The Komondor is a dog with unusual fur. Dog breeds with dreadlocks: photos and names of the most shaggy breeds Dogs with hair like dreadlocks

Dogs whose hairstyle is very similar to dreadlocks, in fact, do not get them in trendy grooming salons, but get them naturally. This type of hairstyle is found on dogs with coarse fur that naturally curls together to form “ropes” that look like dreadlocks.

Breeds with dreadlocks

Most dogs with this type of coat were originally bred as herding dogs, for herding and guarding livestock. Their unique coat protected them from bad weather conditions and even from attacks by some predators. These breeds are the well-known Puli, Komondor, Bergamasco Shepherd, Spanish Water Dog and the curly-coated Havanese. The poodle's coat can also naturally weave into "cords."



Bergamasco Shepherd:

Spanish Water Dog:



All of these breeds have curly, curly fur, similar in texture to woolen fabric, which over time is woven into separate long “tangles.” These "cords", or dreadlocks, usually begin to form in puppies at 9 months of age or after the seasonal shedding.


Caring for such coat can be quite labor-intensive. Unlike other breeds, you should not allow your puppy with dreadlocks to run around the yard and roll in the dirt. On the other hand, you can prevent tangles from forming. To use traditional brushing with a regular brush, you must do it on a daily basis. In the future, this will also contribute to the formation of correct “dreadlocks”, but you will have to separate them from each other manually.


To keep your fancy pup's skin and coat clean, you should bathe him every 2-4 weeks, depending on how dirty he is. Use a small amount of shampoo and shower to thoroughly lather up your buddy and his dreadlocks. Gently massage and squeeze them with your hands to lather each individual dreadlock. Then rinse the coat just as thoroughly and after the final rinse, dry the dog completely with a soft towel and hair dryer.

Without proper care, dreadlock fur can become tangled, foul-smelling, and even moldy. When dreadlocks first grow out, the coat may appear unkempt and tangled, but this is normal and can last for several months as the dreadlocks first form and then begin to grow. If you can't handle your buddy's coat on your own, seek help from a professional groomer who is familiar with this type of breed.

Please note that the fee for bathing, cleaning and drying a dog with dreadlocks may be higher than for a dog with a traditional coat type. Trim and trim dreadlocks as needed to prevent you and your dog from tripping over them. Additionally, if the wool begins to smell strongly or has mold in it, you may need to trim it back extensively to allow the wool to grow back from scratch.

Either a sheep or a dog. The eyes are tightly covered with wool, like curtains. Because of this, it is impossible to understand whether this miracle of nature is planning to attack, retreat, or simply ignore you. Only the owner Komondor can read the thoughts of his pet, and it’s not a fact that he will read it correctly.

Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the thoughts of a Komondor are always crystal clear, honest and straightforward. In a nutshell, this dog has one goal: “To serve and protect.”

How to get lost in a flock of sheep

If you believe the Hungarian legends, namely Hungary is officially considered the birthplace of these amazing dogs, then the Komondor originated as a result of unnatural mating games between sheep and wolves. Of course, it’s hard to imagine a wolf who, instead of just tearing a sheep’s throat out, begins, sorry, to look after it or whatever happens in such cases.

And if there was even a word of truth in these legends, then the consequences could be the most terrible. Just imagine a sheep commanding a pack of wolves, or a wolf, due to heredity, knowing perfectly well the habits of sheep and, of course, shamelessly using this for his own selfish purposes.

But we sincerely believe that “nothing happened” between the wolf and the sheep. And no matter where the Komondor came from, this dog turned out to be simply amazing: brave, strong, independent, knowing its charges well. A dog that, thanks to its appearance, can easily get lost in a flock of sheep if, for example, you need to confuse, deceive or punish the same greedy wolf.

By the way, legends are legends, but experts officially state that the origin of this dog was not without wolf genes. One of the most important working qualities of Komondors is that all responsibility for protecting the flock can be transferred to them for a long time, and these dogs will fully justify the trust placed in them.

King of all dogs

But, let's start in order. Nobody knows when Komondors appeared. Various sources claim that the breed is about a thousand years old, but if you ask these sources for documentary evidence, then they, the sources, shyly fall silent.

The first descriptions of Komondors are found in chronicles of the mid-16th century. Then these dogs are mentioned more and more often by medieval authors, and in the most flattering terms. Such as: “The Komondor is the king among shepherds”, “The Komondor is the leader and the king among dogs”, “Only the Komondor can be trusted with your life” and so on. From this it is clear that the Komondors made, and quite rightly, an indelible impression on everyone who met them at least once and remained alive.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Komondors received official status in international cynological organizations. They appeared in the USSR immediately after the Great Patriotic War.

Italian French?

By the way, World War II almost killed these dogs. Hungary, as we know, was literally in the thick of things, and Komondors were better suited than many other breeds to carry out the most difficult (and, most often, deadly) tasks, so by the end of the war there were practically none left.

The Americans helped restore the breed. Overseas enthusiasts, who managed to get acquainted with Komondors during the fighting, after the conclusion of peace, scoured the farthest corners of Europe in search of surviving individuals. And they found it. Now approximately half of all Komondors living on the planet (about three thousand) live in the United States. Moreover, a couple of these dogs occupy positions in the presidential guard.

The name of the breed, as well as its origin, still causes controversy among breeders. Everyone offers their own option. Some breeders claim that this word has Turkic-Pecheneg roots. This is what ancient tribes called their large white herding dogs (and Komondors are only white).

Others believe that the word "komondor" comes from the French commondeur or Italian sape commodore, meaning "dog king." Well, as for the last option, then, frankly speaking, we are tormented by vague doubts. Indeed, in Italy almost until the middle of the 20th century they had no idea about this dog. Where does the Italian “name” come from then?

Very fashionable dreadlocks

When talking about the Komondor, one cannot help but dwell on its original appearance, and, more precisely, it was necessary to start with it. Actually, appearance is the first thing that makes a lasting impression when meeting this dog. You've probably already seen this by looking at the photographs.

These chic dreadlocks are not at all the fruit of the painstaking work of a fashion stylist. They appear on their own. Even in puppyhood, the Komondor's coat begins to curl into beautiful curls. By the age of eight to ten months, it becomes tangled, forming such blonde pigtails, and here it is impossible to do without the help of the owner. The braids must be divided into thinner ones so that the hair does not turn into tangles, and they must be trimmed regularly, about twice a year, leaving 20-25 centimeters.

It is difficult to answer the question unequivocally: why did Mother Nature reward the Hungarian Shepherd with such luxurious, fashionable wool? Most likely, such a fur covering promotes good heat exchange, because these dogs had to herd herds for weeks in high-mountain meadows, where the temperature difference between day and night could reach tens of degrees Celsius.

Interestingly, the Komondor's coat does not have the characteristic dog smell at all, even when wet. Most likely, this is in order not to irritate their charges - the sheep.

It's time for business

We have already mentioned the excellent working qualities of the Komondor. Let's talk about them in more detail. This dog is capable of guarding completely independently, without human help and support, first of all, herding huge flocks of sheep.

Moreover, no tricks will help predators: it is impossible to lead the dog away from the flock, it will not be possible to provoke him and force him to chase someone while another is in charge of the herd. Komondor males, while in service, do not react to beautiful “ladies”, even if they belong to their breed and are in their prime. Business comes first.

The most interesting thing about this dog is that it does not need to be raised or trained to change its character. On the contrary, the main thing here is not to touch anything and give the opportunity to go about their business, that is, to carry out security. After all, this breed is one of the few that were born without human intervention, that is, created by nature itself. It is unlikely that we will be able to improve anything in it; rather, we will spoil it.

25.05.2018 12:14

Amazing creature!

Either a sheep or a dog. The eyes are tightly covered with wool, like curtains. Because of this, it is impossible to understand whether this miracle of nature is planning to attack, retreat, or simply ignore you. Only the owner of a Komondor can read the thoughts of his pet, and it is not a fact that he will read it correctly.

Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the thoughts of a Komondor are always crystal clear, honest and straightforward. In a nutshell, this dog has one goal: “To serve and protect.”

How to get lost in a flock of sheep

If you believe the Hungarian legends, namely Hungary is officially considered the birthplace of these amazing dogs, then the Komondor originated as a result of unnatural mating games between sheep and wolves. Of course, it’s hard to imagine a wolf who, instead of just tearing a sheep’s throat out, begins, sorry, to look after it or whatever happens in such cases.

And if there was even a word of truth in these legends, then the consequences could be the most terrible. Just imagine a sheep commanding a pack of wolves, or a wolf, due to heredity, knowing perfectly well the habits of sheep and, of course, shamelessly using this for his own selfish purposes.

But we sincerely believe that “nothing happened” between the wolf and the sheep. And no matter where the Komondor came from, this dog turned out to be simply amazing: brave, strong, independent, knowing its charges well. A dog that, thanks to its appearance, can easily get lost in a flock of sheep if, for example, you need to confuse, deceive or punish the same greedy wolf.

By the way, legends are legends, but experts officially state that the origin of this dog was not without wolf genes. One of the most important working qualities of Komondors is that all responsibility for protecting the flock can be transferred to them for a long time, and these dogs will fully justify the trust placed in them.

King of all dogs

But, let's start in order. Nobody knows when Komondors appeared. Various sources claim that the breed is about a thousand years old, but if you ask these sources for documentary evidence, then they, the sources, shyly fall silent.

The first descriptions of Komondors are found in chronicles of the mid-16th century. Then these dogs are mentioned more and more often by medieval authors, and in the most flattering terms. Such as: “The Komondor is the king among shepherds”, “The Komondor is the leader and the king among dogs”, “Only the Komondor can be trusted with your life” and so on. From this it is clear that the Komondors made, and quite rightly, an indelible impression on everyone who met them at least once and remained alive.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Komondors received official status in international cynological organizations. They appeared in the USSR immediately after the Great Patriotic War.

The proud name of the Hungarian Shepherd or Komondor is an incredibly beautiful breed of dog with original fur. This is an unusual dog with dreadlocks. Such magnificent dogs are classified as shepherd-like dogs, however, they are practically in no way similar to their relatives. But it’s not even about appearance, but also about the character of the animal. You will learn everything about this breed later in the article.


Breed overview


This type of dog is rightfully considered one of the oldest herding dogs in Hungary. The ancestors of this powerful breed were brought from the Carpathians in the 9th century. By the way, this fact actually indicates that the Tibetan Great Dane and the Komondor are closest relatives. The Hungarian Shepherd helped its owners, who were nomadic shepherds, to protect the big ones from attacks by large predators.

People in Hungary have a beautiful legend about the Komondor, according to which a wolf fell in love with a defenseless sheep, and as a result of their mutual love, the first Komondor was born.

The Hungarian Shepherd Dog did not stand on ceremony with wolves and fought without fear. This breed is also considered an ideal watchdog; the Hungarian Shepherd will guard your home to the last. It is noteworthy that when defending herds, these dogs were greatly helped by their fur, so they blended in with the sheep.


The Hungarian Shepherd is a large-built dog with strong bones and well-developed muscles. It is a very slender and elegant look that evokes amazement and delight. The unusual fur of an animal is the first thing that may catch your eye. Because of the original “hairstyle,” the dog’s head looks more like a ball of fur.

The dog has a proportionately wide skull. The brow ridge of the pet is developed; you can observe the transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The Komondor's nose is brown or black; in cases where the nose is flesh-colored, the dog's participation in exhibitions is not allowed. The pet's jaw is also very well developed. The Komondor has beautiful almond-shaped eyes that are set shallowly. Dogs of this species can only have dark eyes; blue is not allowed.

At the withers, a boy's height can reach seventy-seven centimeters, girls - sixty-eight. Dogs weigh between fifty and sixty kilograms. The breed is distinctive for its coat, the length of which can be twenty-four centimeters. A dog with a dense and thin skin is most valued. The Komondor develops dreadlocks on its coat at the age of two years.

We suggest you learn more about this breed by watching the following video.


These unusual pets live on average from ten to twelve years, depending on the degree of care the owner takes for his beauty.


The Hungarian Shepherd has a peaceful and calm character. He simply adores little children, loves when they play with him and pet him. The pet is easy to train and is understanding. All the owner’s commands are carried out quickly and unquestioningly.

However, since the dog has a fairly well-developed intellect, in a certain situation a decision can be made independently.

The ancient instinct for protection, which was embedded in this charming animal for many years, has survived to this day. So, for example, a Komondor can easily gather all those walking in a heap and begin to “graze” them, in fact, this is what his ancestors did. Such a dog will follow its owner anywhere.

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As for caring for this animal, it is quite difficult, since its unusual coat requires attention and care from the owner.

A dog's cute dreadlocks should never be combed, as they may lose their shape. It is allowed to sort through the formed strand so that it does not fall into one tangle.

These human friends are washed when the fur is sufficiently dirty, taking into account how long the pet’s “decoration” takes to dry.

Despite its size, the shepherd dog eats little. Despite this, the owner must ensure that his ward has a balanced diet, since the pet moves a lot and often.

Photo gallery

Video “Komondor frolicking”

We bring to your attention a cute video showing a child and a Komondor.

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Dogs with dreadlocks, cords and plates. The hairdresser will not help these breeds. Commander, Bullets, Bergamasco - when you see an adult dog of the listed breeds, you immediately think of the hairdresser - “maybe it needs a haircut.”

The coat is what makes these dogs look very exotic. Dogs' fur is gathered into separate cords called dreadlocks. The structure is very unusual - it consists of a long, wavy, coarse outer hair and a short, soft, dense undercoat. It is the combination of these two types of pile that forms the cord. Moreover, the ratio of the amount of awn and undercoat determines the quality and structure of the cord.

These dogs look like young men with African braids and dreadlocks. But boys and girls deliberately do such hairstyles for themselves, and these dogs grow such hair naturally.

You don’t always know if a dog sees you or not. You wonder if the dog suffers from such hair. And it’s always interesting how these breeds got such an appearance. All three breeds are ancient breeds. The ancestors of these dogs were used by nomadic shepherds. Wool twisted into cords protects the dog very well from cold and heat. Which is very important for dogs that are on pastures around the clock. It also saves the dog from the teeth of predators such as wolves. Long, corded, curly wool is similar to sheep's and easily camouflages a dog in a flock of sheep without scaring them.

Cords in dogs of these breeds, they are finally formed at the age of 1.5 - 2 years. Dreadlocks Dogs grow throughout their lives and only become longer and thicker over the years.

Let's give a brief description of these breeds:

Commanderhas impressive strength, fearless behavior and a pleasant exterior. In general, it is a large, muscular dog of strong build and bone, covered with unusual thick white hair. Height at the withers: males - 65 cm, females - 60 cm. An adult dog is covered with thick hair, consisting of flattened cords that form naturally and do not require any care other than washing. Color white. An excellent guard dog for the home. Suspicious of strangers. An adult dog guarding herds, diligent, fearless and very reliable. A young dog is as playful as puppies of any other breed. The commander is devoted to his master and will protect him from any attack. Therefore, it is not used to move herds, but is trusted only to protect them. For most of the year he lives in the open air, protecting himself from strange dogs and predators.

Bullets is a herding dog of Hungarian origin, which, despite its small size, has been skillfully managing huge flocks of sheep for several centuries. The dog is medium in size, the height at the withers is about 45 cm. The coat is very thick, dense, twisted into laces. Puli are cheerful and unpretentious by nature. They are quite hardy and amenable to training. They can swim and jump. Independent in nature, the Puli however loves when all family members get together. She is very attached to her owner and has a positive attitude towards small children. It can show aggression towards strangers if it senses their behavior as a threat to its owner. Coat color can be of three types: black with a gray or rusty tint, fawn with a black mask, pearl white.

Bergamasco- medium-sized rectangular dog. Height at the withers: males - 60 cm, females - 56-58 cm. Weight: males - 32-38 kg, females - 30 kg. a dog with a wonderful character. She is smart, courageous, friendly, obedient, loves to work, and has an excellent memory. It is adapted to any living conditions and is undemanding when it comes to food. Her natural stubbornness is overcome by energetic and correct training. The coat is very abundant, long, with undercoat. On the body, as well as on the limbs, the hair is formed into cords. These cords should be oily, soft to the touch and fall down on both sides of the body, providing a kind of protection from bad weather and bites of predators. The hair on the head is not so thick, but is also formed into cords that partially cover the eyes. The color is gray, gray with spots - from light gray to black. Uniform black and yellow colors, white marks and spots are allowed, but only if they occupy no more than 1/5 of the dog’s body. The Bergamasco Shepherd is muscular, has a heavy bone structure, a large head, and a thick tail that hangs down. The animal is quite compact, has an almost square format.

Have you now become acquainted with such unusual dog breeds, but want to know about those dogs that don’t smell at all? Reading.

Well, in conclusion, some photos of these amazing dogs of all three breeds: