Compensation from the Social Insurance Fund for self-purchased rehabilitation means. Can a disabled person purchase TMR on their own, will its cost be compensated? Compensation for self-purchase of equipment

If a person with a disability independently acquired the rehabilitation aid required by law, he can demand compensation for it in cash. Today we will talk about how to receive compensation and find out the amount of payment for rehabilitation means.

Regulatory information on the amount of compensation for rehabilitation means

The most important document that you should familiarize yourself with if you are applying for compensation is Order number 57 n dated January 31, 2011, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. This regulatory document describes in detail the entire procedure for compensation payments. Today we are interested in the process of determining the size of the payment.

According to paragraph 3 of this document, the amount of payment is calculated as follows: the name of the product you purchased is compared with the name of the rehabilitation product specified in the federal classification. This classification is contained in order No. 214 n dated May 24, 2013, issued by the Ministry of Labor. Why can I skip studying this document? For compensation for technical equipment and prosthetic products, it is not particularly important for one simple reason: during the medical and social examination, the names of the products were entered into your rehabilitation card in accordance with this document. That is, the ITU Bureau has already ensured that the appropriate product is recommended to you.

The rehabilitation card is your main document, it contains all the recommendations of doctors

Be careful! The name of the rehabilitation product you purchased must fully correspond to the entry in the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program in the column “Recommended technical rehabilitation equipment and services.”

The second significant point in terms of the amount of compensation is the direct calculation of the amount of payment. Unfortunately, you will not receive the full price of the item purchased. Why is this so? Just five years ago, the state did not limit the amount of compensation and people with disabilities could refuse government support and purchase better products for themselves, more convenient and comfortable, and, accordingly, more expensive. Someone approached this issue responsibly and actually selected products for themselves that could help cope with the disease. Why not? Diapers with normal absorbency, comfortable strollers, imported bandage products. And someone, for example, some hearing impaired people, could take the plunge and buy themselves a meter plasma, since its purchase did not contradict the entry in the card “TV with teletext”.

For a person with disabilities, the quality of rehabilitation products is important; their quality of life depends on them

The federal budget allocated for these purposes was bursting at the seams. People refused government support, not wanting to save on technical equipment, fortunately all costs were generously compensated. The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which we talked about, put an end to this process.

This document limited the amount of compensation for rehabilitation equipment to the cost of a similar product purchased under a government contract. Roughly speaking, how much the Social Insurance Fund buys a prosthesis for a disabled person is how much it will compensate if the disabled person bought it on their own. That is, if you bought diapers at the nearest pharmacy for 50 rubles apiece, then you will be compensated 27 rubles, for this amount the products were purchased as part of government procurement. When determining the cost of a product, its size and technical features will be taken into account. All the same diapers for adults can have different sizes - from XS to XL. And you must buy exactly what the doctors prescribed for you in your rehabilitation card. And the fund or social services employees involved in the payment of compensation will compare the cost of your size with the price under the contract in your region.

Social services employees will compare your purchase with the prices of the government contract

And that's not all, be patient. In 2014, some changes were made to the Order 57n we mentioned regarding the determination of the amount of compensation. They are established by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 77 n dated October 24, 2014. Currently the cost of the product is calculated according to the last contract fully executed by the customer and supplier. That is, the Social Insurance Fund purchased hearing aids for the disabled, the delivery process went through, all payments to suppliers were made under the contract - and now the cost of the supplied device can be taken as the basis for calculating compensation. It turns out that for the calculation, mainly the prices of the previous year are taken, since almost all government contracts are concluded for a period of one year and all calculations end on December 31. Moreover, the contract must be fulfilled in full, that is, 100 percent. But often there are force majeure circumstances and contracts are terminated due to partial performance or non-performance on the part of suppliers. The result is that prices for calculating compensation will be the same as last year.

Where to find the cost of technical rehabilitation equipment to calculate the amount of compensation

All this is very difficult at first glance, but don’t despair! Now you understand what the prices are made up of. Now the only thing left to do is find them. The law requires executive bodies to post information for people with disabilities in publicly accessible sources. You can find the information you need on the global network on two main platforms: on the Social Insurance Fund website and on the State Procurement website. The State Procurement resource has a rather complex structure, and we will talk about the search methodology in it in one of the following publications. For now, let’s turn to publicly available information on the pages of the FSS website. We offer you a step-by-step guide to determining the amount of compensation for independently purchased rehabilitation equipment and prosthetic and orthopedic products:

Type “Social Security Fund” in the search bar of any browser and you can easily get to the main page. It looks like this:

On the left edge of the page, find the tab “Compensation for technical means of rehabilitation independently acquired by disabled people.” You will see two similar tabs - one for the total number of disabled people, the other for those injured at work. We will talk about them separately.

On the page that opens you will find two links - to the regulatory documentation that we talked about above, and the prices you are looking for.

After you have clicked on the selected region, the system will prompt you to save or open a file with a price table. Don't forget that to use the table you must have Excel installed. It is advisable to use a modern version of this program.

How to work with a table and find the information you need in it

The table shows prices for several years. To determine the current price for today, you need to set a filter in the first line. To do this, select the line by clicking the cursor on the ruler:

And then select the “Filter” tool from the list of tools. As a result, a triangular icon will appear in each cell of the desired row. We will use it for filtering.

Now select the rehabilitation tool you need in this line and check the box next to it. To simplify your selection, you can type a name, for example, stroller, and you will be offered a complete list of products with the word “stroller” in the name.

In the list you will see the cost of products under different contracts for technical rehabilitation equipment in different years. To find out the current prices for today, you need to go to the last column, where the contract closing date is indicated. Using the method described above, select the most recent closing date.

Well, that’s all - you will see the current price of the stroller today and will be able to roughly calculate your expenses, taking into account possible compensation for rehabilitation equipment.

Don’t forget to match the name of the purchase, the entry in the rehabilitation/habilitation card and the data indicated in the table!

If you still have questions about determining compensation for self-purchased technical rehabilitation equipment or have useful comments - write, I will answer everything!

Information about changes: By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2014 N 771n, changes were made to paragraph 7. See the text of paragraph in the previous edition 7. The amount of compensation is determined by the authorized body on the basis of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, documents confirming the costs of purchasing technical equipment rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, the conclusion of a medical and technical examination (in relation to the provision of services for the repair of a technical means of rehabilitation), as well as the cost of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services that must be provided to a disabled person, determined by the authorized body in the manner established legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services.

Get compensation and benefits

In cases where a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service provided for by an individual rehabilitation program cannot be provided to a disabled person, or if a disabled person has purchased an appropriate technical means of rehabilitation and (or) paid for the service at his own expense, he is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the acquired technical means of rehabilitation and ( or) the service provided, but not more than the cost of the corresponding technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services established under government contracts concluded in the Penza regional branch of the Fund. It is important to keep in mind that by law the fund has the right to purchase a technical means of rehabilitation for a disabled person only within the framework of the federal TSR list. If a person makes a similar purchase himself, he can count on compensation.

Amount of compensation for TSR

If the authorized bodies did not purchase technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services on the territory of the federal district, which includes the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, or the procedure for purchasing technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services did not take place, the cost of the corresponding technical means and (or) services is determined based on the results of the most recent purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services, information about which is located on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, execution works, provision of services carried out by any authorized body located within the territory of the Russian Federation.


Heart valve endoprosthesis pcs 75,000.00 Classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, in order to determine the amount of compensation for technical means of rehabilitation (products) purchased by disabled people (veterans) for own account, and (or) repair services paid for at one’s own expense

Amounts of compensation payments for independently purchased equipment and supplies

All persons with disabilities, regardless of disability group, have the right to receive monetary compensation for the purchase of a technical means of rehabilitation (TSR), prosthetic and orthopedic products and (or) services. Monetary compensation to disabled people for technical means of rehabilitation is paid if the technical means provided for by the individual rehabilitation program cannot be provided to the disabled person for any reason, or if he purchased the specified product independently, at his own expense.
Compensation for the independent acquisition of TMR is paid by the territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund or by the executive body of state power of the Russian Federation, if it is vested with the appropriate powers.

Orthopedic salon-shop on Skobelevskaya, 21

The “Filter” tool is usually located at the top of the window. Now select the rehabilitation tool you need in this line and check the box next to it. To simplify your selection, you can type a name, for example, stroller, and you will be offered a complete list of products with the word “stroller” in the name.


Select the desired product Enter the name of the rehabilitation equipment for which you want to receive compensation In the list you will see the cost of products under different contracts for technical rehabilitation equipment in different years. To find out the current prices for today, you need to go to the last column, where the contract closing date is indicated.

Using the method described above, select the most recent closing date.
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For a person with disabilities, the quality of rehabilitation products is important; the quality of his life depends on them. The federal budget allocated for these purposes was bursting at the seams. People refused government support, not wanting to save on technical equipment, fortunately all costs were generously compensated.

The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which we talked about, put an end to this process. This document limited the amount of compensation for rehabilitation equipment to the cost of a similar product purchased under a government contract.


Roughly speaking, how much the Social Insurance Fund buys a prosthesis for a disabled person is how much it will compensate if the disabled person bought it on their own. That is, if you bought diapers at the nearest pharmacy for 50 rubles apiece, then you will be compensated 27 rubles, for this amount the products were purchased as part of government procurement.

N 57n) With amendments and additions dated: September 8, 2011, January 22, October 24, 2014 1. This procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation independently acquired by a disabled person and (or) service provided, including the procedure for determining its amount and procedure informing citizens about the amount of the specified compensation, determines the rules for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation independently acquired by a disabled person and (or) services provided, which must be provided to a disabled person in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, in the amount of the cost of the acquired technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provided services, but not more than the cost of the corresponding technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services provided in the manner established by part fourteen of Article 11.1 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995

About the procedure for paying compensation for self-purchased TCP or paid services for disabled people Typical errors Error: A disabled person was purchased a prosthesis, but the family submitted an application for compensation 2 years later. The family is not happy that the compensation was lower than the cost of the prosthesis for the year the documents were submitted.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011 N 57n “On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service provided by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation” ( with changes and additions)

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
dated January 31, 2011 N 57n
"On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service rendered by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation"

With changes and additions from:

4. The amount of compensation is determined by the authorized body based on the results of the most recent purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, information about which is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods , performance of work, provision of services (, carried out by the authorized body in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.

The last completed procedure for the procurement of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services is considered to be the last completed procedure for the procurement of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services (a state contract concluded by the authorized body for the purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, the obligations under which on the date of submission by a disabled person or a person representing his interests, an application for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) the provision of services was fulfilled by the parties to the contract in full).

If the authorized body did not purchase technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services or the procedure for purchasing technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services did not take place, the cost of the corresponding technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service is determined based on the results of the most recent implementation procurement of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, information about which is located on the official website of the Russian Federation on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services, carried out by any other authorized body, located within the territory of the federal district, which includes the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

If the authorized bodies did not purchase technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services on the territory of the federal district, which includes the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, or the procedure for purchasing technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services did not take place, the cost of the corresponding technical means and (or) services is determined based on the results of the most recent purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services, information about which is located on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, execution works, provision of services carried out by any authorized body located within the territory of the Russian Federation.

Authorized bodies may send a request for the latest purchase of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, within 5 days from the date of receipt of the request from the authorized body, provides information on the latest purchase of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services within the federal district, which includes the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, or within the territory Russian Federation.

Information on the results of the authorized body purchasing technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services is also posted in the official information resources of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the authorized body on the Internet information and telecommunications network and must contain the following information:

type of technical means of rehabilitation in accordance with the classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 2347-r, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 N 214n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2013 N 28858), purchased by the authorized body;

type of service in accordance with the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 2347-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 4, Art. 453; 2010 , N 47, art. 6186; 2013, N 12, art. 1319;

the cost of a specific type of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services within the framework of a state contract concluded by an authorized body for the supply of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services;

a link to a state contract concluded by an authorized body and executed by the parties in full for a specific type of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service, included in the register of contracts, which is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" for posting information about placement orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

5. Compensation to a disabled person is paid on the basis of an application by the disabled person or a person representing his interests for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services and documents confirming the costs of independently acquiring a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services by a disabled person at his own expense. invoice, as well as presenting them with the following documents:

identification document;

individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person;

insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance containing the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

Payment of compensation to a disabled person is carried out by the authorized body within a month from the date of adoption of the relevant decision by postal transfer or transfer of funds to an account opened by the disabled person in a credit institution.

6. The decision to pay compensation is made by the authorized body within 30 days from the date the authorized body accepted the application for payment of compensation.

7. The determination of the amount of compensation by the authorized body is carried out on the basis of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, documents confirming the costs of purchasing a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, the conclusion of a medical and technical examination (in relation to the provision of services for repairing a technical means of rehabilitation), as well as the cost of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services that must be provided to a disabled person, determined by the authorized body in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services.

If the actual cost of a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service is less than the amount of compensation determined based on the results of the last purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) provision of services, compensation is paid based on the costs of the disabled person in accordance with the provided documents confirming expenses for the acquisition of technical means of rehabilitation and (or) payment for services provided.

8. The authorized body, upon requests from citizens, provides information on the amount of compensation for independently purchased technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.


* Taking into account the changes made by the Federal Law of December 9, 2010 N 351-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans” and Articles 11 and 11.1 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, which comes into force from February 1, 2011

Disabled people are provided with technical means of rehabilitation and services at the expense of the federal budget. If this is not possible or he paid for them himself, he is entitled to compensation. Since February 1, 2011, its size is limited by the cost of funds (services) provided free of charge from the federal budget.

The procedure for calculating and paying compensation has been established. Expenses are reimbursed only for those funds (services) that are provided for by the individual rehabilitation program. Compensation is paid by the territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation or authorized regional authorities (if such powers are transferred to them) at the place of residence of the disabled person.

The cost of the purchased product (service) is compensated, but not more than the price of a similar product (service) provided free of charge. It is determined based on the results of the last order placed by the authorized body for the supply of the specified product (provision of service). If it was not carried out or did not take place, information about the last similar order in another region is used (within the boundaries of one federal district, and in their absence, within the country). Information about the order is taken from the website

The calculation of compensation includes the costs of paying for banking or postal services for transferring money.

If the amount of payment determined in this manner is greater than the cost of the product (service) purchased by the disabled person, he will be compensated for the actual costs incurred.

To receive compensation, a disabled person submits an application. Documents on the costs of purchasing the product (service) are attached to it. It is also necessary to present an identity card, an individual rehabilitation program and a pension insurance certificate. The decision on payment is made within 30 days. Money is transferred within a month.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011 N 57n “On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service provided by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation”

The changes come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order.

A disabled person has the right to independently purchase a technical means of rehabilitation (TSR), a recommendation for which is contained in the IPR. If a disabled person purchased a means of rehabilitation on his own or paid for the service, he is paid monetary compensation (usually in the amount of the costs incurred). Payment of compensation is carried out by the authorized body (currently the territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund).

The amount of compensation payments for independently acquired TMR (included in the IPR of a disabled person) may not always be 100%. Therefore, we recommend that before making an independent purchase of TSR, you check with your territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) the procedure and amount of compensation payments made for specific TSR. FSS annually holds tenders with manufacturers of industrial equipment and, based on the results of these tenders, concludes contracts for the supply of specific types of industrial equipment at fixed prices. And the FSS can pay compensation for TSR acquired independently in an amount NOT MORE than the cost of a similar TSR under these tender agreements.

For example, a disabled person independently purchased crutches for 600 rubles. The IPR contains a record of the need to provide him with crutches. And the FSS concluded an agreement with the manufacturer for the supply of crutches at a price of 400 rubles. In this situation, the Social Insurance Fund will be able to pay the disabled person only this same 400 rubles as compensation.

The cost of specific types of technical means for the rehabilitation of a disabled person can be found on the FSS website (there you will need to find your region, since each regional branch of the FSS conducts tenders with manufacturers of TSR independently - therefore, prices for the same TSR in different regions of the Russian Federation may vary) .
Prices for technical means of rehabilitation under contracts of regional branches of the Social Insurance Fund

In the case of independent acquisition of TSR (in the presence of an “Individual Rehabilitation Program”), a disabled person has the right to receive monetary compensation for the purchased technical means of rehabilitation provided for by the “Individual Rehabilitation Program” (“On the procedure for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses ( except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products").

Payment of compensation is made only for independently acquired technical means of rehabilitation, specified in the individual rehabilitation program, and included in the Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order

For more details, see: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2011 N 57n (as amended on October 24, 2014) “On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service provided by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation."

Regarding compensation for independently acquired TSR, I also recommend that you read my commentary on

Dear buyer, in accordance with the current legislation, all categories of disabled people, in the presence of an Individual Rehabilitation Program (hereinafter referred to as IRP), have the right to free provision of technical means of rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as TSR) and prosthetic and orthopedic products (list of TSR), providing for their special needs, increasing their level independence in everyday life.

In the case of independent acquisition of TSR (if there is an “Individual Rehabilitation Program”), a disabled person has the right to receive monetary compensation in the amount of the full cost of the independently acquired technical means of rehabilitation provided for by the “Individual Rehabilitation Program” (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/08 No. 240).

Payment of compensation is made only for independently acquired technical means of rehabilitation, specified in the individual rehabilitation program, and included in the Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r.

Actions to receive compensation for independently purchased technical rehabilitation equipment (TSR)

1. Go to the clinic at your place of residence, or to a doctor who issues a referral to VTEK.

2 VTEK assigns a disability group, forms an IPR, which prescribes what kind of rehabilitation equipment a disabled person needs.

3. Contact the Social Insurance authorities at your place of residence - Branch of the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. The branch will register and, in accordance with the rehabilitation program, issue a referral to receive free technical aids for a disabled person.

As a rule, disabled people prefer to purchase high-quality rehabilitation means (both foreign and domestic manufacturers) on their own.

4. Select the products you are interested in (the selected products must correspond to the products specified in the IPR).

Order goods with delivery or drive to the store yourself. When ordering, you must warn that documents for the Social Insurance Fund are required.When purchasing rehabilitation equipment, you receive a complete set of documents required to submit to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • Sales receipt.
  • Cashier's check.
  • The product certificate (with the organization’s seal) is currently replaced for wheelchairs by the “DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY”
  • Product passport (with organization seal)
  • Certificate of registration of the organization (with stamp)

5. Documents to the Social Insurance authorities:

1. Documents for rehabilitation equipment (sales and cash receipt, declaration, product passport, certificate of registration of the selling organization)

2. Savings book (or plastic card)

3. Passport

4. IPR program

5. Submit the application to the FSS, register it, be sure to leave a copy of the application with the FSS mark for yourself.

Payment of compensation is made within a month (approximately 25 days after submitting documents) according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/08 No. 240, paragraph 14

An order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development has been registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which establishes the procedure for paying compensation for independently acquired technical means of rehabilitation or services provided to a disabled person.

The order was developed in pursuance of the federal law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, which, from February 1, 2011, gives the Ministry of Health and Social Development the authority to develop a procedure for determining the amount of compensation for disabled people for independently acquired technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service and informing citizens about the amount of such compensation, reports the press service of the ministry.

According to the document, compensation will be paid by regional branches of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation or regional social protection authorities in the event that they are delegated the authority to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation (TSR).

In this case, the amount of compensation is equal to the cost of the purchased technical means of rehabilitation, within the cost of a similar technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services provided in the manner established by law, the Ministry of Health and Social Development notes.

The decision to pay compensation is made within 30 days from the date the authorized body accepts the application for payment of compensation.

The latest Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 823N dated July 28, 2011 approved a new classification of TSR, an excerpt from which is given in the file. The last line related to the Gradi-Standard walking stroller is highlighted in yellow.

It is necessary in the IPR program for those wishing to purchase the Gradi-Standard stroller to have the following entry:

A manually driven wheelchair with adjustable footrest angle is recommended (preferably required), with additional movement functions - climbing and descending stairs using special supports, a chain drive and a transformation mechanism. In case of refusal, you can present a printed copy to the FSS body.