Medical abortion - reviews and recommendations of obstetricians and gynecologists. Medical abortion Medical termination of pregnancy first day

Despite the huge selection of contraceptives, the problem of unplanned pregnancy is extremely relevant today. Few modern families actually plan for the birth of a child. It is for this reason that abortion services are constantly in demand.

What is medical abortion?

The newest method of termination of pregnancy is medication, or as it is also called, pharmabortion. It is performed in a non-surgical manner, which is why it has earned its recognition and popularity. However, this type of abortion has its own peculiarity - it can only be performed in the early stages, up to six weeks of pregnancy.

Medical abortion: how it works. Highlights

Due to the presence of contraindications to the procedure and the possibility of danger to life, medical abortion is possible only under the strict supervision of a doctor. It will help assess the woman’s condition and the absence of contraindications; in addition, when purchasing a medication, you will be required to provide a prescription from the attending physician.

It occurs under the influence of a medical drug that stimulates the process of embryo rejection and cleansing of the uterine cavity.

General contraindications

The procedure has its own characteristics and contraindications, the presence of which excludes any type of termination of pregnancy, including medical abortion. How the pregnancy is going, the woman’s well-being and other features - everything should be taken into account. The procedure is excluded in the following cases:

  1. In the acute form of an infectious disease.
  2. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, including in the intimate area.
  3. When diagnosing ectopic pregnancy.

If one of the above contraindications is present, it is impossible, and the pathological process must be treated. Otherwise, the risk of complications increases greatly.

Contraindications for medical abortion

This type of abortion has its own contraindications:

  1. Intolerance to substances included in the drug. In such a situation, the doctor will be able to recommend another remedy that is suitable for you.
  2. Having problems with the kidneys and liver.
  3. Serious heart and vascular diseases.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Breastfeeding, since substances are absorbed into the blood and pass into breast milk.
  6. In a situation where protection was provided for a long time using oral contraceptives, and their use was stopped immediately before pregnancy.
  7. Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcer).
  8. The presence of a scar on the uterus.

Preparing for the abortion procedure

To successfully complete the procedure, a woman must contact her doctor and strictly follow his requirements and advice. At the first appointment, the doctor will tell the woman how a medical abortion works. The patient will need to try to establish the exact date of conception, undergo an ultrasound examination to exclude ectopic pregnancy, and also undergo a series of tests.

The patient should disclose all chronic diseases to prevent the risk of complications.

A day or two before the abortion, you should avoid drinking alcohol and refrain from smoking. Women who smoke more than ten cigarettes a day should remember that the effect of the drug will be reduced.

What is this procedure?

It is carried out in a hospital in several stages.

  1. The patient is given two tablets of the drug, after which the woman remains under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital for a certain period of time (from two to four hours). How a medical abortion works should be assessed by a doctor. In the absence of side effects, drug rejection (vomiting) and complications, the patient goes home the same day. The drug (Mifepristone) helps to terminate pregnancy. It prepares the uterus for expulsion of the embryo. It softens, the tone increases, a process occurs as before the onset of menstruation.
  2. After two days, the client returns to the clinic to undergo the next stage. She receives another type of drug (Misoprostol) that helps the body rid itself of the fetus. The patient is under the supervision of medical staff for at least two hours from the moment the procedure begins (medical abortion). How the process goes should be assessed by a specialist. After the examination, the patient can go home. At this stage, the fetus is expelled, which may be accompanied by bleeding and pain.

Medical abortion is a gentle and gentle alternative to surgical intervention in cases where the pregnancy is undesirable. Early periods, up to 6-7 weeks, are the best and optimal time for non-surgical abortion using the tablet method.

So, you discovered that your menstruation was delayed by several days, you took a test and it showed two lines... A wonderful event in a woman’s life, but sometimes, due to reasons, it can be unplanned at the moment. There is no need to rush - think everything over carefully, discuss it with your partner, and only then make a final decision. Remember, this is your choice and only you are responsible for its consequences.

A woman can make an appointment and terminate a pregnancy at the clinic at her own request only within the strictly limited time frame. They are clearly regulated by law and the limit for medical abortion is 12 weeks. At the same time, a woman has the right to choose the method that best suits her; there are three of them:

  1. Surgical (operational) method,
  2. Vacuum (operational, minimally invasive) mini-abortion,
  3. Medical abortion (pills).

What is medical abortion?

The essence of this non-surgical method is as follows. In the early stages, the development of pregnancy depends on the hormone progesterone. Under its action, the uterus is in a state conducive to the acceptance and development of a fertilized egg. Therefore, the use of mifegin (mifepristone) - a progesterone antagonist - leads to the termination of pregnancy, increased uterine contractility, dilation of the cervix and promotes the separation and expulsion of the fertilized egg.

Of all the existing methods of terminating pregnancy in the early stages, medication is the best, because it is done without surgery and is therefore as safe as possible. So, for example, in 2005. The World Health Organization (WHO) has included Mifegin (mifepristone) in the list of essential medicines. But it should be borne in mind that these drugs are used only in medical institutions and under the supervision of a doctor. Independent use of illegally obtained pills of unknown origin in order to terminate a pregnancy at home is fraught with very sad consequences!

Duration in weeks

  • Medical termination of pregnancy - up to 6 weeks
  • In preparation for surgical curettage - up to 12 weeks.

Medical abortion can only be done in the early stages - up to 49 days from the first day of the last menstruation or up to 42 days after its end. The non-surgical method is most effective for up to four to five weeks, while the fertilized egg is weakly attached in the uterus, and the woman’s hormonal background has not completely adjusted to bearing the fetus. In some cases, taking into account the results of the preliminary examination, short periods of conception and the presence of indications, it is possible to have an emergency abortion on the day of treatment.


  • suspicion of ectopic;
  • chronic adrenal insufficiency;
  • therapy with corticosteroid drugs;
  • individual pharmacological intolerance;
  • hemophilia, grade II-III anemia, hemorrhagic syndromes;
  • use of anticoagulants (heparin);
  • pregnancy caused by an IUD;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitals in the acute stage;
  • severe forms of bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • enteritis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • prosthetic heart valves, endocarditis in the past.


  • smoking women over 35 years old (more than 10 pieces per day),
  • asymptomatic uterine fibroids,
  • sutures on the uterus after surgery,
  • hypertension,
  • breastfeeding - stop for 14 days after taking the drug.

Possible complications

The main consequence after a medical abortion is the complete or partial absence of the abortive effect - from 5% to 15% and depends on the patient’s individual response to the drug. With a longer period, the number of complications increases. Of these:

  • from 1 to 3.5%- cases of ongoing pregnancy,
  • from 3 to 7.0%- incomplete expulsion of the fertilized egg,
  • from 1 to 4.5%- bleeding requiring intervention.


  • painful sensations - 25-45% of cases;
  • moderate cramps in the abdominal area;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • rare cases of rash, urticaria;
  • rare cases of migraine, malaise;
  • attacks of fever, dizziness, chills;
  • increase in temperature (up to 37.5C).


By the way, our clinic has been carrying out medical abortion with Mifegin (France) or Mifepristone (Russia) tablets since 2001, according to the standards approved in Moscow, with a Certificate of Conformity attached to the drug packaging! Make an appointment for a medical abortion by calling the clinic or online on the website around the clock.


1. Preliminary part.
Since tablet abortion has time restrictions, as well as a number of contraindications, the woman must undergo a preliminary examination on the day of treatment before starting the procedure. To do this, a gynecological ultrasound of the pelvis is first performed to confirm the presence of intrauterine pregnancy and its duration. This is followed by a consultation with a gynecologist regarding this method, contraindications, possible complications and course options and expected results of the procedure. Examination on the chair and taking recommended tests. Allowing time to make a final decision.

2. Taking a drug for medical abortion.
If the decision to terminate an early pregnancy with pills is confirmed, an agreement is signed to carry out this procedure, take Mifegin or Mifepristone in the presence of a doctor, draw up a schedule for taking pharmacological support drugs and control visits to the clinic. After 36-48 hours, misoprostol derivatives (“Topogin” or “Mirolyut”) are taken in a dosage according to the drawn up regimen.

3. Dynamic control.
After 3-4 days, the first ultrasound is performed to monitor the progress of the procedure. On the same day, preventive measures (drip) may be recommended, and if necessary, correction of the regimen taking into account the test results. If your blood factor is Rh negative, and your partner is positive, it is advisable to vaccinate with anti-Rh immunoglobulin to prevent Rh conflict during subsequent pregnancy

4. Control of the result.
After 12-14 days, a second control ultrasound is recommended to clarify the final result. If the result is positive, a program for preventing the consequences and complications of pill abortion may be offered (see details below).

The cost of early pregnancy with pills

The price of a medical abortion in Moscow in different medical centers may vary. With us, it depends on the weekly period, the chosen drug (France or Russia), as well as the option - standard or “all inclusive”. If you want to find out in detail what services are included in this or that option, click on the appropriate link below.

This method is used in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 49 days late from the first day of the last menstruation.

The following drugs are currently used:

  • Mifegin (made in France);
  • Mifepristone (made in Russia);
  • Pencrofton (made in Russia);
  • Mifolian (made in China).

The mechanism of action of all drugs is the same. The receptors for the hormone progesterone, which is designed to support the pregnancy process in the body, are blocked, and as a result, the embryonic membranes are detached from the uterine wall and the fertilized egg is expelled.

All these drugs cannot be bought in pharmacies without an appropriate prescription!

Stages of implementation

Before undergoing the procedure, make sure that the doctor has all the necessary documents and permissions.

Many women wonder how painful is the procedure.

Usually the pain is a little worse than during normal menstruation. You will feel a cramping pulsation of the uterus. In consultation with your doctor, you can take a pain reliever.

  • After a medical abortion it is necessary abstain from sex for 2-3 weeks: it may well cause bleeding and inflammation. In addition, one of the complications may be a change in ovulation, and a woman may well become pregnant 11-12 days after the procedure;
  • Menstruation usually starts within 1-2 months, but disruptions to the menstrual cycle are possible.
  • Pregnancy can be planned after 3 months, if everything went well. Before planning, you must see a doctor.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Tablets are potent drugs that have a number of contraindications:

  • age over 35 and under 18 years;
  • within three months before conception, hormonal contraceptives (oral contraceptives) were taken or an intrauterine device was used;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy was preceded by an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the female genital area (fibrous tumors, endometriosis);
  • hemorrhagic pathologies (anemia, hemophilia);
  • allergies, epilepsy or adrenal insufficiency
  • long-term use of cortisone or similar drugs;
  • recent use of steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis);
  • bronchial asthma and other pulmonary diseases;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the presence of cardiovascular risks (high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, diabetes);
  • allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to mifepristone.

Quite often, after a medical abortion, hormonal imbalances begin, provoking various gynecological diseases (inflammation, endometriosis, cervical erosion, fibroids). All this can subsequently lead to infertility.

Is the safety of velvet abortion a myth or reality?

As we can see, at first glance, this is a fairly simple operation, and most importantly, as they say, it is largely safe compared to surgical intervention. However, in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Is this “security” safe?

  • If the procedure is not carried out on time(after 7 weeks of pregnancy), then even death is quite possible. Although there are dozens of proven cases of death from mifepristone in the European Union alone, in reality, experts agree, there are many more of them, and there are thousands of those who suffered irreparable damage to health. Dr. Randy O'Bannon, director of research for the National Pro-Life Committee (USA), said it is very difficult to obtain information about the death of a patient as a result of taking the drug. This information flows to the manufacturer and immediately becomes inaccessible to people.

We must not forget that abortion, whether pharmacological or surgical, is the murder of the unborn child.

If you find yourself in a difficult life situation and want to have an abortion, call 8-800-200-05-07 (helpline, call from any region is free).



I went to an antenatal clinic on a paid basis. First, I had an ultrasound, determined the gestational age, then took a smear for infections, made sure there were no infections, and gave the go-ahead. My deadline was 3-4 weeks. I took three tablets of mefepristone. They can be chewed, not bitter. At first I felt a little nauseous, but the nausea went away after I drank kefir. Before they sent me home, they explained everything to me, and also gave me instructions and 4 Mirolut tablets. They told me to take two in 48 hours, if it didn’t work another two in two hours. I took two tablets on Wednesday at 12:00 o'clock, because... nothing happened - I drank another one. After this, blood began to flow, profusely with clots. My stomach hurt, as if I had menstruation. For two days the blood flowed profusely, and then it just smeared. On the seventh day, the doctor said to start taking Regulon to restore the menstrual cycle. On the day of taking the first pill I stopped. On the tenth day I did an ultrasound. Everything is fine.


I was forbidden to give birth for some reason, so I had a medical abortion. Everything went without complications for me, but with such pain that mom, don’t worry!!! I took 3 tablets of no-shpa at a time to make it at least a little easier... psychologically it was very difficult. Now I’ve calmed down, and the doctor said that everything went well.


The doctor advised me to have a medical termination of pregnancy, underwent an examination, took mifepristone tablets, and then sat for 2 hours under the supervision of a doctor. She came 2 days later, they gave me two more tablets under the tongue. An hour later there was blood and discharge, my stomach hurt terribly, so I climbed onto the wall. Clots came out. And so my period lasted 19 days. I went to the doctor, they did an ultrasound, and they found the remains of the fertilized egg. As a result, they also gave me a vacuum!!!


Good afternoon everyone! I am 27 years old, I have a son, he is 6 years old. At the age of 22, I gave birth to my son, when he was 2 years old, I became pregnant again, but they didn’t want to continue the pregnancy, because the little one was very restless and I was simply tortured. I made honey. Abortion! Everything went without problems! After 2 years I became pregnant again and did it again. Everything went fine again. Well, time passed and I stopped again with pills. And the nightmare begins! I took the pills that the doctor prescribed, at home, it was very bad, there was heavy discharge! Gaskets didn't help! In general, horror. Long story short, the girls sent me to a vacuum... Two previous medical appointments. abortion. They weren’t painful, everything turned out without any problems! But 3 of course terrified me! To be honest, I regret it…..Now I’m taking antibiotics…


Apparently everyone has their own way. My girlfriend did it. She said it was as if her period had started, no pain, no complications, just nausea...

If you need advice or support, then go to the page (https://www..html) and find out the helpline or address of the Maternity Support Center closest to you.

The site administration is against abortion and does not promote it. This article is provided for information only.


Medical abortion, otherwise pharmaceutical or “velvet” abortion, is a method of terminating pregnancy in its early stages using special drugs that does not require surgical intervention.

Advantages of medical abortion:

  • Does not require surgical intervention;
  • Produced in the early stages of pregnancy, when significant hormonal changes have not yet occurred;
  • It is the least traumatic, since the cervix and mucous membrane of the uterus are not subjected to mechanical stress, due to which they remain intact;
  • It does not have such severe consequences as others, and significantly reduces the risk of infertility in the future.
  • There is no need for anesthesia, so this type of abortion is suitable for women for whom anesthesia is contraindicated;
  • Menstrual function is restored within 28-30 days.

Description of the method

Pharmaceutical abortion is a single dose of a drug with the active ingredient mifepristone. Mifepristone blocks the action of the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium, resulting in the detachment of the embryo from the walls of the uterus. At the second stage, a drug is taken - an analogue of prostaglandins (the active substance is misoprostol), under the influence of which the muscles of the uterus begin to contract and the fertilized egg is pushed out of its cavity. Thus, a medical abortion is an induced miscarriage. According to statistics, its effectiveness is 95-98%.


Antigestagenic drugs(containing mifepristone 200 mg):

  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifolian (China).

Prostaglandin preparations(containing misoprostol):

  • Misoprostol (Russia);
  • Mirolyut (Russia);
  • Cytotech (UK).

These drugs are not sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The quality of the drugs used often depends on the country of origin (French tablets are considered the best). Medical abortion can only be performed under the supervision of a highly qualified physician in a medical facility. Before the procedure, it is recommended to find out what drug will be used and check the clinic’s license to permit this type of activity. Carrying out a medical abortion at home is unacceptable.

  • From the very beginning of its development, humanity has tried to control birth rates and looked for ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. you will find information about modern contraceptives.
  • Emergency contraception methods are recommended only when it is necessary to prevent an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or failure of other methods of birth control. These methods of contraception are described.
  • Today, intrauterine contraception is very popular among women. Statistics show that more than seventy percent of women successfully use contraceptives.

Medical abortion can only be done in the early stages - up to 42 days from the first day of the last menstrual period (or up to 49 days after the end of the last menstrual period). Abortion is most effective up to four weeks, while the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the wall of the uterus and hormonal changes in the body are insignificant. In the future, the effectiveness of the procedure is greatly reduced and the risk of possible complications increases sharply.

Stages of medical abortion

Preliminary inspection

A gynecologist diagnoses pregnancy and sets its exact date. It is necessary to exclude ectopic pregnancy (in case of which medical abortion is unacceptable) and the presence of contraindications.

First stage

The patient takes mifepristone 600 mg (3 tablets) in the presence of a doctor and remains under his supervision for 2 hours. She then receives recommendations and medications for the second stage of abortion. At the first stage, cramps in the lower abdomen may occur and spotting may appear, which is normal. It is better to do a medical abortion no earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

Second stage

36-48 hours after taking mifepristone, the patient should independently take the prostaglandin preparation given by the doctor. It is advisable to stay at home throughout the day. The degree of pain and the amount of bleeding depend on individual characteristics. It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations and take only approved pain medications as needed.

Control examinations

3 days after taking mifepristone, the patient should undergo a gynecological examination and the first control ultrasound, and after 7-14 days a repeat examination and ultrasound control. If necessary, an hCG test is taken to confirm the abortion. In case of incomplete abortion, vacuum aspiration or curettage is performed.

Contraindications for medical abortion

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acute or chronic renal or liver failure;
  • Pregnancy resulting from the use of;
  • Anemia and bleeding disorders;
  • Individual intolerance to mifepristone;
  • Taking corticosteroid drugs and anticoagulants.


  • Smoking over 35 years of age;
  • Postoperative scars on the uterus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Lactation (you must stop breastfeeding for 14 days).

Possible complications after an abortion

Even if all instructions are followed, an unfavorable outcome from a medical abortion cannot be ruled out.

  • Continuation of pregnancy or incomplete abortion;
  • Uterine bleeding requiring medical intervention;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Weakness, dizziness;
  • High blood pressure, migraine;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Allergic reactions (rare).

You should abstain from sex for two to three weeks so as not to provoke bleeding and the development of inflammatory processes. One of the consequences of an abortion may be a change in ovulation, and, as a result, a woman runs the risk of becoming pregnant 11-12 days after the procedure. Therefore, immediately after an abortion you need to start using contraception. If the outcome is successful, you can plan a pregnancy after 3 months.

There are no significant delays after this procedure. In most cases, the first menstruation after an abortion begins after the number of days that constitutes the normal cycle for a given woman, if the first day of the previous menstruation is considered to be the day of the abortion or the time of the onset of bleeding that occurs within 24 hours after taking the drug. The rapid restoration of the cycle is explained by the absence of mechanical damage to the uterus and hormonal disruptions.

For several months after an abortion, deviations in the direction of increasing the duration of the menstrual cycle are allowed; the delay can be up to 10 days.


I am 31 years old, I have two children, I had a medical termination of pregnancy for medical reasons at 6 weeks. I want to say the main thing: everyone has a different body and different tolerance. Everything went fine for me, I'm happy with the result. The doctor warned against taking aspirin and thermal procedures (sauna, hot bath, etc.), as this could cause severe bleeding. I strongly advise everyone to stay at home while taking the pills, preferably under the supervision of relatives, as severe dizziness occurs, almost to the point of loss of consciousness.


I am 24 years old. I'll get straight to the point. Ultrasound showed a period of 3-4 weeks. After taking the first three tablets, I felt slightly nauseous and had general weakness. After the remaining pills, it poured out of me so much that due to the enormous loss of blood from the sofa to the toilet, I moved along the wall. At the same time, clots the size of a small chicken (!!!) egg came out. This lasted from 5 to 9 pm. The vegetable’s condition lasted for about five days; I constantly wanted to lie down and felt dizzy. The discharge continued for about 2 weeks. After this nightmare, I want to say - between vacuum aspiration and medical abortion, choose a vacuum, I did that too. So, in this case, you came to the clinic, suffered for 3 minutes and went home, you don’t have to walk around like a vegetable for a week, not knowing whether everything went well or whether they’ll send you for cleaning.


I had a pharmaceutical abortion twice, for up to 6 weeks, using Russian drugs in a private clinic. Everything was fine, no heavy bleeding, no severe pain. The doctor said that such an abortion cannot always be performed on nulliparous women. I wish everyone to take better precautions, it’s still a little difficult mentally.