Who is a rynda in Rus'? From representatives of which nations were the personal guards of the Russian Tsar recruited? New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

Liposuction began to be actively used at the end of the last century. It quickly became a kind of indulgence against any crime related to weight gain. Now you can safely skip a gym session and eat everything. So what if you added a couple of kilograms and the dress became tight? After all, everything can be corrected with liposuction.

However, you should not treat this operation as a regular teeth cleaning or cosmetic procedure. After all, this is a surgical intervention, which always represents stress for the body. And somehow, in the rush to get rid of extra pounds, one forgets about the long rehabilitation period with possible complications.

Many of those who are preparing for liposuction have no idea what exactly the doctor will do. Although fat removal surgery has become quite popular today, there are still many myths surrounding it.

Liposuction can help you get rid of obesity. If you come across an honest surgeon, he will explain that liposuction allows you to correct local figure imperfections. Surgery is used when diet or exercise no longer helps. After all, with its help, some reserve fat is removed. These special cells easily tolerate lack of nutrition, and in the presence of glucose they multiply quickly. The operation will be effective in those people whose weight is close to normal or slightly exceeds it. But for patients with general obesity, liposuction is not a solution. The hips, especially their inner part, buttocks, lower abdomen and the “breeches” area, are particularly active in resisting overall weight loss. Liposuction will help correct them, giving problem areas an ideal shape. However, one should not expect that this will solve the general problem of obesity. So you need to prepare for such an operation only in the case when weight loss has taken place, and all that remains is to get rid of the most stubborn fat deposits.

Liposuction helps get rid of cellulite. In this case, we should talk about two mutually exclusive statements at once. Some say that liposuction can remove cellulite, while others say the opposite - the operation leads to the appearance of an “orange peel”. Practice shows that fat suction has nothing to do with this problem at all. After all, liposuction removes fat that is located deep in the subcutaneous tissue. And cellulite appears due to fatty lobules that are located directly under the skin. That is why liposuction cannot in any way improve the condition of the skin with cellulite, but it cannot worsen the situation either.

Ultrasonic liposuction is less traumatic than other techniques. There are quite a few types of liposuction, but they all have the same goal - to help the doctor, and not to alleviate the suffering of the patient. After all, to remove subcutaneous fat, the surgeon resorts to certain efforts. Fat is not some kind of unnecessary foreign liquid that can be poured out of a person anywhere. This is the part of the body where each cell holds tightly to its neighbors. So puncturing the skin does not mean that unnecessary tissue will pour out on its own. That is why doctors strive to destroy intercellular tissue before surgery. Usually, for this purpose, the area is treated with a special composition, Klein's solution. It helps to liquefy fat within half an hour, which will make it easier to remove. But surgeons believe that this method is still labor-intensive, which is why more and more new types of liposuction are appearing.

Ultrasonic liposuction involves pricking the surgical areas with a solution, after which they are exposed to ultrasonic waves. It should be noted that this method is perhaps more traumatic than others. After all, the devices of the first generations produced a large heat flux, which led to internal burns. This only delayed postoperative healing. But now doctors have learned to avoid this effect.

There are no liposuction techniques. In addition to the already mentioned ultrasound technique, there are several more basic ones. Thus, syringe liposuction is performed manually. Fat is pumped out not with vacuum pumps, but with syringes. Vibration is carried out using the Lipomatic device, which makes it easier to move the cannula into the tissues. Tumescent liposuction makes it possible to perform the operation under local anesthesia. To do this, a special solution with an anesthetic is injected into the operating areas. Lipoelectromodeling uses a special apparatus that generates a special current of a given frequency. It destroys fat cells.

Liposuction is a safe procedure. Do not assume that no one has ever died from such an operation. Although liposuction seems simple on the surface, there are many nuances to it that can lead to the most disastrous results. After all, there is always a risk of unpleasant complications. Patients die on operating tables, and liposuction is no exception. Naturally, such cases occur during pumping out of adipose tissue much less frequently than even with appendicitis. However, statistics inexorably show that for every five thousand operations there is one death. The statistics do not seem to be frightening, but in absolute terms everything is not so rosy. Every year in prosperous America alone, 75 people die from attempts to surgically get rid of excess fat. In Russia, such statistics are not even kept.

Liposuction is harmless to health. We must understand once and for all that plastic surgery does not always proceed as the doctor and patient would like. There could be many reasons for this. This includes increased tissue bleeding, poor skin elasticity, scar tissue changes at the site of surgery, and much more. All this can affect the final result of the operation. But in general, complications after liposuction are quite rare. Only 2.5% of patients experience increased painful sensitivity at the surgical site, 1% have changes in skin pigmentation, and another 1% develop chronic pain syndrome. Every 200th suffers some kind of septic phenomenon, for example, blood poisoning. In the event of an unfavorable combination of circumstances and poor work of the doctor, necrosis of tissue and skin can occur, and operations on the lower extremities can impair the outflow of fluid. If you choose the wrong cannula diameter, this will lead to uneven body contour and “washboard” syndrome will appear. If the operation affects large areas, then this is fraught with anemia, because the blood loss will be large. But all this relates more to medical errors than to the shortcomings of the operation itself. Competent work by a surgeon usually avoids these problems, but in any case there will be significant blood loss, which will not go unnoticed for the body. Another point that will also not add health benefits is anesthesia. It is more dangerous for the liver than a week-long binge, and nerve cells are also at risk.

Liposuction can be done at any age and regardless of health status. Theoretically, there are no obstacles, but practice often diverges from this. If you start removing dead deposits, excess skin will appear. It should shrink on its own over time. That is, successful rehabilitation requires the elasticity of the skin. But it only gets worse over time, unable to respond to such a large and rapid weight loss. Therefore, performing liposuction on an older woman who has also recently lost weight can lead to sagging skin that cannot recover. In general, such an operation is contraindicated for people with circulatory problems, with diabetes, as well as for those who have recently undergone surgery on parts of the body where they plan to pump out fat.

After surgery, fat will begin to grow at double the rate in other places. Human fat cells can only multiply until puberty. As a result, in an adult, their number remains unchanged until the very end of life. Therefore, nothing can restore the removed cells, but those remaining in the body will begin to accumulate more and more fat. So it turns out that after liposuction you can gain more fat both in the operated areas and in neighboring ones. So those who are predisposed to obesity should not relax. You need to give up food at night, as well as sweets and other unhealthy foods.

You can remove as much fat as you like. In fact, there is a record that is still not worth chasing - 9 liters. The surgery is often referred to as liposculpture, so careful consideration should be given to the normal amount of fat removed. On average, it is considered safe and normal to pump out up to 3 liters of fat at a time.

There are areas that are best left untouched. But this is the truth. It is better not to perform liposuction on the forearms and lower legs. It is believed that such an operation will not be effective in areas of the menopausal hump, shoulder area, and upper back. But this is also controversial, as is all talk about this technique. It is best to consult a doctor when choosing the method of pumping out fat, the instruments for this, places and volume. You should trust an experienced and reputable doctor, and not rush to beautiful signs.

Liposuction is the usual pumping out of fat. In fact, you need to think about how the body will react to the removal of a significant amount of its mass. And the appearance of the operation site should remain beautiful. Therefore, liposuction should not be considered ordinary fat pumping; rather, it is liposculpture.

Fat is a very convenient material for modeling. In fact, adipose tissue, like any other, has a rather complex system of lymph and hemomicrocirculation. Its integrity can be violated only if you are completely confident in the need for such intervention.

The puncture sites on the skin and their location can be arbitrary. This is incorrect; the number of punctures for each zone, as well as their location, are predetermined.

The amount of fat removed can be arbitrary. In fact, in this regard, the laws of symmetry must also be taken into account. The amount of fat removed must be predicted in advance and be the same in symmetrical areas. Otherwise, the operation site will become wavy.

Liposculpture can be superficial or deep. During the operation, the tunnels in all layers of subcutaneous tissue are located evenly. Sometimes, however, a more superficial location of the tunnels is allowed, which is associated with an increased effect of skin tightening.

The result of liposuction is clear already in the first days after the operation. Any operation of this kind entails a rehabilitation period of 2-3 months. If the work was carried out on the anterior abdominal wall, then we can talk about 4 months. In the first couple of weeks, only post-traumatic swelling is present at the operation site. It resolves only over the next month and a half, which is accompanied by the formation of an infiltrate. This in turn disappears after 3-4 months.

To achieve the final result, it is necessary to go through postoperative procedures. Liposuction does not require any special accompanying procedures - massage, lymphatic drainage, ultrasound. The initial result, like the final one, is entirely based on the quality of the operation. And these procedures are offered by the clinics and salons themselves in order to make money on gullible clients.

It is impossible to predict the results of liposuction. In fact, a favorable outcome can be predicted. The patient only needs to comply with all the indications for surgery, and the doctors need to assess the necessary and sufficient intervention, as well as know the various ways to carry out such a procedure.

After the operation you can go home straight away. According to this myth, after pumping out fat, nothing bothers a person anymore. There will only be some slight swelling that will go away quickly. And in a month the person will return to a full life. First of all, it is worth noting that after the operation you will have to stay in the hospital for at least a day. After all, the surgeon needs to observe his patient. In this case, the temperature is likely to rise and a feeling of discomfort will appear. Swelling and bruises are an inevitable price to pay for pleasure. They will last about three weeks. It is also worth saying that a person will have to wear compression garments for a whole month after liposuction. It will help the skin contract better. And only after three months will it be possible to really evaluate the result.

After liposuction, you can forget about diet, sports and expensive cosmetics. To consolidate and even improve the result, the use of a special diet, massage and exercise is welcome. We must remember that surgery is not a way to lose weight or eliminate cellulite or stretch marks. Of course, removing fat will also lead to weight loss. But if you leave your diet the same, the fat will return. And to understand which technology is suitable, a specialist conducts a preliminary examination. If the fat deposits are small, then all liposuction methods will give results. The skill of the surgeon is important here.

Liposuction is performed exclusively as an independent operation. In fact, this figure correction procedure is often carried out in a complex. Liposuction can be part of the correction of age-related changes in the body, plastic surgery of the anterior abdomen, or recovery from injuries.

Liposuction saves you from psychological problems. Under conditions of psychological pressure, many are looking for a solution to this problem in liposuction. This is especially critical for overweight patients. Sometimes surgery really helps the psyche. Patients increase their self-esteem, they develop positive emotions regarding their improved appearance, and their complexes disappear. However, this is only true if the condition was mild or moderate. If the patient had deep depression or even developed serious problems in the perception of food (bulimia, anorexia), then surgery will not help. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist or even a psychiatrist directly. So you should not assume that liposuction is a way to solve nervous disorders and serious psychological problems.

After liposuction, typical traces remain - postoperative scars and scars. Usually, they try to place punctures in natural folds or in places that are then hidden by underwear. Their diameter usually does not exceed 8 millimeters. After just a couple of months, traces of surgical intervention will be difficult to find even with close attention to these places. There are no scars or scary scars left after liposuction.

The issue of protecting the sovereign under the autocracy was very delicate. The tradition provided for a special attitude of the people towards the person of God’s anointed, who personified the greatness of the country. It seemed that no one would dare to raise a hand against the sovereign - against the sacred figure. And yet, the lives of monarchs and members of the royal family were often in serious danger - especially in rebellious, troubled times.

It’s clear that political life is never idyllic, and power always needs reliable protection. In addition, the institution of bodyguards was necessary according to the canons of palace etiquette. The Moscow court strove to keep up with foreign ones and amazed with the exquisite luxury and exoticism of court customs.

The kingdom of Moscow, even for history buffs, in many ways remains a “mysterious island” in the past of our country. Only majestic temples and fortresses remind of the two heydays of Muscovy. The first, of course, is associated with the reign of Ivan the Third, nicknamed the Great. He truly was and remains one of the greatest politicians in the history of our country. The second occurred in the 17th century, when, after overcoming the turmoil, the greatness of the state was restored by the first Romanovs - Patriarch Filaret, Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich.

The squires of the Moscow Grand Dukes and Tsars - the bells - were remembered by all foreign guests of the Kremlin. During ceremonial receptions of foreign ambassadors, they stood on both sides of the royal throne, dressed in ceremonial clothes, with silver axes. At other ceremonies, each bell was armed with a reed. The tallest and broad-shouldered noble young men - among the stewards and solicitors - were appointed as bells. They did not receive a salary, they served for the sake of honor, and on holidays they received royal gifts, including traditional “birthday pies.” They had their own hierarchy: the main rynda - “with a large saadak”, each rynda had its own sub-rynda, “tax”. When the tsar went to visit the troops, the bells directly performed the duties of bodyguards and squires - they were in charge of the tsar’s military clothing. The royal escort was equipped like a king: the bells wore luxurious Turkish caftans trimmed with ermine, pointed boots and high hats. Two long gold chains sparkled on his chest.

In addition to the bells close to the sovereign, the duties of guards were performed by guard troops and numerous royal Kremlin guards.

The guards strictly guarded the honor and safety of the sovereign's court. It was impossible to penetrate here with weapons - and Western cavaliers, who came to the Russian Tsar on ambassadorial duties, often argued, not wanting to part with their sword or staff.

The Code prescribed severe punishment for uttering “unseemly, obscene words” in the royal chambers. The guards also monitored the purity of speech of the residents and guests of the royal court.

The basis of the palace guards were also eminent guards. Day and night, “dining guards and boyar children of the Tsarina’s rank” were on duty at the doors and porches. Hundreds of archers were on duty day and night on the closest approaches to the palace. At the main guard - at the Red Porch - there were three hundred soldiers, and at the Spassky Gate - ten times less. Thus, even during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Kremlin was one of the most painstakingly protected objects in the world. Without the knowledge of the guard, not even a fly could fly past here. It was then that the qualities of the Russian soldier manifested themselves, earning him the reputation of an excellent bodyguard: patience, dedication, concentration. And, of course, the fearlessness with which the guards were ready to give their lives, preserving the peace of the sovereign's court. There is semi-legendary information that in the personal guard of the Chinese emperors of the Ming dynasty, people from Russian lands showed themselves to be the most devoted and prepared.

New times have changed both the rituals and the way of life of the king’s guard. Peter the Great abolished the position of the bell. He was a warrior emperor who became close to his amusing regiments, and then to his guards. The slow, orderly regulations of past centuries were abhorrent to the feverishly active nature of the great ruler. The hermetically closed world of the former boyars and sovereigns did not fit the scope of Peter the Great's time. Both the king and his companions were closer to the army, closer to their own servants. It became easier for foreigners at court with their unusual customs for Muscovites.

A life guard arose (the literal translation, as you know, is body guard) of bodyguards, always ready to die for the king. The best officers who had proven personal loyalty to the sovereign were recruited into the Life Guards. The training of soldiers was carried out constantly - of course, there were no more well-trained soldiers in the Russian army. The Life Guards, who never retreated, confirmed their reputation as “the best of the best” in battles. The words of the song of the Life Guards Regiment of the Preobrazhensky Regiment are truly true: “The Turks and the Swedes know us, and the world knows about us! The king himself always leads us to battles and victories!” What other bodyguards could become such a reliable shield for the imperial person?

With the formation of the Russian Empire, the very appearance of the sovereign's guards should have spoken of the diversity of traditions of the vast state in which Europe mixed with Asia.

During the years of imperial heyday, following the example of the world's first emperor, Alexander the Great, Russian sovereigns often brought closer to them daredevils from among the aborigines of the annexed territories. It is known that Catherine the Great demonstratively surrounded herself with Crimean Tatar guards during her trip to Novorossiya and Taurida. This gesture was respectfully retold in Europe: the empress showed the power of a growing state. Later, representatives of the conquered peoples of the North Caucasus were considered excellent guards - and service at the court of the Russian Tsar, of course, was perceived as a high honor. Rumors about such service forced the proud mountaineers to come to terms with the power of the “white king”. Thus, the third son of the irreconcilable Shamil, Mohamed Shafi, served in the convoy of Alexander II for sixteen years, and retired as a gray-haired major general and a true veteran of the guard. It is known that the imam himself accepted this turn in his son’s fate with pride.

The army - and above all the Life Guards - was a kind of melting pot in which representatives of different nationalities successfully Russified. Of course, the ethics of the Russian army were formed in the heart of indigenous Russia and in the Cossack environment. Thus, most often, Catherine the Great was accompanied by Don Cossacks under the command of the legendary ataman Alexei Ivanovich Ilovaisky, who proved his loyalty to the throne during the Pugachev era. G.A. Potemkin suggested forming a unit for Her Majesty’s own convoy. The Don people also guarded Emperor Paul - Pavel promoted Ilovaisky to cavalry general. Alexey Ivanovich was the first of the Don Cossacks to receive this rank, not only thanks to his “convoy” merits, but largely for his impeccable protection of the sovereign. From generation to generation, Cossacks passed on the wisdom of the convoy service, having learned all its secrets by heart. This tradition continued until the accession of Nikolai Pavlovich.

Formally, the sovereign’s own convoy was formed under Nicholas the First, an emperor who knew a lot about the documentary codification of any phenomenon. But under Nicholas, the security functions of the convoy were essentially decorative. The king demonstratively walked around the capital without security, went out to the people without security, prayed in churches, and made pilgrimages to monasteries. Mikhail Zagoskin (“Moscow and Muscovites”) enthusiastically wrote about this truly Russian custom: “Oh, you cannot imagine how beautiful this Kremlin is when its sovereign owner visits his Moscow! This palace square, which is now so empty, will be covered and boiling with people, many of whom spent the night in this square only to take a more advantageous place and look once again at their sovereign. You would look at the Kremlin then, how our big bell would ring and the Russian Tsar, enveloped on all sides by waves of countless crowds of people, would go across the entire square to perform a prayer service in the Assumption Cathedral. - How? Duvernier interrupted. - Is it really possible that your sovereign is walking along this square with such a crowd of people?.. - Yes, yes, on foot; and even sometimes it is very cramped for him. - What are you saying!.. But, probably, the police?.. - Where the sovereign is, there is no police. - Have mercy! How is this possible?.. Walking alone in the middle of a disorderly crowd of people, without any guards... “I see, gentlemen of the French,” I said, looking almost compassionately at the traveler, “you will never understand us.” Our Tsar does not need a guard: the entire Russian people are his guard.” And today these lines by Zagoskin touch the patriotic chord in each of us.

Nikolai Pavlovich was perhaps the last Russian Tsar who managed to maintain an enthusiastic popular rumor about himself. The king was especially pleased by the legends (often true) about his simplicity and fearlessness. He sledded down the mountains with the St. Petersburg children, and personally caught animals while hunting... Permanent bodyguards were superfluous in this way of life. Convoy squadrons are another matter; this is already a matter of state prestige. In days of peace - a luxurious court decoration, in days of war - an advanced detachment of brave men, setting an example of dedication and martial art.

The convoy existed as a unique elite unit that demonstrated colorful prowess in close proximity to the monarch. But it must be added: the convoy was distinguished not only at court: from the first years of its existence, the two half-squadrons of the Convoy participated in all major campaigns. First, in 1828, the Life Guards Caucasian Mountain Half-Squadron was formed. The first commander of the convoy was Sultan Azamat-Girey, a descendant of the Crimean khans. The half-squadron, assembled from the most noble mountaineers, was multinational. The largest representation was of Kabardians - 12 people. They were considered the kings of horse riding: they crawled under the belly of a horse at full gallop, and shot accurately with bows at full gallop. In 1831, the unit distinguished itself in battles with Polish rebels. And then - from war to war, from campaign to campaign, a series of exploits.

Tsar Nicholas has long appreciated the bravery of the Linear Cossacks and distinguished these invincible warriors with a special disposition. In the same 1831, Benckendorff described to General Paskevich the idea of ​​a new (although, as we see, quite traditional in composition) convoy unit: “The Emperor, wishing to signify his favor to the linear Cossack regiments, ordered the selection of 50 people from among them who would form the convoy of the main imperial apartments and at the same time give all ranks of this convoy the advantage of the old guard and a special uniform.” This is how the Caucasian Linear Half-Squadron of the Life Guards was formed, which continued in the sovereign’s convoy the traditions of the Cossacks, who had long guarded the kings. The strongest, tallest and most skilled Cossacks in horse riding were selected for this unit.

One non-commissioned officer and two Cossacks were constantly on duty at the royal office. But during official ceremonies, the sovereign was accompanied by seven young men from the escort squadrons - “to take off his coat.”

Later, the composition of the imperial convoy was increased more than once, the ratio of representatives of different nations in it changed: representatives of Transcaucasia were added. Thus, the first platoon of the Life Guards of the Caucasian squadron was formed from well-born Georgians; noble Armenians were also accepted into the convoy troops. In one respect, the tradition was unchanged: the royal convoy consisted of Russian Cossacks and Caucasian horsemen.

A new chapter in the history of the royal guard began in the middle of the 19th century, when attempts on government officials became more frequent and the mission of the Russian autocrat became more dangerous than ever. Essentially, then the post-autocratic era began: the reforms of the 1860s destroyed the previous system both in the economy and in the system of public administration. Overlaid on this was a new movement - a radical revolutionary one that did not disdain direct terror. On April 4, 1866, 26-year-old revolutionary Dmitry Karakozov attempted to assassinate Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich at the gates of the Summer Garden. The Tsar’s life was then saved not by the bodyguard, but by master craftsman Osip Komissarov, who, as they said then, “drew away the hand of the murderer.” As in 1613, the dynasty was saved by a Kostroma man... A war between terrorists and the servants of the throne began. Since that time, the secret services have played an important role in the protection of the highest persons. The first high-profile assassination attempt was followed by new ones that shook the foundations of public harmony. The Cossacks and highlanders practiced their dexterity with even greater zeal in order to prevent the assassination attempt, in order to shield the emperor with their breasts. Uvarov’s trinity “Orthodoxy – Autocracy – Nationality” was henceforth perceived as an outdated decoration. And when Nicholas II said: “I rule Russia as of old, like my ancestors,” a fair amount of self-deception can be read in this. The noble unity of the king and the people dissipated - and the work of the bodyguards became more important than before; qualified and desperate professionals were needed. But this is a subject for another discussion.

squire-bodyguard for the great princes and tsars of Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries. R. accompanied the monarch on campaigns and trips. During palace ceremonies, they stood in ceremonial clothes on both sides of the throne with berdysh on their shoulders. They were recruited from young men of noble origin. The position of R. was abolished in 1698.

  • - squire-bodyguard for the great princes and kings in the 15th-17th centuries. They were recruited from young men of noble origin...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - in the sailing fleet meant a special ringing of the bell at noon...

    Marine dictionary

  • - a short tip with a button at the end, tied to the tongue of the ship's bell. The shortest tackle on the ship...

    Marine dictionary

  • - squire-bodyguard for the great princes and tsars of Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries. R. accompanied the monarch on campaigns and trips...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - ob., penz., sar. awkward big man, long; lean woman; | emaciated nag, oder. | Rynda male, old bodyguard, squire. | mor. bell ringing, meaning noon: three strikes in a row...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - RYNDA, husband. In Rus' in 1517 centuries: warrior of the court guard. II. RYNDA, -y, female: to beat the bell on merchant ships in the old days, as well as in the sailing fleet: to strike the bell three times exactly at noon...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - RSHYNDA 1, -y, m. In Rus' in the 15th-17th centuries: warrior of the court guard...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - RSHYNDA 2, -ы, zh.: to beat the bell on merchant ships in the old days, as well as in the sailing fleet: to strike the bell three times exactly at noon...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - 1. RYNDA1, bells, husband. . Squire or bodyguard of the court guard of the Moscow kings. 2. RYNDA2, bells, female. In the expression: to beat a bell - to ring a bell to indicate noon...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - rynda I m. Squire or bodyguard of the court guard of the Moscow kings. II 1. A special bell ringing at noon on ships of the sailing fleet. Ott. Such a ringing at different times of the day. 2...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - r "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - I rynda I "squire, bodyguard", old Russian. . A difficult word, clearly of foreign origin. A work from other Islamic languages. rond "edge, shield" is questioned by Törnqvist herself from a phonetic point of view...

    Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

  • - The ringing of bells on ships, meaning noon...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - 1. bell, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells 2...

    Word forms

"Rynda" in books


From the author's book

31. RINDA XVI–XVII centuries “RINDA” BODYGUARD OF TSARS XVI–XVII cc. In the 16th–17th centuries, the great princes and kings had squire-bodyguards (rynds), who accompanied the monarch on campaigns and trips, and during palace ceremonies stood in ceremonial clothes on both sides of the throne. The term itself


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RY) by the author TSB

Unsalted Sergei Valerievich Corvettes “Vityaz” and “Rynda”. 1882-1922

From the author's book

Unsalted Sergey Valerievich Corvettes “Vityaz” and “Rynda”. 1882-1922 Historical and cultural center "ISTFLOT" 2011 Warships of the world S-Pb.: Publisher P.R Munirov, 2011. - 76 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-98830-53-7 Cover: On the 1st page the corvette "Rynda" "; on page 2. “Vityaz” on a long voyage; on page 3. “Rynda” on

And the youth (NAAR), the servant (NAAR) went
prophet, in Ramoth-gilead
2 Kings 9:4

1) Existing etymology

A) Wiktionary

Root - no. Meaning: historical. squire or bodyguard of the court guard of the Moscow kings (in the 15th–17th centuries, abolished by Peter I in 1698). Etymology - no.

B) Historical Dictionary, http://enc-dic.com/history/Rynda-34918.html

Bell. The royal squire, bodyguard, appointed from among the stewards and solicitors, honor guard at the royal throne when receiving ambassadors.

B) Max Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

Rynda I Rynda I "squire, bodyguard", other Russian. bell (Nikon. chronicle under 1380, also in Avvakum, Kotoshikhin 68 et seq.). A difficult word, clearly of foreign origin. A work from other Islamic languages. rond “edge (of the shield), shield” (Ternquist, ZfslPh 7, 409) is questioned by Ternquist herself (197 et seq.) from a phonetic point of view. The explanations from Danish are absolutely incredible. rinde, rende “to run” (Matzenauer, LF 18, 245) and from it. Ronde "watch" (Croise van der Kop, IORYAS 15, 4, 20; against see Törnquist, ibid., 198). Wed. ry;ndel.

D) Wikipedia, bell

“Rynda (from Old Russian “rydel” or “ryndel” - standard-bearer, possibly from Middle-Low German ridder - knight) - squire-bodyguard for the great princes and tsars of Russia in the 14th-17th centuries. ...

Ryndas accompanied the king on campaigns and trips. During palace ceremonies, they stood in ceremonial clothes on both sides of the throne with berdysh on their shoulders. During the reception of foreign ambassadors, bells stood on both sides of the royal throne, with small hatchets; standing on the right side was considered more honorable (hence localism). During the war, bells followed the sovereign everywhere, carrying weapons behind him. Each bell had 1-3 subrynds or taxes (also from stolniks).”

2) Application of the term in Russian

A) Dictionary of the Russian language XI-XVII centuries, RAS, M., 1997;


Bell. Squire (1380): “And then command your great black banner over Mikhail Andrevich Brenko. Nick. Years.".

B) About Russia during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. Work by Grigory Kotoshikhin (1630-1667)


Chapter 5, 2
“Yes, next to the king, on both sides, there are bells, four people, dressed in a white damask dress with ermine, in high white hats, and boots, and in their hands they hold an ax dressed in gold and silver; and on those bells there are royal clothes and axes; and they are people of the first and second and third articles of birth, boyar children.

And how the tsar orders them to be in and bells, one under the other, and to take off their clothes and put on the tsar’s dress, and that’s why they argue among themselves and don’t want to be with each other, but he can be under the one under whom the tsar orders , but he doesn’t want to, and he won’t take off his dress, and he won’t put on the king’s: and on such a disobedient person, the king orders the dress to be torn off, and his dress to be put on; but when the ambassadors are released, and having taken off the royal dress, or before the ambassadors, they beat him in front of the royal window, in front of all the people, with batogs, do not disobey the royal decree.”

* Explanation

“they are people of the first and second and third articles of the birth”

In the 16th century the relationship between noble families (localism, “breed”) was strictly established; the government, in all its official appointments, complies with the rules of local regulations. According to the “Sovereign Genealogy,” the seniority of persons of the same surname was determined when they had to serve in the same rank.

* Collection of essays from the history of state and law of Rus' //Allpravo.ru - 2004

“in 1620, the steward Chikhachov, appointed to stand as a bell in a white dress at the royal place during an audience with a foreign ambassador below Prince Afanasy Shakhovsky, was offended, said he was sick and did not go to the palace. The boyars sent for him and ordered him to be placed in front of them. Chikhachov appeared before the boyars in the Golden Chamber sick and ill, with a crutch, and not one, but two at a time.
Why didn’t you come to the palace? - asked the boyars. The horse broke my leg three days ago at the sovereign’s hunt in Cherkizovo! - answered Chikhachov. More tea, are you getting off on Prince Shakhovsky? - the Duma clerk Tomilo Yudich Lugovskoy objected to this. Then Chikhachev stopped pretending and spoke bluntly that he had beaten the sovereign with his forehead and would continue to strike with his forehead and ask for mercy, so that the sovereign would grant him, order to give him, Chikhachov, a trial against Prince Afanasy, and he could not be less than Prince Afanasy.

You can be smaller than him! - the boyars objected and sentenced to beat Chikhachov with a whip for dishonoring Prince Shakhovsky. Long wait, boyars! - said clerk Tomilo Lugovskoy to this and, snatching one crutch from Chikhachov, began to beat the unlucky local on the back and legs. Looking at this, I.N. Romanov, the Tsar’s uncle, could not resist, grabbed another crutch from the “sick” and joined the clerk, also working on Chikhachov’s back and legs, both saying: “It doesn’t serve you justice, know your limits!” Having beaten Chikhachov, they ordered him to stand with a bell in a white dress, according to the previous order, and, of course, “left the whip.”

3) Generalization and conclusion

A) So, from historical narratives it is clear that tall, healthy young men from noble noble (boyar) families were appointed to the position of bell, they “served for the sake of honor.” From the description of Grigory Kotoshikh it is clear that the position of “rynda” was unattractive; required a lot of time and physical effort, and brought practically no material benefits. “Since the bells were not court ranks, they did not receive a salary. They were in charge of the gunsmith” (Wikipedia/Rynda).

On the other hand, the rynda participated in ceremonial, business and military events and receptions of ambassadors, i.e. received diplomatic and administrative and military experience. Some statesmen of Muscovite Rus' passed through the “rynd” service.

B) We found out that there is no etymology of the Old Russian term “rynda”. None of the researchers rely on the religious (Judeo-Christian) tradition, from which, for many centuries, samples of the social organization of society were drawn.

Rynda" - an honorary "guard", other services of the sovereign's court were directly involved in the protection of the great princes and kings. In relation to the king, “rynda” is a servant-squire, it is obvious that the term should contain the concepts: servant, young warrior, squire and the like.

It is advisable to turn to the original biblical texts; probably in them we can find an image and a term corresponding to the word-concept “rynda”.

4) Hebrew terminology and biblical image

A) Terminology

Let's put the term in a form close to Hebrew grammar and highlight the root - RYNDA = RYN + YES; Let's read the first letter combination in reverse (as in Hebrew) - RYN = NYR. We immediately recognize the Hebrew term - NAAR young man, servant, slave, servant-squire.

* NYR = NAAR boy, youth; youth, young man, man; servant, slave; transliteration - na"ar.

Explanation of transliteration

The pronunciation of the letter AYIN (in the middle of the word NAAR) is lost in Hebrew. In translations, in Russian transcription it was designated as “A” (Ovadia; in the Russian tradition, Obadiah), and as “I” (Iliy, Hebrew Eli).

How the Russian letter “Y” was pronounced in the 14th century is unknown; researchers believe it is both Y and I. In ancient Cyrillic texts, “Y” is absent; it goes back to the Old Church Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) Cyrillic compound sign ЪІ = Ъ+І (er + i, hence the ancient its name is “era”).

* YES = most likely indicates the number of “rynds” under the king - D 4; or on their clothes decorated with gold chains = ADA to put on jewelry, dress up (to give greatness to the king (even the servants in gold)).

General view

RYNDA = the term is read in reverse – AD + NYR = ADA to put on jewelry, dress up + NAAR (NYR) youth, young man, man; servant-squire.

B) Biblical image

* Judges 7:10,11: “If you are afraid to go alone, then go to the camp, you and your servant (NAAR); and you will hear what they say, and then your hands will be strengthened, and you will go into the camp. And he and Furah his servant went down to the very regiment of the armed men who were in the camp.”

* Judges 9:54: “Abimelech immediately called the lad his armor-bearer, and said to him, Draw your sword and kill me, lest they say of me, A woman killed him. And his servant pierced him, and he died.”

* 1 Samuel 14:1: “One day Jonathan the son of Saul said to his servant (NAAR) his armor-bearer, “Go, let us go over to the army of the Philistines that is on the other side.” But I didn’t tell my father about it.”

* Jeremiah 1:6, 7: “And I said: O Lord God! I cannot speak, for I am still young (NAAR). But the Lord said to me: do not say: “I am young (NAAR)”; For to everyone to whom I send you you will go, and whatever I command you you will say.”

* 1 Samuel 30:17: “And David smote them from twilight until the evening of the next day, and none of them escaped, except four hundred young men (NAAR), who mounted camels and fled.”

* Ezekiel 16:11: “And he clothed (ADA) you with finery, and put bracelets on your hands and a necklace on your neck.”

Thus, in a signal (word) that has not yet been explained, we have discovered a logical and lexical connection with Judeo-Christian doctrine (images) and terminology. The term RYN + YES is a transliteration (translation of words in another script) of two biblical terms; consonants and the contents of words coincide.