When was the last year of the dog? Year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope: loyal, fair and very vulnerable Dog people in love, friendship and marriage. So why

The Dog is the eleventh sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "metal". The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

The dog symbolizes:
honesty, responsiveness, dedication, responsibility, dedication, straightforwardness, reliabilityclosedness, stubbornness, anxiety, cynicism, self-doubt, self-criticism

Table of the Years of the Dog

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog

The characteristics of the Dog gives a general idea of ​​the sign, introduces its positive and negative qualities, features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character Traits

Positive. Honesty and dedication are the hallmarks of this sign. The dog is ready to give everything to others to the last. This is an ideal friend and companion who will not leave you in trouble.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • honesty: The Dog does everything “in good faith” and makes sure that those around him do the same; otherwise, he stands up for the truth, no matter what the cost;
  • responsiveness: if a loved one needs help, he rushes to help without hesitation; This is not just moral support, but concrete actions; the desire to help often reaches the point of selflessness;
  • responsibility: The dog always keeps his promises; It’s a pleasure to deal with her, she never lets you down; therefore she is valued at work;
  • purposefulness: plans for future life down to the smallest detail; never deviates from the intended path and goes to any lengths to achieve his goal;
  • straightforwardness: does not use “subterfuge” and always says everything directly; The Dog is especially valued by his friends for his truthfulness and directness; at the same time, it is precisely because of this that conflict situations and quarrels with others often occur.

Negative. The main negative qualities of the Dog are closedness and stubbornness. At the same time, these features do not spoil her, but add originality to her character. This sign is easily forgiven for such a “fly in the ointment” for his generosity of soul and love for others.

Negative qualities:

  • closedness: The dog rarely speaks openly about his feelings; she shows her attitude through deeds, not words; Others do not like such isolation, although over time they get used to it;
  • stubbornness: the determination of this sign often reaches the point of incomprehensible persistence in achieving their goals; such stubbornness can lead to a conflict situation and ruin relationships with others;
  • anxiety: The dog seems to be not taking advantage of all the chances that life gives it; therefore, she is in constant search of new opportunities and gives no peace to herself or those around her;
  • cynicism: the straightforwardness of this sign often turns into cynicism; The dog has a sharp tongue; can hurt with his remark;
  • lack of self-confidence: The Dog is self-critical and often dissatisfied with itself; At the same time, she never trusts her problems to others and experiences personal failures “within herself.”

Love and relationships

A dog rarely falls in love at first sight. She is more inclined to gradually develop relationships. Values ​​determination and adventurousness in a partner. Devoted to the object of her love. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

Tries to change his partner, to make him as good as possible. At the same time, he allows himself to criticize him and imposes his opinion.

In family relationships, she is hampered by constant anxiety and the desire for perfection. If the Dog finds a partner who is able to smooth out these character traits, then the couple finds real family happiness.

Career and profession

The dog is strong in professions not related to the exact sciences. Her superiors value her for her responsibility and reliability. Her career advancement is hampered by her closeness and defending the interests of others to the detriment of her own.

The team always treats the Dog well, so in leadership positions she becomes a good organizer. At the same time, her desire for justice can ruin her relationship with her superiors.

Recommended professions. A dog is suitable for a job in which it can maximally demonstrate its best qualities - sacrifice and the desire for justice. She can work as a lawyer, judge, doctor, teacher, social worker, critic, priest.

Years of birth of a person according to the Dog sign: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

People born in the year of the Dog are very faithful and devoted. They command respect and will do anything to save their loved ones. They easily recognize lies, which helps them in all matters and in love relationships.

General characteristics of the sign of the year Dog

In Ancient China, the image of a Dog symbolizes loyalty, morality, justice, and unwavering devotion. The appearance of the Dog promises future prosperity.

People born in the year of the Dog are honest, decent, and always defend the weak. They do not remain indifferent to the injustice that they see next to them.

They take other people's pain to heart as if it were their own. It often happens that, having learned about someone’s misfortune, they unselfishly rush to help, spending their time and energy even to the detriment of their family. The feeling of solidarity with the humiliated and insulted is one of the main features of the Dog’s mental makeup.

The dog most often behaves restlessly. After all, she is always on guard, she simply has no time to rest, she is always on the alert, guarding something. In company he prefers to listen more than to talk and is an excellent keeper of other people's secrets. Friends and loved ones can calmly relieve their souls in the presence of a Dog, complain about life, etc. and will be sure that their secret will not be made public. In addition, people born in the year of the Dog are very delicate and understand the shortcomings of others.

The Dog has a heightened sense of justice and sympathizes not only with loved ones, but also worries about those things that it cannot influence: wars, disasters, natural disasters. She worries about this all the time. It is difficult for her to understand and accept what she considers unfair. And if some kind of betrayal is directly related to her, then she may even fall into deep depression. Often the Dog can be a source of disputes and conflicts. She, as a fighter for justice, immediately rushes into battle, while not really understanding the situation, she acts with passion.

People born in the year of the Dog are very much loved in the workforce. Even more: they are considered irreplaceable. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, workaholism, love for their work and good organizational skills. The dog is able to wisely and effectively manage a very large team. The dog knows how to set goals and achieve them. Despite the fact that she never chases money, but simply does her job well, she usually earns a lot of money. It often happens that the Dog does “dirty” work for those who are stronger and more cunning than it. When he discovers deception, he suffers to the point of pain, but will never take revenge. She simply becomes despondent and grieves over her doggy lot. Many people who were born in the year of the Dog live in anticipation of bad things, and practically do not rejoice in good things.

People born in the year of the Dog have the best human traits - they are loyal, noble and sincere, honest and generous. However, they are somewhat selfish, eccentric and incredibly stubborn. They will not rest as long as they think they can make the world just a little better. In general, they consider it their “dog duty” to build an ideal world. Many politicians, journalists and public figures were born in the year of the Dog. The dog is loyal and devoted with a highly developed sense of duty. Those around her can always rely on her in difficult times. They know: The dog will not betray. Treats people with patient care and unwavering constancy.

It cannot be said that the Dog is lucky in love. She has a passionate desire to remake the whole world, to make people honest, modest and responsive. The dog is often in a state of slight sadness and experiences romantic illusions. People born in the year of the Dog take their feelings very seriously and, as a rule, spend a long time looking for an object to whom they can give their love. Love seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. She is very attached to her home and the people she loves.

The dog is like a man from a bygone era: a little warrior, a little philosopher, tormented by doubts. This was Socrates, the greatest philosopher of the ancient world, born in the year of the Dog. A dog always suffers: for the past, for the present and for what may someday happen.

The Year of the Dog corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Dog: 1910, 1970

The Metal Dog has a self-confident and straightforward character. She has unlimited faith in her abilities and boldly and decisively takes on any new endeavors. She does not take into account her own opinions and the advice of others. He can devote his entire life to achieving his goal. Can sometimes be too serious and gets easily irritated if things don't go according to her plan. The Wood Dog has a narrow circle of interests and is very devoted to family and close relatives.

Water Dog: 1922, 1982

People born in the year of the Water Dog are very sociable. With amazing ease they make new friends wherever they go. They don't know how to handle money. They spend it on unnecessary little things, lend it to friends and acquaintances, and give expensive gifts to relatives. The Wood Dog leads a mostly carefree life and is not very disciplined.

Wooden Dog: 1934, 1994

People born in the year of the Wood Dog have an excellent sense of humor, are pleasant to talk to and are often the life of the party. The Wood Dog is an honest and hardworking worker. Wherever she goes, she leaves behind the most favorable impression. Compared to other types of Dogs, it is less independent and prefers to work in a team. The Wood Dog loves art very much. May collect stamps, coins, paintings and various antiques. He loves nature and fresh air, so he often prefers to live in the countryside rather than in the city.

Fire Dog: 1946

People born in the year of the Fire Dog have a lively character and a cheerful disposition. They make friends and acquaintances with much greater ease than other representatives of this sign. They devote a lot of time to social work. At work, the Fire Dog is characterized as an honest and hardworking worker. The Fire Dog is not afraid of new things, she has a spirit of research, she is an innovator and boldly implements progressive ideas into life. Often achieves success where others would fail. Disadvantages include stubbornness. If he manages to overcome this trait, he will easily achieve fame and success.

Earth Dog: 1898, 1958

People born in the year of the Earth Dog are distinguished by their kindness, generosity and charismatic appearance. Thanks to their numerous talents and insight, they easily achieve their goals. They reach the highest heights in their chosen profession. Earth Dogs are very responsible workers and talented leaders. Restraint and poise help them win the sympathy of others and be popular among their acquaintances. In addition, the Earth Dog always helps those in need, is imbued with their problems and is ready to lend a helping hand.

Year of the Dog - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Dog's personality

The positive qualities of people born in the year of the Dog can be listed endlessly. The dog is smart, honest, responsible, noble and courageous. A dog is the most faithful and devoted friend you can rely on at any time of the day or night. A dog will never leave you in trouble. In a group, he likes to listen more than talk. She generally prefers real actions to words. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that she does not always know how to speak beautifully, but she is an excellent, understanding and sympathetic listener.

People born in the year of the Dog are brave and always fight against any injustice. Bravely acts against all injustice. She has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility. Can keep any secrets. The dog inspires confidence, and this trust is justified. She goes above and beyond for others, and her devotion is great, even to the point of selflessness. People often respect her because she truly deserves it.

Negative aspects of the Dog personality

There are few negative qualities of people born in the year of the Dog. These include stubbornness, excessive directness and frankness where it should not be. Also, the Dog zealously fights against any injustice, but “justice or injustice” is a subjective concept. Fortunately, the Dog rarely stands up for stupid things. People born in the year of the Dog rarely show emotions, often criticize others and can easily fall into pessimism.

Career and money of the Dog sign

People born in the year of the Dog do not strive to make a career, but they do all the work they undertake conscientiously. Very often this turns out to be quite enough to succeed and easily move up the career ladder. The dog is distinguished by hard work, honesty, and responsibility. She likes everyone and easily wins the favor of her colleagues and superiors. Thanks to these qualities, the Dog very often occupies the highest positions. But even there, she never turns up her nose and gets along well with her subordinates.

The only negative that can prevent a Dog from moving up the career ladder is excessive directness and the inability to remain silent where it should be. A dog is the best leader, active trade unionist, priest, educator. Whatever she does, she will always be perfectly honest. She has excellent ability to manage people and no one has the same ability to work and straightforwardness that Dogs have.

The Dog also does not chase money, does not seek to save it. He spends very little on himself, but he happily helps all his relatives, friends and even just strangers, which, naturally, some shamelessly take advantage of.

Life periods of a Dog

For people born in the year of the Dog, life periods are unstable and little predictable. Basically, the Dog has a troubled childhood and a difficult youth. In adulthood, they live with a sense of skepticism and fear of work. In old age, people often experience a feeling of regret about things done and not done.

It is worth noting that a Dog that was born during the day will be happier and calmer than one that was born at night. This is explained by the fact that it is at night that the Dog has to guard the house, always be on guard and bark until the stranger leaves.

Stones: diamond

Plants: marigolds

Time of day: 7 to 9 pm

Season: autumn

Dogs are the masculine yang principle, the sign of the third triangle, the element of Earth

The main quality of the Dog sign is honesty. Nobility and loyalty to principles, people, business, as well as loyalty to the shortcomings of other people distinguish the Dog from all other representatives of the Chinese zodiac. At least once in her life she encounters betrayal, but she is capable of solving any problem alone. She responds to affection and attention, she is very sensitive and caring. A dog always protects the weaker, his family and friends. Reliable and generous, independent, aggressive if attacked with reproaches and claims. A strong competitor, an attractive partner, a practical businessman. The dog does not like to show his feelings in public, but will show passion and ardor of love in private. Sometimes she is harsh in communication, but does not strive for conflicts. In disputes he will show unmodern nobility.

Positive qualities of the sign

Honesty and nobility gives the Dog a special shine in partnership. Prefers a fair fight to behind-the-scenes intrigue. She is straightforward in her feelings, faithful in love, but is influenced by her mood. Uncertainty or temporary setback can turn the Dog off from feelings. When her affairs are going well, it is difficult to find a better sign in love. The dog is an idealist and strives for harmony and peace in the house, reliably protects the rear of the family, and knows how to earn money. He doesn’t go overboard in order to achieve success, which is guaranteed to the Dog that has found happiness in his personal life.

Negative qualities of the sign

Laziness, pessimism and coldness towards people prevent the Dog from realizing his brilliant career opportunities. Sometimes the Dog cannot heed wise advice, is too self-sufficient and loses, relying only on himself. This sign is prone to anxiety for no apparent reason. The dog must monitor its health and be sure to exercise in order to control the level of internal aggression.

In the year of the Dog you can meet both noble people and scammers from whom you will have to protect houses or partnerships. You can meet your ideal in love and find a suitable business. A good year for the Dog, Rat, Dragon and Pig. Tense - for the Ox, Snake, Sheep and Rooster. A positive year for the Tiger, Monkey, Rabbit, Horse.

Celebrities of this sign

Mother Teresa, Voltaire, Alexandre Dumas - father, Alexander Suvorov, Claude Debussy, Sir Winston Churchill, Victor Hugo, Prince William, Golda Meir, Bill Clinton, Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley, Kurt Vonnegut, Pierre Cardin, Cher, Andre Agassi. Actors: Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Pierre Richard, Alisa Freundlich, Anatoly Papanov, Gerard Philip, Sylvester Stallone, Rachel Weisz, Matt Damon, Jennifer Conelli, Ethan Hawke, Simon Pegg, Uma Thurman, Vince Vaughn, Kirsten Dunst, Jessica Biel, Marina Alexandrova, Maxim Matveev.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Dog

Strong character and will distinguish the Fire Dog. Diverse interests and erudition help to achieve what you want in communication, business and love. A developed imagination allows the Dog of the element of fire to successfully realize himself in creativity. If it gets into a lower level environment, it degrades along with the environment. He can also rise above his nature, overcome shortcomings and surpass himself, thanks to a successful partnership and close circle. A reliable sign with the advantage of initiative.

Yellow Earth Dog

The Earth Dog is distinguished by its special sensitivity and love for humanity. Some infantilism, naivety and desire to share life to black and white can lead to difficulties in relationships with a partner and in family life. The Earth Dog is ready to give up leadership positions in the union, not strive for leadership positions, may be considered a bourgeois, but will provide a high income for the family. Living for the sake of family is an excellent option for an alliance with a more restless sign.

White Metal Dog

The best diplomat, the Metal Dog is popular in society, surrounded by friends, and knows a lot about both work and entertainment. In love, he values ​​both sensuality and passion, and also strives for spiritual fusion with his loved one. Attaches great importance to the sensual side of relationships, loves paradoxes, and can bring any situation to the point of absurdity in order to have fun. He understands well the true needs of another person and can use this, but never for evil - the Dog of the Metal element is too generous. She can be irritable for no apparent reason, due to fatigue.

Black (blue) Water Dog

Charm, charm, openness and mystery are the striking hallmarks of the Water Dog. She has a difficult character to understand, but she is ready to sacrifice herself, remaining not fully understood by her partner. Natural magnetism, strong intuition, and a penchant for mysticism give the Water Dog a special charm in communication. She constantly gets into non-trivial stories, achieves success in any business due to unique character traits - sincerity, audacity and tenacity. Capable of experiencing a deep sense of affection for loved ones.

Green Wood Dog

Active, inquisitive and sociable, the Wood Dog is an indispensable companion and partner in life. You'll be lucky if it's your friend. The Wood Dog does not hide his feelings if he is in love, and is generous with warm words of support and compliments. Sometimes it is used and not appreciated. But the Wood Dog easily makes sacrifices, has no sense of self-importance, and cares more about the welfare of others. Sometimes she herself also seeks support and understanding.

The dog is considered the first animal that man managed to domesticate. This happened about 15 thousand years ago. Since then, the dog has become a faithful friend and helper of man. The French zoologist Georges Cuvier wrote in one of his treatises that “a dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all acquisitions that a person has ever made,” and I.P. Pavlov considered the dog an exceptional animal, because it “brought man into the people”, made man human.

Eastern horoscope about people born in the year of the Dog

A dog is a symbol of devotion to man and family. This sign is characterized by the best human manifestations - loyalty, honesty and reliability. The dog is constantly overwhelmed by a thirst for activity. There are no better fighters for justice than them. People born in the year of the Dog inspire trust because they can keep other people's secrets and secrets; their devotion borders on fanaticism. It is difficult to stop them, even if the hopelessness of their efforts is obvious; they put their official interests above all else. They usually get the job done. Another distinctive feature is a critical view of the world and a sharp tongue. They are realists and make excellent leaders. These are philosophers, moralists, active public figures, people of leftist views who are not interested in personal gain. They have good taste, but do not strive for comfort and wealth, although they always have money.

The disadvantages of such people include incredible stubbornness and some selfishness. People around them treat them with great respect, and for good reason. People born under the sign of the Dog are distinguished by pride and independence, and spiritual beauty. Any injustice is perceived by them as a personal insult. They are ready to fight for a just cause selflessly, even to the point of self-denial, without demanding any reward or even public adoration in return. The intellectual principle favorably distinguishes Dogs from those around them. They are ready to devote their lives to others, without striving for personal comfort and material well-being.

Such people are also characterized by other manifestations of the “dog’s character”: irony, skepticism, corrosiveness, even causticism, sometimes reaching the point of aggression. This explains the “dog’s quarrelsomeness,” isolation from the world of human passions and weaknesses, and fatalism. They take love seriously and responsibly. But in matters of the heart they may have problems due to their restless nature.

Ideal for Dogs as friends or life partners: Horse, Tiger, Cat. They easily find a common language with the Rat, Snake, Monkey, Pig, but they should avoid company with the Dragon and Sheep.

The Year of the Dog brings people romantic illusions, slight sadness and a great desire to radically change the surrounding reality so that everyone is honest, modest and responsive.

The dog has a keen sense of justice. She longs for active, selfless service to people and causes, and sincerely sympathizes with the misfortune of others. She is a moralist, not interested in money. In the coming year, the image of professionals - honest, hardworking, purposeful, with a developed sense of duty - will be strengthened in society. In the Year of the Dog, the fight against corruption will intensify, the judicial system will be improved, and the country's defense capability will increase.

How to celebrate the Year of the Dog?

The dog is not distinguished by ambition and vanity, so it is useless to try to please it in every possible way. You will be wasting your time and eloquence if you raise a toast to the cult figure of the coming year, but you will hit the mark if you call on those gathered to selflessly serve the common cause. Given the canine irony and causticism, original toasts of a critical tone are not forbidden.

Due to its reserved nature, the Dog does not like large gatherings, but it is a devoted, loyal and reliable comrade, so New Year’s Eve will not become a holiday without friends and colleagues. The dog is loyal and caring, so gifts prepared for relatives and friends will sincerely delight them. This year, handmade gifts will be in demand, as well as homemade Christmas tree decorations, souvenir crafts, and congratulations on traditional New Year’s cards.

On the New Year's table a variety of meat dishes is appropriate. To prepare them, it is better to choose meat with bones. Your hard work and skill in preparing pies with various fillings will be appreciated, but culinary exoticism and sophistication will be completely unnecessary.

People born in the year of the Dog, according to the eastern calendar, can be described as responsible, brave and fair individuals. Despite these qualities, Dogs never let anyone into their soul, preferring to hide. The personality of people of the Dog sign can be divided into all halves: the first - they are kind, friendly and noble-hearted people, the second - self-contained, pessimistic and anxious.

The point is not even that the dog wants to hide his true soul, but that he believes that he should look decent in society.

A distinctive feature of dogs is the loyalty that is inherent in them. From the outside, her character may look playful, but in fact she is loyal to those who are of great importance to her. As mentioned earlier, the main negative trait of a dog is pessimism. She believes that she is simply not created for happiness, seeing catch and disappointment in everything.

Dog Man

A man born in the year of the Dog is a good husband and loving father who is ready to do anything for his family. In appearance, such a man seems melancholic and gloomy. Due to problems with low self-esteem, such men rarely make efforts for a good career. Also, for this reason, men of this sign do not fully reveal their life potential.

In marriage, male dogs are prone to cheating, and it will not be possible to re-educate him in this.

Dog Woman

Thanks to her extravagant appearance, a representative of this sign can give the impression of a strong and independent woman, which may not always be reality. Women of this sign are distinguished by a masculine mentality, logical thinking, and strong character, but they also have a share of self-doubt.


In love with a Dog, everything is based on trust and mutual partnership. People of this sign give great preference to family values, and therefore try to achieve balance. An interesting fact is that if the Dog becomes disappointed in his partner, then nothing prevents him from quickly finding a replacement for him. They move away from separation quite quickly.