Colposcopy during pregnancy: features of the examination. Is colposcopy safe during pregnancy? Why is colposcopy during pregnancy prescribed?

The expectant mother, expecting the birth of her child, is worried about his health. Therefore, any study ordered during this period is cause for concern. Patients who were prescribed colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy have many questions related to the safety of this study for the baby.

In general, colposcopy is safe for the fetus throughout pregnancy.

The indications for performing colposcopy for pregnant women do not differ from those for which women who are not carrying a child are referred for examination:

  • Bloody discharge.
  • Pain during and after sexual intercourse.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Burning or itching in the vagina.
  • Rash.

Colposcopy: what is it?

This is an instrumental examination of the vagina and cervix. During colposcopy, the entrance to the vagina, the walls of the organ and the cervix, or more precisely, its vaginal part, are examined. To carry it out, a colposcope is used, which allows you to obtain an enlarged image of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Colposcopy is a routine procedure that a woman should undergo regularly!

Many modern devices provide magnification of up to 40 times, although in practice 15 is sufficient. The ability to change the degree of zoom of the device allows, if necessary, to obtain either a wider overview or a more careful inspection of small details. The colposcope contains a light source. As a rule, cool white light is used, which does not distort the color rendition of the area under study. To contrast epithelial formations and vessels, the colposcope must have a green or blue filter. In more modern devices it is possible to connect laser radiation.

Doctor performing colposcopy

Types of research:

  • Simple colposcopy.
  • Extended. During the procedure, several tests are performed necessary to fully assess the condition of the cervical mucosa:
    • A test is always performed using 3% acetic acid. It narrows those vessels that are not changed.
    • The Schiller test involves the use of Lugol's solution. The iodine contained in this solution reveals the presence of glycogen in epithelial cells.
    • Trichlorotetrazole is used to detect a cancer marker such as LDH (lactate dehydrogenase).
    • Vascular test using adrenaline.

Colposcopy allows you to identify the lesion, assess the condition of the mucous membrane, make a differential diagnosis of malignant formations, and perform a biopsy of the suspicious area. This is why research is prescribed for pregnant women.

As for increasing the chances of conceiving a baby, the examination does not affect this. Pregnancy after colposcopy occurs if the cause of infertility was eliminated during the procedure.

Colposcopy in pregnant women

Proper preparation is necessary for the inspection. It consists in eliminating the impact on the vaginal mucosa. This requires sexual rest, and you should not use candles or use synthetic products to care for the intimate area.

The duration of the study is about 20 minutes. It is carried out, like a regular examination, on a gynecological chair. A gynecologist uses a device to perform manipulations, if necessary, performing the tests listed above. The patient may feel a slight burning sensation when performing the vinegar test.

At this stage, you can decide that colposcopy during pregnancy does not bring any negative feelings. If a biopsy is performed, the specialist will use a local anesthetic to relieve the patient of pain.

Is it possible to have a colposcopy during pregnancy? Yes, but it is prescribed only to those women who have gynecological diseases that require constant monitoring. For example, cervical erosion. This disease can progress due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Colposcopy is performed on pregnant women even for the purpose of treating erosion. Some types of pathology can be treated most successfully during pregnancy, as this is facilitated by altered hormonal levels.

Features of colposcopy at different stages of pregnancy

For how long is the procedure safe? Most often, colposcopic examination in pregnant women is carried out before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes it is prescribed even immediately after the patient is registered with the antenatal clinic. At later stages, colposcopy during pregnancy may be necessary if the results of a previous study are cause for concern.

Whether a pregnant woman needs colposcopy or not, the doctor decides

The examination is safe for the health of the baby and the expectant mother!

Colposcopy during pregnancy in the first trimester is almost no different from how the procedure is performed for women who are not pregnant. No difficulties usually arise in the early stages of pregnancy.

In the last stages, you will need to take a slightly different position, different from the one that a woman usually occupies in a gynecological chair. The right leg will need to be extended to prevent the pressure from decreasing.

As pregnancy progresses, the number of vessels in the cervix increases. Therefore, even minor injuries can lead to bleeding. This is no cause for concern. Only trained specialists are allowed to work with such a serious device. They know how to cope with any situations that arise during research.

Possible complications

It must be said right away that colposcopy does not affect the health and condition of either the mother or the fetus. This test is considered safe, so it can be done in the early stages of pregnancy.

Strictly speaking, a woman needs to undergo a similar procedure before pregnancy. The fact is that some gynecological diseases change hormonal levels and can lead to miscarriage or the inability to become pregnant. Another group of diseases worsens during pregnancy because the content of estrogen and progesterone in the blood increases sharply. If the procedure was not completed before conception, then there is no need to worry. In rare cases, slight bleeding is possible, which the doctor will immediately stop. After taking a biopsy, slight discharge is also observed, indicating a normal reaction of the body.

Usually there are no special consequences after colposcopy

The procedure is safe for expectant mothers. As already mentioned, it is performed by an educated specialist who has undergone special training and is able to cope with different situations.

Safety is the main rule in medicine, especially when it comes to obstetrics and gynecology!

In conclusion, research confirms the safety of colposcopy. Close attention is paid to this, because maintaining the health of the expectant mother and baby is extremely important. You cannot refuse an examination, because it allows you to timely diagnose and, most importantly, cure various gynecological diseases, including oncology. Thanks to the capabilities of colposcopy, therapy can be carried out here and now, without delaying it until after childbirth. Women should understand that refusing the study may have serious consequences.

Women who are planning a pregnancy begin to undergo the necessary set of examinations long before conception. Such patients know exactly what colposcopy is and why it is needed. But some expectant mothers encounter this term after pregnancy has occurred. Colposcopy during pregnancy - what is it and why is it performed?

Colposcopy is a diagnostic technique aimed at detecting pathologies of the cervix. If the pregnancy was not planned, it is quite possible that during the initial examination of the woman, the doctor will see changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix. The exact diagnosis and cause of these changes are important for the pregnant woman as they may influence the decision about the mode of delivery. Sometimes it depends on the results of colposcopy whether a woman will give birth on her own or will need a cesarean section.

Colposcopy is a low-traumatic method of endoscopic examination, the purpose of which is to examine the cervix using a device - a colposcope. The role of colposcopy can hardly be overestimated: this method accurately diagnoses gynecological diseases, such as precancerous conditions and cervical oncology.

Colposcopy is one of the mandatory examinations in obstetrics, especially if there are indications for it. Most often, mild diseases detected during pregnancy cannot be treated, so the results of the study will remain relevant for the woman after childbirth. But, given the current tension in cancer pathologies in the world, sometimes colposcopy during pregnancy can reveal precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. Of course, these conditions disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and prevent natural childbirth - in such cases a caesarean section is performed.

Colposcopy is performed routinely for pregnant women. A referral for examination is issued by a gynecologist. Most women are worried when they are recommended to undergo this test, but in fact, conducting it does not mean that the expectant mother has any serious pathology. It can be prescribed not only if gynecological problems are suspected, but also if there is relative well-being in order to make sure that nothing can interfere with natural delivery and complications will not arise during childbirth.

Indications and contraindications

With a simple colposcopy, you can get more information about the condition of the cervix than with a regular examination by a doctor without using a microscope. If extended colposcopy is used, you can even see the stages of development of precancerous and cancerous processes. The condition of the cervical mucosa, its epithelial layer, blood vessels, pathologically altered tissues, the volume of lesions, in general, all types of anomalies in this area can be assessed through colposcopic examination.

  • pain during and immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • intermenstrual bleeding and the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse;
  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • chronic nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increasing over time;
  • rashes on the external genitalia.

For expectant mothers, colposcopy is performed if there is suspicion or presence of cervical erosion. However, in recent years, doctors have introduced this study into the list of mandatory tests for all pregnant women, since the frequency of gynecological pathologies is increasing significantly, and many women consult a doctor with an unplanned pregnancy. In addition, from the moment of conception, the immune defense in every woman’s body deteriorates, against the background of which previously undiagnosed gynecological diseases can flare up with renewed vigor.

There are no contraindications to this study. Colposcopy is performed even in the early stages of pregnancy. It is not dangerous for a woman and cannot harm an unborn child.

However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the study may be postponed until the bleeding and increased blood pressure disappear. Also, colposcopy is not practiced in women who cannot tolerate the auxiliary solutions - acetic acid and iodine used for the procedure.

Colposcopy during pregnancy - is it possible?

Of course, it would be better if any diagnostic studies were carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning, since the results of colposcopy help to study general trends regarding a woman’s gynecological health and suggest a prognosis for a possible pregnancy. In any case, the answer to the question whether colposcopy can be done during pregnancy will be positive. This research is not only possible, but also necessary, if the need arises.

Colposcopy is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy after the doctor becomes familiar with the state of the vaginal microflora. The procedure is prescribed to all women, especially if we are talking about possible pathology. There is no need to doubt the veracity and relevance of this diagnostic method. The fact is that gynecological problems such as inflammation or erosion of the cervix, during pregnancy, can enter a phase of active development that requires urgent treatment.

The study is completely safe for both the expectant mother and the baby, because it does not interfere with the gestation process. Together with colposcopy, a biopsy is often performed, which allows a more accurate assessment of existing abnormalities.

Features of colposcopy during pregnancy

In general, colposcopy in pregnant women is performed in the same way as in other cases. The only difference will be that the expectant mother’s cervix is ​​covered with a thick layer of mucus, which protects the fetus from infection from the outside. Because of this, detecting neoplasms and changes on its surface becomes a more difficult task, so the manipulation should be performed by a specialist who has experience in performing colposcopy in pregnant women.

Most often, in early pregnancy it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of the necessary information, so many patients undergo a secondary colposcopy after 6 weeks or in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, if the first results of the study were not entirely good.

Colposcopy as a diagnostic method is painless, but for some women this procedure may cause discomfort.

  • don't have sex;
  • do not douche;
  • Do not insert medications of any kind into the vagina (suppositories, ointments).

In the early stages, colposcopy is performed very carefully; the procedure will feel like a woman’s usual gynecological examination. If there are no external problems, auxiliary solutions are not used during the procedure. If a malignant process is suspected, a tissue biopsy is performed.

During pregnancy, there is often a viscous mucous discharge on the cervix and vagina, which can interfere with a full examination. In this case, the doctor can remove them using 3% acetic acid and special sponges by treating the surface being examined.

Even at the stage of planning a child, almost every woman knows what colposcopy is. But there are exceptions when a woman, already pregnant, does not even imagine what colposcopy is and what its essence is. The answer to this question can be found in this material.

Colposcopy: what is it and why?

If we translate the word “colposcopy” from Latin, it means “examination of the vagina.” This is a medical procedure that involves examining the vagina using special mirrors and a microscope. The woman sits down on the gynecological chair, after which the doctor examines the mucous cavities, vascular connections, vaginal walls and cervix using a microscope.

Most women believe that a microscope is inserted into the vagina, after which this diagnostic procedure is carried out. But that's not true. The doctor, using a special mirror and binocular, which is located 15 cm from the vagina, performs a standard gynecological examination. Women are more scared by the name of the study than by the procedure itself. During the examination, the doctor also takes a smear for examination. Using a smear analysis, the presence of cytology or histology can be diagnosed.

After a short period of time, the procedure ends. If a detailed examination is required, the doctor treats the cervical cavity with Lugol's solution. After processing the following conclusions are drawn:

  • if iodine fills the entire cavity of the cervix, then no pathologies have been detected;
  • If non-staining spots of iodine appear on the cervical cavity, the doctor will refer the woman for a biopsy.

A biopsy is a procedure in which a piece of tissue is removed for analysis. During pregnancy, a biopsy procedure is performed in rare cases.

Is colposcopy allowed during pregnancy?

Doctors recommend carrying out a vaginal examination procedure even before conceiving a child. This will provide an overall picture of pregnancy planning, on the basis of which forecasts are made. The procedure is carried out only after the doctor takes a smear of the vaginal microflora for examination. This is done not only before pregnancy, but also during pregnancy.

Colposcopy during pregnancy is prescribed if pathological abnormalities are suspected. Therefore, to the question of whether colposcopy can be done during pregnancy, there is only a positive answer. After all, such a serious disease as erosion, which manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, becomes complicated and reaches a severe stage.

Advice! If the doctor has identified suspicions and referred for a biopsy, then one should not refuse this procedure. A timely diagnosed disease is 100% curable.

Cervical examination: to do or not

Colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy is performed as prescribed by a gynecologist. If you have suspicions, even the most insignificant ones, you should not neglect the doctor’s advice, but go for an examination.

Pregnancy is a period during which the female body experiences various loads, disruptions, and stress. As a result of such loads, the development of pathologies cannot be ruled out. Colposcopy for pregnant women is not mandatory, but this procedure makes it possible to determine the presence of not only cervical erosion, but also the extent of its spread. Extensive erosions are very dangerous for pregnant women, because untimely treatment can lead to problems during the birth process. In case of a complicated disease, the doctor decides to perform a caesarean section.

No one from the medical staff has the right to force a woman to undergo an examination, but at the same time she needs to be aware and understand what pregnancy and childbirth are. If you do not undergo the study, then only you will be harmed. Therefore, consider the doctor’s appointment and rush for a procedure that does not take more than half an hour.

Colposcopy: when is it performed?

The colposcopy procedure is performed in the early stages of pregnancy, immediately after the woman is registered. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo examination.

Colposcopy during pregnancy is also prescribed in later stages, which is required for a control examination before childbirth. The procedure is repeated only when the doctor first identifies pathology or abnormalities.

When planning a colposcopy, you need to prepare for it. Before the procedure, a woman should exclude any negative impact on the vaginal lining. This is done in order to preserve the natural microflora in it as much as possible.

Advice! Three days before going to the hospital, a woman needs to exclude three things: sex, the use of tampons, and the use of synthetic preparations for the care of intimate places.

Colposcopy during late pregnancy has distinctive features of its implementation. In the last trimester, a woman needs to take a position in which the right thigh is located on the sheet. This is done in order to avoid a decrease in pressure to a critical value. If necessary, if it is not possible to expand the vaginal walls, the doctor can use a special instrument. If there is no dilator, then the speculum is inserted into the vagina. To avoid damaging the vaginal cavity, the doctor places a condom on the speculum.

It is important to know! If pregnancy is due to the development of pathologies, then colposcopy is mandatory.

If pregnancy occurs with relapses or complications, the colposcopy procedure is carried out carefully so as not to provoke bleeding or premature birth. Vaginal examination is carried out only by a qualified doctor who has not only a diploma, but also experience.

Contraindications to colposcopy

Colposcopy during pregnancy is practically painless and safe, as confirmed by the experience of many women. This procedure has no contraindications, but before a woman lies down on a gynecological chair, the doctor must familiarize herself with the history of her diseases and the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. This is required to eliminate the most minimal risks.

Many years of experience have proven that it is better to perform a colposcopy now than to postpone it until tomorrow, after which you will need to undergo a full course of treatment for cervical diseases. If the issue of conceiving a child plays an important role, then the woman needs to undergo colposcopy. The procedure will not negatively affect the course of pregnancy, and even more so, will not affect conception.

Advice! Before going to an appointment for the procedure, find out from your acquaintances, friends or reviews from the Internet which doctor is better to undergo an examination.

Summing up

Having an idea of ​​what colposcopy means and why it is necessary, we can draw conclusions. Any medical intervention is done with one purpose: to promptly identify the disease and begin to cure it. Pregnancy is very important in the life of every woman, but in order for this period to pass joyfully and happily, you need to take care of your health today.

Colposcopy during pregnancy can be characterized as follows:

  • a useful type of examination that allows you to identify pathological health abnormalities;
  • does not negatively affect the development of the fetus;
  • does not require a recovery period;
  • carried out quickly and painlessly.

If the gynecologist has prescribed you to undergo an examination, and you are still hesitating, then don’t, hurry up and you can make sure of your health and a happy pregnancy.

Colposcopy is an endoscopic research method that is used to identify diseases and pathological disorders of the uterine cervix. Examination of the uterus with a colposcope is included in the list of mandatory diagnostic methods in obstetrics.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic method that is used to identify pathologies of the cervix and can be prescribed during pregnancy. The colposcopic examination procedure is absolutely safe for the fetus and the expectant mother.

Mild forms of diseases that are detected by colposcopy during gestation are often not subject to treatment. Therefore, the results of the colposcopic examination will remain valid for the woman after delivery.

Often, during colposcopy, pregnant women are diagnosed with precancerous and cancerous lesions of the uterine cervix. Such conditions affect the normal course of pregnancy and interfere with natural labor. Establishing an accurate diagnosis and identifying the cause of pathological disorders is especially important, since these results can affect the method of delivery (spontaneous birth, cesarean section).

Indications and contraindications

In recent years, colposcopy has been included in the list of mandatory tests for pregnant women. This is due to the high risk of developing gynecological pathologies and the fact that most women turn to a gynecologist with an unplanned pregnancy. In addition, from the moment of fertilization, the immune defense of the female body is significantly reduced, which can provoke the development of previously undetected disorders.

Colposcopic examination is prescribed not only for suspected pathologies of the reproductive organs, but also for preventive purposes. This will ensure that there are no changes that could affect natural delivery or cause complications during childbirth.

There are no contraindications to examining the uterine cervix with a colposcope. The procedure can be prescribed at any stage of gestation. It is absolutely safe and does not affect the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. If there is a threat of interruption, colposcopy may be postponed until the increased tone of the uterus normalizes and the bleeding disappears. Also, colposcopic examination is not carried out for women with individual intolerance to auxiliary solutions that are used for extended colposcopy (iodine, acetic acid).

When is colposcopy performed during pregnancy?

As a rule, colposcopy during pregnancy is prescribed in the early stages - when the pregnant woman is registered or shortly thereafter. The first colposcopic examination is recommended at 8-9 weeks of gestation. If no pathologies are detected, repeat testing will not be required.

If erosion or other urogenital diseases (cervicitis) are detected in a pregnant woman, colposcopy is prescribed at the beginning of each trimester. This will allow you to monitor the course of the pathology and evaluate the results of the prescribed therapy. If any abnormalities are suspected that threaten the normal course of pregnancy, colposcopy can be prescribed at any stage of gestation.

To obtain reliable diagnostic results, 3-4 days before the upcoming procedure, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse, introducing medications into the vagina, douching and using synthetic detergents for intimate hygiene.

After colposcopy, sanguineous vaginal discharge may be observed for 2-3 days. This is the norm. If leucorrhoea becomes bloody, profuse and is accompanied by a nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Colposcopy is an endoscopic examination that involves a targeted examination of the cervix with a colcoscope, which visually resembles an optical device - a microscope. This diagnostic method allows early detection of various gynecological pathologies, including cervical erosions, precancerous conditions and oncopathology.

Quite often, colcoscopy is performed during pregnancy. Obstetricians-gynecologists decide on the need for such an examination. More often, a pregnant woman is sent for a colcoscopy when the doctor suspects the presence of pathologies. Many expectant mothers are scared when they are prescribed this procedure and are keenly interested in whether it is possible to do a colcoscopy during pregnancy.


The main indication for a colcoscopic examination in pregnant women is the suspicion of the presence of cervical erosion and its presence in the anamnesis of the expectant mother. In addition, obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe colcoscopy to all their patients if they have the following complaints:

  • in the luteal phase of the cycle and after sexual intercourse, a woman experiences bloody discharge;
  • the patient experiences pain during or after intimacy;
  • prolonged pain in the lower abdomen that becomes more intense over time;
  • at the entrance to the internal genital organs, a woman feels itching and burning;
  • A rash appears on the external reproductive organs.

Different women come with such complaints, and some of them can also be observed in expectant mothers. In addition, recently gynecologists have begun to prescribe colposcopy during pregnancy for almost everyone without fail. This is due to the increase in the number of gynecological pathologies and the fact that most women do not get pregnant as planned (they did not conduct a preliminary examination).

Colcoscopy is also done after delivery to assess the condition of the cervix after a standard physiological birth. Or during surgical dissection of the perineum and posterior vaginal wall to assess damage to the cervix. This is especially true if cervical erosion was diagnosed during pregnancy, since it could rupture during delivery.

As a rule, with the onset of pregnancy, women's immunity becomes weaker, so previously hidden gynecological problems can make themselves known.

Before IVF, a colcoscopy is done to assess the possibility of a physiological birth and to exclude precancerous conditions or other pathologies.


As such, there are no contraindications to this procedure, since it is practically painless and low-traumatic. But before starting the procedure, an experienced specialist must carefully study all the results of the examination of the pregnant woman in order to eliminate even minimal risks. The procedure is not performed in the early stages of pregnancy for women who are at risk of miscarriage.

Colposcopy for pregnant women has the same technique as that performed for women who are not carrying a child. One significant difference is that if there are no serious pathologies, then pregnant women do not undergo extended colcoscopy. This means that tests with dyes, Lugol's solution, trichlortetrazole or other substances are not performed. However, if there is a serious reason to assume a pre-tumor condition, then even pregnant women undergo collection of biological material for histological examination.

Features of the event

Basically, colposcopy during pregnancy is performed in the same way as for non-pregnant women. However, the physiological characteristics of expectant mothers should be taken into account. The cervix of pregnant women is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which is designed to protect the fetus from external infections.

Therefore, in order to detect certain changes and neoplasms, the procedure must be performed by a highly qualified specialist who has already performed such procedures on pregnant women.

If colcoscopy is performed in early pregnancy, then in cases where controversial issues remain or the examination results are unsatisfactory, the procedure will be recommended to be repeated after 1.5 months or already in the last trimester. Colposcopy is considered a painless procedure, but for some sensitive women it causes discomfort.

For the examination to be as effective as possible, a woman should follow simple recommendations. 2 days before the scheduled diagnosis, she should:

  • refuse intimacy;
  • do not rinse the vagina with solutions of medicinal substances for therapeutic purposes;
  • do not use vaginal medications (suppositories, ointments).

Colcoscopy during pregnancy in the first trimester is performed very delicately and can feel like a standard gynecological examination. If the patient does not have a history of serious gynecological diseases, then the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​not treated with special reagents. And a biopsy, due to the increased risks for the fetus, is performed only if there are serious reasons to suspect oncopathology.

If a pregnant woman has too much viscous mucus in the vagina and cervix, then so that it does not interfere with a full examination, it is removed with special sponges soaked in 3% acetic acid.

In the later stages, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases and the expectant mother’s cervix usually increases in size, therefore, from the end of the second trimester, colposcopy should be performed even more carefully and delicately. Sometimes during the procedure bleeding may begin, which the doctor stops by cauterizing silver nitrate or basic ferrous sulfate (Moncel paste), hemostatic sponges are also used. Colcoscopy is performed on a gynecological chair. In this case, the optical device is installed at a distance of 10–15 cm from the genital slit.

The duration of the procedure can take from 20 to 40 minutes