Lenormand horseman advice. Different towers are needed, different towers are important. Activism and action

"Rider"- This is the very first card in the deck.

To understand this card (and any other Lenormand card) you need to listen to yourself and understand what associations you have when you look at the picture. At the same time, use all your senses: vision (what do you see?), hearing (what do you hear?), smell (what smells do you smell?).

What do I see? I see a man on a horse, who, it seems to me, is in a hurry somewhere. Perhaps on a date. The horse literally rushes forward and the man even has to hold him back a little. Clouds of dust rise from under the horse's hooves.

What do I hear? I hear the clatter of hooves, the neighing of a horse as the rider restrains its impulses. I can hear the wind whistling in the rider’s ears.

What smells do I smell? The smell of fresh wind blowing in your face and the not very pleasant smell of the horse itself.

Try to do everything the same as me. Perhaps you will have some other sensations and associations.

Activism and activism

Now let’s think about why Maria Lenormand assigned this card exactly one. For this purpose, I propose to use such a science as numerology.

Each number from 1 to 9 corresponds to certain qualities and character traits. 1 is active, prone to innovation, strong, leading.

Courage is the motto of the unit. This is the number of action and it is not afraid of any obstacles. The unit is characterized by masculinity, courage and strong convictions.

Well, did you recognize in this description a rider flying on a horse?

From all this comes the very first meaning of this card.

Male person

The rider may point to a specific person. And, of course, this is a man. He is young, active, in good physical shape. Age - up to 35 years.

You shouldn't expect seriousness from such a man. He will burst into your life like a whirlwind, sweep through it and disappear from it as quickly as he appeared. But this is a man you will remember all your life!

Small transport

Let's remember the times when the horse was the only mode of transport. Nowadays, the “Horseman” card will show a man on a bicycle, on a moped, on a scooter, on a motorcycle, on a car or on a horse.

With the 9th card, “Bouquet” in magical layouts can indicate the lining in the car.

News and information

In the old days, horsemen usually brought news or letters. Therefore, the third meaning of this card is news, notices, messages and any information.

Road or trip

A rider on a horse gallops along a dusty road. This is where this meaning comes from. You have to go on a road or trip. This trip, as a rule, is not to distant lands (Ship card), but within the city or region.

Horseman is one of the most dynamic cards in the deck. There is no smell of stagnation here. If it appears, it means your situation is in flux, the problem is at the solution stage. Changes will happen in any case and they are already on the way. But in which direction they will be - look at the neighboring maps.

In terms of time, this is a very fast card. She says that the event will happen very soon, it is on its way and soon you will get news about it.

If this card appears first in the layout, it means that the client is getting ready to travel or is waiting for someone’s arrival.


You are waiting for a prince on a white horse, but you only come across horsemen of the Apocalypse.

You have become acquainted with the first card of the deck Lenormand "Horseman" and you can

It is believed that the suit of spades represents the west, spring, the energy of life and nature, capable of both creation and rebirth, and destruction. Peak color is green.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Lenormand cards.

Horseman (Nine of Hearts)

Brief meaning: movement, communication, situation development.


Often the Lenormand HORSEMAN card speaks of good news to come. The distance to the questioner’s card will tell you where this news can be expected from. If the distance is small, then the messenger will be a relative or a well-known person; if it is large, then the news will be brought by a stranger. It can also foreshadow a message that can be received in any form: email, call, paper letter. The news can be either positive or negative. The map that lies next door should tell you about this.

If the HORSEMAN card comes up with good cards, then this always portends a good future. There will be new perspectives, everything will work out. When the card is on the first line, then this is always new news, if at the top there is news that will come soon, at the bottom you will not pay attention to the message, at the back the news has already arrived.

The card can also herald new and imminent beginnings. You will be required to take decisive action that can lead to success, but if you do not take the initiative, you can lose a lot.

Personality. Messenger, postman, courier, witness, intermediary, promising and pleasant young man, buyer.

Love. Wedding event organizer, pimp, flirt, a new and interesting hobby will appear in life.

Job. Working with the public, receiving feedback and business documentation.

Finance. Asset management with the help of agents, trust financial management.

Well-being. Fitness, sports, easy and quick recovery, good health, developed thinking.

Relationships. Depends on neighboring cards. Either the message or events will begin to develop quickly.

Business matters. Obtaining important information that is relevant to the business. Negotiations, business trips, contacts with new partners, visitors from government agencies.

Health. Feeling satisfactory, respiratory and colds are possible, watch your immunity. The HORSEMAN card is responsible for the head, brain and body systems: circulatory, nervous, digestive.

Combining the Horseman card with other cards

CROSS - A young man (younger than you) is sick. You will receive news that will spoil your mood for a long time; mourning and the emergence of new worries are possible. Bad news overall.

ANCHOR - News about a past interview, a new job. A profession that will involve constant movement or communication. Spiritual balance, you will complete your current affairs successfully.

PISCES - Improved financial situation, financial news, opportunity to make a profit.

KEY - Guiding thread, car key, receiving a message.

MOON - A guest will come in the evening. In a dream you can see a message. Recommendation to follow traditions. The journey will begin late in the evening, perhaps even at night, and may be unexpected. Unpromising projects, hypocrisy.

SUN - Excellent morale, feeling of fun. Great news will come, luck will smile (but you must not miss it). Reflections on the past. Vacation in a hot country.

LILY - Nice person. An upcoming wedding, a family trip. Meeting with relatives. Great sex life. A message may come from a business person.

WOMAN - A lady who loves horses, loves to ride fast (on anything). The woman will soon receive a message of an uncertain nature.

MAN - Temporary failures. A man who loves horses prefers to ride fast. The man receives news.

LETTER - A fine is possible for failure to comply with the speed limit. Very important documents. The arrival of the postman. Useless information.

BOOK - Mistress or lover. Your knowledge will benefit you. Intriguing message. A mysterious and secretive man, usually young.

RING - Marriage contract. Thoughts go in circles. A long-awaited offer that promises joy for you (it can be in any area).

HEART - The crisis in the relationship will soon end. New love, romantic meeting. Love for sports, cars.

RATS - Thoughts that haunt you. The long-awaited message will arrive with a delay.

FORKING - A great idea will appear that will help resolve the current situation. Confidence on the chosen path.

MOUNTAIN - A message that will make you responsible. Initiatives that will face obstacles. The message you are waiting for will not come soon.

GARDEN - Entering a society (company of people) that can be useful to you. Invitation to a banquet, presentation and other events.

TOWER - A message will come from government agencies. Thoughts will be limited.

DOG - News you can trust will come. Meeting with a close friend.

STORK - There will be a joyful event in the family: the conception of a child or his birth. Long journey by plane. News that will change your life.

STARS - The message will come in a dream. News about upcoming or already achieved success. Inspiration will come.

BEAR - A message from an old, authoritative and influential person. Most likely, he wishes you well.

FOX - Secret meeting. You will receive a message, but you should not trust it, there may be a catch.

CHILD - News related to the child, perhaps the child will bring it himself. New initiatives will be well developed. News from a friend who is younger. Pregnancy.

In Lenormand, the Cross is the last, 36th card of the deck. It is a symbol of karma and fate, defeats, exams, worries, sadness, punishment and trials.

The cross is a symbol of fate and destiny; a person must carry his cross and pass the exam. The map symbolizes the world of things, this is the earth and 4 cardinal directions, formed by 4 elements.

The cross can also be associated with an instrument of torture; if it is decorated with leaves and flowers, it becomes a symbol of the tree of life and personifies eternal growth.

In general, the Lenormand Cross is a karmic card, it is associated with the fate and individual plans of each person, you must find a creative way to solve problems and be ready for a challenge.

The card shows that a person is facing great trials, usually it is negative in any position, the meaning in Lenormand Cross is that everyone has their own cross, problem or misfortune, sometimes it can be behind, or it can only be coming.

The cross can warn of hardships and suffering; a person consciously accepts them for the sake of various higher-order goals, this is the so-called purification of a person through pain. This is a ruler card that influences surrounding cards, usually it is very negative.

  • She is responsible for the future, showing that it is determined for a person karmically.
  • She says you can start life again after a series of failures.
  • A person’s life priorities must seriously change, then it will be possible to implement the new ideas that have appeared.

The card may mean that a person has given up on something, but it can also show faith, destiny, hope and trust; there is no need to lose faith in God and yourself. If they fell next to the Cross, then the person probably lost faith.

The advice of the card is that it always encourages you to believe only in the best, in any situation, even the most difficult.

This is a map of destiny and life path, depending on other maps it can be straight or rocky.

There is a lot of sadness, sadness, suffering and grief in a person’s life, all this must be endured, it is also the end of some era, period or period.

Lenormand Cross in a relationship reading

If the card falls in the layout for love, then it will be fateful, and at the same time it is subject to tests, not every relationship is able to withstand them.

Often it can mean the end of some relationship and indicate that you have serious trials ahead.

Love will be tested repeatedly, it can also indicate that a person must take on difficult trials, on the other hand, the card means that people are destined for each other and there is a deep mental connection between them on a spiritual level.

It often falls out for preachers, pastors, confessors and priests; if a Book falls next to it, then the person has a calling to write.

Lenormand cross in a scenario for money and work

If the alignment showed it, then it’s difficult to expect something good, things are going badly, then you need to prepare for even worse developments, there will be major losses, it’s easier to start all over again than to revive the old one.

  • If it happens in a health scenario, then you need to pay attention to the intervertebral cartilage, back, shoulders, arms, neck; in general, your health is not in the best condition, difficult treatment is underway, serious complications and even disability are possible.
  • The map shows chronic diseases that are extremely difficult to cure.
  • This disease may be an atonement for previous mistakes, it may indicate hereditary or genetic diseases, the disease gives a person a chance for complete self-analysis.

It usually falls on adults with a slender physique, they are shy and overly fearful, they can be absent-minded, they usually dress discreetly and hide their eyes, they are calm, somewhat conservative and purposeful people, they are diligent, reliable and faithful, but at the same time they can be sad and despondent .

They perceive life as a heavy cross. They see negativity even when everything seems to be fine; such people are often prone to depression.

Often it can indicate a situation that a person will have for life. If she was shown, her answer is negative. It is important to look at where it is located, a lot depends on how the Cross is positioned and what cards are located nearby and surround it.

If the Horseman fell with the Cross, then the person will overcome difficult moments when he receives the news, troubles and trials will soon end.

If Clover falls with the Cross, then the person will have a new opportunity, and the pessimistic period will end.

If there is a Ship in the layout, then the person is tormented by melancholy and languor, but this could also be the end of a bad period, emigration or a long journey.

This is a very stressful card, but never lose hope, you always need to believe and you can overcome all the problems indicated by it.

The meaning of the Lenormand "Horseman" card.

This card is positive.

Playing cards.

Nine of Hearts. (Unexpected event)

Patron planet.

Mercury (communication, intelligence, trade).

Zodiac sign.

Aquarius - air element - (January 21-February 21)
Month of the Horseman - January (1st month of the new year)

Numerological meaning.

Number 1. In numerology, it can mean strength, innovation, courage, leader and desire for something new.

Key concepts.

Information, news, news, movements, messages, guest visits, travel.

Description of the map.

The card shows a man riding a horse. He's in a hurry somewhere. He needs to get to the right place as quickly as possible.

A horse on which a person rides. It is also of great importance. After all, this is a way of transportation. A horse is a proud, smart and fast animal.

The man leaves the house. Which looks serene and calm.

Time frame.

From 3 to 5 weeks.

It is also of great importance where the card is located in the layout.

If the card is close to the questioner's card, the news will come “from
near edges” and very soon; if far away - from abroad.
When the card on the front line is new information, behind it is received
message, above - breaking news, below - neglect of the message.

The appearance of a person.

These are active people with an athletic or slim physique. Young. Age up to 35 years. Blonde hair, as well as blue or gray eyes. Most likely involved in active sports. Often choose extreme sports.


A sociable, inquisitive person, looking for communication and relationships with other people. They are active sometimes cutting. They are often superficial. They love to be the center of attention. Very intuitive and sometimes reserved. Their personal life is under a veil of secrecy.

Body parts.

Legs, knee joints, feet.

Love relationships.

The cards in the environment of which the “Horseman” is located are very important here. Thanks to them, you can understand whether the influence is positive or not.

  1. For a person who is not in a relationship. This card promises a new acquaintance that will develop quickly. But it will be superficial. May mean dating via the Internet.
  2. It can also indicate a relationship that has already existed.
  3. Married couple. In this case, it may indicate a strained relationship that has cracked. The partner is looking for adventure on the side. Also, if there are other cards, it can mean treason.
  4. During quarrels, it can mean. If close to the questioner’s card, reconciliation. Far away, nothing will change.
  5. With bad cards. It may mean that you will meet a not very good person. Relationships that will be superficial. He will often change jobs and lovers.
  6. If the ring card comes up, it can promise a quick marriage.
  7. Also, this card in combination with others can indicate an imminent pregnancy.
  8. Receiving news from a loved one from afar.

Work, career and finance.

At work, news and new opportunities await you. Possible meetings with foreigners. Business trips, negotiations and new contracts. A lot of communication and communications.

If you are looking for a job, you will find it soon.

Fast advancement up the career ladder.

In financial matters, you need to look in pairs with other cards. Usually this is a quick receipt of money.


A person who is constantly on the move and works with transport. Driver, courier, postman.

A person who works with communication: manager, writer, publisher, editor, programmer.

A person who is associated with trade and entrepreneurship.


There may be infectious diseases. And, the card also promises a quick recovery.

Damage and negativity.

In definitions of magical negativity, this card means a person who carries damage to the threshold, as well as a person who asks about you on cards or by any other means. He doesn’t ask himself, he goes to a specialist and consults.


Take active steps. It's time to go forward and achieve your goal.

Reversed card.

Bad news: Braking.

Position of the card in the layout.


Events will happen soon. If there are negative cards nearby, then inhibition will occur.

There is still time to prepare for future events.

Everything has already passed.


Combination with other cards.

2. Clover - Opportunity is near. Take your luck.

3. Ship - Urgent trip. Business trip. Meeting with a foreigner.

4. Home - Moving to a new house, news in the house, changes.

5. Wood - New opportunities. Rapid improvement in health. A surge of strength.

6. Clouds - Unpleasant and unexpected news. Conflict situations. Confusing information.

7. Snake - Gossip, information from a wise woman, difficult period.

8. Coffin - Unpleasant and painful news. News of death or serious illness. An important and transitional period that will be very difficult.

9. Bouquet - Receiving a gift or valuable parcel. Congratulation. Dating or flirting.

10. Scythe - Breakdowns. Depriving a person of means of communication. Injuries, surgeries. Breakup or separation. Accident or accident.

11. Broom - Conflicts and quarrels. Conversations and disputes. Gossip. Fight.

12. Owls - Anxious and depressive thoughts. Valuable information from a wise man. Experiences. Thinking through the situation.

13. Child - New beginnings. Close birth. Your child and messages from him.

14. Fox - Tricks. Don't trust the information you receive.

15. Bear - News and messages from superiors or an influential person. New source of income. The man's help will come.

16. Stars - Messages promising success. Favorable prospects. Hope and dream. Help.

17. Stork - Messages that will bring changes in life. It is possible to change your place of residence.

18. Dog - News from a friend. Visiting a friend. Conversation with a friend.

19. Tower - Appeal to government agencies and authorities. Red tape with documents. Business acquisition.

20. Garden - New environment. Arrival of guests. Events. Meeting at the company.

21. Mountain - News from afar. A message from a person who cannot reach you. For example. hospital, prison, army. Obstacles and delays in plans. We have to wait for news.

22. Fork - Ambiguous news. Choice in decision making. More options.



This man, riding a horse towards the Querent, is bringing him important information. We can say that a certain man may appear in the Querent’s life


By time Horseman very fast card, only Scythe is faster, then he immediately walked out of the threshold and something fell on his head. According to the Horseman, the event will occur very soon, within a few days or even today; someone is already on the way and you will soon receive news about him. And this card indicates that the event will happen faster than expected. The Horseman belongs to the 1st dean of Aries (from March 21 to March 31), ruling planet is Mars. on the first solstice, in the spring, at the end of March there will be a prosperous period, or you will receive important information that will affect the course of your affairs. Also favorable will be days when Mars is in harmonious signs and aspects, or Tuesday



CHARACTERS: Young man (under 35 years old). Ardent admirer. Colleague. A man with official needs. younger brother .


Mail. Sports stadiums. Courier service. Horse yard. Hippodrome. City transport. Escalator. A person is on the road or actively communicating with someone. 9 of Hearts is a drinking establishment where people have fun and relax.


The Rider indicates close travel, most likely to run an errand or for work. Short trips, walks, go on a visit, visit a neighboring city for the weekend, stop by with friends to hang out and chat - all this is within the event level of the first map. Accidentally crossing with a friend on the road. Using a vehicle, for example, a friend will give you a ride to work.


The 9 of Hearts adds a nuance of warmth, i.e. This is not just official news or dry, pragmatic information, but still long-awaited or from a pleasant person who is likable.

In the gypsy deck, 9 hearts means the fulfillment of a cherished desire, such as joy, satisfaction, good luck, and improved well-being. At the event level, 9 of hearts indicates a meeting with someone, news, or indicates the person who brought the news, or departure on the road. She also talks about emotional independence and self-confidence.

In numerology, 9 is the last number before 10 (a new round of the cycle), i.e. this is the harbinger of the beginning.


  1. Movement of energy, activity, actions: Being the first card in the deck, opening it, the Horseman speaks of a beginning, a new round, a lot of new acquaintances, news and impressions, movement and revitalization of life, the sudden arrival of guests, unplanned pleasant trips, new acquaintances. Through the Horseman card, new situations and new people come to us. This is a card of action, movement, and positive change. It means the approach of a new situation, a new thought that will help unblock the problem, move the needle. Appearing in a layout, this card speaks of the flow of energy (including sexual energy). Indicating mainly movement and change, this card can indicate not only arrival, but also departure and departure.
  1. Information and news: receiving information, news, news. These are not idle everyday conversations on everyday topics, as in the Bird card, and not an advertising leaflet, as in the Letter. In the Horseman card, the information will be important, new and relevant for you, and, most likely, you will receive it from another person. For example, meet a classmate or former colleague, and he will tell you a lot of news about all your friends. According to the Letter card, a person may not even notice where exactly he received the information (an advertisement in the entrance, saw it in a newspaper, etc.), but there is no significant meeting. The main thing here is that you received the news. And in the Horseman card, the element of meeting and communication is important. But due to the transience of the map itself, this news most likely will not disturb you for a long time; tomorrow everything will be forgotten and covered with a layer of new information and new news.

The horseman says that news is on the way and the time is indicated by the words “soon” or “at any moment.” If this card comes up, it means that events in your case have begun to move, changes have either already begun or are about to begin.

  1. Man: The Horseman card often appears in a reading when a new person or someone is about to arrive. The Horseman points to a young man. The Rider is different from the Man or the Bear (Significators of the husband), he is rather a fan or a frivolous lover, who is quite possibly younger than the Querent, a sex-only relationship. Blonde-haired people go along the nine of hearts; you can choose a candidate based on this feature.
  2. Transport: Horses have been a means of transportation and human assistants since ancient times, and today this symbol will represent a car (but an ordinary passenger car, a Jeep will go more quickly on the Ship map), a bicycle or a scooter.
  3. Trip, road: an express route, a trip in the very near future, but not a long distance, and not abroad, this is a trip at most around the edge or region. Or you will have to meet someone from the road.
  4. Fast and soon: In the picture, the rider is racing on a horse and has no intention of dismounting; everything that happens on this map is usually swift. This card speeds everything up - come on, come on, run! Let's gallop before the sun goes down to make it before dark!
  5. Update: This is either something completely new, or an update of the current situation, a change in circumstances that will provide an opportunity for free movement.


The Horseman is a fairly heavy card, of course not as heavy as House or Ship, but compared to Clover or Bouquet it is a weighty card. Try to feel the energy of each card, first take simple and understandable associations: a heavy card or a light one, sharp like a Scythe, empty like Coffin. The suit of hearts corresponds to the element of water, so according to the card the Horseman the weather is rainy, but this not pouring rain, which stops all movement (as in the Clouds map), and a fine, intensifying drizzle, a light summer rain, which began abruptly and will also quickly and abruptly end. The Horseman card is significator when asked about horses or large animals. You can either lay it out on the table before the layout, or interpret the layout starting from it.


Cards Horseman and letter At first glance, they have a similar meaning - obtaining information and news. But if Letter - This anonymized information, or some kind of official one that does not radically change a person’s life, and is also not associated with any specific person. emails, SMS, Viber, as well as documents, invoices and forms. That Rider focuses specifically on presence of another person, The Rider symbolically speaks of an oral message, a telephone conversation, information heard from a person unexpectedly met. You may accidentally hear a phrase on the street, or in transport, or in a store, or on TV, which will answer your question. The map also speaks about information Birds , but this is not news, but everyday conversations about worries, gossip, gossip, chatting and tweeting just to keep the airwaves busy.


When determining a magical negative, the Horseman points to LINING(this is an object enchanted for a specific program). Someone carries damage to your doorstep, into the interior of your car, or into your store. He also actively collects information about you, maybe through fortune tellers or on social media. networks. Most likely, with the aim of blocking your progress, depriving you of mobility for a certain period of time, and often causing unreasonable pain in the legs, cramps, and general weakness. Finding a lining is very difficult, it could be a pinch of earth from a cemetery or cat and dog hair, or even a gift from a friend whom you don’t even suspect. You took this thing yourself and brought it home, so the easiest way is to clean the room, the car, and trading point, and yourself, then put up protection. On the good side, since the Horseman is a news card, then most likely you will find out who did the damage and why, or this information will be revealed. From a spiritual point of view, this card indicates travel between worlds (the horse Odin Sleipnir) and about some kind of intermediary through whom you can communicate with the Higher Powers of your tradition (Mercury is the messenger of the gods, he conveyed their will to people)


The rider gives a favorable answer - YES, EVERYTHING IS MOVING TOWARDS YOU.


The result for the Horseman is fast, rapid, the main thing is to get it in time.


In the emotional sphere, the Horseman is less positive than in all others; he indicates a relationship that is bright, intense, but short-term . Communication in a hurry, superficial, acquaintance on the road or crossed paths somewhere at work, close communication by correspondence, which can give the feeling that the blood has accelerated in the veins. This is flirting, momentary interest, feelings that quickly arise, but also quickly pass. Therefore, this card can show quick sex on the road with a stranger, a relationship on a business trip.

If you are in a quarrel with your loved one or he has left, then the Horseman card indicates that he will return soon or you will receive news from him. Reconciliation is quite quick, “he showed up without dust.” Resumption of relationships or correspondence, news from the object of desire. Of course, he will appear around the corner, but how serious his intentions will be is worth looking at in other cards. Also be sure to look in which direction the Horseman is galloping, towards the Woman card (Reconciliation, return) or away from it (Removal).

For a person who is looking for a partner, the Horseman card promises a new acquaintance that will develop rapidly, possibly through the Internet. If the Ring card appears nearby , then it may promise quick marriage , student type. The rider can easily turn his head, but only for a short time. The Horseman plays out worst for people in a marriage or long-term relationship; it warns of the weakness of one of the partners who is looking for adventure outside of marriage; it is worth paying attention if the number of business trips has increased or they have suddenly begun to stay late at work. The partner may come and go, he can’t make up his mind, then the hussar’s craving for adventure and freedom outweighs him, then he begins to look back and returns. This card gives instability.

Next to the vile cards indicates vile people next to unstable ones (Fork, Ship) may indicate random people, they will soon leave your life, these are transit relationships that will not last long. If Rats, Fox, Snake come nearby (Cards of sexuality and meanness), then most likely there was betrayal, he galloped to the left. (Wirth, intimate correspondence).

If the Rider leaves the partner in position, what is he hiding then he can hide the fact of communicating with someone or that he is going somewhere to go, it’s better to get additional information about this. In general, when dual cards (Fork, Owls) are dubious, it is always better to get an additional explanation; you can even get 2 cards: 1 with a question about what this card means, 2 with a question about what it does not mean.

Man on horseback with appropriate extras (Whip, Snake, Lilies, Rats) may indicate greater sexual appetites and increased potency. Besides the fact that the horse itself is a symbol of animal instincts, libido, strong sexual desire, lust and, accordingly, fertility.

Next to emotion cards (Heart, Moon) may indicate passionate love, so much so that there are sparks from under the hooves. Next to the map Broom to overcome and suppress internal passions, self-torture, if the Horseman is the first card drawn - that intensity of passions, kindling


Rider refers to legs, knees, joints, feet. Through connection with Mercury to the nervous system, hands. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the Clouds map — risk of airborne infections. With map of Kos leg surgery. Coffin and Horseman – joint diseases. Tree and Horseman - a disease of the joints and bones transmitted by family, or some kind of disease associated with the nervous system. You are on the road to recovery, you have already gained strength after your illness. The desire to move and walk in the fresh air. In terms of treatment, new techniques and the use of modern medications are recommended. The card can warn of diarrhea, especially in combination with the Pisces card.


The Horseman does not talk directly about money, but rather that there are many opportunities to earn extra money if you actively start moving. If there are money cards nearby , That The horseman indicates their imminent receipt. News of the receipt of money that the Querent was waiting for. Next to the cards Fish and Book may talk about news about receiving shadow income. If with Lisa , then about ill-gotten money. Next to the Coffin or Lilies cards may talk about news of an inheritance.

Pisces and Horseman - money is moving towards you. This is cash flow.

Horseman and Pisces – information about money


At work, new opportunities await you, a flow of clients, new contracts, travel and business trips (“work on your feet”), and perhaps meetings with foreigners. A lot of communication and communication. There will be opportunities to travel a lot, albeit for work matters. Quick solution to a professional issue. The Horseman may indicate a profitable business proposal. In matters of career, the Horseman foreshadows an offer with the prospect of good growth. But to confirm Nearby there should be cards related in theme to the place of work, or the Anchor card – significator of work and career, and it is also advisable to evaluate the position of the Pisces card (finance). Negative cards, like Coffin or Scythe they may talk about being fired or that they will have to be unemployed for a long time. The Fox card is not very good , because the fox, after sweet speeches and promises, can roll over and overturn. News about the development of a business, about an interesting project or about its imminent implementation... If you are looking for a job, you will soon find it. The Horseman rarely shows the unemployed, but this is a person in search, or someone who has decided to change his field of activity and has begun a new stage, especially if the Book (Training) card appears nearby. if the Snake came out next , then there may be some kind of meanness, if next is the Mountain – stagnation, it will be difficult to grow in your career, if the coffin, then no prospects, bury yourself alive. Horseman and Korbal they may be talking about a job offer that will require moving to another city or even country.


Courier. Manager. Administrator. Driver. Postman. Traveling salesman. Delivery service. Logistics. Transport business. Athlete. Sales representative. Salesperson in a sports store or pet store. Racer. Tourist. Logistician Travel agent. Jockey. Groom.

trade and entrepreneurship, as well as writing, publishing and editing. The profession can be related to technology (means of transport or computer, the Internet as a virtual way of moving and obtaining information). According to the Horseman, a person does not occupy a high position, can work for himself (IP) or works part-time as a driver.

Traveling is not necessary, especially if fixed cards Anchor or House came out nearby , a person can even work from home, but he is active, he has a lot of communication and great access to information. Look at the commentary cards, if with a Bouquet , then, for example, an Oriflame sales representative, an administrator in a beauty salon, if with Birds , then from the advertising and public relations department , with Ship – sailor, work in the port or with water, truck driver. In combination with Scythe or Broom cards a person can work in law enforcement agencies. In general, a minor position, low rank (college registrar


The rider points to young man or athletic fit , who looks younger than his age. Agree, an old and sick person will not jump on a horse and ride briskly on horseback. Outwardly, he immediately attracts attention, both with his good figure, posture, and stylish clothes, a model from the cover of a fashion magazine. He is confident in himself, does not like to sit in one place, and can easily break loose and go somewhere to an event without his wife. It has no roots, nothing holds it. It is worth remembering that the number on this card is 1, and this is always an indication of a self-sufficient person, an egoist who is quite comfortable alone. often makes acquaintances, flirts, is easy-going and what is called “actively searching.” Therefore, a person under the Horseman card often has several marriages under his belt, or he becomes a confirmed bachelor. He is mobile and active, an optimist, drawn to everything new and unknown, everyday life is not for him. Loves entertainment and communication.

The rider belongs to the air, speaks a lot, has a boneless tongue. His mental processes and reaction speed are lightning fast, he thinks quickly, is interesting, but most likely emotionally closed, it is often not clear what this person really is like - at home, without a horse and a ceremonial camisole. It would seem that 9 Hearts on a card could indicate increased emotionality, but look at the 9 Hearts in the Tarot....Is there room for anyone else? Therefore, even if your friend the Horseman pours out like a nightingale, you should not take it personally, he is most likely rushing away from himself, from his coolness and daring, overexcited from the race and close attention to his person. Also, the Horseman card can indicate a foreigner, dynamic, active, smart, who loves to travel. Or is it simply a reference to a young man with a car or motorcycle.


First of all, this card must be assessed in the layout drawing - where it is going, where it is leaving, approaching or moving away. The Horseman card is considered positive , but it is very dependent on other cards (Subordinate), therefore, support is needed from nearby cards in order to better understand its message; they will help determine the status of the information and the timing of its receipt. The proximity of negative cards indicates disturbing news. The Horseman takes on the features of other, more significant cards. The Horseman brings news, and what kind of news can be found out from the cards located in the same way as the Stork card brings changes for the card that precedes it. Often this card predicts travel, but over short distances, more like to carry out an errand.

If the Horseman is the first card drawn in the scenario, this may be an indication that the client is getting ready to travel or is waiting for someone’s arrival. When the Horseman closes the row of unfavorable cards , then this may indicate that these problems are fleeting, something will change soon, the issue will take a new turn and most likely the outcome of the matter will still be positive. If the Horseman lands next to the Querent card , then this indicates that you will meet this young man or receive news from him in the very near future, the further you are from the Questioner’s card, the longer in terms of time and the more distant lands this person will arrive. Location next to the Kwerent map It may also indicate that you will receive news from someone close to you or at home, for example, the postman will bring home a registered letter or a telephone conversation will take place.

If the Horseman fell to the left of the Querent card , then this may indicate that the news concerns what has already been lived, and this will help to understand the current situation. And if the Horseman falls out on the right from the Querent card , then this is an indication of news about what is about to happen or is about to happen.

Falling under the Querent card The horseman says that the person has some information , and above the Querent card indicates information that is spinning in a person’s head and does not give him peace. Also, this position may indicate that a person wants change; the surrounding cards will indicate the area. In a certain position, the Horseman may indicate that you have important information that needs to be conveyed to someone. If the Horseman appears in the Queen’s thoughts, someone new has galloped into her life and now she is actively thinking about him.


Information, contact or news that has had an impact on what is happening now.


Travel, travel, active communication and obtaining information await you. Message on the road. The emergence of new ideas and thoughts in business life. The card can symbolize new beginnings.


Events according to the schedule will occur in the near future. A new superficial acquaintance, usually through work.


Good luck on the road. Good time to travel. Auspicious Event
Connections with foreign countries. Message received on the road (from afar). Progress
Guests. Changes in the family. Family trip. News from loved ones. New home. The road home. Arrival: Horseman-House. Departure: House-Horseman
Recovery. Arrival of a relative. Report of illness. A person from the medical field. Doctor's visit
Unpleasant news that will unsettle you. This is news that will cause you trouble. Negative thoughts. A storm is coming in life.
Disinformation. Dangerous acquaintance. A telephone conversation with an older woman, mother, friend. Workaround. Lover's visit. News about treason. News about illness or poisoning. Arrival of a dangerous person.
8 Coffin Report of illness. Temporary pause. Stopover. The message will not arrive. Arrival of a sick or very old person. Point to point. Sadness
9 Bouquet Nice meeting you. Invitation. Flirting. Easy love. Attractive man.
10 Spit Breaking contracts. Unexpected news. Unexpected injuries. SMS Sudden cancellation of a meeting. Damage to the car on the way. Injury on the road.
11 Broom News about the quarrel. Subpoena, proceedings. Casual sex. Erotic date. An ardent sports fan.News
12 Owls Gossip. Hex. Empty talk.
13 Child Nice fun conversation. Young man. Son. Pregnancy announcement. News about the child. A trip to a new place, somewhere you haven’t been before
14 Fox Intrigue. Cheating in business. Deception when signing an agreement. Slander. Frame
15 Bear A message from a powerful man.
16 Stars Hope. Help. Idea; intuition.Astral
17 Stork Moving notice. Message from abroad. Traveling on an airplane. News of pregnancy or some changes. Changes are coming soon. Moving.
18 Dog A meeting or telephone conversation with a friend. A friend will come to visit.
19 Tower State affairs. Business trips. Message from authorities, official institution. Contacting the government structures. The road to work.
20 Park Pleasant social interaction. New connections and potential acquaintances. Travel to nature.
21 Mountain Trip abroad (difficult path, problems with documents, obstacles in some way)
22 Fork A spat. Difference of opinion. News that will force you to make a choice.
23 Rats News of damage, theft. Tip or snitch. Stolen documents. Car breakdown.
24 Heart Love acquaintance. The beginning of a new relationship. Love for sports and cars.
25 Ring Marriage proposal. News that concerns an alliance or partnership, agreements.
26 Book Intrigue. The need to keep certain information secret. Trip to study. Secret visitor. Book publication
27 Letter Official documents, contracts. Receiving long-awaited news.
28 Man Acquaintance. News from a dear person. Athletic, agile. Active, loves to drive fast, reckless driver. He makes his own way in life.
29 Woman Acquaintance. News from a dear person. Athletic, mobile, active. This woman makes her own way in life. News from a woman. Thoughts about her
30 Lilies Message from an elderly person. Message from a patron.
31 Sun Joy. A series of pleasant events. Message of success
32 Moon Message in the evening or at night. Leave at night. In the evening someone will come to visit. Receiving important news from an elderly woman, grandmother. News concerning mother or grandmother. Moving into the unknown.
33 Key Find a quick solution. Car or motorcycle key. Awareness of one's own freedom and strength. Quick problem resolution
34 Pisces A successful financial deal. Remittance.
35 Anchor Job message. Business trip, business trip. A profession related to communication and travel. Encouraging news.
36 Cross Hard news. Achieve nothing.