Small pinpoint rash on a child's body. All types of rashes on the body in children. When to call a doctor

Small, red rash in a child: photo with explanations.

Diseases begin to accompany a person from the first days of life.

You may not even be aware of the presence of many, but some are indicated by symptoms, among which an important place is given to rashes on the body.

The appearance of a rash on a child’s body due to various skin diseases

Often, people who find a rash on their body or their child’s body mistakenly believe that it is caused by an allergic reaction and buy antihistamines.

At this time, serious changes may occur in the body caused by the development of viral infections.


This disease most often occurs in children living in metropolitan areas and large cities.

Rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets through contact with an infected person, and also passes from mother to child through the placenta during pregnancy.

Most often it occurs in children from 6 months to 10 years.


For the first six months, a child’s body is protected by antibodies transmitted to it through mother’s milk, so rubella at this age is very rare.

In order to identify the presence of rubella in a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

The first signs of the disease:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • Bad mood;
  • overwork.

The temperature gradually rises, rashes appear on the face and head, and then they spread to other parts of the body.

The rash is round or oval in shape and does not exceed 3 millimeters in diameter.

The incubation period for rubella is about 14 to 23 days.

Scarlet fever rash

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease caused by a pathogenic microbe - streptococcus.

It is transmitted by airborne droplets through the upper respiratory tract.

In most cases, scarlet fever occurs in children between one and 12 years of age.

Scarlet fever rash

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • a sharp jump in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sore throat.

Associated symptoms may also appear:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

The scarlet fever rash begins to spread to the face and neck, gradually moving to the torso and limbs of the child.

It consists of small reddish spots that become richer towards the lower abdomen, under the knees and on the elbow folds.

On the face, the rash is more pronounced in the cheek area - there it forms bright spots, along which white marks remain, gradually returning the color back.

The period of time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms is from 2 to 7 days.


An acute viral disease of an infectious nature, the source of which is a person who himself has measles.

The greatest chance of becoming infected occurs between the ages of 2 and 5 years.


Measles does not begin with a rash, but with cold-like symptoms:

  • the temperature rises;
  • no appetite;
  • the child suffers from a dry cough;
  • and runny nose with purulent mucous discharge.

Somewhat later, conjunctivitis occurs, redness of the eyelids and swelling of the eyes.

After about 3 weeks, small rashes appear in the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks.

After a few more days, spots up to 10 mm can be seen on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, gradually moving to the body, arms and legs.

The rash covers the child's body within 4-5 days.

The latent period of the disease is from 10 days to 3 weeks.

Chicken pox - chickenpox

Chickenpox, as everyone is accustomed to calling it, is caused by the herpes virus.

It can be transmitted by airborne droplets, from sick people to healthy people who have not yet been ill.

This disease mainly affects children under 5 years of age.

It is transmitted from a sick person or objects with which an infected person has been in contact.

Young children are most susceptible to scabies, as they have weak, unstrengthened immunity.

It is quite simple to identify scabies in a child over 3 years of age: a single or merged rash with peeling and crusts, pronounced in the area of ​​the buttocks, genitals, axillary folds and between the fingers.

All this is accompanied by itching and sleep disturbances.

In infants, the rash does not have clear localization boundaries - it can be seen on the hands, on the side of the fingers.

The hidden period ranges from several hours to 2 weeks, depending on the type and age of the tick.

Prickly heat

Miliaria is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating and occurs mainly in newborns.

The reason for its appearance is the unfavorable influence of external factors: hot weather, and the child is warmly dressed, or is wearing tight diapers that do not fit, or clothes made of synthetic fabric.

In addition, many parents do not pay due attention to the hygiene of the baby, do not bathe him when necessary, and do not use specialized hygiene products.

There are three types of prickly heat:

  1. crystalline - characterized by the presence of small watery bubbles on the child’s body, not exceeding 2 mm. in diameter;
  2. red - blisters on the skin become inflamed, become red, cause discomfort and can worsen the baby’s condition;
  3. deep - appears as flesh-colored bubbles, sometimes in the form of spots with reddish bases.

Rubella rashes begin on the face, gradually moving to the torso and limbs, and the temperature rises sharply.

An allergic rash appears immediately on all parts of the body, but the child’s condition does not change.

Rashes during measles, as well as during rubella, are accompanied by high fever.

A sick child develops weakness and headache, and his voice may become hoarse.

And only after 4-5 days do they appear.

It doesn’t take long to wait, the body reacts to it much faster.

Chickenpox should not be confused with allergic reactions - the rash during it resembles blisters with a reddish border, filled with a clear liquid.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases - meningococcal infection - differs from allergies in the presence of a rash with subcutaneous hemorrhage, and is accompanied by a serious condition of the child - fever, vomiting, severe headaches.

Another type of skin disease is which is confused with allergies by more than half of parents.

However, it can also be distinguished - scabies itch bothers you mainly at night.

It is at this time that the mites that cause the infection become most active.

The same allergy symptom accompanies the baby throughout the day.

In addition, scabies does not cause a runny nose and watery eyes, which are characteristic of allergic diseases.

A rash on a child’s body that requires immediate medical attention

If your child experiences any of the symptoms described below, you should immediately seek help from qualified professionals:

  • fever and a sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • unbearable itching of the skin of the entire body;
  • nausea, lethargy, vomiting, slow reaction;
  • rashes in the form of stars with subcutaneous hemorrhages and swelling.

What not to do if children have rashes

To prevent the possibility of infection and not cause further harm to the child’s health, you should under no circumstances:

  • squeeze;
  • pick;
  • scratch pustules and other rashes;
  • remove crusts;
  • and also treat them with brightly colored medications (iodine, brilliant green).

It cannot be ignored, because it can indicate the presence of serious diseases, many of which are a threat to the baby’s life.

You should not self-medicate - the list of diseases accompanied by rashes is quite large.

The main thing is to be able to recognize the main symptoms, which can be used to quickly navigate and provide primary medical care.

You should treat the problem with attention and sensitivity and show the child to your doctor as soon as possible.

Rash in a child

Children's skin is especially sensitive. Parents may be concerned about the appearance of a rash or redness. The reasons for this are different. Changes in the epidermis do not always signal the presence of disease.

Often the rash goes away on its own and does not cause any discomfort to the child. Despite this, the baby should be shown to a pediatrician. There may be an infectious disease.

What are the causes of rashes? We will show in the photo what allergic rashes caused by infectious diseases and other types of rashes look like on the face, head and neck, on the body and arms of an infant or an older child, whether it is necessary and how to treat it.

Varieties and their symptoms

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of a rash on a child’s face.. Pimples can appear at different ages. Some of them are localized on the face. Others can affect the head, neck, and torso.

For an accurate diagnosis, an examination by a doctor is required. The pediatrician will prescribe additional examinations. It is important to pay attention to external manifestations.

A significant role is played by:

  • location;
  • extent of skin damage;
  • the presence of accompanying symptoms (itching, burning, pain);
  • size of rashes;
  • the presence of inflammation or abscess;
  • general well-being.

Experts identify several types of rashes affecting the face. Some of them require close monitoring and drug therapy.

The School of Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about different types of rashes:

Prickly heat

A child's sweat glands are imperfect. Because of this, thermoregulation processes in children do not proceed the same way as in adults. – one of the most common causes of rashes.

It is difficult to distinguish it from other conditions on your own. Difficulties with differentiation are associated with the presence of several varieties.

Miliaria rubra. The surface of the skin changes color. In severe cases, it turns bright pink. Rashes with cloudy contents inside form. A red tint to the epidermis indicates inflammation.

Crystal prickly heat. A large number of bubbles with transparent contents form on the skin. When touched and pressed, they burst easily. There is no redness with this form.

Papular miliaria. It manifests itself as a pinpoint rash on the face and body. It can form quite large accumulations on the skin.

Infected heat rash. This is a complicated option. The diagnosis is made if microbes enter the wound formed when the vesicle ruptures. Bacteria provoke an inflammatory process.

The affected area may become suppurated. Possible deterioration in health, rise in temperature.

The rash appears due to problems with the functioning of the sweat glands. Prickly heat can be caused by various factors. The main ones are:

  • indoor humidity;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • excessive insulation of the child;
  • use of synthetic underwear and clothing.

Miliaria affects not only the face. Often the rash appears on the neck, armpits, shoulders, and then spreads throughout the body.

If the condition is not complicated by infection, the child feels normal. Pimples do not cause discomfort and do not cause itching.

Miliaria is a disease of newborns. What do you need to know? Watch the video about this:

Allergic reactions

During the first year of life, a baby actively gets acquainted with new foods. After 6 months, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods. Before this, he receives breast milk or formula.

The digestive system continues to develop after birth. Any unsuitable product may cause an allergic reaction. Attentive parents will notice the appearance of a characteristic rash on the baby’s face.

Such rashes are a manifestation of the body’s immune reaction in response to irritants. Among allergens:

  • food products;
  • wool;
  • dust;
  • medicines;
  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • pollen.

People often ask: does it help? How and how much to give the medicine? Our publication will provide answers to questions.

Read the article about the symptoms and treatment of atopic dermatitis in children.

Symptoms and treatment of acute adenoiditis in a child are discussed in the material.

Newborn acne

Not all facial rashes require treatment. Newborn acne goes away on its own.

The appearance of a strong, small red rash on the face of a month-old baby, like pimples, can frighten parents. These rashes are hormonal in nature. Every fifth child is susceptible to their development.

Acne is localized mainly on the face. Pimples cover the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Some of them are filled with purulent contents. Dermatologists call them pustules. In appearance they are close to teenage acne.

Acne does not cause discomfort. Pimples do not cause itching. In most children, this phenomenon disappears on its own at 2-3 months. In rare cases, rashes persist for up to 1.5 years. Then we talk about baby acne.

Should not cause concern and small white nodules on the baby's nose or under the eyes. Many babies are born with milia on their face.

These rashes are associated with blockage of the sebaceous ducts. They also go away without treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky's school will talk about rashes in newborns:

Erythema toxicum

Newborn babies gradually adapt to their environment. During adaptation, a restructuring of all body systems occurs.

The child learns to eat and breathe differently.

During the period of perestroika, they often appear red pimples on the face, they have gray heads. The rash affects the face and scalp.

Erythema toxicum is not dangerous. The rash goes away within a few days.

Infectious diseases

Older children are also more likely to develop rashes. Parents should be careful, as pimples may indicate an infection.

To eliminate peeling, you can use healing non-hormonal ointments. The drugs have good reviews Bepanthen and D-panthenol.

If a rash appears against the background of an elevated temperature, you should consult a doctor. Severe cases will require hospitalization.

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs depending on the type of pathogen. Other medications are designed to relieve symptoms and make the child feel better.

What not to do

Parents find it difficult to cure the rash. Therapy can indeed be lengthy. However, compliance with a number of requirements significantly speeds up treatment. The doctor will tell you what not to do when getting rid of the rash.

It is unacceptable to squeeze out pimples that appear.. This does not affect the rate of healing, but will open the door to infection.

Rashes in newborns should not be treated with alcohol-containing liquids. Their skin is too sensitive. This may cause a burn.

Avoid overheating. The thermoregulation system is not formed. Therefore, the baby is dressed so that he does not feel hot. It is better to use vests and diapers made from natural fabrics.

These are instructions for parents on what to do if their baby is a month old or older and has a rash on the face, around the mouth or on the head, arms and stomach.

If any rash appears it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician. This will eliminate doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis. If necessary, the doctor will order tests and recommend medications.

If you don’t know the difference between infectious skin diseases and allergic rashes in children, photos of these pathologies will help you distinguish one from the other.

In this article we will talk in detail about allergic rashes, their characteristic signs and methods of treatment.

For what reason does an allergic rash appear on a child's skin?

Skin rashes often appear in children from birth to 7 years of age. This is largely due to the fact that during this period the immune system of infants is still developing.

Disturbances in its functioning are often accompanied by swelling, hyperemia (redness of the skin) and/or rash.

Most often, an allergic rash appears due to:

  • medications (the child’s body may react negatively to individual components included in the medications);
  • breastfeeding if the mother does not follow a diet (for example, she is fond of chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, strawberries);
  • household chemicals (washing powder, baby soap or baby cream, dishwashing liquid);
  • allergic dermatoses (plants or animals, prickly or poisonous);
  • natural factors (for example, prolonged exposure to the sun);
  • infections (non-cellular infectious agents).

The rash may appear only on the face or spread throughout the body.

What does a child's skin allergy look like?

Allergic reactions in babies can vary. Depending on what caused it, you have to deal with a food allergy or a viral one.

In many cases, exanthemas appear on the child’s body (this is what various manifestations of allergic rashes are called):

  • pustules (filled with pus);
  • plaques;
  • spots;
  • vesicles (filled with liquid);
  • blisters (large vesicles larger than 0.5 cm).

With food allergies in children, the rash can be found primarily on the cheeks and near the mouth. If the allergy is contact, then the rash will appear in the place where the allergen touched.

If the baby's immune system has reacted negatively to plant pollen, then instead of acne there may be hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the face.

A photo, better than any words, will allow parents to understand what an allergy looks like and what they may encounter. We will give a brief description of some types of allergic rashes that appear in children under one year of age and older.

Type of rash Brief description Cause
Allergic dermatitis A small red rash spreads throughout the body. In these places, the skin becomes dry, peeling, cracks, and ulcers may occur.Weak immunity or contact with an irritant.
Hives Outwardly, it resembles blisters that appear after contact with the prickly plant of the same name. The rash “wanders” throughout the body, appearing on the hands, then on the face, then on the bends of the arms and legs. It may be accompanied by itching, but there is no relief after scratching.The reaction of the child’s body to certain foods (chocolate, honey, eggs, citrus fruits).
Neurodermatitis Externally it resembles psoriasis. Characteristic signs are severe peeling. May become chronic.Food allergies, weak immunity.
Eczema Small red ulcers or small pimples. It is a chronic form, so it can disappear and then reappear. Appears first on the face, then on the arms and legs.Infectious diseases, household chemicals, dermatitis.

Allergies to foods (sweets, citrus fruits), medications and antibiotics manifest themselves in different ways. The following table will help you figure out what is what:

Allergen Nature of the rash
Sweets (chocolate (peanuts, sugar, milk powder) and honey)Pimples, hives, and small rashes around the mouth appear. With sugar intolerance, a small patient develops spots that itch very much. If you are intolerant to honey, you may experience swelling, thirst, difficulty breathing, red spots on the face.
MedicinesRed spots resembling a mosquito bite appear at the injection sites or on the arms, legs, stomach and back of the baby (if the medicine was instilled into the child’s mouth). Sometimes they swell and begin to itch very much. If spots and pimples appear on the feet and palms, then this is an infection and will require other treatment.
AntibioticsA child's reaction to antibiotics appears immediately after taking the drug. An allergic rash in the form of red spots covers the baby's face and body. These spots do not itch, unlike contact dermatitis. Sometimes there is a temperature (appears for no apparent reason). Instead of stains, bubbles with liquid inside may appear.

How to diagnose allergies?

An allergic rash in children is often confused with an infectious one. If the treatment is incorrect, then the consequences of such a therapeutic course will not be the best.

Before choosing an effective remedy, you need to learn to distinguish one disease from another. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, since a visual examination is not always enough to determine the cause of the disease; tests are required.

The differences between an allergic rash in children and an infectious disease are presented in the table:

Distinctive features Allergic rash Infectious disease
General view It can be in the form of both small dots and large blisters. In addition to them, there are often crusts, erosions and serous wells (ulcers from which fluid oozes).The rashes are pinpoint and do not “merge” into a large spot.
Place of appearance Face (forehead, cheeks, chin). Neck, arms, legs, buttocks. Rarely – stomach, back.Belly, back. Rarely – arms, legs. Very rarely - forehead.
High temperature The temperature is rare, and if it rises, it is not higher than 37-38°C.The disease is accompanied by fever, from 37°C to 41°C.
Itching Happens.Happens.
Swelling Well visible. In some situations it is life-threatening.They happen very rarely.
Associated symptoms Lacrimation, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye, decreased blood pressure, cough, upset stomach.Running nose, general loss of strength, body aches.
How quickly it goes Often the rash goes away immediately after taking the medicine.Remains until the course of treatment is completed.

What medications are used to treat allergic rashes?

When children develop an allergic rash on their skin, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pimples or open blisters. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is also forbidden to scratch the sores.

If he is still too small, make sure that he does not touch the wounds with dirty hands. He can get an infection, and this will only worsen his condition.

Treatment of rashes in children is selected depending on the type of disease. Parents who do not know how to treat allergic rashes in children should not select medications on their own.

Allergic rash Medicines Non-drug treatment
Allergic dermatitisTo relieve symptoms, Suprastin or Erius are prescribed.Eliminate contact with the irritant.

Bath the child in water with the addition of chamomile or sage infusions.

Physiotherapy, rest and positive emotions will also help the baby.

HivesChildren are prescribed antiallergic drugs: Suprastin, Tavegil.
NeurodermatitisThe doctor recommends:
  • sorbents(“Lactofiltrum” or activated carbon);
  • sedative(you can make a decoction of lemon balm);
  • ointment that has a cooling effect(for example, Fenistil gel).
EczemaThey help a lot:
  • antiallergic drugs (for example, Suprastin);
  • immunostimulants (for example, echinacea tincture);
  • sorbents (“Lactofiltrum”, activated carbon).

How quickly does an allergic rash go away in children?

There is no clear answer to the question of how long it will take to fight allergic rashes in children. Much depends on the type and nature of the disease.

For example, a food allergy, if it appears in an infant or a one-year-old baby, goes away within one week. It is enough to simply remove the allergenic product from the diet of a nursing mother.

Those children who develop urticaria or allergic dermatitis will have to suffer for seven days. It is more difficult to fight eczema and neurodermatitis.

These diseases last for 14 days and often become chronic. This means that an allergic reaction may occur more than once.

Treatment should begin at the first appearance of a small, pale rash. If you don’t pay attention to it in the hope that “everything will go away on its own,” then the therapeutic course may drag on for a long time and turn out to be ineffective.

What is done to prevent allergic rashes in children?

Preventive measures will prevent the child from developing an allergic rash. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Make sure that the baby does not come into contact with the allergen (remove allergenic foods from his diet; if necessary, change baby powder, soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Maintain order in his room, regularly do wet cleaning.
  • If there are pets in the house, keep them clean.
  • Strengthen the baby’s immunity (walk more often, play sports).
  • Do not violate your doctor’s recommendations for taking medications.


Allergic rashes appear in children under one year of age and in older age for various reasons. Often food, medicines, and household chemicals become allergens.

Allergies can be of different types and look different. It is easy to confuse it with an infectious disease. It is important to make a correct diagnosis and quickly select effective treatment.

At the first suspicion of allergic manifestations, you need to show your child to a doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective: there is a high risk of harming the baby rather than helping.


Rash is a common childhood problem

Skin rashes in children are a common occurrence. Redness, induration and other reactions can be associated with a variety of reasons, and only a doctor should make a diagnosis. Sometimes a child’s rash can be removed with the simplest means, but in other cases, hospital treatment may be required.

Types of rashes in children and their causes

A rash is any pathological change on the skin, the color, relief and density of which differ in any way from normal skin:

  • spots - flat areas without swelling that are red, pink or whitish;
  • blisters - convex, dense or with a cavity inside;
  • pustules - ulcers;
  • papules are small compactions without cavities.

The rash can be local, but sometimes the rash spreads throughout the body with or without fever. They are called:

  • allergies to food, contact agents and household chemicals;
  • infectious diseases of bacteriological and viral nature;
  • insect bites and other skin injuries.

Allergies and insect bites are only part of the causes of rashes

Basic rules for dealing with rashes

1. If a rash appears in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor;

2. It is not recommended to use any medications independently, without prescription - self-medication can worsen the child’s condition;

3. If a hemorrhagic rash is detected (local hemorrhages that do not go away when pressed with a finger), you need to urgently call an ambulance - this is how meningitis can manifest itself.

Skin rashes in children: common types

Prickly heat

Miliaria occurs in young children in hot weather, when the room temperature is excessively high, or when the child is dressed too tightly. The rash looks like small reddish or transparent blisters, concentrated in skin folds or localized in the form of a “necklace” - around the neck, on the shoulders, chest and partly the chin. They are not dangerous in themselves, but they can be bothersome. With prickly heat, the rash usually itches, and when scratched it begins to hurt.

To cope with such irritation, you need to make sure that the child is not sweating because he is hot - the air around him should be moderately cool, and clothes should not rub the skin in the area of ​​the rash. After consulting with a doctor and ruling out other diseases, you can proceed to the second step - delicately drying the rash. A pharmacy tincture of calendula, diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, is best suited for this. The solution is applied lightly, without rubbing. It is absolutely forbidden to use creams, panthenol or oils for prickly heat - this will worsen the condition of the child’s skin.

Miliaria rash in a child - photo


The skin of a child prone to allergies may react to irritants in different ways:

  • dermatitis - contact dermatitis manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, due to which the baby scratches the skin until it bleeds; atopic dermatitis is characterized by roughening and formation of crusts in the folds and on the cheeks;
  • diathesis - red scaly rashes, often accompanied by crying, irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • eczema - raised lesions on the face and neck, hands and ankles that become crusty, crack and itch.
  • urticaria - red or orange convex, swollen spots of varying shapes and severity; whitish liquid may accumulate inside large ones.

Important: if you notice hives in a child, the lesions increase in size, the lips, eyelids and fingers swell, and angioedema, which is dangerous to health, may develop. If such changes are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance. If a child is allergic, parents should always have effective antihistamines with them.

Photo: what does a hives rash look like?

Therapy for allergies should be comprehensive - the doctor prescribes medications that will quickly relieve local symptoms, support the immune system and protect against unpleasant complications.

Reaction to a bite

An insect bite - a wasp, a bee, a midge, a mosquito - is often painful, and after mechanical damage, the skin in the affected area may become red, swollen and painful. This is how reactions to a bite, for example, of a mosquito, manifest themselves. Cold compresses or antihistamine lotions, for example, Fenistil children's gel, help cope with these symptoms. After a midge bite, the skin becomes covered with a scattered rash. The most dangerous bites are from bees, wasps, hornets and other lancet-bellied insects. The bite is very painful, and the insect's venom can cause severe reactions, including swelling of the respiratory tract. If a child is bitten by a bee or wasp, you need to carefully monitor the baby's condition for several hours. If your baby becomes lethargic, his face swells and his arms become weak, immediate medical attention is needed.

Diseases that cause a rash to appear on a child’s body

Skin reactions often accompany acute childhood illnesses; a rash can be either the main symptom or part of mixed symptoms. That is why, when a rash appears, it is necessary to visit the clinic as soon as possible or call a doctor at home.


Chicken pox is an acute viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets and is accompanied by clear symptoms. The first sign of infection is a rash - the blisters spread throughout the body, become crusty and become very itchy as they heal. Such rashes do not require specific treatment; they go away within a few days if you follow the pediatrician’s recommendations. The chickenpox rash can spread without fever. As soon as new bubbles stop appearing, we can say that the disease has subsided. This is why chickenpox lesions are “marked” with brilliant green - so that new bubbles can be seen immediately.

Chickenpox in a child is accompanied by a rash


In the case of rubella, a common childhood disease, the baby's red, dotted rash spreads throughout the body, starting with the face and neck. It is preceded by an acute phase with symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infections - a temperature of 37-38 degrees, cough and sore throat. The temperature can be relieved with antipyretic drugs on the recommendation of a doctor. Red dots in the rash lesions begin to disappear approximately on the fourth day after appearance. After another 2-3 days, the child ceases to be infectious to the adults and other children around him.


The symptoms of measles are similar in many ways to rubella. The child begins to complain of weakness, cough, sometimes a runny nose, and the body temperature may rise significantly. The rash appears on the child's face and spreads to the body. It can be pale and scanty or, conversely, more pronounced. On the second day, the intensity of the color of the rash decreases. Within 5 days, the exacerbation ends, the lesions begin to peel off and disappear completely in the following days without any local impact.

When a child has measles, the rash is red

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever in young children manifests itself in the form of high fever, severe sore throat and a characteristic rash - pinpoint, bright pink or red, concentrated in folds and folds, for example, in the groin, inside the elbows, and behind the knees. When localized on the face, the rash covers the cheeks and forehead, the nasolabial triangle usually remains unaffected. Since scarlet fever has many complications of varying severity, its treatment and control of symptoms should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.


Scabies is highly contagious


Roseola is a disease that affects most children between six months and two years of age. It has symptoms almost identical to ARVI - it is an acute fever that is resistant to antipyretics. Around the 4th day, the temperature drops critically quickly, and is replaced by a rash on the child’s body - slightly raised, small-spotted rashes appear first on the stomach, and then on other parts of the body. Their formation indicates the completion of the acute phase of roseola, while the rash itself disappears after 3-4 days without residual peeling and pigmentation.


When a child has herpes, a blister appears on the lips, which is often called a “cold.” The blister may be large, red, double, and filled with fluid. The bubble bursts within a few days, its walls dry out and fall off. As it heals, it may itch; it is important that the child does not scratch his lips or tear off the scabs, so as not to introduce dirt. Children over 2 years old can use effective products like Zovirax or Acyclovir, which speed up healing and relieve skin discomfort.

With herpes, a rash appears on the lips


Meningitis is one of the most dangerous childhood diseases: there are different ways of infection, and the disease itself develops rapidly. It begins with weakness, runny nose, sore throat, which is later joined by acute headaches, muscle stiffness and the so-called Kernig sign (the child cannot straighten the leg at the knee, bent at the hip joint). Another symptom of meningitis is an exanthema rash, hemorrhagic (i.e. with subcutaneous hemorrhage) with a focus of necrosis in the center. If such signs are detected, you should urgently call a doctor or an ambulance.

Children, especially at an early age, need constant care and attention from the adults around them.

At an early age, internal systems have not yet formed, so the body reacts very sensitively to excessive environmental factors.

This often causes a rash on the child’s stomach, as well as on the back, shoulders, between the legs, and lower back. This is how an allergic (immunopathological) reaction manifests itself. But there may be other reasons, for example, infectious.

Possible causes of the rash

Body rashes in children can have many causes. A similar symptom accompanies more than a hundred different diseases.

Parents do not have to be able to navigate all this diversity and determine right away what kind of rash it could be, but it is very important to always consult a doctor, since some of these diseases are really very dangerous.

The causes of rashes in childhood should be divided into several groups:

The rash may occur due to vascular disease or as a reaction to bleeding disorders. Hemorrhagic rashes appear in the form of red dots covering the entire body or multi-colored bruises.

Such symptoms are characteristic of hemophilia. If there is more of it on the legs, it is most likely hemorrhagic vasculitis, a severe vascular pathology.

Photos of some types of rashes in a child:


Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Diaper dermatitis


This problem occurs in those children whose parents are accustomed to wrapping them up excessively. The cause of rashes on the body can be elementary mechanical irritation, for example, new things with a tight elastic band.

Due to the characteristics of the skin of young children and the difficulties of caring for it, prickly heat, diaper rash, and prickly rash are common diseases at this age. You should not leave your baby in wet diapers or nappies for a long time. It is necessary to bathe more often, wrap the baby less, give his body the opportunity to breathe air, and avoid overheating.

Types of rashes in children (photos and descriptions)

A rash is a local change in the normal condition of the skin. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to be able to understand its various types and their affiliation with certain diseases.

The rash may look like:

  • spots;
  • pimples;
  • tubercles;
  • bubbles;
  • ulcers.

If you look closely at photographs of various rashes, you will see that each individual disease is characterized by a certain type of rash. For example, this causes redness of the skin, swelling and at the same time severe itching, which is the main sign of the disease.

If spots filled with clear liquid appear on the baby’s body, there are many of them throughout the body and there is an increase in temperature, it may be chickenpox.

If the temperature is normal, the bubbles are concentrated in one place and there are few of them, most likely this is. So, a rash without fever and with a normal general condition of the body (the baby is cheerful and active), this is not an infection, but an allergy.

Bubbles with purulent contents appear when a bacterial infection is added to the underlying disease. This happens due to frequent scratching of itchy areas. Therefore, you need to try to alleviate the manifestations of itching in the child and not allow him to injure the skin, so as not to worsen the situation with a new disease.


There are many around us, although not everyone suffers from this disease, but every year the number of patients is rapidly increasing.

Very often, parents notice that after eating certain foods (candies, tangerines, and others), their child’s skin begins to turn red, become covered with spots, rashes, stomach pain, and digestion upset.

An allergic rash on the body is usually pinkish-red, raised and uneven. In some cases, it is absent, but skin redness, irritation, and swelling are observed. Itching is always present.

Photos of allergic rashes in children:

It can develop in children already in the first months after their birth. This happens if the mother does not follow healthy eating principles, smokes, takes medications, or lives in an environmentally unfavorable area.

For the baby, the female body becomes a conductor of toxic substances from the environment, which serve as allergens.

In many cases, a child outgrows a food allergy by the age of 3-5, but very often it becomes a “starting” platform for the development of other forms of this disease. As a rule, it is followed by household allergies in the form of respiratory diseases (colds).

After visiting the circus, zoo, or library, the child develops an obsessive cough, runny nose, and breathing becomes wheezing, but the body temperature is absolutely normal, which allows one to exclude acute respiratory infections. Later, already at school age, pollen allergies follow.

Prickly heat

Skin lesions that develop mainly in infants due to severe overheating. The disease is the result of sweat retention in the excretory ducts of the sweat glands.

Many small blisters filled with liquid content appear on the skin of the trunk and the inner surface of the limbs. When they dry out, a slight peeling remains in their place.

In areas of large folds, pockets of redness (sometimes weeping) may appear, along the edges of which blisters are found (miliaria rubra). They may be accompanied by itching.

Chicken pox

A viral disease that affects children mainly from 6 months to 7 years. In adults it is much less common. The pathogen is a member of the herpes virus group and is transmitted primarily by air.

First, small bubbles with transparent contents appear on the body, and then on the face, head, and limbs. At the same time, the temperature rises, but, as a rule, not higher than 38 degrees.

The bubbles, the size of a match head, gradually increase in size, reaching the size of a grain of rice, then gradually dry out and form a crust, which disappears after ten days. After the first wave of rashes, another appears, and then another.

As a result, fresh rashes are visible on the body along with traces of old spots and wounds from scratching. Usually this process does not drag on for more than a week. The cyclicity of the development of rash elements is a characteristic feature by which, as a rule, the disease is recognized.

Chickenpox itself is not a dangerous disease, but it can have complications such as pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, and viral damage to internal organs. The symptoms are unclear, as one disease overlaps with another. Sometimes it is very difficult to recognize the addition of a secondary infection.

Development of a rash with chickenpox

There are often cases when this ends in death, since assistance in the form of antibacterial therapy was not provided in time. Adults or children over eight to ten years of age are most susceptible to complications after chickenpox.

The virus can manifest itself as another disease on the body. If a child is 2 years old or older, blisters with liquid contents may appear on his lip - this is also a herpetic infection. As a rule, such rashes accompany colds. At an earlier age they rarely appear.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

An infectious disease characterized by small-spotted rashes, swollen lymph nodes, and minor catarrhal symptoms in the respiratory tract. The baby’s general condition does not suffer particularly; often the temperature does not rise at all (or no higher than 38 degrees). Lethargy and malaise are observed, older children may complain of headache, cough and runny nose are minor.

The maculopapular rash first appears on the face, and after a few hours spots appear on the abdomen and throughout the body. The elements are round in shape and their size is approximately the same.

The rash is mild in nature, sometimes patients have only a few pale pink spots. After a few days, they disappear without a trace, leaving behind no peeling or pigmentation.


An infectious, highly contagious disease, along with symptoms of intoxication, is characterized by catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and a cyclic rash of maculopapular rashes all over the body. The causative agent, a filterable virus, is carried over considerable distances by air.

Measles occurs primarily in early childhood (7 months - 14 years), after which lifelong immunity remains. In adults, this disease occurs as a rare exception, usually in those who did not get sick as a child. Newborns do not get sick thanks to the specific immunity transmitted through the placenta by the mother.

Measles rash

For the most part, they are quite harmless and do not pose a threat to children. Danger arises if the bite occurs on the mucous membrane of the mouth, face, or neck.

In this case, very severe swelling occurs, which can block the airway. It is necessary to give the child a piece of ice to suck on until the doctor arrives.

After wasps and hornets, local ones usually appear. But it is possible that the process can affect the entire body (swelling, redness throughout the body, pain, itching), and in some cases cause. You should immediately try to remove the sting with your fingers or tweezers.

Persons with hypersensitivity to the poisons of such insects should avoid places where they may encounter them, and also take appropriate medications with them on a country holiday. Most deaths occur within the first hour after the sting.

Other diseases

In addition to the above-mentioned cases, there are a number of pathologies in which the rash is a constant symptom. For example, serum sickness. It occurs as an immunopathological response of the body to the administration of medications subcutaneously.

A rash in the form of hives begins from the place where the injection was given. Everything is accompanied by itching, and the lymph nodes become enlarged.

It develops as a result of the body’s genetic predisposition to a hypersensitive reaction to any substance. The disease can be caused not only by contact allergens, but also by those that enter the body through the respiratory or food route. A rash appears in the form of small nodules and unbearable itching.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

In what cases should you urgently consult a doctor?

The symptoms of various skin diseases are very similar to each other. Any childhood infection is accompanied by the appearance of a rash. But the causes of rashes are always different, and therefore require their own treatment, different from others.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine whether it will be possible to postpone a visit to the pediatrician for some time, or whether medical attention is needed right now and immediately, since the rash:

  • combined with a very high temperature (around 40 degrees);
  • has spread over the entire surface of the body and causes unbearable itching;
  • accompanied by nausea, headache, clouding of consciousness;
  • in the form of star-shaped subcutaneous hemorrhages (severe form of meningitis);
  • goes hand in hand with difficulty breathing and swelling.

Rashes on the body in children may not require treatment and go away on their own. But in many cases, such a symptom indicates the development of a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of a small patient. Especially if he is not yet 6 months old.

Before this age, infectious diseases such as measles, rubella and chickenpox are extremely rare, and allergies are also rare. Therefore, a rash in the first six months of life may signal some congenital and serious diseases.