Cambric in the army. What types of wire casings are there and why are they needed? What is cambric and heat shrink cambric

Fishing cambric- one of the types of inexpensive elements of equipment, the purpose of which is not only to fix parts of fishing equipment, but also for fishing, as it is used as independent bait for many freshwater fish.

This simple tube made from scrap materials in an advantageous combination of colors allows you to bring a good catch both during summer fishing and in winter.

What is a fishing cambric, how to use it not only for the purpose of fixation, but also as bait - read in this article.

1. What is a fishing cambric

Cambric for fishing:

  • this is one of the types of fishing fasteners, which is a short piece of tube made of plastic, silicone, nipple, thin elastic band or other material through which a fishing line is threaded;
  • This is an independent bait for catching many freshwater fish.

Fishing cambric has a number of advantages:

  • durability, as it is not subject to rust, rotting and the influence of other natural factors;
  • reliability;
  • elasticity;
  • protects the fishing line from injury.

2. Why are cambrics needed in fishing?

Thanks to the silicone cambric, the angler can attach the sinker with any weight.

Also, this element is often used as bait, imitating the appearance of bloodworms and other invertebrates; well-chosen colors of cambric for fishing can increase your chances of a good catch.

This simple fishing device can also be used as a nod to the whip of a winter fishing rod, when two cambrics are connected to each other (one fits into the other) and fastened with a nod plate.

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3. Types of fishing sets with cambrics

In the store, cambrics for floats and others are presented in the following sets for fishing:

4. Size (diameter) of the cambric

Another interesting point is a trick. Often anglers catch perch using the following setup: a Tyrolean stick, 2 or 3 hooks with, or just colored threads and a weight. Regardless of the method of attaching the leashes, it happens that during the flow, the leashes with the fishing line get tangled and form a beard. So, in order to avoid this trouble, experienced fishermen resort to this trick: a cambric is tightly placed on the prepared main loop of the fishing thread, with a section corresponding to the fishing line and such a length that it would cover the fishing line, leaving free a small section of the loop (the place where the loop enters leash). This manipulation will prevent the leash from getting caught in the loop of the main fishing line.

6.3 Catching roach using cambric

Spinning asp fishing using cambric equipment is one of the most catchy and cheapest types of fishing, which has been practiced for more than a dozen years.

Equipment diagram

The wood used is an ordinary chock, pre-painted in a color that would not repel fish. Lead is attached to avoid tangling of the fishing line. 2-3 cambrics are installed. A large number of cambrics can lead to problems when casting bait. It is advisable to use a spinning rod that is convenient for long-distance casting, since the asp is a cautious fish and does not allow close range. It is better to use it because of it, since the fish bites are strong. choose 0.25 mm or 0.30.

You should pay attention to 2 types of wiring when fishing with a cambric:

  1. The rod is held so that the cambrics drift on the surface of the reservoir, bouncing and releasing bubbles in the water.
  2. After lowering the bait into the water, a quick reeling occurs until the asp is hooked; as soon as the bite is noticed, the reeling slows down and the angler waits for the fish to attack again and be hooked.

6.4 Catching roach with a cambric

Preparing cambric equipment for roach is as follows:

  1. Take 3 pieces of cambric and place them on a fishing hook (No. 18-10). The casings on the hook should slide freely, but not slide; to do this, they are secured with a clamp of a smaller diameter or a fishing bead (yellow or white).
  2. The fishing line used is thin (about 0.1 mm) for better glide of the nozzle through the water.
  3. The rod is selected with rings and, which will take on all the work at the time of landing the fish. Its length should be at least 3 m, and its weight should be as light as possible, since the fisherman needs to constantly hold it in his hands and play with the equipment.
  4. is installed in accordance with fishing conditions, and its installation is carried out at two attachment points. It is loaded with pellets so that only the tip of the float antenna peeks out from the water.

Cambric roach fishing technique:

  1. The equipment is lowered into the water at a distance of 5 to 10 cm from the bottom.
  2. As soon as the fish is hooked (the float will sink), it must be hooked immediately.
  3. In order not to miss the X-moment, you need to monitor the fishing line so that it does not drift chaotically through the water through constant reeling.

7. DIY float casing

So that you are not tormented by the question of where to get a cambric for a float or weight, we have prepared for you this video from the “kembrik” channel, after watching which you can not only make a catchy cambric with your own hands, but also learn how to paint it

8. Useful links

— a detailed and interesting article about preparing equipment for asp fishing;

— article about cambric fishing; - how to make a cambric with your own hands; - conversations among members of one of the Israeli fishing forums about cambrics for perch.

In recent years, fishing with cambric (from cambric - electrical insulating material) has become widespread among anglers, especially successful in the first days of freeze-up and on the last ice. This is an artificial bait - a combination of finely chopped plastic insulation from radio wires of various colors, which is attached to the shank of the hook of a jig or spinner.

Enthusiasts of fishing with a jig without an attachment have discovered the advisability of “decorating” it with a small piece of black or red sponge gum, a knot of black cotton thread and, finally, plastic insulation of electrical wires.

They established the selective ability of different species of fish when fishing with cambric of various colors. So, for example, the perch more greedily grabs a jig with two black and one white beads attached to its hook. Roach are better caught using a combination of two white ones and a piece of black insulation inserted between them. which can be successfully replaced by an ordinary black thread, tied in a knot with small tendrils. However, in some reservoirs where roach feeds mainly on greens, they can be caught well using green cambric. White breams and white breams are more often found on cambric made from a combination of one white and two red pieces of insulation. The length of each piece should not exceed 1 mm, and the diameter - 0.8 - 1.2 mm. Moreover, the finer the cambric is cut, the more catchable the tackle.

The color of the jig, its size and shape affect the number of bites. As a rule, the best results come from those anglers who fish with cambric using lead jigs of the “ant”, “uralka”, “pellet” type with a ball diameter no larger than the size of a match head.

The thickness and color of the fishing line matter. It has long been noticed: the thinner and more inconspicuous the line, the more frequent and confident the bites. When fishing with cambric, they usually take the thinnest fishing line with a diameter of 0.06 - 0.12 mm, colored green or brown (depending on the color of the water).

Having lowered the jig equipped with a cambric to the bottom, the angler lifts it up 0.5 m and higher, checking all layers of water. It is permissible to fish with a cambric the same way as one catches with a bloodworm, smoothly raising and lowering the jig with barely noticeable swaying, but without stopping. However, often, the higher the vibration frequency and the more perfect the nod, the greater the likelihood of a bite.

When lifted, the jig should tremble slightly in the water, and not randomly jump in different directions.
The best nods for cambric fishing are made from a clock spring, thin steel wire 0.15-0.2 mm in the form of a spiral conical spring, or boar bristles.

When fishing with a cambric, you should not linger for a long time at the “empty” hole, waiting for the possible approach of the fish. If, after checking all layers of water, you are convinced that there are no bites, immediately drill a new hole.

Connecting conductors by twisting, soldering or crimping is an essential part of any electrical network. The quality of the connection determines the operation of electrical appliances connected to the network, as well as lighting. Modern manufacturers of electrical products are ready to present a large number of consumables, with the help of which the procedure for creating contact between wires can be carried out quickly and reliably.

All such methods involve applying a layer of insulation to prevent electric shock or short circuit. The most reliable method is still a cambric - a tube made of rubber or polyvinyl chloride, which is a reliable insulating material.

Details about cambric

To make it more clear, a cambric is a piece of tube made of materials with high resistance. Previously, such an insulator was produced only in solid form; now they use heat-shrinkable casings, which, under the influence of temperature, change their structure and decrease in size. In this case, the material reliably covers the junction of the conductors.

It is very convenient to use such tubes on wires with a large cross-section of cores, especially when soldering or crimping with sleeves is used for connection. After finishing the work, it is enough to simply fix the cambric on the cable and, for greater reliability, grab it around the edges with a piece of electrical tape. In addition to its basic properties, cambric also prevents corrosion and prevents joints from oxidizing.

These tubes made of rubber and polyvinyl chloride have an affordable price; in addition to electrical engineering, they are used in many industries (for example, fishing). But it should be remembered that when working with cables or wires, you should purchase casings of the required diameter, otherwise the contact of the conductors will remain open, which will be a serious violation of electrical safety regulations.

What to choose: heat-shrinkable tube or PVC cambric

This choice must be made based on the situation in which electrical insulating materials will be used. For example, to prevent short circuits of several adjacent parts, heat shrink tubing is well suited. At high temperatures, it compresses the exposed parts of conductors and connections and has high resistance. The ability to shrink allows you to not choose the diameter of the heat shrink too precisely; it is enough to choose a few millimeters larger than the wire or cable itself.

The advantages of heat shrinkage include the following:

  • a wide range of operating temperatures, which allows the use of heat-shrinkable tubing in various electrical networks;
  • when burning or melting, heat shrinkage spreads fewer harmful toxic substances;
  • has a long service life, much longer than ordinary insulating tape;
  • does not interact with aggressive chemicals;
  • is immune to oxidation and corrosion.

Modern heat shrinks are produced with a special substance applied to the inner surface. When heated, it exhibits high adhesive properties, as well as good tightness.

But ordinary cambric also has good electrical insulating properties. It is enough to select it correctly and put it on the joint. Can be used several times. Another significant fact is the low cost of this consumable.

The main advantages of using cambric

Cambric is a universal material that is suitable for all types of connections, as well as for open parts of cables and wires. What are the advantages of this type of insulation:

  • Low cost, which makes it quite popular. But gradually more modern consumables are pushing these products out of the market.
  • Versatility. It is enough to choose the correct diameter, and you can mount the cambric on any open current-carrying part.
  • Long service life. If the connection of the wires (for example, by crimping with sleeves) is made correctly and there is no excessive heating of the conductors, then the cambric will last quite a long time.
  • Reusable. For example, when dismantling an old shield, you can remove the cambrics and use them for their intended purpose in another place.
  • Strength. The cambrics are quite durable, this allows you to put them on joints without worrying about the safety of the material.
  • Can be used as a basis for marking conductors. To do this, you need to choose a light cambric, put it on the wire or cable, and sign it. Helps restore markings that have faded over time or been damaged during work.

Cambrides are a multifunctional consumable material for wires; due to the difference in diameters, they can be used not only for connecting conductors, but also for laying telephone lines and signal networks, where currents and voltages are small.

Heat-resistant fiberglass cambric

Another type of cambric is a heat-resistant material, which is more expensive and is not used as often as an ordinary PVC pipe. The increased cost of such consumables is due to the use of fiberglass in manufacturing. After creating the base layer, silicone varnish is applied to its surface. This increases the resistance of the product and improves its electrical properties.

Heat-resistant insulator is rarely used when installing electrical networks, more often when assembling automatic cabinets, induction ovens or drying chambers, as well as when connecting other heating devices. In addition to protecting the surrounding conductors, the heat-resistant cambric protects the connection from high temperatures.

Main performance characteristics of heat-resistant cambric:

  • High electrical impermeability. This insulating material does not conduct electric current at all.
  • The walls of the product are made with a thickness of 2.5 to 3 mm. This complicates the work a little, but becomes a serious obstacle to the path of electrical current.
  • Doesn't burn. Able to withstand high temperatures.
  • Wide selection of internal diameters of products (from 10 to 150 mm).
  • Operating temperature limits: from –60 to +530 degrees. When exposed to cold, the structure of the cambric does not change.


It is most convenient to use heat-shrinkable cambric for any type of wire connections.

The use of cambric, as well as heat-shrinkable tubing, is relevant for modern installation of electrical circuits. The low cost of such consumables makes the demand for it quite high, and the ease of use helps even people who have never dealt with electrical products to use the cambric. High resistance and immunity to fire make the cambric a reliable protective device for various types of connections and conductors.

Video on the topic

In electricity, the main thing is good contact and reliable insulation. Often the former depends on the latter. For insulation, you can use insulating tape, but over time the properties of the sticky coating are lost and it can unwind and come off the cable under mechanical stress. A cambric is a PVC or rubber tube with good dielectric properties, most often white, beige or cream in color. From the article you will learn what cambrics are needed for and what they are, as well as how their types differ.

What is cambric used for in electrics?

The main task is to insulate electrical cables, but people have come up with a lot of other uses, from the role of covers for screwdrivers and awls, to use in fishing gear. (already prohibited by the PUE), soldering, welding, bolts, sleeves, as well as wires terminated with terminal lugs must be insulated. Most of these connections can be fitted with a cambric. For additional fixation and protection from moisture, the edges are fixed with electrical tape, and if one of the edges is free, it is heated with a lighter and squeezed with pliers.

In addition to insulating the connections, you can restore the insulating layer of the wire using cambric, securing its edges with electrical tape so that it does not move. This type of insulation is suitable for DC and AC circuits up to 1000 V.

An additional function is marking. A black felt-tip pen or marker is clearly visible on light cambric. In any circuits, both power and signal and communication lines, a casing with the designation is placed at the ends of the cable near the terminal.

Cambrides come in different sizes; select products that are a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the cable, otherwise it will constantly fall off or not fit. If you try to stretch it to the required diameter, it may burst, because... There is almost no size reserve for this product. They do not have this drawback. In addition, PVC pipes dry out and crack when heated, and become very hard in cold weather.

Heat-shrinkable tubes - shrink when heated

Although a heat-shrinkable tube or cambric performs the same tasks, it differs from the usual one both in the method of application and in the material from which it is made. Typically these are polyethylene and other polymers.

Heat shrinkage when heated can decrease by half. This advantage allows the same tube size to be used for a much larger range of wire sizes. This gives a definite advantage when used as insulation for various kinds of terminals and connections, because the shape of the terminal strip does not affect the quality of the covering. The heat shrink will shrink and follow any contours.

Heat shrinkage stretches well, up to 1.5-2 times its original value, but this must be done carefully, ensuring the integrity of the surface. This way you can apply heat shrink to wires and terminals if you don't have the size you need.

The next difference from heat-shrinkable PVC tubes is their appearance - they are sold in any color, including completely transparent or with color. This opens up even more conveniences for marking, for example, the wires of one group are divided by color and labeled by contact. Like regular cambrics, these products are inexpensive, but they can be found in every electrical or household goods store.

How to use cambric

Ideally, shrinking should be done with a stream of hot air. Any hair dryer is suitable for this. But more often it happens that it is not at hand or there is nothing to connect it to.

The second option is a soldering iron. Walk the heating element casing over the surface of the tube and it will shrink. The stinger does not need to do this for three reasons:

  1. Too high a temperature can melt the cambric.
  2. The sting leaves traces of soot.
  3. So as not to spoil the sting.

The third option is to use fire sources. This could be matches or a lighter. Keep the flame a couple of centimeters away from the heat shrink to avoid damaging it, and use quick and short movements on all sides to achieve uniform contraction of the insulating layer. For a quick effect, you can do this directly with the flame, then the movements should be even faster, and you should be more attentive. The disadvantage of this method is that traces of burning may remain on the cambric. Turbo lighters do not have this drawback, but the flame temperature is very high and it is easy to burn the pipe, so keep the flame stream away so that only streams of hot air hit it.

The video example clearly shows how to use casings for wires:

Heat-resistant insulation - what is it?

Fiberglass tubes are a type of cambric that is resistant to high temperatures and can withstand temperatures from -60 to 510 degrees without problems. Fiberglass is impregnated with varnishes to improve electrical insulating properties. Such designs are often found in electric kettles, heaters, electric stoves and similar equipment. They are put on the supply wires and wires of internal connections near heating elements and spirals. Heat-resistant wire casings protect the contacts from temperature, thereby reducing the likelihood of corrosion and weakening, as well as melting of the insulation. They cost more than others, so their use everywhere does not make sense.