Coconut oil edible benefits and harms. Coconut oil for food: benefits and harms, how to choose, recipes with coconut oil. Coconut oil for hair

Not long ago, coconut oil gained particular popularity among cosmetologists. However, after some time it turned out that such a product can be used for cooking. Coconut oil is rarely used for food in our country. However, the product has unique properties. It allows you not only to enrich food with useful components, but also to lose weight. How is coconut oil used for food? The benefits and harms of this product have long been studied. In addition, it can be combined with many products.

Application of oil

Coconut oil was initially practically not used for food. It was considered exclusively a cosmetic product. This component is included in many branded care products not only for hair, but also for the face and body. At home, coconut oil was often used to prepare masks and creams.

After some time, scientists proved that such a component is ideal for cooking. After all, it contains a lot of useful components for the human body that can make nutrition more saturated. With the help of coconut oil, you can not only improve your health, but also lose excess weight.

A little history

Coconut oil is a vegetable fat that has been used for centuries in the Philippines, Thailand, India and other Asian countries to prepare a variety of dishes. Gradually its popularity is increasing. In the middle of the last century it began to be used in the USA. However, after some time, a suspicion arose that it was better not to use coconut oil for food, since due to its high fat content, this component is harmful to health. But this opinion was wrong.

Oil composition

Edible coconut oil is made from the hardened pulp of mature coconuts. The product is obtained by hot pressing and cold pressing. The latter method of producing oil is considered the most gentle. It is worth noting that the product consists of approximately 99% fats, including:

  • saturated fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, caprylic, capric, lauric, caproic, butyric and so on;
  • monounsaturated: nervonic, oleic, palmitoleic and so on;
  • polyunsaturated acids: omega-6 and omega-3;
  • the remaining 1% is water.

If you use coconut oil for food (there are both negative and positive reviews about it), then it should be said that it has a fairly high energy value: 900 kcal per 100 grams of product. This indicator is slightly higher than that of sunflower and olive oils.

Useful properties

Many nutritionists consider edible coconut oil to be harmful due to its high calorie content, while some, on the contrary, consider it beneficial. In their opinion, this is the most useful product of plant origin. Among its properties are the following:

  1. Coconut oil does not lose its beneficial qualities when heated. This product is recommended for use when frying. After all, during such heat treatment, carcinogenic substances are not released.
  2. Coconut oil has antibacterial and enveloping properties. Thanks to this, the product eliminates some digestive problems, while promoting the absorption of nutrients that enter the body with food.
  3. Coconut oil also has a positive effect on the condition of the liver, while improving its self-cleaning functions and stimulating the production of bile.
  4. The fats that make up the oil have a generally positive effect on the condition of the entire body. Despite many opinions, the product does not cause an increase in cholesterol levels, but, on the contrary, removes it. If you use coconut oil for food, you can avoid the development of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
  5. Thanks to this product, human bone tissue becomes stronger. This is explained by the fact that many fats contribute to better absorption of magnesium, calcium and other microelements.
  6. Regular consumption of coconut oil helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, it is often recommended for those who suffer from diabetes.

It is worth noting that coconut oil is a hypoallergenic product. Individual intolerance is extremely rare.

Is coconut oil harmful?

Expert reviews show that coconut oil can be harmful in some cases. If a person is allergic to the nuts themselves or has an individual intolerance, then they should stop consuming the oil forever. It is not recommended to abuse the product. It is enough to consume no more than 2 teaspoons of coconut oil per day. After all, such a product is saturated with all kinds of fats and is high in calories. Excessive consumption of coconut oil can cause such unpleasant phenomena as disruption of the digestive system, as well as obesity.

What coconut oil is used in cooking?

Unrefined and refined coconut oil is used for food. Moreover, each variety has its own characteristics. Unrefined has a pleasant aroma. Therefore, it can be used for preparing dessert dishes, such as cheesecakes, pancakes, and so on. It is safe to fry food in oil, since it does not lose its properties when heated sufficiently high. In addition, during such heat treatment no carcinogenic substances are formed.

Refined coconut oil has virtually no characteristic aroma. It is usually used for frying a variety of dishes: meat, vegetables, confectionery. In addition, refined coconut oil can be added to salads, soups, cereals, pasta, spread on bread, used to make fillings for cakes, waffles, cookies, and so on. But this is not all the areas of its application. The oil can also be added to tea, cocoa, and coffee. In industrial enterprises, this component is used for the production of spreads and margarines. Such products cause less harm to the body than other vegetable oils.

What should coconut oil be like?

How to choose coconut oil for food? First, it’s worth understanding what a quality product looks like. It is worth noting that in many, even large shopping centers in Eastern Europe, it is very difficult to find coconut oil. It is usually sold frozen. Naturally, such a product is packaged in briquettes.

The color of coconut oil fully matches the shade of the flesh of this nut. In this case, the product may be yellowish, white or slightly creamy. A high quality product has a uniform color. It is worth noting that even when frozen, coconut oil exudes a pleasant, slightly sweet aroma. This product melts at temperatures up to 25 °C. However, such oil can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but even at room temperature.

Uses of coconut oil

In everyday life, coconut oil can replace any vegetable and animal fat, including butter, olive and sunflower oils. The following product is used:

  • when preparing porridges, vegetable purees, potatoes, pasta;
  • as a substitute for margarine in baking;
  • for frying in a frying pan and in a deep fryer, baking and stewing;
  • for dressing salads of fruits and various vegetables in melted form.

It is worth noting that coconut oil in combination with hot chocolate or warm milk is a good and tasty remedy for colds.

Is it possible to cook it yourself?

Now you know what coconut oil is for. For food you can prepare this product yourself:

  1. There are 4 marks on the nut, in the place where the fruit was attached to the palm tree. You need to make two holes along them and then drain the milk. You will not need any oil during the cooking process.
  2. You need to remove the shell from the fruit, and then carefully cut off the pulp. The core must be crushed in a food processor or grated.
  3. It is recommended to fill the resulting mass with water, preferably hot. When everything has cooled down, you need to put the container in the refrigerator.
  4. A fatty crust about 0.5 centimeters thick should form on the water. It should be collected, melted, but not boiled.
  5. As a result, a liquid should form. It should be strained, poured into a glass container and placed in a cool place. It is not recommended to store such a product for more than a week, as it can cause harm to the body.

It is worth noting that one coconut produces approximately 50 milligrams of oil. From the water that remains after cooking the product, you can make ice cubes. They are recommended to be used for cosmetic purposes only. The shavings can be added to homemade scrubs or used to decorate finished baked goods.

It's safe to say that many people love coconuts. In the end, their taste is truly incomparable. But coconut water is basically pointless - it has no clear health benefits, so it's just a saltier version of regular water.

But don't forget about coconut oil. This culinary fad is becoming more popular every day, and many claim that coconut oil is healthier than any other oil. I hate to ruin your illusions, but according to the American Heart Association, it is almost as harmful as butter or beef.

Saturated fat in coconut oil

According to a report published in the journal Circulation, which looks at all types of fat and their connection to cardiovascular disease, coconut oil is loaded with saturated fat. In fact, it contains 82% saturated fat, which is much higher than regular butter (63%), olive (14%), peanut (17%) and sunflower oil (10%).

Saturated fats, unlike other fats, can increase the amount of bad cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart failure. These unhealthy fats can be found in fatty meats, lard, cheese, butter, cream, cakes, cookies and, according to recent research, coconut oil.

Difference of Opinion

A recent study found that 72 percent of Americans rate coconut oil as a healthy food, but only 37 percent of nutritionists agree. This difference between public and expert opinion is due to the advertising of coconut oil in the media.

More harm than good

A meta-analysis of various experiments has conclusively shown that butter and coconut oil (in terms of increasing the amount of bad cholesterol in your body) are equally harmful.

Because coconut oil increases cholesterol, which is linked to heart problems, without any offsetting beneficial effects, experts advise against using it in food. Essentially, you gain nothing by adding it to your diet, but it could be detrimental to your health.

What to replace

If you already suffer from high cholesterol, adding coconut oil to your diet could be potentially harmful to you. By replacing it with olive oil, you can lower your cholesterol levels as effectively as using modern medications.

So the next time someone claims that coconut oil is a very healthy alternative to other fats, you can safely say that this is not true. As you can see, not everything that is popular is truly useful.

It is important to remember that a small amount of fat in the diet is certainly healthy, as fatty acids are used by our bodies to absorb vitamins. However, it is worth choosing unsaturated fats, which are abundant in avocados, fish oil, nuts and seeds. This is the only way to ensure your health benefits.

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be considered a superfood. This is due to the unique combination of fatty acids that have a positive effect on human health.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of coconut oil that have been discovered through extensive research:

1. Coconut oil contains a unique combination of fatty acids with excellent healing properties

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat.

Coconut oil used to be openly disliked because it contains a lot of saturated acids. It has been proven that 90% of all fats are saturated. However, studies involving hundreds of thousands of patients have confirmed that the specific saturated fats found in coconut oil are not harmful to your health! And this is due to the fact that these saturated fats are different from saturated fats of animal origin (found in meat, cheese).

The saturated fats in coconut oil are called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), while most fatty acids in our diet are long chain fatty acids. Medium chain fats are even metabolized differently. They pass from the gastrointestinal tract directly to the liver, where they are used as quick sources of energy or are converted into so-called ketone bodies, which have a positive therapeutic effect in certain diseases of the central nervous system, such as epilepsy or Alzheimer's disease.

Conclusion: Coconut oil contains a huge amount of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized in a special way and have a positive effect on certain brain diseases.

2. People who consume a lot of coconut oil are the healthiest people on the planet.

Coconut is an exotic product for the majority of the population of developed countries. However, in third world countries, many are forced to follow the “coconut diet” because coconuts are one of the few foods available. The best example is the Tokelavians, who live on islands in the South Pacific. These people get over 60% of all calories from coconuts and their derivatives, thereby being the main consumers of saturated fats in the world. But at the same time, the Tokelavs have excellent health, and they have never even heard of heart problems.

Conclusion: better health and absence of heart and vascular problems in those people who consume coconut oil regularly.

3. Coconut oil helps you burn more energy and lose weight.

Obesity is one of the most common health problems worldwide. Some people think it's just the number of calories, while others suspect that the source of those calories matters a lot too. It has been proven that each product is metabolized and acts on the body in its own way, so it turns out that calories are different.

Medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil provide more energy than the same amount of long chain fats. One study found that consuming just 15 to 30 grams of medium chain triglycerides increased energy expenditure by 5% for a full 24 hours, which equates to an average of 120 calories. And this without additional effort!

Bottom line: Including even small amounts of medium chain triglycerides in your diet can help increase energy expenditure and help you lose weight.

4. Lauric acid in coconut oil effectively fights bacteria, viruses and fungi

Coconut oil can be used to prevent infectious diseases.

More than 50% of all fatty acids in coconut oil are lauric acid. When this acid is broken down by enzymes, it turns into the monoglyceride monolaurin. Lauric acid and its metabolite monolaurin effectively deal with bacteria, viruses and fungi. For example, in laboratory conditions it has been proven that these two substances destroy colonies of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida.

Conclusion: Fatty acids and their metabolites can fight many pathogens, thereby preventing the development of infectious diseases or speeding up recovery.

5. Coconut oil reduces hunger

One of the interesting facts about coconut oil is again about beauty and appearance. The ability of this oil to reduce hunger helps to painlessly reduce the amount of food consumed. This effect may be caused by metabolic products of coconut oil, because ketone bodies are known to reduce appetite.

An experiment was conducted on healthy male volunteers. They were given some coconut oil every day in the morning. After this, they ate 256 fewer calories throughout the day!

These studies were short-lived, but you can imagine what effect this would have on your figure and how many extra pounds you could lose if the experiment lasted, for example, 1 year. In addition, coconut oil causes the body to burn more calories daily. This means that you can spend almost 380 calories per day without much effort, which is about 42 g of fat.

Conclusion: Coconut oil's fatty acids reduce appetite, making it easy to lose weight.

6. Coconut oil's fatty acids, which turn into ketones, help reduce the frequency of cramps.

The so-called ketone diet (very low carbohydrates and very high fat) is currently being studied for use in patients with various diseases. This nutrition has found its best use in the treatment regimen for children with epilepsy who do not respond to medications.

Since up to 90% of coconut oil consists of fatty acids, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood reaches maximum numbers. Thus, in children whose diet included coconut oil, there was a significant reduction in the frequency of seizures, which is especially important for patients who do not respond to drug therapy.

Conclusion: medium chain triglycerides increase the level of ketones in the blood, which has a positive effect on the condition of young patients with epilepsy.

7. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease

Coconut oil contains a colossal amount of saturated fatty acids, which are not at all harmful, as previously thought. Medium chain triglycerides increase the level of high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol) and reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol).

Conclusion: Research shows that coconut oil not only restores the lipid profile, but also improves the functioning of the blood coagulation and anticoagulant system, and also has excellent antioxidant effects. This complex effect reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

8. Coconut oil protects hair, moisturizes skin and can serve as sunscreen

Coconut oil is used in cosmetology.

Coconut oil has a ton of health benefits that have nothing to do with food. Many people successfully use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes, caring for their facial skin and hair. Studies on volunteers with dry skin have shown that after just a few uses of coconut oil, the condition of the skin improves significantly and its lipid composition is restored.

Other studies have shown that coconut oil blocks up to 20% of ultraviolet radiation.

This oil can even be used as a mouth rinse. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, coconut oil significantly improves the condition of teeth, gums and oral mucosa, and fights bad breath.

Conclusion: Coconut oil can be used as a beauty product, as a sunscreen, and even as a mouthwash.

9. Coconut Oil Fatty Acids May Improve Brain Function in Alzheimer's Patients

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in older people. It is believed that in this disease the brain is unable to properly use glucose as an energy source. Ketone bodies, which are formed during the processing of coconut oil in the body, can provide an alternative source of energy for diseased brain cells and reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Back in 2006, the first study showed that patients with Alzheimer's disease began to feel better and calmer if they included a little coconut oil in their diet.

Conclusion: Coconut oil increases blood ketone levels, thereby improving the condition of people with Alzheimer's disease.

10. Coconut oil will help you get rid of fat, especially in the abdominal cavity.

The claim that coconut oil increases energy expenditure and reduces appetite suggests that it helps you lose weight. Coconut oil is very effective in the fight against belly fat, both subcutaneous and that which envelops all abdominal organs.

Internal obesity is dangerous because fat begins to compress internal organs, disrupting their blood supply and functioning.

Studies have shown that a three-month course of using coconut oil (30 ml every day) reduced waist circumference in men and women by 3 cm. This may not seem like much, just 1 cm per month. However, it is worth considering that no other efforts were made to reduce weight. Thus, in a year you can reduce your waist by 12 cm, and if you reconsider your diet and start moving more, you can completely normalize your weight.

Harm of coconut oil

Some scientists continue to believe that saturated fatty acids, which make up up to 90% of butter, may be potentially harmful regardless of their molecular composition (long-chain or medium-chain triglycerides). In fact, the choice is up to each individual person. On the one hand, you can remember the aborigines who eat mainly coconuts and do not suffer from heart attacks, and on the other hand, you can regularly check your cholesterol levels and lipid profile in order to notice changes in the body in time.

Coconut oil, like any other product, can cause allergies. Moreover, it may not develop immediately, but after some time, when a person uses the oil for the third or even tenth time. But it is difficult to predict what you will be allergic to, so it all depends on the individual reaction.

Coconut oil can be called a universal product, since it is used in many areas - cosmetology, cooking, medicine and even in the household: it is used for polishing wooden furniture. The product is extracted from coconuts, or more precisely from their pulp, which is called copra. Like most oils, coconut oil is made in two ways - hot or cold pressing.

Oil produced by hot pressing partially loses its beneficial components. The product produced by cold pressing is considered the most valuable, since almost all the beneficial substances from the coconut remain in it. This method is used less frequently than the first, since it allows you to extract only 10% of the total oil present in the nut pulp. This oil is more valuable and costs more than that obtained by hot pressing.

Coconut oil stored at room temperature or below has an appearance unusual for vegetable oils. It may be in the form of a thick, whitish-creamy liquid or small, solid pieces that resemble soap. The oil becomes liquid and transparent when heated to 26 degrees and above.

Composition of coconut oil

The main component of coconut oil is polyunsaturated fatty acids, recognized by scientists as vital for humans. Since they are not synthesized by the body, they can only be obtained from the outside. Coconut oil is one of the best sources of these substances. It contains fatty acids:

  • myristic;
  • lauric;
  • oleic;
  • palmitoin;
  • caprylic;
  • linolenic;
  • arachidonic;
  • stearic;
  • capric.

In addition, the product boasts calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C and E, which are valuable substances that preserve beauty and youth.

Types of Coconut Oil

There are two types of coconut oil - non-food And food. The latter can be found in stores. Lno is intended for culinary purposes. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that when heated it does not release carcinogens. It can replace the usual sunflower oil, and then the dishes will acquire an exquisite taste. It is suitable for preparing baked goods, sweet and vegetable dishes, seafood, dressing salads and adding to cereals and drinks.

Manufacturers use the product as a food additive to produce margarine and cake fillings.

Benefits of coconut oil

The unique combination of fatty acids gives the product medicinal properties. Metabolized in a special way, they have a positive effect on the brain and improve the condition of people suffering from epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. The substances in the product increase the level of “good” cholesterol and lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, also have an antioxidant effect and this reduces the likelihood of developing vascular and heart diseases. Coconut oil improves immunity, and with regular use reduces the likelihood of cancer and restores thyroid function.

The benefit of coconut oil also lies in its ability to help treat many skin diseases. It has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows it to be used to combat fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails, dermatophytosis and mycosis.

The oil can also relieve diseases caused by Candida fungus, dermatitis and eczema. It can also be used as an aid in the treatment of lichen, even ringworm.

The product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes digestion and has a softening effect. The oil accelerates the healing of mucous membranes, effectively fights infections and relieves inflammation, so it will be useful for ulcers and inflammation of the walls of the intestines and stomach.

The product will help get rid of heartburn. To do this, just take 1 teaspoon orally.

Coconut oil is an excellent source of energy. After consumption, your ability to work and endurance increases. The product has the best effect on the condition of joints and bones.

Coconut oil is in demand in the field of cosmetology. It is used to make creams, soaps, mousses, shampoos, and balms. It has a good effect on nail plates, hair, skin of the body and face. The product can be used for personal care or solving problems with appearance.

Benefits for hair

  • improves appearance;
  • adds shine and smoothness;
  • increases elasticity and softness;
  • strengthens the bulbs and prevents hair loss;
  • restores;
  • reduces fragility;
  • protects from external influences;
  • seals the ends;
  • eliminates dandruff.

For hair care, the product can be used without additional components. Rubbing a little oil into curly hair will make it easier to style. To improve the condition of your curls, just apply the oil to your strands and scalp for 30 minutes, and then rinse off using regular shampoo. Rub the warm product in with light massage movements.

Coconut oil is good for the ends of your hair: regular use will get rid of split ends. You can prepare masks:

  • Oily. The product is combined with other oils: mustard, castor, peach and burdock. To prepare the mask, combine three different types of oils in a teaspoon, and then heat them in the microwave or in a water bath.
  • Strengthening. Combine 0.5 tablespoons of glycerin with 40 grams of oil, yolk and 10 milliliters of wine vinegar.
  • Nutritious. Mash a banana in a bowl and place 1.5 tablespoons of cream or full-fat sour cream and 40 grams of butter.

Coconut oil is not easy to remove from hair. To make the task easier, do not apply it to the strands in large quantities, and also use it together with less fatty oils or heated dairy products.

Coconut oil for face

The product is ideal for dry skin. The oil nourishes, eliminates inflammation, softens, moisturizes and restores the skin, and also prevents the occurrence of cracks, peeling and irritation. It is also useful for other skin types. For example, for problem skin, the product will help eliminate acne and speed up the healing of wounds after them.

The product combats another age-related problem – pigmentation. To reduce its intensity, you need to lubricate problem areas.

Coconut oil can also be used as a sunscreen for skin. It will help avoid burns, protect against ultraviolet radiation and ensure an even tan. It makes a good cleanser that cleanses the skin and easily removes makeup. It is also a good protective agent, improves blood circulation and helps remove toxins.

The oil can be used as a stand-alone product. The product does not clog pores and is well absorbed. You can use it to prepare various home remedies.

  • Nourishing cream. It not only nourishes, but also moisturizes. Melt 60 milliliters of the product with a spoon of olive oil, then add a drop of benzoin to the mixture, and then 10 drops each of palmarosa and rosewood oil. Store no more than two weeks.
  • Protective cream. Add coconut oil to any cream. Apply the product shortly before going outside.
  • Acne scrub. Mix a spoonful of honey, brown sugar and sea salt. Add 3 drops of oil to the mixture.
  • Anti-inflammatory mask. Steam the oatmeal with milk; when it swells, combine it with honey and 1 spoon of butter.
  • Anti-wrinkle mask. Combine grape seed oil, olive oil and coconut oil in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for several hours.
  • Chocolate mask. Nourishes, moisturizes and activates regenerative processes, and the skin looks fresh and young. Melt 1/4 bar of natural dark chocolate in the microwave. Add butter to chocolate and stir. The product can be applied not only to the face, but also to the décolleté, neck, and problem areas on the body.
  • Cleansing mask. Combine two spoons of yogurt with a spoon of apple cider vinegar and three drops of oil.

Coconut oil can be used to care for nails, body skin, hands and feet. It is suitable for massages. The product improves the therapeutic effect and relaxes muscles. After such massage sessions, the skin becomes velvety, smooth and soft. It is good to use the product for anti-cellulite massages.

Coconut oil is effective against stretch marks, but only those that have appeared recently. It must be applied to problem areas and massaged intensively.

Coconut oil for weight loss

Separately, it is worth noting the product’s ability to influence weight. Its regular use increases calorie consumption, which leads to weight loss. Oil reduces hunger and speeds up metabolism.

You can lose weight with the help of the product by replacing all other fats: animal and vegetable in the diet. Its use does not lead to fat deposition, but it can provide the body with the fats necessary for normal functioning.

Harm of coconut oil

Despite the huge number of useful properties, the product has almost no contraindications. It should be abandoned only if there is individual intolerance.

The product should be consumed in moderation. You can eat no more than 3 spoons per day.

Coconut oil is not harmful to children. There is evidence that it helps reduce the frequency of seizures in children suffering from epilepsy, as well as improve the condition of autistic children. Externally for children, the oil can be used to treat diaper rash, irritation and to relieve itching after insect bites. In newborns, it will help painlessly eliminate crusts on the scalp.

Coconut oil has recently begun to gain popularity. And it’s not surprising - this product contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, and fatty acids. If you consume coconut oil regularly, you can significantly improve your health. Everyone knows the tribes of the Pacific Islands, which are famous for their good health and easily live to the age of a hundred. After analyzing their diet, scientists came to the conclusion that the main food for the people of this region is coconut - so affordable and tasty. Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of coconut oil, its use in treatment, cosmetology and cooking.

How to make your own coconut oil

Before using this or that product, you need to obtain it. Of course, coconut oil is very easy to buy in a store or pharmacy, but the product may not always be of good quality. When choosing coconut oil, pay attention to the way it is stored - the oil retains its beneficial properties best at low temperatures. The oil should be in an opaque glass or plastic container. Remember, good coconut oil is not cheap - don't go for the low price. Unfortunately, a high price does not guarantee high quality raw materials. Therefore, we will tell you about a homemade method for obtaining natural coconut oil.

First you need to buy a coconut - fresh, whole, without damage or rotten areas. After this, you need to make a hole in the coconut to drain the delicious and sweet milk. The easiest way to make a hole is to use a screwdriver. Drink fresh coconut milk - it's full of benefits and natural taste! Next, you need to split the coconut into several parts. To do this, you can use a hatchet, a small saw or a knife. After splitting the coconut into several pieces, you need to take a spoon and start scooping out the white coconut pulp. Try to do this carefully so that the fibers do not get into the white mass. Now the pulp needs to be crushed. This can be done using a blender, mortar, rolling pin or grater - whichever is more convenient for you. If the mixture does not grind well in the blender, pour a little water into it, the process will go much faster. After the pulp is crushed into shavings or porridge, it must be filled with hot, but not boiling, water. This is very important; coconut should not be exposed to high temperatures - otherwise the oil will lose its beneficial properties.

The mixture filled with hot water should be left for some time. At the same time, you regularly need to knead it and rub it with a spoon so that the oil comes out of the coconut pulp into the water. After about an hour, the mixture needs to be strained, poured into a jar and refrigerated. In the morning, you will find a layer of fat on the surface of the liquid - this is natural coconut oil. You can put it in a bowl, dip the bowl in hot water and pour the liquid oil into a cream jar. This is done for ease of use. We received unrefined oil, which is most useful for cosmetic purposes. But for eating, it is better to buy purified oil - it has a milder taste without bitterness.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains a huge amount of different fatty acids. That is why coconut has a beneficial effect on all organs of the human body.

  1. For the stomach. Coconut oil gently coats the walls of the stomach, relieves symptoms of ulcers and gastritis, and heals wounds on the mucous membrane. It is very useful to use the oil against constipation. A tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach, and cleansing the intestines will not take long.
  2. For the heart. Coconut oil is very beneficial for the functioning of the heart muscle. Coconut makes the walls of blood arteries more elastic and thins the blood. With regular consumption of coconut oil, blood pressure stabilizes.
  3. For processing. The oil has antifungal and bactericidal properties. It is widely used as a treatment for wounds and abrasions. The oil is effective against nail fungus, candidiasis, and herpes. Softens and soothes skin with eczema and psoriasis. Coconut oil is even used in the treatment of hemorrhoid fissures.
  4. Against cancer. Scientists have proven that regular intake of coconut oil significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer of certain organs.
  5. For the nervous system. If you take the oil internally every day, the sheath of nerve fibers is strengthened, the person becomes much calmer, balanced, and stress-resistant. Treatment with coconut oil is included in the mandatory treatment of mental disorders. After just a week of taking the oil, you will notice that you begin to fall asleep easier, your sleep becomes calm and long.
  6. Oil for weight loss. The calorie content of one hundred grams of coconut oil exceeds 800 kilocalories. However, to assimilate them, the body will have to spend much more energy. This means that coconut oil allows you to actually lose weight.

In addition, the oil is effective in the fight against type 2 diabetes, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and with constant consumption, it significantly strengthens the immune system.

But the oil has gained the greatest popularity in the cosmetology field. It is so oily, but at the same time not thick, that it can be used as an expensive moisturizer. So, how does oil promote female beauty?

  1. Hair. Coconut oil perfectly moisturizes and softens hair, saturates it with vitamins, and gets rid of split ends. This allows you to restore painful curls after dyeing, bleaching, curling, sunburn, etc. Just warm the oil in your hands and distribute it over the entire length of your hair, leave the mask on for an hour and rinse it off with shampoo.
  2. Leather. The oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sticky layer. The oil can simply be used as a moisturizer for hands and face, or added to nourishing masks.
  3. Eyelashes and eyebrows. If you want to make your eyelashes thicker, fuller and more voluminous, you need to treat them with coconut oil every day. To do this, pour a little oil into a bottle of used mascara and apply the oil to your eyelashes every evening, as if you were painting them. Leave the oil for half an hour and then wipe your eyelashes and eyebrows with a dry cloth. You can wash your face only in the morning.
  4. Tan. Not everyone gets a beautiful tan - in some places a trace from a swimsuit will remain, in others the skin does not acquire a bronze tint. To correct this, before sunbathing, apply coconut oil to certain areas and the skin in these areas will get a beautiful golden hue.
  5. Heels. If the skin on your heels is hard, flaky, or even cracked, oil will quickly correct this situation. Apply coconut oil generously to your heels, secure with film, bandage and sock. Go to bed, and in the morning the skin of your feet will become soft, tender and silky.
  6. Massage. Coconut oil is often used as a massage raw material. It perfectly softens the skin, relaxes, is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin. In addition, a massage with this oil is accompanied by a crazy coconut aroma.
  7. For children. Purified and disinfected oil is used to care for delicate baby skin. Its safe composition allows the oil to be used even for allergy sufferers. You can use lotions and creams with coconut oil against hives, heat rashes, and irritation.
  8. Soap. Coconut oil is added to the raw materials for making handmade soap. This allows you to make a gentle product that does not dry or tighten the skin.
  9. Soothes the epidermis. The oil contains many components that soothe and heal irritated skin. The oil can be used after insect bites, sunburn, allergenic rashes, etc.
  10. Before shaving. Coconut oil is used not only by women, but also by men with sensitive skin. If you apply a little oil to hard stubble, the skin will soften and there will be much less irritation after shaving.

Coconut oil is a universal product that should be in every girl’s cosmetic bag. This is a cream, a makeup remover, a mask, and a medicine for insect bites. However, this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of coconut oil.

Where else is coconut oil used?

If you mix coconut oil with baking soda, the resulting mixture can easily remove stickers and labels from any surface. Coconut oil will come in handy if you have pets. Add oil to the diet of a dog or cat - this will relieve the animal of dry and itchy skin and facilitate the removal of tangles from the intestines. Pure oil can be dripped into your pet's ears to relieve inflammation and infection. You can also rub furniture with coconut oil to make it shine, remove gum from hair, and use it as an intimate lubricant. Professional lubricants based on coconut oil do not dry out for a long time, eliminate friction and fill the room with a magical aroma. However, the oil cannot be used in conjunction with a latex condom - this will stretch the material and may damage it.

Separately, I would like to say about the food use of coconut oil. Properly extracted and purified butter has a pleasant aroma and a subtle nutty and milky taste, which changes the taste of the main dish for the better. Coconut oil is used to season salads and makes an incredibly tasty glaze for desserts. Oil is added to coffee - this is a real, tasty and healthy alternative for vegetarians who refuse animal protein. Oil is added to sauces and marinades, baked goods and desserts, cereals, pasta, meat and fish, it is used to lubricate snack sandwiches, etc. One of the main conditions is that the oil cannot be heated, otherwise it will become useless and deprived of all its valuable components, although its taste will not change.

Contraindications for consumption and use of oil

Quite rarely, but it still happens that oil can also cause allergies. Before using the product for the first time, apply a small amount to the skin and check the reaction. If there is no itching or redness, the oil is good for your skin. The first use of oil inside should also be gradual. In general, oil is a fairly high-calorie product, so you cannot take more than two tablespoons of it per day, even if you are obese. Otherwise the oil is absolutely safe. If you have chronic diseases, you should talk to your doctor about constantly eating oil.

Coconut oil is a real lifesaver that is used almost anywhere and everywhere. It is used in everyday life, in skin and hair care, in the kitchen, and can even replace a full first aid kit! This explains the incredible popularity of this type of oil. Keep coconut oil at home - believe me, it will run out very quickly!

Video: benefits of coconut oil

Oil obtained from dried coconut pulp is a very important food product in southern countries. It is as widespread there as sunflower is here. However, it differs significantly in composition from sunflower oil, as it contains a high amount of saturated fat.

As you know, there are saturated and unsaturated fats. Most often, the first of them are of animal origin and are considered harmful as they increase cholesterol levels. But mono- and polyunsaturated fats of plant origin are quickly absorbed by the body and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. In connection with this information, the question arises about the dangers of coconut oil.

Is coconut oil harmful? Harm or benefit?

Despite the fact that this product is of plant origin, it contains more than 90% saturated fat, while butter contains less than 70%. It would seem that this nuance proves the harm of coconut oil. But the facts prove completely the opposite.

The beneficial effects of this unique product on hair, skin and nails have long been noticed. It also prevents the development of osteoporosis and other diseases of the connective tissues and musculoskeletal system, and tones the cardiovascular system.

Based on these facts, scientists agree that saturated fats of plant origin are beneficial, not harmful, for humans.

When do we need coconut oil? Application and benefits

Coconut oil contains vitamins A, C, E and valuable acids, including arachidonic, caprylic, copric, lauric and oleic. Due to the presence of natural antioxidants in its composition, it can be stored open for a long time without losing its properties.

Most vegetable oils, including coconut oil, are produced in two forms - edible and non-edible, usually used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

It is believed that coconut oil retains its maximum benefits if it does not undergo heat treatment.

In Asian cooking, this product is often used to season salads with fresh vegetables. Manufacturers of many food products use coconut oil as a food additive. It is also used to produce margarine and wafer cake fillings.

In addition, coconut oil is taken as a preventive and therapeutic agent for certain diseases.

Regular consumption helps remove cholesterol from the body, balance blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure. This remedy also strengthens tooth enamel and gums, normalizes the body’s metabolism and helps improve digestion.

This product is used externally to heal scrapes, cuts and wounds. When oil is applied to the skin, it forms a protective layer that prevents dirt and infections from entering the wound. This product contains a huge amount of antifungal and antiviral components, antioxidants. It also effectively fights bruises.

Coconut oil is recommended to be included in the diet of people with liver disease.
In cosmetology, coconut oil is used as a flavoring agent for soaps, shampoos, creams, mousses and other products. Cosmetologists recommend regularly using hair masks with this product to strengthen it and improve the health of the scalp.

Applying this oil to your skin after a bath or shower will help it look healthy and firm, and will also give it a wonderful aroma. Massage mixtures made on its basis are very well absorbed by the skin, moisturize it and give it a velvety feel. Hygienic lipsticks and balms containing coconut oil perfectly soften the skin of the lips.

This product will cope with the problem of dry heels, irritation after hair removal, protect the skin from sunburn and soothe it after sunbathing.

Contraindications for consuming coconut oil

The only harm that coconut oil can cause is food poisoning or an allergic reaction. But this can only happen if this product is consumed uncontrolled. In addition, before you start eating coconut oil, you should consult your doctor on this issue, who should tell you about the rules of use and dosage of this product. In any case, listen to your body and reduce the dose... A couple of spoons a day is a more than sufficient dose.

In order to have only good impressions from using coconut oil, you need to buy a quality product. Therefore, pay attention to the appearance, packaging and labeling of the product when making a purchase.

High-quality coconut oil should have a high degree of purity, light yellow color and a pleasant aroma. Preference should be given to trusted brands rather than oils sold as souvenirs.

An excellent source of health and energy for vegetarians, raw foodists and people leading a healthy lifestyle. Coconut oil improves the body's ability to absorb various minerals. These include calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the health of the skeletal system. This is why coconut oil is so beneficial for older women prone to osteoporosis.

Coconut oil perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of excess weight, reduces cholesterol, protects the body from viruses and bacteria, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes metabolism and thyroid function, cleanses blood vessels, improves digestion, and cleanses the intestines. And this is not the entire list of the beneficial effects of coconut oil on the body. It contains many antioxidants and is the best oil for maintaining and restoring health and youth.

Scientific research has shown that lauric acid in coconut oil is ideal for maintaining cholesterol levels within a normal range. Coconut oil has many beneficial properties and prescriptions for use in various diseases.

If taken orally, it helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer. In addition, the body becomes resistant to viral diseases and various infections, due to the fact that the oil strengthens the immune system and at the same time reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics. Coconut oil is not stored in the human body as fat, unlike many other oils.


  • Dr. Bruce Fife discovered that coconut oil contains 10 types of medium-carbon chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Each of them is already a nutrient in itself, and also stimulates improved absorption of other substances: vitamins, minerals from other products.
  • Thanks to these properties, coconut oil provides energy to all vital processes and increases the level of resistance to viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
  • Coconut oil promotes weight loss because it speeds up metabolism, breaks down into energy without turning into fat reserves, and causes the process of thermogenesis.

Coconut oil is the only oil that does not break down when exposed to high temperatures, which is very important in a healthy diet.

Natural coconut oil is one of the healthiest and safest officially registered food products with no known side effects.


Drink 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily in the morning on an empty stomach with plenty of water. It is better to start taking oil with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to 2 tablespoons.

Take one tablespoon of coconut oil before meals.
But drink no more than three tablespoons of oil per day. Children are recommended to take half or one teaspoon depending on their age. You can safely mix coconut oil with other foods.

Drink 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with warm water or drink a glass of warm water to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines. If you are drinking this oil for the first time, start taking half a teaspoon and gradually increase. For older adults, it is recommended to take no more than one tablespoon of coconut oil per day.

If you feel tired and sluggish, have a confused mind, slow metabolism and extra pounds, wrinkles, dry skin, scaly patches or eczema, you need to buy coconut oil and use it regularly. All your problems will be resolved within a few months.

Previously, it was believed that coconut oil was harmful because it contained a large amount of various fats. Now this product has returned to the kitchens of many housewives precisely because it can help against all of the above ailments. For a long time it was believed that coconut oil was unsuitable for consumption, but research has shown that the fats contained in this oil are very beneficial for our health.
Here are some benefits of adding oil to your diet:

  • Coconut oil will regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. If you constantly feel tired, lethargic and constantly forget something, this indicates that your thyroid gland needs nutrition. You will benefit from eating coconut oil.
  • Regulates metabolism. If you want to lose extra pounds, then add oil to your diet, it will increase your metabolic rate. Remember that when you go on a diet, your body does not receive many nutrients and therefore tries to store them, thus creating excess deposits. If your diet contains a lot of healthy fats, then the body will not need to store them in reserve.

Everyone agrees that it is beneficial for the skin and hair, but when the topic of the benefits of edible coconut oil when consumed internally is raised, a lot of questions and discussions immediately arise.
And it’s not surprising: the skin can be assessed after the first use by tactile sensations, but determining the effect of the oil on the body as a whole is much more difficult.

The most common comments to an article about the benefits of coconut oil contain an objection to the benefits of saturated fatty acids. We will talk about the properties of oil, biochemistry and whether all saturated fatty acids are equally harmful in this article.

A small disclaimer: this article is about the properties of virgin, cold-pressed, unrefined edible coconut oil (virdgin).

Before we move on to translating information about coconut oil from reputable sources on the Thai Internet, let's talk about the main stumbling block, saturated fatty acids.

Biochemistry or harm of coconut oil

If we consider fatty acids as a class, of course most of them are not very useful. Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in animal fats. Most of them are solids with a high melting point. They can be absorbed by the body without the participation of bile acids, which determines their high nutritional value. However, excesses of many saturated fatty acids are inevitably stored.
But they come in different chain lengths, as well as replaceable and irreplaceable.

A person needs fats because vitamins and microelements are easily dissolved in them (and therefore easily absorbed), but long-chain saturated fatty acids are difficult to digest. To digest them, the body has to secrete bile and digestive enzymes, sometimes overloading the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. People who have diabetes, liver disease, or who have had gallbladder removal have particular problems with this.

However, due to the easy digestibility of medium-chain fatty acids (of which edible coconut oil is made), it does not cause such problems and begins to be absorbed in the stomach. Medium chain saturated fatty acids are very easily broken down by enzymes and absorbed without clogging blood vessels. They are then converted into energy that improves liver function. This oil also contains essential saturated lauric and myristic acids, which are important for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Most saturated fatty acids have a high melting point, and if it is higher than the human body, they are poorly absorbed, clogging the stomach and intestines, and if they are absorbed, they are deposited in the blood vessels. The melting point of coconut oil is 25 degrees. I don’t know anyone with a lower body temperature, what about you?

Now let's move on to information from the Thai Internet. Here's what they write there:
Based on materials from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol Research University

Edible coconut oil is more than 90% saturated fat, the majority of which is medium chain triglycerides. Most of all, it contains the essential lauric acid, which is well absorbed by the body.

Medium chain fatty acids do not accumulate in adipose tissue. Their molecular weight is lower than that of long-chain fatty acids such as lenoleic acid (a polyunsaturated fatty acid obtained, for example, from soybean oil)

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation. If coconut oil is taken according to recommended dosages, it will only benefit your body.

Now let's move on to other sources:

Edible coconut oil, in addition to essential medium-chain saturated fatty acids, also contains important minerals and some fat-soluble vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, D, E, K, which are instantly absorbed. This is what makes coconut oil a healthy product in every way.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

1.Speeds up metabolism
The calorie content of coconut oil is 8.6 kcal per gram, while other oils contain at least 9 kcal per gram. Consumption of the saturated fatty acids contained in the oil does not lead to the formation of free radicals, and the oil itself does not contain trans fats. Containing lauric, caproic and caprylic acids, coconut oil speeds up metabolism for up to 24 hours, improving food absorption and calorie burning.

2. Stimulates intestinal function.
Coconut oil should be consumed in moderation. Due to its high saturated fat content, it stimulates the colon, which is why diarrhea may occur when you first start using this oil. This is a normal reaction. However, if diarrhea occurs when consuming small amounts of oil, it is better to stop taking it so as not to remove trace elements from the body.

3. Tones.
Edible coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body and does not lead to weight gain. It has no side effects, which is why it is often recommended for athletes and older people.

4. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Coconut oil reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease.

5. Protection of the skeletal system.
Coconut oil is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining strong bones, so it can protect bones from deterioration.

6. Use during pregnancy.
Coconut oil is beneficial to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It nourishes the body of mother and child, helps give the baby good immunity and significantly increases the usefulness of breast milk, since it contains lauric acid, calcium and magnesium. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis and preventing calcium loss during pregnancy.

7. Improves sleep.
Coconut oil contains substances that help you relax. Daily consumption of coconut oil in small quantities improves sleep quality, relieves chronic fatigue, and reduces stress.

8. Reduces inflammation and helps fight infections.
Cold-pressed edible coconut oil alleviates the course of various diseases caused by infection. The reason, again, is lauric acid, which improves immunity, fights bacteria and is a natural antibiotic, thereby relieving the symptoms of infections such as influenza, sore throat, herpes, and mumps.

9. Oral care.
Coconut oil inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which leads to plaque and problems such as gingivitis, gum disease, swelling and bleeding gums. In addition, it helps treat throat diseases.

This oil can be used for gargling and mouthwash.

To do this, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons per day and rinse the mouth for at least 15 minutes. The butter will become white and foamy. It must be spat out as it will absorb pathogens and toxins. This procedure also helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce bad breath.
You can apply coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Half a teaspoon is enough. The oil gradually reduces plaque on teeth, soothes and strengthens gums.

10. Reduces the risk of cancer.
The high content of saturated fatty acids (up to 92%) helps strengthen the body's immune system. Many of the vitamins that coconut oil contains are antioxidants. This is due to a reduction in the risk of cancer such as colon cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer.

11. Cold-pressed coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and speeds up metabolism, thereby improving the condition of diabetic patients. Consuming coconut oil increases insulin production, thereby speeding up the breakdown of sugar and reducing the burden on the pancreas. In some cases, the pancreas can completely restore its functions.

You can read about the quality of coconut oil and types of unrefined oil in the article

And I will tell you how to properly use coconut oil internally, as well as about storage features and precautions that should be taken into account when using coconut oil.