Origin of the name Slava and its meaning. The meaning of the name Slava. Interpretation of the name. Characteristics and interpretation of the name Vyacheslav

A name means a lot to a person. It is not for nothing that parents always approach their choice responsibly. Often sons are named after someone dear or close to them, idols, and they also study the meanings of names in detail and settle on the more suitable one. For example, more and more often recently born boys are called the beautiful name Vyacheslav.

Origin and interpretation

What the name Vyacheslav means can be understood from the interpretation of linguists. They determined that it consists of two roots of the Old Russian language: vyache (“greater”) - more and “slav” - glory. The end result is “more glorious.”

A male name is found in Slavic countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria, where you already sound like Vaclav and Wenceslas.

Derivatives from the name

You can often hear relatives and friends call Vyacheslav by his short name: Slavik, Vyacha, Slava, Vyachik. In turn, his children receive a middle name at birth Vyacheslavovich and Vyacheslavovna.

general characteristics

As a child, the boy loves outdoor games in the company of children. He cheerful, kind, A little naive and several impulsive.

His explosive nature often scares children away. Parents You need to pay attention to the development of the child’s intelligence, because without the proper load, Slavik will be too impulsive in adulthood.

Little Vyacheslav hardy and strong. He loves sports and does not refuse hard physical work. He tries to strengthen his spirit. Seeks justice in everything and protects the weak.

He achieves good results in his studies. Vyacheslav easily studies disciplines even outside the school curriculum. He has more I like exact sciences, but not theory, but practice. He loves to play with construction toys and can spend a lot of time on hobbies.

At the same time, Slavik is very pedantic since the early childhood. The penchant for order surprises the parents, but the young man only has what he likes on his shelves. If mom and dad force cleaning, the son will easily ignore their request.

Adult Vyacheslav honest, cheerful, says everything directly, but somewhat shy and modest. To him hard and long work is difficult due to a weak nervous system and lack of strong-willed qualities.

Slavik can flare up, but quickly comes to his senses, and at the same time feels shame. He has many friends who appreciate the young man for kind-heartedness and non-conflict. He will always come to the aid of a friend, and women like him because gentleness, courtesy, attentiveness and sensuality in bed.

Vyacheslav has many talents in different fields, but in order to achieve great success, “the stars must align” for him. If by the age of forty he develops determination and finds talents, he will become successful. If not, after the term he will no longer think about his career.

In any case, colleagues can rely on a man, since he does everything conscientiously, brings what he starts to the end and takes any activity seriously.

The secret of the name can be called pride. Because of her, Slavik often has a temper.

The influence of the season

The time at which the boy appeared greatly influences the characteristics.

So, men who celebrate their birthday at different times have their own characteristics:

Dependence on zodiac sign

Vyacheslav, the meaning of his name and fate largely depends on the specific date of birth, endowed with different characteristics depending on the zodiac sign:

Professional activity

Labor plays a major role in Vyacheslav’s life. As a rule, greater success is achieved when working with technology. Colleagues appreciate him for diligence, punctuality, ability to act in a team. But the leader rarely emerges from it. It is extremely difficult for him to work long and hard.

Can be programmer, journalist, architect or electronics engineer. Quite a few Vyacheslavs can be seen in the sports field. They resilient, purposeful, love competition and struggle, they are highly valued in the team. If a man becomes a leader, for example, a coach, then he is fair and reliable.

Managing people is difficult, which is why business can be overwhelming for him. Vyacheslav loves to surround himself with beautiful things and comfort in general, but is not ready to take risks. May give part of his earnings to charity.

Vyacheslav's health

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav for a boy prescribes good physical health. His endurance and strength are the envy of all the guys in the yard. And being a man, Slavik remains strong.

But a weak nervous system can malfunction. To a young man overexertion and lack of sleep should be avoided. He also has a tendency to diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is better for a man to follow a diet.

Vyacheslav needs to avoid depression, because he tends to aggravate his condition with alcohol.

Married relationships

Being a husband, Slavik seems quiet, peaceful and submissive person. But if his wife awakens the “father of the family” in him, he can change a lot. Vyacheslav's chosen one more often becomes a girl beautiful, smart, not ashamed of her sexuality.

Vyacheslav's first family union often disintegrates due to its explosive nature. He approaches the choice of a second wife more consciously and looks closely for a long time. Pays attention not so much to beauty, but to intelligence and character. Relationships are built on trust. If his wife betrayed him, she will never forgive him.

Helps his wife around the house. Keeps everything in good working order and in order: will not allow faucets to leak or furniture to break. Sometimes he is too thrifty.

She loves children and enjoys spending her free time with them. Traditional hobbies for men are fishing and hunting.

Name compatibility

When choosing a partner, it is better for Vyacheslav to pay attention to the compatibility of names.

Here are the most suitable ones:

For Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name, character and fate are prescribed different. On the one hand, a man can achieve success in his career, live by work, and on the other hand, be a quiet family man. Much depends on the time in which he was born, upbringing and environment.

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The variety of Russian names is amazing. Sometimes we don’t think about their origin, although the etymology of names is a rather interesting area.

All Russian names can be divided into native Russian and borrowed. Most of them have a full and abbreviated form. So, for example, Valeria is the full form, and Lera is its shortened version. Vyacheslav is the full name, Slava is its short form. Interestingly, in Russian there are both male and female versions of the name Slava. Let's take a closer look at its origins and variants.

Etymology of the name Slava

Some names have been preserved from the times of the Old Russian language. Let us remember the names of Russian princes - Mstislav, Rostislav, Vsevolod, etc. It is traditionally accepted that the name Vyacheslav is the full name, Slava is its short form. What is the origin of this name?

Consider the full name. Slava, as a variant of the name Vyacheslav, consists of two parts: “vyache”, which means “large, all-encompassing” and “glory”, i.e. “fame”. If interpreted literally, the meaning of the name is “the most glorious”, “the most famous”.

Full name Slava. His options

The form of this name is one of the most famous and common names in Russia. We considered only one option. However, the full name Slava can sound differently. Stanislav, Mstislav, Yaroslav, Rostislav, Vladislav - all these names may have the discussed diminutive form.

It is known that before the advent of the Old Russian language, the Old Church Slavonic language existed. Over time, Eastern Slavs (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians), Western Slavs (Poles, Slovaks, Czechs) and Southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Macendonians, Serbs) emerged from it. The Old Church Slavonic language disintegrated and soon disappeared completely, but its forms still exist, as in the name Stanislav.

Stanislav is also a full name. "Slava" means "power", and the first part of the name comes from the Polish "stan". The full name means "to become chief."

The form of the name Mstislav means “revenge and greatness,” and the name Yaroslav contains the meaning “became famous brightly, lightly.”

The etymology of the name Vladislav says that the first part is formed from the verb “to own”, i.e. "possessing glory." The name Rostislav contains the meaning “growth, grow”, i.e. "a man of growing fame." Thus, Rostislav is a full name.

The name Slava can sound like any of the variations described above, and each of them will be correct. The meanings of the names overlap, but have some differences.

Female name Slava

Slava is a rather unusual form of name for a girl. It is quite rare.

As with the above male names, variations are possible. It is based on a man's full name. Slava (female name) can sound like Vladislava, Mstislava, etc. The full forms of this name are not very popular, so parents prefer to write down the girl’s name in documents using the short form. Therefore, if there is any doubt about how to spell the full name, Slava is the correct option.

The secret of the name Slava

People who are interested in astrology will be interested in what fate they will reward the child by giving him one or another of the names. Whatever the parents choose for the child’s full name, Slava will always sound courageous and original. Astrologers say that men with this name are very purposeful and always try to achieve what they want. These are the life positions of Slava. However, if difficulties arise, anger may occur.

Mentally, Slavas can be unstable: they are prone to nervous impulses, the release of negative or positive emotions. However, people with this name are born optimistic and sanguine.

If we talk about Slava’s health, then we don’t need to go far; let’s remember the brave and strong Russian princes and conquerors. Fair and wise, they had excellent health.

Particular attention should be paid to Slava’s professional abilities. Surprisingly, a person with this name can have a craving for absolutely any field, be it related to technology or the study of science. Slavs, as a rule, are versatile and educated individuals.

It is worth noting famous people who bear or have bore this name. These are Butusov, Dobrynin, Shishkov, Shugaev. The female version is the least popular. Among famous women we can note the singer Slava (Anastasia Slanevskaya), even if it is a pseudonym.

Thus, names in Russian have variations, just like the name Slava. The full name, whatever you choose, will be beautiful and unique in its own way.

The popularity of the name Vyacheslav came in the early 90s of the twentieth century. Nowadays, not many newborns are given this name. But in vain, since it endows its owner with excellent qualities.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

Vyacheslav is Slavic and has Old Russian origins. Its meaning consists of two short words - “vyache”, which is translated from the Old Russian language as “more”, and “slav” - “glory”. Well, the final modern form of the name means “the most glorious”, “great glory”. In the old days, the Slavic peoples had slightly different forms of this name - Vecheslav and Vyacheslav.

When is the name day

The patron saint of all men bearing the name in question is considered to be Prince Wenceslas of Bohemia, who preached the Orthodox faith in the Czech Republic. He was killed on the threshold of the temple by his brother while going to morning prayer. After which he was canonized and included in the list of saints.

Therefore, according to the church calendar, the days of the angel Vyacheslav fall on the saint’s memory days, namely March 17 and October 11.

Did you know? An Indian of the North American Kwakiutl tribe, borrowing money, can leave his name as collateral, then until the debt is returned, he will be treated impersonally.

Short and diminutive forms

In everyday life, various versions of the name Vyacheslav are often used, both in diminutive form and in abbreviated form. The most popular of them include the following: Slava, Slavik, Slavochka, Slavunya, Vyachik, Vyacha, Vava, Venek, Vyachko, Vatsus.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

Children are named Vyacheslav not only in Russian-speaking countries, but also far beyond their borders. However, in different languages ​​of the world it sounds and is interpreted differently. Below we offer several variations of this name for different countries:

  • Czech Republic - Vaclav;
  • Poland - Waclaw;
  • Germany - Wenzel;
  • Bulgaria - Wenceslaus (Wenceslaus);
  • Italy - Venceslao.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

A name is important to a person because it influences his character and destiny. Vyacheslav is characterized by such character traits as endurance, willpower, great ambitions and a constant desire for leadership. He loves competition in everything; it gives him an incentive to always achieve better results. Spiritual values ​​and traditions are important to him.

As a child, he is often overly emotional and sensitive, with a heightened sense of justice, and likes to challenge everything. Needs parental love and care.

Important!Little Vyacheslav listens more to the advice of his grandparents than to his parents.

As an adult, he may suffer from depression and easily fall into despair. Therefore, he must always be encouraged and supported. Often commits sharp, rash actions, which he may regret over time. He is unforgiving towards his enemies.

Study, professions and career

As a child, Slava did not spend much time studying. He is more interested in having fun with his friends, as he is a very active guy. But he still has good grades at school, which he receives more likely due to his inherent natural abilities. He is good at learning foreign languages.

Already an adult, Vyacheslav can realize himself in many areas of activity. Its qualities are revealed especially well if there is competition. He can achieve great success by choosing the profession of a lawyer, doctor, or teacher. In his work he is responsible, far-sighted and always soberly assesses the situation. Such qualities allow him to become successful in political activity.

Vyacheslavs do not like monotonous and uninteresting work. Thanks to their endurance and determination, there are many successful athletes and coaches among them. Endowed with good organizational skills. However, it is difficult for him to be a leader because of his sense of primacy in everything.
If his creative abilities are developed in childhood, then Slava has every chance of becoming a famous musician or artist.

Health and hobbies

A brief description of the health of men named Vyacheslav can be presented as follows: endurance and excellent physical health. However, “spring” and “autumn” Vyacheslavs are predisposed to heart attacks. It is believed that the “winter” representatives of the name are healthier than the “summer” ones.

Particular attention should be paid to the nervous system, which may suffer due to their emotionality. Therefore, it is important for them to be able to rationally distribute energy, devote proper time to sleep and rest, and avoid stress.

Among his hobbies, Vyacheslav often prefers sports, in particular swimming. Having a hobby, he takes it very seriously.

Friendship, love and family

The man, named Vyacheslav, is distinguished by his friendliness. He always loves to be among friends, is always ready to help a friend, and is even capable of self-sacrifice. But, if a loved one betrays him, he will without hesitation stop communicating with him.
He is always a success with the fair sex. Prefers spectacular women. He knows how to look after them and create comfortable conditions around him, which allows him to conquer even the most unapproachable beauties. But even in a love relationship, the sense of justice never leaves him. He is always sincere in expressing his feelings.

He takes the choice of his future wife very seriously. The contender for his heart must be smart, educated, caring, and have good external characteristics. Loves order, coziness and comfort in everything. He strives to ensure that there is always prosperity in the family, and that the wife and children do not need anything. Vyacheslav proves himself to be a good, caring father and family man. He is an excellent owner and it is not a burden for him to change a light bulb. He remains faithful to his wife, and builds relationships with her solely on trust and mutual understanding.

Important!Vyacheslav never forgives treason and betrayal.

Compatibility with female names

Vyacheslav can build strong friendships or create a happy family with women who have the following names: Julia, Anna, Elvira,. But with names such as Zinaida, Tatyana, Bella, compatibility is considered very poor.

Meanings of letters in the name and numerology

The meaning of the letters in a name has a significant impact on the character and fate of people. We will present the transcript for Vyacheslav below.

  • "IN"- optimism, sociability, passion for art and nature. Very often, people whose names begin with this letter devote their lives to creativity. The partner with whom you go through life faithfully is chosen more with your head than with your heart.
  • "I"- people with this letter in their name know their worth well. It is important for them to earn the respect and love of others. They know how to keep secrets, like to dream a lot, are sociable and romantic.
  • "H"- speaks of determination and perseverance in all actions. Such people often commit selfless acts, they are romantic and too trusting.
  • "E"- people whose names contain this letter are distinguished by selfishness, insight and commercialism. Thanks to their simplicity, sociability and charm, they easily win people over. They value life's blessings and luxury above all else. Creative professions are often chosen.
  • "WITH"- have leadership qualities, are stubborn and unpredictable. They are guided in their actions by common sense and logic. They are characterized by excessive capriciousness and hot temper. They are often very demanding of others, especially their other half. They always try to stand out from the crowd.
  • "L"- people with logical thinking, inventive, artistic, easily win over others. Some of them are narcissistic, capricious and have a disdainful attitude towards people. It is difficult to experience separation from loved ones.
  • "A"- just as this letter is the first in the alphabet, so those named with it always strive to be the first in everything, which they achieve thanks to their hard work. Spiritual and physical balance is important for them. They are quite proactive and cannot stand routine work.

According to numerology, the number of the name Vyacheslav is considered to be 4. This number is characterized by reliability and practicality. You can completely rely on such people in any matter, especially when it comes to loved ones and relatives, since they value people from their close circle very much. People whose number is 4 are distinguished by their ability to constantly analyze everything that happens. They love exact sciences, and in their ideas and plans they are always pragmatic and realistic.

Name Astrology

  • Patron planet - Venus;
  • Libra;
  • Totem animal - buffalo;
  • Tree - hazel;
  • Plant - heather;
  • Stone - topaz;
  • Color - golden.

Did you know? Since ancient times, topaz has been endowed with mystical and healing properties. It was believed that it could protect against colds, cure coughs, and relieve insomnia. African Bushmen used topaz in healing rituals.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Among the men named Vyacheslav, there are a lot of successful people. Here is a small list of them.

  • Vyacheslav Ivanov is a Russian symbolist poet.
  • Vyacheslav Anisin - hockey player, world, European and USSR champion.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin is a composer and singer.
  • Vyacheslav Butusov is a musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pompilius”.
  • Vyacheslav Ganelin is a Soviet and Israeli composer.
  • Vyacheslav Kotenochkin - animator director, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and others.
  • Vyacheslav Shalevich - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a theater and film actor.

You need to approach choosing a name for a newborn with all seriousness, having first studied its main characteristics. A child named Vyacheslav, subject to proper upbringing, patience and support from his parents, has every chance of becoming a successful and happy person.

Modern parents are trying their best to distinguish themselves and name their child the rarest or most fashionable name, regardless of his origin. There are many melodic complaints heard, however, one should not forget about their meanings and the traditions of their appearance. One of the most beautiful names over the years, according to astrologers, is Vyacheslav - proud, courageous, loud and majestic.

This name is common throughout the Slavic states. Its popularity peaked in the 90s, but has declined significantly now. Parents are more willing to call boys by modern names, not realizing that Vyacheslav has good characteristics and looks great in a duet with middle names.

Not everyone knows how the name Vyacheslav is translated, especially its first part. Previously, it had a different sound: “Vaclav” or a variant “Wenceslaus”. The origin of the male name Vyacheslav dates back to ancient Russian times and carries a secret ainyv

Initially, the criticism was noted in the chronicles. This was the name given to the successors to the inheritance of princes Vladimir Monomakh and Yaroslav the Wise.

The first part of the word is “vyach”, “vyache”, “great”, “greater”, and the ending literally means “glory”. Overall, the result is a beautiful and courageous consonance of “the most glorious”, giving confidence, vitality and leadership qualities. Thanks to these wonderful qualities, the following people with the name Vyacheslav gained world fame:

  • pop singer V. Dobrynin;
  • pop singer, poet, composer V. Malezhik;
  • fashion designer V. Zaitsev;
  • Russian. Zaitsev;et, Volodin;
  • animator V. Kotenochkin;
  • composer Wenzel Robert von Gallenberg;
  • Soviet actor V. Shalevich;
  • football player V. Malafeev;
  • Soviet actor V. Tikhonov;
  • Honored Masters of Sports V. Fetisov and V. Starshinov;
  • Soviet People's Artist V. Nevinny;
  • USSR statesman V. Molotov;
  • composer V. Ganelin;
  • musician and singer V. Butusov;
  • Soviet politician V. Plehve;
  • writer V. Shishkov;
  • Spanish writer Wenceslao Fernandez Flores;
  • poet V. Ivanov;
  • Soviet clown V. Polunin;
  • crime boss V. Ivankov, aka Yaponchik;
  • Master of Sports of the USSR V. Anisin.

During the times of Ancient Rus', great-grandfathers exalted a man’s ability to fight, overcome obstacles, have perseverance and nobility, naming children this way. However, according to research by astrologers, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is not so aggressive. The stars endow this person with various qualities that can rarely be combined. In addition to a strong masculine nature, soft character traits are added.

Variants of the complaint Vyacheslav, an abbreviation of the name, exist not only in the countries of Eastern, but also Western Europe (Wenceslao, Wenzel, Vaclav), there are even rare female forms (Venceslava, Vyacheslava, Vatslava, diminutive Vava, Slava).

Abbreviated and endearing variations of the sound of the name:

  • Vyachik;
  • Glory;
  • Warbler;
  • Slavik;
  • Slavonka;
  • Vyacheslavchik;
  • Vyachka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Slavushka;
  • Vyacheslavushka.

Patronymics derived from Vyacheslav are Vyacheslavovich and Vyacheslavovna.

Variants of the name Vyacheslav can also be written in Latin: Wachjeslaw, Vyacheslav, Venceslao, Vyacheslaw, Slava, Vyachyeslav, Vencel, Venceslau.

Slavik's Angel Day is September 28 (October 11 according to the new style). It was on this day in the 10th century that the Orthodox Christian martyr Vyacheslav the Czech was killed at the church doors for pleasing God and promoting Christianity in the Czech Republic.

In the hit parade of common modern male complaints, this name occupied only 50th position, however, the fashion for ancient complaints is gaining momentum. In Saints, Vyacheslavs celebrate their name day on October 11, according to the old calendar - September 28. On this day, according to popular belief, children are sprinkled with water from a sieve in order to strengthen their health and protect them from the evil eye and various negative interventions.

The most powerful imprint on a person’s character and destiny is left by his name, given by his parents at birth. What does the name Slava mean for a child, but that he will have all the leadership abilities that will help him climb the career ladder. According to astrology, these men are not overly ambitious; they will never “trample on other people’s heads” in order to get the coveted “place in the sun.” If they become famous, it will be only thanks to their skills and honest approach to life.

Key Features:

  • peacefulness;
  • discipline;
  • love to motherland;
  • gullibility;
  • politeness;
  • altruism;
  • love of freedom;
  • prudence;
  • responsiveness;
  • responsibility.

Slava is a wonderful friend, incapable of meanness and betrayal, devoid of pragmatism.

In his young years, Slava falls under the influence of bad society and manages to become famous there, but his sober mind cannot withstand the long “floundering” in the pool of bad habits. Slowly and surely such a person tries to achieve a high level of spiritual development. Vyacheslav strives to deal with difficulties on his own, without anyone’s help. Loneliness does not oppress him, because alone he can feel free. Slava is able to take into account the opinion of the group only if it is fruitful. The nature of such a person is easily excitable, sometimes anger slips through, which can soon be regretted.

Men named Vyacheslav are incredibly popular with the opposite sex, and not in vain. Slava knows all the intricacies of courting girls. He often chooses intellectual women as his life partner, impressive with their beauty, charm and reliability. Vyacheslav will not go “to the left” if the woman of his dreams is next to him, with whom he is ready to share both grief and joy. This is an excellent husband and father of the family. It is not a burden for him to help his wife and bring money into the house. Slava is hospitable, treats animals with love and warmth, and adores children.

The greatest compatibility of Vyacheslav with female names:

  1. Julia.
  2. Olga.
  3. Sofia.
  4. Pauline.
  5. Rimma.
  6. Margarita.
  7. Anna.
  8. Larisa.
  9. Olesya.

If Vyacheslav does not show himself in his career, he can reflect his tyrannical ardor on his wife. To avoid this, astrologers advise parents to instill love and respect for their future wife and not allow them to give up at the slightest opportunity. The sexual side of Vyacheslav’s life is quite colorful. In his youth, he gets big, gains experience, and charms women. For sexual relations, this man settles on a girl with rich experience and a beautiful figure.

Vyacheslav will never take as his wife a mercantile fool who will constantly be capricious and throw tantrums out of nowhere. His choice will fall on an educated young lady who is ready to learn with him the delights and difficulties of family life.

Vyacheslav approaches his work responsibly, arrives on time, and does not tolerate delays or delays. In order to gain fame and earn authority among colleagues and society as a whole, Slava is suitable for professions that require a spirit of competition or the realization of one’s gift in creativity.

Suitable areas where Vyacheslav realizes himself most clearly:

  • sport;
  • painting;
  • design;
  • producing;
  • commerce;
  • brokerage;
  • visiting professions, tourism;
  • media, journalism;
  • jurisprudence;
  • architecture;
  • programming.

Whatever the position, Slava will prove himself to be an assiduous, scrupulous, persistent worker, incapable of abandoning important tasks halfway. He is not without enthusiasm and enthusiasm when carrying out important assignments. When reaching a high-ranking position, Slava is guided by logic and common sense, which makes him honest and incapable of “picking out” the pockets of his subordinates. Astrologers advise these individuals not to force themselves into the framework of “workaholism”; it is wiser to allocate time not only for making money, but also for the ability to relax. Slaviks are often interested in cars, sports and warmly welcome guests at home.

Laziness is absolutely not characteristic of men named Vyacheslav. Nothing will force these enterprising individuals to interrupt an important task halfway.

As a child, little Slavochka is often exposed to colds. He needs to be wary of various kinds of infections, play sports and harden himself. With age, Vyacheslav becomes more persistent. It is contraindicated for him to be nervous, freak out and become depressed, otherwise these breakdowns can negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Astrologers advise paying attention to nutrition, not going on diets and following a daily routine. A significant danger, destructive to the body, is the infatuation with bad habits.

Types of sports and recreation useful for Vyacheslav:

  1. Athletics.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Yoga.
  4. Basketball.
  5. Traveling, hiking and walking.

These activities will have a beneficial effect on the health of a man named Vyacheslav, and will also strengthen resistance to stress and all kinds of invasions of negative forces that can destroy his energy shell. You should also include in your diet all fish dishes, jellied meat, eat more corn and rice porridges.

Slavas born in the autumn period should be more careful about the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Coffee and cigarettes are especially harmful.

Psychologists and astrologers, based on their experience, told what the name Slava means for a little boy. Slavochka is an affectionate, determined and impetuous child, often whiny and at the same time hyperactive. It is important for him to control his emotions, not to get upset over trifles and to overexert himself less. Parents should teach their child to speak beautifully, behave among friends, and not be fooled by bad company.

Patronymics that harmoniously combine with the name Vyacheslav:

  • Sergeevich;
  • Romanovich;
  • Vladimirovich;
  • Valerievich;
  • Georgievich;
  • Viktorovich;
  • Bogdanovich;
  • Aleksandrovich.

During his school years, the guy is distinguished by accuracy, discipline and perseverance; his studies are easy for him. Vyacheslav will never offend his little brother or sister. On the contrary, he will defend their interests and protect them from troubles. In his youth, Slavik has a persistent character, knows how to make his friends laugh, and does not allow them to become despondent. He does not tolerate squabbles and swearing, he always tries to resolve the dispute without any passionate “scenes”. If he does not succumb to bad influences, he will try to stay away from all kinds of drinking bouts.

Humanities, art and sports are the disciplines where Slava can fully unleash both her innate talents and excess energy.

Each bearer of this name displays individual character traits that are different from others. Astrologers associate this not only with the sound vibrations of the name, but also with the time of birth and the zodiac sign under which he was born. What does the secret of the name Vyacheslav hide based on the time of birth, if you answer briefly?

  1. Winter gives Slaviks an obstinate disposition. It is not easy for these men to get along with people, however, he can very easily stop communicating if he has been morally harmed. Friends for winter Glory are not an empty phrase. They value loyalty and reliability. Often hangs around among respectable people. Vyacheslav looks at the world with a sober gaze, devoid of soaring in the clouds and building castles in the air. In appearance, one might get the impression that these people are arrogant, however, this is only an appearance. In fact, these men have a generous and fair character.
  2. Creative people are born in spring. From a very early age, these Slavas are drawn to the stage. They are talented and artistic, they love to be visible and communicate. They are noble and virtuous, know how to keep promises and help in difficult times. Vyacheslav, “not for any price” will do low things towards his relatives and friends. The downside lies in their impatience and short temper for no particular reason.
  3. The gentle summer time gives the born Vyacheslav a hot temperament. This is a rather cheerful person, not ready to sit in silence without friends. Such Warblers cannot imagine their existence without holidays, parties, guests and noise. These are peace-loving people with an open soul and a kind heart. They easily make contact with others and do not see the point in quarrels and constant bickering. Summer Vyacheslavs adore children, often pampering and cherishing them.
  4. Autumn gives Slaviks prudence and an obstinate disposition. These are quite strong personalities, capable of fighting and going towards conquering their goal until the very victorious conclusion. They are hard to break either by people or by any wrong circumstances. Autumn ones are not devoid of a sense of humor; they communicate freely on various topics.

Going down the forbidden no matter what is Slavik’s main life motto.

The most enduring individuals with the name Vyacheslav are born in the autumn period.

Astrological characteristics and behavioral patterns of men named Vyacheslav, depending on the zodiac sign:

  • Aries is emotional and reckless. He rarely gets married because he doesn’t see the point in it. Mood is changeable, like the colorful pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope;
  • Taurus is a pretender, capable of transforming into roles that are beneficial to him. A pragmatist who easily gains the trust of others;
  • Geminis are enthusiastic and mischievous. He cannot imagine life without receiving information. Easy to train and agile. Hates silence. He wanders for a long time in search of himself;
  • Cancer is a rather depressive person. My favorite pastime is complaining to others about the imperfection of the world. Such Slava is easy to offend. Suspicious;
  • Leo is a cheerful, cheerful fellow. The man is the “sun”. Gets a lot of pleasure from communicating with people. Loves holidays and entertainment. Don't mind playing in public;
  • Virgo is a dreamer. Has great difficulty with trust. Cool in love relationships because he does not want to be deceived;
  • Libra is a romantic and passionate person. This person has been searching for his ideal, which does not exist in nature, for a long time. Too high demands on women;
  • Scorpio comes to the defense of his family with great enthusiasm. Rarely shares problems with others. Straightforward, does not tolerate falsehood. Capable of genuine feelings;
  • Sagittarius is fickle. It is not easy to establish long-term relationships with girls. Ready to make contact. Likes to look for adventures;
  • Capricorn directs all his energies to career growth. Strives for power. Patriot. He ardently defends laws and traditions. It is not easy for such a Vyacheslav to be in a foreign land;
  • Aquarius has magnetism to attract the opposite sex. Looks not at the surface, but in depth. It's not easy to fool him. Not monogamous;
  • Pisces are stubborn individuals. These Slaviks find it difficult to put up with criticism addressed to them. Loves to bask in the rays of praise and constant attention. In marital relationships they are kind-hearted and faithful.

According to astrological information, the Zodiac sign closest to Vyacheslav is airy Libra. It is the temperament inherent in this constellation that best characterizes his personality.

Stones that should be purchased for self-defense are wise topaz, variegated jasper and solar amber. The symbolic animal is the buffalo. The most suitable colors are all shades of brown, colors of autumn nature.

Autumn is the most favorable time for any undertakings. Hazel, chestnut and heather are the most suitable plants for Vyacheslav. A prosperous day of the week is Thursday, ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav (Glory) - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Vyacheslav. Slava, Slavik, Vyachik, Vyacha, Vava, Venek, Vyachko, Vatsus.
Synonyms for the name Vyacheslav. Vecheslav, Vyatslav, Wenceslav, Wenceslas, Wenceslao, Wenzel, Wenceslaus.
Origin of the name Vyacheslav. The name Vyacheslav is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vyacheslav comes from the Old Russian words “vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav”, meaning “glory”. This name is Slavic and is translated as “more glorious”, “most glorious”. The ancient form of the name is Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Analogues of the name Vyacheslav, used in other Slavic languages, are Wenceslaus and Wenceslas.

The diminutive address Slava is also a short form for many masculine (Beloslav, Borislav, Radoslav, Bratislav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Bronislav, Stanislav, Vysheslav, Istislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, etc.) and feminine (Beloslav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Voislav, Wenceslav, Bronislav, Dobroslav, Svyatoslav, Svetislav, Miroslav, Gorislav, Vaclav, Zlatoslav, Vladislav, etc.) names.

The character and fate of Vyacheslav. Vyacheslav is very hungry for fame. He has a strong desire for leadership and competition. But it happens that the difficulties that arise along the way force Vyacheslav to abandon his plan and completely lay down his arms and not take any further part. In such cases, Vyacheslav can be completely morally crushed and it will be very difficult for him to get back on his feet, gain strength and faith in himself.

Vyacheslav can maintain good relationships with others and would like everyone around him to be happy. But if he decides that he is breaking off any relationship, then it will be very difficult to return to his former disposition or good relationship. Vyacheslav is vindictive, but not vindictive. He will simply stop communicating and maintaining any contact.

It is difficult for Vyacheslav to be a leader. Although he has a desire to be a leader, he does not have such a strong feeling of being the very first. Vyacheslav is very hardworking and painstaking. But he prefers to work on only one thing, without switching to the second, even if there is an opportunity to take a long break in the first.

Vyacheslav likes to combine work with leisure, provided that the work is not stressful and does not require much effort. He likes everything to be fair, but he does not seek to defend someone’s fair claims. He will just step aside and watch how everything develops. At the same time, he will always care for justice and honest relationships.

In family life, Vyacheslav may look quiet, but if his leadership is awakened in him, then he may well begin to seek justice and implement it in the family. Having married one man, over time a woman may see him as a completely different person. Vyacheslav loves children, he can play various board games with them for a long time, but he will not be interested in outdoor games.

Famous people with the name Vyacheslav

  • Vyacheslav Polunin (pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Vyacheslav Kotenochkin (director-animator, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and others (1927–2000))
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov (Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, one of the ideological inspirers of the “Silver Age”)
  • Vyacheslav Anisin (hockey player, world, European and USSR champion)
  • Vyacheslav Butusov (musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pampilius”)
  • Vyacheslav Ganelin (Soviet and Israeli composer, jazz musician)
  • Vyacheslav Shalevich (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin (composer and singer)
  • Vyacheslav Nevinny (actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Plehve (statesman (1846–1904))
  • Vyacheslav Pietsukh (Russian writer)
  • Vyacheslav Platonov (Soviet athlete (volleyball), legendary Soviet and Russian volleyball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR (1978) and the RSFSR (1972))
  • Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov (Soviet and Russian composer, conductor)
  • Vyacheslav Tsarev (Soviet film actor, best known for his role as a boy with a net in the film “Welcome, or No Trespassing”)
  • Vyacheslav Artamonov (Russian mathematician-algebraist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1990), Professor of the Department of Higher Algebra at Moscow State University (1996); discoverer of clones of multilinear operations and multi-operator algebras (1969))
  • Vyacheslav Zudov (USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (Russian writer and translator)
  • Saint Wenceslas (holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia; Czech prince from the Přemyslid family, a saint revered by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians, considered the patron saint of the Czech Republic (c.907 - 935/936))