Laser treatment of herpes on the lips. Family dental center "Dial-Dent". Laser blood purification reviews for herpes Herpes: types, causes of appearance

Herpes is the most common viral disease. It is expressed as a rash on the mucous membranes and on the skin, causes discomfort and, if it appears once, it will not be possible to get rid of it. A person becomes a carrier of this virus, and under certain circumstances, signs of the disease reappear in the form of an unpleasant and painful rash on the mucous membrane.

There are several types of infection, and the most common is herpes simplex, which appears on the lips. Today there is an effective way to get rid of this problem using a laser.

How does the disease occur? It is transmitted by airborne droplets and when the bubbles begin to burst, the chance of infecting others increases many times over. The carrier of the infection may not remember the disease for years, and it becomes active only in case of decreased immunity, stressful situations or lack of vitamins. There is also a high probability that the herpes virus is activated during injury.

There is no point in waiting for the disease to go away on its own. If herpes is not treated, then on the 3-4th day the blisters begin to burst and painful ulcers appear in this place, which can no longer be masked by any cosmetics. You can treat with ointment, but a laser copes with this task much more effectively. If you start treatment at the first stage, then there is a chance to prevent the moment when the bubbles burst. Itching and pain are reduced and, thanks to laser exposure, the spread of rashes throughout the entire mucous membrane is prevented. The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes and laser treatment significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse. The size of the rash is localized and becomes minimal, the wound dries out and heals quickly. This procedure is safe and only requires 1-3 visits to a medical facility.

It is important that when undergoing a herpes treatment procedure, the laser causes minimal discomfort and no pain. A specialist will not only relieve unpleasant rashes, which often cause a lot of negative emotions in the patient, but will also provide advice. Also, if necessary, he will prescribe medications that will boost immunity and prevent the disease from reappearing.

Laser treatment for herpes is becoming increasingly popular, as it not only helps to cope with this problem in a short time, but also significantly reduces the likelihood that the virus will become active again over time. In this case, laser is clearly the most acceptable option.

Laser removal of genital herpes is the latest modern method of treating this disease, thanks to which you can painlessly get rid of the virus for a long time.

Genital herpes is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted. Infection occurs from a sexual partner even if he does not have any visible symptoms. The incubation period of the disease can range from 2 to 26 days.

Treatment of herpes with a laser has become very popular lately, as it gives a good effect compared to other methods.

How is the procedure done?

Laser therapy is one of the essential components of complex treatment of genital herpes. It significantly improves the result in getting rid of infection, since it has a stimulating effect on the immune system. In addition, this procedure has a reparative and healing effect, and also has an analgesic effect. Thanks to the laser, painful and unpleasant sensations, which are usually associated with itching, are reduced.

Is it possible to completely cure this disease? It is completely impossible, since the virus cannot be removed from the human body. But laser treatment for herpes can prevent possible subsequent relapses.

It is necessary to treat herpes with a laser at the slightest detection of symptoms of the virus. Before the procedure, you should consult with your doctor in advance and tell them in detail about the problem. It could be:

In patients, vesicles accumulate in one place. This could be the labia area, anal area, vagina, urethra, penis, cervix.

What is laser treatment for genital herpes? Using a laser, all affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane are irradiated. In this case, nearby tissues are slightly captured.

Laser exposure should be carried out once a day at the same time period. The duration of the session depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of spread of the virus. Typically, a patient may need 6 to 9 sessions. In addition, the success of treatment will depend on how timely it was started.

It is important to remember that laser therapy will not be able to remove genital herpes from the human body, however, like other methods. It provides only a fairly mild course of the disease in subsequent cases, softens the discomfort when the disease manifests itself.

Before starting a course of treatment, you need to talk in more detail with your doctor and thoroughly discuss all the intricacies of the procedure.

Among other things, laser therapy helps to remove a person from an unstable psycho-emotional state, which can be caused by the herpes virus.

Advantages of laser treatment

At the first symptoms of infection with genital herpes, you should immediately contact a specialist for a laser procedure. It is important to remember that treatment must be comprehensive. The patient must take immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs prescribed by the doctor.

The laser has excellent disinfectant properties that can save a person from various diseases. It is indispensable for purulent formations. In addition, the laser helps to activate regeneration processes at the cellular level.

Laser treatment of herpes has a huge advantage compared to other methods:

  • absence of pain and discomfort;
  • exposure without blood;
  • the ability to penetrate places inaccessible to humans;
  • accuracy and correctness of the procedure;
  • fast recovery period.

Laser treatment can be started at any stage of the disease. It quickly and effectively heals focal lesions and increases the duration of the period between possible relapses. In some cases, the problem may not bother people for a year or longer.

To enhance the effect of the laser, you must first make a list of necessary preventive measures. This way you can forget about genital herpes for a long time.

Herpes is a viral disease that is a blistering rash that appears on both the skin and mucous membranes. Experts note that people suffering from herpes during the active phase of the virus can easily infect others with it through household items, any close contact or by airborne droplets. There are about 80 types of herpes in nature. The most popular among them is herpes simplex type 1, which causes a blistering rash on the lips.

People call it “cold” or “fever” on the lips. Herpes is invariably accompanied by weakness, general malaise and severe itching, virtually depriving a person of a normal life. Only comprehensive treatment that combines medications and modern laser methods, which have been successfully used in our Medikstardent dentistry for many years, will help return everything to “normal” as quickly as possible.

Signs of herpes

It is better to start treating herpes in the mouth, like any other disease, at an early stage of its development. This way you will not only reduce the risk of infecting other people with it, but you will also very soon return to a healthy appearance. The restoration of normal well-being, by the way, will not take long either.

Herpes is a unique disease, the symptoms of which vary from person to person. For example, in a child, “fever on the lips” is often not even noticeable, but in adults, the disease can immediately progress to the stage of herpetic gingivostomatitis. However, there are a number of signs, the presence of which indicates the onset of the disease:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • High body temperature;
  • Increased fatigue, loss of strength;
  • Painful sensations when eating and drinking;
  • Inflammation of the soft tissues and gums around the resulting ulcers;
  • The appearance of noticeable watery bubbles of white or yellowish color with a diameter of up to 3 mm.

In children, the appearance of herpes is most often indicated by sleep disturbances, excessive irritability and vomiting after eating.

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Oral Herpes

Laser radiation is the latest treatment method, which has already become one of the most effective in most areas of medicine. Cases with herpes on the oral mucosa are no exception. Our Medikstardent dental center offers you to get rid of the symptoms of this unpleasant disease at the earliest stages of its onset.

The American Picasso diode laser from AMD Lazers, which we have been successfully using for many months, has repeatedly shown its effectiveness not only in Russia, but also abroad. Practice shows that it can easily and painlessly relieve all symptoms of herpes in just 2-4 days.

The miraculous effect of the laser is explained by its unique wavelength of only 810 nm, which allows it to quickly destroy viruses without causing the slightest harm to surrounding tissues. Did you notice “bubble fever” only at the second stage, and decided to contact us already at the third or fourth stage? It’s okay, because laser equipment is equally effective at any stage of herpes development, quickly healing virus-infected tissue.

Prices for laser treatment

The cost of laser treatment for herpes on the oral mucosa or lips at our Medikstardent dental center is considered one of the most affordable in Moscow. It is calculated individually and depends on how long the laser exposure to the affected area is required. In most cases, complete recovery for patients is ensured by 1-3 procedures, each of which will require only 5-10 minutes of time.

Dear clients, we ask you to find out the exact prices from the clinic administrator by calling the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section or in person.

Herpes is a disease of viral origin in which small blisters form on the surface of the lips or genitals.

Types of Herpes

The disease is classified based on which herpes virus caused it. There are eight such types of viruses in total.

Type 1 virus is the causative agent of the so-called herpes simplex, a sign of which is a rash in the mouth area.

Type 2 virus - causes genital herpes, which manifests itself as blisters in the genital area.

Virus type 3 is the virus that causes chickenpox and also causes shingles.

Type 4 virus is called Epstein-Barr virus and causes mononucleosis.

The 5th type of virus is called cytomegalovirus - it causes an infection that affects internal organs, most often the genitourinary area.

The remaining three types of virus are rare, and their role as pathogens has not yet been fully studied.

Herpes symptoms

The first 3 types of virus are the most common.

Here are the symptoms of the diseases they cause:

Simple herpes. Small transparent blisters in the corners of the mouth are a sign of this disease. The same rashes can appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Before the rash appears, the skin itches, there is a burning and tingling sensation, and the patient may feel weak.

Genital herpes (genital). Rashes in the form of bubbles are located in the genital area. These places itch, become red, and after seven days the blisters burst and ulcers appear in their place, which soon heal. Lymph nodes in the groin may be enlarged and the temperature rises.

Herpes zoster (shingles). Initially, the patient feels unwell and neuralgic pain. Then, in places along the location of the nerves on the body (most often on the torso), rashes appear: pink spots with transparent blisters, which dry out after 5-7 days. Temperature increased, weakness. Neuralgic pain often lasts for a very long time, up to six months.

Causes of herpes

You can become infected with herpes, depending on the type of virus, through contact, through household appliances, or through sexual intercourse. If a person has herpes on the lips, he can pass it on to another through a kiss or sharing utensils.

A baby can inherit the virus from its mother during childbirth.
90% of people are carriers of some type of herpes virus, but in most of them it “dormant” and causes illness only in certain circumstances. The trigger for the development of the virus is a weakened immune system, pregnancy, stress, overheating or severe cooling of the body, alcohol, and a number of infectious diseases.

Herpes in children

If a child was infected in the first hours after birth (while passing through the mother's birth canal), such herpes is called neonatal. This form of herpes mostly occurs without complications, but in about a third of infants it affects the nervous system, which has serious consequences.

Older children are more susceptible to infection with type 3 virus, which causes chickenpox. This disease is easily tolerated by them and often does not even require treatment.

Herpes in adults

In adults, the greatest danger is the type 3 virus. People who had chickenpox in childhood are at risk, since the virus remains in their body for many years. When the body's defenses decrease, for example, due to severe illness or old age, the virus becomes more active and manifests itself in the form of shingles. This disease is difficult to diagnose and is often fraught with complications such as postherpetic neuralgia.

Herpes simplex occurs in adults in 60% of cases, genital herpes in 12-15%.

Medicine does not yet know how to get rid of herpes 100%. Modern remedies for herpes are aimed mainly at suppressing and alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

Laser therapy for herpes

Treatment of herpetic skin lesions begins with non-invasive effects on the blood in close proximity to the lesion. If there is damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the face, then the blood is processed at the site of pulsation of the carotid arteries for 2 minutes on each side at a frequency of 50 Hz per zone 1.

If the lesion is localized on the genitals, the same procedure is performed over the femoral arteries.

Local exposure is performed at a frequency of 1000 Hz directly above the lesion. When localized in the face area, the effect is carried out for 5 minutes on zone 2, when the genital organs are affected - 10 minutes.

When treating herpetic lesions of the face, 2-5 sessions twice a day are sufficient. When the lesion is localized on the genitals, the course of treatment usually consists of 7-10 sessions, carried out 1-2 times a day.