When will gas stations open? Your own business: how to open a gas station. How much does it cost to build a turnkey gas station? What equipment and what documents are needed to start?

Hello, my name is Anton Tyumentsev. I live and run my business in the Saratov region.
At the age of 30, I realized my dream - I opened my own gas station. I knew nothing about this area - where to start, and most importantly: I did not understand at all how much it costs to open a gas station, whether it will be profitable, what the cost of equipment is, and so on.

But, as they say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.” Gradually, I delved into all the intricacies of the business and understood what it takes to open a gas station and where to go. In general, the flywheel started.

In 2010, my gas station was built taking into account all existing standards. The total land plot is about 2,700 square meters, and the operator area is about 130 square meters.

In addition, on the territory of the gas station there is a sales area, an office for the senior operator and a separate room for staff. By the way, at my gas station there are two operators, three gas station attendants and one cleaner. There are two bathrooms.

Among the technical features, I would like to boast of the presence of underground tanks of 3 * 61 m3, 2 * 72 m3 and another 2 * 30 m2. Maximum power – 60 kW, TRC “Nara” 7321 3/6.

As for water supply and sewerage, everything here is connected to the urban cycle (this turned out to be much more convenient and cheaper).

The place for refueling is excellent, which provides a constant flow of cars (about 300-500 cars can be serviced per day). The annual income from the gas station is from 2 million dollars.

As an introduction

In the business sphere, gas stations are becoming increasingly popular, which are growing on the country’s roads like mushrooms. There are some cities where the number of gas stations is several hundred.

What can we say about this type of activity on a national scale? But, despite all the workload in this area of ​​business, finding your own loophole is not at all difficult.

There are two options - build your own gas station and run the business independently, or work under an existing brand by entering into a franchising relationship.

So, let's figure out what's special about opening a gas station, what needs to be taken into account when creating a business, how much it costs to open a gas station and other points.

What are the expected main costs?

First, calculate how much it will cost to create this type of business:

  • The most important expense item is the rental (purchase) of land. On average, a high-quality plot will cost from 80 to 200 thousand US dollars (again, how you can negotiate);
  • The next stage is obtaining licenses for storing various types of fuel (gas, gasoline and diesel fuel). To obtain permits, you must go to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy (the commissions here are small). On average, the cost of everything will cost about 300-500 US dollars;
  • The costs will be higher when obtaining a license to build a gas station. There are areas where tens of thousands of dollars have to be spent even before construction begins. As practice shows, it is better to use the services of intermediaries who will handle the preparation of all the necessary documents. Such specialists know very well where to go and how to save money. Costs – 20-30 thousand US dollars;
  • An important issue is the construction, equipment and operation of gas stations. This is where the costs can be much higher. The most budget option is to buy two speakers for about 60 thousand rubles. If you plan to promote your business and increase income, you need to organize at least four columns (costs will also double accordingly).

Be sure to purchase equipment for gas station tanks. Your expenses in this case are from 15 thousand US dollars (it all depends on your appetite).

Remember about the organization of access roads, preparation of fuel tanks, construction of a building for the operator. Solving these issues also requires money - at least 50 thousand dollars.

The total cost of constructing a gas station costs about 1-1.5 million dollars (but if you wish, you can invest up to a million). At the same time, be prepared to buy only high-quality gas station technological equipment. I would not recommend saving in this matter.

Table of gas station service consumer potential

How to open a gas station as a franchise?

Today, franchising is becoming increasingly popular in the gasoline business. Its advantages are obvious - the gas station from the start receives a favorable location, high-quality retail equipment and a well-promoted brand.

All that remains is to lead and get paid for it.

Of course, you need to pay for a franchising agreement, but if you run your business wisely, the costs quickly pay off.

When choosing a “cartridge” company, it is necessary to resolve all issues with the future supply of fuel.

If there is a refinery or oil depot nearby, then this is only a plus.

Remember that transporting gasoline from afar is a costly and difficult undertaking.

When concluding an agreement with a franchising company, you are obliged to maintain the corporate style of the company (down to the color and size of the sign, type of uniform, height of hanging the flag, location of the ballot boxes, and so on). That is why such nuances must be clarified in advance.

By the way, Lukoil can become a reliable partner. Here, investments should be about 6 million rubles, and annual contributions should be about 200-350 thousand rubles. If you don’t know how to open your own gas station, but really want it, then this option is one of the best.

What about fuel?

To avoid this question taking you by surprise, you should have a high-quality gas station business plan at hand. It will reflect all potential fuel costs. But not only!!

Please note that the success of the future gas station directly depends on the density of the relationship with the supplier. It is important to immediately discuss fuel purchase prices and the delivery schedule for goods. In this case, it is better to negotiate with a large oil depot (this is the only way to be sure of the good quality of gasoline).

Information on wholesale gasoline prices can be obtained from the Internet. Moreover, for some money you can obtain useful analytical information regarding further changes in value.

When forming the selling price, the tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants, value added tax, and excise duty must be taken into account.

So, let's go over the prices. Today, for a ton of 80-grade gasoline you will have to pay about 30-35 thousand rubles, and for 95-grade gasoline - about 39 thousand rubles. As for diesel fuel, summer fuel will cost about 29 thousand rubles (per ton, of course), and winter fuel – 36 thousand rubles.

Table of growth of gas station market participants by half-year

What security measures should be in place?

Believe me, the gasoline business is one of the most dangerous, so any reinsurance here is never superfluous. For example, it is very important to make all windows and doors at a gas station armored.

If the operator serves clients through a window, it should not be visible. Another important rule for an employee is not to go outside during working hours.

Organize a panic button - this is a must. If something happens, security will arrive at the gas station within a few minutes. At the same time, the cost of the contract concluded with a security company largely depends on the location of the gas station. The price of services is from 30,000 rubles.

In addition, maintenance of gas station equipment is another important point that should be organized at the highest level. Please note that all possible malfunctions of gas station equipment must be corrected in a timely manner. Otherwise, trouble cannot be avoided.

On average, monthly maintenance costs range from 300-500 US dollars.

What will the personnel costs be?

The main task for you when opening a gas station is to recruit good employees. If the station is located far from a populated area, then the process of finding an employee is very complicated, but we can solve it (you can organize official transport).

Monthly expenses – from 15 thousand rubles for gasoline and car maintenance.
The main requirements for a future operator are the ability to work with a PC, responsibility, and honesty.

In addition, a gas station employee must have a special certificate of completion of appropriate training. Please note that such courses must be completed by absolutely all employees, including cleaners.

At a small gas station, two operators will be enough for you. The average salary is from 300 US dollars each. Refuelers will be needed (2-3 people) with a salary of about 300-350 US dollars and a cleaning lady - 150 US dollars. Total costs – from 1400 US dollars per month.

Control and standards

It is important to note that the operation of gas stations is constantly inspected by inspectors and representatives of various structures (you need to be prepared for this). For example, some of the most frequent “guests” are representatives of the oil inspectorate, firefighters, tax authorities, and so on. Be prepared for certain costs here too. On average, this is from 3 thousand dollars per month.

Prospects and income

As for sales standards, the optimal volume is 4-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. With normal development, the figures can be increased to 15 cubic meters.

If we talk in general terms about the turnover and profitability of gas stations, then these factors largely depend on the location of the station and the brand name. In addition, to promote your business, you can organize a full-fledged gas station complex with a car wash, service station or even a restaurant.


  • – your construction costs – from half a million US dollars, monthly expenses – from 50 thousand US dollars;
  • – your profit from selling fuel per month will be from 200 thousand US dollars.;
  • If you equip a store, it can bring in 30-40 thousand US dollars.

A business pays for itself in an average of 4-5 years.

As a conclusion

Now you know how to open a gas station, and what is needed for this. Of course, this niche is already very densely occupied, but only in big cities.

Carefully study the highways of Russia and see where there is an acute shortage of gas stations. If you choose the right location, develop a high-quality business plan and attract staff, you can make good money and, over time, organize a network of gas stations.

Any type of fuel is, first of all, a type of product that is in great demand, even though it becomes more and more expensive every year. Due to the popularity of any type of fuel, opening your own gas station will be just an excellent means of income for you.

But, as in every type of business, the fuel business has its own pitfalls and subtleties that must be studied. In order to study these features of opening your own gas station, you must draw up a business plan that will help you avoid trouble. Also, a business plan will also help you organize your enterprise step by step.

Typically the solution open a gas station may arise both for an ordinary person and for a businessman - but the first thing that needs to be done before opening such a business is to conduct a market analysis and select an area of ​​your locality that is not yet occupied by this business.

1. Overview section

In this section, you need to describe what kind of gas station you want to open (the standard version is a gas station for 8 cars).

Also, you need to indicate the organizational and legal form of doing business (as a rule, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to work with corporate customers, then you should register as an “LLC”). If you register as an individual entrepreneur, this will give you several advantages, including low taxation, but the disadvantage of this type of activity is that the provision of services is possible only to private individuals. If you also want to serve legal entities, then, as stated above, you need to register as a legal entity (the same as “LLC”).

The degree of success of such a business is assessed as high, since today the demand for gas stations among consumers is very high, even despite their huge number in a relatively small area and high fuel prices.

2. Description of the enterprise

This section of the business plan should describe the business you want to open. For example, you can give the following description: it is assumed opening of a gas station, which is designed for 8 parking spaces and which offers the consumer several of the most basic types of fuel.

3. Description of services

At this stage of designing your enterprise, you need to describe those services that your gas station will provide to consumers. As a rule, any gas station provides services for refueling cars with various types of fuel, the most common of which are:

1. Gasoline grade AI-98;

2. Gasoline grade AI-95;

3. Gasoline grade AI-92;

4. Gasoline grade AI-76;

5. Diesel fuel;

6. Gas (a new, but already common type of fuel).

Also, it is worth considering that your gas station will also provide free refueling services. In addition, on the territory of a gas station, you can install a store where you can sell consumer goods or open an auto goods store (you can sell both small goods for a car and full-fledged spare parts for an engine). It would also be advisable to open a car wash at the gas station, we have one.

4. Market analysis

At this stage of the business plan, you need to monitor the gas station market in your locality and establish your enterprise in an area where the concentration of gas stations is small.

In order to open your own gas station you will need a set of documentation:

1. License of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the storage of oil and gas, as well as their processed products;

2. Permission from local authorities to use the land for a gas station;

3. Land lease agreement issued by local authorities.

It is worth noting that the site on which your gas station will be located must be 30 meters away from the residential area.

5. Production plan

Once you have received all the permits required for opening your own gas station, the stage of drawing up a production plan begins. First of all, you need to find a contractor company that will take on the responsibility for building your gas station. Today, finding such a company is not a problem, since there are a lot of companies involved in construction. During the construction of a gas station, you should pay attention to such components as:

1. Capacity for draining and storing various types of fuel;

2. Production premises;

3. Sales store;

4. Canopy over fuel pumps.

As a rule, it only takes about a month or a month and a half to build a gas station.

After constructing the gas station building itself, you can start purchasing equipment:

1. Gas station control system;

2. Fuel pumps;

3. Equipment for the store: display cases, sales shelves, cash registers; if there is supposed to be a bar, then you need to buy both a bar counter and kitchen equipment;

4. Fire safety stand (without this equipment you simply will not be allowed to open your own gas station).

After building a gas station and installing the appropriate equipment on it, you can proceed directly to putting such a station into operation. First of all, you must sign all the necessary agreements with fuel suppliers. This is necessary in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel to your gas station. As a rule, in large cities you will also have a choice of fuel supplier, since in such settlements there are several fairly large fuel supply companies.

By the way, if you want to make your gas station more famous, then a way of doing business such as franchising is suitable for you. This type of business will allow you to use the brand of a well-known fuel company for only 25-30 thousand rubles per year. As practice has already shown, opening a franchise is quite a profitable solution, since a well-known brand attracts consumers much more, which means that fuel sales increase significantly. But if you decide to open a franchise, then you should be prepared for the fact that the representative company will require you to comply with its corporate identity and attributes.

Once all stages have been completed, you can begin recruiting personnel. As a rule, for a gas station the following list of workers will be enough for you:

1. Salesperson-cashier (3 people will be enough to work in shifts);

2. Security guard (3 people, work in shifts, in the same shift as cashiers);

It is worth considering the fact that all employees of your gas station must have appropriate certificates obtained from the inspectorate for supervision in the field of circulation of petroleum products.

6. Financial plan

In this section of the business plan, you need to consider all the expenses and future income from such a business.


In the expense item, you need to indicate the costs of renting a site (approximately 100,000-1,500,000 rubles per year), construction of a gas station (2,000,000 rubles), equipment for gas stations (1,000,000 rubles), staff salaries (1,920,000 rubles), as well as all kinds of taxes, fees, approvals (300,000 rubles). In total, to open your own gas station you will need about 6 million rubles.


In the income item, you can indicate such income as the sale of fuel (20,000-30,000 rubles per day), the sale of various goods (6,000 rubles per day). In total, your own gas station will bring you about 800 thousand rubles per month.

After opening a gas station, you will get your invested money back in about 8 months.

In this material:

A gas station business plan will help you understand whether opening it will be profitable and what difficulties you will have to face. First of all, you should decide on the start-up capital required to open a gas station. Working in this area of ​​business involves obtaining a large number of permits, since this industry is recognized as dangerous at the legislative level. Registration of permitting documentation can take a long period and require significant financial investments.

Of course, the company's activities will be audited by the relevant government agencies so that they can ensure that all rules and regulations are being followed. Another characteristic feature of the business of selling fuel to the public is large start-up capital and significant operating costs. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a plot of land and equipping it accordingly. The facility will need to be equipped with an alarm system and security guards hired. When opening a gas station from scratch, you must be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time to implement the project.

Choosing a project format

Of course, working in this field of activity requires a thoughtful approach. A gas station business plan, a ready-made example of which is given below, is the most important part of the process of starting your own business. First, you need to choose the format in which your company will operate. You can open a gas station under your own brand or purchase a franchise. A gas station can provide services for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Opening a gas station from scratch is not the best idea for a new entrepreneur. Opening such a business requires significant investment compared to operating under the brand name of a well-known enterprise. In addition to the impressive starting capital, you will be faced with the need to develop your own client base and problems with purchasing fuel. This means you risk going bankrupt quickly. However, this format also has its advantages: you can organize the work of a gas station at your own discretion, without adjusting it to the standards of a large company.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are recommended to start their business by purchasing a franchise. Similar services are provided by large well-known companies. Starting to work under the brand of this company, you will not have problems with fuel supply and customer base. The disadvantages of this format are: the inability to act independently, the need to pay a monthly franchise.

Choosing a territory for a gas station

Before starting the construction of a gas station, the following documents must be drawn up: an agreement for the supply of fuel, an agreement for the removal of solid waste, an agreement on rodent control. When opening your own business, you need to choose the territory where the gas station will be located. Typically, such enterprises are built near highways and busy avenues. Convenient access roads should be provided to your gas station. The area of ​​the site depends on the scale of the project. As an example, let’s take the opening of a gas station with a tire service and a small cafe. In addition to these main facilities, it is necessary to locate fuel storage tanks, an administrative building and several gas stations on the territory. It is better to entrust the design and construction of production facilities to professionals.

After all the main facilities have been built, it is necessary to start purchasing equipment.
In order for your gas station to start functioning, you will need the following equipment: tanks for storing fuel, a tank for pumping gasoline, gas pumps, and a storm drain tank. When opening a gas filling station, you will need a slightly different list of equipment. To implement such a project, a tie-in into the city gas pipeline will be required. It is mandatory to install a compressor to liquefy the gas. Opening such stations is expensive, so even in large cities they are available in small quantities.

In addition to the production line, you should also take care of the automation of work processes. To do this, you need to purchase a computer and install the appropriate software. It is necessary to arrange a staff rest room, a cashier's workplace and a bathroom. If you plan to add a store or cafe to the gas station, you will have to equip these premises as well.

The opening of a gas station will not be permitted without the installation of a fire alarm.

Drawing up a contract for the supply of fuel is the most important part of a gas station business plan. Working as a franchise, you will always be provided with high-quality fuel from a well-known brand. Starting a business from scratch, you may face the problem of finding suppliers among oil refining companies. You can enter into a contract for the supply of gasoline with an oil depot, so you can purchase fuel at a good discount.

Taking into account the provision of services around the clock, it will be necessary to organize the work of personnel in several shifts. The optimal schedule is considered to be every three days. The shift should include: a gas station operator, a cashier and a security guard. Additionally, you will need to hire a janitor, accountant and manager.

Calculation of business profitability

Let's give an example of calculating the costs of opening one gas station in a large city. Acquiring ownership of a plot within the city will cost you 25 million rubles, paperwork - 2 million rubles, construction of production facilities - 6.5 million rubles, purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles. Thus, the starting investment when opening a gas station will be 36.5 million rubles.

Now let’s calculate the annual expenses: staff salaries - 5 million rubles, purchase of fuel - 10 million rubles, taxes - 1.5 million rubles, operating expenses - 2 million rubles. The average annual revenue of a gas station is 25 million rubles, minus operating expenses, we get a net profit of 6.5 million rubles. Financial investments will pay off in 5-6 years.

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Opening a gas station can be done in two ways. The simplest and most popular - This allows you to open a gas station under the name of a well-known brand, facilitates negotiations with suppliers, but at the same time deprives the entrepreneur of a significant part of the profit and imposes a number of restrictions on the business.

Therefore, it would be optimal to open a gas station under your own brand. So, how to open a gas station from scratch?

  1. Registration of a company, opening and adding authorized capital sufficient to organize an enterprise.
  2. Choosing the location of the future gas station, with the owner of the land on lease or full purchase.
  3. Creation of the project and its approval by Rospotrebnazdor.
  4. Registration of permission from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  5. Concluding agreements with housing and communal services for garbage removal and waste disposal.
  6. Construction of gas stations according to the approved project.
  7. Purchase of necessary equipment, installation and configuration of tanks and gas stations.
  8. Organization of the necessary infrastructure, equipment of workplaces.
  9. Hiring and training
  10. Obtaining a license to sell fuel from the Ministry of Energy.
  11. Concluding agreements with gasoline suppliers - oil refineries.
  12. Organization of supplies.
  13. Opening of a gas station.
  14. Development of pricing policy.
  15. Increased advertising, offering discounts to regular customers - in a word, marketing promotion.

Where to start building a gas station?

A gas station is a place of increased danger, since its construction involves the storage of explosive substances. In this regard, for its construction it is necessary to obtain many permits from regulatory authorities.

Specific requirements for the arrangement and location of the filling complex are listed in the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. The main ones:

  • location no more than 30 meters from the nearest residential building;
  • equipping the gas station with access and exit roads;
  • fire alarm equipment;
  • equipping the cashier's area with armored doors and bulletproof glass;
  • organization of disposal of unused fuels and lubricants, etc.

How to open a gas station: necessary documents

So, the location has been chosen, the project has been developed, and contracts with suppliers have been established. But before you look for a contractor to build a station, you need to obtain a number of permits:

  • project documentation must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, and the organization must give its permission;
  • you need to obtain permission from the SES to trade fuel;
  • obtain a license from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the sale and storage of fuel and lubricants;
  • obtain permission from the fire service to store fuel (the station must be equipped with all fire-fighting equipment);
  • enter into an agreement with a waste removal service;
  • enter into an agreement with the local housing office service to carry out deratization;
  • obtain quality certificates for fuel from suppliers.

In addition, the gas station owner will need:

  • register the land for the gas station as ownership or lease;
  • obtain a building permit from the administration.

How to build a gas station?

After receiving all the necessary papers and approval of the project in Rospotrebnadzor You can begin to select a construction company for the construction of the complex itself.

The customer usually purchases building materials himself, while the company is directly involved in the construction itself.

Best choice an organization that has already had similar completed projects. In this case, specialists will help you choose suitable materials, agree on supplies, advise where you can reduce costs - in a word, provide comprehensive assistance.

It should be taken into account that, most likely, you will have to hire two or three companies: one will be involved in the construction of the gas station itself, the second will install the necessary equipment, and the third will organize access roads.

What equipment will be needed?

  • 5 tanks (4 main and 1 reserve) for storing fuels and lubricants (volume of at least 15 cubic meters);
  • reservoir for stormwater system (volume 10 cubic meters);
  • two fuel dispensers with two hoses each.

In addition, you will need to incur certain costs for registration of refueling; you need to order:

  • signs with the name of the gas station;
  • tablets for indicating fuel;
  • display to display current prices for 1 liter of fuel;
  • barrier and speed bump equipment.

Recruitment of personnel to work at a gas station

For optimal gas station operation you will need:

  • the immediate supervisor of the station, who organizes all work and resolves controversial issues (in fact, a senior manager);
  • (this responsibility can be assigned to the station manager);
  • a repair mechanic who knows the peculiarities of the functioning of gas pumps;
  • station operator (cashier), at least two people to organize work in two shifts, 4 for round-the-clock service;
  • electrician;
  • driver.

An electrician and a mechanic will be needed mainly for troubleshooting, this can be one specialist. The driver is needed more as a forwarder to control the quality of imported fuel (so that it is not diluted anywhere along the way).

Personnel training should be approached with full responsibility. In big cities there are no problems with employees. But in the provincial ones you will have to be content with what you have.

Therefore it would be useful enroll them in professional development courses, so that the mechanic gets used to the new gas stations, and the accountant is always aware of the latest changes in legislation.

How to open a gas station and organize fuel supplies?

Agreeing on the supply of fuel and lubricants is the most difficult and crucial moment. It is highly not recommended to buy fuel from resellers - most likely, it will be diluted or simply of low quality. It is best to negotiate supplies directly with the refinery.

The process of delivering gasoline from the plant to the gas station is necessary control personally, otherwise there is a high probability that diluted fuel will be delivered.

The quality of gasoline should become the hallmark of the gas station - otherwise the new gas station will quickly lose its clientele.

Further expansion of the filling station

Naturally, the driver does not live by refueling alone. It is now becoming a trend to provide “all in one”. So, with a thriving business, you can expand the range of services offered by building:

  • auto repair shop;
  • tire shops;
  • technical inspection point;
  • auto chemical goods store, etc.

All changes made to the design of gas stations must be agreed upon with the architectural department of the administration. As a rule, entrepreneurs do not have problems with this, especially with a stable operating enterprise.

Gas station business plan

The initial costs of opening a gas station are very high. This is due to the complexity of design work and the need to construct the complex itself in accordance with sanitary and urban planning standards. Therefore, a gas station is most often opened in addition to an existing business or if there is impressive start-up capital.

Costs of opening a gas station

  • opening an LLC, purchasing a cash register, equipping an accountant’s workplace – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • registration of land ownership and obtaining all necessary permits – from 2 million rubles;
  • construction of a gas station building – from 3 million rubles;
  • supply of infrastructure, equipment of access roads, bringing the building in accordance with sanitary and fire standards - from 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of necessary equipment (to organize the operation of 2 pumps for 4 parking spaces) – from 5 million rubles;
  • installation of equipment – from 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary fund for 1 month of work for a company with 10 employees – from 200 thousand rubles.

Thus, start-up costs will be about 11 million 720 thousand rubles. The duration of the work is from 3 to 6 months.

Vehicle fleets with a large number of rolling stock daily have to solve the problem of what fuel to use, where to refuel the equipment and how to save money. Centralized refueling at regular gas stations, even with fuel cards, is unprofitable: collusion, theft and underfilling are the order of the day in this case. Everyone understands this, however, the majority of large motor vehicles consider an agreement with fuel networks to be the optimal solution. “There are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, a road train left Central Russia for a remote region, and even at branded gas stations using cards we observe a stable underfilling,” says Kirill Vodin, Deputy General Director of Transport Company Vesta LLC. “As a result, we even had to change the fuel company because of this, plus organize our own gas station on the territory of the vehicle fleet.”

Is it possible to organize fuel distribution directly on the territory of the enterprise? Until recently, this path was very difficult. In order to build your own gas station on the territory of a vehicle fleet and legally own this facility, it was necessary to go through many authorities and obtain dozens of pages of permitting documentation. Only large automobile plants could afford this.

Everything changed in 2012, when gas stations were removed from the control of Rostekhnadzor, which fundamentally changed the possibility of operating all types of gas stations. “At the moment, the principle of construction and operation of container gas stations is regulated only by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but with one caveat: if the gas station is not located on the territory of a hazardous production facility (Rostechnadzor is additionally involved here). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations classifies different types of stations in its main documents NPB 111-98 and the set of rules “Car filling stations. Fire Safety Requirements” dated July 1, 2014,” says Yuriy Kolesnikov, General Director of the Penzaspetsavtomash association (Benza brand).


Today there are many products on the Russian market that have different names, but essentially perform the same functions. These include container and mobile gas stations, fuel and refueling modules. A modular gas station is a station, the technological system of which is designed for refueling vehicles only with liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground location of the tank and the separation of the fuel dispenser (TRK) and the fuel storage container. A containerized gas station (KAZS) differs from a modular one only in that the fuel dispenser is located in a container for storing fuel.

In fact, from the point of view of compliance with NPB 111-98, it is absolutely unimportant what the products are called, the main thing is that they are made as a single product. “Any design that meets these parameters and has all the necessary certificates for a single factory product must and will be classified by fire inspectors as a container gas station and nothing else,” says Yuriy Kolesnikov. “Only the customer can choose, based on the factors of further operation, what the gas station should look like - sewn into a container or left with an open tank; the standards do not regulate this.”

With the removal of gas stations from the register of hazardous production facilities by Rostekhnadzor in 2012, the situation with the installation and operation of gas stations has seriously changed for the better. Now, if a car company installs a filling station for its own needs on its territory and the installation does not require capital construction, the owner does not have to obtain any licenses or permits to operate the station. All that is required is to comply with fire safety standards for gas stations. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the distance to various categories of objects and prepare a site with an entry and exit zone and install a fence to prevent vehicles from colliding with the filling station. Secondly, it is necessary to make a base for a gas station in the form of a road slab of certain dimensions and install it. Finally, thirdly, appoint those responsible for carrying out fire safety measures.

Basic requirements for placing a container filling station: 25 meters away from buildings and structures and that there is no water supply running under the equipment

In addition, special technical requirements must be met. For example, a filling station must have its own pump for receiving fuel from a fuel tanker with automatic shutdown when the tank is filled (it is prohibited to pump fuel into the filling station using a fuel tanker pump). A system for monitoring the inter-wall space of the tank with notification of depressurization is required. Technological compartments must be fenced off from the tank by a non-flammable (metal) partition of the first type. If the tank, along with the pipelines, is sewn into a container, automatic ventilation with gas sensors is required. All of the above-described design features are primarily monitored by inspectors from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Only State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto can afford its own traditional gas station.

Among other specific requirements for the technological equipment of modular and container gas stations, we note the need to make double-walled fuel storage tanks. At the same time, the total capacity of the tanks of a container gas station should not exceed 40 m 3 when it is located in populated areas and 60 m 3 when located outside populated areas.

A very important point is the documentation for the filling station. There must be not only a certificate of conformity or a declaration of the Customs Union at the gas station, but also a passport with operating instructions. In addition, environmental and sanitary certificates are required. If a gas filling station is installed at a hazardous production facility, other permitting documents may be required.

According to documents and certificates, this should be a station for dispensing and refueling - a single product, and not a tank and other components separately, experts note. Otherwise, this type of project will be classified as a fuel depot or a traditional gas station. Then the enterprise is obliged to register these facilities with Rostekhnadzor and obtain a license for hazardous production. The so-called mini-gas stations with a single-wall tank and one fuel dispenser do not solve the issue of legal operation of gas stations. They can only be used as a mobile mobile tank, where it is necessary to refuel equipment, often changing the location of the gas station. For example, during agricultural or road work.

Automatic fuel distribution to drivers using smart cards is possible as an option


At the moment, at filling stations it is possible to establish fully automated, operator-free remote control over the amount of fuel, its unauthorized drainage and automatic distribution to drivers using smart cards or chip keys. “This is very convenient, since there is no need to receive an operator, and information will be sent online to the office via a wireless channel,” comments Svetlana Bykova, head of the convoy of Vesta Transport Company LLC. - You can set fuel limits for drivers or for a car for a day, week or month. It is also possible to control exact data: who refueled and when, analyze the remaining fuel in tanks, see the temperature, density of the fuel, the amount of produced water, the amount of fuel received from the fuel tanker to the filling station.”

Gas stations with such systems will help reduce fuel theft by the organization’s personnel and under-delivery of fuel by unscrupulous suppliers of petroleum products to zero. Automation systems are all approximately the same in functionality, differing only in various small nuances, equipment manufacturer and cost.

An electric pump with a metering meter in a closed case is convenient for refueling equipment in the field.

If we talk about the complete automation of fuel supply to transport enterprises, we should mention the project developed by the Volgaresurs company. The scheme includes the installation of an automatic mobile fuel filling station (AMFFS) at the enterprise, delivery of fuel by supplier’s transport, testing of fuel quality at all stages in an accredited laboratory, service by a single control center, and transparent pricing. Drivers who fuel their own trucks are issued fuel cards. They can be both general - impersonal, and nominal. It is noteworthy that fuel cards can be limited in the amount of fuel supplied. The limit is set either by the company providing car refueling services, or directly by the customer of the service - the motor carrier. There is no access to fuel except through a limited fuel card. In this case, the AMTZS can be additionally equipped with a terminal that issues a receipt attached to the waybill. Since the entire system is fully automated, the head of the transport organization or the responsible person from the financial group receives a detailed report on the movement of fuel every day in a strictly defined form. The summary contains information about which car was refueled, how much fuel was dispensed, at what time the refueling took place, and so on, right down to the photograph of the driver who used the fuel card. The accounting department of the auto company compares the data from the report with internal documentation.

Basic requirements for locating an AMTZ: 25 meters away from buildings and structures, and that there is no water supply running under the equipment. The base must be laid with slabs, and bumpers must be present to ensure safety. To connect electrical power, it is necessary to organize a cable supply rated for a power of at least 10 kW. The duration of the refueling module’s presence at the customer’s premises is regulated solely by the agreement for the rental of the fuel station and the purchase of fuel. The standard production and installation time for a station is about 2.5 months. Having previously drawn up the technical specifications, the customer has the opportunity to indicate all the options he needs. For example, if you have a mixed fleet of equipment, the supplier may offer containers with a different number of sections. By agreement with the customer, the container can be divided into compartments of the required volume. For example, one will store diesel fuel, the other will store gasoline.

Can a carrier make money from a gas station located on its territory? Yes, such a possibility exists. For example, two convoys are based not far from each other. If there is an automatic fuel filling station on the territory of one of them, then the neighbor can refuel his cars there at an attractive price, but at the same time, the owner of the automatic filling station will have his own profit from the sale of petroleum products. At the same time, not only company cars, but also personal cars of employees can be refueled at a low price, which will make the employer even more attractive.

With this scheme, the carrier’s costs for installing equipment are close to zero, since he purchases the service of refueling vehicles. In this case, all maintenance operations, equipment repairs, tank cleaning, and so on are performed by the service provider. All responsibility for the quality of fuel also falls on the supplier. All the transport company pays is the cost of the fuel supplied. At the same time, equipment costs are included in the cost of a liter, and it is cheaper than at network gas stations. The only drawback of this solution is the long-term connection to one fuel company, and this does not suit all carriers.