M Zoshchenko, the most important thing is to read the pages. The most important. Zoshchenko Story. The most important thing is to read

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Andryusha Ryzhenky. He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything. He was afraid of dogs, cows, geese, mice, spiders and even roosters.
But most of all he was afraid of other people's boys.
And this boy’s mother was very, very sad that she had such a cowardly son.
One fine morning this boy’s mother said to him:
- Oh, how bad it is that you are afraid of everything! Only brave people live well in the world. Only they defeat enemies, put out fires and fly airplanes bravely. And that's why everyone loves brave people. And everyone respects them. They give them gifts and give them orders and medals. And no one likes cowards. They laugh and make fun of them. And this makes their life bad, boring and uninteresting.

The boy Andryusha answered his mother like this:
- From now on, mom, I decided to be a brave person. And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk. And in the yard the boys were playing football. These boys usually offended Andryusha.
And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today he didn't run away. He shouted to them:
- Hey, boys! Today I am not afraid of you! The boys were surprised that Andryusha shouted to them so boldly. And they even got a little scared themselves. And even one of them - Sanka Palochkin - said:

Today Andryushka Ryzhenky is planning something against us. Let's better leave, otherwise we'll probably get hit by him.
But the boys didn't leave. One pulled Andryusha’s nose. Another knocked his cap off his head. The third boy poked Andryusha with his fist. In short, they beat Andryusha a little. And he returned home with a roar.
And at home, wiping away his tears, Andryusha said to his mother:
- Mom, I was brave today, but nothing good came of it.
Mom said:
- Stupid boy. It is not enough to just be brave, you must also be strong. Nothing can be done with courage alone.
And then Andryusha, unnoticed by his mother, took his grandmother’s stick and went into the yard with this stick. I thought: “Now I’ll be stronger than usual.” Now I'll drive the boys away different sides if they attack me."
Andryusha went out into the yard with a stick. And there were no more boys in the yard.

I was walking there black dog, which Andryusha was always afraid of.
Waving a stick, Andryusha said to this dog: “Just try to bark at me - you’ll get what you deserve.” You'll know what a stick is when it walks over your head.
The dog began to bark and rush at Andryusha. Waving a stick, Andryusha hit the dog on the head twice, but it ran behind him and slightly tore Andryusha’s pants.
And Andryusha ran home with a roar. And at home, wiping away tears, he said to his mother:
- Mom, how is this so? I was strong and brave today, but nothing good came of it. The dog tore my pants and almost bit me.
Mom said:
- Oh, you stupid boy! It's not enough to be brave and strong. You also need to be smart. We need to think and think. And you acted stupidly. You waved a stick and this angered the dog. That's why she tore your pants. It's your own fault.
Andryusha told his mother: “From now on, I will think every time something happens.”

And so Andryusha Ryzhenky went out for a walk for the third time. But there was no longer a dog in the yard. And there were no boys either.
Then Andryusha Ryzhenky went outside to see where the boys were.
And the boys swam in the river. And Andryusha began to watch them bathe.
And at that moment one boy, Sanka Palochkin, choked in the water and began to shout:
- Oh, help me, I’m drowning!
And the boys were afraid that he was drowning, and ran to call the adults to save Sanka.
Andryusha Ryzhenky shouted to Sanka:
- Wait until you drown! I'll save you now.
Andryusha wanted to throw himself into the water, but then he thought: “Oh, I’m not a good swimmer, and I don’t have the strength to save Sanka. I’ll do something smarter: I’ll get into the boat and row the boat to Sanka.”
And right at the shore there was a fishing boat. Andryusha pushed this boat away from the shore and jumped into it himself.
And there were oars in the boat. Andryusha began to hit the water with these oars. But it didn’t work out for him: he didn’t know how to row. And the current carried the fishing boat to the middle of the river. And Andryusha began to scream out of fear.

And at that moment another boat was floating along the river. And there were people sitting in this boat.
These people saved Sanya Palochkin. And, besides, these people caught up with the fishing boat, took it in tow and brought it to the shore.
Andryusha went home and at home, wiping away his tears, he said to his mother:
- Mom, I was brave today, I wanted to save the boy. I was smart today because I didn’t throw myself into the water, but swam in a boat. Today I was strong because I pushed a heavy boat away from the shore and pounded the water with heavy oars. But it didn't work out for me.
Mom said:
- Stupid boy! I forgot to tell you the most important thing. It is not enough to be brave, smart and strong. This is too little. You still need to have knowledge. You must be able to row, be able to swim, ride a horse, fly an airplane. There is a lot to know. You need to know arithmetic and algebra, chemistry and geometry. And in order to know all this, you need to study. He who studies becomes smart. And whoever is smart must be brave. And everyone loves the brave and smart because they defeat enemies, put out fires, save people and fly airplanes.
Andryusha said:
- From now on I will learn everything.
And mom said:
- That's good.

- END -

Story by Mikhail Zoshchenko. Illustrations by G. Valk

One boy, Andryusha Ryzhenky, was very cowardly. He was afraid of all animals, and most of all of the boys in the yard. The boy's mother was very worried that her son was a coward. She explained to Andryusha that life for cowardly people is bad, boring and uninteresting. The brave, on the other hand, do heroic deeds, and for this they are loved and respected. After listening to his mother, Andryusha decided to be brave.

Having gone into the yard, he told the neighboring boys that he was not afraid of them, and did not run away, as he usually did. The boys didn’t believe it and beat Andryusha a little. The boy ran home in tears and complained to his mother. Mom explained that you need to be not only brave, but also strong.

Andryusha took his grandmother’s stick and ran into the yard again, but the boys were no longer there. But a black dog came, of which the boy was very afraid. But now he decided to defend himself from the dog with a stick and made it very angry by hitting him a couple of times. The animal tore the boy's pants.

Andryusha cried again and ran to his mother. She said that in addition to courage and strength, ingenuity is also important: you need to understand what you are doing and why. Andryusha did the wrong thing: he waved a stick and hit the dog, which made it angry.

The boy said that he would definitely think about it in future and ran in search of the boys. They swam in the river. One of them, Sanka Palochkin, began to drown and call for help. The boys ran after the adults. Andryusha wanted to rush to Sanka’s aid, but after thinking about it, he remembered that he couldn’t swim. Then he climbed into the boat that was standing nearby and tried to sail away. But nothing worked for him, and the boat was carried to the middle of the river. Andryusha was very scared and screamed. Fortunately, another boat was sailing towards him. The people sitting in it saved both Sanka and Andryusha.

At home, Andryusha told his mother that today he tried to be brave, strong and smart, but nothing worked out. Mom replied that she forgot to explain to him the most important thing: these qualities alone are not enough, knowledge and skills are also needed, everything needs to be learned. And Andryusha decided that from that day on he would study.

The main idea of ​​the story is that the one who learns has knowledge and can use it in the most different situations. Qualities such as courage, strength, and ingenuity are very important, but without knowledge their application does not always lead to good.

Picture or drawing The most important thing

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of the Siege Book Granin

    The siege of Leningrad lasted 900 days. Every day lived by Leningraders is filled with courage and heroism. The main disasters of Leningraders were hunger, cold, lack of medicine, scurvy

  • Summary of The Holy Book of the Werewolf Pelevin

    The main character of this novel is a werefox named A Huli, whose life is described in detail on the pages of this book. At that time, her age was approaching 2000 years. She lived in Moscow

- We need to call the doctor quickly. Our boy must have fallen ill. He probably ate too much candy yesterday.

The doctor was called.

A doctor comes in with glasses and a pipe.

The doctor says to Petya:

- What kind of news is this! Why are you falling?

Petya says:

“I don’t know why, but I’m falling a little.”

The doctor says to mom:

- Come on, undress this child, I’ll examine him now.

Mom undressed Petya, and the doctor began to listen to him.

The doctor listened to him through the tube and said:

– The child is completely healthy. And it’s surprising why it falls for you. Come on, put him on again and put him on his feet.

So the mother quickly dresses the boy and puts him on the floor.

And the doctor puts glasses on his nose to better see how the boy falls. As soon as the boy was put on his feet, he suddenly fell again.

The doctor was surprised and said:

- Call the professor. Maybe the professor will figure out why this child is falling.

Dad went to call the professor, and at that moment Petya comes to visit little boy Kolya.

Kolya looked at Petya, laughed and said:

- And I know why Petya falls down.

Doctor says:

“Look, what a learned little fellow there is—he knows better than I why children fall.”

Kolya says:

- Look how Petya is dressed. One of his pants legs is hanging loose, and both legs are stuck in the other. That's why he falls.

Here everyone oohed and groaned.

Petya says:

- It was my mother who dressed me.

Doctor says:

- There is no need to call the professor. Now we understand why the child falls.

Mom says:

“In the morning I was in a hurry to cook porridge for him, but now I was very worried, and that’s why I put his pants on so wrong.”

Kolya says:

“But I always dress myself, and such stupid things don’t happen to my legs.” Adults always get things wrong.

Petya says:

“Now I’ll dress myself too.”

Then everyone laughed. And the doctor laughed. He said goodbye to everyone and also said goodbye to Kolya. And he went about his business.

Dad went to work. Mom went to the kitchen.

And Kolya and Petya remained in the room. And they started playing with toys.

And the next day Petya put on his pants himself, and no more stupid stories happened to him.

It's not my fault

We sit at the table and eat pancakes.

Suddenly my father takes my plate and starts eating my pancakes. I'm crying.

Father with glasses. He has serious look. Beard. Nevertheless, he laughs. He says:

– You see how greedy he is. He feels sorry for one pancake for his father.

I speak:

- One pancake, please eat. I thought you would eat everything.

They bring soup. I speak:

- Dad, do you want my soup?

Dad says:

- No, I’ll wait until they bring the sweets. Now, if you give me something sweet, then you are really a good boy.

Thinking that cranberry jelly with milk for dessert, I say:

- Please. You can eat my sweets.

Suddenly they bring a cream that I am partial to.

Pushing my saucer of cream towards my father, I say:

- Please eat, if you are so greedy.

The father frowns and leaves the table.

Mother says:

- Go to your father and ask for forgiveness.

I speak:

- I won't go. It's not my fault.

I leave the table without touching the sweets.

In the evening, when I am lying in bed, my father comes up. He has my saucer with cream in his hands.

Father says:

- Well, why didn’t you eat your cream?

I speak:

- Dad, let's eat it in half. Why should we quarrel over this?

My father kisses me and spoon-feeds me cream.

The most important

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Andryusha Ryzhenky. He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything. He was afraid of dogs, cows, geese, mice, spiders and even roosters.

But most of all he was afraid of other people's boys.

And this boy’s mother was very, very sad that she had such a cowardly son.

One fine morning this boy’s mother said to him:

- Oh, how bad it is that you are afraid of everything. Only brave people live well in the world. Only they defeat enemies, put out fires and fly airplanes bravely. And that's why everyone loves brave people. And everyone respects them. They give them gifts and give them orders and medals. And no one likes cowards. They laugh and make fun of them. And this makes their life bad, boring and uninteresting.

The boy Andryusha answered his mother like this:

“From now on, Mom, I decided to be a brave person.”

And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk.

And in the yard the boys were playing football.

These boys usually bullied Andryusha. And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today he didn't run away. He shouted to them:

- Hey, boys! Today I am not afraid of you!

The boys were surprised that Andryusha shouted to them so boldly. And even they were a little scared. And even one of them, Sanka Palochkin, said:

– Today Andryushka Ryzhenky is planning something against us. Let's better leave, otherwise we'll probably get hit by him.

But the boys didn't leave. Vice versa. They ran up to Andryusha and began to touch him. One pulled Andryusha’s nose. Another knocked his cap off his head. The third boy poked Andryusha with his fist. In short, they beat Andryusha a little. And he returned home with a roar.

And at home, wiping away his tears, Andryusha said to his mother:

“Mom, I was brave today, but nothing good came of it.”

Mom said:

- Stupid boy. It is not enough to just be brave, you must also be strong. Nothing can be done with courage alone.

And then Andryusha, unnoticed by his mother, took his grandmother’s stick and went into the yard with this stick. I thought: “Now I will be stronger than usual. Now I will disperse the boys in different directions if they attack me.”

Andryusha went out into the yard with a stick. And there were no more boys in the yard. There was a black dog walking there, which Andryusha was always afraid of.

Waving a stick, Andryusha said to this dog:

“Just try and bark at me and you’ll get what you deserve.” You'll know what a stick is when it walks over your head.

The dog began to bark and rush at Andryusha.

Waving his stick, Andryusha hit the dog on the head twice, but it ran behind him and tore Andryusha’s pants a little.

And Andryusha ran home with a roar. And at home, wiping away tears, he said to his mother:

- Mom, how is this so? I was strong and brave today, but nothing good came of it. The dog tore my pants and almost bit me.

Mom said:

- Stupid boy. I forgot to tell you. It's not enough to be brave and strong. You also have to be smart. You acted stupidly. You were swinging a stick. And this angered the dog. It's your own fault. You need to think and think a little. You have to be smart.

Then Andryusha Ryzhenky went out for a walk for the third time. But there was no longer a dog in the yard. And there were no boys either.

And then Andryusha went outside to see where the boys were.

And the boys swam in the river. And Andryusha began to watch them bathe.

And at that moment one boy, Sanya Palochkin, choked in the water and began screaming to be saved.

The boys were afraid that he was drowning and ran to call the adults.

Mikhail Zoshchenko

The most important. Stories for children

© Zoshchenko M. M., heirs, 2009

© Andreev A. S., illustrations, 2011

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

* * *

Funny stories

Demonstration child

Once upon a time there lived a little boy Pavlik in Leningrad. He had a mother. And there was dad. And there was a grandmother.

And in addition, a cat named Bubenchik lived in their apartment.

This morning dad went to work. Mom left too. And Pavlik stayed with his grandmother.

And my grandmother was terribly old. And she loved to sleep in the chair.

So dad left. And mom left. Grandmother sat down in a chair. And Pavlik began to play on the floor with his cat. He wanted her to go to hind legs. But she didn't want to. And she meowed very pitifully.

Suddenly a bell rang on the stairs.

Grandmother and Pavlik went to open the doors.

It's the postman.

He brought a letter.

Pavlik took the letter and said:

“I’ll tell dad myself.”

The postman has left. Pavlik wanted to play with his cat again. And suddenly he sees that the cat is nowhere to be found.

Pavlik says to his grandmother:

- Grandma, that’s the number - our Bubenchik has disappeared.

Grandma says:

“Bubenchik probably ran up the stairs when we opened the door for the postman.”

Pavlik says:

- No, it was probably the postman who took my Bubenchik. He probably gave us the letter on purpose and took my trained cat for himself. It was a cunning postman.

Grandmother laughed and said jokingly:

- Tomorrow the postman will come, we will give him this letter and in return we will take our cat back from him.

So the grandmother sat down in a chair and fell asleep.

And Pavlik put on his coat and hat, took the letter and quietly went out onto the stairs.

“It’s better,” he thinks, “I’ll give the letter to the postman now. And now I’d better take my cat from him.”

So Pavlik went out into the yard. And he sees that there is no postman in the yard.

Pavlik went outside. And he walked down the street. And he sees that there is no postman anywhere on the street either.

Suddenly some red-haired lady says:

- Oh, look, everyone, what little baby walking alone down the street! He probably lost his mother and got lost. Oh, call the policeman quickly!

Here comes a policeman with a whistle. His aunt tells him:

- Look at this boy of about five who got lost.

The policeman says:

- This boy is holding a letter in his pen. This letter probably contains the address where he lives. We will read this address and deliver the child home. It's good that he took the letter with him.

Auntie says:

– In America, many parents deliberately put letters in their children’s pockets so that they don’t get lost.

And with these words, the aunt wants to take a letter from Pavlik. Pavlik tells her:

– Why are you worried? I know where I live.

The aunt was surprised that the boy told her so boldly. And from excitement I almost fell into a puddle.

Then he says:

- Look how lively the boy is. Let him then tell us where he lives.

Pavlik answers:

– Fontanka Street, eight.

The policeman looked at the letter and said:

- Wow, this is a fighting child - he knows where he lives.

Auntie says to Pavlik:

– What’s your name and who is your dad?

Pavlik says:

- My dad is a driver. Mom went to the store. Grandma is sleeping in a chair. And my name is Pavlik.

The policeman laughed and said:

– This is a fighting, demonstrative child - he knows everything. He'll probably be a police chief when he grows up.

The aunt says to the policeman:

- Take this boy home.

The policeman says to Pavlik:

- Well, little comrade, let's go home.

Pavlik says to the policeman:

“Give me your hand and I’ll take you to my house.” This is my beautiful home.

Here the policeman laughed. And the red-haired aunt laughed too.

The policeman said:

– This is an exceptionally combative, demonstrative child. Not only does he know everything, he also wants to take me home. This child will certainly be the chief of police.

So the policeman gave his hand to Pavlik, and they went home.

As soon as they reached their house, suddenly their mother was coming.

Mom was surprised to see Pavlik walking down the street, picked him up and brought him home.

At home she scolded him a little. She said:

- Oh, you nasty boy, why did you run into the street?

Pavlik said:

– I wanted to take my Bubenchik from the postman. Otherwise my little bell disappeared, and probably the postman took it.

Mom said:

- What nonsense! Postmen never take cats. There's your little bell sitting on the closet.

Pavlik says:

- That's the number. Look where my trained cat jumped.

Mom says:

“You, nasty boy, must have been tormenting her, so she climbed onto the closet.”

Suddenly grandma woke up.

Grandmother, not knowing what happened, says to mother:

– Today Pavlik behaved very quietly and well. And he didn't even wake me up. We should give him candy for this.

Mom says:

“You don’t need to give him candy, but put him in the corner with his nose.” He ran outside today.

Grandma says:

- That's the number.

Suddenly dad comes. Dad wanted to get angry, why did the boy run out into the street? But Pavlik gave dad a letter.

Dad says:

– This letter is not to me, but to my grandmother.

Then she says:

– In Moscow, my youngest daughter gave birth to another child.

Pavlik says:

– Probably, a fighting child was born. And he will probably be the chief of police.

Then everyone laughed and sat down to dinner.

The first course was soup with rice. For the second course - cutlets. For the third there was jelly.

The cat Bubenchik watched Pavlik eat from her closet for a long time. Then I couldn’t stand it and decided to eat a little too.

She jumped from the closet to the chest of drawers, from the chest of drawers to the chair, from the chair to the floor.

And then Pavlik gave her a little soup and a little jelly.

And the cat was very happy with it.

Stupid story

Petya was not such a little boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She spoon-fed him, took him for walks by the hand, and dressed him herself in the morning.

One day Petya woke up in his bed.

And his mother began to dress him.

So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell.

Mom thought he was being naughty and put him back on his feet. But he fell again.

Mom was surprised and placed it near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad at the service on the phone.

She told dad:

- Come home quickly. Something happened to our boy - he can’t stand on his legs.

So dad comes and says:

- This is nonsense. Our boy walks and runs well, and it’s impossible for him to fall.

And he immediately puts the boy on the carpet. The boy wants to go to his toys, but again, for the fourth time, he falls.

Dad says:

- We need to call the doctor quickly. Our boy must have fallen ill. He probably ate too much candy yesterday.

The doctor was called.

A doctor comes in with glasses and a pipe.

The doctor says to Petya:

- What kind of news is this! Why are you falling?

Petya says:

“I don’t know why, but I’m falling a little.”

The doctor says to mom:

- Come on, undress this child, I’ll examine him now.

Mom undressed Petya, and the doctor began to listen to him.

The doctor listened to him through the tube and said:

– The child is completely healthy. And it’s surprising why it falls for you. Come on, put him on again and put him on his feet.

So the mother quickly dresses the boy and puts him on the floor.

And the doctor puts glasses on his nose to better see how the boy falls. As soon as the boy was put on his feet, he suddenly fell again.

The doctor was surprised and said:

- Call the professor. Maybe the professor will figure out why this child is falling.

Dad went to call the professor, and at that moment a little boy Kolya comes to visit Petya.

Kolya looked at Petya, laughed and said:

- And I know why Petya falls down.

Doctor says:

“Look, what a learned little fellow there is—he knows better than I why children fall.”

Kolya says:

- Look how Petya is dressed. One of his pants legs is hanging loose, and both legs are stuck in the other. That's why he falls.

Here everyone oohed and groaned.

Petya says:

- It was my mother who dressed me.

Doctor says:

- There is no need to call the professor. Now we understand why the child falls.

Mom says:

“In the morning I was in a hurry to cook porridge for him, but now I was very worried, and that’s why I put his pants on so wrong.”

Kolya says:

“But I always dress myself, and such stupid things don’t happen to my legs.” Adults always get things wrong.

Petya says:

“Now I’ll dress myself too.”

Then everyone laughed. And the doctor laughed. He said goodbye to everyone and also said goodbye to Kolya. And he went about his business.

Dad went to work. Mom went to the kitchen.

And Kolya and Petya remained in the room. And they started playing with toys.

And the next day Petya put on his pants himself, and no more stupid stories happened to him.

It's not my fault

We sit at the table and eat pancakes.

Suddenly my father takes my plate and starts eating my pancakes. I'm crying.

Father with glasses. He looks serious. Beard. Nevertheless, he laughs. He says:

– You see how greedy he is. He feels sorry for one pancake for his father.

I speak:

- One pancake, please eat. I thought you would eat everything.

They bring soup. I speak:

- Dad, do you want my soup?

Dad says:

- No, I’ll wait until they bring the sweets. Now, if you give me something sweet, then you are really a good boy.

Thinking that cranberry jelly with milk for dessert, I say:

- Please. You can eat my sweets.

Suddenly they bring a cream that I am partial to.

Pushing my saucer of cream towards my father, I say:

- Please eat, if you are so greedy.

The father frowns and leaves the table.

Mother says:

- Go to your father and ask for forgiveness.

I speak:

- I won't go. It's not my fault.

I leave the table without touching the sweets.

In the evening, when I am lying in bed, my father comes up. He has my saucer with cream in his hands.

Father says:

- Well, why didn’t you eat your cream?

I speak:

- Dad, let's eat it in half. Why should we quarrel over this?

My father kisses me and spoon-feeds me cream.

The most important

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Andryusha Ryzhenky. He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything. He was afraid of dogs, cows, geese, mice, spiders and even roosters.

But most of all he was afraid of other people's boys.

And this boy’s mother was very, very sad that she had such a cowardly son.

One fine morning this boy’s mother said to him:

- Oh, how bad it is that you are afraid of everything. Only brave people live well in the world. Only they defeat enemies, put out fires and fly airplanes bravely. And that's why everyone loves brave people. And everyone respects them. They give them gifts and give them orders and medals. And no one likes cowards. They laugh and make fun of them. And this makes their life bad, boring and uninteresting.

The boy Andryusha answered his mother like this:

“From now on, Mom, I decided to be a brave person.”

And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk.

And in the yard the boys were playing football.

These boys usually bullied Andryusha. And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today he didn't run away. He shouted to them:

- Hey, boys! Today I am not afraid of you!

The boys were surprised that Andryusha shouted to them so boldly. And even they were a little scared. And even one of them, Sanka Palochkin, said:

– Today Andryushka Ryzhenky is planning something against us. Let's better leave, otherwise we'll probably get hit by him.

But the boys didn't leave. Vice versa. They ran up to Andryusha and began to touch him. One pulled Andryusha’s nose. Another knocked his cap off his head. The third boy poked Andryusha with his fist. In short, they beat Andryusha a little. And he returned home with a roar.

And at home, wiping away his tears, Andryusha said to his mother:

“Mom, I was brave today, but nothing good came of it.”

Mom said:

- Stupid boy. It is not enough to just be brave, you must also be strong. Nothing can be done with courage alone.

And then Andryusha, unnoticed by his mother, took his grandmother’s stick and went into the yard with this stick. I thought: “Now I will be stronger than usual. Now I will disperse the boys in different directions if they attack me.”

Andryusha went out into the yard with a stick. And there were no more boys in the yard. There was a black dog walking there, which Andryusha was always afraid of.

Waving a stick, Andryusha said to this dog:

“Just try and bark at me and you’ll get what you deserve.” You'll know what a stick is when it walks over your head.

The dog began to bark and rush at Andryusha.

Waving his stick, Andryusha hit the dog on the head twice, but it ran behind him and tore Andryusha’s pants a little.

Interesting and exciting stories from the lives of children.

Mikhail Zoshchenko's story “The Most Important Thing” for 2nd grade students school curriculum reading.

Zoshchenko. The most important. Read

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Andryusha Ryzhenky. He was a cowardly boy. He was afraid of everything. He was afraid of dogs, cows, geese, mice, spiders and even roosters.

But most of all he was afraid of other people's boys.

And this boy’s mother was very, very sad that she had such a cowardly son.

One fine morning this boy’s mother said to him:

- Oh, how bad it is that you are afraid of everything! Only brave people live well in the world. Only they defeat enemies, put out fires and fly airplanes bravely. And that's why everyone loves brave people. And everyone respects them. They give them gifts and give them orders and medals. And no one likes cowards. They laugh and make fun of them. And this makes their life bad, boring and uninteresting.

The boy Andryusha answered his mother like this:

“From now on, Mom, I decided to be a brave person.” - And with these words Andryusha went into the yard for a walk. And in the yard the boys were playing football.

These boys usually offended Andryusha. And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today he didn't run away. He shouted to them:

- Hey, boys! Today I am not afraid of you!

The boys were surprised that Andryusha shouted to them so boldly. And they even got a little scared themselves. And even one of them, Sanka Palochkin, said:

- Today Andryushka Ryzhenky is planning something against us. Let's better leave, otherwise we'll probably get hit by him.

But the boys didn't leave. One pulled Andryusha’s nose. Another knocked his cap off his head. The third boy poked Andryusha with his fist. In short, they beat Andryusha a little. And he returned home with a roar.

And at home, wiping away his tears, Andryusha said to his mother:

“Mom, I was brave today, but nothing good came of it.”

Mom said:

- Stupid boy. It is not enough to just be brave, you must also be strong. Nothing can be done with courage alone.

And then Andryusha, unnoticed by his mother, took his grandmother’s folder and went into the yard with this stick. I thought: “Now I will be stronger than usual. Now I will disperse the boys in different directions if they attack me.”

Andryusha went out into the yard with a stick. And there were no more boys in the yard. There was a black dog walking there, which Andryusha was always afraid of.

Waving a stick, Andryusha said to this dog:

“Just try to bark at me and you’ll get what you deserve.” You'll know what a stick is when it walks over your head.

The dog began to bark and rush at Andryusha.

Waving a stick, Andryusha hit the dog on the head twice, but it ran behind him and tore Andryusha’s pants a little.

And Andryusha ran home with a roar. And at home, wiping away tears, he said to his mother:

- Mom, how is this so? I was strong and brave today, but nothing good came of it. The dog tore my pants and almost bit me.

Mom said:

- Oh, you stupid boy! It's not enough to be brave and strong. You also need to be smart. We need to think and think. And you acted stupidly. You waved a stick and this angered the dog. That's why she tore your pants. It's your own fault.

Andryusha told his mother:

“From now on, I’ll think about it every time something happens.”

And so Andryusha Ryzhenky went out for a walk for the third time. But there was no longer a dog in the yard. And there were no boys either.

Then Andryusha Ryzhenky went outside to see where the boys were.

And the boys swam in the river. And Andryusha began to watch them bathe.

And at that moment one boy, Sanka Palochkin, choked in the water and began to shout:

- Oh, help me, I’m drowning!

And the boys were afraid that he was drowning, and ran to call the adults to save Sanka.

Andryusha Ryzhenky shouted to Sanka:

- Wait until you drown! I'll save you now.

Andryusha wanted to throw himself into the water, but then he thought: “Oh, I’m not a good swimmer, and I don’t have the strength to save Sanka. I’ll do something smarter: I’ll get into the boat and row the boat to Sanka.”

And right at the shore there was a fishing boat. Andryusha pushed this boat away from the shore and jumped into it himself.

And there were oars in the boat. Andryusha began to hit the water with these oars. But it didn’t work out for him: he didn’t know how to row. And the current carried the fishing boat to the middle of the river. And Andryusha began to scream out of fear.

And at that moment another boat was floating along the river.

And there were people sitting in this boat.

These people saved Sanya Palochkin. And besides, these people caught up with the fishing boat, took it in tow and brought it to the shore.

Andryusha went home and at home, wiping away his tears, he said to his mother:

- Mom, I was brave today, I wanted to save the boy. I was smart today because I didn’t throw myself into the water, but swam in a boat. Today I was strong because I pushed a heavy boat away from the shore and pounded the water with heavy oars. But it didn't work out for me.

Mom said:

- Stupid boy! I forgot to tell you the most important thing. It is not enough to be brave, smart and strong. This is too little. You still need to have knowledge. You must be able to row, be able to swim, ride a horse, fly an airplane. There is a lot to know. You need to know arithmetic and algebra, chemistry and geometry. And in order to know all this, you need to study. He who studies becomes smart. And whoever is smart must be brave. And everyone loves the brave and smart because they defeat enemies, put out fires, save people and fly airplanes.

Andryusha said:

- From now on I will learn everything.

And mom said.