Contacts. Beekeeping products of the company Materia Bio Profi Center LLC Reviews of our products - extracts of wax moth and dead bee

Reviews about our products - wax moth and dead bee extracts

Sergeev S.A., Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region.

  • I have many diseases related to the functioning of the heart (atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris, low blood pressure). From the beginning of taking wax moth extract "Galleria Melonella" Cardio my condition has improved significantly. I hardly feel any arrhythmia, my blood pressure has returned to normal and my general health has improved. Before that I took other medications, but the help was temporary. In general, I am very glad that I learned about this drug.

Pervyshin V.B. Novozybkov, Bryansk region

Abramov V.V., Lyubertsy, Moscow region.

  • In August 2010, he underwent surgery - resection of the stomach and spleen due to stage 3 cancer, accompanied by severe complications. Thank God that I fell into the hands of excellent specialists and good people. After discharge, six chemotherapy sessions. Then a long process of recovery by establishing a new diet and gradual physical activity. In May 2011 I received the drugs. Started with application bee death. On the 3rd day there was a noticeable improvement in bowel function. At the end of the course, I even overindulged a little a couple of times, eating something that was not recommended, without any special consequences.
Then the course of treatment Mellonella Reni + Mellonella Cardio. Noticeable improvement in general condition. Recovered easily from physical exertion (working in the country). I woke up at 6.30 am without any problems, and went to bed at 11.30 pm. Now I have started a repeat course. Based on my own experience, I consider these drugs to be an excellent aid in complex treatment (for me, the correct regimes of exercise and rest, nutrition and hardening). Now I continue to work - a 35-hour work week with three days off.
Now on to organizing the order. In my opinion, the timing of the order formation and support with the assessment are excellent. The price and shipping costs are currently satisfactory. A small drawback, noticeable with an active lifestyle. Bad caps. Half of them do not close properly after opening. It is inconvenient to carry a bottle with you.
And for information. One of my employees, who suffered a heart attack, after a course of taking an alcoholic tincture of wax moth, the scar on his heart decreased by 2 times.

A. Terentyeva. Kaluga

  • I am 68 years old and suffer from hypertension. After using four bottles Galleria Melonela Cardio my well-being has noticeably improved, my blood pressure has dropped, and the strength for physical labor has come from somewhere (working in the garden takes a lot of energy - everything is bending over). I really liked the drug, thanks to its creators.

Vladimir region, Murom district. Zagibina S.F.

  • Many thanks to G. Yakubko for creating such an amazingly useful extract. I order the extract through Evgeniy’s website ( for the third time - I’m very pleased. It really relieves chronic fatigue, cleanses the body, and improves performance. It helps a lot with additional physical activity.

Suppositories are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems in both men and women. They have antibacterial properties and are effective against infections and fungal infections, staphylococci and streptococci. This drug relieves inflammation and pain, has a resolving and regenerating effect. The main component of candles is propolis, it’s about. .

Suppositories are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems in both men and women. They have antibacterial properties and are effective against infections and fungal infections, staphylococci and streptococci. Suppositories relieve inflammation and pain, have a resolving and regenerating effect. The main component of candles is propolis, this is prod. .

The drug is intended for the treatment of joint diseases resulting from injuries, circulatory disorders, infections or endocrine pathologies. Emulgel prevents the development of chronic diseases, improves immunity and reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of arthritis, osteoporosis and intervertebral hernia. The composition of the drug includes extract of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) - this is r. .

An alcohol tincture with dead bee extract is a universal remedy, usually prescribed for decreased immunity, chronic and acute pathologies, as well as dysfunction of internal organs. Dead bees are a product obtained from the bodies of bees that died naturally. Healthy products such as honey, propolis, pollen and royal jelly remain in the body of insects. IN. .

Emulgel strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins, reduces swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs, improves blood circulation in muscles and blood vessels. This drug restores blood supply and tissue nutrition, and also reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of cellulite and varicose veins. One of the components of the emulgel is horse chestnut fruit (Aesculus hippocastanum), they strengthen blood vessels and increase the tone of the body. .

SO" Men suppositories strengthen the immune system, help with inflammation, diseases of the genitourinary system, proctological and gynecological problems. The drug improves blood microcirculation, has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable and anti-edematous effect. Bee dead is a product obtained from the bodies of bees that died naturally. In the body insects remain such useful products as.

Melonella Classic capsules are recommended for use as a tonic and general strengthening agent that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug will help in the recovery process after long-term illnesses or surgical operations; it is effective in the syndrome of constant fatigue and reduced performance. Capsules increase endurance, enhance concentration, are useful for stress,. .

Suppositories strengthen the immune system and are effective against bacteria, infections and fungal infections, staphylococci and streptococci. Suppositories relieve inflammation and pain, have a resolving and regenerating effect. The main component of candles is propolis, a beekeeping product that is obtained from a mixture of the maxillary secretion of bees and flower pollen. It is rich in essential amino acids. .

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Each of us dreams of regaining lost health when faced with a serious illness. Do you agree that your body itself begins to fight chronic diseases? Wax moth extract will help him in this by mobilizing your imm...

Chlorophyllipt suppositories (eucalyptus extract) are a valuable medicinal product that can relieve gastrointestinal diseases, burns, ulcers, skin lesions, and help restore the body after operations. In addition, they have a wide range...

Suppositories with vinylin are a strong medicinal component that helps get rid of hemorrhoids, erosions, inflammatory processes in gynecology, as well as infectious diseases. In addition, they strengthen the immune system, protect against colds,...

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Tar suppositories Candles with birch tar are a natural preparation that allows you to get rid of urolithiasis, cysts, mastopathy, and other gynecological diseases. This drug acts accurately and effectively,...

Adenoma, diseases of the bladder and urethra - comprehensive healing The plant Cocklebur has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, diaphoretic, analgesic, antipyretic, and also sedative effect, excellent...

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Borovaya uterus is a woman's best friend. For centuries, this plant has helped women and cured them from a huge number of female diseases. It turns out that Borovaya Uterus contains a number of useful substances, such as arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarin...

The description from the medical encyclopedia says that castor oil is a viscous liquid with a light yellow color; people who are “unlucky” to try castor oil describe its taste as initially mild, but then challenging...

Medicinal candles with Celandine Celandine has been used since ancient times and has a wide range of uses. No wonder the World Health Organization declared it as the eighth wonder of the world, because... it contains over 20 unique biologically...

ORCHIS SPOTTED extract Orchis root consists of two tubers, one of which is larger and flabby, and the other is young and juicy, it is this that is the most valuable medicinal raw material for our ex...

Candles with black cumin oil Candles with a little black cumin are a drug that improves the general condition of all body systems, normalizes the functioning of all organs, and is able to overcome many ailments. He is struggling with diabetes...

A set of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids Let's look at the composition of the set. Propolis D suppositories (propolis with dimexide). Propolis, prepared using a special technology, stimulates the body's protective and adaptive reactions, providing...

Extract Unlike berries, the chemical composition of sea buckthorn leaves has not yet been studied enough. The attention of scientists studying the composition and beneficial properties of leaves was attracted by several components: tannins - about 10%, they provide...

Angelica (extract) Angelica officinalis (pharmacy) in its medicinal properties is second only to ginseng, so it is not surprising that this plant has found wide use in both folk and traditional medicine. Medicinal properties of...

Beaver stream (castoreum) will give you health and longevity! Beaver musk is an aromatic substance known by names such as castoreum or beaver musk, which is produced by special glands of beavers. Everyone knows that...

Legendary Dorogov's Suppositories with ASD-2 fraction In 1943, laboratories of several scientific institutes of the USSR received a secret government order for the development of a new generation medical product. All-Union Institute of Experimental...

Bee dead tincture Dead bees (in other words - bee dead) is an excellent medicine that helps cure a wide variety of ailments. The bodies of deceased bees have enormous biological and energy...

Buy Inol - a remedy against cancer and tumors Before understanding what Inol is and how it works, first let's look at the history of its creation. Phytotherapist Vladimir Kupchin in 1995, together with breast surgeon Ivan Vlasenko...

Walnut is a source of health. The composition of the suppositories includes vitamins B, C, B3, PP, P, fat-soluble vitamins E, A, organic acids, quercetin, fatty acids (unsaturated), juglandin, iodine, juglone, cobalt, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, kumari...

Dead bees - the power of bees. Sad but true. Having crossed a certain age threshold (usually after 35-40 years), our body is attacked by various chronic diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular...

What happens when you mix beeswax, fir, sea buckthorn, vegetable oil, calendula, lemongrass and peppermint? Multi-purpose cream-balm "Venofit", which has a nourishing and softening effect, is used for...

Candles with tea tree oil According to generic characteristics, the tea tree belongs to trees and shrubs, united by one name - Malaleuca. Myrtle family. There are two types of tea tree: cultivated and wild. Plant area...

Candles with apilak (royal jelly) The biogenic preparation Apilak is a dry substance of royal jelly from bees. Apilak contains amino acids, vitamins, and hormone-like biologically active substances. Medicinal properties of Apilak....

Suppositories with herbal balm Every year, due to the use of various medications, especially antibiotics, the balance of pathogenic and normal intestinal microflora is increasingly disturbed. The acid-base balance changes in the direction of "w...

Collection of Father George (ready-made tincture) We offer you the anti-cancer complex of Father George, which was published in the newspaper “Heal by Faith” in 2002. Archimandrite Georgy - rector of the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky monastery...

Candles with dead bee extract Dead bees are the popular name for dead bees. Products made from dead meat regulate the metabolic process, cleanse the body, normalize and stimulate immune reactions, improve the resistance of...

Candles with Propolis extract Propolis is a product formed as a result of bees processing resinous substances that they collect from the buds of bushes and trees. Resinous substances are produced by plants to protect...

Suppositories with mertronidazole Metronidazole is part of the nitro-5-imidazole family and has a wide spectrum of action against anaerobic microorganisms: Bacteroides sp., Clostridium sp., Prevotella, Fusobactereium, Veilonella. Chrome...

Suppositories with Bifidumbacterin Suppositories with Bifidumbacterin are a microbial mass of living bifidobacteria, which is freeze-dried in a cultivation medium with the addition of sucrose-gelatin-milk medium and formed into medical suppositories. In one...

Hemostatic suppositories Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is used for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, uterine and intestinal bleeding; has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and hemostatic properties...

Medicinal suppositories with herbal extracts The high effectiveness of the drug in treating a wide range of different diseases is guaranteed by a precisely selected composition. What is included in the candles Alakasia is a plant, an extract from the stem...

Suppositories with mumiyo The human body needs to consume 90 nutritional supplements: minerals - 60, vitamins - 16, basic amino acids and protein-containing proteins - 12, basic fatty acids - 3. All these supplements should be included in the daily...

Medicinal suppositories with garlic extract Recently, they have started to talk a lot about the benefits of garlic. But its healing power was known in ancient times; Sages from Egypt wrote down 22 medicinal uses of garlic on papyrus. Louis Paste...

Medicinal suppositories with aqueous propolis extract Suppositories with aqueous propolis extract as a base have a clear anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, improve tissue trophism, especially in combination with antibacterial therapy. ...

Vein diseases - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, spider veins on the legs Tired legs, difficulty walking, pain, is this a familiar situation? Protruding veins on the legs are unpleasant, especially for a woman who is still young and discomfort arises when...

Amaranth began to revive in the 70s of the 20th century, at a time when the Austrian-born physiologist John Downton noticed that the seeds of this plant are rich in protein with a particularly high content of lysine - a very important essential amino acid that...

Girudotex suppositories Antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, thrombolytic, local anesthetic; stimulates metabolic processes, reduces blood viscosity, improves local blood flow. Hemorrhoids (internal and...

Candles with wax moth extract In ancient times, wax moth was called “honey butterfly” and “golden”, and its tincture was considered very healing and was used for diseases of the lungs, heart, cough, fever, severe nausea...

Protargol suppositories Protargol (Argentum protenicum) is a brown or brown-yellow powder, odorless, weak, slightly astringent and bitter taste; the composition includes silver - 7.8 - 8.3%. Used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory...

Aqueous propolis extract 10% Propolis is a natural antibiotic that has bactericidal, immunological, anti-inflammatory, restorative, analgesic, anti-radiation, regenerating, antiviral and tonic...

Propolis suppositories with Dimexide Propolis, prepared using a special technology, stimulates the body's protective and adaptive reactions, has an antibacterial effect, has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, regenerative and...

Tincture of wax moth larvae Wax moth larvae are the only creatures on our planet that feed on wax, or more precisely, on honeycombs, which are soaked in various waste products of bees. This makes the wax moth amazing...