Competitions for the disabled. Regulations on the VII All-Russian photo competition about the life of disabled people “without barriers” Main directions of the creative life of disabled people

An all-Russian photography competition about the life of disabled people “Without Barriers” has been announced. Deadline March 30, 2018.

Organizers: All-Russian Society of Disabled People and the Union of Photographers of Russia.

The theme of the competition: “Believe in yourself.”

The competition is open, both professional and amateur photographers can participate. The competition is held in three categories: “Individual photograph”, “Series of photographs” and “Multimedia project”. Each author can submit up to 10 individual works or 3 series of photographs. Each series should not exceed 6 photographs. In the “Multimedia Project” category, authors can submit works up to 3 minutes long (photo film or multimedia project). Works or projects submitted to the “Without Barriers” competitions of previous years cannot be accepted for the competition again.

Our official VKontakte group: , .
  • GRAND PRIX OF THE COMPETITION - a special diploma and a prize of 50,000 rubles. The Grand Prix is ​​awarded for a photo or multimedia project that reveals the theme “Believe in yourself” as accurately and fully as possible.

For a single photo

For a series of photographs

  • First degree diploma and first prize 40,000 rubles.
  • Diploma of the 2nd degree and second prize of 30,000 rubles.
  • Third degree diploma and third prize of 20,000 rubles.
  • Encouragement diploma and incentive bonus – 10,000 rubles.

For a multimedia project

  • First degree diploma and first prize 40,000 rubles.
  • Diploma of the 2nd degree and second prize of 30,000 rubles.
  • Third degree diploma and third prize of 20,000 rubles.
  • Encouragement diploma and incentive bonus – 10,000 rubles.

The remaining participants in the final exhibition will be awarded participant diplomas.


Time: 14.05.2007 - 31.10.2007

All-Russian Society of Disabled People (VOI)

Union of Photographers of Russia

Agency "PhotoSoyuz"

present the All-Russian photo competition about the life of disabled people in Russian society

Equality without barriers

Problem-thematic essence of the competition

Disability is a social phenomenon that no society in the world can avoid. People with disabilities make up on average more than 10 percent of the population in most countries, and this figure continues to rise. Today, according to official statistics alone, more than 13 million Russian citizens are disabled.

Any society, to one degree or another, is characterized by a misunderstanding of people with disabilities by the rest of the population. Unfortunately, in the minds of most people, the image of a disabled person is associated with weakness, dependence, doom, and the requirement of constant care and attention. The reality of life is most often very different from such stereotypes.

Citizens with disabilities are members of society and have equal rights and responsibilities with everyone else. Disabled people should receive the support they need from society. A civilized society must do everything possible to ensure that people with persistent health problems can realize their rights to work, education, to start a family, and to participate in the political and cultural life of the country.

Every person must understand and remember that disabled people are the same as all other ordinary people. These are girls and boys, men and women of all ages, with various functional limitations. Some of them are disabled from birth, others became disabled due to illness, injury, or accident. These are someone's children, relatives and friends, neighbors and friends. A misfortune happened to them, which could happen in the same way at any moment to any other person. And it means a lot when you know that you will not be left alone with your misfortune if it suddenly comes to you, as it has come to many others, but you will be surrounded by care and attention from the state and society.

Limitation of health does not mean limitation of abilities, talent, desire for self-expression, for an active life. There are countless examples of outstanding achievements of people with disabilities in science, business, artistic creativity, and sports. Disabled people achieve these successes at the cost of enormous effort, overcoming their illness, showing the highest courage, strength of spirit and will, often to the limit of human capabilities.

The interests of people with disabilities, as a rule, coincide with the interests of the absolute majority of the population. Ramps, railings on stairs, special ramps at the entrances of houses, curbless crossings, much more of what is done in civilized societies for the disabled serves everyone, especially the elderly, mothers with baby strollers, etc. Education of a disabled child in a general school makes other children kinder, more attentive to those who experience health problems and need the help of others.

The rights of persons with disabilities have long been the subject of close attention by the United Nations and other international organizations. In Russia, a lot has also been done recently to solve the problems of people with disabilities and disabilities at a civilized level. However, people with disabilities still remain one of the most socially vulnerable categories of the population of our country.

Professional and amateur photographers are invited to participate in the competition. Each participant must register, fill out a form and upload their collection. If the author is already registered on the Union website, No re-registration required!

If the author is already registered on the Union website, re-registration is not required! If you have forgotten your username or password, or are having difficulty uploading works to the competition, please feel free to write to [email protected] - They will definitely help you!

Carefully fill out the simple registration form! Please indicate your First Name, Last Name and Patronymic ( 1 ). Create and save a reliable (good and original) login and password ( 2 ). Use combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers!! Enter your email address ( 3 ) and indicate your date of birth ( 4 )! To this address you will receive all the most important news of the Union! Letters from us don’t come very often, but they will definitely come in handy - that’s for sure! Please indicate your region of residence ( 5 ) and your address. Write a modest (not very big) creative biography!

If you are a member of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI), select from the list the regional branch in which you are registered ( 6 ).

Enter the correct security code (colored numbers in the picture) and press the button to complete registration ( 7 ). It's very simple!

Registration on the site makes it possible to organize your personal page (personal account) in which a member of the Union, an applicant for membership or a participant in the competition can create their own photo albums for demonstration to other users (for example, for subsequent entry into the Union) or participation in competitions or other projects of the Union photo artists of Russia. All registered users can comment on news, albums and works posted on the site, as well as receive news about Union events. Registration is simple, free, free and does not take much time.

Go to the main page of the site and enter your login ( 1 ) and password ( 2 ) that you specified during the registration process. Click on the input icon ( 3 ) to log in to the Union

If everything is entered correctly, your First Name and Last Name will appear in the upper right corner of the site; clicking on them will take you to your personal account on the Union website.

Prepare your images for uploading to the competition website. The work must be an image in JPG format. Resolution 72 dpi. The optimal size is from 700 to 1000 pixels in width. The file size is no more than 300Kb (300 kilobytes!). Be sure to save your images in high resolution (Perhaps the jury will vote on them, and we will ask you to send originals of your work for exhibition printing!).

1 2 ). For single works you do not need to indicate an album or series ( 3 4 ). The work will appear on your page and in the competition section of the site in the section!

You can change the title and description of your single entries. To do this, click on the required image and change the necessary information in the editing form. Don't forget to save your changes! Also, if you wish, you can remove your work from the competition.


Only registered users of the Union website can create a competition album. Go to your personal page on the Union website and in the form for creating an album, enter the name ( 1 ) and description ( 2 ) competition album. Specify ART if your album is "Fine Art Photography". Specify PRESS if the album is “Documentary Photography” ( 3 ).

Don't forget to indicate that the album is participating in VII ALL-RUSSIAN PHOTO COMPETITION ABOUT THE LIFE OF DISABLED PEOPLE “WITHOUT BARRIERS” (5 ), and of course click on the button ( 6 ) to create a new competition album!

In the album description, briefly summarize information about your project. If possible, indicate the location, date and features of the shooting. We will need this information to design your stand at the final exhibition of the competition. You have the option to edit the album title and description later.

A list of competition albums will appear on your personal page. Clicking on the album name will take you to viewing and editing the competition series.

Select the image file you want to upload ( 1 ). Please indicate that this image is taking part in the “NO BARRIERS” competition ( 2 ). Select the desired album from the drop-down list of albums you have created (WARNING: The album must be a competition album!) ( 3 ). Click on the download button ( 4 ). The work will appear in the required album on your page and in the competition section of the site in the section!

You can change the name and description of the competition album! Please note the need to adhere to the TOPIC defined for the competition. Works of low artistic level and not relevant to the theme of the competition will be deleted!


The All-Russian Society of Persons with Disabilities (VOI) and the Union of Photographers of Russia (SFR) announced the holding in 2017-2018. VII All-Russian photo competition about the life of disabled people “WITHOUT BARRIERS”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the VOI. THE TOPIC OF THE COMPETITION: “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.”
The All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI) was created on August 17, 1988. Today VOI is more than 1.6 million people, 24.3 thousand primary organizations, 2,100 district and city and 82 regional organizations.
In 1998, VOI was awarded Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.
Since its founding, VOI has always acted in the interests of people with disabilities and defended their rights: it actively participated in the formation of legislation aimed at improving the situation of people with disabilities, organized various socio-cultural, sports and other rehabilitation events. The main goal of VOI is the full integration of people with disabilities into modern society, promotion and assistance in the inclusion of people with disabilities in active work in various spheres of life in our country, and protection of the general rights and interests of people with disabilities.
In May 2012, Russia ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Convention is aimed at protecting the rights of people with disabilities, combating discrimination against them and ensuring the full participation of people with disabilities in society. The Russian Federation, like all participating states, must take all appropriate measures, including legislative ones, to ensure an adequate standard of living for people with disabilities and their social protection.
But the main thing depends on the person himself, his inner strength, energy and desire to “Believe in himself!”
The competition is open, both professional and amateur photographers can participate.
I registered using the form posted on the website of the Union of Artists of Russia. Personal account: NASEKOVSKAYA ALINA ALINANACEK Moscow.
Higher education, graduated from MIIT in 1967, former engineer, now a retired wheelchair user. I am writing to PROZA.RU, office of ALINA NASEKOVSKAYA. I would like to show a series of photographs “WITHOUT BARRIERS”. I think it would be interesting.
The competition is held in three categories: “Individual photograph”, “Series of photographs” and “Multimedia project”. I decided to take part in the competition in the “Photography Series” category. Each series should not exceed 6 photographs.
The first stage is the collection and placement of works on the website of the Union of Russian Photographers, in the “Competitions” section After registering, I uploaded three series of six photos.
The first series of photographs “TO THE DOCTOR”:
from the house on a lift at the entrance
Along the ramp to the street
Crossing the street to the bus stop
The bus arrived, the driver lowered the platform
I'm getting on a regular bus
I'm on a regular bus to see a doctor.

Second series of photographs: “Disabled people on excursions in Moscow”
Excursion to the “Apothecary Garden”
Excursion to the Moscow Zoo
Excursion to Zaryadye Park
Excursion to the exhibition of nativity scenes
Excursion to the Church of St. Louis
Wheelchair user on a bus lift

Third series of photographs: “Thanks to Mosgortrans for the buses”
We came to relax in Rpdosti Bay
On Old Arbat near the monument to Pushkins Alexander and Natalie
On Old Arbat near the monument to Okudzhava
At the Vagankovskoye cemetery at Yesenin’s grave
At the photo exhibition "Golden Turtle"
Excursion to Zhostovo

The second stage is the selection of original works for the final exhibition.
The co-chairs of the jury are the chairmen of the VOI and the SFR, who represent the composition of the jury. The jury consists of 8 people (4 representatives of the VOI, 4 representatives of the SFR). The jury of the competition selects author's works in three categories using electronic voting on the website of the Union of Russian Photographers ("Individual photograph", "Series of photographs" and "Multimedia project").
The works with the most votes will be presented at the final exhibition and are candidates for nomination. The authors of these photographs must send the organizers files for printing measuring 30x40 cm.
All competition participants will have the opportunity to follow the progress of the voting.
The list of authors whose works will be included in the “Without Barriers” exhibition, as well as the results of the jury’s work, will be posted on the websites of the Union of Russian Photographers and the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.
The third stage is the determination of winners and laureates, preparation for the exhibition.
Members of the jury, by voting in person, determine the winners and laureates in three nominations of the Competition. The winners and laureates are determined by counting the votes of the jury members.
The organizers themselves print and design photographs for the exhibition. If the author wants to participate with hand-printed works, he must send the originals.
o The first stage – acceptance of works for the competition - July 1, 2017 – March 30, 2018.
o The second stage (selection of original works for the final exhibition) - April 1 – April 15, 2018.
o The third stage (determining the winners) – April 16 - April 30, 2018.
o Receiving files for printing photographs and (or) multimedia projects from the authors - until May 1, 2018.
o Final exhibition – August 2018.
We will definitely go to the final photo exhibition.


The All-Russian Society of Persons with Disabilities (VOI) and the Union of Photographers of Russia (SFR) announce the holding in 2017-2018. VII All-Russian photo competition about the life of disabled people “WITHOUT BARRIERS”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the VOI. THE TOPIC OF THE COMPETITION: “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.”

Today, VOI is more than 1.6 million people, 24.3 thousand primary organizations, 2,100 district and city and 82 regional organizations.

In 1998, VOI was awarded Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Since its founding, VOI has always acted in the interests of people with disabilities and defended their rights: it actively participated in the formation of legislation aimed at improving the situation of people with disabilities, and organized various sociocultural, sports and other rehabilitation events. The main goal of VOI is the full integration of people with disabilities into modern society, promotion and assistance in the inclusion of people with disabilities in active work in various spheres of life in our country, and protection of the general rights and interests of people with disabilities.

In May 2012, Russia ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Convention is aimed at protecting the rights of people with disabilities, combating discrimination against them and ensuring the full participation of people with disabilities in society. The Russian Federation, like all participating states, must take all appropriate measures, including legislative ones, to ensure an adequate standard of living for people with disabilities and their social protection.

But the main thing depends on the person himself, his inner strength, energy and desire to “Believe in himself!”


The competition is open, both professional and amateur photographers can participate. The competition is held in three categories: “Individual photograph”, “Series of photographs” and “Multimedia project”. Each author can submit up to 10 individual works or 3 series of photographs. Each series should not exceed 6 photographs. In the “Multimedia Project” nomination, authors can submit works up to 3 minutes long (photo film or multimedia project). Works or projects submitted to the “Without Barriers” competitions of previous years cannot be accepted for the competition again.

Photofilm– photographs united by a common idea that is revealed during the film screening. The photographic film must be sounded (music, voice, sounds). The simplest presentations, in the form of a slide show of unrelated photographs, will not be allowed to participate in the competition. Example of a photo film -

Multimedia project is a modern computer product that combines text, sound, video, graphics and animation (animation). To participate in the competition in this category, the project must include at least three multimedia components with the mandatory inclusion of motion (video, animation, stop-motion). An example of a multimedia project - .

Requirements for competitive works in the “Multimedia Project” category:

Duration - no more than 3 minutes.
The first frames should contain the name of the film (project)
Titles must include the name of the author or group of authors, the name of the author of the music, and the year of creation.


GRAND PRIX OF THE COMPETITION - a special diploma and a prize of 50,000 rubles. The Grand Prix is ​​awarded for a photo or multimedia project that reveals the theme “Believe in yourself” as accurately and fully as possible.

For a single photo

For a series of photographs
First degree diploma and first prize 40,000 rubles.
Diploma of the 2nd degree and second prize of 30,000 rubles.
Third degree diploma and third prize of 20,000 rubles.
Encouragement diploma and incentive bonus – 10,000 rubles.

For a multimedia project
First degree diploma and first prize 40,000 rubles.
Diploma of the 2nd degree and second prize of 30,000 rubles.
Third degree diploma and third prize of 20,000 rubles.
Encouragement diploma and incentive bonus – 10,000 rubles.

The remaining participants in the final exhibition will be awarded participant diplomas.


The first stage is the collection and placement of works on the website of the Union of Russian Photographers, in the “Competitions” section

Each participant must register using the form posted on the website of the Union of Russian Photographers and upload their collection or multimedia project. If the author is already registered on the Union website, re-registration is not required! If you have forgotten your username or password, or are having difficulty uploading works to the competition, please write to [email protected] - They will definitely help you!

Multimedia projects are posted by the authors on any of the available video services (YouTube) and send a link to the organizers of the SFR along with a link to registration (a link to their page on the Union website). Works are published on the site only after moderation by the organizers.

The co-chairs of the jury are the chairmen of the VOI and the SFR, who represent the composition of the jury. The jury consists of 8 people (4 representatives of the VOI, 4 representatives of the SFR). The jury of the competition selects author's works in three categories using electronic voting on the website of the Union of Russian Photographers ("Individual photograph", "Series of photographs" and "Multimedia project").

The works with the most votes will be presented at the final exhibition and are candidates for nomination. The authors of these photographs must send the organizers files for printing measuring 30x40 cm. Multimedia projects are posted by the authors on any of the available video services and send a link to the organizers of the SFR.

All competition participants will have the opportunity to follow the progress of the voting.

The third stage is the determination of winners and laureates, preparation for the exhibition.

Members of the jury, by personal voting, determine the winners and laureates in three nominations of the Competition. The winners and laureates are determined by counting the votes of the jury members.
The organizers themselves print and design photographs for the exhibition. If the author wants to participate with hand-printed works, he must send the originals.


o The first stage is accepting works for the competition - July 1, 2017March 30, 2018 year.
o Second stage (selection of original works for the final exhibition) - April 1April 15, 2018 year.
o The third stage (determining the winners) – April 16 - April 30, 2018.
o Receiving files for printing photographs and (or) multimedia projects from the authors - until May 1, 2018.
o Final exhibition – August 2018.


The competition is a charitable project, and participation in it means the author’s consent to the free use of his work in publications about the competition in the press, catalogue, brochures, and Internet sites. All exhibition works remain at the disposal of the VOI Office to replenish the photo fund dedicated to the problems of people with disabilities.