difficult to find in a hardware store. It’s even cheaper to place an order in the online store.

Design features

The type of staircase assembly affects not only its cost or rental price, but also its service life. Features of stepladders may fall into the following categories:

  • Material. Bulky and clumsy wooden structures have been replaced by almost weightless aluminum and duralumin ones. Their direct competitors are steel stepladders. For electrical installation work, special dielectric pads (rubber or polymer) are used; how much the ladder and its rental will cost depends on the material first of all.
  • Construction type. Classic stepladders made in the shape of the letter “L” cannot always provide the required height and reliability. In this case, you can rent a universal folding or telescopic ladder. Such structures consist of several sections (2-3) of 3-8 steps in increments of 15-50 cm. Stepladders can be assembled like a construction set or extended along guides. Separately, it is worth considering the presence of a side and an upper platform. On such a surface it is very convenient to leave tools and equipment, which can also be rented along with a stepladder.
  • Steps. Plastic, metal, wood or rubberized - regardless of the material, the supports must be stable. Metal structures in which the steps are rolled and firmly connected to the base of the stepladder are considered the most reliable. The working surface should be corrugated or covered with a special material to avoid slipping when working.

How to choose the right stepladder | Construction portal

Almost every person faces the question of how to choose the right stepladder. After all, this thing is indispensable both in construction and industrial production, and in the household.

Need to sort through things in the mezzanine? Dust the cabinets? Whitewash the ceiling? Change wiring? Pick apples from the garden? In any of these situations, it will come to the rescue - a practical stepladder. In a house, in an apartment, in a country house, in a garage - such a device will come in handy everywhere.

To use this “device” with benefit and pleasure, you should purchase the model most suitable for your needs. But is it so easy to make a choice? Of course not. Although before going to the store it seems completely different.

The range of stepladders on the market is unusually large - the variety of designs, materials and, of course, prices are dizzying. And how do you know which stepladder to choose? Knowledge about the types, capabilities, advantages and purposes of various solutions will help you decide faster and more confidently on the optimal model.

The functionality of ladders and stepladders is based on the typical design features and the material from which they are made.

Types of stairs and stepladders


In accordance with the Soviet GOST 24258–88, a ladder is a device “for moving people at height.” Behind the awkward definition lies a structure of two vertical supports connected to each other by horizontal jumpers - steps.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • free-standing;
  • attached inclined;
  • mounted;
  • attached vertical.

There is also a marching type, but it has nothing to do with domestic apartment and construction needs. For all varieties, the surface load (standard) parameter is set to 2000 (200) Pa (kgf/sq.m).


Stepladders are a type with characteristic design features in the shape of the letter “L” or “A”. Both options, when unfolded, represent a stable isosceles triangle. Its sides are a regular ladder and a support frame. For greater stability, rubberized tips are put on the legs. An alternative design option is stairs on both sides.


  • To ensure structural stability, stepladders are equipped with upper platforms or safety straps in the center (sometimes in the form of belts).
  • The legs can be equipped with a traverse - a wide bar that fixes them in pairs in a single plane.

The standard length of a stepladder is 6 meters, but there are varieties of other heights - it is calculated by the last step or platform.

Mini stepladder

The mini version is also called a stepladder-chair or stool.


  • You can work sitting or standing;
  • More often this variety has 3 steps, but there are also options with 5 jumpers;
  • The standard height of such a stepladder is 90 cm.

This type is more often used in everyday life, but there are also construction variations.

Stand with platform

It is a ladder with a work platform and a support block fixed at the top. More often this design is presented in mobile form. Both the front and support parts can be equipped with wheels.


  • professional models are made of aluminum or stainless steel;
  • the corrugated platform is used as a working platform or tool storage place.

In accordance with GOST, variations with a working deck height of more than 1.3 m from the ground surface are equipped with barriers. Usually this is a side or railing.


Construction types can be combined depending on the model.

Single-sided stepladder

This type of design is typical for stepladders. It is also found at racks with platforms.


  • the steps are located only on one side, the opposite part serves as a support block;
  • these models weigh less than counterparts with double-sided filling;
  • the structures are unsuitable for pair work;
  • less stable than double-sided models due to uneven weight distribution.

This type of stepladder is one of the budget ones, since its production requires less material. Lightweight designs are convenient for manual transportation.

Double-sided stepladder

The double-sided version differs from the previous one only in the presence of steps on the opposite side. This provides a number of advantages:

  • Labor-intensive processes that require third-party support can be performed by two people, simultaneously being on the stepladder from different sides.
  • The support side often replaces tool attachments - for example, when wallpapering, steps are used to hang different types of rollers.
  • The double-sided split type is the most stable design option.

Found in all models of stepladders, racks and transforming ladders.


Structurally, it consists of two support beams (rails) and steps. Models designed for high heights are equipped with platforms or handrails. Depending on the type, folding may be provided.


  • Full stability is achieved only by fastening to building elements or other supporting surfaces.
  • It is permissible to work standing at a height of at least 1 m from the top.
  • The total length of the structure of household models is less than 5 m.

This type is often supplemented with accessories, since the basic set is not suitable for comfortable work.

Sliding stepladder

Sliding models can be used as extension or one- and two-section stairs. They have at least one additional block, which extends fully or partially depending on the model.


  • convenient for working at high altitudes;
  • quick adjustment in 1–2 clicks;
  • the upper block is often equipped with rollers for folding along the walls;
  • sections can be used as independent stairs.

Fastenings and clamps with a self-gripping hook prevent the blocks from coming apart.

Articulated stepladder

The hinged type is universal and adapts to working conditions. Can be used as an expandable structure. A popular variety is the transforming stepladder, which is also used as a platform.


  • When working on a structure in the form of a platform, a flooring, usually wooden, is installed over the edges of the steps for convenience and safety.
  • Assembly and change of shape are carried out after releasing the fixing elements - structures in the form of dogs or buttons next to the hinges.

In most cases, red/green markings or the inscription “Lock/Unlock” are provided.

Telescopic stepladder

Retractable or telescopic ladders are used for high-altitude work. They consist of two or three overlapping parts that can be moved away from each other to provide the desired height adjustment.


  • the design can be completely expanded, turning into a variation of the attached type;
  • When assembled, the ladder is compact and easy to carry and store;
  • usually presented in the form of 2-3 sections, the length of which is from 2.5 to 3.5 m.

The two-section retractable ladder can be extended to a length of about 8 meters. In models consisting of 3 or more sections, the standard overall length reaches 10 meters.

Mobile stepladder

The mobile type resembles a one-sided split type in appearance. Their functionality is identical. Such ladders are equipped with small wheels on the support side.


  • In the basic position, the wheels are fixed for stability.
  • The lock is removed when the ladder needs to be moved.
  • The front (without rollers) part of the structure is additionally raised.

This provides mobility. If necessary, the stairs are fixed with additional screw stops, which can be folded or stationary. Models often include a platform.

Characteristics and Features

Maximum stepladder height

This parameter is most often interpreted incorrectly. It is supposed to mean the length of the staircase from the surface of the ground to the last step. In fact, the maximum height is considered to be a person’s height to the shoulders, added to the size of the stairs.

The ratio of human height and platform size is called working height.

European staircase manufacturers calculate this parameter by adding 120 cm to the level of the top step - the average height to the shoulders. The maximum height is often not indicated when marking.

Guides, steps, clamps

  • The minimum width between side rails at the top of stairs is 11.5 inches or 29.21 cm according to European standards.
  • Each stepladder must be equipped with a metal spacer or locking device of sufficient size and strength to securely hold the sections in open positions.
  • Steps may only be made from non-slip or corrugated materials.
  • The width of the platforms is allowed from 45 cm.
  • Sliding models are equipped with fixing devices to prevent spontaneous separation of ladders and stepladders during work.
  • Models with wheels are equipped with locking type latches that prevent the rollers from moving during operation.

Number of stepladder sections

The height of some stairs is adjustable in sections. Each of them is an independent block. Can be used fully assembled or as separate structures.


  • The height required for current work is adjusted by adding or removing the sections involved.
  • They are connected to each other by bolted connections or special clamps.
  • Short sections simplify transportation and allow you to create a ladder of the required length.
  • Ladders 7–10 m long usually come complete with a stop and straps. These accessories increase the rigidity and stability of the structure.

Single-section stepladder

A small number of sections means less weight and greater mobility. As a rule, their height is no more than 4 meters - this is often not enough for household repairs in Stalinist apartments.


  • The distance between the side rails of a straight single-section staircase or any part of its internal lines must be at least 30 cm.
  • For private houses, options with an adjustable number of sections are also preferable.

Single-section models are used as attachments; their location is often fixed in a vertical plane. Such ladders are inconvenient for transportation.

Two-section stepladder

This view contains two sections with steps.


  • Articulating designs transform into a double-sided stepladder when folded in half.
  • The telescopic type involves extending sections in a plane - one block along the other.
  • The upper section can be raised or lowered.

If it is necessary to increase the working height, the two-section ladder folds out flat. Individual blocks are fixed with special fastening clamps. Just turn the pawl to unlock the sections back. Therefore, it is important to check that the latch is latched.

Three-section stepladder

Universal models with the most flexible adjustment options. By design, such a staircase consists of three sections that complement each other, equipped with a system of hinged fastenings.

Three-section combination models consist of blocks that can be arranged in various configurations.

Are used:

  • like a ladder;
  • as a stepladder;
  • like a double-sided stepladder with console.

Fixation occurs using standard clamps.

The length of individual staircase blocks should not exceed 9 meters, but in practice such dimensions are difficult to meet. Common sizes are in the range of 1.2-4.5 m.

According to European and American standards:
  • two-section variations should not exceed 14 meters in length;
  • models consisting of two or more sections should not exceed 18 meters in length.
  • Most manufacturers prefer to install steps in 30 cm increments.
  • The width of the crossbars ranges from 30 to 35 cm.


For ease of operation and increased safety, additional devices are installed on stepladders. It is wise to buy accessories made by the manufacturer of the staircase itself to match the design features.

  • Suspended platform - usually withstands loads of up to 150 kg. Used as a place to store tools, paint or other items that may be needed during work. Options with a side are more convenient if parts that can roll or fall are used. Check if the platform is compatible with the type and model of stairs you have.
  • Extensions for stands (strings) – installed in the base for working at higher heights.
  • Cross beam is an additional support that expands the area of ​​the stepladder legs. Does not allow it to slide, providing stability.
  • Shoes for legs, bowstrings or traverses - prevent slipping and protect the profile of the stepladder from damage.
  • Wall Support – Connecting this accessory to the top of the staircase keeps the structure a few centimeters from the vertical surface. The additional support stabilizes the ladder even when working at high heights.


Also known as a stair leveler or leg leveler. The device allows you to level the ladder in a horizontal plane when working on uneven surfaces.


  • primarily intended for use with aluminum and fiberglass models of long or retractable stairs;
  • occasionally there are levelers suitable for wood;
  • the optimal stabilizer size is in the range of 20–40 cm;
  • the leveler and ladder must be from the same manufacturer.

How to use: Simply screw to the ladder using the included set of fasteners. Then set the desired length and secure it.

What materials are stepladders made from?

The conditions for using the ladder (working with electricity, temperature changes, negative atmospheric effects) determine the preferred material from which it is made.

Aluminum stepladders

Stepladders made of this material are durable and hold their shape even under constant loads, but the legs and rungs bend over time.


  • aluminum is lighter than other materials;
  • stairs made of aluminum do not rust.

Aluminum ladders should be used with caution when working with electricity. There is a risk of electric shock.

Steel stepladders

Models made of steel are reliable and have stable load-bearing supports. The structures are heavy and bulky even when disassembled or folded. The supports with the steps are connected by welded seams. Bolt fastenings are also acceptable.


  • electrical conductivity;
  • tendency to rust;
  • heavy weight.

International requirements:

  • absence of raw edges and structural defects;
  • steps are knurled or grooved to improve slip resistance;
  • the distance between steps is no more than 30 cm.

Russian standards indicate that the presence of cracks and sharp edges on the metal is unacceptable.

Wooden stepladders

For the manufacture of stairs, dense wood without sharp edges or chips is used. During visual inspection, there should be no differences in material, irregularities, knots, delaminations or other weak points.


  • reacts to changes in temperature conditions, is subject to delamination;

GOST requirements provide for length restrictions of 5 meters.

Steps and other elements must fit into the grooves. In increments of 2 meters, the bowstrings are bolted together. The presence of longitudinal cracks larger than 100 by 5 mm is unacceptable.

For cracks with dimensions less than those specified, operation is permissible. Loosening the string or fastenings of the steps, or filling cracks with putty is not permitted.


Plastic stairs made of thermosetting polyester resin, reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement.

If a fiberglass stepladder has aluminum rungs, then the side guides and the space between the steps prevent electric shock.


  • electrical safety;
  • durability;
  • immunity to moisture.

Fiberglass is resistant to bending under normal pressure.


The advantages of a particular staircase depend on the type of material from which it is made.

  • Wooden - low thermal conductivity, stability, environmental friendliness. The ability to independently replace failed parts.
  • Aluminum - lightweight, easy to work and carry. Availability and design options for any task.
  • Steel - withstands serious loads, does not loosen.
  • Fiberglass - light weight and low thermal conductivity. Durable, applicable in all weather conditions.


The disadvantages of stairs are also based on the properties of the materials. Structural defects are difficult to find.

Made of wood

  • The material is subject to drying out and rotting, and over time deep cracks appear. These properties determine the relatively short service life of wooden stairs.
  • The fasteners and grooves wear out and become loose with constant use.
  • Requires protection with impregnation or varnish.
  • Can withstand a load of no more than 100 kg.
  • Wood also imposes structural limitations. For example, it is unlikely to find a transforming staircase made of this material.

Made of aluminum

  • Sections are deformed during small impacts and falls more than structures made from other materials. The distorted area cannot be restored to its original form.
  • The electrical conductivity of aluminum is its main disadvantage.
  • Hinge joints and other places subject to friction lose reliability relatively quickly due to metal fatigue. These places become brittle; you need to monitor the condition of the connections, and, if necessary, lubricate and strengthen the fasteners.
  • In industrial conditions, aluminum structures are less able to withstand loads than their counterparts made from other materials. However, the metal will withstand everyday use.

Of steel

The large weight of the structure and the inconveniences that arise during transportation are an obvious disadvantage. Besides:

  • Susceptibility to corrosion - preventive work is labor- and time-consuming.
  • Without finishing with vibration-damping materials, steel stairs are noisy - a metallic clang is heard when climbing them or transporting them.
  • Unaesthetic welds.
  • The complexity of painting - it will have to be renewed periodically, first removing the old paint and traces of corrosion.

Steel structures become slippery and dangerous in winter.

Fiberglass stairs have no disadvantages in terms of application. The only negative is that fiberglass is not the most budget-friendly solution.

How to choose a stepladder or ladder

Step 1. Where will it be used? Indoors, outdoors, or both?

Any type is suitable for indoor use, but for outdoor use, moisture-resistant designs are preferred.

Step 2. What jobs do you need a ladder for? Are there plans to include electrics among them?

Metal stairs without isothermal pads on the legs are not suitable for electrical work.

Step 3.Does the structure need to be moved frequently? What obstacles will you encounter along the way?

If movement is required, choose models made of lightweight materials or mobile mobile structures.

Step 4. What is the highest height that will need to be reached?

To calculate the length, mark the highest point at which you will be working. The staircase should be at least three steps higher than this point. Remember that the legs of sliding models are set back from the wall by a quarter of the length of the structure, so the working height will be less in the end.

The weight of a dressed adult is added to the masses of all tools, solutions and parts that will simultaneously be present on the steps in the work.

OSHA Types

  • Type IAA - Heavy duty industrial grade with a 170kg duty rating, for frequent use.
  • Type IA - heavy industrial grade, rated 136 kg. Suitable for use in construction and finishing works.
  • Type I - medium commercial load class, rated 113 kg. Suitable for office, home, maintenance with light tools.
  • Type II - commercial class, rated 102 kg. Office and home use.
  • Type III - light load class, household ladder with a rating of 90 kg, for home use.

Which ones are better

Pay attention to these aspects:

  • Fastening the working platform, joints with steps - there should be no loose bolts; the option with rivets on the racks is not very reliable.
  • Safety straps to prevent unexpected folding.
  • The width of the steps determines whether it is possible to maintain balance on a stepladder; the wider they are, the better.
  • The presence of a traverse and rubber caps on the legs for stability.
  • The distance between steps is preferably less than 25 cm.
  • Chips, cracks, and visual defects are unacceptable.
  • Embossed or rubberized surface of steps - both options prevent slipping, but the second additionally protects against electric shock.
  • Features of folding - releasing the latches on moving parts: rollers, hinges should not require physical force.
  • Steps pressed into the grooves of the post are more difficult to break.

Additionally, the stability and mobility of the structure is checked.

Operation of ladders and stepladders

Safe use of ladders comes down to three points:

  1. compliance of the design type with the features of the work to be done;
  2. inspection before use to ensure cleanliness and free of defects;
  3. placing the ladder in such a way that the supports are securely fixed.


  • Place the base on a hard, level, dry surface. If this is not possible, fix the base on the surface using improvised means or special stabilizers. This will protect the structure from slipping and stability problems.
  • Do not install on boxes, bricks, barrels or other unstable surfaces to increase height.
  • Position the ladder so that a safe angle of support is maintained. The more the base moves from this position, the greater the risk of instability.

Care and maintenance

Wooden - attention is paid to protecting wood and timely replacement of worn parts. Joints, grooves and pulleys are treated with protective compounds. Stairs with defects such as rot and delamination should not be used.

Steel - before work and after overturning, the structure is checked for damage: bends or dents, loose rivets. Must be kept clean to prevent oiling and rust.

Aluminum – fasteners and hinges must snap and slide freely. It is necessary to regularly check their condition, because metal friction reduces the strength of the material over time.

Fiberglass stairs do not require special maintenance.


Stairs and stepladders in Russia are not subject to mandatory certification. Some manufacturers provide a product warranty that includes repair of defective parts or complete replacement of the product.

The standard warranty period is 12 months. Usually it starts from the date of purchase. Each manufacturer lists its terms and conditions for fulfilling warranty obligations.

Most are limited to two points:

  1. manufacturing defects;
  2. low quality material.

The liability does not apply to malfunctions that arise during independent incorrect operation or assembly.


Malfunctions often occur during incorrect operation - impacts, exceeding the permissible load. In case of manufacturing defects that lead to a malfunction, repairs are carried out under warranty. In other cases - paid in the service or on your own.

Frequent faults:

  1. breaking of steps - wooden variations are more often susceptible to it;
  2. turning out fasteners and brackets;
  3. bending and indentation as a result of impacts or excessive load;
  4. wear of safety cables.

Self-repair comes down to replacing the damaged element with a new one. You can purchase parts and fasteners separately.

Often broken steps are replaced with analogues from scrap materials that are made independently. In this case, the only difficulty is the imitation of the trapezoidal side slopes of the step, but most people do without it.

Replacement comes down to twisting the defective part, installing a new one and then fixing it with the provided type of fasteners - bolts, screws, fittings.


Manufacturers from the presented list, except for the Novaya Vysota plant, did not indicate warranty periods.

ALUMET - the Alumet plant produces different types of stepladders. Household and professional designs made of anodized aluminum. Number of sections - up to three. Website: alumet.ru

Dogrular - Turkish company, stairs are only part of the specialization of this manufacturer of aluminum equipment. Budget models of stepladders for household and industrial types. Website: dogrular.com.tr

FIT - Russian manufacturer. Specialization - budget power tools. Steel and aluminum models are available with up to three sections. Wholesale and retail are provided. Website: www.fit-instrument.ru

Nika - manufacturer of household aluminum stepladders with powder coating, supported load up to 100 kg. Website: nika-foryou.ru

Novaja Vysota - stepladders from a high-rise construction plant. Professional and household type aluminum ladders and stepladders, accessories to choose from. The company voluntarily passed certification for compliance with GOST, and the stepladders are covered by a guarantee. The timing varies depending on the model. Website: ru.zavodnv.ru

Zubr - manufacturer of budget tools, offers aluminum structures of a universal type. The range of stepladders is small, but the model range is worthy of attention. Safety straps and stabilizers included. Website: zubr-instrument.ru

The article will tell you how to take a responsible approach to choosing a reliable folding ladder, which is colloquially called a stepladder. You will learn how they differ in features and design features, as well as in purpose. The article will help to distinguish a professional ladder from a household one.

A triangle is the most rigid geometric figure. The two most common examples of its reliability are gable roofs and stepladders. However, in the second case, the elements of the figure represent a movable mechanism, the selection of which should be approached with special attention.

Classification of stepladders

The stepladder consists of two conditionally rigid frames connected by a hinge. The ladder got its name from the safety connection - soft (tape, cable) or hard (metal strip) - which is called the “stirrup”.

All stepladders differ in basic features.

By purpose

Household or amateur. Lightweight models with relatively weak connections, without reinforcements. They are made using cheap materials and are designed for occasional use at home. They can have a complex design (transformer) and can withstand a maximum weight of up to 100 kg.

Professional. Reinforced structural elements made of reliable alloys, aluminum, steel. They are tested in all respects - stability, rigidity, reliability of the entire structure. Subject to mandatory certification at the point of sale, must have stickers confirming compliance with international safety standards. Such ladders can withstand a load of 120 kg, which allows two people to work on the ladder if there are steps on the counter frame.

How to distinguish a professional stepladder from a household one

A professional stepladder with a standard layout is rare. The ideal option for permanent work is a transformer. Such a device will allow you to perform a maximum of tasks at different objects.

These stairs can be distinguished from household ones by the following features:

  1. The steps are rolled into the profile of the rack.
  2. The cross-section of the racks and steps is larger and the profile walls are thicker.
  3. Large distance between steps - up to 400 mm.
  4. Rubber heels.
  5. Stickers with notes indicating compliance with professional tool standards.
  6. The price is about twice as high.

Famous companies often produce similar designs, but in different designs - household and “pro.” In such cases, they are “marked” with different colors of plastic and parts.

By material

Metal. Up to 80% of all modern stairs are made from various alloys. It can be steel, aluminum, silumin, duralumin and others. Guides and steps made of metal are light, durable and do not corrode. An additional advantage is that it is possible to repair or replace elements using a metalwork method (“cold” fastenings - with bolts and rivets).

Plastic. Professional and household ladder-stools with a height of no more than 67 cm are made from plastic and rigid polyurethane. Their reliability depends entirely on the quality of the plastic and they are also subject to certification. Such small scaffolds are very popular among painters and apartment repairers. Their main advantage is light weight.

Wooden. Purely household products, often homemade, are used in household use. They are quite reliable and durable in everyday life, but are not suitable for regular work - the fastening points wear out quickly, there are standard problems that arise with wood, and they are heavy. The advantage is a decorative “furniture” look.

Combined. An echo of the past - a frame made of 25 mm steel water pipe with bolted plywood steps. They can often be found in households, but today they are not produced. The advantages are an extremely reliable frame and easy replacement of steps. Cons: unacceptable weight (up to 12 kg per 2 m).

To size

Up to 600 mm. Stool ladders or painting ladders. They have 2-3 steps and a convenient platform at the junction.

600-1500 mm.“Middle class”, intended for interior work.

1500-1800 mm. High stepladders, thanks to which you can reach a working height of 4.5 m (at arm's length).

1800-2800 mm. Folding stairs with retractable sections. In most cases, they have the function of a stepladder, i.e. independent installation without support from the wall.

By design

Without stirrup. Allowed for less than 4 steps. Usually these are painting or medium stepladders.

Standard. They have a height from 670 to 1800 mm, 4 or more steps. A safety bar is required.

Telescopic. Extendable legs ensure precise installation at a given height. At the same time, the entire staircase weighs more than an option with a similar maximum height and costs more, because it uses significantly more material.

Transformers. Design on complex hinges with several positions. Can be folded out into a long (up to 4 m) extension ladder, painting ladder or scaffolding.

How to choose a household stepladder

  1. Sufficient step width is from 120 mm.
  2. The minimum step rise is no more than 200 mm.
  3. The width of the frame (flight) is at least 350 mm on the platform and 500 mm on the supports.
  4. Convenient folding that prevents jamming.
  5. Minimum weight and size.

Think in advance about where to store the stepladder - it will spend 95% of its time there, “waiting” for work.

In general, it is worth noting that almost all household appliances, tools and fixtures have a design similar to professional ones. However, they are made of less reliable (and therefore cheaper) materials and have simple fastenings. At first glance, a low-quality staircase is indicated by:

  1. Fastening steps and stirrups with rivets.
  2. When lifting, the profile of the rack bends, as do the steps.
  3. The “heel” of the rack is made of hard plastic, sometimes installed with defects or distortions.
  4. Lightness and flimsiness of parts and connections - sometimes you can push through the walls or platform with your fingers.

Prices for stepladders

Name Manufacturer Type/design Material Lifting height, mm Price, y. e.
KIMORA 4 Italy Household/double-sided Wood (beech) 800 245
Krause Stabilo 2x8 Germany Household/double-sided Wood (oak) 2150 160
Foppapedretti LoSgabello Italy Household/double-sided Wood (beech) 630 226
Redverg 9 Russia Household/standard Aluminum 1860 52
"Alumet 709" Russia Household/standard Aluminum 1670 48
"Eiffel Comfort 108" China Household/standard Silumin 1860 116
AR Arredamenti TUSCANIA 6 Italy Household/standard Wood (beech) 2000 392
Zarges Z200 Germany Pro/standard Extruded aluminum 1050 37
"Alumet 43" Russia Pro/double-sided Aluminum 430 16
"New Heights" Russia Household/transformer Aluminum 2000 150
Rigger Russia Pro/transformer Extruded aluminum 1700 105
KRAUSE STABILO 4x5 Germany Pro/transformer Aluminum alloy 2800 316
LSPTD Russia Pro/transformer Dielectric fiberglass 2800 196
"ROD 235" Russia Pro (telescope) Extruded aluminum 2350 230

There is no alternative to the factory stepladder. Unless it is possible to build conditional scaffolding from improvised means, which will be dangerous to health and even life. The use of household ladders for professional work is also fraught with injury - the steps may simply not hold up and break off. Reliability of equipment is the key to long work and preservation of strength.