How long after a cesarean section do you get your period? When the cycle is restored after cesarean. Recovery of the female body after caesarean section

Young mothers worry when they have their periods after a cesarean section and get nervous if they don’t have them for a long time. It takes time for cut tissue to heal after a cesarean section, which means that the onset of your period may be delayed. However, every woman should monitor her own discharge in order to identify endometritis or other diseases in the early stages and consult a gynecologist in time.

In almost all aspects, after a cesarean section, the body recovers, just like a normal body after childbirth. The production of hormones is normalized, the uterus returns to its previous normal size, the ovaries function again, preparing for the appearance of new offspring.

It is important that after childbirth, a woman in most cases feeds her baby with milk. The duration of breastfeeding a baby is also a factor that determines the onset of menstruation.

As the uterus returns to its normal state, decreasing in size, it contracts and the wound located on it begins to bleed. This is evidenced by reddish discharge, which is called lochia.

Moreover, lochia, unlike menstruation, appears immediately after the birth of the baby and lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, they change in nature: initially, the amount of lochia per day can be up to 0.5 liters of blood, while containing clots and having a specific odor. Over time, there are more clots, the blood darkens, and the discharge decreases in quantity.

To ensure that recovery after a cesarean section goes faster and lochia does not linger for a long time, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • timely emptying of the bladder. In this case, you cannot tolerate it because an overfilled bladder puts pressure on the uterus, provokes bleeding and prevents the suture from healing faster.
  • maintaining your own hygiene. Regular washing, frequent replacement of pads that are not scented are some of the basic rules that women need to adhere to after menstruation.
  • Frequent latching of the baby to the breast. By placing the baby to her breast, a woman thereby stimulates contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Women often mistake lochia for menstruation. But in fact, lochia is not yet critical days, it is preparation for the previous “childbearing” female state. When lochia stops, a woman can theoretically become a mother again.

Factors influencing the appearance of menstruation

The return of menstruation after a cesarean section is influenced by many factors:

  • woman's age. It takes less time for a girl to recover than for women over 30 years old, and, as a result, menstruation occurs earlier;
  • complications during pregnancy. If the pregnancy proceeded without deviations and complications, then the reproductive system will recover very quickly in order to prepare to bear the next child;
  • a combination of workload and relaxation in the life of a young mother. If a woman does not rest at all, the rapid appearance of critical days can not be expected;
  • lifestyle before and after childbirth;
  • nutrition.

When breastfeeding

But the most important factor can rightfully be called the duration of lactation. When a woman breastfeeds, the hormone prolactin begins to actively work, which ensures milk production. But in addition to its main function, prolactin affects the ovaries, and not in the best way. The more prolactin the body produces, the more sluggish the ovaries become.

Thus, when a mother frequently puts her baby to her breast, the appearance of menstruation is unlikely. But over time, the child ceases to need breast milk, receiving complementary foods, and the amount of prolactin begins to decrease.

This occurs approximately 4-6 months after “surgical” birth. Therefore, a woman can expect her period approximately six months after the operation. If the woman initially did not have milk and the child “grew up” on artificial formula, menstruation will come 2-3 months after the operation, a couple of weeks after lochia.

Normal menstruation after cesarean section

Women begin to worry about their discharge immediately after pregnancy, unless there is postpartum depression. And women are right - discharge has a special meaning in connection with surgical interventions in women's health.

Internal processes that occur painlessly are primarily indicated by menstrual flow. They can also warn about possible problems caused by the operation - infections or improper healing of sutures.

The first critical days after surgical birth are characterized by severe intense bleeding. This situation should “torment” women for only two months, although the woman’s well-being does not deteriorate significantly.

The fact is that hormones begin to work hard to restore a woman’s ability to bear children. However, if heavy periods do not stop for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist. Most likely, such menstrual discharge is an indicator of hyperplasia, excessive cell formation, or other serious diseases.

In the first month after the critical days, ovulation does not occur - the body has not yet recovered sufficiently. But by the next menstruation, the ovaries will begin to work at full capacity again, hormones will finally be balanced and ovulation will occur regularly.

Considering the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, there is no need to worry about the variability of the cycle in the first 3-4 months. Afterwards, the menstrual cycle normalizes and the interval between menstruation averages from 21 to 35 days, but the duration of menstruation can go beyond 3-7 days. That is, after 3-4 months there is no need to make any discounts on the operation - the process of critical days should proceed as usual. If this does not happen, you should be seriously concerned.

Possible complications after childbirth

After a caesarean section, unlike natural childbirth, various complications occasionally arise, although this is the exception rather than the rule. Such complications include:

  • adhesions. Adhesions are biological ropes of tissue that form adhesions inside the abdomen. It is these adhesions that protect the woman’s body from inflammation and the formation of pus in them, but if there are too many adhesions, nothing good should be expected. It is also necessary to clarify that any intervention of surgeons in the vital functions of the body ends with adhesions and most often they are not dangerous.
  • disturbance of intestinal motility. The formation of extra adhesions is bad, but if no adhesions are formed at all, everything will be even worse. But if a young mother eats right, follows a day-night routine, and exercises within reasonable limits, the body will recover easily and quickly, and intestinal functions will not be impaired.
  • endometritis. Endometritis is one of the most common and most severe consequences of cesarean section. This is an inflammatory process inside the uterus, which occurs if microbes enter the body along with air during a “surgical” intervention. The disease is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, sleep disturbances, weakness, high fever and brown discharge containing pus.

Regularity of the menstrual cycle

If the cycle has not returned to normal six months after its “return”, the body is signaling you about problems. After childbirth, even artificial, women, on the contrary, should notice a normalization of regularity and a decrease in the pain of menstruation.

A bad symptom is the premature cessation of lochia. Often this is a symptom of a bend in the uterus, which prevents discharge from coming out. And the accumulation of secretions is fraught with endometritis.

Duration of the menstrual cycle

At first, menstruation, which occurs, for example, once every 14-20 days, does not pose any danger. If frequent periods occur longer than 3 cycles, this may indicate a violation of uterine contractility caused by surgery or the negative influence of medications.

The duration of critical days, if it is more than 7, is also of particular concern.

Volume of menstrual flow

Neither scanty nor heavy menstruation brings anything good. Scanty periods indicate insufficient contractions of the uterus and, as a result, stagnation of discharge and possible inflammation. And heavy periods occur only in the first two cycles, after which they can only be attributed to uterine bleeding, which requires immediate attention to a specialist.

Spotting and spotting

Spotting before or after your period is abnormal and also signals endometritis. If the discharge resembles a curd mass and is accompanied by itching, most likely, antibiotics during recovery provoked thrush, which is dangerous in the postpartum period.

Pain during menstruation

Severe abdominal pain during menstruation is also a sign of endometritis. If during pain your temperature rises, and your menstrual flow has a strong, unpleasant odor, immediately contact a specialist.

Useful tips for restoring the menstrual cycle after cesarean section

No one can monitor a woman’s menstrual flow except herself. In addition to always being on guard, a woman must make an effort and follow a number of rules that play an important role in recovery:

  • compliance with the regime. Getting good sleep, walking in the fresh air, eating healthy foods are all integral parts of recovery.
  • restriction of hygiene procedures. Maintaining hygiene is very important, but it is better to refrain from long baths in a hot bath, using tampons and douching - for some time you will have to make do with a short shower and pads
  • abstinence. After the operation, the woman will have to abstain from vaginal sex for at least 3-4 months
  • contraception. When vaginal sex does happen, you need to take the best possible precautions against pregnancy. A woman is able to give birth to a healthy child 3-4 years after the operation, and conception can occur in the second cycle and end in miscarriage, damage to the uterus and even death

After a caesarean section, visit your gynecologist regularly throughout the year, once every 1.5-2 months. The doctor will monitor the restoration of organs and healing of the uterus.

A woman who has undergone a cesarean section and is in the lactation period does not expect menstruation to occur as soon as possible. However, menstruation, or the so-called regula, during breastfeeding, after cesarean section, can come during this period.

Some women mistake bleeding immediately after artificial delivery, called lochia, for menstruation. However, lochia is a postpartum discharge that accompanies the involution (return to normal state) of the uterus. Menstruation cannot occur so quickly after surgical delivery, because the body needs to restore hormonal balance.

Reference! Menstruation after cesarean section, while breastfeeding, is a purely individual phenomenon for each woman, depending on many factors. Their occurrence during this period can be considered the norm.

What influences cycle restoration?

The restoration of the menstrual cycle after cesarean section during lactation is influenced by many factors:

  1. quality of nutrition of a nursing mother;
  2. age. If a woman is over 30 years old, then the body takes much longer to involute, therefore, menstruation occurs later;
  3. during pregnancy. A difficult course of the second half of pregnancy signals a hormonal imbalance, which also manifests itself during the period of recovery of the body after childbirth;
  4. emotional state. The stable mental state of a young mother directly affects the hormonal levels responsible for restoring the normal cycle;
  5. the opportunity to get good rest;
  6. chronic diseases of a woman who has recently given birth;
  7. lifestyle (alcohol, tobacco consumption);
  8. individual characteristics.

Of course, the most significant factor influencing the restoration of the cycle is breastfeeding. The more often a woman puts her baby to her breast and feeds him on demand, the higher the likelihood that regulation will not occur. This fact is explained by the fact that during high-quality breastfeeding, prolactin is produced, which suppresses the functioning of the ovaries.

When does your period come?

If the child is completely on breastfeeding

If the child is fully breastfed, then restoration of regulation should be expected 3 months after the cessation of lactation. The body of a nursing woman produces the hormone prolactin. It affects the deactivation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), without which ovulation is impossible. So it blocks the activity of the ovaries, and if ovulation does not occur, then regulation does not occur.

Some women believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation, because menstruation does not occur. This is a misconception. In fact, a nursing mother does not menstruate for a year or a year and a half, but the possibility of getting pregnant still exists, since spontaneous ovulation occurs.

On mixed or artificial nutrition

When a woman's milk production decreases, she introduces complementary foods. In this case, FSH production is activated, and after 3 months you should expect the onset of menstruation.

If a woman does not breastfeed her baby immediately after childbirth, then the onset of regulation should be expected a month after surgery. Their onset is also acceptable in 2-3 months.

Important! If a woman does not breastfeed immediately after childbirth and menstruation does not occur after 3 months, she should consult a doctor, since such a delay is considered a deviation from the norm.

Thus, menstruation and lactation are inextricably linked: as soon as lactation is disrupted, prolactin is produced in smaller quantities. During this period, eggs can mature, ovulation occurs, therefore, there is the possibility of menstruation.

What discharge should you be wary of?

The first discharge is usually characterized by randomness and increased intensity. It is even considered normal for them to occur once every two weeks. It usually takes about three to four months for the cycle to normalize. If a woman begins to have discharge, you need to carefully monitor its character. If several of the following symptoms recur several times over two to three cycles,

The number of newborns born by caesarean section has almost doubled in recent years. Today in our country, such delivery ends in 25 to 28% of all full-term pregnancies. However, reconception that occurs a short time after surgery is associated with a number of serious risks for the health of mother and baby. Therefore, many women are concerned about how a cesarean section affects the restoration of the menstrual cycle and the likelihood of quickly becoming pregnant again.

Features of the return of menstruation after cesarean section

The recovery time of the menstrual cycle after the end of pregnancy directly depends on the duration of normalization of hormonal levels in the woman’s body. According to experts, the operation to remove the child has virtually no effect on this process. As with natural childbirth, the following factors affect the hormonal status:

  • Presence and intensity of lactation;
  • Breastfeeding regimen, timing of complementary feeding;
  • The woman’s health status, the presence of chronic diseases;
  • Features of nutrition and lifestyle.

If the newborn baby is completely bottle-fed, the first period after cesarean in a young mother can begin within 6 weeks. On average, the cycle recovery time for women who do not breastfeed is 2-3 months.

The operation of caesarean section is associated with a violation of the integrity of the uterine wall. This determines the specifics of the postpartum period. The process of uterine contraction after cesarean section is slower than after natural delivery. Therefore, postpartum vaginal discharge (lochia) can be observed for 5-6 weeks. Normally, they first have the color of blood, then gradually lighten and become whitish or colorless. A woman should understand that postpartum discharge has nothing to do with menstruation after a cesarean section. If lochia is accompanied by abdominal pain, has a putrid odor, becomes abundant, or suddenly stops, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such symptoms indicate the development of serious complications.

Breastfeeding affects the restoration of the menstrual cycle after surgery in the same way as after normal childbirth. The delay of menstruation after cesarean in nursing mothers, as a rule, ranges from 6 months to a year. When lactation stops, the cycle is not restored immediately: the first discharge may be too weak, and the intervals between them may be longer than before conception. If, after finishing breastfeeding, menstruation “does not come” for two months, this is a reason for concern and contact a gynecologist.

Experts note that the operation often has a positive effect on the nature of menstruation. For many women, menstruation after a cesarean section causes almost no discomfort and is less painful than before pregnancy.

A young mother who has undergone surgery to remove a newborn should carefully monitor the condition of her body and think in advance about ways to reliably protect against unwanted conception. This is especially important in cases where breastfeeding is impossible for some reason. The fact is that it is impossible to use intrauterine contraceptives when the uterine wall is dissected, and a quick repeat pregnancy after a cesarean section often ends sadly. Complete healing of the suture occurs no earlier than two years from the date of surgery. Then you can plan to have another child without fear of trouble.

Natural birth – successful completion of pregnancy. During labor, the female body receives a signal about the end of the process. However, in some cases, doctors strongly recommend a cesarean section. And some women themselves ask to do this. They prefer to get a baby through surgery rather than endure pain during childbirth. When everything is behind, the child is in the cradle, the woman asks the question: “and what will they be like?” During the operation, the genital organs are damaged and the uterus suffers. The recovery period after a cesarean section is longer than during a natural birth. Accordingly, the menstrual cycle becomes more difficult to establish and the discharge changes.

Modern medicine makes it possible to perform an operation with minimal damage to the health of the woman and baby. It is carried out if it is assumed that the expectant mother or child may suffer during the process of natural childbirth. It’s easy to guess that the procedure should only be trusted by an experienced doctor. Any surgical intervention affects the general health, causes side effects, and abnormal discharge. In the case of a medical error, the negative impact increases several times.

After a cesarean section, all necessary processes in the body continue to take their course. Milk appears in the breast. The woman begins to feed the baby. At the same time, psychologists say that for the first time after surgery, women are in a stressful state. Gynecologists-obstetricians notice that the lactation process is different. Although this fact has no scientific confirmation. To reduce the psychological trauma and stress on your own body after childbirth, you should prepare yourself for the operation in advance. Be prepared for some difficulties in the first month.

Menstruation after cesarean section for the first time

At the moment a child is born, a reverse process of restructuring begins in the body. The woman will again have to endure hormonal changes. The process of involution during natural childbirth lasts almost as long as pregnancy lasts. On average 8 months. After a cesarean section, complete recovery of the body will occur within 3 years. The first menstruation will appear much earlier. Theoretically, the body will be ready for a new conception and pregnancy. Practically, big problems will arise if this happens. To avoid trouble, you should worry about contraception in advance.

The exact timing of the appearance of the first menstruation after a cesarean section is difficult to determine. Because it depends on the quality of the operation performed and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. In order for reproductive function to improve, the central nervous system and the reproductive system must return to normal. The entire body must return to normal.

The appearance of the first menstruation after a cesarean section is no different from the natural process of childbirth. The speed is influenced not by the way the child is born, but by the feeding process and the course of postpartum processes.

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Postpartum processes after cesarean section

A woman’s body begins to recover immediately after pregnancy. The uterus contracts for 2 months. Gradually it takes on the size it was before pregnancy. During the day it drops by 1 cm, after 2 months the uterus takes its original place. In women who feed their baby too often and for a long time, this process proceeds faster. The uterus may become even smaller than it was before pregnancy. The ovaries must recover and improve their functions. The appearance of the first menstruation after a caesarean section depends on how quickly this happens.

In parallel with this, the woman develops postpartum discharge - lochia. Spotting and spotting may last up to 2 months. But every day their number should decrease. Subsequently they turn brown and then disappear altogether. This way the uterus is cleansed. And lochia indicates natural and proper healing of the genital organ.

The main factor influencing the speed of the onset of menstruation

The main factor that speeds up or slows down the onset of menstruation after cesarean section is breastfeeding. Frequent latching of the baby to the breast promotes rapid recovery of the uterus and genital organs as a whole. About a month after surgery, the body is theoretically capable of developing a new egg and conceiving. In practice, things happen a little differently. The entire process of the monthly cycle is regulated by hormones. Menstruation after cesarean section will appear when the hormonal levels return to normal.

Breast milk contains more than 20 hormones. One of them, prolactin, affects the functioning of the ovaries. It is capable of inhibiting the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the maturation of the egg, securing it to the walls of the uterus in the event of pregnancy, and causes menstruation if this does not happen. Its amount in a woman’s body is especially large if she feeds the child not according to a schedule, but on demand. There is a relationship here: more feeding, more milk, more prolactin, longer periods without menstruation. That is, when breastfeeding, menstruation after a cesarean section appears after 6-8 months. Sometimes a woman carefree enjoys life without menstruation for a whole year. Which is also the norm.

It is at this time that doctors recommend introducing complementary foods to women. The baby drinks less milk, prolactin gradually gives primacy to progesterone. The functions of the ovaries improve, and menstruation begins. With mixed feeding, women's first periods after a cesarean section come 2 months earlier. And for those women who are forced to feed their baby with formula, their periods come 1 month after the operation.

Additional factors for the onset of menstruation

The normal menstrual cycle after cesarean section is restored within 3 months after the appearance of critical days. But this period is conditional, since many factors influence.

  • The course of pregnancy;
  • Features of a woman’s body;
  • Lifestyle – nutrition, rest, sleep patterns;
  • Woman's age;
  • The presence of chronic and hidden diseases;
  • Emotional situation, psychological state;
  • Presence of an intrauterine device.

A difficult pregnancy weakens the body. After its completion, it takes a long time for him to return to a normal rhythm. The cesarean operation complicates the situation. The speed of recovery directly depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. In turn, age affects. For a young woman, it takes less time to recover and establish a normal cycle. The nature of menstruation after cesarean is influenced by their quantity and the regularity of discharge before pregnancy. Although many women claim that after childbirth, menstruation occurs with virtually no deviations. And the amount of discharge decreases.

The restoration of the central nervous system is influenced by sleep, rest, and a normal psycho-emotional environment. Postpartum depression can delay the onset of menstruation after cesarean section. Nutrition affects the digestive system and the entire body as a whole. Lack of vitamins and minerals leads to a delay in menstruation.

An intrauterine device can speed up the process of menstruation after a cesarean section. It is not recommended to place it before 6 months. A contraceptive affects the balance of hormones in a woman’s body. Prolactin is inhibited and progesterone is produced in greater quantities. However, the normal menstrual cycle after cesarean section will be restored within 3-5 months after the first menstruation with the IUD.

Possible deviations

The cesarean section operation itself is considered simple among doctors. But it causes significant damage to the genitals. The presence of pathologies during the recovery period can interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system. A month after the operation, a woman must undergo a series of examinations:

  • gynecological examination;
  • smears from the walls of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus.

It is necessary to seek help from gynecologists if the normal menstrual cycle after cesarean section has not improved within 6 months. Provided that breastfeeding has been stopped. For women over 30 years of age, or with a difficult pregnancy, it will take longer to restore menstruation after a cesarean section. There is no need to be afraid that at first they will be irregular. You should call a doctor immediately if:

  • heavy discharge appeared;
  • scant discharge is observed;
  • between periods of menstruation, spotting appears;
  • the duration of menstruation after cesarean section differs from the norm - more than 7, less than 3 days;
  • there is pain in the abdominal area.

Discharge after a cesarean section should not be different from what it was before pregnancy. But the slightest concerns and doubts should be discussed with a doctor. You need to be careful about your body. Sexual intercourse must be protected. Pregnancy can end in miscarriage; abortion can cause significant harm. The uterus will be especially affected. As a result, there is a high risk of becoming childless. A full monthly cycle is a sign of a healthy body.

After childbirth, women experience so-called amenorrhea, when the egg does not mature and menstruation does not occur. But every mother knows that this process is temporary. Let’s take a closer look at the timing and features of postpartum menstruation during a caesarean section.

Menstruation after cesarean section while breastfeeding

There is an opinion that when breastfeeding, menstruation comes much later than during artificial feeding. Let's figure out when menstruation occurs after a cesarean section in nursing mothers and what nature of their course is considered normal.

Timing of the first menstruation during lactation

On average, menstruation when breastfeeding comes 8–9 months after birth. But these numbers are individual for everyone, and the difference is quite large - for some they begin 2-3 months after birth, for others it may take more than a year before the cycle improves. The norm for the onset of menstruation ranges from 2–14 months.

The resumption of menstruation is influenced by the following factors:

  • frequency of the baby's latching - the more often the baby suckles, the later the period will come;
  • use of breast substitutes (pacifiers, pacifiers) – their absence prolongs the period of amenorrhea;
  • the number of night feedings - the more often the baby feeds at night, the longer the woman will not ovulate and, therefore, have periods;
  • Individual hormonal fluctuations can either accelerate or delay the resumption of the cycle, depending on the dominant hormones.

Lochia - postpartum discharge - can be mistaken for the arrival of menstruation. But they are not a symptom of the resumption of the cycle and should end within a month and a half after the cesarean section.

What is the normal length of menstruation after cesarean section?

If menstruation lasts 3–7 days before giving birth, then in the postpartum period their duration may decrease or, conversely, increase. This happens in the first 2–3 months after the resumption of menstruation, when the cycle is being established.

The fact of a cesarean section while breastfeeding does not affect the timing of the onset of menstruation, but will most likely cause it to proceed differently from the norm.

Heavy periods after cesarean section

When postpartum menstruation occurs in a different way from what a woman is accustomed to, “not the way it used to be,” this often causes anxiety in the mother. But not all changes in the course of menstruation are pathological.

Heavy periods during breastfeeding should not alarm a nursing mother. This is a normal cycle recovery process. The following factors influence the abundance of discharge:

  • the fact of cesarean section plus the complications that arose during the operation lead to the fact that the reproductive system takes longer to improve than with natural delivery;
  • Chronic diseases not treated before pregnancy can also cause heavy menstruation;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, especially sexually transmitted diseases, affect the duration of menstruation, significantly prolonging the recovery period;
  • The installed uterine device increases the amount of menstrual flow.

Scanty periods after cesarean section

Menstruation with blood loss below the norm of 50 ml (about 3 tablespoons) is considered scanty.

A small amount of discharge is often accompanied by a short cycle. But it also happens the other way around, when the bleeding becomes protracted. In the case when menstruation is long and scanty for several months, this may indicate inflammation or infection, and also indicate hormonal disorders.

If scanty periods occur in more than two cycles and last longer than 10 days, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

In addition, scanty periods may indicate a second pregnancy.

Irregular periods during breastfeeding after cesarean section - reasons

The regularity of menstrual bleeding is not restored immediately after childbirth and even longer in the case of a cesarean section. On average, it takes several months to adapt and set up regularity.

If one menstruation has already passed and the next one does not occur, the first step is to do a hCG test to exclude pregnancy. This is especially true for mothers who are sexually active and at the same time choose unreliable means of contraception, such as unfinished sexual intercourse or the calendar method.

Irregular menstruation observed for more than three months is not normal and requires contacting a specialist to determine the cause. Often, such pathologies are based on serious disturbances in the hormonal system or diseases of the uterus and appendages.

Long periods after cesarean section

Menstruation lasting 8 or more days is considered long. This duration is permissible only in the first 2–3 months - the adaptation period.

Prolonged menstruation starting from the fourth month after childbirth occurs as a result of stress, endocrine diseases, or pathologies of the uterus or ovaries.

Moreover, the limit on the duration of menstruation even in the first cycles is 10 days. If your period lasts more than 10 days, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Consequences of long periods

Since excessive discharge during menstruation leads to iron deficiency, it is necessary not only to consult a doctor to eliminate the cause, but also to replenish lost “reserves” at the same time. It is recommended, in consultation with the treating gynecologist, to start taking iron-containing medications.

In addition, you can get the missing element from fruits and vegetables, not forgetting about the diet when breastfeeding:

  • dried fruits - plum, apricot;
  • fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat flakes.

If there is a lot of blood loss, you need to drink a lot of fluids. There are also many drugs that allow you to regulate iron levels; it is recommended to take them in combination with manganese and copper, then the iron will be absorbed better.

Menstruation or bleeding - how to distinguish

The postpartum process, especially in the case of surgical intervention, is a time for a woman to carefully monitor not only the baby, but also her own condition. Early consultation with a doctor plays a key role in the treatment of bleeding that occurs.

There may be several reasons for bleeding:

  • unidentified violations of the integrity of the birth canal and uterus;
  • remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity;
  • violation of contractile activity of the uterus.

A number of signs will help distinguish bleeding from menstruation.

  1. The first menstruation, which began at 4–5 weeks after birth in the presence of active breastfeeding, characterized by profuse discharge. Most likely, this is newly opened bleeding.
  2. Severe abdominal pain. Pain from contraction of the uterus and healing of sutures is natural and occurs immediately after childbirth. When pain appears a week or later after childbirth, it is a dangerous symptom.
  3. Excessive discharge may also indicate bleeding. The pathological amount can be determined by hygiene products: the norm is one pad for 2 hours. If it is missing, most likely it is not your period.
  4. Duration of discharge. If bleeding continues for more than 10 days, consult a doctor immediately, since there is a high probability that this is real bleeding and treatment or hospitalization is necessary.
  5. Another “bell” will be the color of the discharge: a bright red tint may be a sign of bleeding, which has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle.

As soon as you have doubts about the normality of your condition, consult a doctor. Don’t scour the Internet, don’t rely on chance - believe me, it will be much more difficult to treat you later.

Elena Ivanovna Kaverzina, obstetrician of the highest category

What can clots mean during menstruation, causes, treatment

The appearance of clots during menstruation can be either normal or indicate pathology.

There are only a few main reasons for the appearance of clots.

  1. Congenital or acquired pathology of the uterus. After the birth of a child, a septum may appear on it, which blocks the cervix. This is what prevents the outflow of menstrual blood, which, being in this septum, coagulates. And after some time we can observe clots in the discharge. This pathology is diagnosed using ultrasound.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. Long menstruation, accompanied by blood clots, will “tell” this. The source of the problem is improper functioning of the thyroid gland or ovaries. Hormonal imbalance provokes the growth of tissues of the inner layer of the uterus, which over time are rejected and come out along with blood in the form of clots. Diagnosed based on hormone analysis.
  3. As with heavy periods, clots can be caused by an intrauterine device. Contrary to manufacturers' statements about its safety, this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is not at all harmless, because:
    • the spiral can be rejected by the uterus, as it is a foreign body for it;
    • Being an abortifacient contraceptive, the IUD does not prevent conception, but causes early miscarriage, and if clots appear in menstruation after installation, an embryo may be released.
  4. Endometriosis. In this case, blood clots are accompanied by painful menstruation. This disease is quite difficult to diagnose, so if you constantly feel discomfort during your period, accompanied by heavy bleeding with clots, contact a specialist for a detailed examination.

How to determine that clots during menstruation are not normal

The nature of the origin of clots can be determined by their appearance and accompanying sensations. If they resemble flakes in shape with torn, sloppy edges, are colored scarlet, brown or brown and are accompanied by painful spasms, this is an indicator of pathology, which requires immediate contact with a gynecologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

When does menstruation begin after cesarean section with artificial feeding?

With artificial feeding, menstruation can come as early as 40 days after birth

In the absence of breastfeedingAfter a month or two, the ovaries completely resume their function. Thus, the period for the appearance of menstruation after a cesarean section is a period from 40 days to two months. It is noteworthy that it is at this time that cases of unplanned re-pregnancy are common. This happens due to the fact that due to the absence of menstruation, a woman may not be aware that ovulation has occurred and may not take care of means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. This should be remembered, because carrying another child after such a short period of time after the first pregnancy is difficult, and in the case of a cesarean section, it is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus.

Despite usually appearing earlier, menstruation when a woman is artificially feeding a child also has its limits.It is important to remember that menstruation is not possible a month after giving birth.

If you observe blood within a period of up to 40 days, although the lochia is over, contact your gynecologist to rule out postpartum complications .

Thus, menstruation while breastfeeding is a very individual process. The frequency, nature of discharge and abundance in each woman may be different from others and even completely different from what she had before giving birth. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor your condition after childbirth in order to notice emerging complications and eliminate them in time. Then the postpartum period will not be overshadowed and the woman will be able to fully enjoy the joy of motherhood.