Mochaccino coffee: features and methods of preparation. Recipes for making mochaccino coffee at home What does mochaccino consist of?

Mochaccino coffee is a coffee-based dessert drink with the addition of milk and hot chocolate. How to prepare mochaccino, is it possible to get the drink at home, how to serve it and what to drink it with?

Mochaccino - what is it?

Mochaccino coffee, prepared in different countries and even different coffee shops, can vary significantly in taste, appearance, volume, and even the set of ingredients. The reason is the wide variety of recipes in America and Europe.

  • The birthplace of the recipe is the USA. Many cafe visitors did not really like the strong and tart espresso, and then the bartenders began adding whipped cream and chocolate to the coffee. At first, crumbs were simply sprinkled on top of whipped cream, then they came up with the idea of ​​adding chocolate syrup to the drink.
  • The Americans called their work Mochaccino or, for short, mocha. This is how the drink is called in many menus of bars and coffee shops.
  • In Europe, the recipe was slightly changed and given its own nickname - "chocolate latte". Europeans avoid the shortened name mocha so as not to create confusion. Mocha has been the name given to a type of Yemeni coffee since the Middle Ages.
  • The composition of the European mochaccino includes a large amount of milk, and chocolate syrup can be replaced with hot chocolate or cocoa. Whipped cream is sometimes used to decorate the drink.

In our country, we gravitate more toward the European coffee school, which is why mochaccinos are prepared according to European recipes.

Mochaccino coffee has all the characteristics of a dessert drink.

  1. Classic proportions - ¼ coffee, ¼ hot chocolate (chocolate sauce or syrup), ½ milk, whipped cream for decoration.
  2. The requirements for coffee quality are not too strict. Both espresso and strong coffee brewed in a cezve or brewed in a French press are suitable for preparation.
  3. The defining flavor in mochaccino is chocolate and cream. To enhance the chocolate accent, mochaccino coffee is sometimes brewed with cocoa.

Mochaccino coffee - recipes

There are many recipes for mochaccino, so you can choose one that suits your taste. Here are some basic options.

Classic mochaccino

You will need

  • A serving of espresso coffee or strong coffee brewed in a cezve – 50 ml.
  • Milk, slightly warmed – 100 ml.
  • Chocolate syrup – 50 ml.
  • Whipped cream for decoration - 2 tablespoons.
  • Chocolate topping for cream.

How to cook?

  1. We brew espresso coffee in a coffee machine or in a cezve.
  2. If necessary, add sugar to the cup of coffee and stir.
  3. Pour chocolate into a glass or glass.
  4. Then pour in the milk.
  5. Lastly, carefully pour in the coffee, using a knife.
  6. Decorate with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Mochaccino with cocoa

What will you need?

  • Cocoa – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Espresso coffee – 50 ml.
  • Whipped cream - 2 tablespoons.
  • A mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar for decoration.

How to cook?

  1. Cook cocoa from a mixture of milk and cream with a total volume of 100 ml and 1 level teaspoon of cocoa. Cocoa powder should be taken with a fat content of at least 14-15%, then the drink will have a pronounced chocolate taste.
  2. Add sugar, it can be replaced with powdered sugar, it will make the drink thicker.
  3. Making coffee.
  4. Whip the cream.
  5. Mix cocoa powder and powdered sugar in equal proportions.
  6. Pour cocoa into a cup, then coffee.
  7. Place whipped cream on top and sprinkle with a mixture of cocoa and powder.

Refreshing recipe - mochaccino with ice

The mochaccino recipe is often creatively reworked. As a result of one such experiment, a wonderful cooling drink was obtained, which is in great demand in the summer and at all kinds of parties. It's called an iced mochaccino.

What will you need?

  • Warmed milk – 125 ml.
  • Ready coffee – 50 ml.
  • Chocolate syrup – 25 ml.
  • Ice in cubes.

How to cook?

  1. Whisk the heated milk.
  2. Brew coffee.
  3. Combine coffee with chocolate syrup and stir.
  4. Put ice in a glass, then pour in milk, carefully add the mixture of coffee and syrup along the blade of a knife.
  5. Serve with a straw.

Mochaccino at home

Can you make mochaccino at home? Yes, and the drink may turn out tastier than in a cafe, because the flavor of mochaccino depends on good syrup or hot chocolate. It can be prepared at home using the best ingredients.

As for coffee, the classic mochaccino recipe calls for espresso, but it can be replaced with a drink prepared in a cezve or French press.

At home there is room for experimentation. For example, you can add ice cream to a mochaccino instead of ice, or brew coffee using a mixture of milk and water, or replace milk with cream in the main recipe.

How to serve mochaccino?

Typically, Irish glasses or other tall glasses made of clear glass are used for serving. Ordinary glass cups with a volume of approximately 250-300 ml will also work.

Calorie content of mochaccino

The recipe has high nutritional value. One serving of the drink, prepared according to the classic recipe, contains from 240 to 290 kcal, depending on the fat content of the milk and the amount of whipped cream.

By refusing to decorate with cream and choosing milk with 1% fat content, you can reduce the calorie content to 180-190 kcal per serving.

All additional decorations - cocoa, chocolate, ice cream, powdered sugar - only increase the nutritional value of mochaccino.

How much caffeine is in mochaccino?

Mochaccino contains a shot of espresso containing 40-60 mg of caffeine, but the effect of caffeine is slowed down and weakened by the high milk content. There is, of course, a dose of caffeine in the drink, but the effect of a mochaccino is approximately the same as a latte - a weak caffeine charge and a lot of carbohydrates. They promote a surge of energy and a feeling of fullness.

How much does a mochaccino cost?

Depending on the region and class of coffee shop, a cup of mochaccino costs from 120 to 300 rubles.

Owners of capsule coffee machines can buy mochaccino in capsules and prepare it without bothering with a recipe. A serving of this drink will cost 30-40 rubles.

Making mochaccino at home according to the classic recipe will cost approximately 35-40 rubles if you prepare it with expensive chocolate sauce.

Homemade hot chocolate will reduce the price tag to 22-30 rubles.

Mochaccino: our conclusion

  • A dessert drink with a pronounced chocolate and creamy taste.
  • The caffeine content is low.
  • High calorie content.
  • Good for a holiday menu or get-togethers with friends.
  • Gives room for creativity, as there are many variations of recipes.

Have you already tried mochaccino coffee?

Each coffee drink and coffee has its own individual taste. The Mochaccino coffee recipe is a delicate coffee drink with a distinct chocolate taste. As you may have guessed, the drink gets its chocolate taste from the chocolate it contains. Although many call this drink coffee, in essence it is not. Even though coffee is included, it is still considered a coffee drink. Very often this coffee is confused with mocha coffee.

The Mochaccino coffee drink is a mixture consisting of heated milk, cocoa and chocolate, and most importantly Americano (American espresso). Excluding cocoa or coffee from a drink indicates the individual taste and personal preference of the barista. Let's look at how to prepare the drink according to your classic recipe.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 430 kcal per serving.


  • Espresso coffee – 30% of volume
  • Hot chocolate – 20% of contents;
  • Milk – 50% of volume;


  1. First of all, you need to pour hot liquid chocolate into a glass glass or cup, which will take up a little more than 1/5 of the total volume of the finished drink.
  2. Then pour hot milk, which will fill approximately half the space of the vessel.
  3. You can choose additional ingredients according to your taste and preferences.
  4. The main ingredient is sugar; coffee lovers traditionally add 2 tablespoons of sugar to mochaccino.
  5. The last thing to pour into the glass is American espresso coffee, which will take up the rest of the glass.
  6. Coffee should be served while it is still warm and has not yet cooled down. Now you can enjoy your drink!

Mochaccino (sometimes spelled mocaccino) is a popular, world-famous coffee drink originally from the United States. It is a type of latte coffee with added chocolate.

In America it is often called mocha () or chocolate latte. A slight confusion in the names of this drink also manifests itself in the method of its preparation. Let's say, in America, mocaccino is a shot of espresso coffee, plus steamed cream, plus hot chocolate. And in Europe and the Middle East, it is latte coffee, to which chocolate or cocoa is added.

Mochaccino at home

The basis of any type of mochaccino is hot milk, chocolate, which can be added to the drink in the form of chocolate syrup, or in the form of cocoa powder, or in melted form. Chocolate can be of any type - black, milk, white, porous or with additional ingredients in the form of nuts and fillings. The type of chocolate changes the final taste of the drink.

Mocaccino is traditional American.

A shot of espresso coffee is prepared, which is decorated with whipped cream and chocolate chips or drizzles of chocolate sauce.

Mochachino Turkish.

It is more difficult to prepare than the American one. You need to mix two tablespoons of ground coffee (dark or medium roast) and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder in a Turk. Sugar or vanilla are added to taste, but you should try to do without them altogether. Sometimes at this point in Turkey, coffee makers add ground cinnamon (a pinch or two). 50 ml of boiling water is added to the mixture of coffee and cocoa powder, then everything needs to be stirred well, heating over a fire. After some time, a glass of milk (hot) or 50 ml of cream is added. The fire should be reduced to a minimum. As soon as the head of coffee begins to rise in the Turk, you need to turn off the heat. Turkish mochaccino coffee is ready! It needs to be poured into miniature cups.

Mocaccino European style.

Pour melted chocolate or chocolate sauce into a tall transparent glass (about ¼ of the volume). Warmed milk (50 ml) is poured on top in a stream. Pour a shot of espresso (30 ml) on top of these layers. The finished mochaccino is decorated with chocolate chips and whipped cream.

A cold coffee drink prepared according to the mocaccino recipe, but with the addition of ice, is very refreshing in the summer heat. The amount of chocolate in this drink is reduced by half.

Mochaccino or mocha coffee is made from 3 main ingredients: espresso, milk and liquid chocolate. The remaining ingredients and “decorations” are derogations and can be used as desired.

In fact, mochaccino is both a drink and a dessert in one glass. The presence of chocolate in this cocktail will “awaken” the hormones of happiness - endorphins and give incomparable chocolate-cream pleasure! Read how coffee affects the body, its benefits and harms.

How to spell mochaccino or mocaccino correctly

Lovers of coffee with chocolate will certainly appreciate this drink. The word “mocaccino” is of Italian origin, so the name of coffee of the same name has been preserved and is still used in Europe. The birthplace of the drink is America, and they sound like mocha. Do you know which country is the birthplace of coffee? If not, read on.

As for the correct spelling of the word “mokachino” (with one or two “h”), this is a controversial question, because even Wikipedia does not give a definite answer. But, nevertheless, the essence of preparing mochaccino and its composition, regardless of the continent and language translation, always remains the same.

Classic mochaccino recipe

Popularly, mochaccino is also called chocolate latte. Ingredients you will need:

  • espresso coffee;
  • warm milk;
  • chocolate.

Cooking method:

1.First of all, pour melted chocolate into a wine glass: dark or milk, according to your preference.

3. The last step is espresso. Whether you brew it in a coffee machine or in a Turkish oven over a fire does not matter.

You can add zest and spontaneity to the taste with whipped cream or fruit marshmallow; sprinkle with cinnamon or chocolate. Mochaccino is usually served in transparent tall glasses - Irish.

Mochaccino in Turkish

Often in coffee shops you can find a recipe where cocoa is used instead of hot chocolate. This drink is called. It is boiled in a pot, and all the ingredients, unlike the classic recipe, are not poured into balls, but mixed. You can easily prepare this drink at home. You'll need:

  • ground natural coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • liquid cream;
  • sugar.

Cooking steps:

1.Mix two teaspoons of coffee with three teaspoons of cocoa in a Turk, add sugar (optional) and 50 ml of hot water.

2. Without bringing to a boil, pour 200 ml of milk and 50 ml of liquid cream of any fat content into the Turk.

2. Simmer the contents over low heat until foam appears and the drink begins to rise.

Turn off and let the coffee brew for a few minutes. It is not important to use an Irish glass in this case - you can pour it into ordinary ceramic cups.

Making mochaccino at home is easy and simple - in a matter of minutes you will get an aesthetically beautiful and unique-tasting coffee and chocolate drink. Enjoy your coffee!

Classic mocha coffee recipe

Required components:

  1. natural ground coffee, sugar;
  2. 100 ml full fat whole milk;
  3. 50 ml hot chocolate or chocolate syrup;
  4. whipped heavy cream.

How to make mocha coffee

Brew in a volume of 50 ml, prepare the chocolate, whip the cream in a blender, heat the milk. First pour chocolate into a tall glass with thick walls, then milk and finish with a layer of espresso. Decorate the surface with a cap of cream. If you want beauty, you can sprinkle the cream with chocolate chips or cinnamon.

To make the drink “striped”, you need to use thick chocolate or syrup. It doesn’t matter if the coffee turns out homogeneous – it won’t affect the taste.

Mochaccino with ice

This mocha can be enjoyed on hot days while sipping a creamy, cool cocktail through a straw.

Ingredients for iced mochaccino:

  1. natural ground coffee;
  2. 100 ml of fatty milk, whole or condensed;
  3. ice cubes;
  4. 50 ml chocolate syrup.

Making mochaccino with ice

Brew 100 ml espresso, mix it with chocolate syrup. In a pitcher, beat milk or condensed milk into foam and prepare ice. Fill a tall coffee glass with ice, pour out the milk foam and, carefully pouring down the side of the glass, add the mixture of syrup and coffee.

Remove the ice from the recipe and get a delicious endorphin-filled dessert drink for long winter evenings.

Mochaccino recipe with chocolate chips

Required components:

  1. 50 ml milk;
  2. 50 ml hot chocolate;
  3. 50 g whipped cream, chocolate chips.

How to make mochaccino with chocolate

Prepare espresso or black coffee in a Turk or coffee machine. Boil the chocolate in a pitcher and pour it into an Irish glass. Heat the milk and carefully pour it over the chocolate layer using a bar spoon. Finish the layering with espresso by pouring it on a spoon or down the side of the glass onto the milk layer. The last, most enjoyable stage: place cream on top of the coffee layer and sprinkle it with chocolate chips.

Mochaccino with cinnamon stick and nutmeg

Despite the somewhat ornate recipe, making this mochaccino at home is quite feasible. Just be patient and diligent.


  1. 8 g natural finely ground coffee;
  2. 100 ml milk;
  3. 0.5 spoons of vanillin, sugar;
  4. 1 cinnamon stick;
  5. 50 g whipped cream;
  6. 20 g dark dark chocolate, ground nutmeg.

Instructions for making mochaccino with spices:

  • Heat milk in a small bowl on the stove, dilute vanillin in it and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat, take the chocolate pieces, put them in boiling milk and melt, stirring the liquid with a spoon.
  • Brew coffee like espresso in a Turk, coffee maker or coffee machine.
  • Strain the finished coffee and mix in a separate bowl with 2 parts milk, add a little sugar.
  • Pour the milk-chocolate mixture into a bowl with coffee and milk and whisk thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass goblet, add a cinnamon stick, decorate the top with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.

White chocolate mochaccino

Required components:

  1. 8 g natural finely ground coffee,
  2. 100 ml whole milk;
  3. a spoon of refined sugar;
  4. 0.5 spoons of cocoa powder;
  5. 40 g white chocolate chips.

To prepare the white chocolate mocha:

  • Place the pre-chopped chocolate in a small saucepan and pour in the milk.
  • Place the bowl on the fire, melt the chocolate and remove from the heat when a cloud of foam forms on the surface.
  • Brew 1 cup of coffee as espresso, Turkish or just strong black coffee in a Turk, coffee pot or coffee machine.
  • Pour the finished coffee into 2 cups.
  • Add the milk-chocolate mixture to the coffee cups.
  • There will be a cloud of foam on the surface of the drink that needs to be decorated. To do this, grind cocoa powder with sugar and sprinkle it on the foam.

Iced coffee mochaccino

Required ingredients:

  1. 10 g ground coffee;
  2. a glass of low-fat milk;
  3. 20 g natural honey;
  4. 40 g cocoa powder;
  5. a pinch of vanilla powder;
  6. 50 ml chocolate syrup.

Mochaccino coffee preparation:

  • Prepare double espresso, cool, pour into ice cube trays and freeze for 5-8 hours.
  • Pour the finished ice coffee into a blender, pour in milk, syrup, add honey, a pinch of vanilla and grind into a homogeneous mass.
  • Divide the resulting shake into 2 glasses. Using a spoon, sprinkle the surface with cocoa powder.

This version of mocha ice will brighten up a hot day or a hot party with friends.


If you love coffee but find espresso too bitter. You don’t know how you can diversify your usual cappuccino or latte - so that it’s both tasty and unusual. Or maybe you have a sweet tooth? If so, mochaccino coffee is the drink for you. In its classic version, in addition to the usual rich taste of Arabica and milk, you will feel the soft taste of chocolate or chocolate syrup. And chocolate, as you know, is a great mood lifter, promoting the production of the joy hormone. Brew it at home yourself and enjoy this healthy invigorating drink.

What is mochaccino and history of origin

Mochaccino coffee is a delicate creamy chocolate dessert drink with an exquisite taste and chocolate-coffee aroma. You can find out what it is only by trying the unusual layered cocktail. Some call it a “ladies' drink,” while others consider it a dessert for those with a sweet tooth, but real coffee connoisseurs know: the delicate taste of natural Arabica, mixed with notes of real chocolate and soft thick cream, is an amazing combination that will delight any gourmet.

There are two types of cocktail:

  • American mocha.
  • European mochaccino.

We owe the appearance of this drink to the Americans, or, more precisely, to the capricious clientele of American bars and coffee shops of the second half of the last century. Many visitors did not like the bitter taste of espresso, but they appreciated the invigorating and refreshing effect that appeared after each serving.

North Americans of the time were fast-moving, business-minded people who grasped the opportunity to easily increase their productivity and recharge their batteries during their lunch break. Therefore, they did everything possible to make their favorite drink more suitable for their tastes.

This is exactly the task that fell on the shoulders of American baristas - and they coped with it excellently. First, they began to add chocolate chips to espresso, using other sweeteners and milk and cream to soften the taste. And then they just started adding chocolate syrup to the coffee.

The public liked the taste of the drink so much that the recipe instantly spread throughout America. This happened so quickly that the names of the first baristas who decided to experiment did not remain in history.

Important! The traditional American name for the cocktail, Mocha, was named after the Yemeni Arabica variety, Mocha.

Like all new products, mochaccino coffee quickly crossed the ocean and became very popular in Europe. It should be noted that not only the recipe was changed, but also the name of the classic American cocktail. If in the original the residents of the States called it exclusively “Mocha” - in honor of the type of coffee from which it was prepared according to the classic recipe, then in Europe this name was never used so as not to create confusion with the coffee variety of the same name.

On a note! The name “Mokachino” was invented by the Italians; previously in Europe this drink was called nothing more than “Chocolate latte”.

Mochaccino came to Russia from Europe, since our country has been actively adopting the European coffee tradition over the past decades. Therefore, we immediately got used to the name “Mokachino” and the recipe, which in fact is not classic for this drink.

Traditional American Mocha

Making mochaccino coffee according to a traditional American recipe is not difficult. The original mocha is made from espresso, always from Mocha beans. For its preparation, only chocolate syrup is used, without replacing it with other analogues. In addition, the drink is decorated with whipped cream.

Important! The classic recipe used syrup, not chocolate or cocoa.

Classic European mochaccino

Mochaccino according to the European recipe is a more refined and varied drink, numbering several dozen interesting varieties. Europeans are generally more inclined to experiment, thereby introducing a pleasant inconsistency into the coffee tradition.

Ingredients for European mochaccino may vary. The standard set is as follows:

  • Strong coffee - not only Arabica, but also any other varieties.
  • Milk - in the European version, or “Chocolate Latte”, as it was called, there is almost twice as much as in the traditional American one. Europeans love softer coffee drinks.
  • Chocolate syrup, or melted chocolate, or even cocoa - there are no restrictions on this matter.
  • Whipped cream.
  • Decorations - cinnamon, grated chocolate or nuts, caramel.

On a note! It was from the Europeans that we adopted their love for various mochaccinos; today in Russian coffee shops you can try a dozen unusual varieties of this cocktail.

Cappuccino, mochaccino and latte: what's the difference?

Many people love coffee, but do not delve into the specifics of coffee-based cocktails at all, and do not see the difference between them. But it exists, and often plays an important role. So it is with mochaccino coffee - how does it differ from other popular cocktails.

It should be noted that this drink is closest in composition to cappuccino and latte:

  • Mochaccino coffee differs from cappuccino in that almost twice as much milk is added to it, as well as chocolate or chocolate syrup. It is also decorated with whipped cream, which is not usually done with cappuccino; in rare cases, its surface is covered only with bulk additives: cinnamon, nuts or chocolate chips. Otherwise, these drinks are similar.
  • As for latte, mochaccino differs from it much less than the same cappuccino from latte. It's all about the proportions in which milk is added to the base portion of coffee: there is much more of it in a latte than in a cappuccino. And in mochaccino - about the same. The difference between a latte and a mochaccino is the presence of chocolate. It’s not for nothing that at first it was called “Chocolate Latte”.

On a note! The traditional American Mocha is more similar to the cappuccino we are used to - it also contains less milk. But the European recipe clearly resembles a latte.

How to prepare hot chocolate for mochaccino?

There is nothing better than brewing a real mochaccino yourself! Especially if you use not chocolate syrup or cocoa for it, but real hot chocolate, brewed with your own hands. It will give the finished cocktail a deeper chocolate taste, rich in flavor shades and nuances, and the aroma of such a cocktail will acquire more varied notes.

Making hot chocolate is quite simple. For this you will need:

  • Milk - 100 milliliters (this is half a faceted glass).
  • Chocolate - 50 grams (this is about half a standard chocolate bar).
  • Cream - 50 milliliters.
  • Cinnamon - a couple of pinches for taste.

The milk is slightly heated to a boil and cinnamon is added to it, after which it is left to cool. Chocolate is melted: for this they use both a microwave oven and a water bath; we recommend the latter option. Melted chocolate is mixed with cream, and then poured into milk and also mixed thoroughly.

How to make mochaccino at home?

Making mochaccino at home is quite possible, and this is another undoubted advantage of this drink. Moreover, you can make it at home even without a coffee machine. How? Here are some simple recipes.

Classic mochaccino

Among the countless variations of this cocktail, its original version has not been lost and is popular, becoming the progenitor of all the others. It’s not difficult to brew mochaccino according to a traditional recipe at home; for this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Freshly brewed coffee - 100 milliliters.
  • Warm milk - 50 milliliters (that's about 5 tablespoons).
  • Hot chocolate - 50 milliliters.
  • Whipped cream.
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Sprinkles for decoration.

The sequence of preparation steps will be as follows:

  • Brew coffee in a coffee machine or regular cezve (Turk).
  • Warm the milk to room temperature.
  • Pour all the ingredients into the glass in layers.

The coffee is ready, you can drink it!

Important! Coffee brewed in a Turk must be strained.

An important feature of mochaccino is its beautiful layered structure. The order of layers is as follows:

  • Hot chocolate.
  • Milk.
  • Coffee.
  • Whipped cream.
  • Sprinkles and other decorations.

Important! To create a layered structure, pour the ingredients into the glass very slowly and carefully. If you pour in a thin stream, the liquid will definitely sink to the bottom, and you won’t get a beautiful effect. To create layers, use one trick: take a teaspoon, lean it against the side of the glass, and then pour the ingredients of the drink over it.

Mochaccino with cocoa

Mochaccino can be not only chocolate, but also with cocoa. This recipe is a credit to European baristas.

For this drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • Coffee - 50 milliliters.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 level teaspoon.
  • Milk - 80 milliliters.
  • Cream - 20 milliliters.
  • Whipped cream.
  • Sprinkles.
  • Sugar - to taste.

As for how to prepare mochaccino with cocoa, the procedure is as follows:

  • Boil cocoa powder with milk and cream.
  • Add sugar to taste.
  • Make some coffee.
  • Pour into a glass in layers.

The order of layers will be as follows:

  • Coffee.
  • Sprinkles.

On a note! The children's version, brewed without adding coffee and decorated with a cap of whipped cream, will be a wonderful treat at a children's party.

Recipe with ice

If it's summer heat outside, there's nothing better than an iced mochaccino. Ice mochaccino will energize you and help you cool down just as well as other cold cocktails. It's very easy to make it at home.

To brew the drink, take:

  • Coffee - 50 milliliters.
  • Milk - 100 milliliters (half a glass).
  • Hot chocolate or chocolate syrup - 50 milliliters.
  • Crushed ice - 2-3 cubes.
  • Decorations are optional.
  • Sugar - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  • Make some coffee.
  • Mix it with chocolate.
  • Add sugar.
  • Whisk the milk until foamy.
  • Crush the ice (you can do this with a rolling pin or a chop mallet, after wrapping the ice in a towel).
  • Place the ice in a chilled glass (just put it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes).
  • Pour the drink in layers.
  • Decorate and serve.

The layers in this recipe will look especially elegant:

  • Ice is placed at the bottom of the glass.
  • They pour milk into it and it sinks beautifully to the bottom.
  • Add a coffee-chocolate mixture on top.
  • Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkles.

With ice cream

Another refreshing drink option reminiscent of the popular iced coffee is mochaccino with ice cream. It will delight gourmets with its delicate creamy taste and will help cool you down in hot weather.

To make ice cream mochaccino at home, use:

  • Coffee - 100 milliliters (half a glass).
  • Ice cream - vanilla or strawberry - 50 grams.
  • Chocolate syrup - 3-4 spoons.
  • Whipped cream - 1 spoon.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Brew coffee, cool it to room temperature.
  • Chill the glass in the freezer.
  • Place ice cream on the bottom of the glass - it will look better if it is in the form of balls.
  • Drizzle chocolate syrup over ice cream.
  • Pour in cold coffee.
  • Garnish the drink with whipped cream and sprinkles.

On a note! This recipe, if you replace coffee with cocoa, is perfect for a children's party.

With cinnamon and nutmeg

Another interesting version of mochaccino, which will delight connoisseurs of unusual tastes with subtle spicy notes of spices, is mochaccino brewed with the addition of cinnamon and nutmeg.

To prepare it, take:

  • Coffee - 10 grams.
  • Milk - 100-150 milliliters.
  • Chocolate - 30 grams.
  • Whipped cream - 50 grams.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Grated nutmeg.

To prepare the drink, you need:

  • Separate half of the total volume of milk, add vanillin and bring it to a boil.
  • When the milk boils, add chocolate and cook over very low heat.
  • Coffee is brewed in a Turk - the volume of the resulting drink should be equal to a standard serving of espresso - 100 milliliters.
  • The brewed coffee is filtered, sugar is added, and the remaining half of the milk is poured into it.
  • Whisk both parts of the drink thoroughly.
  • Pour into a glass.
  • Insert a cinnamon stick and sprinkle with nutmeg.

White chocolate based

You will need:

  • Coffee (fine) - 10 grams.
  • White chocolate - 100 grams.
  • Cocoa powder - 20 grams.
  • Sugar to taste.

To prepare the drink according to this recipe:

  • Chop the chocolate, place it in a saucepan and pour cold milk over it.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat.
  • Brew coffee and pour it into a glass.
  • Carefully, so that the layers do not mix, pour the milk into the glass.
  • Decorate the top of the drink with cocoa powder.

From iced coffee

Another interesting cooling mochaccino recipe. To prepare it you will need:

  • Coffee - 10 grams.
  • Chocolate syrup - 50 milligrams.
  • Milk – 1 glass.
  • Honey - 20 grams.
  • Cocoa powder - 40 grams.
  • A pinch of vanillin.

Coffee is brewed (a serving of about 200 milligrams), poured into ice cube trays and frozen. Then place the resulting ice and the remaining ingredients into the blender bowl. Whisk thoroughly, pour into a glass and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

In Turkish

To brew a mochaccino in a regular pot, take:

  • Coffee - 50 grams.
  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Cream - 2 tablespoons.
  • Hot water - 50 milliliters.
  • Cocoa powder - 80 grams.

It’s cooked like this: first add water, coffee, cocoa and sugar to the pot, bring to a boil, pour in milk and cream. When the “cap” begins to rise, remove from heat.

With cognac

We will also tell you how to make an exquisite mochaccino with cognac.

For this you will need:

  • Coffee - 30 grams.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Cream - 3 teaspoons.
  • Cocoa (it’s better to take Nesquik) - 3 teaspoons.
  • Cognac - 2-3 teaspoons.
  • Sugar and vanillin - to taste.

Coffee is brewed by adding vanillin and nutmeg. Let it brew, then pour it into a glass, add cocoa and sugar, and stir. Then cognac and cream are added.

How to serve?

The drink is served in tall transparent glasses so that the beautiful layered structure is clearly visible. The volume of the vessel should be about 300 milliliters. Also be sure to add a straw and a dessert spoon. However, the cocktail can also be served in ordinary cups.

On a note! Mochaccino goes great with cookies and waffles.

How much caffeine is in mochaccino?

Since mochaccino contains a standard shot of espresso, the caffeine content in it is about 40-60 milligrams. However, due to milk and cream, its effect on the body is mild and gradual.

In addition, in addition to caffeine, mochaccino contains a lot of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is better to drink it between meals.

Calorie content of mochaccino

As for the nutritional value of the drink, mochaccino has a high calorie content - about 250-350 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content of mochaccino from a coffee machine will be slightly lower - no higher than 250 kcal.

How much does a mochaccino cost?

Mochaccino is a fairly expensive cocktail, and the addition of various sprinkles and decorations can raise its price even higher. Depending on the class of coffee shop and region, the cost of one serving of mochaccino will be about:

  • 300-400 rubles in expensive coffee shops in big cities.
  • 150-250 rubles - in middle class establishments and in small towns.
  • 50-100 rubles when buying a mochaccino from a capsule coffee machine.
  • 30-40 rubles when preparing the drink at home.
  • 25-30 rubles - if you prepare your own hot chocolate for mochaccino.

Mochaccino is a wonderful drink based on coffee, milk, chocolate and whipped cream. A wide variety of its varieties will delight even demanding gourmets, and cold recipes will pleasantly brighten up hot summer days.