Cats with fur. Types of curly cat breeds What is the name of the curly cat breed?

My brother recently bought himself a cat with unusual fur. She curls like a lamb. Imagine, now a little sheep is running around the house and meowing - I have a pattern break!

I asked the editors of the site to tell us more about cats whose fur curls. They are so cute! Maybe I'll get one for myself when my brother tells me everything.


At first these cats were drowned in bags - they were thought to be sick. But in the twentieth century they began to be specially bred due to the growing demand for this breed. Curls have attracted and continue to attract people's attention!

Selkirk Rex

Descended from the offspring of stray cats with wavy fur and Persians. This breed was officially registered in 1992. Selkirk Rex is a rare breed, so kittens cost from 30,000 rubles. My brother just bought one for himself, she is calm but loves to hunt - she attacks his legs and bites. Such a funny and funny little girl!

Devon Rex

This is the most popular breed in Europe, which is somewhat similar to a fairy. This is probably what elf cats should look like! They are perfect for allergy sufferers because, for inexplicable reasons, no allergic reaction occurs to their fur. They are very understanding, responsive and dexterous!

Cornish Rex

Active, inquisitive and very mobile cats, they climb trees well and love to sit in company. They are very persistent in asking to play, they are smart and loyal animals!

Ural rex

This cat, not large, with wavy fur, seems to be adapted for harsh living conditions. She sheds in small clumps of fur, which also do not cause allergies. Loves to run and jump, play with children and react to the mood of the owner.


They are a cross between two breeds - LaPerm and Munchkin. The result was a small cat with short legs and curly hair, very playful and friendly. Simply beautiful! It becomes strongly attached to its owner - you can’t tear it off with pincers!


The most unusual breed in our opinion - the fur curls in rings in a spiral from the ears to the tail, it sticks out and curls in a funny way. These are very friendly cats, they love to play with children and adults, and require a lot of attention and care. But for their part they show maximum warmth, so it’s never boring with them!

Is there a more amazing creature in the world than a cat? Yes, if this creature is an unusual cat. For example, curly. The development of felinology has given the world exotic pets that, with their unusual appearance, win the hearts of lovers of waves, ringlets and curls.

All curly-haired cats were bred relatively recently: the first appeared only in the middle of the last century. But, since curly hair is a consequence of a natural mutation, it is logical to assume that cats with an unusual coat structure appeared before.

It’s just that for a long time beauty was not their main advantage, and the most expensive and desired pet was a cat that was good at catching mice. And whether she was curly, naked or shaggy - no one cared.

Now everything has been turned upside down - cat lovers for the most part do not seek protection from rodents. They need funny, affectionate, beautiful and unusual four-legged friends - that’s exactly what curly-haired cats are, the price of which will only emphasize the status of the owner.

Cornish Rex: English Curls from a rabbit farm

Officially, the first curly-haired cats appeared in England. Even the date of birth of a cat named Calliebanker, who became the first Cornish Rex, is known for certain. He was born on July 21, 1950 in the town of Bodlin Moor, Cornwall, and his mother was a tricolor mongrel cat.

Noticing an unusual red-and-white baby in the litter, farm owner Nina Ennismore wanted to castrate him. Fortunately, she was dissuaded from this rash step by a veterinarian, who explained that curly hair is not a sign of a disease, but the result of a mutation as a result of which cats lack guard hair, so the cat could well serve as the ancestor of a new breed.

Breeding a new breed

It is interesting that the name was “shared” with the Cornish Rex by the Rex rabbits, which were bred on the same farm. Over time, almost all curly-haired cats received the prefix “rex” (which means “king”). And "Cornish" is a reference to the name of the county.

To preserve the rare feature of Callybanker, which the cat had in a recessive form, breeders had to undertake a series of crosses with close blood, and then breed the descendants of the unusual cat with Siamese, Burmese and British Shorthair cats.

In 1967, the Cornish Rex was officially recognized in Great Britain. The felinological association GCCF was the first to do this, and a year later - FIFe. American breeders added lightness and sophistication to the Cornish by crossing pets brought from Britain with Siamese and Orientals, and the CFA recognized the new breed in 1962.

Now the Cornish Rex is recognized everywhere - they are very highly valued both in the countries of the Old World and in the USA. Cornish wool is often compared to broadtail wool - it has the same elastic curl, and it is also very thin and soft, reminiscent of satin or silk to the touch.

Thanks to careful selection, the breed is well socialized. But potential owners should take into account that these kind and friendly pets are very active and mobile - they are jokingly called curly-haired acrobats!

Devon Rex: Martian perm

Other curly-haired cats were also born in England - the Devon Rex breed, the photo of which you see, is only slightly “younger” than the Cornish. 9 years after Cullibanker, on July 15, 1959, a kitten with curls was found in Devonshire. The baby, who was named Curly (Kirli), was picked up in the vicinity of an abandoned coal mine and later became the ancestor of a new Devonian breed.

They tried to breed an unusual cat with a Cornish Rex cat, but all the kittens in this litter were born with normal fur. From this it became clear: the genes responsible for the waviness of the coat were different in the cat and in the cat and in both cases were recessive.

Devons are different from Cornish

To consolidate this new mutation, breeders had to inject the Devons with the blood of a great variety of breeds: British, American and European Shorthair cats, Abyssinians, Burmese, Siamese and Canadian Sphynxes, as well as Korats and Bombays.

As a result, FIFe recognized the Devon Rex in 1967, but in the USA the Devon Rex was recognized as an independent breed only in 1979.

Devons have a coat that is not as smooth as Cornish cats, and the tip of the wavy curl points upward rather than downward, giving the cats a tousled appearance. However, Devon Rexes more than make up for their less than stellar curls with alien charisma - their heart-shaped head is crowned with simply huge cone-shaped ears with lynx tassels.

These cats are not as hyperactive as Cornish Rex cats, but they are also nimble and agile, easy-going and affectionate. In America, Devons are famous as the best pets for children - these tailed frogs really love hot hugs.

Selkirk Rex: American Curly

In the USA, the first “home-produced” curl appeared in 1987. The noble cat gave birth to a wonderful cat with wavy hair and curled whiskers, who was named Miss de Pesto.

The unusual pet was sheltered by Persian breeder Jerry Newman, who crossed her with her purebred cat. Three out of six kittens born inherited curly hair!

It turned out that the gene responsible for curl is dominant in this cat, and this distinguishes American curly cats from previously bred European cats. In addition, for quick breeding of curlies, it was enough that one animal from a pair was curly.

However, in order to avoid closely related crossings, purebred cats - British, exotics and Persians - still had to participate in the breeding program. The new breed received its first recognition in 1992, and by the beginning of the new millennium, American curly cats were recognized by most international clubs.

Features of the Selkirk Rex

There are two different versions regarding the name of the breed. According to one of them, the Selkirk Rex is the only cat breed named after the man, the stepfather of the same Jerry Newman. According to the second, the breeder named the cats after a picturesque mountain range.

Selkirks can be either shorthaired or longhaired, both variations of the breed are distinguished by their luxurious coat.

As for the degree of waviness, it depends on many factors - climate, season and the hormonal background of the animal. It is interesting that kittens are born curly, then their fur straightens, and as they approach the age of one year, it begins to curl again.

Litters can also produce straight-haired kittens, which are called Selkirk Rex Straights. If they have a pedigree, they become eligible to participate in breeding programs.

Owners have to comb long-haired Selkirk Rex almost daily - without proper care they will develop mats. In all other respects, these are wonderful pets, affectionate, calm, conflict-free and unobtrusive.

They are most popular in their homeland, the USA, but also in Europe and Russia, more and more people are becoming fans of Selkirks - the price for these curly cats starts from five hundred dollars.

Ural Rex: Russian curly cat

In our country, cats with curly hair appeared at about the same time as in America. In the city of Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region, the cat Mura gave birth to three kittens, two of which had atypical curly hair. The owners kept one funny baby for themselves, calling it a traditional cat name - Vasily.

After some time, felinologists from Yekaterinburg heard about the handsome man with curly hair, and they convinced the owners to show the cat at an exhibition held by CFF. Vasya was a success, and it was decided to start a new breed by mating him with his mother.

Urals with original genes

By the way, there is an opinion that curly-haired cats appeared in the Urals before - old-timers talked about such unusual animals. And there is confirmation of this. Vasily was not the only curly-haired cat born in this region. In Sverdlovsk in the same years, the cat Musya took part in the exhibition with two curly-haired kittens - they were purchased by Leningrad breeders.

Felinologists were able to prove that the gene responsible for the structure of the coat in Ural cats is not the same as in foreign rexes. In 1994, the Ural Rex breed standard was adopted. The coat of these cats can be either short or semi-long.

In the first case, dense, silky and soft fur covers the cat's body in a wave with an elastic curl. In the second, the waviness is less pronounced, but a small mane and curls on the tail are noticeable.

Ural rexes are loved by their owners for their easy-going nature, balanced character and developed intelligence. They subtly sense the owner’s mood and understand what they want from them.

This breed still remains very rare - nurseries can be counted on one hand. The breeding of Ural rexes is carried out mainly by enthusiasts who are very scrupulous in choosing owners for their “graduates”.

Laperm: both bald and curly

Not all curly-haired cats have a “royal” prefix in their name. What is the name of the curly-haired cat breed that escaped the word "Rex"? This is a laperm cat (la-perm), whose homeland is a farm near the city of Dalles in Oregon (USA).

The local tailed mousetrap brought kittens in 1982, one of which appeared naked. Owner Linda Coel did not get rid of the strange baby, and he (or rather, she) gradually acquired silky curly hair. The funny cat was named Curly (that is, Curly) and was allowed to live as she pleased.

She soon began to give birth to the same amazing kittens, which initially appeared naked, and then acquired curls and curly mustaches. The uncontrolled reproduction of such animals continued for several years.

Native American French Perm

But one day the owner noticed that her cats were unique not only for their hunting abilities, and began studying genetics. It turned out that wavy hair in animals appeared as a result of a spontaneous mutation caused by a dominant gene. Linda came up with the name herself, combining the word “perm” (permanent), that is, perm, with the French prefix “la”.

The new curly breed was recognized by the TICA cat fanciers association, which developed its standard in 1996. Laperm cats can have short or semi-long hair.

For both, it is soft, silky and noticeably curly. “Shaggy” laperms have a more abundant undercoat, and males have a fluffy collar. Each such cat is born naked, but gradually grows overgrown.

Laperms are very curious, sociable and affectionate. They are wonderful companions and at the same time real predators who have not lost their hunting instinct.

Naturally, most animals of this breed are in the USA, but there are nurseries in other countries, including Russia. Interestingly, Laperms are sometimes called Native American Rexes - due to the fact that Indian tribes once lived on the land where these cats appeared.


Breed of curly cats Skookum

In the wake of the current popularity of exotic pets, breeders continue to work on developing new curly-haired cat breeds. This, for example, is a skookum - a hybrid of a laperm and a munchkin, which is also called a dwarf laperm. The Manx Rex is a curly-haired cat without a tail. Maine Coon Rex is a giant with wavy hair.

However, as history shows, human intervention is not necessary for the emergence of new breeds. Take a closer look at your dog, and you will probably find many unique features that are not found in any other dog.

Breeds of curly-haired cats have become very popular lately. Fluffy representatives of these breeds are among the most attractive and good-natured in the world.

First of all, cats with curly hair make great friends and companions. Another feature that makes these animals special is their coat. Curly hair in cats is usually the result of mutation, and individual breeds take time and dedicated effort from experienced breeders to develop, so some of these incredible kitties are not only rare, but can also fetch a high price.

REX cats

Cats with curly hair have appeared in Europe and America from time to time. Some of them were bred, and some individuals were left without descendants. Some of the animals have the same type of mutation, while others are similar in appearance but genetically different.

Curly-haired cats get the name "rex", from the rex type of rabbit. The term was applied retrospectively to early curly-haired cats, which became extinct within a generation because the recessive gene was lost.


A cat named Llama, brought by Mrs. McLaren Morrison from Tibet, is the earliest known curly-haired cat. The London Evening Standard, October 19, 1892, writes: “A unique specimen from Tibet, which was the first ever exhibited. This animal is black in color, with curly hair that looks more like hair than fur. The Illustrated London News of October 22, 1892, gives the following description: “The only entirely new phenomenon at the exhibition was a cat, which was imported from Tibet. She is small, black, with curly fur, very similar to the short hair of a Negro.”

Mrs. McLaren Morrison collected unusual cats. The llama had no recorded curly descendants. Perhaps she never gave birth or her offspring were straight-haired. At the time, cat breeders did not understand recessive traits and that backcrossing could restore them.

Prussian rex

Munch the cat, now known as the Prussian Rex, was the first curly-haired cat discovered in Königsberg in East Prussia in the early 1930s. Munch belonged to Frau Schneider and was a descendant of a Russian Blue cat and a Chocolate Angora. There were one or two other curly-haired kittens in the litter, but they were neutered. Munch interbred freely with local cats until his death in 1945. He left no known descendants and no attempt was made to breed him in a controlled manner.

Ural rex

Possibly the oldest variant of the rex. A large number of curly-haired animals have been discovered in the Ural region since World War II, but until 1991 the presence of curls and curls in a cat was not recognized as a breed. The Ural Rex has a short to medium length wavy coat and a strong and muscular body. The genes of the Ural Rex have been shown to be different from the Cornish Rex; its relationship to Devon Rex genes is unknown. The Ural Rex became a breed in 1991.

Rex from Ohio

In 1953, Tony the curly-haired kitten was born to a pet cat owned by Mary Madderman of Plainsville, Ohio. He died at 10 months from an infection, but 3 more curly-haired kittens were born from the same parents. No serious breeding program was established and the mutation became extinct. Unfortunately, Miss Hedderman was unable to continue breeding the animals.

In the 1965 CFA Yearbook, Helen Weiss writes: “The first recorded rex mutation in America was in 1953, when a common cat owned by Miss Mary Hedderman of Plainsville, Ohio, gave birth to the curly-haired kitten, Tony, pictured here. Note the large ears, long narrow head and thin legs of the rex. Tony was different from his brothers because he was playful. He never seemed to rest or sleep, constantly trying to wake others up.

Modern types of curly-haired kitten breeds are rapidly gaining popularity.

Cornish Rex

Although curly-haired cats have appeared from time to time, the first officially recognized Rex breed was developed from a cat discovered in 1950 in Bodmin, Cornwall, England. Callibunker became the founder of the Cornish Rex breed. The curly-haired Cornish Rex cat is short-haired with a thin long tail, an elongated muzzle and large ears. The wavy fur fits tightly to the body. The coat looks as if there are no guard hairs. Later studies established that guard hairs are present, but their shape is changed. Description of Cornish:

  • Energy level: 5 out of 5.
  • Coat: short, wavy.
  • Hypoallergenic: no.
  • Personality: Confident, very friendly, smart, clownish, loves to show off acrobatic skills.

Devon rex

The second officially recognized breed of curly-haired cats is the Devon Rex (formerly Butterfly). It was a curly-haired gray kitten named Kirley, who was born in Devon, England in 1960. Kirley was initially thought to be a Cornish Rex, but was later proven to be another genetic mutation.

The Devon Rex has very large, low-set ears and a short muzzle, giving it a gremlin-like appearance. The body is thin with a wide chest. The coat is looser and less wavy, and the whiskers are curled. It was only recently discovered that the Devon Rex and Sphinx genes were variants of the same gene. Description of the species:

  • Size: small, medium, from 2 to 5 kilograms.
  • Energy level: 5 out of 5.
  • Coat: Very short, wavy and silky.
  • Hypoallergenic: no.
  • Personality: Very playful, loves contact with people and animals, extremely active, loves jumping and climbing. Suitable for children.


The Selkirk Rex is a stocky cat with a dense, curly coat. First discovered in Wyoming, America. In 1987, a Persian breeder's cat gave birth to 3 curly-haired kittens. There were 6 animals in the litter, indicating a dominant gene. The Selkirk was developed by crossing Persians and exotics, creating a stocky cat with loose, wavy curls and plush, dense fur. The species was recognized in 1990 and is now a well-established, popular breed:

  • Size: medium, large, from 2.5 to 7 kilograms
  • Energy level: 3 out of 5.
  • Coat: short, long and very curly.
  • Hypoallergenic: no.
  • Personality: Extremely gentle, affectionate, and soft, loves to interact with people and other pets, suitable for children.


The LaPerm breed originates from a group of farm cats from Oregon. Curly, a kitten born in 1982, was hairless at birth but later developed wavy fur. His offspring inherited this trait. Later a serious breeding program began. LaPerm was recognized in 1995. They are curly-haired animals, originally described as having a silky, single-layer coat although in fact they have minimal undercoat.

The future of curly cats

Curly-haired cats continue to appear in unexpected places - some due to bad matings many generations ago, and others as completely new mutations. In 2006, TICA proposed limiting some breeding trends by preventing the emergence of new Rex breeds that could be created by crossing existing ones. Existing mutations will be reserved exclusively for currently recognized breeds.


The Selkirk Rex is one of the youngest cat breeds. Today it is still quite rare in our country, but it is quickly winning love for its completely unlike-a-cat appearance. Curly-haired cats have the prefix “rex”, which means “king”. A cat with curls is not so much regal as touching, charming and unusual.

England is the Mecca of felinology. It was here that the first cats with curly hair appeared. This structure, unusual for cats, is due to a natural mutation of the gene, which means that curly-haired cats could have been born much earlier, but this feature was treated as a pathology and ignored. Only in the middle of the twentieth century. The first Cornish Rex was registered, and 37 years later the first Selkirk Rex was born. The story of his appearance is touching and similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella.

In the western United States in Wyoming, a litter of a domestic cat was brought to an animal shelter. Among the funny kids, one was distinguished by unusual curly hair. Even the baby's mustache was twisted into spirals. The shelter employee gave the baby to the famous felinologist Jeri Newman.

The baby was named after one of the characters from the popular series “Moonlight Detective Agency” - Miss de Pesto of Noface, and she had short fur. To establish the type of inheritance of the curly gene, the cat was bred with a Persian cat, and in the litter, ½ of the kittens had curled hair, and the other half had normal hair.

Among the kittens with curly hair, there was one with long hair, which allowed us to draw the conclusion about dominant inheritance - only one “curly” mating partner is enough for the same unusual kittens to appear in the litter. This distinguished the newcomers from the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, and German Rex, which were gaining popularity at that time, in which the curly gene was recessive. It turned out to be a real gift that Miss de Pesto of Noface had the L (long) gene.

Geri Newman decided to create a new breed with long curly hair and named it after her stepfather - Selkirk. This is another feature - the first cat breed named after a person. Not only Persians took part in its creation, but also exotics - artificially bred short-haired cats and the British.

The breed received recognition only in 1992 and is still in the process of formation. Since 2015, crossbreeding has been carried out only within the breed, without adding blood from other breeds. Inbreeding helps improve breed properties and consolidate them.

Description and appearance

The Selkirk Rex breed has two intrabreed varieties - longhair and shorthair. There is a standard for both, but the formation of the breed is not yet complete, so it may change.

Breed standards

According to the Standard established by the CFA in 2015, individuals of this breed have the following external characteristics:

In appearance and tactile sensations, long-haired Selkirk Rex are compared to sheep, and short-haired ones are compared to bear cubs.


When breeding the breed, it turned out that Miss di Pesto had not only the genes for curly hair and long hair, but also the genes for the Siamese color. It was not possible to establish their sources in a mongrel cat, but among the huge number of color variations there is also a color point.

For the Selkirk Rex, bicolor coloring is allowed. The requirements are for the combination of the color of the eyes and the mirror of the nose with the color of the animal, but otherwise there is a riot of diversity here, sometimes amazing the imagination.

Personality of the Selkirk Rex

The character of the representatives of this breed is soft, non-aggressive, affectionate and loyal - they took the best features of the breeds that participated in their creation. Rexes are suitable as companions for both young families with small children and elderly people. These cats will never offend, scratch, or take revenge.

The family will not challenge the owner’s leadership, but will begin to love him undividedly. But their affection is not intrusive. Smart, sensitive “curls” patiently wait for their adored owner to pay attention to them. Separation is not tolerated well; changing places can cause stress.

High socialization leads to friendly relations with all household members and pets. If a baby grows up surrounded by pets, he perceives them as members of his family.

They fully justify the prefix “Rex” - calm, balanced, friendly, like true royalty. But Selkirk Rex cannot be called passive or phlegmatic. They are very inquisitive, active, love to play and explore, especially if their owner participates in the fun with them. They inherited these character traits from exotics.

Cats have a natural intelligence and intelligence. Fast learner. Learning to open a door or locker door is not a problem for them. Rex owners claim that their pets can fetch small objects like trained dogs. There are stories about the courage of the Selkirk Rex. They fearlessly rushed to protect their beloved owner.


Excellent health, a stable psyche with good care makes the Selkirk Rex long-lived. They live 15-20 years.

Unanimous in their admiration for the amazing Selkirk Rex, owners and breeders warn that lazy people should not have cute “sheep”, because if you do not provide proper care for their luxurious fur, soon tufts of curly wool will “dangle” throughout the apartment.

Care and hygiene

Caring for these pets cannot be called particularly difficult, but it takes time for their amazing fur coat to always amaze with its beauty, softness and “astrakhan” quality. It is better to comb sheep with a special comb with sparse rounded teeth and an antistatic coating.

The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days, as for other long-haired species. Then the curls are carefully distributed with your fingers to give the “hairstyle” an elegant negligence. During molting, the procedure is repeated daily. Salon haircuts are usually used before shows and competitions.

Selkirk Rexes do not like to swim, but this is not necessary. They take excellent care of the cleanliness of their fur coats themselves and are distinguished by their cleanliness. They should be bathed with shampoo and conditioner for long-haired breeds when they are heavily soiled. Moreover, it is necessary to wash out the detergent very carefully so that the residue does not stick the strands together.

Drying only natural. After the fur has been dried with a towel, it is carefully combed. Place with fingers and allow to air dry completely. Experienced breeders and owners of exhibition specimens advise washing their pets at least a week before the exhibition to give the coat time to acquire its natural appearance.

Otherwise, care for teeth, claws, eyes and ears does not differ from the standard.

Selkirk Rex nutrition

This rare and unusual breed is completely unpretentious in food, but this does not mean that the Selkirk Rex can be fed “from the table”. The simplest, but not the cheapest solution would be to feed balanced ready-made dry food. They will provide the cat’s body not only with the substances, micro- and macroelements, and vitamins necessary for building cells, maintaining energy and health, but will also strengthen the coat, making it elastic and shiny. The food must be of only the highest quality.

When feeding Selkirks natural foods, the diet must include all nutrients. The basis of the diet is protein (at least 6 parts of the total portion), especially during periods of intensive growth and pregnancy. It is not recommended to feed cats river fish, pork, and kidneys. They can become a source of helminth larvae and eggs and negatively affect metabolism.

Preference is given to fresh veal, lean lamb, tender rabbit, and turkey. Once a week, you can give your pet sea fish, after boiling it and removing the bones. The meat is also cooked and cut into small pieces. If the owner is confident in the good quality of the meat products, then you can pour boiling water over them or freeze them.

To strengthen bones and maintain intestinal microflora, you can give your Selkirk Rex sour milk, kefir, natural yogurt, and sour cream for breakfast. Fiber is needed for normal intestinal function. Vegetables and fruits are given both raw, stewed and boiled.

A prerequisite for natural nutrition is the introduction of mineral supplements for the strength of the skeleton and vitamins for the beauty of the coat. Today, physiologists and felinologists recommend giving them separately to increase digestibility.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed has existed for too short a time to confidently name natural diseases and hereditary anomalies. Those specimens that are described, examined and recorded are in excellent health. But it can be assumed that, along with the best qualities and features of the exterior of the Persians, Britons and exotics, the Selkirk Rex could also inherit their diseases:

Timely diagnosis, proper care and feeding, and vaccination will help avoid these problems and confirm the reputation of the most problem-free and healthy cat breed.

Selkirk Rex dogs are especially popular in their homeland – America. There are nurseries there that specialize in their selection and breeding. There are more than 20 catteries in Germany selling high quality homozygous kittens. In our country, the breed is just gaining popularity, and purchasing a kitten is not so easy. There is a queue for them and pre-registration is required.

What to pay attention to

Kittens are born with pronounced curly hair, it straightens with age, and by the age of 2 it finally matures and takes on the appropriate appearance. If a kitten is sold during the period of baby fur change, then curls may be absent. The twisted vibrissae indicate that it belongs to the “curly” group.

Kittens should be well-fed, active, cheerful and playful. The appearance should not have any flaws or signs of pathology. Clear, clean eyes, no discharge from the nose, and fresh breath indicate internal health. In the nursery, the breeder is obliged to familiarize the buyer with the existing shortcomings.

Selkirk Rex price

The price of a kitten varies depending on breed qualities, age, gender, and in Russia it ranges from 5-25 thousand rubles. At the nursery the price can be 1000-1500 dollars.

Big, small, with different ears and faces. This list also includes curly-haired cats. Their fur is curly, there are even animals with obvious curls. They look very unusual. Let's look at the breeds of curly-haired cats.


Rexes make up a whole group of cat breeds, divided into subspecies. An interesting fact is that representatives of the breeds appeared naturally. Kittens can be born with completely straight hair; it curls over time. It is generally accepted that curliness is the result of a gene mutation. However, when they saw the cute curly-haired cats, breeders fell in love with them and decided to develop breeds of curly-haired cats. As a result of their work and crossings, more and more kittens with curly hair were born. These cats have an unusually attractive appearance and good disposition. For this they have become popular all over the world.

Selkirk Rex

A curly-haired kitten was born in the USA in 1987. To consolidate the breed, breeders began crossing it with Persian, British and exotic cats. Thanks to this combination, representatives of the breed appeared with a wide head, large round eyes, thick paws and a stocky body. Their coat is thick and can be long or medium length. The coloring can be varied, the degree of curl of the fur depends on the shade.

The degree of curling of the coat is also affected by age and seasonality. It happens that kittens are born curly, then their hair straightens, and over time it becomes wavy again. These are very sociable and kind cats. They love the company of people, children and other pets. These animals are also distinguished by their talkativeness. They are also given a name for their coat: lambs or poodles.

Devon Rex

In the 60s, a kitten appeared in Britain that was unusual and captivated everyone. This was the result of a gene mutation and mating with the Cornish Rex breed. The appearance of the resulting cats frightens some, but pleasantly impresses others.

The pet is small in size, has huge, widely spaced ears, its muzzle is flat, and its nose is snub-nosed. Devon fur is soft and hypoallergenic. These animals are active - they run, play, jump, and climb to heights.

Thanks to their developed intelligence, Devons are trainable. Since they are small cats, they need to be treated with care. It is especially important to protect them from drafts. There are such cats in the apartment.

Herman rex

This breed appeared in Germany thanks to the crossing of a Russian Blue cat with an Angora cat. Later, European Shorthairs took part in its breeding.

There were times when the breed was almost completely exterminated. We had to start the selection all over again, so the shades of coat and exterior faded into the background. The main goal was to obtain a characteristic coat texture - without undercoat, soft and with curls resembling astrakhan fur.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and loyal, cheerful and energetic. Moderately curious and inquisitive. The happy owners of these cats are very glad that they chose this particular breed.

Cornish Rex

This is a very ancient breed of cat. It appeared in Britain in the 50s, but was recognized only 17 years later. The first kitten appeared on a farm where they were breeding rabbits. To consolidate the breed, they began to be crossed with Siamese and ordinary domestic cats.

The appearance of this cat is lean and tall, but the body is very graceful and graceful. The ears are very large, set wide apart and look in different directions, the muzzle is elongated, and the eyes are large. The legs and tail are long and graceful relative to the body.

The Cornish Rex is very similar to the Sphynx, but with wavy fur. It differs in that it does not have main hairs, but is an undercoat. Such cats resemble in their appearance a Karakul lamb.

These are sociable and inquisitive cats. They easily find a common language with everyone. They are very smart, very loyal and friendly, and amenable to training.

Ural rex

The Ural rexes appeared completely by accident, thanks to Mother Nature. Such kittens were considered defective, sick and destroyed, thereby reducing the breed to a few individuals. Years later, one cat gave birth to curly-haired kittens. Breeders paid attention to this; they did not miss the opportunity to breed and reproduce this breed.

These are medium-sized cats with a powerful, muscular body. The eyes are large almond-shaped. Their fur is dense and dense, and can be medium-length or short. Due to the presence of large curls, it is difficult for the rex during molting. Lost hairs can get stuck in your hair. The owner’s task is to comb the fur with a special one so that all unnecessary hairs fall off. The character of these cats is characterized by cheerfulness, simplicity and kindness.