Who can be a class teacher? Class teacher at school: functions, responsibilities, work system. The parent committee has the right

Functional responsibilities of the class teacher

1. General provisions.

1.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the tariff and qualification characteristics of the class teacher,
1.2. The class teacher is appointed and dismissed by the school director.
1.3. The class teacher must have a higher or secondary vocational education without showing any teaching experience.
1.4 The class teacher reports directly to the deputy director of the school for educational work..
1.5. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Constitution and LawsRK, decisions of educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety , as well as the Charter and local acts of the school (including this job description), the employment contract, orders and instructions of the school director, this job description.
The class teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The main activities of the class teacher are:
2.1. creating favorable
for individual development and moral formation of students’ personality;
2.2. formation of a class team;

3. job responsibilities
The class teacher performs the following job responsibilities:
3.1 works with students in the class assigned to him;
3.2 carries out a study of the personality of each student in the class, his inclinations, interests;
3.3 creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;
3.4 promotes the development of students’ communication skills, helps the student solve problems that arise in communicating with friends, teachers, parents;
3.5 directs the self-education and self-development of the student’s personality; makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his upbringing;
3.6 provides assistance to students in educational activities; identifies the causes of low performance and organizes their elimination;
3.7 promotes the acquisition of additional education by students through a system of clubs, clubs, sections, associations organized at school, and additional education institutions
and at place of residence;
3.8 updates the content of the life of the class team in accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of society;
3.9 respects the rights and freedoms of students;
3.10, together with student self-government bodies, actively promotes a healthy lifestyle; conducts physical education, sports and other events that promote the health of students in the classroom;
3.11 maintains class documentation in the prescribed manner, controls students’ filling out diaries and grading them;
3.12 maintains constant contact with the parents of students (persons replacing them);
3.13 plans the educational work of the class;
3.14 ensures the safe conduct of the educational process;
3.15 promptly notifies the administration of each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;
3.16 makes proposals for improving and improving the conditions for the educational process, and also brings to the attention of the head of the office and management about all the shortcomings in ensuring the educational process that reduce the vital activity and performance of the students’ bodies;
3.17 instructs students on the safety of conducting educational activities with mandatory registration in the class register or instruction registration register;
3.18 organizes students’ study of labor safety rules, traffic rules, behavior at home, on the water, etc.;
3.19 complies with the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, and other local legal acts of the school;
3.15 respects the legal rights and freedoms of students;
3.16 participates in the work of the school’s pedagogical council and meetings held by the school administration;
3.17 undergoes periodic free medical examinations;
3.18 complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, and in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher;
3.19 systematically improves his professional qualifications; participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

4. Rights.

The class teacher has the right:
4.1 participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the school’s Charter;
4.2 on professional honor and dignity;
4.3 gets acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, and give explanations on them;
4.4 protect their interests independently and (or) through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or internal investigation related to a teacher’s violation of professional ethics;
4.5 to the confidentiality of the disciplinary (official) investigation, except for cases provided for by law;
4.6 freely choose and use teaching and educational methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks;
4.7 improve qualifications;
4.8 be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification;
4.9 give students during classes and breaks mandatory instructions related to the organization of classes and compliance with discipline, bring students to disciplinary liability in cases and in the manner established by the Charter and Rules on rewards and penalties for school students.

5. Responsibility.
5.1 The class teacher is responsible for the life and health of students during the events he conducts; for violation of the rights and freedoms of students.
5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, other local regulations, legal orders of the school director, official duties established by these instructions, including for failure to use the granted rights, the class teacher bears disciplinary liability in the manner defined by labor legislation.
For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.
5.3. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, as well as the commission of another immoral act, the class teacher may be dismissed from his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” . Dismissal for this act is not a disciplinary measure.
5.4. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the class teacher is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.
5.5. For culpable infliction of damage to the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the class teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position.
Class teacher:
6.1. works according to a schedule based on a 30-hour work week and approved by the school director;
6.2. replaces temporarily absent teachers in accordance with the established procedure;
6.3. independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter; the work plan is approved by the deputy director of the school for educational work no later than 5 days from the beginning of the planned period;
6.3. submits to the deputy director for educational work a written report on his activities of no more than 5 typewritten pages within 5 days after the end of each academic quarter;
6.5. receives from the school administration information of a regulatory, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt;
6.6. works closely with teachers, parents of students (persons replacing them); systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the administration and teaching staff of the school.

Functional responsibilities of class teachers

on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions
subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions.

These methodological recommendations were developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 854 “On the procedure for providing financial assistance to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2006 in the form of subsidies for the payment of remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher to teaching staff of state secondary schools of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and municipal secondary schools" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2006, January 14).

Education is one of the most important components of education in the interests of the individual, society, and state. The main objectives of education are: the formation in students of civil responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability for successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market.

Educational functions in a general education institution are performed by all teaching staff. However, the key role in solving educational problems belongs to the pedagogical worker, who is entrusted with the functions of the class teacher (hereinafter referred to as the class teacher).

In accordance with clause 66 of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 196 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 13, Art. 1252) (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Regulations), for teaching staff of a general education institution, with its consent, by order of a general education institution, the functions of a class teacher may be assigned to organize and coordinate educational work with students in the class.

Class - a group of students, usually of the same age, mastering one basic educational program in accordance with the curriculum of a general education institution.

In accordance with the Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in general educational institutions, SanPiN (put into effect by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2002, N 44, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5, 2002, registration N 3997 ) and the typical class size is 25 people.

In small general education institutions located in rural areas, where the occupancy of individual classes is less than three people, students of several classes (up to 4) are combined into a set class. Regardless of the level of general education, the number of people in two-grade sets should be no more than 25, and when combining three or four classes into one set - no more than 15 people.

The purpose and objectives of the class teacher's activities.

The purpose of the class teacher's activities is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student's personality, his successful socialization in society.

Tasks of the class teacher:

formation and development of the class team;

creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personality, self-affirmation of each student, preservation of uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities;

formation of a healthy lifestyle;

organizing a system of relationships through various forms of educational activities of the class team;

protection of the rights and interests of students;

organization of systematic work with students in the classroom;

humanization of relationships between students, between students and teaching staff;

formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines in students;

organization of socially significant, creative activities of students.

Functions of the class teacher.

The activity of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned process, built on the basis of the charter of a general education institution, other local acts, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach to students, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the general education institutions, and situations in the class team, interethnic and interfaith relations.

For pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their functions by class teachers! one must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children of a particular age, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern educational technologies.

In his activities, the class teacher must take into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their lives.

Functions of the class teacher:

1. Organizational and coordinating:

ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family;

establishing contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students, providing them with assistance in educating students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, additional education teacher);

conducting consultations and conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

interaction with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions;

organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team;

organizing educational work with students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

stimulating and taking into account the diverse activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children;

interaction with each student and the team, the class as a whole;

maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher).

2. Communication:

regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

establishing interaction between teaching staff and students;

promoting a generally favorable psychological climate in the class team;

providing assistance to students in the formation of communicative skills.

3. Analytical and forecasting:

studying the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;

determination of the state and prospects for the development of the class team.

4. Tests:

monitoring the progress of each student; monitoring student attendance at classes.

Forms of work of the class teacher

In accordance with his functions, the class teacher chooses forms of work with students:

individual (conversation, consultation, exchange of opinions, provision of individual assistance, joint search for a solution to a problem, etc.);

group (creative groups, self-government bodies, etc.):

collective (competitions, performances, concerts, hikes, rallies, competitions, etc.).

When choosing forms of work with students, it is advisable to be guided by the following:

determine the content and main types of activities in accordance with the tasks facing the educational institution;

take into account the principles of organizing the educational process, opportunities, interests and needs of students, external conditions;

ensure the integrity of the content, forms and methods of socially significant, creative activities of class students.

Criteria for assessing the functions of a class teacher

The effectiveness of the functions of a class teacher can be assessed on the basis of two groups of criteria: effectiveness and activity.

The performance criteria reflect the level that students achieve in their social development (the level of general culture and discipline of students, their civic maturity).

Performance criteria allow us to evaluate the implementation of the managerial functions of the class teacher (organization of educational work with students; interaction with teaching staff working with students in a given class, and other participants in the educational process, as well as educational support staff of a general education institution, parents (other legal representatives) of students and the public for the education, training, and creative development of students).


General provisions.

These instructions have been developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education, the School Charter, internal regulations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other instructions.

The class teacher is appointed and dismissed from the position of the school director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the class teacher, his duties may be assigned to a teacher from among the most experienced teachers.

The class teacher reports to the school director, his deputies, and the social teacher on social issues.

The main function of the class teacher is to protect the child and create conditions for the free development of his spiritual and physical strength.

I. Activities of the class teacher in ensuring health:

Studies the developmental characteristics of children;

Finds out hereditary and chronic diseases of the child;

Conducts testing to identify the child’s mental state, character traits and temperament;

Together with the school doctor and parents, he draws up a personal program of hardening, physical and breathing exercises, helps the child organize a routine;

Helps doctors and participates in medical examinations of students;

Conducts work on disease prevention, conducts “physical education”;

Conducts conversations about a person’s personal hygiene;

Conducts anti-alcohol propaganda;

Conducts preventive work to prevent children's road injuries and accidents;

Organizes sports competitions and outdoor games;

At “small teacher councils”, considers questions about the dosage of material, the number of written works, the nature of homework, adjusts programs in order to reduce student overload;

Promotes a healthy lifestyle.

II. The relationship between the class teacher and students' families.

Studies the family, its educational capabilities, the atmosphere of family education:

Based on common (school-family) mutual moral positions, it develops uniform pedagogical requirements for students;

Carries out individual work with parents, involving parents in extracurricular activities;

Conducts systematic work to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

The class teacher must have information:

The state of the student’s family and living conditions;

His state of health;

Class position;

About extracurricular interests and hobbies;

Public assignments;

Favorite and least favorite subjects;

Attitude towards the gymnasium, towards teachers, parents and comrades;

The level of education of students in their class;

The desire for self-improvement and self-education.

III. Relationship between the class teacher and subject teachers:

Must know the leading issues of the curriculum, expressing the educational orientation of the content of training in each subject, coordinate the solution of educational tasks in the process of implementing interdisciplinary connections;

Determine with the teacher measures to develop a sustainable interest in knowledge, prevent academic failure, and teach rational skills in academic work;

Attend lessons in order to observe the educational activities of students, in order to deeply penetrate the content of the program material;

Create situations leading to independent replenishment of knowledge;

Conduct pedagogical consultations with teachers in order to determine their real educational capabilities; the level of education and development of students and the development of a system of measures to eliminate gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

Involve students in subject groups, educational institutions, clubs, etc.;

Together with teachers, prepare and conduct public reviews of knowledge, competitions, olympiads, conferences, using them to organize cognitive activities and improve the culture of educational work.

IV. Working with a great team:

Organizes student duty during breaks;

Instills labor education skills by organizing the participation of students in general cleaning of the gymnasium and classroom, instills production skills;

Involves children in the struggle to comply with rules for students and internal regulations;

Develops and takes part in the work of self-government in the classroom, tactfully directs the work of leaders, helps students carry out assignments;

Conducts “communication hours” with the aim of developing a communicative culture among children;

Holds holidays, organizes evenings, meetings with people of different interests, with people of different professions, etc.;

Participates with his class in school-wide, district, and city events.

V. Relationship between the class teacher and out-of-school institutions:

Studies the educational opportunities of out-of-school institutions;

Determines the types and forms of collaboration;

Guides students in choosing groups of out-of-school institutions, taking into account their interests and inclinations;

Having identified the individual interests of the children, he helps them in solving problems, in choosing circles, sections, clubs;

Expands the cognitive and cultural horizons of students through excursions, meetings, visits to cinema, theaters;

Before carrying out extracurricular activities outside the gymnasium, instruct students on safety precautions, compliance with traffic rules and sign in the briefing log.

VI. Class teacher documentation:

Maintains a psychological map of the class;

Draws up a plan for the social development of the class team for six months in the following areas:

a) development of intellectual abilities;

b) moral and aesthetic education (legal, sexual education);

c) environmental education;

d) aesthetic education;

e) physical education;

f) development of technical creativity and production activities;

Keeps a work diary;

Processes research materials and stores them in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs in the “Psychological Class Map” notebook;

Keeps a cool journal;

Checks student diaries once a week;

Conducts individual work with parents, holds parent-teacher meetings twice a quarter, and more often if necessary.


1. The methodological association of class teachers is a structural unit of the intra-school system for managing the educational process, coordinating the scientific, methodological and organizational work of the class teachers of classes in which students of a certain age group study and are educated.

2. The main tasks of methodological associations of class teachers.

2.1. Increasing the theoretical, scientific and methodological level of training of class teachers on issues of psychology and pedagogy of educational work.

2.2. Ensuring the implementation of uniform fundamental approaches to the education and socialization of students.

2.3. Arming class teachers with modern educational technologies and knowledge of modern forms and methods of work.

2.4. Coordination of planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities of class groups.

2.5. Study, generalization and use in practice of advanced pedagogical experience in the work of class teachers.

2.6. Promoting the formation and development of a system of educational work for classroom teams.

3. Functions of the methodological association of class teachers:

3.1. Organizes collective planning and collective analysis of the life activities of class groups.

3.2. Coordinates the educational activities of class teams and organizes their interaction in the pedagogical process.

3.3. Develops and regularly adjusts the principles of education and socialization of students.

3.4. Organizes the study and mastery by class teachers of modern educational technologies, forms and methods of educational work.

3.5. Discusses social and pedagogical programs of class teachers and creative groups of teachers, materials for summarizing the best pedagogical experience of class teachers, materials for certification of class teachers.

3.6. Evaluates the work of members of the association, petitions the administration of the gymnasium to reward the best class teachers.

4. The methodological association of class teachers maintains the following documentation:

List of members of the methodological association;

Annual work plan of the methodological association;

Minutes of meetings of the methodological association;

Activity programs;

Analytical materials based on the results of activities carried out, thematic administrative control (copies of certificates, orders);

Instructional and methodological documents relating to educational work in class groups and the activities of class teachers;

Materials of the “methodological collection of class teachers”.

5. The structure of the plan for the methodological unification of class teachers.

5.1. A brief analysis of the socio-pedagogical situation of student development and analysis of the work of the educational organization carried out in the previous academic year.

5.2. Pedagogical objectives of the association.

5.3. The work schedule of the methodological association, which reflects:

Plan of sessions (MO meetings;

Schedule of open class events;

Participation of the Moscow Region in public events of the gymnasium;

Other intersessional work.

5.4. Improving the professional skills of class teachers:

Topics of self-education for class teachers;

Participation in advanced training courses;

Preparation of creative works, speeches, reports at conferences;

Work on certification of teachers.

5.5. Study and generalization of the teaching experience of class teachers.

5.6. Participation in thematic and personal control of the educational process.

6. Functional responsibilities of the head of the methodological association of class teachers.

Head of the methodological association of class teachers:


For planning, preparing, conducting and analyzing the activities of the methodological association;

For replenishing the “class teacher’s methodological piggy bank”;

For the timely preparation of documentation on the work of the association and the events carried out;

Together with the Deputy Director for Educational Work and the Head of the Department of Methods of Educational Work, he is responsible for:

For compliance with the principles of organizing educational work;

For the performance by class teachers of their functional responsibilities;

For increasing the scientific and methodological level of educational work;

For improving the psychological and pedagogical training of class teachers;


Interaction of class teachers - members of the methodological association among themselves and with other departments of the gymnasium;

Open events, seminars, conferences, meetings of methodological associations in other forms;

Study, generalization and use in practice of advanced pedagogical experience in the work of class teachers;

Consultations on educational work of class teachers;

Coordinates the planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities of class groups;

Promotes the formation and development of a system of educational work for classroom teams;

Takes part in the preparation and certification of class teachers;

Participates in the research work of the department of methods of educational work of the gymnasium, together with the head of the department of methods of educational work, organizes research (creative) groups of teachers and supervises their activities.

This article has existed for almost two years now and many readers have complained that my words are not substantiated by anything, only from experience. They demanded that I provide regulations, but I couldn’t find anything. Searching for an answer to a question from one of the users accidentally led me to a ministry order with methodological recommendations on the work of a class teacher, and I decided to update the article and comment on it in accordance with the normative act.

While still working at school, I was amazed and outraged by how much a teacher has to do if he is also a class teacher. I have already written a little about the large number of “professional facets” of a teacher. This article will describe the functions of the class teacher from the point of view of the Ministry of Education.

Schools and teachers can focus their work on order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions,” which regulate the activities of the class teacher.

Homeroom teacher is a teacher in any subject who manages the entire life (in school and outside of school) of one class assigned to him and communicates with parents.

According to the law (Part 1 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), any additional work must be performed with the written consent of the employee and for an additional fee. In fact, the classroom management is prescribed in the employment contract and the teacher automatically agrees to perform this work upon signing. It’s rare that anyone can refuse this, although they have every right, and the payment is far from proportional to the time and effort spent.

Functions of a class teacher and what is needed to implement them:

  • Know First name, last name, home address, telephone number (preferably) of each child in your class, as well as the full name of parents (legal representatives), their telephone number. I also asked for information about the parents’ place of work, but they are most likely redundant.
    In this case, the following functions of the class teacher from among the organizational and coordinating ones are implemented:
  • — ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family;

  • — establishing contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students...;

  • This data is also necessary for the following function:
  • — maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students).

  • Know character traits of the child (if possible) . Not all character traits and inclinations are visible to the teacher immediately or even over time. Parents see the student in their own way, in a different environment. We all want the child to be perceived as an individual with all the characteristics of character and behavior, so tell the class teacher about them.
    This may be necessary for:

    — Organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team;

    interaction with each student and the class team as a whole;

    To carry out communication functions:

    regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

    establishing interaction between teaching staff and students;

    providing assistance to students in the formation of communicative skills

  • Know the reason for the child’s absence from classes . The class teacher is responsible for the life and health of the child during classes. That's why they ask you for certificates, etc. Based on these documents, the administration draws up an official order to release the child from classes. Thus, the parent (legal representative) assumes responsibility for the life and health of the child during classes. This is the control function:

    monitoring student attendance at classes.

  • Must cook and conduct meetings and

    conducting consultations and conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

  • check your diaries at least once a week (give grades, paste in important information for parents, inform about the date of the parent-teacher meeting, etc.). Now there are electronic diaries, and most of the information is posted on the school website (the school is obliged to constantly update the information on the website to ensure the information openness of the educational institution, keep this in mind). But many parents would like to receive information from paper the old fashioned way.

    monitoring the progress of each student;

  • Know medical indications and contraindications for each child - recommended
    The teacher does not have the right to demand medical reports and diagnoses. But parents, if they wish, can indicate whether the child has allergies or physical characteristics that need to be taken into account when organizing the educational process (for example, poor eyesight).
  • Know family social status (whether the family is low-income (officially), how many children are in the family, whether the parents are divorced).
    This information is collected for the activities of the social teacher.

    providing assistance to parents in raising students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, additional education teacher)

    Going with children to the cinema, theater and other educational or entertainment events -

    organizing educational work with students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

The methodological recommendations also highlight the forms of work that the class teacher can use to carry out his functions: individual (conversations, consultations); group (for example, self-government bodies, which for some reason have now ceased to be relevant, at least in my school); collective (competitions, performances, concerts).

The success of the work is proposed to be assessed by the level of social development of students (general culture, discipline), that is, by results. The work process itself is also assessed, that is, how the class teacher organized educational work with students, how he interacts with the school staff and parents.

But some things are still not covered in the document, but, in my opinion, are important for work - this is what cannot be done in the work of a class teacher and a little about his schedule.

The class teacher has no right


Two years later, I returned to the article with different ideas about school and working as a class teacher in it. Some readers disagreed with my opinion (though without explaining why). Now I understand that a lot depends on people and there are quite a lot of teachers who really love being a class teacher and a large number of functions do not frighten or irritate them. For me, this work was a burden, since I wanted to spend more time preparing for lessons, and not counting the remaining money for food and checking diaries.

Do you have anything to add or object to? Write in the comments. I'm waiting in VK and Odnoklassniki groups.

Briefly about the position of the class teacher, his functions and responsibilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards) contain requirements for the implementation of educational programs, as well as requirements for the activities of the class teacher. When drawing up a job description, the provisions enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard should be taken into account.

The class teacher is tasked with organizing the educational work of the class. Most often, these functions are assigned to the subject teacher. In some educational institutions, the class teacher has no or minimal teaching load, then he is called a class teacher, tutor, class curator.

The functions assigned to the class teacher are enshrined in the school Charter. Officially, the class teacher is tasked with organizing students, but in practice this process comes down to helping students self-organize and supporting their initiatives and creative impulses. Other functions of the class teacher include:

  • organization of classroom work;
  • organization of extracurricular life of the class;
  • social assistance and protection of students;
  • interaction with students' parents.

Sample job description structure

Job descriptions are developed for all positions that are on the school staffing table. At the same time, the structure of all job descriptions is unified. You can take the following option as a basis, when the instructions consist of sections devoted to:

Don't know your rights?

  • general provisions,
  • official duties,
  • rights
  • responsibility.

When developing a job description for a class teacher, such a document structure is quite acceptable. Later in the article we will tell you what information should be placed in each section.

General section of instructions

The first section of the instructions contains a brief description of the position and qualification requirements that are set for the candidate for the position of class teacher. So, this includes the following points:

  • full name of the position (class teacher), and what category of employees this position belongs to;
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal (the decision is made by the school director, issuing a corresponding order);
  • order of subordination: the class teacher may report directly to the school director or the teacher of education;
  • who is responsible for class management during the absence of an employee;
  • what the class teacher is guided by in his work: laws (in particular the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ) and other regulations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the School Charter, etc.;
  • qualification requirements: as a rule, the employee must have a higher pedagogical education and experience working with children for at least a year, but not necessarily as a class teacher.

Job responsibilities of the class teacher

This section of the job description may contain the following job responsibilities assigned to the class teacher:

  • keep a progress log;
  • draw up personal files of students;
  • organize a class team, which is manifested in issuing instructions, working with class members, forming the responsibilities of duty officers, organizing creative events;
  • organize duty;
  • organize the meal plan for students;
  • create a fund to meet classroom needs and manage funds from it;
  • control attendance, find out the reasons for absences;
  • work with student diaries;
  • create conditions for broadening the horizons of students and their range of interests;
  • contribute to the formation of a favorable climate in the team, strengthening friendly relations;
  • help students adapt at the beginning of the educational process;
  • conduct class hours;
  • ensure the protection of the rights of students and their interests;
  • conduct career guidance work with high school students;
  • Conduct class meetings with parents.

The school charter or other documents may assign other responsibilities to the class teacher, then this section of the instructions is adjusted.

Rights of the class teacher

This section displays the rights that the class teacher is granted for the smooth performance of his official duties. In almost all educational institutions, the class teacher can:

  • attend the lessons of the subject teacher, conducted in a supervised class, but you must not interrupt the lesson or make comments to the teacher during the lesson;
  • study how the educational process takes place in lessons taught by a subject teacher;
  • bring disciplinary action against students from your class in accordance with school documents regulating this process;
  • encourage students from your class in accordance with school regulations;
  • actively collaborate with colleagues, participate in the school’s pedagogical council, make proposals to improve the learning process;
  • cooperate with medical workers, social services workers and juvenile affairs inspectorates;
  • improve your skills.

This is not an exhaustive list of rights; it can be expanded or modified if necessary.

Responsibility of the class teacher

A section that briefly lists the types of responsibilities to which the class teacher may be held, and the grounds for this. It is standardly stated here that the class teacher can:

  • for failure to comply with job descriptions, violation of school rules, failure to comply with the order of the school director and other violations - bring to disciplinary liability;
  • for the use of physical or moral violence against students - dismissal, which is not considered a disciplinary measure;
  • for causing damage to school property - be held liable according to the rules of civil or labor legislation.

Classroom management is another area of ​​activity for a subject teacher, and a job description helps to delineate responsibilities and gives the teacher additional rights and, at the same time, additional functions. At the same time, job descriptions for the class teacher and for the subject teacher should not overlap, which is taken into account when developing them.

The class teacher is responsible for coordinating the process of upbringing and education of the class entrusted to him in high school. He is responsible for the results of educational activities obtained by students, adjusts its organization and helps students. The activities of the class teacher are described in the job description.

The job description of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard for 2018-2019 is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff.” It specifies the general requirements for a specialist, his duties and functions, rights and responsibilities.

What does the job description of a class teacher include?

The class teacher is appointed to the position by order of the school director. This position can be held by a teacher who has received secondary or higher specialized education. Job responsibilities of the class teacher are broad: he manages the educational process, interacts with students’ families and external organizations, prepares documentation, and represents the interests of children. When drawing up a job description, a specialist should take into account the provisions established by the Federal State Educational Standard.

In his work, the class teacher should be based on:

  • person-centered approach;
  • the concept of education that is relevant in an educational institution;
  • results of analysis of life phenomena;
  • tolerance;
  • taking into account the financial and social situation of students’ families;
  • taking into account the level of upbringing and family circumstances of children.

The structure of a class teacher’s work can be represented as follows:

  • organizational, analytical and predictive activities in the educational process;
  • control of class activities;
  • study and use of modern methods of education.

The work of the class teacher can take place in such forms as conversations, discussions, games, debates, trainings, meetings with various people, excursions, socially significant work activities, competitions, and creative activity of children. Within responsibilities of the class teacher under the education law he holds conversations, lectures, meetings, and extracurricular activities with parents.

Table 1. Job responsibilities of the class teacher according to the instructions

Required Education and Skills

Fundamentals of adolescent psychology and physiology, methods of working with gifted and difficult children, norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, local acts. The teacher must have developed communication skills, as well as:

  • plan work and predict its results;
  • set and achieve short-term and long-term goals;
  • build harmonious relationships with children, colleagues and parents;
  • stimulate children's initiative and support them;
  • conduct educational activities;
  • apply moral and aesthetic technologies in work.

Goals and objectives of the work

The goals of the work are:

  • working with students to harmonize relationships in the educational space and unlock their potential;
  • V responsibilities of the class teacher according to the education law 2018 includes building harmonious relationships in the classroom;
  • creating productive relationships with parents, administration and other teachers.

Klassruk monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, conducts safety instructions, talks about a healthy lifestyle, optimizes the teaching load, and applies health-saving technologies.

Individual work with students

Keeping a diary of observations. Identification of groups of students according to interests and abilities, definition of a “risk group”. Diagnosis of the psychophysical development of children, delineation of their skills, assessment of intellectual, sports and creative abilities.

Visiting families, maintaining personal affairs, preventing deviant behavior. Promoting the potential and harmonious development of students.

Carrying out work with a great team

Functions of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard include:

  • monitoring student attendance and progress, checking diaries, maintaining statutory documentation, interaction with subject teachers, increasing student motivation;
  • carrying out activities to create a favorable environment in the classroom, assessing the internal climate in the team;
  • holding various class events, involving children in electives and clubs;
  • control of the organization of classroom self-government, organization of work activities (duties, cleaning the territory).

Working with parents and the external environment

Systematic work with parents, analysis of family and living conditions, increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents, involving the family in extracurricular activities, holding parent-teacher meetings.

Educational impact

Harmonious development of the child’s personality, educational activities, conversations, etc.

Advanced training

Constant self-development by taking advanced training courses, studying literature, participating in the exchange of teaching experience, competitions, conferences, and seminars.

Rights and responsibilities

The rights of the class teacher include:

  • monitoring children's academic success;
  • obtaining information about their psychophysiological development;
  • working with parents upon invitation to school;
  • presence of subject teachers in lessons;
  • bringing students to disciplinary liability;
  • rewarding students for their success;
  • initiation of work improvement;
  • use of methodological support for teachers and administration;
  • protection of one's own honor and dignity.

For non-fulfillment or dishonest performance of duties, the class teacher faces administrative liability.

The functions assigned to the class teacher are enshrined in the school Charter.

Sample job description structure for a class teacher

Structure job description of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard is built on the same principle as other job descriptions. The main sections will be:

  • general provisions,
  • official rights and responsibilities,
  • responsibility.

The general section contains a brief description of the qualification requirements and a description of the position of the class teacher. This section includes the following items:

  • full name of the position, what category of employees it belongs to;
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • order of subordination: to the school director and the head teacher of water management;
  • who will perform the duties of class management in the absence of an employee;
  • what laws and regulations the employee is guided by in his work;
  • qualification requirements.

In the section "Officials" responsibilities and rights" of the class teacher points discussed above are indicated. At the same time, the school charter may change the list of responsibilities, then the section of the instructions is adjusted.

The section on the responsibility of the class teacher briefly lists the types of responsibility:

  • for failure to comply with job descriptions, failure to comply with the director’s orders, violation of school rules - disciplinary liability;
  • physical or moral violence against students - dismissal from office;
  • for inaccuracy in maintaining documentation - penalties in accordance with the school’s organizational documents;
  • Damage to school property is financial liability in accordance with civil or labor laws.

To make the work of staff easier, we suggest downloading an example of a job description for a class teacher.

Features of the job responsibilities of the class teacher

The high responsibility of the work is also associated with certain difficulties that the teacher faces when performing duties of the class teacher at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the key difficulties is that the job description indicates the forms, methods and types of work of the teacher, but does not mention the time required for such work. Therefore, class teachers often suffer from lack of time, while according to the employment contract, class management is an additional duty that is performed during working hours. However, time costs often turn out to be inversely proportional to the salary increase for classroom management. To perform the functions of a class teacher with greater efficiency, we recommend taking a distance training course:

As practice shows, full-fledged classroom management cannot be combined with the main activity. What are the responsibilities of a class teacher? and why does it require 35–40 hours per week? This:

  • checking diaries and discipline - at least an hour every day;
  • maintaining school records, organizing creative and work activities - at least an hour a day;
  • participation in contests, competitions, cleaning, etc.

A common practice is to appoint a subject teacher to the position of class teacher. However, in some educational institutions, the class teacher is completely or partially relieved of the teaching load. In this case, the teacher is called a class teacher, tutor, curator.

The second visible problem that emerges during analysis functional responsibilities of the class teacher, is the vagueness of the wording of the instructions, as well as the introduction in some institutions of duties that reduce the motivation of teachers. For example, collecting money, disclosing personal information, etc.

Some difficulties may arise in relationships with the school administration and colleagues when:

  • the class teacher, in accordance with job responsibilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the internal rules of the school, replaces absent colleagues;
  • develops and coordinates a curriculum for a year or quarter;
  • reports to the administration on the work done.

As you can see, The class teacher performs such functions as motivation, organization, control of the educational and educational process within the class entrusted to him, creation of harmonious relationships with children, teachers and families, organization of extracurricular activities for children. However, to successfully perform such functions, the employee’s activities must be properly organized and fairly paid.

You can learn more about the classroom management system and the responsibilities of the classroom teacher in the articles:




1.1. The duties of the class teacher are carried out on the basis of the order of the school director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the class teacher, his duties may be assigned to other teaching staff. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the school director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.2. The class teacher must have secondary or higher professional education or relevant work experience.

1.3. The class teacher reports directly to the deputy director (educational work).

1.4. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Model Regulations on General Educational Institutions”, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, and decisions of the Government of the Region and educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including internal labor regulations, orders and instructions of the director, this job description), employment agreement (contract). The class teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


2.1. organizing the educational process in the classroom, managing it and monitoring the development of this process;

2.2. promoting the creation of favorable conditions for individual development and moral formation of students in the classroom.


3.1. analyzes:

Problems, progress, development and results of the educational process in the classroom;

3.2. predicts:

Trends in changes in the situation in society and in education to adjust the plan of educational work in the classroom;

Consequences of planned educational work in the classroom;

3.3. plans and organizes:

Educational process during events with class students;

Development of the necessary methodological documentation for educational work in the classroom;

- implementation of systematic monitoring of the level of education of students;

Work on the preparation and conduct of cultural and educational events by the students of the class;

Educational work for parents (legal representatives), receives parents (legal representatives) on issues of organizing the educational process;

Studying the Rules for Students with students;

3.4. coordinates:

Activities of students during educational activities;

3.5. controls:

Safety of equipment, devices, technical and visual aids used in the educational process;

Students' compliance with the Student Rules;

3.6. corrects:

Personal development of students;

The progress of the educational work program in the classroom;

3.7. advises:

Parents (legal representatives) on issues of organizing the educational process;

3.8. evaluates:

Education and personal development of students;

3.9. provides:

Holding parent meetings at least once every quarter;

Weekly check of diaries by students;

Timely transmission of information and requirements to the school administration to parents of students;

Timely preparation of established reporting documentation and its submission to immediate supervisors;

Timely and accurate completion of the class teacher’s pages in the journal;

Creating a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student;

Helping students in educational activities, in solving problems that arise in communicating with friends, teachers and parents, in obtaining additional education through a system of clubs, sections, studios, etc.;

Updating the content of educational work of the class in accordance with the age interests of students;

Safety of equipment, furniture and sanitary condition of the assigned premises;

Students receive hot meals in the canteen;

3.10. present:

At any events in which students of their class take part;

At all psychological, pedagogical and organizational events held for parents (legal representatives) of their class.


The class teacher has the right, within his competence:

4.1. choose:

Forms and methods of educating students;

4.2. give:

Mandatory instructions for students during educational activities;

4.3. attract:

To disciplinary liability of students for offenses that disorganize the educational process, in the manner established by the Rules on rewards and penalties;

4.4. take part:

In developing the educational program of the school;

The work of the Pedagogical Council;

4.5. make suggestions:

On the beginning, termination or suspension of specific educational projects;

To improve educational work;

From management, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

4.7. invite:

On behalf of the school, parents (legal representatives) to inform them about the successes and violations of their children;

4.8. demand:

From students to comply with the Rules of Conduct for Students, to comply with the School Charter;

4.9. raise:

Your qualifications.


5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, legal orders of the school director and deputy director for educational work and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by this Instruction, including for failure to use the rights granted by this Instruction resulting in disorganization of the educational process, the class teacher bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, the class teacher may be dismissed from his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

5.3. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the class teacher is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.4. For culpable infliction of damage (including moral) to the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, as well as failure to use the rights granted by this Instruction, the class teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil law.

Job description

Primary school class teacher,

Those who have switched to the new Federal State Educational Standards.



1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher.

1.2. The class teacher is appointed and dismissed by the school director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of a teacher, his duties may be assigned to a teacher of the corresponding profile. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the school director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation

1.3. The class teacher reports directly to the deputy director for educational work of the school and, if he implements a program for organizing extracurricular activities of the class, to the deputy director for extracurricular activities, and then to the school director.

1.4. In his activities, the Class Teacher is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the administration and Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region and educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including internal labor regulations, orders and instructions of the school director, this job description), and an employment contract.

1.5. The class teacher should know:

1.5.1Regulatory acts regulating the activities of the school and the teachers working in it;

1.5.2.Convention on the Rights of the Child;

1.5.3. Internal labor regulations;

1.5.4. Ethics of business and interpersonal communication;

1.5.5. Pedagogy, including the theory and methods of education;

1.5.6.General, developmental and social psychology;

1.5.7.Age physiology;

1.5.8. Methodology for organizing various types of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren: gaming, educational, labor (production), socially significant volunteer, leisure and entertainment, sports and recreation, tourism and local history, problem-value communication, artistic creativity;

1.5.9. Programs for organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren and rules for their development;

1.5.10.Safety rules, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


The main activities of the class teacher are:

2.1. Creating favorable conditions for individual development and moral formation of students;

2.2. Formation of a class team


The class teacher performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Works with students in assigned class

3.2. Carries out a study of the personality of each student in the class, his inclinations, interests;

3.3. Creates a favorable environment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;

3.4. Promotes the development of communication skills in students, helps the student solve problems that arise in communicating with friends, teachers, parents;

3.5. Directs the self-education and self-development of the student’s personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his education;

3.6. Provides assistance to students in educational activities, identifies the causes of low performance, and organizes their elimination;

3.7. Promotes the acquisition of additional education through a system of clubs and sections organized at school;

3.8. Updates the content of the life of the class team in accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of society;

3.9. Respects the rights and freedoms of students;

3.10. Together with student self-government bodies, he promotes a healthy lifestyle, conducts physical education, sports and other events that promote the health of students;

3.11. Maintains class documentation in the prescribed manner, monitors students’ filling out diaries and making marks in them

3.12. Maintains constant contact with student parents

3.13. Plans educational work in the classroom.

3.14. Introduces schoolchildren to the opportunities for their participation in extracurricular activities organized by the educational institution; stimulates self-determination of class students in this area of ​​school life, helps them in choosing the most appropriate types of extracurricular activities and forms of their participation in them.

3.15. Ensures the safe conduct of the educational process;

3.16. Promptly notifies the administration of each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

3.17. Instructs students on the safety of educational activities with mandatory registration in the class register or instruction registration register;

3.18. Organizes students' study of rules of behavior at home, on the water, labor safety rules, and traffic rules

3.19. Takes direct part in school-wide extracurricular activities together with the class;

3.20. Collaborates with after-school teachers, additional education teachers, school psychologists, social educators, and medical workers working in the classroom to coordinate their educational efforts and provide students with the necessary assistance in their studies.

3.21. Participates in the work of the school’s pedagogical council;

3.22. Undergoes periodic free medical examinations;

3.23. Complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, and in public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.


The class teacher has the right, within the limits of his competence:

4.1. Participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the school Charter;

4.2. Give mandatory instructions to students during classes and breaks related to the organization of classes and compliance with discipline;

4.3. Bring to disciplinary liability students for offenses that disrupt the educational process, in the manner established by the Rules on rewards and punishments;

4.4. To protect professional honor and dignity

4.5. Familiarization with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, giving explanations on them;

4.6. Protect your rights and interests independently or through representatives, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation related to a teacher’s violation of professional ethics;

4.7. Freely choose and apply various teaching and educational methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks, methods for assessing student knowledge;

4.8. Attend (in agreement with the teacher) classes conducted by subject teachers, additional education teachers, after-school group teachers, social educators, and school psychologists with children in his class.

4.9. Independently choose the form of planning your work with the class; develop a program (or its individual modules) for organizing extracurricular activities of students in the class entrusted to him.

4.10. Be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification

4.11. To switch to a part-time work week, part-time work in cases and in the manner established by labor legislation.


5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, legal orders of the school director and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these instructions, including for failure to use the granted rights, the class teacher bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical or mental violence against the student’s personality, the class teacher may be dismissed from his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Dismissal for this act is not a disciplinary measure.

5.3. For culpable infliction of damage to the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-execution) of their official powers, the class teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor or civil legislation.

General provisions.

1.1. The class teacher is a school teacher who functions as an organizer of children's life, a corrector of interpersonal relationships and a defender of the students of his class in difficult business and psychological conflicts of school life.

1.2. The class teacher has a higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education.

1.3. The activities of class teachers are managed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

1.4. The class teacher reports on the results of his work to the teaching council, the director, and the deputy director for educational work in the prescribed manner.

2. OS new tasks and content (directions) of the work of class teachers in the classroom.

2.1. Promotes the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of the child’s personality. For what:

2.1.1. He studies the child’s inclinations, interests, and talents, selecting for each a specific type of activity where he can expect success.

2.1.2. Contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere and moral and psychological climate for each individual student in the class.

2.1.3. In accordance with the age-related needs of children and the requirements of class life, organizes the life activities of the class team.

2.1.4. Develops classroom self-government, teaching children self-organization, responsibility, readiness and ability to make life decisions.

2.1.5. Helps students solve problems that arise in relationships with teachers, comrades, parents, adapt to the team, win recognition, and occupy a satisfactory social status among their peers.

2.1.6. Guides self-education and self-development of the child’s personality. Organizes psychological education of students, introduces them to the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens

2.2. Provides assistance to students in educational activities.

2.3. Organizes and participates in pedagogical consultations (small teacher councils) on the problems of students in his class, and, if necessary, attends lessons of subject teachers.

2.4.Promotes additional education for students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations existing at school and in their place of residence.

2.5. Promotes the graduate’s professional self-determination and leads to an informed choice of profession.

2.b.3protects the rights and freedoms of students, is responsible for their life, health and safety at school and at agricultural work during school hours.

2.7. Provides consultations to parents. Conducts parent meetings and involves parents in helping the school.

2.8. Organizes meals, duty, collective cleaning of the school, helps children in repairing the school, fills out a register, keeps records of attendance, immediately informs the administration and parents about all emergencies related to the health and life of children.

2.9.Participates in the work of teacher councils, seminars, administrative and methodological meetings.

Job description

Job responsibilities of the class teacher

1. General provisions.

1. A class teacher is a school teacher who performs the functions of an organizer of children’s life aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing mutual understanding between students, their parents, teachers and other participants in the educational process.

2. The class teacher, as an administrative person, is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the school director.

3. The activities of class teachers are managed by the deputy director of the school/head of education.

2. The main tasks and content of the work of the class teacher.

1. To promote the creation of a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student and conditions for the development of students’ communicative culture skills.

2. In accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of the school Charter, contribute to updating the content of the life of the class. Participate in the creation of student self-government bodies.

3. Participate in the implementation of the federal experimental program “School as a center for the integration of basic, additional and home education”, the projects “Children in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg in Children”, “School Library-Children’s Book House”, “Joint Planning of Student Achievements” ", conduct experimental and methodological work on various problems of educational activities;

4. Use a variety of techniques, methods and means of educational work, helping to expand interests and forms of knowledge, awakening active research interests in children. Study the individual characteristics and interests of students and promote the creation of favorable conditions for the development and moral formation of the child’s personality.

3. Working hours of the class teacher.

1. The general rules for organizing the work of the school and teaching staff follow from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, set out in Article 130.

2. Class teacher hour (classroom hour) - once a week (forms of conducting a class hour can be very diverse: thematic class hour, class meeting, preparation for a class or school-wide activity, preparation for an excursion, summing up the excursion, etc. ).

3. The number of educational activities - in accordance with the school’s educational work plan.

4. The number of class parent meetings - in accordance with the school’s educational work plan.

5. During the holidays and summer, the school’s operating hours are established according to an additional plan.

6. In order to organize the work of class teachers and provide them with methodological assistance in their work, a methodological association is created.

7. Coordination of the activities of class teachers and control over their work is carried out by the deputy director of the school, the head of the educational department.

4. The class teacher must be able to:

1. communicate with children, encouraging children’s activity and responsibility, setting their own example of efficiency and responsibility;

2. see and formulate your educational goals;

3. draw up a plan for educational work in your own class;

4. organize an educational event: conversation, debate, excursion, hike, class evening, class hour, etc.;

5. organize and conduct a parent meeting;

6. use psychological diagnostic tests, questionnaires and use them correctly in educational work.

5. Job responsibilities

Class teacher:

1. maintains a student progress log (electronic and paper version);

2. exercises control over the design of class magazines (electronic and paper versions) for all academic disciplines in accordance with educational and thematic planning;

3. maintains students’ personal files and monitors their execution;

4. organizes the class team: distributes assignments, works with class assets, organizes collective creativity, forms the responsibilities of those on duty;

5. organizes duty in the classroom, school and other public premises;

6. cares about the appearance of students;

7. works with student diaries, contacts parents regarding student progress;

8. creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests, broadening the horizons of students (participation in olympiads, competitions, shows, quizzes, visiting clubs, extracurricular activities, organizing excursions, trips to the theater, exhibitions, etc.);

9. promotes a favorable microclimate in the classroom, forms interpersonal relationships among students, corrects and regulates them;

10. monitors the educational progress of each student, noting successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;

11. assists students in the process of adaptation to learning;

12. promotes the participation of school students in city and international competitions, olympiads in subjects (“Teddy Bear”, “Kangaroo”, etc.)

13. takes care of the health of students, involves them in physical education and sports activities;

14. Conducts thematic classes once a week, meetings, conversations with students;

15. ensures the protection and protection of the rights of students, especially paying attention to “difficult” children;

16. carries out career guidance work with students in grades 9-11, promoting students’ independent and conscious choice of a future profession, taking into account their abilities and life plans;

17. organizes and conducts parent meetings 1-2 times per trimester. Works with parents individually, involves parents in organizing extracurricular activities;

18. bears personal responsibility for ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during extracurricular activities. Accompanies students on excursions and other extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Complies with labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations.

6. Documentation and reporting.

1. Maintains a map of the child’s individual development, taking into account his psychophysical capabilities, constantly increasing the level of the child’s involvement in the educational process, helping to increase the efficiency of mastering educational material (once a week the ICR will be supplemented with student work in all academic disciplines). Systematically stimulates the child's intellectual efforts. Creates conditions for increasing the child’s self-confidence and fostering a certain independence of views.

2. Finds out the reason for students’ absence on a daily basis, promptly informing the school administration and parents about the student’s absence. Records the student's absence in writing, indicating the reason for the absence in the appropriate journal and class register. Creates conditions for the child to assimilate missed educational material.

3. Before the 1st day of the beginning of each trimester, submits a report to the head teacher of the school on the results of research into the state of the socio-psychological microclimate in the children's group.

4. Once per academic semester (December, April - high school, March - elementary school) organizes and conducts a presentation of children's achievements, involving parents of school students in the discussion of the results obtained as external experts of the educational program and teaching partners of the school.

5. Before the 25th day of the end of each trimester/semester, collects qualitative characteristics of class students from subject teachers, summarizes and submits an analytical report to the head teacher of the school.

6. Forms a portfolio monthly together with students. Before the first day of each term, submit the student portfolio to the head teacher for review. At the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting, he gives the students’ parents a portfolio (creative and test work of students accumulated over the year).

7. Every year, before September 10, issues to parents a “Student Progress Report” (for all academic disciplines) in order to develop uniform mechanisms for interaction between adults and children.

8. Creates conditions for school students to write compulsory essays: “How do I see the school in the new school year”, “My ideal teacher” - September; “The nursery of my future children”, “My island somewhere” - October; “My achievements and the achievements of my classmates” - May. Until 25.09 and 25.05, essays are submitted to the head teacher to analyze the state of the school’s educational process, identify tasks and ways to solve identified problems.

9. Twice a year (before December 05 and before May 05) prepares letters to parents about the achievements of children in educational activities. The letters are submitted to the head teacher of the school for the purpose of clarification and addition to the information received about the school students for their subsequent sending to parents.

10. Bears responsibility for the timely execution of all sections of the class journal in accordance with the requirements for maintaining this type of documents:

§ until September 5, fills out the pages of the class journal: “General information about students”, “Health sheet”, “Information about classes outside class hours”;

§ Conducts safety training in the first week of each trimester;

§ the day before the end of each trimester, submits final grades on the “Summary Statement of Student Progress” page;

§ before the 1st day of the beginning of each trimester, checks the availability of a record of the implementation of the curriculum in the trimester signed by the subject teacher;

§ until May 28, checks the availability of final annual grades in the journal for each subject;

§ before 01.06 fills out the personal files of students and submits them to the head teacher of the school for verification.

11. Monthly submits class registers to the head teacher of the school for verification.

12. Once a week, checks and evaluates the keeping of diaries by class students.

13. Once a week, participates in operational meetings held by the head teacher of the school.

14. Annually, before August 28, submits plans for educational work for the upcoming academic year. Conducts educational work with students according to a plan approved by the school administration.

15. Before the 1st day of each month, submits a report (according to the form established at the school - a checklist) on the work done for the past month, while simultaneously signing a certificate of work completed for payroll.

16. On duty at school according to schedule, organizing children’s free time during school breaks for the purpose of safety of life, health of children and their reasonable rest.

17. In case of inability to work, promptly notifies the School Administration.

18. Creates conditions for passing the final certification for the course of basic (9th grade) and secondary school (11th grade): preparation of the necessary documentation for passing exams, solving organizational issues (promptly informs students and parents about the progress of the final certification, is present during certification with students and provides them with moral support). Monitors the readiness of students to take the final certification.

19. Within the limits of professional competence, works with parents. In the event of a conflict situation with a student or parents, he immediately notifies the School Administration to develop a joint optimal solution to the problem.

20. The job responsibilities of the class teacher are an integral part of the agreement with the non-profit educational institution “Private comprehensive school “Unison”.

21. Job responsibilities can be changed by the school administration unilaterally. In this case, the class teacher must be notified a week before the changes come into force. Rights of the class teacher. The class teacher has the right:

22. Participate in the work of school self-government structures: teachers' council, school council and other public bodies of the school.

23. Take the initiative, make proposals for improving the activities of the school, make business-like, constructive criticism.

24. Get acquainted with the documentation of the educational institution.

25. Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children.

26. Be present at any lessons and events conducted by subject teachers in the classroom (without the right to enter the classroom during a lesson unless absolutely necessary and make comments to the teacher during the lesson).

27. Invite parents (persons replacing them) to the educational institution.

28. Bring to disciplinary liability students for actions that violate the educational process, in the manner established by the organizational documents of the educational institution.

29. Encourage students in the manner established at school.

30. Cooperate with specialists from social services, medical institutions, and juvenile affairs inspectorates.

31. Determine (develop, create together with a psychologist, social workers, doctors) programs for individual work with students and their parents.

32. Improve your qualifications, attend seminars and courses.

7. The class teacher does not have the right:

1. Humiliate the personal dignity of the pupil, insult him by action or word, inventing nicknames, labeling him, etc.

2. Use a grade (school score) to punish the student.

3. Abuse the child’s trust, break the word given to the pupil, deliberately mislead him.

4. Use the family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.

5. Discuss your colleagues behind the scenes, present them in an unfavorable light, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.

8. Responsibility of the class teacher.

1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment without a good reason of the Charter and other rules enshrined in the organizational documents of the school, legal orders of the director, job responsibilities established by these instructions, the class teacher bears disciplinary liability in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

2. For untimely and inaccurate execution, maintenance and storage of documents, as well as for their loss, the class teacher bears responsibility as provided for in local school documents.

3. The class teacher who is guilty of causing damage to the school in connection with the performance (non-performance) of his official duties bears financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by the labor or civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The class teacher may be relieved of duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for using, including one-time, methods of mental or physical violence against the student’s personality.

9. The class teacher should know:

o The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

o documents of the Russian government and educational authorities on educational issues;

o Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, psychology, age-related physiology and hygiene;

o basics of pre-medical care;

o basics of civil legislation;

o children's pedagogy;

o developmental and social psychology;

o psychology of relationships: individual and age characteristics of children;

o age physiology;

o school hygiene;

o pedagogical ethics;

o theory and methodology of educational work;

o programs and textbooks;

o teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

o basics of labor legislation;

o labor protection rules and regulations;

o safety precautions and