Notes on speech therapy for the senior group. Non-traditional speech therapy session for children of the senior group with special needs Speech therapy open session in the senior group

Elena Fedorova

Subject open speech therapy session:

« Journey to a spring meadow» GOALS CLASSES:

Correctional educational: To consolidate children’s knowledge on the lexical topic “Spring”. Consolidation and practical use prepositions B, ON THE. Mastering the categories of the instrumental case.

Correctional and developmental: Development of logical thinking. Exercise in the use of nouns with a diminutive meaning. Develop lexical and grammatical structure speeches: practice word formation. Develop higher mental functions: attention, thinking, memory. Develop the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills. Enrich vocabulary and activate children's speech

Correctional and educational: developing cooperation and interaction skills, the ability to listen to your comrades, respect your own and others’ opinions, teach children to boldly express their thoughts, maintain a joyful, cheerful mood during classes.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Speech therapist. Hello children, today we will go to trip to the spring meadow.

Children. Hello!

Speech therapist. Now, stand in a circle and play!

A minute of relaxation

Speech therapist. What a wonderful day today! I smile at you, and you smile at me and at each other. It's so good that we are all together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in the freshness, kindness and beauty of this day. And breathe out all the grievances and disappointments through your mouth. (Children inhale and exhale three times)

The music keeps on playing

Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddle.

It gets light early in the morning.

Thaws here and there.

The stream roars like a waterfall

Starlings fly to the birdhouse,

Drops are ringing under the roofs,

The bear got up from the spruce tree,

The sun caresses everyone with warmth.

Who knows this time of year!

Children. (in unison). It is spring!

Speech therapist. That's right, it's spring!

(There is an image on the board cheerful radiant sun, around it are pictures of signs of spring and several pictures of other seasons)

Speech therapist. Spring the bright sun shines joyfully on us. And around him are signs of different seasons. Leave the sun around and just name it signs of spring. (children call the signs of spring, For example: “In spring the sun shines brightly”, "The first flowers appear in spring", “In spring, birds fly from the south”“In spring, people wear light clothes,” etc.)

Lexico-grammatical exercise:

1. Didactic exercise "Good bad" (Test question method)

Guys, are you glad that spring has come?

What do you like in spring? (The sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting, boats can be launched, birds are flying in, animals are waking up, etc.)

What's not to like about spring? (It’s dirty, there are big puddles all around; you can get your feet wet and get sick; you can fall into a puddle, get dirty, mom will scold you, etc.)

I will name them again, and you, with a wave of my hand, repeat after me the last sound or a word:

Phonetic rhythm exercise

Drops are dripping loudly: cap (speech therapist) ... KAP (children!

Birds sing merrily: Tweet...TEEET!

Snow is melting: Ahah!

Streams are running: blah…blah

Mother and stepmother flower shakes yellow head: fff...FFF!

A ray of sun strokes him gold: ahh...AAAH!

Speech therapist. And now, holding hands, let's go to spring meadow.

(Carpet) In this clearing there are many migratory birds. What birds do you know? they had finally finished their long and difficult flight.

A game “Which bird is missing?” (mastering categories of gender singular)(On clearing pictures of migratory birds are laid out, 1 picture is removed in turn and one wonders: Which bird is missing?

There was no swallow on the tree.

On there is no heron in the clearing.

On the swan is gone in the clearing.

There was no starling on the tree.

There was no cuckoo on the tree.

There was no stork on the tree.

There was no nightingale on the tree.

There was no rook on the tree.

On the crane is gone in the clearing.

Speech therapist. What little word do we say to determine where the bird was?

Children. A small word ON. (on the board there are diagrams of some prepositions)

Speech therapist. Show us what symbol we use to represent the small word NA. (children show) This symbol card denotes the word NA. ON we say when an object is located where? (ABOVE)

Speech therapist. Guys! Let's call the birds back, call them affectionately and they will definitely fly to us. clearing.

Nightingale - nightingale;

Lark - lark;

Starling - starling;

Swallow - swallow;

Crane - little crane;

Swan - swan;

Duck - duck;

Cuckoo - cuckoo;

Speech therapist. Well done boys! Everyone, not just birds, enjoys being called affectionately. So the sun began to warm up more from such words, and the sunbeam invites us to play with it.

Self-massage and articulation gymnastics.

We rub our hands (rubbing palms) and warm up (claps)

And we wash our face with warmth (with warmed palms run over face from top to bottom)

We use a rake to rake away all the bad thoughts. (rake-like movements with fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

We rub our ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears along the edges from bottom to top and top to bottom)

Pull down by the earlobes (pulling down by the earlobes)

And then we put our fingers on our cheeks (fingers move to cheeks)

We knead the cheeks (the index, middle and ring fingers knead the cheeks in a circular motion)

And then we flow from the nose to the lips (spiral movements of the middle fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth along the nasolabial folds)

And we begin to move our lips left and right (the index fingers are placed on the lips parallel to each other and move towards each other)

We pull the chin and pinch it (kneading the chin while pulling it down: pinching of the lower jaw from the chin to the ears)

And then we flow down the neck with our hands (stroking the neck with the entire palm from the lower jaw to the collarbones; the middle of the neck passes between the thumb and other fingers)

Thanks to the sunny bunny. It’s so nice and warm, it feels like spring has come. Guys, we talked about birds, but what happens to animals in the spring?

Children. In the spring, bears and hedgehogs wake up after hibernation, a bunny and a squirrel change their fur coats. (The bunny is gray, and the squirrel is bright red)

A game “Who spent the winter where?”

Speech therapist. Let's play a game with you “Who spent the winter where?”

(pictures showing "houses" animals. Children answer in complete sentences and say where the animals spent the winter)

Children. The bear slept in the den

The fox lived in a hole.

The squirrel lived in a hollow.

The wolf spent the winter in lair.

Hedgehog slept in a hole

Speech therapist. What little word do we say to determine where the animals spent the winter?

Children. Little B word

Speech therapist. Well done guys, show us what symbol we use to represent the little word B. (children show) That's right, we use this symbol card to denote the word B. We say B when the object is INSIDE.

Physical education minute "Spring came"(Coordination of speech with movements with musical accompaniment. P. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. April").

Guys, let's go out spring meadow and let's enjoy the spring.

Sun, sun, high (We pull our hands up on tiptoes)

The sun makes us feel warm. (Lightly stroking your face with your hands)

The snow melts from the rays, (Squat)

The stream ran loudly. (Running in place)

You are running after a stream,

And smile at each other (Look at each other and smile)

It felt so good, pleasant, awakening everywhere, such fresh air.

Oh look, why are our animals sad? I think I know. In the cold winter there was a lot of snow and they had nothing to eat (or they had very little food) and they are hungry and exhausted. Let's feed the animals.

A game “Who eats what?”

Speech therapist. We will feed the bear Children... fish and raspberries

Speech therapist. We will feed the wolf Children... fish and bones

Speech therapist. We will feed the fox Children. ... cookies

Speech therapist. We will feed the hare Children... cabbage and carrots

Speech therapist. We will feed the hedgehog Children. ...apples and mushrooms

Speech therapist. We will feed the squirrel. Children... nuts and mushrooms.

Well done, you took care of everyone.

Making sentences based on pictures with the prepositions B, ON

Let's look at these pictures and make sentences based on them, and name what little word we said.

Children. The nightingale sits in the nest.

The cuckoo has sat down "ON THE" branch.

Swan swims "IN" lake

Swallow flies "IN" sky.

The crane is standing "ON THE" one leg.

The squirrel lives "IN" hollow

The fox is sleeping "IN" mink

The bird is sitting "IN" nest.

"ON THE" clearing snowdrops bloomed.

"ON THE" the tree has buds.

Speech therapist

Speech therapist. What little words did we use to make sentences?

Children. "IN", "ON THE"

A minute of relaxation (The recording “Sounds of Spring” plays)

So the sun gently smiles at animals, birds, plants, and from its warmth we become joyful, the bad mood disappears and we want to do good.

The sun smiled tenderly

Mother earth has already woken up,

Life and miracles are everywhere!

The appearance is rich and luxurious

Velvet is thrown onto the lawns,

The forests are dressed in greenery...

Birds have flown from the south,

Trellew sang merrily.

The animals got up from their sleep

Spring has come to us.

Bottom line classes.

Ours is over journey. And in memory of our class I want to give you these pictures depicting spring. Are you at home or in group color it yourself.



Open final direct educational activity

in the 1st senior speech therapy group "Yagodki"

"Forest School".

Speech therapist teacher: Kovaleva M.B.



Summary of the final GCD in the 1st senior speech therapy group “Yagodki”

on literacy education using ICT.

"Forest School".

Target: identify the degree to which children have mastered the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes during the year of study.


Correctional and educational:consolidate the concepts of “vowel sound” and “consonant sound”, consolidate the skilldifferentiate vowels and consonants by ear,improve skillsdetermine and name the number of syllables in words,continue to teach children to identify words with a given sound, to isolate the first sounds from words,practice determining the place of sound in a word,learn to form and read syllables.

Correctional and developmental:develop phonemic awareness, visual and auditory perception,visual and auditory attention,auditory-verbal attention,memory, thinking,visual motor coordination,articulatory and general motor skills,activate vocabulary, develop logical thinking, learn to listen carefully to an adult’s speech, correctly understand logical and grammatical structures and answer questions in complete sentences.

Corrective education:foster independence, activity, communication, friendliness, educate interest in learning to read and write.

Equipment: laptop, presentation “Forest School”, musical track “Round Dance”, “Magic”, “Friendship”, magnetic board, envelopes with tasks, red and blue chips according to the number of children, visual gymnastics equipment “Leaves”, “Magic Bag” , subject pictures, the “House” manual, a ball, cards with images of vowels and consonants, a basket with treats.

GCD move:

  1. Organizing time.

Children and a speech therapist enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Speech therapist:

Guys, look how many guests you have today. They all came to see how our classes were going and what we had learned. Let's welcome them.

Speech therapist and children:

Everyone! Everyone! Good afternoon

Get our laziness out of the way!

Don’t stop us from working, don’t stop us from studying!

Guys, today is a really good day, and it's not just good, it's clear, sunny and warm. I am very glad to see you all and I would like to invite you for a walk!

Join the circle!

For a walk we will need good spirits, a friendly relationship and, of course, a great mood.


Guys, smile at each other!

Now we can hit the road with a good mood.

Speech therapist:

Let's all hit the road,

It's long overdue for us.

To make it easier for us on the way -

Let's shout "Hurray" loudly!

Guys, let's go and sit on the chairs.

(Slide 1).

II. Communicate the topic and purpose.

Speech therapist:

Guys, where do you think we have come to?

Children: We came to the forest.

Speech therapist:

Why do you think we came to the forest?


Because we hear the sounds of nature, the forest.

Because we hear birds singing.

Speech therapist:

Guys, what grows in the forest?

Children: Trees, grass and flowers grow in the forest.

Speech therapist:

Animals and birds also live in the forest.

Remember and name the animals that live in the forest?

Children list animals.

What, in a word, can we call all these animals?

Children: Wild animals.

Speech therapist:

That's right, guys, these are wild animals.

Let's close our eyes and imagine that they are not ordinary, but fabulous.

The music track “Magic” plays.

(Slide 2).

Fairytale animals attend forest school and, just like you, they love to play with sounds and letters. They have prepared interesting games and tasks for you.

III. Main part.

  1. Phonetic warm-up.

Speech therapist:

Before we start completing the tasks, let's prepare our tongues:

In some kingdom


We lived without grieving,

Friends with Tongue:

Vopelochka: AAAAAA,

Revelochka: UUUUU,

Squeaker: IIIIII,

Whistle: SSSSS,

Little bell: ZZZZZ,


Sizzler: Shhhhhh.

  1. Game exercise “Colorful houses”.

Speech therapist:

Guys, what did we say?

Children: We made sounds.

Speech therapist:

What sounds did we make?

Children: We pronounced vowels and consonants.

Speech therapist:

What color do we use to indicate vowel sounds?

Children: We denote vowel sounds in red.

Speech therapist:

Right. What color do we use to indicate consonant sounds?

Children: We denote consonant sounds in blue.

(Slide 3).

Speech therapist:

Look, guys, there are two houses in front of you.

What house do you think the vowel sounds live in?

Children: Vowel sounds live in the red house.

Speech therapist:

And in which house do consonant sounds live?

Children: Consonants live in the blue house.

Speech therapist:

Well done boys! I see that you are ready to complete the tasks of the forest inhabitants.

The tasks of the forest inhabitants are in envelopes.

  1. Game exercise"Attentive ears."

The speech therapist takes out the first envelope.

Speech therapist:

Here comes the first task!

The speech therapist opens the envelope and takes out a card. It shows an outline image of a Bear.

I wonder who it's from!

Children: This is a task from the Bear!

(Slide 4).

Well done boys! You guessed right! Listen to the task that the Bear has prepared for you: “Vowels and consonants have been walking in the forest for so long that they have gotten lost and cannot find their way home. Help the sounds find their homes."

Guys, I will make sounds, and you listen carefully. If you hear a vowel sound, pick up a red chip; if you hear a consonant, pick up a blue one.

The speech therapist gives the children red and blue chips.

A, O, Sh, U, R, O, I, M, S, Y.

What attentive guys you are! How quickly you completed this task!

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes “Training”.

The speech therapist takes out and opens the second envelope.

Speech therapist:

Guys, now listen to the riddle. Having guessed it, you will find out who has prepared the following task for you:

She sleeps all day, and flies at night.
His big eyes sparkle.
Her keen hearing and attentive gaze
They will find little frogs and mice in the grass.
Her head is spinning around
And he will say: “Uh-huh” to us the forest… (Owl )

(Slide 5).

That's right, it's Owl. This bird has very good eyesight because it does eye exercises.

The owl handed over the leaves for you, let's stand in a circle and play with them.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist hands them pieces of paper.

One - left, two - right,

Three up, four down.

And now we look in circles,(circular movements of the eyes to the left)

To see the world better.(circular movements of the eyes to the right)

By training the eye muscles.

We'll see better soon,(blink quickly)

Check it out now.

What a useful exercise the Owl prepared. Let's thank her and return to our seats.

The speech therapist collects the leaves, the children sit down.

  1. Game exercise “Magic bag”.

Speech therapist:

I wonder who else has prepared a task for us.

(Slide 6).

Who are these guys?

Children: This is Snake.

The speech therapist takes out the “Magic Bag”.

Speech therapist:

She has prepared a magic bag for you.

Let's see what's in it.

The speech therapist takes pictures out of the bag.

What are these guys?

Children: These are pictures.

Speech therapist:

Let's play with them!

I will show you one picture at a time, and you will have to name the object depicted on it and divide this word into syllables by clapping:hat, wardrobe, pillow, cat, car, pencils.

Well done guys, how deftly you coped with this task! The snake is happy with you and invites you to play.

Come out and join the circle!

  1. Logorhythmic exercise “Four steps”.
  2. Game exercise “Traps”.

Speech therapist:

What a fun game Snake gave us, but guys, another forest dweller wants to play with us.

Take your seats, now we will find out who has prepared the next game for us.

(Slide 7).

Speech therapist:

Look how cute Bunny is!

He loves to play with the sound [Z], and invites you to play his favorite game. - Prepare your palms, now you will catch words that contain a consonant

sound [Z].

Get ready, let's start:umbrella, elephant, castle, lark, scoop, curtains, gold, vase, braid, goat, rose, birch, wheel.

Speech therapist:

Well done guys, you are very attentive! Happy Bunny!

  1. Ball game "Name the first sound."

(Slide 8).

Speech therapist:

Guys, look who you see on the screen?

Children: I see a Hedgehog on the screen.

The speech therapist takes out the ball.

Speech therapist:

The hedgehog wants to play an interesting ball game with you.

Come out and stand in a circle.

I will throw you a ball and say a word, and you will name the first sound in this word and return the ball to me.

Attention! Let's start the game: storm, water, mountains, rain, acorns, star, sea, field, stream, sun, fog, flowers, rose hips, rainbow.

Well done boys! The hedgehog was interested in watching you.

(Slide 9).

  1. Game exercise “Sound House”.

Speech therapist:

Guys, look, here is the Fox who has come to play with you. But this game must be played while seated, so make your way to your seats.

Speech therapist:

Lisa has prepared a sound house and bright, colorful pictures for you.

Listen carefully to the rules of the game: I will show you one picture at a time and say a word. You should hear where the consonant sound C is located.

The speech therapist points to the appropriate window with a pointer.

At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and attach the chip to the desired box.

So, let's start!

Where do we hear the sound C in a word: cheese, pineapple, socks, bag, mask, cactus.

What a difficult task the Fox prepared for you, but you coped with it perfectly.

Well done boys!

  1. Game exercise “Live sounds”.

(Slide 10).

Speech therapist:

Guys, look at the screen, here is another forest dweller.

The little squirrel has prepared cards with letters for you. He wants to see if you can put letters together into syllables.

The speech therapist distributes cards to children.

Guys, look at what letter each of you has on the card, but don’t show it to anyone.

Raise the cards for those with a vowel.

Now, who has a consonant?

Guys, let's make friends with your letters and make syllables.

To my right, those with a vowel on the card will form a column one at a time, and to my left, those with a consonant.

Now come closer to each other and match your letters.

What did we get guys?

Children: We got syllables.

Speech therapist:

Guys, let's give Belchonk the syllables you made up.

What syllable will they give ... and ...?

Children take turns calling out their syllables and putting cards in a basket.

Well done boys! You did a great job on your last task!

IV. Bottom line.

Speech therapist:

And our walk has come to an end. The forest inhabitants really enjoyed playing with you, you are really smart, diligent, and inquisitive.

And for your good work, the fairy-tale animals gave you a basket of treats.

The children thank the forest inhabitants.

Guys, it's time for us to return to our group, let's say goodbye to our guests.

The children leave the hall to the music.


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Victoria Maygurova
Summary of an open lesson for a speech therapist teacher “Journey to the Land of Sounds”

Notes of the teacher-speech therapist Maygurova V.V.

Topic: “Journey to the Land of Sounds”

Objectives: To introduce children to the concept of “sounds”, their varieties, methods of education; give the concept of “letter”, form phonemic perception, develop skills of sound analysis and synthesis, enrich and clarify children’s vocabulary on the topics: “Transport”, “Organs of speech”, exercise children in selecting words - antonyms, develop skills of correct speech breathing, improve fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of movements with speech pronunciation, develop prosodic components of speech. Develop a psychological speech base (attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination, cultivate a friendly attitude with peers in joint activities, activate the cognitive interest of children.

Material: multimedia equipment, screen, Zvukovichok doll, individual mirrors, according to the number of children. a bell, a set of cards with vowel letters, symbols of vowel sounds, a carpet, circles with numbers from 1 to 10

Progress of activities:

Speech therapist: - Guys, Zvukovichok came to visit us. Children, do you like to travel? Would you like to go on a trip? I invite you to a magical land.

Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children's answers: ground, air, water, magic.

Speech therapist: - And we will go on a carpet airplane.

Children, take tickets with seat numbers. Please proceed and take your seats according to your ticket number.

Wind chimes sound.

Speech therapist: - So that we can quickly get to a magical land. and during the flight we were not afraid, we will perform relaxation breathing exercises.

“Deep breath through the nose” (Left hand control on the stomach)

“Long exhalation through the mouth” (Right hand control at the mouth)

Children, close your eyes, open them. When we hear the sound of a bell.

Physical education minute “Curious Varvara”

Speech therapist: - Children, we have arrived in a magical land. Let's see where we end up.

Curious Barabara

Looks left

Looks to the right

Looking up

And looks down

Neck muscles tense

Let's go back

It feels so good to relax.

(We return to the starting position).

Speech therapist: - Children. Was it quiet during the journey or did you hear something? How do we distinguish sounds?

Children's answers: - We distinguish sounds with the help of our ears - the organs of hearing.

Experimental work

Children, look at the screen (letters appear on the screen).

Now let’s come to me and close our eyes (at this moment speech sounds are heard).

Speech therapist: - What did you see on the screen?

Children's answers: - We saw letters on the screen. But they didn't hear. Letters are a visible image.

Speech therapist: - What did you hear?

Children's answers: - We heard sounds, but did not see.

Speech therapist: - Children, we are going to the city of Zvukograd. The sounds of our speech live there.

"We are in the city of speech sounds

Let's go and wait to meet you

With native sounds

They live there after all

And we have a desire

speak beautifully

And everyone without exception

Surprise today"

Guys, people have an invaluable gift - Speech. Animals can make sounds, but this is not speech; they cannot talk to each other.

Working with mirrors (familiarization with the speech organs)

How do we make sounds? Guess the riddles.

You can pull them with a pipe

Or just open them

Even our teeth are begging

Open wider - (lips)

When we drive, they work,

When we don't eat, they rest,

We won't clean them. They will get sick - (teeth).

He's used to jumping in his mouth

Our naughty (language).

Game “What sounds are there” (selection of antonym words)

The sounds are:

high - low,

quiet - loud,

rough - tender

long - short,

There are also sounds:

warm - cold

Bring the back of your hand to your mouth and blow on it while singing the “Snakes” song:


Children, what kind of air flow?

Children's answer: The air stream is warm

Now raise your palm and sing the “Pump” song.

What air stream?

Children's answers: The air stream is cold.

Finger gymnastics.

I'll rub my palms hard,

I'll twist each finger,

(Rubning the palms; grab each finger at the base and with a rotational movement reach the nail phalanx.)

I'll say hello to him,

And I'll start pulling out.

I'll wash my hands later

(Rub your palm against your palm.)

I'll put my finger in your finger,

I'll lock them up

(Fingers in the “lock.”)

And I'll keep it warm.

I'll let my fingers go

(Unlock your fingers and move them.)

Let them run like bunnies.

Speech therapist: - Children. In order to speak beautifully and clearly, we need to train our speech organs. Let's do some articulation gymnastics (gymnastics are done at a table in front of a mirror)

1) – Name the first sound in the words:

“I open my mouth wide, I hum a cheerful sound” - aaaaaaaa.

2) – Name the first sound in the words:

“Our lips make a wheel sound” - oooooh.

3) – Name the first sound in the words:

“I stretch my lips like a trumpet and sing the sound” - uuuuuu

4) – Name the first sound in the words:

And - And - And

“Pull your lips to your ears and you will get a sound” - aiiiiii

5) – Name the first sound in the words:

E – E – E

“Ege - gay! The sound guy is screaming, his tongue is sticking out of his mouth” - uh

6) – Name the last sound in the words: cats, tables,

Y – Y – Y

“Well, show your teeth and sing quickly” - yyyyy

Speech therapist; - The sounds were all different, but very friendly, since they all loved to sing. Their voices sounded beautiful and clear.

Let's try to sing like them. (Children sing together with a speech therapist, who accompanies the singing of vowels by moving his hand in the air along a horizontal line).

Sounds walked around the world and sang loudly. For this they began to be called VOWELS and were given red shirts. If the sounds were put on these shirts, then they became visible and turned into letters. But as soon as the shirts were taken off, the sounds became invisible again.

Choose symbols for each - a sound, its letter.

Children match letters to sound symbols.

Speech therapist: - Guys, our journey ends. What have we learned about sounds?

Children's answers: - We hear and pronounce sounds, but we do not see them.

Speech therapist: - What have we learned about letters?

Children's answers: - We see and write letters, but we don’t hear them.

Speech therapist: - Children, let's say thank you to Zvukovich for the educational journey. Now we take our places, close our eyes, count to 10 and back.

Here we are back at kindergarten! Did you enjoy our trip?

Children's answers.

Publications on the topic:

The use of musical exercises and songs in the process of automating sounds in the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center Automation of assigned sounds is one of the urgent tasks in the work of a speech therapist in the sound culture of speech. I am active in my classes.

Summary of an integrated lesson by a teacher-defectologist and a teacher-speech therapist in a preparatory group for children with mental retardation GBOU Gymnasium No. 1748 "Vertical" JV DO "Teremok" SYNOPSIS OF AN INTEGRATED LESSON FOR A SPECIFIC DEFECTOLOGIST AND A Speech-Language Pathologist TEACHER IN A PREPARATORY ROOM.

Summary of the open integrated lesson “Journey to the Land of Sounds” Summary of an open integrated lesson. Senior group. (Compiled by O.V. Melnichenko) Topic: “Journey to the Land of Sounds” Purpose: Consolidate.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Masha’s Journey to the Land of Sounds” Goal: development of auditory attention and phonemic perception. Objectives: Educational: - introduce vowel sounds; - secure.

Summary of joint activities of a speech therapist teacher with children with special needs “Journey to the autumn forest” Correctional educational goals: to introduce the sound “I”. Correct articulation of the “I” sound. Be able to determine the place of sounds in words. Expand.

Sections: Speech therapy

Target: Formation of a knowledge system about the rules of conduct on the road and in public transport.


  1. Improve children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the city streets; consolidate knowledge about traffic lights. Expand children's understanding of road signs. Develop a safe style of behavior on the street and a culture of behavior on transport.
  2. Enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic.
  3. Learn to distinguish and name parts of objects. Classify types of transport:
  4. land, water, air.
  5. Stimulate children's speech activity, teach them to answer questions, and use explanatory and demonstrative speech.
  6. Develop prosodic elements of speech: rhythm, tempo, expressiveness; (pronounce sounds quieter and louder).
  7. Develop constructive abilities.
  8. Develop gross and fine motor skills.
  9. Develop visual and auditory perception.
  10. To instill in children a desire to know and follow traffic rules.

Equipment: letter in an envelope; subject illustrations of transport; images of road signs (correct and incorrect); Cuisenaire rods; Su Jok massage balls; cut-out pictures with different types of transport; ball; bell; treat.

Preliminary work: excursions along the city street with a teacher, studying traffic rules and rules of conduct in transport, learning a poem about traffic lights, making the “ABC of the Road”. Learning the song “Our Bus is Blue” by A. Filippenko, “Pedestrian Crossing” by L. Belykh.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist:

The fairy tale begins.

Have you heard, children?
Traffic lights - country
Is there in this world?
Different people live there:
And cars, and the driver, and the pedestrian.

Yes, we almost forgot!
The king rules the country
Traffic light Great,
So that there is no
There's confusion there.

Traffic Light (parent) appears:

Traffic light:

I look a little scary
A very important traffic light.
On the road from the crossroads
I stare at everyone.
All traffic lights
They obey without arguing!
You must clearly distinguish -
Is the light green, yellow, red?

Knock on the door...

The postman (one of the parents) brings a letter from the inhabitants of the country of Traffic Lights. The speech therapist reads it out:

“ Dear children of kindergarten No. 299, we have a problem: the residents of our country have forgotten all the rules of the road, traffic lights, road signs. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic stopped. In all cities of our country, people cannot drive or walk on the streets safely. Help us please!"

- Guys! Let's help the residents of the country of Traffic Lights?

– But let’s first remember some rules of the road.

Finger gymnastics.

There are a lot of road rules:
Once - attention, road! ( We bend our fingers, starting with the little finger.)
Two – traffic lights
Three - look, road sign,
And four is a transition. Here!
Everyone needs to know the rules (Use your index finger to make a circle around the bent fingers and wag this finger.)
And always fulfill them.

– Now let’s hit the road, to the Land of Traffic Lights. Let's fly by helicopter.

Game "Helicopter".

Spin the blades quickly, ( Children twirl their arms above their heads and run.)
Helicopter, fly, fly!

– Our first stop is in the city of Pochemuchek. Residents of this city love to ask questions.

Game “What? Where? When?"

– What traffic light signal allows you to cross the road?
– Where can you cross the road?
– What is the name of the part of the street along which traffic should move?
– Why is the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign necessary?
– What should pedestrians do when the traffic light is red?
– Well done, guys, you answered all the questions of the residents of the city of Pochemuchek. Now there will be order in this city. Then we'll go by car.

Game "Chauffeur".

I spin and fly at full speed.

(Children twist their arms like a driver is driving.)
I myself am the motor,
I am a driver myself!
I press the pedal
And the car rushes into the distance! (They run in a circle, saying: w-w-w!)

And the next stop is in the city of broken cars.

Game “Build a car” using Cuisenaire sticks.

- This car was in an accident, let's fix it.

Children use sticks to build a car by answering the question: What parts does a car have? (A car has wheels, a body, a cabin, etc.)

- We fixed the car. Let's check how it works? (The teacher presses the signal button and says: “Beep.” The children take turns checking the signal, but at the request of the speech therapist, they make the signal louder or quieter, depending on the location of the car, far or close.)

- Let's see how these cars will participate in the races.

Finger gymnastics “Racing” using Su Jok massage balls.

One two three four five . (Roll the spiky balls back and forth over each finger, starting with the thumb.)
The race can begin. (The same thing, starting with the little finger.)
In circles, in circles. Forward and backward , (In a circle in one direction and the other.)
But my fingers are slowing down my car. (Roll back and forth along slightly bent fingers.)
Closed. The car is in the garage.
And the headlights went out, they don’t shine anymore. (Look into the small crack in your fist).

– Place the prickly balls in the boxes.

– Now let’s remember what other types of transport you know.

Game “Rides, swims, flies”.

The speech therapist names the type of transport from the pictures (bus, plane, tractor, etc.), the children classify it, name it (ground, water, air) and perform the appropriate movement (squat, touch the ground, arms to the sides - swim, arms up - fly).

“It’s time for us to hit the road again.” Let's go by bike:

Exercise “Bicycle”:

We pressed the pedals
We pedal, we pedal.
The wind won't catch up with you.
We are being a bicycle. Children, sitting, perform circular movements with their legs in the air - “bicycle”.

- Stop! Stop. The doors open - shhhh.
We are in the city of cars.
I invite the children to collect cut pictures with different types of transport: trolleybus, bus, tram, plane, boat, etc.

Traffic light: – My friend the artist Kalyakin-Malyakin painted three pedestrian traffic lights, but he drew only one of them correctly. (Children find the correct traffic light and explain the artist’s mistakes.)

Physical education lesson “Traffic light”.

When the signal is green, children walk in a group, when the signal is yellow, they stand still, when the signal is red, they shake their fingers at each other.

Traffic light:– The artist drew road signs, but he also drew them incorrectly. What road signs did the artist want to draw and what were his mistakes? (Children correct mistakes that they understand well).

– Now the artist knows how to draw traffic lights and road signs correctly, and we can move on. We'll go on foot. So, what can we be called? (Pedestrians.)

Speech therapist:– This is the city of Riddlers, we are in the city of riddles.

Listen to poems and riddles about road order.

1. Nearby is a school or kindergarten
Be careful, driver.
Tanya and Petit walk here
And the road sign is here …(children)

2. Roma’s stomach hurts
He won't make it home
In a situation like this,
Need to find a sign, which one?

3. Familiar stripes
Children know, adults know
Leads us across the road... ( Crosswalk)
There is a passage dug underground
Here… (Underground crossing.)

- Well done! And now we will all play with the ball together.

Ball game “One - many”.

Forming the plural of a noun and highlighting the last sound in a word. Come out, stand in a circle. I will name one item and throw you a ball. You must name many objects, highlight the last sound in it and return the ball to me.

Airplane - airplanes,
machine - machines,
wagon - wagons,
bicycle – bicycles
driver - drivers,
pilot - pilots,
driver - drivers,
captain - captains,
machinist - machinists.

The red carriage is running along the rails,
He will quickly get everyone where he needs to go.
Children like its jingling sound.
What are we going to drive, guys? (Tram.)

– I’ll tell you a secret: how to make this tram move. The main thing in the tram is the bell, so that everyone knows that we are coming and gives way to us. And it rings like this... (shows).
The tram also needs doors to get on and off at stops. “The doors are closing” - clasp your hands in front of you. “The doors are opening” – we spread our arms to the sides and help with our voice: sh – sh – sh.
And they forgot about the wheels! Without them, even fairy-tale trams do not move. And the wheels will knock like this (stomp with increased sound).

Before you go, let's remember the rules of behavior on the tram.

Children's answers:

1. You cannot talk loudly, make noise, shout or distract the driver.
2. Give way to sick and elderly people, women with small children.
3. It is prohibited to eat ice cream and other foods that can stain people.
4. It is prohibited to lean out of the window or stick out your hand.

Have you given up your seat on the tram to anyone?

Okay, we remembered the rules, now we can go.

Stop! (Stop. Doors open – sh – sh – sh.)
Before you is the city of Road Signs. Guess what these signs are.

He is very important and yet
It looks like a brick!
I know, you and he know
It's a sign ("No entry").

What's that underground?
It will save you from the car
Our… ("Underground crossing").

This sign warns.
Protects the lives of children.
They know everything in the world - (“Careful, children!”).

Here the car is like a thunderstorm,
The brakes don't hold up here.
This is a warning sign for everyone -
This ("Slippery road").

This bridge over the road
It serves us as a great help.
Leads across the street
Us … ("Overhead passage"). (Show all these signs as you solve the riddles.)

So that your hands are intact,
So that your legs are intact,
You need to know these signs!
We must respect the signs!

“Our journey ends, it’s time to return.”

We helped the inhabitants of the country of traffic lights, brought order to its cities and reminded the traffic rules.

– What did you like most about our trip?

What did we talk about today? What task did you like? What was the most difficult task? Which task is easy? And I liked you, my dears. Denis - for accurate answers, Masha - for attentiveness, Artem - for activity, Kira - for perseverance...

Traffic light:- Thank you, children, thank you very much, you helped the residents of Traffic Lights, I prepared a treat for you.

All children receive a treat from Traffic Light.

Goal: In the process of creative approaches in special moments, to introduce children to folk customs and folk crafts.


Correctional and educational:

  • expand knowledge about folk customs; folk crafts;
  • introduce to the origins and traditions of the Russian people;
  • improve the ability to work in a team;
  • form clear, energetic movements of the lips and tongue necessary to develop diction.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop the facial muscles of the tongue, enrich words and activate children’s speech;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands through visual activities;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • develop auditory perception, attention, memory.


  • develop communication skills;
  • introduce different genres of theater, maintain interest in theatrical performance, encourage the desire for creativity;
  • instill love and respect for Russian traditions.

Methods and techniques:

Practical, visual, verbal, playful.


Children in folk costumes, music, individual mirrors, photographs and reproductions of various fairs; speech therapy set “Bees in a hollow”, wooden spoons, brushes, gouache, jars of water (according to the number of children), exhibits of folk crafts, treats for children, a glove doll Parsley.

Preliminary work.

Conversation about what a “Fair” is. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. D. N. Ushakova. We looked at photographs and reproductions depicting various fairs and exhibits of folk crafts. We learned massage and poems.

Progress of the event

Organizing time.

Children dressed in Russian folk costumes enter the group and sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Speech therapist. Hello guys and you are dear guests. Low bow to you. I invite you today to take a trip to a magical land called the Fair. What is a fair?

Children. The fair is fun, good mood, games.

Speech therapist. The fair was always highly anticipated; it was an important event in people's lives. The best goods were brought there; many useful and beautiful things could be bought there. The fair was also famous for its fun, good mood and festive atmosphere. At the fairs, puppet and theater performances were shown, buffoons and life-size puppets performed. That's how interesting the fairs were.

During the story, the speech therapist shows the children photographs and reproductions that are previously placed on a magnetic portable board.

Speech therapist. Guys, have you been to a real fair? Let's go there now. But to get there, you need to complete a task.

Main part.

Breathing warm-up.

Speech therapist: Guys, prepare your palms for a massage. Sit up straight, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale smoothly through your mouth, then exhale sharply, as if freeing yourself from all the air, inhale quickly and exhale forcefully (fixed exhalation). Do not raise your shoulders; you need to sit freely. After the breathing warm-up, lightly rub your palms, pressing on the fingertips, preparing them for self-massage, and at the same time massage of the hands.

Self-massage (stroking, patting, stroking)

We'll wash our eyes
Let's wipe our nose clean,
Let's rouge our cheeks,
Let's draw on the eyebrow -
Right and left
And now like this (both),
Let's run along the ear
And we'll stroke your neck,
Sprinkle a little water.
They spank with their fingertips.
And let's dry ourselves quickly.

Well, we can go to the fair.

You just need to dress up
So go to the fair -
Well, it just won't do.

Children look in the mirror, smile, girls adjust their headscarves, and boys straighten their sashes.

Familiarization with folk crafts.

Children follow the speech therapist to the “Fair” area. One part of the children becomes “buyers”, the other – “sellers”. “Sellers” stand at tables on which various folk craft items are laid out. The speech therapist and “customers” move from one table to another and look at the product on offer. The speech therapist praises the crafts, focusing the children’s attention on the diversity of the material presented and its originality. The freed “sellers” gradually join the speech therapist and “buyers”.

Hurry to our Fair,
We are very glad to see you,
Don't be shy, come over
All products here are for you!

1st child:

And at our Fair
All products are top class!

2nd child:

We invite you to come,
Look at the goods.

3rd child:

Come and have a look
And buy something!

4th child:

Folk crafts
All very noble:
Haze, Gzhel and Khokhloma,
Uglich, Zhostov, Kostroma –
Everyone is at the Fair with us,
We invite you to visit us.

5th child (seller):

Printed gingerbread
Very fragrant.
Adding honey to the dough
The baker bakes gingerbread.
Come, don't yawn,
Buy yourself some gingerbread!

6th child (seller):

Here are some crafts made from clay!
The fishery is very old.
There are pots, jugs, mugs
And funny toys.

7th child (seller):

Look what a miracle -
How blue and beautiful everything is!
How convenient to use -
And for tea and jam,
For candies and cookies.
You don't pass by
Buy yourself a Gzhel as soon as possible!

8th child (seller):

But Khokhloma, hurry here!
You will buy a painting on the tree for yourself.
Salt shakers and dishes, beautiful ducks.
And even, look,
There are little buns.

9th child (seller):

Who wants the trays?
Brought from Zhostovo.
The craftsmen tried their best
Beauty was drawn:
What is not a bouquet is a summer garden,
You will be happy with our purchase!

10th child (seller):

Goose – Crystal
Everything sparkles.
Come, honest people,
Who doesn't miss it now?
You won't leave without purchasing!

11th child (seller):

There is an ancient Russian city -
This is Pavlovsky Posad.
Posad is famous for its scarves
And beautiful scarves.
Whatever the scarf is, it’s a miracle garden,
Everyone will be happy about this.

So this is where my scarf comes from,
Now I will know.
And to everyone about crafts
I can tell you.

Oh yes Fair!
What a miracle
Once you've been, you won't forget!
But at the Fair we have
And there is fun for you.

Children come to the tables, sit on chairs and do articulation gymnastics (exercises “Tube”, “Shovel”, “Needle”, “Watch”, “Cup”, “Horse”, “Swing”, “Tasty Jam”, “Painter” )

After an articulatory warm-up, the speech therapist invites the children to come to the Fair again and see what else is interesting there. All children come to a tree with a hollow.

Speech therapist: Oh, guys, look what a miracle - a tree with a hollow appeared? Knock, knock, who lives in the hollow? (He comes closer to the tree and pretends to listen.) Yes, these are Bees - buzzers - sound repeaters! How could I not have guessed this before! Bees, fly out, and you guys, put your fingers up. Let's play with them - guess what they say.

Children put bees on their index fingers. Children stand in a semicircle.

Well, are you ready? Begin. Pronounce sounds clearly, work well with your lips, tongue and voice. Listen to the riddle, then tell everyone the answer.

Give me a loud sound
Like a woodpecker on a tree, you knock (d – d – d).

And now the mosquito is flying,
It rings very loudly (z – z – z).

Let's moo like a cow,
We want to give milk to everyone (m – m – m).

A formidable goose is stretching its neck,
He hisses, I’m afraid of him (sh – sh – sh).

A beetle flies over a flower,
He makes a loud sound (f – f – f).

A cricket sits behind the stove.
Every sound is a click (chk - chk - chk).

Well done, everyone guessed right
The sounds were named correctly.

Theatrical performance.

Come over here.
Who is it that we have here?
Suddenly there's a scary one
Knock-knock-knock, show yourself to us,
Have fun with us at the Fair.

I don't want to have fun
I'm just sad today...

Speech therapist (addressing the guys):

Let's say together:
"We will help you,
We can cheer you up

Petrushka appears (in his hands he holds a doll - a glove, Petrushka).

Let's sit on the chairs,
Let's listen to Parsley,
And maybe we can
Cheer Petrushka.

Children sit on chairs.

What, Petrushka, are you sad?
Or is our product not nice?
What's wrong at the Fair?
Maybe he lost a nickel?
Maybe someone offended you?
Or didn’t you see the holiday?
Why are you sad?
You sigh and remain silent.


I wanted to surprise you
Invite everyone to the performance.
But I lost all the dolls
Oh, gone, gone, gone...

Lost your dolls? Which ones?


Theatrical, not simple.

Our guys also know dolls,
They often play with them.

You, Petrushka, ask them, they will tell you what dolls we have.

Parsley. And what dolls do you have?

1st child: These are the finger ones. Very interesting, beautiful. They put them on the finger and depict different fairy tales.


Good, but not all right.
I won't surprise you in any way.

2nd child: We also have dolls - gloves. It’s also convenient to show performances with them.

Parsley: No, that’s not it! I'm like that myself. What's surprising?

3rd child:

Yes, Petrushka, bad luck...
But meeting us is a stroke of luck.

4th child:

We will help you now.
We can make dolls.

Parsley: Make it, but from what?

Two boys:

We, Parsley, are spooners,
How many spoons, look!


What's the use of spoons?
I'm not your buffoon!

The children laugh at Petrushka.

It's funny to you,
At least I should cry...

Children (surround Parsley): Don’t be sad.


That's right, stop grieving
Lozhkovy Theater
We will create!

6th child:

Well, guys, let's all get to work!
We will safely paint the spoons with you.

7th child:

Brushes, paints and gouache
And, of course, a pencil.

8th child:

Let's draw characters
And we’ll show them to Petrushka!

Development of children's creative abilities.

Speech therapist: Guys, you are great! What an interesting idea.

Children come to the tables where wooden spoons, jars of water, paints, gouache, and brushes are prepared.

Dear guests,
Who wants to come to us
Join us,
On wooden spoons
Create your own image
For the theater of spoons -
The more characters
It will be more fun.

Having finished drawing, children show their work and name the character and the fairy tale from which this character is from.


Oh, thank you, friends,
I see that I was sad in vain.

1st child:

Bagels and rolls
We took it out of the oven.

2nd child:

Sushi, butter cookies –
Treat everyone today!

Children treat guests, speech therapist treats children.

Plut Svetlana Nikolaevna,
teacher-speech therapist 1st quarter categories,
MBDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 6,
R. Krasnozerskoe village