Ovarian cyst during planning and during pregnancy. The danger of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy and its planning. Possible consequences of a cyst during pregnancy.

Article last updated 12/07/2019

Pregnancy is the best time in every woman's life. Giving life to another person means creating a small miracle. In the early stages, the expectant mother’s body undergoes restructuring and becomes more sensitive to changes. The follicle that the egg has left grows, forming the corpus luteum.

It produces progesterone and is actively used by the body before the formation of the placenta. When the children's place is ready for use, it will take over the functions of this temporary formation. A corpus luteum cyst is often diagnosed early during pregnancy.

This temporary gland is necessary to maintain the level of progesterone in a woman’s blood and prevent ovulation from occurring again while fertilization occurs and the egg is implanted in the uterus. The normal size of this formation is 20-30 mm. If the size exceeds this indicator, this indicates cystic formation. Until the luteal formation reaches 70 mm in diameter, it will work normally and perform all functions. When it is less than the established parameters, drug treatment is necessary.

Causes of corpus luteum cysts

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy occurs due to impaired blood circulation and lymph flow directly in the formed compaction. The following may also contribute to the development of pathology:

  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • artificial stimulation of ovulation;
  • presence of infections;
  • mechanical damage;
  • poor nutrition, stress.

This pathology rarely affects two organs at once. The most common cyst is the corpus luteum of the right ovary or exclusively the left. One of the main causes of the disease is hormonal imbalance. By restoring hormone levels, you can improve your health and get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

The doctor must not only determine the presence of the disease, determine the size and location of the lump, it is also important to find out the cause of the cyst. By influencing the source of the disease, it will be possible to cure the tumor much faster, as well as eliminate the possibility of complications or relapse of the disease. A cyst of the corpus luteum of the left ovary occurs due to the fact that after ovulation the follicle does not regress, but accumulates fluid. This type of neoplasm can be classified as functional.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with?

The answer will be positive; such a tumor rarely affects the ability to conceive and bear children.

Symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst

The cyst can often be asymptomatic. However, as it increases, it can begin to hurt. In order to notice pathology in time and provide timely assistance, you need to listen to your body and monitor your health. If you notice strange symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist for advice. Warning signs are:

  • nagging pain in the right or left part of the lower abdomen, aggravated by sudden movements;
  • discomfort in the same areas during sex;
  • feeling of heaviness and pressure in the groin;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • change in the nature of discharge.

It is important to understand that a corpus luteum cyst is not a sign of pregnancy. The formation of a lump only indicates that ovulation occurred, but whether the egg was fertilized or not remains to be seen. This can be done using an ultrasound or hCG test.

Ultrasound can also identify cystic formations. The laparoscopic method, hormonal and laboratory tests are also used to diagnose this disease. Using ultrasound, it is possible to determine the size of the seal, its location and structure. The doctor will conduct an examination and various tests, collect anamnesis, and based on the information received, choose the optimal treatment program.

Is a corpus luteum cyst dangerous and does it need to be treated?

Women often wonder whether a corpus luteum cyst is dangerous during pregnancy?

No, this type of liquid capsule is not dangerous. Usually, during the first trimester it resolves and does not pose a threat to the life of the fetus or the expectant mother. However, if the cyst hurts, it means it is pressing on internal organs and may need to be removed.

There is another dangerous point with luteal body cysts in pregnant women. During physical activity or during sexual intercourse, the capsule may burst, which causes peritonitis and infection of internal organs. A woman experiences symptoms such as:

  • acute pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • bladder and bowel dysfunction.

Similar signs occur when the cyst pedicle is torsion. In such a situation, tissue necrosis begins, an inflammatory process develops, and urgent surgical intervention is required. Usually, doctors in such cases say: “We will operate urgently.”

A cyst can cause miscarriage or premature birth, so treatment should be carried out promptly. Before prescribing the drug, the gynecologist will refer the woman for a hormonal analysis. If progesterone levels are below normal, the patient will be prescribed Utrozhestan or Duphaston. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to take preventive measures - balance the diet, protect yourself from stress, engage in protected sex, and treat inflammation of internal organs in a timely manner.

The ovaries are a paired organ of the female body, their main task is to prepare for fertilization. Every month, a follicle is formed inside the ovary, from which an egg should be released in the middle of the cycle. Then ovulation occurs, and under favorable conditions, subsequent conception. To support an early pregnancy, the corpus luteum develops until the placenta forms. Sometimes this physiological process is complicated by a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy.

This is a benign cystic formation in the ovary, the symptoms of which are often observed in women, but just as often go away on their own without any intervention. A complication of the cyst may be damage to the ovarian tissue and the development of an acute inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, which requires surgery and sometimes removal of the organ.

The corpus luteum is a formation whose task is to maintain normal levels of progesterone and estrogen - sex hormones. The formation of the corpus luteum occurs in the second half of the cycle, at which time it begins to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.

If fertilization has occurred, then with the help of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the corpus luteum maintains the optimal amount of progesterone in the blood so that new follicles do not develop and ovulation does not occur again.

Thanks to progesterone, the uterine mucosa acquires a loose structure, this is important so that the fertilized egg can gain a foothold in it and continue its development. In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development and, by the time of menstruation, it turns into a microscopic whitish area of ​​​​tissue on the ovary.

What is a corpus luteum cyst and why does it form during pregnancy?

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is a benign formation that cannot undergo degeneration of its tissue into a malignant tumor. The cyst has thick walls and is filled with yellow liquid from the inside.

During pregnancy, a cystic corpus luteum forms on the ovary, the place where the follicle burst. Such a cyst develops in the expectant mother due to impaired blood circulation and lymph circulation in the corpus luteum. But it is quite difficult to determine what causes this during pregnancy.

The female body can be simultaneously influenced by many negative factors, which result in the formation of a corpus luteum cyst. Let's list them:

  • hormonal disorders, including those that occurred while taking COCs and emergency contraception;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • surgical interventions on the pelvic organs, for example, medical abortion, diagnostic curettage, etc.;
  • drug stimulation of ovulation during infertility treatment;
  • sexual infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the intimate area;
  • fasting and strict diets;
  • hard physical work;
  • chronic stress;
  • harmful working conditions.

Scientists also claim that the development of corpus luteum cysts is associated with low levels of fertility. Nowadays, many women give birth to only one child, or at most two. As a result, the ovaries of our contemporaries work continuously, and the number of menstruation increases accordingly. This explains various pathologies of the genital organs.


In most cases, corpus luteum cysts are asymptomatic, even during pregnancy. But some women may notice the following signs indicating its presence:

  • pain during sexual intercourse and during physical activity;
  • a feeling of heaviness on the side of the body where the formation is located;
  • scanty spotting, less bleeding.


Diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is carried out by collecting anamnesis, analyzing the results of a gynecological examination, ultrasound, and sometimes laparoscopy. With a vaginal examination, your doctor may find an elastic mass on the side or behind the uterus. During palpation it will have limited sensitivity and mobility.

An ultrasound examination diagnoses a corpus luteum cyst in the form of an anechoic, homogeneous, round-shaped neoplasm measuring from 4 to 8 cm. There may be a fine suspension inside the cyst. Color Doppler ultrasound (CDC) will help distinguish a corpus luteum cyst from true ovarian tumors. When identifying any cysts and tumors in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to conduct a study for CA-125 tumor markers.

Sometimes a corpus luteum cyst is difficult to distinguish from other neoplasms (hydatidiform mole, cystoma, chorionepithelioma) and ectopic pregnancy, therefore, if there is pain and other alarming symptoms, the doctor may prescribe an urgent laparoscopy to the patient.

How dangerous is a corpus luteum cyst for pregnancy?

If the tumor reaches a large size, it is possible that the following complications will occur during pregnancy:

  • rupture of the cyst membranes with the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • necrosis as a result of torsion of the cyst stalk;
  • internal hemorrhage into the ovary.

All these conditions cause severe pain, dizziness, weakness and nausea in the expectant mother. Urgent surgery is necessary to prevent the development of unwanted complications, such as inflammation in the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, sepsis and possible death.

Treatment methods

If a cyst is detected during pregnancy, many doctors choose expectant observation for 3 months. Usually the cyst does not threaten either the unborn child or the woman herself. In other words, it does not have a pathological effect on the gestation process.

At the same time, many women themselves are confident that a corpus luteum cyst is a sign of pregnancy and there is nothing dangerous about it. But this is not true, although it is often diagnosed in expectant mothers, but the formation is not a physiological sign of pregnancy.

Answer to the question: is pregnancy possible with a corpus luteum cyst? - positive. But in order to prevent complications during pregnancy, the formation must be monitored, monitoring its development and growth using ultrasound. If the cyst continues to grow actively, there will likely be a need for surgery to prevent future abnormalities.

As a rule, surgery can be avoided, since in most women the cysts resolve on their own in the second trimester of pregnancy. Most often this occurs between the 14th and 20th week.

The process of resorption is influenced by the maturation and active functioning of the placenta, which completely removes the task of maintaining pregnancy from the corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone itself. A cyst of the corpus luteum of the left ovary during pregnancy (or the right), in most cases disappears on its own by the time the placenta is fully formed.

If there is no involution of the cyst, surgical intervention is necessary. It is also used in case of rupture or twisting of the stem of the formation.

Laparoscopy is the most gentle surgical approach used during pregnancy. During this procedure, the corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary during pregnancy (or the left) is removed using three punctures in the woman’s abdominal wall, not exceeding 1.5 cm in diameter.

The patient receives general anesthesia, but the trauma of this intervention is minimal and after a few days the woman can leave the hospital. After removal of a corpus luteum cyst, expectant mothers usually undergo additional treatment, the purpose of which is to maintain pregnancy.


The formation of a functional ovarian cyst can be prevented through timely and adequate treatment of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. It is also important to maintain hormonal levels in optimal condition, adjusting them if necessary.

A corpus luteum cyst can occur during pregnancy. This pathology indicates a dysfunction of the luteal gland. A woman should be regularly observed by a gynecologist, sometimes treatment is necessary.

Description of the pathology

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland. It is formed in the second phase of the cycle. After ovulation, i.e. release of the egg for fertilization, the tissue remaining from the rupture of the follicle degenerates into a luteal formation. The formed corpus luteum actively produces progesterone, which is necessary for successful conception and attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. When pregnancy occurs, the gland slightly increases in size to enhance endocrine function. Over time, the placenta takes over this role. At 14-18 weeks the iron disappears.

In the absence of conception, the corpus luteum undergoes regression and leaves the body with menstrual blood.

In the presence of hormonal imbalance or other factors, the corpus luteum actively grows, degenerating into a cyst. Such a formation rarely exceeds 4-7 cm and can appear in both the left and right ovaries. Main reasons for development:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sudden weight loss or gain;
  • history of abortions and miscarriages;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs before pregnancy;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • impaired blood supply in the pelvis;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries;
  • infectious lesion of the genital tract.

A corpus luteum cyst of the right or left ovary forms during pregnancy or during conception. It is considered a benign pathology. Its presence is not an indication for caesarean section and does not affect the course of delivery.

The localization of the neoplasm depends on which appendage the ovulation took place in. In rare cases, bilateral ovarian damage is possible.


If the diameter of the formation is about 3-4 centimeters, there may be no unpleasant symptoms. Signs of pathology appear at larger sizes:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right side;
  • radiating pain in the lower back or sacrum;
  • frequent urination;
  • constipation

Intestinal dysfunction and frequent urge to empty the bladder are present in almost all pregnant women, so it is impossible to determine the presence of pathology based on these signs alone. Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a sprain of the uterine ligaments. Therefore, to identify pathology, it is necessary to do an ultrasound. Such diagnostics are allowed at all stages of gestation.

Possible consequences and complications

In most cases, pregnancy with a luteal cyst proceeds normally. Education has no effect on the development of the child and the condition of the mother. The only dangerous complications are those that are possible when it is large in size and exposed to certain external factors.

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Spontaneous miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy before 15 weeks with a corpus luteum cyst is probably due to a lack of progesterone. The lack of this hormone entails an increase in uterine tone, a delay in the development of the embryo, which can result in a miscarriage. Its low level is determined by the following criteria:

  • absence of toxicosis or its abrupt cessation - an increase in progesterone causes nausea and drowsiness, when its level decreases, the symptoms disappear; this sign is not considered an exact symptom of a corpus luteum cyst;
  • periodic, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by “petrification” of the uterus - a sign of the tone of this organ; its prolonged presence leads to detachment of the ovum and subsequent spontaneous abortion.

Taking a blood test for progesterone can show its possible deficiency. This symptom may indicate both a decrease in the functions of the luteal gland and its degeneration into a cyst.

It is possible to accurately identify a lack of progesterone against the background of the presence of a neoplasm on the ovary only by ultrasound results.


Rupture of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is possible if it is large in size. With a small diameter, the risk of apoplexy is much lower due to the presence of thick walls. As the pathology grows, the capsule becomes thinner. The following factors can contribute to rupture:

  • active sexual intercourse;
  • physical activity, including fitness, yoga;
  • sudden change in body position;
  • injury to the pelvic area;
  • constipation

Apoplexy is accompanied by acute pain in the left or right lower abdomen, chills, increased heart rate, and cold sweat. There may be blood discharge from the vagina. If these symptoms occur, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately. This complication is dangerous due to the occurrence of peritonitis. Surgery may be required.

The main danger to the capsule is the constantly growing uterus. Formations larger than 6 cm in diameter are most susceptible to rupture during pregnancy. Women with this pathology should be careful and avoid all factors that could provoke complications.

Torsion of the cyst pedicle

A luteal cyst is sometimes attached to the ovary by a stalk. When the latter is twisted, the woman feels aching pain in the appendage area. When it rotates completely around its axis, acute pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting occurs, and body temperature rises. This condition requires medical attention. Otherwise, there is a high risk of ovarian rupture or damage.

In case of severe complications, artificial termination of pregnancy is possible to preserve the health and life of the patient.

Infectious lesion

Penetration of infections into the cyst is rare. This is likely in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. A woman with this pathology complains of increased body temperature and pain in the ovary area. If the formation is purulent, there is a risk of infection of the fetus, which negatively affects its development.

Read also The purpose of the corpus luteum in the left ovary during pregnancy

Differentiating a corpus luteum cyst from pregnancy

It is difficult to distinguish the disease from pregnancy due to the same symptoms of these conditions. They appear as follows:

  • delayed menstruation - when pregnancy occurs, the cycle is suspended; if a cyst forms, menstruation may be absent for 30-60 days;
  • signs of an increase in progesterone - nausea, drowsiness, sudden mood swings, heightened sense of smell, sensitivity and soreness of the mammary glands.

Diagnosis of a woman consists of several types of examination:

Diagnostic procedures are allowed during gestation and do not harm the fetus.

There is a possibility of detecting both a fertilized egg and a luteal cyst at the same time. In this case, the woman needs to undergo additional tests to determine hormone levels in order to prescribe maintenance therapy.

Pregnancy with corpus luteum cyst

Pathology can occur both simultaneously with conception and after 16-20 weeks of gestation in the absence of regression of the corpus luteum. In any case, such a patient requires additional examination and more careful monitoring. Treatment may not be prescribed in the following cases:

  • slow growth of education or lack of its increase;
  • good health of the pregnant woman;
  • cyst diameter no more than 5 cm;
  • normal hormonal levels.

A woman needs to carefully monitor her condition and avoid situations that could lead to a rupture of the pathology. To prevent its growth, visiting baths, saunas, and taking hot baths is prohibited. Pain from a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy can be relieved by taking antispasmodic drugs or products containing magnesium.

Indications for surgery:

  • active cyst growth;
  • diameter more than 8 cm;
  • the risk of infection or malignancy;
  • likelihood of leg torsion or apoplexy.

In the absence of acute conditions, the intervention is performed after the first trimester using laparoscopy. After surgery, therapy is prescribed to support the viability and development of the fetus.

During a cesarean section, a woman in labor may ask to have the cyst removed to avoid subsequent surgery.

Treatment methods

In most cases, no treatment is required for the cyst. A woman should regularly undergo ultrasound diagnostics and donate blood to check progesterone levels to monitor her condition. Some medications may be prescribed:

  1. Progesterone-containing. Duphaston, Utrozhestan. Necessary for low levels of this hormone, they support the course of pregnancy.
  2. Magnesium preparations. Relieves spasms, uterine tone, reduces pain.
  3. Vitamin E. Building material for the production of progesterone.
  4. Antispasmodics. Necessary for pain in the ovarian area.

Progesterone-based products are taken up to a maximum of 32-34 weeks of pregnancy.

All drugs are allowed to be used after consultation with a doctor. Before this, you should be examined for hormonal levels and have a pelvic ultrasound done.

During pregnancy, a yellow cyst forms instead of the corpus luteum that develops in the ovary after ovulation.

The functional responsibilities of the corpus luteum are the production of progesterone, which creates conditions in the female body for the onset and normal course of pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the activity of the corpus luteum weakens, and it should gradually regress and disappear at the end of the monthly cycle.

If conception is successful, the corpus luteum continues to synthesize the hormone for another 12 weeks, after which the placenta will take over this function. However, this does not always happen: according to statistics, in 5% of patients the corpus luteum does not respond to involution and continues to exist in the form of a cyst.

ICD-10 code

D27 Benign neoplasm of the ovary

Causes of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

The development of the corpus luteum occurs in four stages:

  • at the first stage, the cells of the follicle that burst (immediately after ovulation) multiply;
  • at the second stage, the cells grow into the vascular tissue;
  • at the third stage, hormonal blossoming occurs, the corpus luteum increases to two centimeters, and it begins to produce the necessary hormones;
  • at the fourth stage, the formation reverses, the cells regress and are completely replaced by connective tissue.

The corpus luteum should exist for about 14 days, and if conception is successful, its function, in addition to the synthesis of hormones, is also the regulation of contractions of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Cystic formation of the corpus luteum can develop both in the postovulatory period and during pregnancy. The reason for this may be a disorder of blood flow and lymphatic drainage of tissues in the appendage area.

The formation of a cyst can be facilitated by the use of certain medications (in particular, hormonal drugs, contraceptives), excessive physical and stressful overload, unhealthy diet (long-term sitting on limited diets, lack of food), inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs (in particular, genital infections), affecting the appendages. Endocrine disorders can also be added to the listed factors: malfunctions of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

Another version of the reasons for the formation of cysts is a congenital factor, when a woman has a tendency to form cysts from birth. The trigger in this case may be a hormonal surge during pregnancy or inflammatory reactions in the appendages.

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Symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Cystic neoplasm of the corpus luteum often occurs without any obvious symptoms. Only in some cases, large cysts can put pressure on nearby organs and tissues, contributing to the appearance of abdominal pain with possible irradiation to the lumbar region.

Cysts are often discovered randomly during routine ultrasound. Rare signs that a woman may notice in herself are the following:

  • uncomfortable feeling of pressure, heaviness in the lower abdomen, to the right or left of the umbilical zone;
  • the pain becomes more pronounced when walking or running at a fast pace, during sexual contact, sudden bends or turns of the body.

More pronounced symptoms usually appear with the development of complications of the disease.

  • Twisting or compression of the nerves and vessels that innervate and nourish the appendages. This situation can develop due to excessive physical activity with large cystic formations. The condition is accompanied by colic in the groin area, dyspeptic disorders, cold sweat, weakness and dizziness, and hypotension.
  • Rupture of the cystic formation. It is rare with a corpus luteum cyst, since the formation has a fairly thick capsule. The condition is accompanied by sharp pain in the areas of projection of the ovaries, fainting, nausea, and dizziness.
  • Internal hemorrhage. If the cyst is localized in the area of ​​the vessel, blood may leak into the ovarian cavity, as well as into the abdominal cavity (ovarian apoplexy). How you feel with this complication depends on the amount of blood lost. This may include drowsiness, inhibition of reactions, pallor and cyanosis of the skin, decreased blood pressure, and tachycardia.

Such conditions require urgent medical intervention and hospitalization.

Diagnosis of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Diagnosis of cystic formation, in addition to a careful questioning of the patient, includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist - determined by palpation of the lump in the adnexal zone of the uterus;
  • ultrasound - examination of the abdominal organs - allows you to see an echogenic neoplasm and clarify its size;
  • The laparoscopic diagnostic method is the most informative method and can be used simultaneously for both diagnosis and tumor removal;
  • hormonal studies – thanks to tests, it is possible to identify imbalances in a woman’s hormonal levels;
  • other laboratory tests aimed at finding an infection that provoked inflammatory processes in the appendages.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Treatment tactics for detecting a cystic formation of the corpus luteum during pregnancy may differ. Often the doctor simply observes the cyst for 3 months.

A yellow cyst does not pose a threat to either the baby or the patient, and most often does not affect the course of pregnancy itself. However, it must be monitored by monitoring its growth using ultrasound. If the cyst has a persistent tendency to increase, the doctor may decide to perform surgery to avoid complications in the future.

However, for the most part, such cysts self-destruct by the 20th week of gestation, when the production of progesterone completely occupies the placental membrane. Even in situations where pregnancy occurred against the background of an already existing yellow cyst, the formation should stop on its own by the time the placenta is finally formed.

If involution of the cyst has not occurred, surgical treatment may be prescribed. This treatment is also used in situations with rupture and twisting of the cystic formation.

The laparoscopic method of surgical intervention is a gentle operation that can be performed even during pregnancy. Removal of the formation is carried out through three small punctures (approximately 1.5 cm) of the anterior abdominal wall. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The morbidity of the operation is so low that the patient can be discharged home the next day.

Pregnant women after cystectomy surgery usually take additional treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

Prevention of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Since the factors for the development of cystic formation of the corpus luteum during pregnancy have not yet been thoroughly studied, there are no specific methods for preventing the disease.

The general principles of preventive measures can be aimed at reducing physical activity, generally strengthening the body, maintaining immunity, and stable hormonal levels.

  • During pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid physical activity, especially the body and the anterior abdominal wall;
  • exclude physical procedures, thermal effects on the abdominal area, mud and other wraps;
  • exclude active exposure to the sun, visiting the bathhouse, solarium;
  • eat right, avoid mono-diets, eat enough vegetables and greens, drink clean water;
  • avoid stress, psycho-emotional tension, take care of the nervous system, walk more in the fresh air, do not overwork.

If you feel unusual discomfort in the ovarian area, be sure to tell your supervising doctor about it and visit the ultrasound room to remove all suspicions.

The prognosis for corpus luteum cysts during pregnancy is very favorable. Regular visits to the gynecologist are a guarantee that the yellow cyst will not progress during pregnancy, but will reverse development, as it should be in a healthy female body.


Sometimes during pregnancy, fluid begins to accumulate in a woman's ovary - in this case, they say that a corpus luteum has formed in the ovary during pregnancy. This hormonal temporary organ is often formed even before the onset of pregnancy, when during ovulation a mature egg begins to emerge from the opened follicle.

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

Retention functional benign formation or cysticity of the corpus luteum received its name because of the lipochrome pigment that can form in its cells and give them a yellow color. The disease may look harmless and be practically asymptomatic; it is rarely accompanied by menstrual irregularities and slight abdominal pain. The stage of maturation of the corpus luteum is called the luteal phase. The normal size of a temporary organ varies from 20 to 30 mm. An excess indicates the presence of a disease.

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy is rare, but it can occur in both mature women and young girls. The main biological function of the corpus luteum is considered to be the production of progesterone, which promotes prolongation of gestation and is responsible for the formation of the reproductive centers of the fetus. As a rule, the cystic body does not pose a serious danger to the woman and directly to the child, but only when there is no rupture.

Reasons for the occurrence of education

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy occurs when the follicles stop growing after ovulation and are filled with serous fluid. As a rule, a luteal cyst can affect only one of the ovaries (right or left). More often it can be found in multiple pregnancies. Experts have not yet been able to determine the exact causes of the formation process. Although many of them confidently point to a number of main factors. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy can occur due to:

  • presence of hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the flow of lymph and blood;
  • severe stress, which provokes an excess of catecholamines;
  • drugs intended to stimulate the ovaries;
  • abortion;
  • emergency contraception;
  • poor nutrition (using an extreme diet during pregnancy dramatically weakens the female body);
  • hazardous production conditions;
  • some infectious diseases.

How does a corpus luteum cyst manifest during pregnancy - symptoms

Against the background of a regular influx of arterial blood, the formation can increase in size. If you do not start treating the cyst in a timely manner, then if present for a long time, it can cause peritonitis. Although very often the corpus luteum cyst is generally able to exist asymptomatically. If a rupture or torsion of the formation suddenly occurs, then pronounced symptoms appear:

  • Intense nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • the nature of the discharge changes;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • when there is a rupture in the resulting cavity, bleeding begins;
  • Nausea, stool retention, and vomiting may occur;
  • unpleasant uterine contractions;
  • rapid pulse;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pallor of the skin.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose pathology in a pregnant woman, they resort to a gynecological examination of the right or left ovary. Using this method, you can find compactions that have formed in the appendage area. A cyst during early pregnancy can be detected during examination using a vaginal sensor. This test does not require special preparation; you just need to empty your bladder as much as possible. In addition, diagnosis of cystic formations may include:

  • Abdominal examination (ultrasound). Allows you to see a volumetric echogenic neoplasm and find out its size. As a rule, the corpus luteum may not be visualized on ultrasound during pregnancy due to its small size, then appropriate treatment will be required.
  • Laparoscopic functional method. The most informative method can be used to diagnose the disease, and in case of positive results, to remove the tumor.
  • Special test. With its help, human chorionic gonadotropin is detected.
  • Hormonal studies. Testing may reveal hormonal imbalance.
  • Laboratory research. Aimed at finding the infection that provoked the inflammatory process.

Is a cyst dangerous for mother and baby?

Cystic formation is observed during pregnancy only in the first trimester and often resolves on its own by the fourth month. Such education poses no threat to the health of the pregnant woman or the fetus. Although during sexual intercourse or heavy physical activity the cyst may burst, then this will lead to bleeding and deterioration of the patient’s condition. Ovarian disease can also cause premature birth or miscarriage. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of education.

Cysts growing on a stalk are considered especially dangerous, since there is a real risk of torsion, which will further lead to disruption of the blood supply and tissue death, in which case urgent surgical intervention will be required. In other cases, if a pregnant woman has a cyst, the gynecologist’s tactics in relation to it will be purely observational. The doctor should only note the dynamics of changes in cyst size. Specialists begin to take active measures when the tumor shows a negative trend.

What to do if an ovarian cyst is detected during pregnancy

If we take into account the location of the cyst, the cyst develops equally in both the left and right ovaries, while being characterized by the same symptoms. If insufficient size of the corpus luteum is detected in a timely manner, then therapeutic therapy is carried out using progesterone analogue drugs - Duphaston and Utrozhestan, which artificially increase the level of hormones. They will support the normal development of the fetus until the placenta begins to independently produce the required number of hormones.

When treating cysts, contraindications include any exertion and sex. After a few months, under the supervision of a gynecologist, a decision is made based on the diagnostic results. Based on the data obtained in the laboratory, changes associated with the cyst are determined. If it has resolved, then the treatment is interrupted; if not, then the issue of surgery is considered in a specialized clinic.


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