Prostate massage with the help of men. Self-massage of the prostate with a finger: the subtleties of such an intimate procedure

An intimate procedure, which men are often reluctant to undergo, is necessary for diseases of the genitourinary system. The effect on the prostate allows you to free the body from stagnant secretions, remove pathogenic bacteria and toxic products of their vital activity. Doctors do not recommend performing prostate massage on their own for people who do not have medical qualifications. If there is a need to carry out this delicate procedure at home, you need to first learn how to do such a massage and arm yourself with as much information as possible.

Types of self-massage of the prostate

Urologists distinguish two massage techniques: bougie or transrectal. A bougie is a medical dilator; it is inserted through the urethra and massages the prostate gland. This technique is available only to professionals; it is dangerous to use it yourself. At home, you can stimulate the prostate externally, transrectally (directly by inserting a finger into the rectum), or by contracting the muscles of the sphincter and perineum.

Once you have gained experience in performing the procedure, you can use the device to massage the prostate. The massager is inserted into the rectum, affecting the gland. Types of effects of the device on the prostate:

  • thermal;
  • vibration (vibromassage);
  • exposure to a magnetic field.


Prostate stimulation in men through direct self-massage involves influencing the nerve endings of the prostate gland. They become irritated, causing the prostate to secrete secretions that are inflamed and stagnant. With it, pathogenic microbes leave the body. Blood supply with direct massage improves, which promotes better erection. What is transrectal prostate massage? The middle or index finger of a hand wearing a rubber glove should be lubricated with Vaseline, inserted into the anus 5 cm, and massaged in a circular motion.


Indirect types of prostate massage independently include:

  • External massage. The prostate gland is massaged through the skin, in the area between the scrotum and anus. Press on the skin of the perineum, being careful, using circular movements with your fingers. Indirect effects on the gland include massaging the scrotum and testicles.
  • Rhythmic contraction of muscles in the perineum, anus. When you inhale, the anal sphincter retracts, and when you exhale, the pelvic floor muscles unclench. 20-25 contractions are made in one session. Repeat the exercises in the mornings and evenings. The procedure is effective in the early stages of prostatitis, or for prevention.

Indications for the procedure

  • prostatitis - bacterial and non-bacterial;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • potency disorders, including impotence caused by chronic prostatitis, disorders of the prostate gland;
  • congestion in the prostate;
  • prostate adenoma.

How to prepare

It is important to know how prostate massage is performed so that the procedure does not have negative consequences for the patient. There are certain rules that must be followed when preparing:

  • Start the course no earlier than 1-2 days from the start of treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics or other medications.
  • Empty the intestines before the stimulation procedure, either naturally or with an enema.
  • Do not empty your bladder; it must be full. 40 minutes (or an hour) before you are supposed to massage the prostate yourself, drink a liter of water.
  • The skin should be dry and clean.
  • Do not eat 1.5-2 hours before the procedure.

Finger massage technique

It is difficult to hit the prostate with your finger the first time; you will need to gain experience before the massage, get a practical lesson, preferably from a specialist. The procedure can be performed by the wife of her husband, since it is inconvenient to massage herself. Massage for prostatitis is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient lies on his back and spreads his legs.
  2. The performer puts on gloves, generously lubricates the man's anus with Vaseline, and applies the ointment to the index or middle finger of his hand.
  3. The lubricated “working” finger is slowly inserted into the anus. In this position of the patient, the prostate is closer to the abdomen, higher to the rectum. Having inserted the finger to its full length, the massage therapist will feel that it rests on a pineal fibrous formation, the prostate gland.
  4. Massaging the prostate begins with light stroking, then focusing on the patient’s sensations. If there is no discomfort, you can move on to light pressure. The finger moves from the sides of the prostate to the center. Squeezing movements are made towards the anus.
  5. The end of the massage occurs when about 5 drops of secretion have been released. This process takes a maximum of one and a half minutes. If the liquid is clear, with a white tint, everything is normal; splashes of yellow indicate purulent discharge. In this case, you cannot continue the course of prostate massage on your own.
  6. After the procedure, you need to visit the toilet to relieve your bladder. This will release “waste material”, microbes and traces of their activity. A disturbed gland may make itself felt for some time, possibly causing a slight burning sensation in the urethra. Sometimes there is temporary difficulty urinating. Normally this goes away quickly. If the pain, pain, or discomfort remains for a long time and intensifies, then the massage should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Duration and frequency of procedure

The intensity of massage movements should be insignificant at the beginning of the course and gradually increase. The following scheme is common:

  • During the first sessions, the finger lightly strokes the left and right lobes of the prostate.
  • The central part of the gland is gradually covered.
  • With each procedure, the intensity of the effect increases, the massage therapist moves on to pressure.

For chronic prostatitis, massage is done in courses of 12-15 sessions. The procedures are carried out at least every other day; daily stimulation of the prostate is more effective. One session lasts approximately one and a half minutes. The massage course must be repeated. After completing the first “round”, a break is taken for a couple of weeks, then the procedures are resumed.

When a course of procedures is carried out correctly, positive effects are observed:

  • if there has been long-term abstinence, stagnant secretions leave the prostate;
  • pathogenic bacteria are removed from the body;
  • Potency increases, the duration of sexual intercourse increases, intimacy becomes more intense.

How to do a prostate massage yourself at home

When there is no one to trust this complex procedure to, you can do it yourself. The best way is in a bath with warm water. When massaging the prostate yourself, you need to lie in the water, lubricate the “working” finger with baby cream, Vaseline, and insert it into the anus. Having felt the prostate, massage it based on your own sensations. It shouldn't hurt. The scheme of further actions is similar to the massage technique described above.

You can give yourself a hydromassage of the prostate gland. It will require such a simple device as a rubber bulb. The procedure is preceded by a cleansing enema, and after 10-15 minutes, up to 700 ml of a decoction of chamomile flowers, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin, should be injected into the rectum. The liquid should cause the urge to defecate, of medium intensity. You need to hold it in for 30-40 minutes. At this time, the muscles actively contract and relax.

Are there any contraindications

Stimulation of the gland helps with prostatitis, but in the acute form of this disease, massage is prohibited. Other contraindications are:

  • exacerbation of inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • urethritis, cancer, prostate tuberculosis, cysts or stones in it;
  • hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus;
  • elevated temperature;
  • impaired urination;
  • prostate adenoma in a late stage;
  • severe pain during massage.

Every man has a desire to be healthy. Moreover, his woman also wants this.

Every man wants to surprise his woman. A woman wants her man to be able to surprise her and for him to be healthy.

Fortunately, there are various ways to treat men's diseases at home. This applies to a disease such as prostatitis.

How to do a prostate massage at home yourself? So…

Disease prostatitis is an inflammation of the muscular glandular male organ, that is, the prostate gland.

This male ailment is quite common. Prostatitis appears in men aged twenty-five to forty-five years.

It is important to know that the prostate is tightly wrapped in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and also has a countless number of nerve endings.

And it weighs only from fifteen to thirty grams and tends to decrease with a man’s age.

What is adjacent to the prostate gland?

What functions does the prostate gland perform in the human male body?

  • secretory– male sex hormones and prostatic juice, which is part of sperm, are produced.
  • protective, or barrier– pathological microorganisms are delayed on the way from the urethra, and also blocks the exit of urine from the bladder during erection.

Causes of prostatitis in young men

The causes of prostatitis in men are as follows:

  • streptococci
  • coli
  • staphylococci
  • gonococci
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • chlamydia
  • Koch's wand
  • ureaplasma
  • trichomonas
  • mycoplasma.

Prostatitis in men manifests itself in the form of various symptoms:

How is it carried out? prostate treatment? For this purpose it is necessary to do the following:

In order to do a prostate massage for your husband at home and the effect was noticeable, the man must first relax, then stand near a special low table, spread his legs shoulder-width apart and, for convenience and proper penetration, rest his hands on the surface of the table.

The wife, the attending doctor or the one who performs the massage at home must wear disposable and sterile gloves.

After this, you should lubricate the index finger of the glove with gel or ointment. With this gloved finger he inserts the rectum into the rectum.

Duration prostate massage at home for husband ends only when at least a few drops of prostate juice appear.

Often for a man for the first time after doing massage of prostate adenoma by wife at home dizziness begins.

Don't be alarmed as this is due to fear and anxiety. After all, the man is not used to this type of procedure. It is advisable to massage every day.

And the entire course of treatment will not last more than ten days.

Prostate massage can be performed and performed using various instruments. For example, a massager for these purposes. This massager can be simple, or maybe with vibration. The last option is the most useful, since additional stimulation will be performed.

Just remember to use lubricants and silicone-based gels with various massagers and tools. You should also carry out the massage wearing gloves, or a condom. The latter should be used as a last resort. Don't forget about hygiene. Especially if special sex toys are used.

In order to avoid any funny incidents or very unpleasant circumstances during a massage, you need to think about preparing for a prostate massage and, first of all, about hygiene. It is recommended to clean the rectum before the massage itself.

This can be done by going to the toilet, or by using an enema. Although the latter method is not recommended. Especially if the massage will be performed for the first time. But this method will be more reliable.

It all depends on the desire of the man who is about to have a prostate massage.

You can use plantain infusion a few days before the massage begins. Men with hemorrhoids and fissures can have a massage. True, it will be more painful than under normal conditions.

It is important to know, especially for a woman who is about to begin a massage procedure, that massage is contraindicated with long nails. It is necessary to cut your nails, file them, and then start the massage, wearing gloves or a condom. The latter is used as a last resort. For aesthetic purposes, it is recommended to use gloves in black or dark shades.

A man can do DIY prostate massage at home. There is absolutely nothing scary or difficult about this. This may be due to embarrassment or awkwardness, as well as the absence of a person to whom he could entrust such an intimate procedure. So…

After reaching orgasm, a man must carefully remove his finger from the anus. Afterwards, take off your gloves, do not forget to turn them outside and wrap them in any clean napkin. To prevent odor, place the napkin in a bag and tie it. Most importantly, don't pretend that you're having sex just for the sake of treatment.

Instill in your man that he is loved, that you support him and that you are pleased to perform massage actions of this type. Even if something unpleasant happens, like defecation.

Without words, you must show with your facial expression and smile that this is quite normal for you, a common thing, or that you are interested or even pleased. Never humiliate or show disgust. After all, this is your beloved man, and you want him to get better and get better.

The following effects from proper prostate massage have been noticed:

Is it possible to massage the prostate on your own?? Definitely yes. However, it should be remembered that prostate massage is not recommended for all men. The following contraindications exist:

  • prostate cancer
  • cyst in the prostate
  • prostatitis in a particularly acute form and phase
  • insufficient emptying of the bladder
  • existing stones in the prostate gland, of any size.

This type of training exercise must be performed at least five times a day.

Massage effect on myofascial trigger points

The man lies down on his left side. In the meantime, the attending doctor or the one who performs the prostate massage must carry out external and internal massage actions. The duration of this massage for getting rid of trigger points is from twenty minutes to one hour. The course of treatment is about three months. To begin with, in the first months there are two sessions per week, and then once a week.

Neuromodulatory treatment

This treatment includes electrotherapy. It is aimed at eliminating pain in case of inflammation of the prostate gland. Electrotherapy is performed in several ways. One of them is that the nerve endings in the spinal cord are stimulated. It is carried out through the skin on the back. Another way is to treat with a special laser. It affects nerve endings and certain cells. However, these methods are recommended to be reproduced together with taking medications, as well as with other means and methods of combating prostatitis.

These interventions are carried out very rarely. Surgical methods and means are necessary in the following cases:

Folk remedies can also help in the treatment of the prostate gland.

Take about forty grams of propolis. Fill them with ninety-six percent medical alcohol. Leave the solution for two weeks.

Take some propolis and add about two grams of cocoa butter to it. Useful suppositories are prepared from this mixture for insertion into the rectum.

In order to treat the prostate gland, it is necessary to consume fifty to seventy pumpkin seeds every day. You can make pumpkin juice. It is recommended to take one universal glass per day. Pumpkin seeds should be consumed for a long time. They help reduce the disease and prevent prostatitis.

It is recommended to take parsley seeds. There should be about one teaspoon. Afterwards, you need to pour the seeds with warm water, a volume of about two hundred milliliters. The solution should be infused for eight to nine hours.

Boil one liter of water. As soon as the water boils, you need to add about twenty-five grams of red root to it.

If desired, and to improve the taste of the broth, you can add one spoonful of honey.

Under what circumstances and in what cases is it simply necessary to entrust the treatment of the prostate gland to the attending physician?

In these cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor who treats prostatitis in men, i.e. urologist. The examination is carried out using ultrasound, and sometimes by briefly placing a finger in the anus.

It is necessary to prepare yourself psychologically for such an examination. It is important to know that nothing bad will happen. Everything is within the bounds of decency and medical ethics.

Finally, let's meet some facts about the prostate gland:

Take care of your health, get treatment, get well and be happy!

Nowadays, diseases of the genitourinary system in men are quite common. Usually a man consults a doctor who prescribes a comprehensive course of therapy. This can be a variety of pills, a urological patch, injections, even surgery. But one of the most pleasant and safest techniques that the doctor offers to the patient is for the wife to massage the prostate. However, stimulation of the prostate gland is not necessarily performed exclusively for prostatitis. Often a wife gives her husband a prostate massage with her tongue just for pleasure, since such stimulation is very pleasant and allows the partner to achieve orgasm.

Advantages of this method

If the stimulation is therapeutic in nature, then a doctor is capable of performing physical therapy of the prostate gland. But a massage performed at home will bring much more benefits. Firstly, a woman usually does a prostate massage for her husband at home no worse than a qualified specialist. She can even give a man a pleasant bonus - physical therapy with an ending. So why turn to a stranger for such an intimate service, even if he is a medical professional? Secondly, at home it is easier to go into a state of relaxation, psychological discomfort will be much less. Pleasant music, dim lighting, a warm bath with aroma oil - all this will help you calm down and relax. The sensations during a prostate massage will be more pleasant, a strong erection will allow the guy to get a powerful orgasm. He will ask you to carry out the next procedure himself! Thirdly, such a pleasant treatment is very convenient to carry out without leaving home.

The number of sessions is limited only by the physical capabilities and desire of the wife and husband.

And finally, a guy who regularly gets such a thrill as a prostate massage with a woman’s gentle hands and ending will love and appreciate his soul mate even more. It’s not for nothing that this organ is called the G-spot of the stronger sex. The couple's relationship will become stronger, and their intimate life will become more varied.

Preparation and execution method

Before starting physical therapy of the prostate gland and stimulating it, the spouse should have a good idea of ​​how to properly, safely and pleasantly massage the prostate at home. A girl can learn how to skillfully massage in the right place by contacting the doctor who is treating or observing her husband. The doctor will introduce the woman to the methods of influencing the desired point with the end, talk about the types of lubrication, hygiene rules and safety measures (so that the husband does not get injured in the prostate gland), as well as about the preparatory stage.

Before the procedure, a woman should consult a doctor.

The second way to learn how to do stimulation with ending is to watch the video “massage for prostatitis in a man, performed by his wife.” Such a video tutorial can be found on the Internet - on sites dedicated to the health of guys. There are a lot of tips on how to maintain prostate health at the proper level and please your husband through stimulation.

The time it takes to complete a stimulating session for the prostate gland depends on the degree of skill of the wife and the individual characteristics of the couple. Stimulation usually takes a few minutes, but sometimes lasts longer. It is advisable to conduct sessions every few days, especially if the purpose of the massage is not only to obtain pleasure and closure, but also to carry out prevention or therapy of the prostate gland and the genitourinary system as a whole.

Preparatory activities

Before performing a prostate massage on her husband at home, a woman must:

  1. Watch the video of a girl's prostate massage with ending again to refresh your memory.
  2. Trim your nails short and remove rings and any jewelry from your working hand to prevent damage to the prostate gland.
  3. Provide a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere at home - lock the door, turn off the phone, dim the lights, turn on pleasant music.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, prepare Vaseline or other lubricant, and rubber gloves.

However, not only the partner, but also the partner will have to undergo training. The husband should also know how the stimulation will occur, what is the sequence of prostate physiotherapy and completion. Discuss a signal for the wife to stop the massage if something goes wrong.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Before you begin treatment for the prostate gland, you need to cleanse the intestines with an enema filled with warm chamomile infusion or plain warm water. 30 minutes before performing a prostate massage, a man needs to drink plenty of water. When there is an urgent desire to urinate, that is, the bladder is full, the prostate and the finger (or massage device) will have the closest contact. Thus, the ending will come as effectively and violently as possible. When all the necessary preparations are completed, you can begin physical therapy of the prostate gland, ending at home.

Different ways to do it

There are several most popular options for how to do a prostate massage at home with an ending:

  1. The wife massages the prostate with her hand - palpation.
  2. Physiotherapy of the prostate gland with an invasive stimulator.
  3. Prostate massage performed with the tongue.

All three options for stimulation with ending have their pros and cons; the couple chooses the one that suits them best. Or the wife experimentally finds out in what position it is most convenient for her to reach the prostate gland.

Prostate massage by a woman occurs in different positions, which differ in variety - the husband lies on his side, with his bent legs pulled up to his stomach; stimulation when the husband stands, bending down slightly; stimulation on the back with legs apart; stimulation in the “dog style” position.

If a wife massages the prostate with her hand, she stands behind her husband (or between his legs) and inserts a finger into the anus to a depth of about 5 cm. Having felt the area of ​​the prostate gland, she begins stimulation. Palpation should be soft and smooth. With her second hand she can caress herself; if the purpose of the massage is to give pleasure, then why not enjoy it for both partners? Having reached the highest point of pleasure, the husband gives a sign to his wife, or she will finish herself, realizing that the goal has been achieved.

Prostate stimulation can be done with your fingers, tongue or massager.

Prostate massage with completion using a special invasive device occurs in much the same way, only instead of a hand, the wife massages her husband’s prostate with a vibrating stimulator. Doctors often advise purchasing such a massager for those who want to independently treat male diseases. Stimulation will be effective and orgasm will be achieved quickly if the husband and wife carefully study the instructions before using the device for the first time.

The wife massages the prostate with her tongue in cases where the closest and most trusting relationship has been established between the partners. Here we can already talk about full-fledged intimacy, and pleasure occurs not only from the male, but also from the female side. The method of such loving caresses of the prostate gland is similar to the previous ones, only the wife uses her tongue as a “tool” for stimulation. In this case, you can do without lubricant, because you can use saliva for this. Usually the evening that begins with such a “therapeutic” procedure smoothly flows into a night of love.


When a wife massages her husband's prostate, the greatest degree of intimacy is achieved between them. The benefits of such physiotherapy for the prostate gland are enormous - the husband receives incomparable pleasure, his health, potency and libido improve. Relationships in a couple will reach a new level, and the girl will definitely feel proud of herself - she was able to help her man and strengthen family ties!

Prostate massage is a simple and effective way to treat prostatitis, improve potency, and gain pleasure. The procedure can be performed in a clinic or at home. But, before doing prostate massage at home, you should first visit a doctor. The urologist will not only examine the patient, make an accurate diagnosis, but also give practical recommendations on massage techniques.

When is prostate massage necessary?

Typically, men under 50 are sent for such procedures. They come to the urologist with complaints of prostatitis, and, after a certain examination, receive a diagnosis of “prostatitis”. In addition, prostate massage may be recommended by:

  • In case of potency violation.
  • For erectile dysfunction.
  • For prostate adenoma (if it is excluded that the tumor is malignant).
  • Decreased fertility caused by congestion in the prostate lobes.
  • In case of ejaculation disorder caused by inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

In any case, procedures can only be performed during the period of remission of chronic prostatitis and other diseases. Only when the inflammation is relieved with medication does the patient feel better; traditional therapy is supplemented with physiotherapy and massage.

Is it possible to massage the prostate of a healthy man? Doctors say this procedure will not cause harm. The main thing is to consult a doctor, find out how to properly massage the prostate and find out if a man has any contraindications to the procedure.

Benefits of prostate massage

Patients who are interested in how to do massage also want to know about the benefits of this procedure. The treatment method really has many positive qualities. Otherwise, it would hardly be prescribed for various urological diseases.

By massaging the prostate gland you can achieve the following results:

  1. Preventing juice from stagnating in the prostate.
  2. Normalization of urination.
  3. Improving blood circulation and lymph flow in the prostate area.

Thanks to therapeutic massage, medications enter the gland faster and are better absorbed. The method also helps to cope with difficulties in the intimate sphere. After all, prostatitis often leads to problems with erection, duration of sexual intercourse and potency.


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What does a properly performed massage give?

Since direct prostate massage is performed through the anus, many men do not agree to this procedure. Cause? They don’t want to appear homosexual; they are worried about the integrity of the anus. In general, any penetration into this area is considered wrong.

Such reprehensible behavior can lead to the fact that the mass of pills that a man drinks will give a weak therapeutic effect. And the disease will progress, worsening potency, disrupting urination, causing stagnation of urine and inflammation.

Properly performed prostate massage has a positive effect. How does a man's health improve?

  • Decaying secretions are removed from the prostate lobes.
  • Stagnation of seminal fluid is eliminated.
  • The permeability of the tissues of the pelvic organs increases, which helps medications work more effectively.
  • Tension in the prostate subsides, the lobes return to normal size.
  • Regeneration processes are improved.
  • The pain goes away, the man can urinate normally.
  • The formation of seminal fluid is normalized.

Healthy men note that prostate massage helps to more acutely feel the pleasure received from coitus.

The main disadvantages of the procedure

Prostate massage is known not only for its positive qualities, but also for its disadvantages. This means that in some cases it can cause harm to the male body. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, the patient risks complications in the form of exacerbation of prostatitis and the appearance of prostate adenoma.

Do not forget that prostate massage is a medical procedure. Therefore, it must be carried out by a qualified specialist who is well acquainted with the technique of the method.

If the procedure is not carried out correctly, the following health problems may arise:

  1. Blood poisoning if prostatitis is bacterial.
  2. Spread of metastases in the presence of carcinoma.
  3. The appearance of an autoimmune reaction that leads to the formation of antigen.
  4. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids caused by damage to the intestinal walls.

Most side effects are caused by too much pressure from the device or a finger on the gland and the walls of nearby organs. The procedure may be accompanied by pain due to tension in the abdominal muscles.

Prostate massage can hardly be called a non-specific procedure. It is highly not recommended to practice it without a doctor's prescription. It is best to entrust such treatment to an experienced specialist. Otherwise, the risk of injury during massage increases greatly.

Contraindications to prostate massage

Not all patients with prostatitis are prescribed a course of prostate massage. This is because this procedure has its contraindications. These include:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which have an acute form.
  2. Presence of stones in the organ.
  3. Cystic neoplasms in the prostate.
  4. Hemorrhoids and fissures in the area of ​​the posterior opening.
  5. Damage to the prostate gland by tuberculosis.
  6. Bacterial prostatitis.
  7. Impaired urination.

If there are such deviations, you should refuse massage and choose a safer alternative for the treatment of prostatitis.

How to prepare for a massage

If the procedure is carried out in a clinic, it is advisable for the man to do an enema and take a shower at home. Not necessarily, unless, of course, you do it regularly. Wash the anus thoroughly with soap.

Wear loose, comfortable underwear to avoid sweating and then blushing for your sweaty and “fragrant” groin area.

Doctors ask their patients to do the following before starting a massage:

  1. Do an enema with warm water.
  2. Wash the genitals and anus well.
  3. Take a comfortable body position.

As soon as the patient completes the preparatory steps, the doctor can begin the procedure. He will prepare a special lubricant in advance, which will ensure the most painless insertion of the finger or device. Water-based products are best suited for such purposes. Vaseline and cosmetic lubricants are inappropriate in this case. The first has too much fat content, and the second can cause irritation.

During the first massage sessions, the specialist will not put too much pressure on the organ. He will limit himself to light stroking.

If you are planning a massage at home, taking a shower and washing your butt is also necessary. An assistant is also prepared for the procedure, who will massage the prostate. If it's a woman, she needs to cut her nails, completely. One wrong move, and the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum can be damaged, even if a woman massages the prostate while wearing gloves.

  1. Prepare the place for the massage in advance - cover the table with a blanket, if it is a bed, remove excess pillows. In the process, you will need Vaseline, which your wife should lubricate her finger for better glide.
  2. You need to prepare lubricant and finger pads in advance also if a man plans to perform prostate massage on his own.

Massage technique

Doctors note that in case of serious diseases of the genital organs, it is better to entrust the massage to an experienced urologist. He knows exactly which points need to be affected, for what period of time, with what force. But you can also massage the prostate gland at home if the need for therapeutic manipulation arises due to minor pathologies.

What to expect at the clinic

In medicine, there are several options for prostate massage. Namely:

  1. Manual.
  2. External.
  3. Rectal.
  4. Indirect.
  5. Hydromassage.
  6. Urological.

Today you can buy special devices that allow you to carry out this procedure at home.

Attention! Only today!

Sometimes men refuse prostatitis with prostate massage due to a negative attitude towards homosexuality.

Subconsciously identifying informal sexual relationships and massage.

This is a deep misconception prostate massage increased male strength in the harems of shahs and sultans since time immemorial.

Massage undoubtedly brings great benefits to the male body as a whole.

It also helps in healing inflammatory process prostate. Besides:

  • promotes the removal of infected secretions from the prostate;
  • cleanses ducts;
  • relieves the prostate from congestion;
  • speeds up the process of receiving medications;
  • increases blood flow and enriches with oxygen;
  • restores muscle tone (prostate and perineum);
  • improves the quality of sexual intercourse, increases male strength.

Important! Massage alone cannot cure prostatitis. It is treated with a complex of measures, the basis of which is treatment. Also, for successful treatment, it is necessary to exercise, adhere to, and give up bad habits.

Harm and contraindications

With the correct diagnosis and compliance with all rules massage no harm to the man's health has ever been identified. However, a number of contraindications have been established for massage prostate gland:

  • Massage is not prescribed for acute inflammation in the prostate gland.
  • Suspicion of and.
  • Unknown exact diagnosis.
  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • , presence of anal fissures.
  • Calculous prostatitis.
  • Benign formations in any organs of the genitourinary system and pelvis.
  • Prostate tuberculosis.
  • Urinary disorders.
  • It is prohibited to massage during periods exacerbation chronic forms of prostatitis.


Massage prostate gland is prescribed both as a therapeutic agent and for diagnosing the disease. It is performed using two techniques - on bougie And transrectally(fingers).

To establish a diagnosis (confirmation) massage carried out once for the purpose of taking secret, which the doctor collects in a test tube or on glass.

Therapeutic massage is prescribed courses, is held in conjunction with other events.

Transrectal is done with a finger, through the anus.

On bougie through the urethra, using a special device in the form of a thin tube (bougie).

The procedure is more painful than the first one. Through the penile canal bougie passes to the prostate and ends with a massage session.

Who should I contact for a session?

Prostate massage prescribed by a doctor urologist, he is the one who conducts it. In addition to the doctor, with special training, a nurse can perform massage.


How to treat prostatitis massage? The massage procedure is complex and responsible. It is carried out in a clinical setting. When prescribing the procedure, the urologist tells the patient about the stages of the procedure and the necessary preparation.

How can you do it for yourself? massage with prostatitis? Lying on your back with bent legs, you need to insert the finger of your right hand, after putting on sterile gloves, smearing the anus and finger with Vaseline, 5 centimeters into the anus. The finger is turned with the pad up.

Using a sliding motion, we dive down to a slight unevenness. This is the prostate gland. We massage the right side from top to bottom, smoothly moving to the left. For the first few sessions, we make light stroking movements, then increase the pressure.

We always finish by moving along the central groove. A positive result will be the release 3-5 drops of secretion. The water you drink before the prostate massage procedure will flush out the secretions from the genital canal.

Important! Before massage for prostatitis at home, consult your doctor. He will explain how to correctly find the prostate and clearly demonstrate massage movements.

Do it yourself for prostatitis massage not very convenient at home. Professional massage therapists always say that you need to lie down and relax. But you won’t be able to do this procedure on yourself and relax.

Firstly, the position is not comfortable; if you have a tummy and short arms, it is difficult to do everything that the doctor advises. Secondly, how can you relax when you need to focus on the movements and constantly ensure that you are doing everything correctly.

Well, thirdly, it is better if your wife helps you in this case. Then you can both relax and have fun. And a loving woman is always ready to help, because not only her man’s health, but also family well-being depends on it.


Discharge secret should be mandatory, if at the end of the session even a couple of drops come out of the penis, this is a good sign that the healing process has begun.

The allocations must be whitish-transparent.

What to do if prostate massage is there blood?

Appearance of blood bad sign. If this happened in the clinic, the doctor will determine the cause and eliminate it.

If you are at home, stop the procedure immediately. At the first opportunity, consult a doctor.

You should also be alert to pain during prostate massage or after it, purulent discharge. There may be several reasons for this. Exacerbation of the disease, the onset of the inflammatory process, incorrect position during massage, strong pressure.


The massage is powerful prophylactic inflammation of the prostate. If the first signs of the disease appear, massage can improve blood flow. This will trigger the anti-inflammatory mechanism, activating the body's own forces. Will restore impaired potency.

Treatment devices

Online stores offer a lot of things to men today to combat prostatitis.

Simple massagers for the treatment of prostatitis "Straw Bull", in the form of a corrugated truncated cone, which is recommended to be used, placed on a car seat, and the product Premium class with rotating head and control panel. Doctors advise buying these products only in pharmacies.

Urological device "I'll just" has a healing effect on the prostate gland through heat. At elevated temperatures, metabolic processes accelerate, and the outflow of secretions from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles increases.

Magnetic waves relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. Vibration improves the muscle tone of the pelvis and destroys congestion. The patient is given an enema.

Place a condom on the nozzle, smear it with Vaseline and insert it into the anus, press it against prostate. The device will finish the session itself; there is no need to control the time.

After the sound signal, the nozzle is removed and the condom is thrown away. Massager for prostatitis, made of medical plastic, harmless.

Passed clinical studies. Does not cause allergies. Safe for use at any age. Well 10-12 procedures. Price from 6 thousand rubles.

Important! Do not replace medical devices with adult sex toys. They are designed to provide pleasure and enhance orgasm. Many are made from hazardous materials that can cause allergic reactions.

Urological device "Emils-007" a device that has no analogues for the prevention and treatment of many male diseases.

The operation of the device is based on a combination of three physiotherapeutic effects: phototherapy, microvibration therapy, and exposure to a magnetic field.

Phototherapy dilates the blood vessels of the prostate. Prevents prostate cell division. Blocks pain. Microvibrotherapy improves blood circulation. Relieves inflammatory processes.

Magnetic field accelerates biochemical reactions. Use the device while lying on your side, having previously completed all bowel cleansing procedures. The emitter is equipped with a silicone nozzle, which is gently and painlessly inserted into the rectum.

Condoms for anal sex are used for the procedure. Ordinary ones are not suitable. During the session you cannot use the phone; you must remove all metal objects. During the entire course of treatment, 10-15 procedures, alcoholic drinks are excluded.

Rest after the session is recommended 40-60 minutes. "Emils-007" works from mains and batteries. Made from high quality raw materials. Passed all tests. Safe. Expensive 16,000 rubles. According to reviews, it is effective and gives good results.

Now you know everything about what to do for prostatitis in men massage and its treatment. It doesn't matter what types massage Would you take. The main thing is that this process is pleasant for you, brings satisfaction and helps you get rid of the disease once and for all.

Useful video

For prostatitis, how to do it massage prostate? Watch a video about the technique massage prostate.