Laryngitis in a child: effective treatment methods. Symptoms of acute and chronic laryngitis in children, treatment at home and prevention What to do in a child with laryngitis

Laryngitis is a severe inflammation of the tissues of the larynx, which is accompanied by a narrowing of the glottis and a rough barking cough. This condition most often occurs in young children under 3 years of age. During illness, it is difficult for a sick child not only to speak, but even to swallow saliva. Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children at home depend on the severity of the disease, as well as its neglect.

General description of the disease

Laryngitis is a severe inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx that affects the vocal cords. If treated improperly, the inflammatory process spreads to the trachea, in which case laryngotracheitis occurs.

There are acute and chronic laryngitis. The acute form can last up to 10 days, but usually no more than a week. In this case, the inflammation spreads to the entire larynx, although individual areas may be affected - the epiglottis, vocal cords or the walls of the subglottic cavity.

Chronic laryngitis develops if the acute form of the disease has not been treated properly. In this condition, the disease is very prolonged, can become complicated and requires long-term treatment.

A dangerous complication of laryngitis is false croup. With this disease, the baby's larynx narrows too much due to the inflammatory process, which can lead to respiratory collapse.

Causes of the disease

The causes of this disease are very diverse, but almost all of them can be neutralized to avoid laryngitis in the future:

  • Viral and bacterial pathologies. When pathological microbes enter the body, a kind of protective mechanism is triggered. At this time, the vocal cords swell, as if blocking the path of infection. While the child is being treated for one pathology. Another one is gradually developing.
  • Allergies also often provoke the development of laryngitis. This inflammatory disease can be caused by house dust, pollen, plants, animal hair, and even strong odors from cosmetics. It happens that the disease is caused by fish food or dust mites, which a person simply cannot see with the naked eye.
  • Congenital lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis. This condition is often observed in babies whose mothers did not follow a diet during pregnancy and consumed a lot of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, such congenital pathology is sometimes observed in children carried by women after 35 years.
  • Abuse of nasal sprays. Trying to ease the baby's breathing with a runny nose, many parents resort to nasal sprays. However, in small children, the nerve endings are very easily irritated, and a stream of medication hitting the wall of the larynx can cause irritation. While the mother is treating the child’s runny nose, the body is trying to block the path of the foreign substance.
  • Stressful situation. The nervous system of a small child is not yet fully formed, so any nervous shock can result in swelling of the larynx. This reaction is a feature of some children; with age it goes away without a trace.

There are plenty of reasons for the development of laryngitis; only a doctor can determine what triggered the development of this disease, after interviewing the parents and thoroughly examining the child. You should not refuse a series of tests that will help confirm the diagnosis.

Laryngitis can occur with constant stress on the vocal cords. This happens in restless children who often scream and cry.

Symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis can manifest itself in different ways. There is a slight malaise and an acute condition, although the symptoms are very similar:

  • wheezing appears when speaking and breathing;
  • a rough cough appears, which is very reminiscent of a dog barking;
  • due to swelling of the larynx, the baby at times begins to choke, frightening himself and frightening his parents;
  • body temperature usually rises and can reach 39 degrees and above;
  • the nasolabial triangle becomes bluish in color, which indicates oxygen deficiency.

If a child experiences such symptoms, you should not run to the pharmacy and try to buy medications based on your own experience. A doctor should prescribe therapy for laryngitis after examining the small patient first..

It must be remembered that self-medication of laryngitis can lead to serious complications!

Treatment of laryngitis of varying degrees of severity

Treating a disease of 1st degree of severity is allowed at home and even using traditional methods. When a child has laryngitis, it is very important to provide the baby with complete rest, good nutrition and, if possible, bed rest. The baby must be surrounded by the attention of adults; he must be protected from negative emotions and experiences. Light health procedures are useful, which include frequent ventilation of the room where the patient is, wiping the legs with warm water and drinking vitamin teas.

It should be remembered that strong aromas can only aggravate the patient’s condition, so folk remedies are used with caution.

Laryngitis of the 1st degree of severity in children can be quickly treated at home by inhalation through a nebulizer. This procedure allows you to deliver drugs directly to the site of inflammation. Fine particles of the medicine penetrate through the narrowed larynx and help reduce inflammation and soften the mucous membrane.

For those children who often have laryngitis, the disease is treated with inhalations of various drugs. You can use the following products at home:

  • Eufilin with sodium chloride solution. Usually taken in a ratio of 1:4.
  • Prednisole with sodium chloride solution. Taken in a ratio of 1:4.
  • Slightly alkaline mineral water without gas.

In addition, medications with ambroxol can be prescribed for inhalation, which facilitate coughing up viscous sputum. Children need to carry out inhalations for no more than 20 minutes, although for some medications the time is much shorter.

For laryngitis in a child, gargling has a good effect. For this purpose, use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, or dilute a furatsilin tablet in a glass of water and the child gargles with the resulting mixture. For rinsing, you can use sea water or use a weak solution of baking soda. All these remedies help reduce inflammation and swelling, which means coughing attacks gradually decrease.

When treating laryngitis, the nose of a sick baby is often washed. For this, herbal decoctions or sea water are also used.

For laryngitis of the 2nd and 3rd severity, it is not recommended to treat the child at home, as the condition can quickly worsen. In this case, the baby is placed in a hospital hospital, where inhalation treatment is supplemented with antibiotics and various physiotherapeutic procedures.

It will not be possible to quickly cure laryngitis of the 4th degree of severity in a child, since the condition of the baby in this case is quite serious. In this case, the baby is in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit, and treatment is carried out with potent antibacterial drugs. This course of the disease is especially dangerous for infants under one year of age, since their larynx is narrow and breathing may be impaired. If the condition is very serious and the respiratory function is impaired, a small patient may have a trachiostomy installed. This is a special tube that is inserted into the larynx through an incision in the neck, just below the thyroid gland. With such a course and illness, treatment must be immediate, as there can be serious complications.

In case of severe laryngitis, the sick child may be connected to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of laryngitis

When treating laryngitis, which is mild, various folk recipes are used. The most effective of them can be highlighted in the following list:

  1. Dilute several teaspoons of calamus tincture in a glass of hot water and gargle with the resulting solution several times a day.
  2. Take equal parts of chamomile, calamus root and cinquefoil herb. These herbs are mixed, take a teaspoon of the dry composition and pour a glass of boiling water. After the broth has infused for 15 minutes, filter it and rinse your throat several times a day.
  3. Beets and potatoes are grated and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting substance is diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1:3.
  4. Boil medium-sized peeled carrots in half a liter of milk. The resulting composition is taken up to 4 times a day, a teaspoon.

For rinsing to be effective, procedures should be performed at least 5 times a day, and it is advisable to alternate rinsing solutions.

Treatment with honey has proven itself well. When you get sick, honey not only needs to be eaten to boost immunity, but also absorbed in the mouth. It is worth noting that honey can be used for treatment only if there is no allergy to bee products.

You can prepare a healing composition that consists of two parts honey and one part lemon juice. Children eat this rather tasty medicine with great pleasure; to quickly improve their condition, you can give it to children every hour, a teaspoon.

Aloe juice together with honey helps well with laryngitis. To prepare the healing composition, aloe is twisted through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out; a glass of liquid honey is taken for 0.5 liters of juice. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed and given to children a teaspoon 3 times a day.

In addition, the baby can be bathed with the addition of chamomile decoction. When bathing, the baby inhales steam, which helps soften the laryngeal mucosa and relieve inflammation.

For laryngitis, warm compresses and rubbing are recommended for the child, but these procedures can only be done if the body temperature is normal.

Preventive measures to prevent laryngitis

To prevent laryngitis in young children, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. If a child is prone to allergies, it is necessary to ensure that there are no allergens in the home that can provoke coughing attacks.
  2. All areas of infection must be treated immediately, including tooth decay and gum disease..
  3. The child’s immunity is constantly strengthened by all available means. The baby should do exercises, walk a lot and undergo hardening procedures.
  4. Children's nutrition should be balanced and healthy. Your diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits, preferably seasonal ones.
  5. The home is often ventilated and maintains optimal humidity. Dry, warm air can cause throat irritation and coughing.

If your baby’s diet contains few foods rich in vitamins, you need to give him pharmacy vitamins. In this case, the drug is selected by a pediatrician.

Laryngitis can be quickly and successfully treated if the disease is not advanced. Otherwise, inflammation of the larynx may develop into a chronic form or be complicated by false croup. A mild form of the disease can be treated at home; in severe cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

The larynx contains the vocal cords - 2 folds of mucous membrane that cover the muscles, as well as cartilage. Usually the ligaments close and open very smoothly, creating sounds through vibration and movement. But when a child has laryngitis, these ligaments become irritated or inflamed. This inflammation or swelling causes distortion of sounds, which makes the voice hoarse. There are some serious cases of laryngitis where the voice actually disappears.

Laryngitis is very common in children. It is difficult to meet a child who has not fallen ill at least once. This disease often occurs in autumn and spring - at the junction of cold seasons.

Due to age, the children's nasopharynx cannot properly contain the pathogen that has penetrated inside. And these harmful organisms fall lower - right into the throat. For an adult, laryngitis only causes discomfort, but for a child, the inflammation leads to big problems, since his throat is too narrow.

Why is laryngitis dangerous?

One of the frequent complications of the acute course of laryngitis is its acquisition of a chronic course. A constantly recurring disease can lead to complete loss of voice.

Doctors warn about potential complications that really threaten the patient’s life:

  • inflammation of the epiglottis;
  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • abscess.

The chronic course of the disease is the cause of impaired blood circulation and laryngeal function. Pathology can lead to the transformation of mucosal cells into cancerous tumors.

Causes and risk factors

Of course, it is impossible to clearly establish the true cause, because each child has individual characteristics.

Often the disease occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • colds of various etiologies (atypical pneumonia, influenza, adenovirus, measles);
  • reaction to inhaled elements. These are allergic components of the furnishings (new furniture, all varnishes, paint, new appliances made of low-quality plastic), animal dander, dust. In practice, most pediatricians encounter familial laryngitis when the family has moved into an apartment where the furniture has been renovated or replaced;
  • anatomical and physiological structure of the respiratory system (narrow throat and nasopharynx). Any inflammation of the respiratory system causes swelling (edema) of the tissues, and the larynx narrows significantly in the child, which complicates the passage of air;
  • reduced air quality where the child is (hot dry air, dust, exhaust fumes, smoky rooms);
  • mechanical factors - damage to the larynx, overstrain of the voice when singing, screaming, due to a loud long conversation;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease and foreign body aspiration can cause laryngitis.

The risk group includes children who have chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (as a result of which breathing through the nose is impaired) or who have diseases of the oral cavity.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

The disease has pronounced symptoms, so it is not difficult to recognize the onset of the disease in a child.

Main features:

  • redness of the larynx and swelling of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • cough barking and dry;
  • the voice is hoarse or absent altogether;
  • headaches and rhinitis;
  • the temperature rises, but not significantly;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane is accompanied by spasm of the larynx, which leads to difficulty breathing;
  • tickling in the larynx and dry mouth.

Other signs of the disease are loss of appetite, difficulty breathing.

At night (closer to the morning), the cough of a child with laryngitis becomes more frequent and is sometimes accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Signs of laryngitis in children under one year old

Children 4 to 5 years old can explain to adults what worries them and where it hurts, but in infants it is difficult to identify signs of illness. The child will not be able to complain about feeling unwell.

It is important to pay attention to the physical condition and behavior of the child. Contact a specialist immediately if you observe the following manifestations of laryngitis in infants:

  • the baby has a serious cold;
  • the child is lethargic and restless;
  • the baby is capricious, and his cry is accompanied by wheezing and a dry, suffocating cough;
  • noises and whistles are heard in the lungs;
  • the nasolabial triangle is bluish (this is one of the most important signals, since blue color indicates the progression of the disease).

When laryngitis is detected in infants, treatment is prescribed only by a qualified pediatrician.

Forms of laryngitis

Laryngitis can be divided into acute and chronic. The symptoms of each type are similar, but vary in duration.

Chronic laryngitis develops over a long period and lasts for weeks or months, while acute laryngitis usually comes on suddenly and goes away within a few days (up to a week).

Types of acute laryngitis:

  • catarrhal laryngitis. The mildest and most common form of the disease, since only the mucous membrane of the larynx is inflamed;
  • phlegmonous laryngitis. Inflammation affects adjacent tissues of the larynx;
  • stenosing laryngitis. Inflammation affects the subglottic region.

Very often the upper part of the trachea is involved in the inflammatory process. Then laryngotracheitis already occurs.

Types of chronic laryngitis:

  • catarrhal form. The mucous membrane of the throat thickens, the vocal cords do not close completely, the voice becomes muffled and hoarse;
  • atrophic form. With this form of the disease, there is a pronounced feeling of dryness in the throat, a disturbing non-productive cough, sometimes wet with extremely difficult sputum production;
  • chronic hypertrophic laryngitis. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of obvious edema, which can cover the tissues of the entire larynx. In this case, nodules form on the tissues, their appearance sometimes leading to complete loss of voice.

Acute laryngitis

It has an abrupt onset and is usually a short-term inflammation. May have multiple sources.

Viral laryngitis in children

The most acute cases of laryngitis are caused by viral infections, the most common of which are rhinovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, and coronavirus. In patients with weakened immune systems, other viruses such as herpes, HIV, and coxsackievirus may also be potential causes.

Bacterial laryngitis

This is another important cause of acute laryngitis and can occur in combination with a viral infection.

Common bacterial strains:

  • group A streptococcus;
  • streptococcus pneumoniae;
  • Corynebacterium diphtheria;
  • Moraxella catharalis;
  • hemophilus influenzae;
  • Bordetella pertussis;
  • anthrax bacillus;
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Fungal laryngitis

Laryngitis caused by fungal infection is common but underdiagnosed and may account for up to 10% of acute laryngitis cases. Patients with either a functioning or a weakened immune system can develop fungal laryngitis, which sometimes results from past use of antibiotics or inhaled corticosteroids.

Certain strains of fungi that can cause laryngitis:

  • histoplasma;
  • blastomycosis;
  • candida (especially in people with weakened immune systems);
  • cryptococcosis;
  • coccidioidomycosis.

Laryngitis due to injury

Often develops due to overuse of the vocal folds (excessive shouting, singing). Although this often results in damage to the outer layers of the vocal folds, subsequent healing may result in changes in the physiology of the vocal cords. Trauma to the larynx can also lead to inflammation of the ligaments.


Acute laryngitis begins with fever, scratching and painful tickling in the throat. Then it occurs, which soon softens and is accompanied by sputum. The voice becomes rough and hoarse or disappears altogether. Children predisposed to allergies experience difficulty breathing and wheezing. Possible pain when swallowing.

Stenosing laryngitis in children

Stenosing (obstructive) laryngitis, developing due to diphtheria, is called true croup. Cases of obstructive laryngitis of other infectious origins are combined into the concept of “false croup”.

This disease is especially common in young children. This is due to the small size of the larynx and the abundance of loose fiber in the subglottic region. This anatomical specificity of the larynx in children favors the rapid formation of inflammation and edema.

Approximately half of the cases of false croup occur in children 1 to 3 years old. Children over 6 years old rarely get sick, accounting for only 9% of the total cases. The seasonal prevalence of false croup is pronounced, its peak is in late autumn and early winter.

False croup is often a complication of acute rhinitis, adenoiditis, influenza, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever and other infections. False croup is sometimes caused by an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

Obstructive laryngitis differs in that inflammation is accompanied by stenosis.

Laryngeal stenosis is caused by multiple pathogenic mechanisms. Firstly, inflammation of the larynx with stenosing laryngitis is characterized by severe swelling of the subglottic space; the larynx narrows the gap in this place. Secondly, there is a reflex spasm of the laryngeal muscles, which is worsened by stenosis. Thirdly, due to inflammation, the secretory activity of the laryngeal mucosa increases, forming a large amount of viscous mucus. Sputum greatly narrows the lumen of the larynx.

Due to the above-mentioned mechanisms, obstructive syndrome develops - a violation of the air passage into the respiratory tract.

At the onset of obstructive laryngitis, the insufficient supply of oxygen to the body is compensated by increased functioning of the respiratory muscles and more intense breathing.

As the level of stenosis and obstruction increases, a period of decompensation is observed. As a result of severe stenosis with hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as other tissues and organs, is disrupted.


A loud, barking cough, hoarseness and noisy breathing caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. Inspiratory shortness of breath occurs (difficulty inhaling). The child is restless. The degree of fever depends on the type of pathogen and the body's response. Low-grade fever (often with parainfluenza infection) and an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C (mainly with influenza) are possible.

Degrees of stenosis

Clinical signs of obstructive laryngitis are directly determined by the degree of laryngeal stenosis:

  • I degree. Shortness of breath appears only with tension and excitement of the child. On auscultation, prolonged breathing and the presence of isolated wheezing rales in the lungs are heard, manifesting mainly on inspiration;
  • II degree. Characterized by the presence of shortness of breath at rest. Auscultation reveals dry wheezing. There is a bluish (cyanotic) color of the nasolabial triangle, indicating oxygen starvation. Tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disturbances are present;
  • III degree. Severe inspiratory dyspnea. There is a pronounced large “barking” cough, dysphonia (voice sound disturbances), diffuse cyanosis, and tachycardia. Childhood anxiety gives way to lethargy, confusion, and drowsiness. In the lungs, during inhalation and exhalation, inhomogeneous dry and wet wheezing is heard;
  • IV degree. There is no typical croupous “barking” cough and noisy breathing. There is irregular shallow breathing, bradycardia (decreased heart rate), hypotension (decrease). There are. Confused consciousness turns into a hypoxic coma. Obstructive laryngitis with IV degree of stenosis is fatal due to.

Chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis is a fairly common disease in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is recurrent.

Often the disease is accompanied by the development of repeated inflammation, spreading to the upper respiratory tract.


Many factors can cause chronic laryngitis, including:

  • frequent acute laryngitis;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • complications of influenza or chronic infectious diseases;
  • exposure to dust, food or chemical allergens;
  • repeated high loads on the vocal apparatus;
  • a place of residence characterized by severe pollution and dusty air;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • weakening of protective functions;
  • allergic reaction;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.


The symptoms of chronic laryngitis are nonspecific, and their expression directly depends on the severity of pathological changes in the vocal cords.

The child may have swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and difficulty swallowing.

Hoarseness manifests itself in varying degrees. In some children, this symptom occurs only in the morning and goes away during the day. But sometimes patients have persistent dysphonia.

When should you call an ambulance?

  1. Breathing problems. It becomes intermittent, irregular, sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath.
  2. The occurrence of obstructive laryngitis, especially in infants.
  3. Complicated degrees of laryngitis.
  4. The presence of chronic nervous system diseases, allergic reactions and other factors that worsen the condition.
  5. If a child experiences fear when coughing, shortness of breath, or the temperature remains above normal for more than a day, you should immediately call an ambulance.

With the development of obstructive laryngitis, all efforts should be directed toward reducing spasm and laryngeal edema and restoring normal breathing. Before the doctors arrive, do alkaline inhalation, place the child vertically in a humidified room, and a possible distracting procedure - a hot foot bath.


A medically trained professional can diagnose laryngitis in a doctor's office with a little testing. The examination is often brief and limited to examining the ears, nose, throat and looking for other potential causes of cold-like symptoms. If your throat is red and a strep throat infection is suspected, a rapid strep test may be ordered.

If a hoarse voice becomes chronic, a specialist should conduct a further interview and examination to find out why the larynx remains inflamed for such a long time.

In most cases, no additional tests are required to confirm the diagnosis of laryngitis. In patients with chronic laryngitis, the need for blood tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic tests will depend on the patient's examination and the physician's potential concern for hoarseness.

Laryngoscopy is the most common test performed to look directly at the vocal cords and evaluate their function. The procedure uses a thin tube containing a lighted fiber-optic camera that is inserted through the nose and into the lower part of the throat.

The doctor performing this procedure can see if the vocal cords are inflamed, if there are polyps or growths on them, and if the vocal cords are moving properly with breathing and speech. This test is often performed by an otolaryngologist, but many other doctors and specialists are trained in direct laryngoscopy.

Treatment. Regime moments

Comprehensive treatment in the early stages of the disease involves following the following recommendations.

  1. Strict bed rest.
  2. Limiting the load on the vocal apparatus. The child should talk less. It's difficult, but this measure is the key to a quick recovery. For young children who develop laryngitis, limiting overexertion is especially important since the vocal cords are still developing and overexertion can lead to permanent voice problems.
  3. Constant air control. The best option is moderately humid air in the room. This can be achieved by using a humidifier and regularly airing the room.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - fruit drinks, herbal teas, milk, bottled water. The main goal is to prevent dry cough and reduce intoxication.
  5. Balanced diet, vitamins, avoidance of irritating foods. The food is dietary and healthy.

How to treat laryngitis in children?

Standard drugs

A standard treatment package involves the use of several groups of medications:

  1. Antihistamines. This group of medications is always prescribed for laryngitis in children. They not only reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, but also have a calming effect on the child, especially good if you give these drugs at night (Suprastin, Zyrtec, Cetrin, Zodak, Claritin).
  2. Expectorant and antitussive medications. There are countless such drugs on the pharmacy market. But the choice should be made only by a pediatrician. For severe paroxysmal cough, the doctor may recommend antitussives or a combination of drugs in a dose according to age (Gerbion, Sinekod, Stoptussin phyto, Libexin). When the cough becomes wet, the doctor may prescribe expectorant medications for wet cough (Alteyka, Thermopsis), drugs with the active component bromhexine (Solvin, Bronchosan), acetylcysteine ​​(Fluimucil), ambroxol (Lasolvan, Ambrobene).
  3. Preparations in the form of sprays. Among the most effective sprays are Lugol spray, Hexoral, Miramistin, Faringosept, Stopangin.
  4. Antipyretic. At high temperatures exceeding 38.5 ° C, you can give the recommended for children or Ibuprofen.

Antibiotics for laryngitis

The use of antibacterial therapy for laryngitis is justified only for the following reasons:

  1. There is bacterial inflammation, which is detected only after diagnosis (laboratory tests, taking a smear from the mucous membrane of the larynx).
  2. Intoxication – severe fever, chills, weakness, lack of appetite.

Pediatricians often play it safe and prescribe antibiotics for uncomplicated laryngitis to avoid consequences.

Only in some cases, laryngitis is bacterial; often it is a viral infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Antibiotics that are often used for laryngitis:

  • a series of penicillins (Amoxiclav, Flemoclav Solutab, Augmentin);
  • cephalosporin syrups (Cefadox, Cefixime, Suprax), injections (Fortum, Ceftriaxone);
  • for severe laryngitis, azithromycin (Zetamax retard, Sumamed, Gemomycin, Azitrox, Ecomed) and other macrolides (Clarithromycin, Macropen) are prescribed.

Inhalations for laryngitis

A picture familiar to many from early childhood: a pan of freshly boiled potatoes or a hot kettle with a closed spout and a large towel, carefully prepared. For decades, steam inhalation has been a favorite folk method of combating inflammation of the respiratory tract of infectious origin. To replace home devices, technological inventions have appeared that affect the source of the disease most effectively and safely.

Inhalation for laryngitis is one of the most effective treatment methods.

The course of treatment is 5 - 10 procedures.


Restrictions include:

  • acute sinusitis;
  • purulent inflammation in the nasopharynx;
  • otitis;
  • bacterial infection;
  • allergies to the ingredients of medications used for therapy;
  • weak immune defense;
  • certain systemic diseases.

Types of inhalations

Inhalation is conventionally divided:

  • according to the temperature regime - cold (treatment at) and hot (the inhaled drug is preheated);
  • according to the method of obtaining the medicinal substance - steam (dry or wet) and hardware (inhalers, nebulizers).

Cold inhalation involves the use of aerosols and sprays with medicinal ingredients, enhanced with plant extracts and aromatic oils. They are prescribed only by a specialist and are part of a therapy consisting of antibiotics, antiviral drugs and other types of inhalation.

Hot methods include steam inhalation, which is performed in a variety of ways.

Breathing should be soft, deep breaths are not allowed, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Inhalations using sea salt and baking soda give a positive result. Alkaline inhalation using soda is used to alleviate the disease. This procedure takes no more than 8 minutes. The use of soda solutions leads to a reduction in swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and reflex activation of cough with copious sputum. Inhalation should be done no more than 2 - 3 times a day.

When there is no allergy, you can inhale with essential oils (cedar, pine, juniper, eucalyptus). You only need a few drops of oil per glass of water.

Hardware inhalation methods

Now you can easily purchase devices for steam inhalation in pharmacies and specialty stores. With their use, the treatment procedure is much simpler. One such device is a nebulizer. The device generates steam at room temperature. This aerosol condenses on the walls of the larynx and on the vocal cords. Thus, the drug acts directly at the center of the inflammation process.

Today, inhalation nebulization is performed both in the hospital and at home.

There are three types of nebulizers:

  • ultrasonic;
  • compressor;
  • mesh nebulizers.

Ultrasonic type nebulizers are used primarily in hospital settings. A medical aerosol of a liquid drug is formed due to the influence of ultrasonic waves.

Compressor-type nebulizers, by compressing air in a special chamber, transform liquid medications into therapeutic vapors. The structure of the drug is not disturbed. This gives you the opportunity to use all medications that are suitable for this device. The large size of the device and a lot of noise, which frighten children, are its disadvantages.

The third type of nebulizer (mesh inhalers) combines the best of compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves of a lower frequency, a fine aerosol is created. Moreover, the devices do not create noise, are small in size, and do not cause drug degradation. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Carrying out inhalation using a nebulizer

Rules for the procedure:

  • the procedure is performed while sitting, the device must stand vertically;
  • during inhalation it is necessary to maintain silence;
  • The procedure should be started no later than six hours after eating;
  • after the procedure you need not talk for hours and not eat;
  • if a sore throat does not allow you to inhale and exhale the medicine through your mouth, do this in a special mask;
  • The drug can be diluted with saline solution according to the instructions;
  • the duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes;
  • After inhalation, the device is washed with distilled water and wiped dry.

For children 3 to 4 years of age, inhalation therapy is included in the treatment plan by prescription only, as the risk of potential obstruction is greater than the benefit. Exposure to steam is possible from 3 to 7 years, but only with great caution. After 8 - 10 years, the effectiveness of inhalation for children is similar to therapy for adults.


Regularly walk with your child in the fresh air, ventilate the house, maintain the correct daily routine and monitor proper nutrition.

In the rooms where the child sleeps and spends time, create a cool, humid microclimate with a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius.

Prevention also includes preventing the development of acute colds, avoiding close contact with sick people and washing hands after going outside and before eating.

Hardening is recommended.


Laryngitis in a child is an inflammatory disease of the larynx, in which the pathological process affects the vocal cords and mucous membranes. An adult can quickly cure the disease at home.

When treating infants and children under three years of age, any self-medication is strictly contraindicated, and if symptoms are detected, you should immediately call a doctor at home.

In the presence of other diseases of infectious etiology, urgent hospitalization is required.

The inflammatory process in infants is common occurs against a background of decreased immunity as a result of infection. Any allergens can provoke the disease:

  • animal fur,
  • household chemicals,
  • synthetic clothing,
  • feeding mixture,
  • dust,
  • cosmetic scents.

The nervous system at this age is very unstable; laryngitis can begin as a result of severe fright.

The younger the baby, the more severe the disease. This is due to structural features of the respiratory tract– they are quite narrow, the microflora is not formed, the mucous membrane is loose, the immune system is quite weak.

Carefully! It is very important to monitor the baby’s movements, since the development of laryngitis can be triggered by the presence of a foreign body in the mouth.

Laryngitis easily develops against the background of untreated colds.. The larynx in young children can also become inflamed as a result of mechanical irritation during loud screaming, crying, etc.


Self-medication of young children is excluded. Only a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist can prescribe how to treat a baby and adequate therapy. Any heating, pads, rubbing with ointments, fats are contraindicated.

It is prohibited to use folk recipes, especially when treating babies under one year old. Also when treating children under 3 years of age It is not recommended to use drugs in aerosol form unless otherwise recommended by your attending physician.

Drug therapy includes taking the following groups of drugs:

  • antihistamines– have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties, effectiveness increases when used at night (Suprastin, Cetrin, Claritin);
  • antitussives and expectorants(Gerbion, Stoptussin phyto), for wet cough (Alteyka, Thermopsis), sprays Lugol, Miramistin, Stopangin;
  • antipyretics– (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

Antibiotics are prescribed in the following cases:

  • bacterial inflammation identified after diagnosis;
  • intoxication of the body.

Sometimes antibiotics can be prescribed by a doctor for reinsurance, in order to avoid consequences (as a rule, in a hospital setting, antibiotics are prescribed in 90% of cases).

Laryngitis is bacterial in nature in rare cases, more often the pathogen is viral in nature. In the latter case, antibacterial drugs are not used. For the fungal form, antimycotic drugs are prescribed.

Antibiotics that may be prescribed to treat laryngitis are:

  • penicillins(Flemoklav, Augmentin);
  • cephalosporins in the form of syrups (Cefadox, Suprax), in injection form (Fortum);
  • azithromycin– in severe cases of the disease (Sumamed, Azitrox) and other macrolides (Macropen).

When treating laryngitis in children, inhalers can be used; nebulizers are recommended for administering drugs. Their use in infants and children over one year of age must be previously agreed with a doctor.

At home

If there is no need for hospitalization, treatment at home under the supervision of a pediatrician is allowed.

During outpatient treatment, the following must be observed: following rules:

  • frequent ventilation– avoid the spread of pathogenic bacteria throughout the room;
  • air humidification– in the heat, the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx is dry, which simplifies the penetration and spread of microorganisms; it is recommended to install air humidifiers, aquariums, and fountains in the room;
  • large amounts of warm liquids– compotes, weak teas, fruit drinks, milk with butter and Borjomi will help alleviate the condition;
  • ensuring correct position– the upper body should be elevated, pillows placed under the back help facilitate breathing;
  • dietary food– foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx (fried foods, citrus fruits, sausage) are excluded; preference should be given to pureed foods;
  • voice rest– it is recommended to remain silent and, if necessary, speak quietly, as whispering puts stress on the ligaments.

Your child needs to be fascinated by reading as much as possible., quiet games and other activities, as this will help you forget about the cough. Small children are easily switched and distracted, so you should not neglect this method of alleviating the baby’s condition.

For treatment up to 3 years, it is allowed to use rinses with:

  • honey,
  • sea ​​salt,
  • aloe and beet juice.

Carrot juice with honey helps a lot: during the day the baby should drink 1/3 tbsp. Warm milk with the addition of honey or Borjomi diluted in equal proportions with milk can be used as a drink. The baby should like any drink offered - this way he will recover faster.

First aid

In case of attacks of stenosing laryngitis, you must call a doctor. Before his arrival, you should take the following measures:

  • raise the baby's upper body and place pillows on it;
  • calm the child so that he does not scream;
  • open the window, take off tight clothes;
  • give liquid (water, herbal decoction);
  • ensure the humidity in the room is not lower than 50%, the temperature is no more than 18-20 degrees;
  • If the child is sweating, you should immediately change clothes.

Carefully! With false croup, the baby should be constantly supervised by adults, as the condition can quickly worsen.

Parents should know that the child should breathe only through the nose, since the air is purified when passing through the nasal passages. If you breathe through your mouth, all the stress falls on the larynx.

Important! Since almost all babies suffer from laryngitis sooner or later, the child should form the habit of breathing through the nose and drinking water or other liquid in sufficient quantities in advance.

Frequent alkaline drinking will help improve your condition. Foot baths (as a distracting procedure) are allowed in the absence of fever, which will make the child’s condition more comfortable.

Treatment of children of different ages

In addition to medications, therapy prescribed by a doctor at any age includes inhalations with:

  • saline,
  • interferon,
  • Lazolvan,
  • Sinupret.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated for chronic forms. Its action is aimed at:

  • improvement of blood circulation,
  • tissue restoration,
  • reduction of inflammatory processes,
  • strengthening immunity.

For these purposes the following are used:

  • quartzing,
  • darsonval,
  • electrophoresis.

All of the above methods can be performed from birth if the child has no contraindications to them.

In newborns

As a rule, if a baby has laryngitis under 4 weeks of age, the doctor will refer the child for hospital treatment. In the initial stages, inhalations are used; if there are alarming symptoms, injection treatment and droppers are prescribed.

With intensive therapy and improvements on days 5-7, the baby and mother can be discharged. The length of hospitalization is extended in case of severe disease and complications.

Indicative drug treatment newborn with dosage:

  • Fluimucil solution – 10 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • Gedelix syrup – 2.5 ml 2 r. per day;

In infants and one-year-olds

Treatment is also carried out in a hospital setting, the main difference is in dosages.

  • Fluimucil solution – 100 mg 2 r. per day;
  • Bromhexine syrup – 2 mg 3 r. per day;
  • Ambrobene syrup – 2.5 ml 2 r. per day;
  • Licorice syrup (diluted in 0.1 ml of water) – 1-2 k. 3 r. per day.

Therapy in young children is aimed at preventing the development of complications and/or the addition of another infection. If the local pediatrician has no reason to suspect the development of a negative scenario for the development of the disease, home treatment may be recommended.

At 1 year to 2–3 years

Children aged 2 years and older can already explain what worries them and talk about their symptoms. Therefore, their treatment is less preventive than for babies 4-8 months old, and more symptomatic.

However, if this is the first episode of laryngitis in your life (especially stenotic), your doctor may recommend going to the hospital.

Drug treatment with dosage:

  • Fluimucil solution – 200 mg 2 r. per day;
  • Bromhexine syrup – 4 mg 3 r. per day;
  • Ambrobene syrup – 2.5 ml 3 r. per day;
  • Gedelix syrup – 2.5 ml 2-3 r. per day;
  • Doctor MOM syrup – 2.5 ml 3 r. per day;
  • Licorice syrup (diluted in 0.1 ml of water) – 2-10 drops. 3 r. per day.


  1. Treatment of young children is usually carried out in a hospital inpatient setting. However, in order to avoid the addition of nosocomial infections in mild cases of laryngitis, the doctor may recommend home treatment.
  2. The symptoms of the disease determine the treatment tactics. If the bacterial origin of laryngitis is proven, antibiotics are prescribed.

Due to age, a child’s health is subjected to various tests, because his body is not yet completely strong - the immune system is just beginning to form. And the respiratory system is, first of all, at risk of developing many inflammatory diseases, where factors that provoke diseases surround children everywhere. In this article we will look at the symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is one of the characteristic ailments of childhood, which occurs as a reaction of a fragile body to many viral diseases. Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) is included in the program of many acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection). It often occurs in combination with tracheitis (laryngotracheitis) or develops into tracheitis.

The younger the patient, the more dangerous the course of the disease. If in an adult it is accompanied only by temporary discomfort, then in children under 3 years of age there is a risk of croup syndrome - a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. And in order not to bring the child’s health to the point of danger, at a minimum, it is necessary to know the first alarming symptoms and be able to act correctly in the event of an emergency.

True croup is diphtheria of the larynx (the larynx is clogged with diphtheritic films). Most often, laryngeal stenosis in a child is FALSE croup. That is, swelling of the mucous membrane due to inflammation or an allergic component.

Inflammation of the larynx can occur as acute laryngitis or as chronic. Inflammation of the larynx is classified into the following forms:

Pediatricians have identified statistics on the incidence of laryngitis - it is found in a third of children under two years of age, along with the usual acute respiratory infections. And, as a rule, this disease most often occurs in conjunction with tracheitis and bronchitis. The risk of developing laryngitis is especially high in children suffering from allergic reactions. When treating such children, you should be especially careful in selecting medications, not using ointments with essential oils (they often increase swelling of the larynx), and using proven (non-allergenic) medicinal plants and medications.

What contributes to the development of laryngitis?

Of course, it is definitely impossible to establish the true cause, since each child has individual characteristics. As a rule, several factors together have a provoking effect:

  • Colds of various etiologies (ARVI, influenza, measles, adenoviruses, etc.).
  • A reaction to inhaled substances, as a rule, allergens are paints and varnishes (any varnishes, paints, new furniture, new household appliances made of low-quality plastic), animal hair, dust. In practice, pediatricians most often encounter laryngitis in families who have recently moved into an apartment where renovations have been made or the furniture has been replaced (a modern “gas chamber” for humans).
  • Hypothermia, even an ordinary draft.
  • Anatomical and physiological structure of the respiratory organs (narrow larynx and nasopharynx). Since any inflammation of the respiratory system causes swelling of the tissues, the child’s larynx narrows significantly, which makes it difficult for air to pass through.
  • The condition of the air where the child is - for example, hot dry air, dust, irritation from exhaust fumes, a smoky room.
  • Mechanical factor - voice overstrain from singing, shouting, loud long conversation, damage to the larynx.
  • When stomach contents reflux into the larynx due to gastroesophageal reflux disease or during aspiration of foreign bodies, laryngitis can occur.

The risk group may include children who have chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, as a result of which such patients have impaired breathing through the nose, and also have dental diseases of the oral cavity.

How to understand that a child has laryngitis?

The development of the inflammatory process in the larynx in children manifests itself more often in an acute form and, as a rule, suddenly. Parents, first of all, may notice in the child some changes in the timbre of his voice, hoarseness, loss of appetite due to pain when swallowing, dry cough, rapid or, conversely, difficulty breathing. At night and in the morning, the frequency of coughing increases, until attacks of suffocation occur.

Laryngitis can also cause the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a runny nose;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • presence of bloody discharge in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • possible loss of voice;
  • difficulty breathing due to spasm of the larynx, its swelling
  • feeling of sore throat, dry mouth;
  • strong, dry at first, then scanty sputum gradually appears;
  • slight increase in body temperature, less often high fever, headaches.
  • see also , or or

Parents of a baby will be alerted to the fact that their child is sick by signs such as lethargy, restlessness, increased moodiness, nasal discharge and cough. And also a hoarse voice, which in case of laryngitis must be differentiated from hoarseness due to dehydration. With a progressive degree of laryngitis, screams are possible, accompanied by wheezing when breathing, listening to the lung area, noises and whistles are heard, the presence of cyanosis in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle are distinctive features of a progressive disease.

Upon examination, the doctor sees hyperemia of the oral mucosa, swelling of the throat and vocal cords (they are thickened, red, and do not close completely). In chronic laryngitis, the main symptoms are itching, sore throat, the desire to constantly cough, a hoarse voice, or a change in the timbre of the voice (due to swelling of the ligaments themselves, they thicken and vibrate at a different frequency - the sound is lower and acquires overtones due to the unevenness of the swelling and thickening not uniform along the entire length).

When should you call an ambulance?

  • Disruption of normal breathing - it becomes intermittent, uneven, sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath. Even if such breathing does not cause trouble for the baby, and he behaves as usual, there is a high probability of developing cardiovascular failure or asphyxia.
  • Significant narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, as a result of its swelling, especially in young children. This phenomenon, called false croup, can lead to difficulty breathing, even stopping it.
  • Complicated forms of laryngitis, starting from the second degree, require mandatory treatment in a hospital.
  • The presence in children of chronic diseases of the nervous system, allergic reactions and other factors that aggravate the child’s condition.
  • In any case, if the baby becomes frightened when coughing, lacks air, or the temperature stays above normal for more than a day, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If false croup develops, all efforts should be made to reduce spasm and swelling of the larynx, restore normal breathing - alkaline inhalation should be performed before the ambulance arrives, the child should be in an upright position in a humidified room, distracting procedures can be done - hot foot baths. In the hospital, the baby will undergo inhalation, oxygen therapy, hormonal therapy is possible according to indications, and antihistamines and antispasmodics are also indicated.

The narrowing of the lumen of the larynx goes through 4 stages, they are smoothed out and take a short period of time:

  • 1st degree stenosis - allows the child to breathe without shortness of breath, however, with physical activity, retraction of the upper notch of the sternum and the area above the navel already appears.
  • 2nd degree - a restless child, excited, turns pale, his nasolabial area turns blue, and a rapid heartbeat appears. Tissues experience oxygen starvation, the brain suffers. The entire chest and abdominal muscles are involved in breathing.
  • 3rd degree - signs of respiratory failure, drawing in air occurs with noise, it is difficult to inhale and exhale, and there is also sweating, cyanosis of the lips, fingers, and pallor.
  • 4th degree – suffocation with shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, loss of consciousness.

Complex treatment for the initial stages of the disease includes the following general recommendations for organizing treatment measures:

  • Strict bed rest is required.
  • Limiting the load on the vocal apparatus - the child should speak less and be silent more. Of course, this is very difficult, but in turn, this measure is the key to a quick recovery.

For children with laryngitis, the condition of limiting the vocal cords from overstrain is especially important, since they go through the formation stage in childhood, and excessive stress can lead to irreparable voice defects.

  • Daily monitoring of the air condition: the best option is sufficiently humid air, which can be provided with a humidifier and constant ventilation of the children's room and the use of an air purifier after ventilation.
  • Drink plenty of drinks: compotes, herbal infusions, fruit drinks, milk, drinking water. The main condition is that the liquid should be warm and not very sweet. The main goal is to prevent dry cough, moisturize the oropharyngeal mucosa, and reduce intoxication of the body.
  • A balanced diet with vitamins, while eliminating irritating foods. too hot or too cold, carbonated drinks. Food should be dietary and healthy; try to surprise your child with the design of dishes to increase appetite.

Drug treatment of laryngitis

Taking antihistamines

This group of drugs is always prescribed for laryngitis; they will not only relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, but will also have a calming effect on the baby, especially good if taken at night:

  • Fenistil drops, Clarisens (even for infants)
  • Zyrtec from 6 months
  • Zodak - syrup from 1 year, tablets from 6 years
  • - syrup from 1 year, tablet from 6 years
  • Claritin from 2 years
  • Parlazin from 6 years
  • Clarotadine from 2 years
  • (see list of all modern ones).

Taking cough suppressants or expectorants

There are a huge number of such drugs on the pharmaceutical market. But the choice should be made only by the treating pediatrician. In case of a strong, paroxysmal cough, so that the child can fall asleep, the doctor may recommend antitussives or combination drugs in dosage according to the child’s age:

  • , from 2 years
  • Stoptusin Phyto from 6 months in drops
  • Libexin from 3 years see).

When the cough becomes wet, the pediatrician can also recommend - preparations marshmallow, Alteyka, thermopsis preparations, preparations with the active ingredient bromhexine (Bronchosan, Solvin), Acetylcysteine ​​(, Fluimucil), ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene), etc.

Lozenges, gargling

Steam inhalations

Inhalations are a complex effect on the respiratory system, not only for laryngitis. However, there are many nuances that should be followed when using steam inhalation, especially for children:

  • Steam inhalation should not be given to very young children due to the risk of mucosal burns.
  • Inhalation should not be done immediately after any physical stress of the child (he must be calm).
  • They should be done 2 times a day between meals, the child should not talk either during or after the procedure for 30 minutes, and also should not drink or eat for half an hour after inhalation.
  • During the procedure, you should inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.

How to do steam inhalation? You can simply hold the child in your arms in the kitchen, not far from a boiling pot of water, or sit him on your lap and make a funnel over a kettle of hot water - breathe over the steam. The child should breathe as usual, evenly and not deeply. As for solutions for steam inhalation, they can only be used if the child is not allergic to the components of these solutions:

  • infusions of medicinal herbs - calendula, mint, coltsfoot, pine buds, chamomile, sage.
  • you can do inhalations by adding a few drops of 2-3 essential oils - juniper, tea tree, cedar,
  • saline solution - 3 tablespoons of sea salt + 3 teaspoons of baking soda per 1 liter, 5-6 drops of iodine.

When carrying out steam inhalation, parents should be very careful because:

  • In very hot, scalding air, steam inhalations can greatly increase inflammation in the larynx, so you should strictly observe the optimal temperature.
  • It is worth keeping an eye on your child so that he does not knock over a container of liquid or a kettle of boiling water.

Treatment of laryngitis in children using nebulizer inhalation

The most suitable remedy for children is inhalation using nebulizers. The disadvantage of using compressor and ultrasonic inhalers is that you cannot use herbal decoctions and essential oils, but only mineral water and ready-made dosage forms of solutions for inhalation, with the exception of some models (Dolphin F1000 - an inhaler in which using the Rapidfly 2 RF2 atomizer You can use filtered decoctions and essential oils). Pros of using nebulizers:

  • possibility of use even in small patients;
  • safety due to low temperature;
  • high efficiency of increased dispersion of inhaled particles;
  • ease of use, since the procedure can be carried out even while the baby is sleeping.

The following are used as solutions for inhalation:

  • soda solution
  • mineral water (for example, Borjomi or Essentuki)
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, chamomile, thyme and others), but only with those inhalers in which the use of herbal decoctions is permissible
  • essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus, oils of coniferous trees - spruce, fir), also only in special inhalers it is possible to use essential oils
  • garlic juice is a natural phytoncide
  • medicines - Lazolvan (Ambroxol), Rotokan, Tolzingon, etc. - according to the pediatrician's indications.

If the doctor has prescribed several drugs for inhalation, there is the following rule:

  • bronchodilators come first
  • after 15 minutes expectorants
  • After the child clears his throat, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents can be used.

In the hospital for laryngitis, according to indications, they can carry out ultraviolet radiation, on the larynx, UHF, microwave therapy; in case of persistent voice disorders, they conduct classes with a speech therapist, correcting dysphonia.

Antibiotics for laryngitis: pros and cons

The use of antibacterial treatment for laryngitis in children is quite justified for the following indications:

  • the presence of a bacterial environment of inflammation, which is detected only after diagnosis - laboratory tests, taking a smear from the laryngeal mucosa;
  • intoxication of the body - high fever, weakness, chills, loss of appetite;
  • Pediatricians often play it safe by prescribing antibiotics for uncomplicated laryngitis in order to avoid complications (see when indicated).

Only in isolated cases is the causative agent of laryngitis caused by bacteria; most often it is a viral infection that is not treated with antibiotics. That is, the prescription of antibiotics for laryngitis is predominantly not considered a necessary and effective treatment measure.

Antibiotics that are most often used in the treatment of laryngitis:

  • Penicillin series (Amoxiclav, Flemoclav Solutab, Ecoclave suspension, Augmentin and others).
  • Cephalosporins in the form of syrups (Cefix, Cefadox, Suprax), in the form of injections (Ceftriaxone, Fortum).
  • In case of particularly severe laryngitis, macrolides are prescribed, azithromycin - (Sumamed, Zetamax retard, Hemomycin, Azitrox, Ecomed), Macropen, Clarithomycin.

During and after treatment with the above antibiotics, probiotics are prescribed to normalize the flora - Bifidobacterin, Probifor, etc. (see).

  • It is necessary to use various throat sprays with extreme caution for any colds, especially in children. The force of their jet can damage the back wall of the pharynx, thereby causing a reflex spasm of the vocal cords. Moreover, your baby may have an allergic reaction to some sprays, so you should be careful when using them.
  • Monitor your child's breathing during and after illness; ideally, it should be even and through the nose.
  • Don't forget about gargling with herbal teas several times a day (see all possible ones).
  • If the child’s throat is severely swollen, you can warm up the calf muscles or take warm foot baths - this will increase blood flow to the lower extremities and relieve swelling of the vocal cords.

Laryngitis in children is one of the most common forms of ARVI. Over the course of a year, a baby can get laryngitis several times, with varying degrees of symptom severity. We will tell you in detail how to properly treat laryngitis in children at home, and how to distinguish this disease from all other forms of respiratory infections.

Children can have two forms of laryngitis - acute and chronic. The second, it is reasonable to assume, is more dangerous and heavier. However, if parents correctly and promptly treat their child with laryngitis, they will not have to worry about any risk of developing a chronic form of the disease, as well as complications.

What is laryngitis

The disease laryngitis develops in the larynx, approximately in the place where our vocal cords are located. In fact, inflammation of the larynx is classic laryngitis, one of the most common and common forms.

Especially often, laryngitis in children takes a form in which the larynx not only becomes inflamed, but also narrows, causing difficulty breathing, discomfort and pain, especially when talking or swallowing. Sometimes the walls of the larynx narrow so much that the baby cannot even drink, let alone eat or talk.

This form of laryngitis appears in the medical lexicon as “stenotic laryngitis” (stenosis is a narrowing of an organ). And naturally, it is most dangerous for children, especially the smallest ones, because it can cause sudden suffocation.

Stenotic laryngitis in children can be caused by various reasons - for example, an allergy attack, a rapidly developing infectious disease, a burn of the respiratory tract, etc. Stenosing laryngitis, caused by infection, often develops into the so-called.

Laryngitis in children: symptoms

As a rule, laryngitis in children is well recognized - any parent is able to suspect the disease based on the following signs:

  • 1 The child has a fever (and this is a sure sign of infection);
  • 2 The baby has a barking cough;
  • 3 There is a change in voice (or the voice disappears for a while);

In addition to high temperature, the baby may have certain “classic” signs of an infectious disease: general weakness, etc.

How to treat laryngitis in children

Laryngitis in children in 99% of cases is a manifestation of a viral infection (and in rare cases, an allergic reaction). Therefore, it is understandable that in the vast majority of cases it is not treated with antibiotics or antiallergic drugs. Antiviral drugs also have little effect on the course of laryngitis, although partly with their help they can relieve a sore throat in a child and. But what really helps effectively is clean, fresh and cool air in the room and drinking plenty of fluids.

With laryngitis, it is many times more beneficial for a sick baby to breathe frosty air while sitting at home in a fur hat than to breathe dry and hot air while walking around the apartment in only a diaper. For a child with laryngitis, who really has difficulty breathing, the optimal microclimate in the room is: temperature no higher than 18 ° C, humidity - 55-70%.

Drinking plenty of fluids is also of great importance for recovery. The fact is that excess fluid in a child’s body thins not only his blood, but also his mucus. Becoming more liquid, it does not accumulate in the inflamed larynx, but on the contrary, it is easier to expectorate.

From the side of infection it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment:

  • If a child's temperature rises above 38°C, it must be brought down by giving the child antipyretic drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  • To alleviate the condition of the larynx, it is necessary to maintain nasal breathing “in working order” - this means that if the nose is “clogged” and cannot breathe freely, you need to instill a vasoconstrictor.

If the baby’s nose cannot breathe due to laryngitis, use vasoconstrictor drops, and if the temperature rises above 38° C, give an antipyretic drug.

Since with laryngitis in children, the vocal cords “fail” for some time due to the inflammatory process in the larynx, ideally they should be disturbed and strained as little as possible. To do this, the baby should maintain vocal rest for several days.

A very common mistake made by many parents who barely hear a loud cough from the nursery is trying to use expectorants. But precisely with laryngitis, any expectorant drug can lead to blockage of the larynx.

The fact is that with laryngitis, the inflamed larynx already barely allows less air to pass through than usual. However, the very essence of cough expectorants is to further stimulate the production of sputum, that is, mucus. The narrow neck of the inflamed larynx simply cannot cope with such a “burden”, trying to cough up a large amount of phlegm, and will be clogged.

Another taboo in the treatment of laryngitis in children is the use of hot steam inhalations. The reason for the ban is the same as when using mucolytics (expectorants): hot steam promotes the swelling of dried mucus crusts, increasing their size. And accordingly, causing the risk of blockage of the larynx.

To reduce inflammation in the larynx, you can give the child one of the special pharmaceutical drugs for resorption or for irrigation in the mouth (such as Faringosept, Septolete, Ingalipt, Sebidin, etc.)

Prevention of laryngitis in children

Since laryngitis in children is a form of viral respiratory infections, prevention of this disease is similar to prevention against all other acute respiratory viral infections - it is necessary to strengthen the child’s immune system. But without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs, but with the help of natural conditions:

  • the child should live in a room with a normal, “healthy” climate;
  • the baby should eat properly and variedly;
  • Frequent and long walks in the fresh air are a must!
  • If a child suffers from ARVI (including laryngitis) more than three times a year, this is definitely a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician.