The Bates Method - eye exercises. Bates gymnastics for ideal vision Bates vision restoration technique

Today, 1 in 7 people on the planet does not have 100% vision. The number of vision correction operations is growing every year. Vision restoration using the Bates method is a way to restore eye health without surgery. The technique has both supporters and opponents among doctors around the world. Let's figure out what this system is and for whom is it effective?

The Bates Method is aimed at getting rid of myopia

The essence of the Bates technique

William Bates is an ophthalmologist from the USA who, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, developed his own program of special eye exercises.

The goal of the program is the non-drug treatment of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Usually these exercises are used to get rid of myopia.

According to Dr. Bates' theory, the muscles surrounding the eyeball participate in the functioning of the visual apparatus along with the lens. He argued that the real cause of eye disease and loss of visual acuity is psychological overstrain and stress. Each type of stress gives rise to its own type of vision pathology.

The exercises of the technique are based on strengthening and relaxing the eye muscles, which helps improve vision and a person’s psycho-emotional mood.

The first follower of the Bates system in the USSR is considered to be the Soviet physiologist G.A. Shichko, therefore this set of exercises is often found under the name “Shichko-Bates method”. Nowadays, the Bates system is promoted by V.G. Zhdanov.

Basic rules of the technique:

  1. Stop using glasses. Corrective devices, according to the creator of the program, significantly complicate the path to regaining vision. If it is not possible to stop wearing glasses, it is worth purchasing a pair of glasses with smaller diopters (1-1.5 less than necessary).
  2. Don't strain your eyes. Intensified focusing of the eyes on a near or distant object contributes to vision loss and prevents its recovery.
  3. Do the exercises gradually. First, you should get used to simpler exercises, then move on to more complex ones. Otherwise, the eye muscles will be overloaded.

Charging must be done daily at least once a day. After achieving results, it is also recommended to repeat these exercises, but for prevention.

When do you need eye exercises?

A complex of therapeutic exercises is indicated for getting rid of:

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • strabismus.

The technique is aimed at treating strabismus

Exercise works effectively in the initial stages of the disease. In advanced cases, performing the complex will give little results.

The Bates technique has 2 contraindications: recent ophthalmic surgery (less than six months ago) and retinal detachment.

A set of exercises for natural vision restoration

The system consists of exercises that are performed one after another after a short rest and blinking.

Regular gymnastics

Before starting the complex, “warm up” your eye muscles using the following exercises:

  • look up and down alternately;
  • turn your eyes to the right and left;
  • then alternate the movements described above;
  • make circular movements first clockwise, then counterclockwise;
  • draw squares with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other;
  • draw figure eights in different directions.

To begin with, it will be enough to repeat each exercise 3-5 times, then the number of repetitions can be increased to 10.


Cover your eyes with your palms, imagine deep darkness and relax. This is done to relax the eye muscles. To get the best relaxation effect, rub your palms together until warm.

Palm for at least 5 minutes.


Professor Bates believed that dosed eye contact with sunlight strengthens vision.

On a clear day at sunrise or sunset, stand facing the sun, close your eyes and turn your eyeballs in different directions horizontally. When the eyes adapt to bright light, the eyelids can be slightly opened. You can't open your eyes completely. Perform solarization for at least 5 minutes.

Such gymnastics cannot be performed between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. You can use a candle or light bulb (up to 150 W) as a source of bright light. After solarization, repeat palming again.


Stand in the middle of the room facing the window. The body is straight, the shoulders are straightened, the gaze is directed forward. Make smooth turns with your body to the right and left so that your shoulders are parallel to the wall towards which your body is turned, and your feet remain in place. The shoulders, neck and head do not move in relation to each other and create a fixed structure. Don't move your eyes either.

When turning, do not focus on objects, feel how objects float past your sight. When performing the exercise, think about pleasant things, breathe evenly and smoothly. 60-100 continuous slow turns are enough.

Exercise with a bandage

Buy or make your own patch for 1 eye, which creates 100% light isolation. Put on the bandage and do household chores for half an hour. There is no need to cover your eye while wearing a blindfold.

Exercise with a blindfold

Then palm and repeat the exercise with the other eye.


Place your hands on your eyes as if palming, but do not imagine darkness, but rather scroll through pleasant memories.

During the exercise, the psychological state returns to normal, the body and mind relax, which helps to improve vision. For this exercise, 5-10 minutes are enough.

The exercises can be done individually if, during hard work, you need to quickly relieve eye fatigue and relax.

The number of people who have vision problems is increasing every day. And everyone wants to solve this problem.

The Bates method is considered an excellent method for restoring vision.

With its help, you can restore good visual acuity to your eyes, and very quickly. It is enough to do the exercises regularly.

According to Bates, vision problems arise due to mental stress. This causes physical stress and causes disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs.

Bates method: description, advantages

There are several options for getting rid of ophthalmological difficulties: you can treat your vision with medications, have surgery, or do exercises.

Not everyone knows about the last option. Otherwise, the number of clients for ophthalmologists would be reduced significantly.

Thanks to the Bates method:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • restoration of eye muscle tone;
  • relief from eye pain and strain.

Do light exercises first. When you can master them, move on to more complicated options.

Mental stress is a key cause of vision problems. Due to mental stress, loss of control and discomfort occurs. As a result, farsightedness, strabismus, astigmatism, and myopia appear.

Dr. Bates believed that it was necessary to do gymnastics, the purpose of which was to train and relax the eye muscles. Even glasses need to be replaced with others, more powerful ones over time. This indicated that vision was getting worse and glasses were not helping.

When a person did not wear glasses for some time, his vision improved noticeably. This discovery that Bates made is that visual acuity depends on six muscles. They change the shape of the eye and its focus.

The Bates method is psychological and pedagogical, non-medical. Therefore, this method is not used by ophthalmologists, but by teachers and psychologists.

How eye muscles affect visual acuity

When vision is normal, the muscles are relaxed. The eye is spherical in shape. As a result, the image is correctly located on the retina.

When a person looks at objects close up, the transverse muscles tense. Longitudinal ones are relaxed. The eye resembles an oval shape. When you need to look into the distance, the transverse muscles, on the contrary, relax. The eye takes the shape of a ball.

This discovery led to the conclusion that myopia is the result of tension in the transverse muscles, and farsightedness is the result of longitudinal muscles.

The Bates method is based on the Indian system from North America. Its essence is that strengthening some muscles leads to relaxation of others.

Bates exercises

To restore and strengthen your vision, you need to consistently perform certain actions:

  • replace the lenses with weaker ones (the doctor recommended using glasses that are 1-1.5 diopters less than necessary);
  • do gymnastics.

The gymnastics itself involves performing the following actions:

After each exercise you need to blink your eyes (slightly), this will help relieve tension. During the first week, it is important to do the complex 3 times. No more.


Do it with your eyes open and closed. Turn your gaze to the right and left. Don't concentrate on anything. Repeat 70 times.

Important: do all exercises in moderation, otherwise you may experience overexertion and worsening vision.


Turn towards the sun. Close your eyes. Make turns in all directions. Do the exercise in the morning and evening, when the sun rises and sets. Lesson duration: 5 minutes.

Is the sun hidden behind the clouds? Light a candle and study in a dark room.

Important: you cannot perform this exercise when the sun is active, because it will harm your eyes.

When you finish doing the exercise, start palming.


Rub your palms together to warm them up. Close your eyes, cover them with your palms (house), with your thumbs on your forehead. Imagine black without glare or blemishes. Breathing is uniform and calm.

If it is impossible to completely restore vision, then exercises will help avoid worsening the current condition.

You cannot perform Bates exercises in the following cases:

  • retinal detachment (or likelihood of detachment);
  • period after surgery (you can only exercise after 6 months or later).

Reading books, watching TV, regular use of a computer and modern mobile devices requires increased strain on the eyes and has a negative impact on the eyes.

In medicine, there are many different non-traditional methods of improving visual function, among which the technique of the famous American doctor, ophthalmologist William Bates, is very popular.

For about 100 years, Bates developed his own method for improving the quality of vision, which was subsequently used many times in practice and refined by his followers.

Shichko’s teaching was based on the fact that psychological harmful programs are destroyed during sleep, when a person writes a certain self-hypnosis before that. This is explained by the fact that the word, when written, has a powerful effect on the brain.

The Russian scientist Zhdanov combined the theoretical developments of Bates with the method of the physiologist Shichko into a single whole, strengthening the psychological part of the system.

There are several types of treatment for vision problems. You can use drug therapy, resort to surgical intervention, or you can turn to the method of resuming the normal functioning of the visual muscles by performing special gymnastics.

Gymnastics according to the Bates method

You need to protect your vision!

Before performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to make preliminary preparations:

  • remove or ;
  • relax your facial muscles;
  • blink your eyes.

Performing exercises:

  1. Moving the gaze with fixation for 1 second up and down;
  2. Moving the gaze alternately to the right and left;
  3. Moving your gaze up to the right, smoothly moving diagonally to the lower left corner;
  4. Moving the gaze up to the left, then diagonally to the lower right corner;
  5. Moving the gaze around the perimeter of a mentally drawn rectangle alternately in two directions;
  6. Moving the gaze along the dial reproduced in figurative thinking, stopping in the area of ​​​​the supposed numbers 12, 3, 6 and 9, in both directions;
  7. Place your hand in front of you, stop your gaze at one point in the area of ​​the thumb, then bring your hand to your face in the area of ​​the nose, continuing to fix your gaze, and then sharply turn it to an object in the distance;
  8. Drawing an imaginary snake figure in two opposite directions;
  9. Increased squeezing.

The final part of the system is gymnastics for the neck and shoulder girdle in the form of rotations, compressions, and relaxations. You should know that when performing gymnastics, only the visual organs are involved, and the position of the head should be stationary. All exercises should be repeated 20 times, ending each of them with blinking.

Efficiency of the method and contraindications

Eye gymnastics according to Bates gives good results

The Bates treatment system is effective for acquired eye pathologies in the initial stages.

By systematically applying this technique, without wearing lenses or glasses, it is possible to restore the patient’s vision to normal limits.

In cases of incomplete restoration of visual abilities, gymnastics has a positive effect on the eye organs, helping to relieve excess tension and acting as an effective preventative measure to prevent unwanted changes.

But there are still contraindications for using this technique. These include:

  • eyes or risk of detachment;
  • a period of 6 months after the use of surgical intervention on the eye organs.

Effectiveness of using the method

There are different opinions regarding the effectiveness of the Bates technique, as well as patient reviews that are contradictory.

With its help, many people have managed to improve the quality of their vision, including complete restoration to normal limits. There are reviews about the lack of positive dynamics.

When using this method, it is very important to systematically perform eye gymnastics. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the required results.

In addition to all activities, they contribute to:

  • normal functioning of blood flow;
  • strengthening the muscles of the visual organs;
  • relief from pain in the eye area;
  • release from unnecessary tension.

Gymnastics for myopia

Eye gymnastics according to Bates - for myopia

Among other non-drug methods used to treat and improve the quality of vision for myopia, there is an effective method in the form of eye gymnastics.

Classes should be performed every day without glasses up to 3 times a day at any time convenient for the patient. Recommendations for performing exercises:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position and relax. Close your eyes, covering them with your palms, without straining, to block the access of light. Classes should be conducted at intervals of 1 hour, lasting 10-15 seconds.
  2. Close your eyes tightly for 2 seconds and open your eyes. Perform 10 times.
  3. Perform rotational movements alternately in different directions up to 7 times.
  4. Hold the pencil in a perpendicular position, focus your gaze on its top, moving the object away and bringing it closer to the distance until it stops, holding out your hand. Do this 5 - 6 times.
  5. Make rapid blinking movements for 20 seconds.
  6. Place your outstretched arm in front of you, extending your index finger. Watch him with your eyes, smoothly moving your hand first to one side, then in the opposite direction 10 - 15 times.
  7. Using several fingers, press the eyelid area on both eyes for 4 seconds and release the fingers. Perform the manipulation 5 times.
  8. Slowly move your gaze from top to bottom and vice versa. Number of exercises - 10 times.
  9. Attach a pre-prepared circle of red or black color with a diameter of 0.5 cm to the window. You should fix your gaze on it for 100 seconds. After the time has passed, turn your gaze to an object in the distance outside the window, while you need to peer into all the smallest details. Every 3 days, increase the observation period by 2 minutes.
  10. Draw various geometric shapes using the pupils.

Regular performance of a therapeutic set of gymnastic exercises for the eyes helps strengthen the muscles of the visual organs. If you follow the correct recommendations, visible improvements are noticeable after 1.5 - 2 months.

Although to achieve higher results, you should continue systematically for 6 months.

Many patients have confirmed the effectiveness of using the Bates technique, who with its help have improved their vision, contrary to doctors’ statements about the impossibility of restoring visual functions without the use of traditional methods of correction.

Anyone can try to restore their health without surgery or drug therapy. To do this, you need to work hard and systematically perform therapeutic exercises.

The video will introduce you to the Bates method - eye exercises:

Exercises of the Bates method to restore vision help with vision loss. Modern life cannot be imagined without computer technology; a person spends maximum free and working time at the computer. Vision decreases massively.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

Bates Method Complex

All exercises, regardless of whether a person wears glasses or contact lenses, must be done in their absence. All manipulations performed by the organ of vision must be smooth.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to tune in to them, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head and blink your eyes (this will further lubricate them).


  1. A person first raises his eyes up and then lowers them down.
  2. The head remains motionless.
  3. As your eyes drop down, you need to blink them to relax the tense muscles again.
  4. Repeat 5 times.

"Left - Right"

  1. We looked with our eyes first to the left and then to the right.
  2. We repeated this procedure several times.
  3. Finally, they blinked their eyes.


  1. The head remains motionless, only the eyes work.
  2. First you need to lift them up to the right and then lower them down to the left.
  3. Blink your eyes intensely.
  4. You need to do the reverse procedure, that is, up to the left and down to the right.
  5. Blink your eyes again.


  1. You need to mentally draw a rectangle with your eyes.
  2. First we draw in one direction, and then in the opposite.
  3. Carry out the procedure of relaxing your eyes by blinking them.


  1. You need to mentally imagine a large watch dial.
  2. Then make rotational movements with your eyes, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Need to blink again.
  4. The head should remain motionless.


  1. This exercise is based on mentally drawing a snake.
  2. You need to move your eyes to the side and do the following complex: first draw from left to right, and then from right to left, continue this procedure from top to bottom and bottom to top.
  3. Upon completion of the procedure, the eyes must be relaxed (blinking).

These simple exercises help strengthen the muscles of the eyeball if used regularly.

Popular Shichko-Bates technique

This technique received its name thanks to the practice of V.G. Zhdanov, who combined in his work the recommendations for restoring vision from Shichko and Bates.

The complex consists of the following exercises according to the Shichko-Bates method:

  1. A person needs to focus his attention on one specific object, and all other objects in the field of vision should not be in clear vision.
  2. Then move. The previously described exercises from the Bates technique “snake”, “rectangle”, “clock” are used.
  3. Blinking eyes with flashes. This exercise completely imitates the natural process by which the eyes become wet.
  4. Small turns. This exercise involves the eyes together with the head.
  5. Big turns. The head, eyes and torso are involved. Turns are made 90 degrees.
  6. Exercise "solarization". It requires a light source, for example, a lamp, a candle or the sun (during the daytime). The patient turns his head to the left and right, his eyes should remain motionless.

Well-known and effective methods:

  1. David Cook "100% vision without glasses or contacts in 7 minutes a day."
  2. Harry Benjamin "Excellent vision without glasses."
  3. Mirzakarim Norbekov “The experience of a fool, or the path to insight.”
  4. Oleg Pankov "Assassin's Glasses".
  5. V.G. Zhdanov “Get back your sight.”

Development and implementation of the methodology

More than a century has already passed since this technique appeared. It is aimed at restoring vision with the following indicators: myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness.

This development is based on performing different sets of exercises depending on the disease. Each situation has its own method that will give results.

They are built on the work of the muscles of the eyeball, which, due to their strong tension or, conversely, weakening, cause the development of diseases that are associated with vision.

The concept and essence of myopia

Due to the development of various life situations that are associated with visual overstrain, during the course of injuries received by a person, it may happen that the transverse muscles of the eye, straining, are pulled forward, squeezing the eyeball.

As a result, it becomes deformed, acquiring an elongated shape.

The muscles do not contract back, and the eye is constantly in a bulging state.

Bates called people with this shape of the eyeball myopic.

What is farsightedness

Farsighted people, according to Bates, are people whose work of the transverse muscles of the eye is weakened, while the longitudinal muscles, on the contrary, are capable of holding the eye in a single position. As a result, weakened muscles are not able to pull the eyeball forward and the person begins to have trouble seeing close up. The person begins to worry about his vision, he begins to get nervous, and this aggravates the symptoms.

Bates believes that there is no need to wear glasses, since the already weakened muscles will stop working altogether; the glass in the glasses is convex in shape, which does not require the eye to work.


What is astigmatism

The manifestation of astigmatism is that a person sees objects in a distorted form. Glasses are powerless. Bates argued that this defect could be corrected by doing a daily set of exercises.

The indication for using the complex according to the Bates method to restore vision is deterioration of a person’s vision, which is associated with age-related changes or as a result of eye fatigue.

It works well when the patient has not yet worn glasses or contact lenses. The prognosis for vision return is 100%.

In other cases, the use of sets of exercises on a regular basis allows a person to maintain vision at the level at which it is. And this is also a significant factor.

The Bates technique is prohibited from being used in the following cases:

  1. If a person has a process of retinal detachment of the eyeball (as in the current period and in history), since performing exercises can provoke further retinal detachment
  2. When undergoing eye surgery, the patient is prohibited from using this technique for 6 months. After this period, you must obtain permission from an ophthalmologist.

Nearsightedness (myopia) is one of the most common vision problems in the world. Myopic people see objects well that are 20–40 centimeters away from them and even closer, but distant objects are very blurry. This is explained by the fact that in such people the eyeball has acquired an elongated shape, and this defect prevents the image of distant objects from being correctly focused on the retina - it becomes unclear. There are many different methods of treating this disease - from simply wearing glasses to laser correction and surgery. But there are other methods - one of them was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the American ophthalmologist William Bates.

Bates began working on his method in 1917, collaborating with businessman and publisher of Physical Culture magazine Bernard McFadden. Together they developed courses of eye exercises, the main provisions of which were outlined by Bates in 1920 in the pages of his book “Correcting Poor Vision Without Glasses.” The company was an unprecedented success, but at the end of 1929 the US Food, Drug and Cosmetic Administration approved a ruling accusing Bates of deceiving patients and deceptive advertising, so he was forced to end his project.

Myopia from Bates' point of view

According to William Bates, the main causes of myopia in most cases are significant visual, physical, emotional, mental stress, various injuries or severe eye strain. In this situation, the muscles surrounding the eye are extremely overstrained - they compress it and give it a convex shape. In this case, the muscles can no longer return to their original state and do not relax, squeezing the eyeball even more. The doctor called people with such eyes myopic.

There are many examples of the formation of such a situation. For example, school-age children are at school for seven lessons: they read, write, their eyes are constantly at work, so the muscles of the eyeballs are constantly tense. After school they come home and sit down to study - and again the muscles become tense, the eyeballs are pulled forward again. With such a serious load on the organ of vision, and also against the background of various stresses at school, the transverse muscles of the eyes are tense for most of the day and are practically unable to relax. And, as a result, sooner or later parents notice that their child begins to have difficulty seeing into the distance. This is clearly noticeable in a child - in order to at least see something, he begins to squint, squint, trying to recognize objects, and makes mistakes in their names.

To cope with this problem, parents take the child to an ophthalmologist, where he is shown a test chart on which he can only see the upper letters. He, of course, is diagnosed with “myopia” and prescribed treatment - a prescription for minus glasses. However, after you start wearing such glasses, the transverse muscles will never return to a relaxed state; worse, with strong excitement, after visual stress or physical stress, the muscles will tense up even more, and the eye will stretch more and more forward. After some time, the child will begin to have the same problems with the glasses already selected, and he will be prescribed glasses with even more diopters.

Causes of visual impairment

According to Bates' theory, the causes of poor vision lie mainly in mental stress, combined with increased load on the optical apparatus of the eye at those moments when a person tries to examine a certain object as closely as possible. This condition becomes the main cause of increased tension in the muscles surrounding the eyes. Here's what Bates says about it: “Every time a person tries hard to see something, he loses normal vision. He can look at the stars for a long time with normal vision, but if he wants to count the stars or look at them closer, he becomes myopic, since all attempts to see objects lead to enhanced vision.”

Let us again quote from his book: “It has already been proven many times that any excessive work of the muscles of the eyeball leads to severe tension. If this effort is removed, then muscle function returns to normal, so all anomalies disappear. This fact confirms that if such conditions are eliminated, vision will be normalized.”

Why is the Bates treatment little known?

Despite the fact that treatment using this method has brought excellent results and helped many people, few people know about it. Why did this method not find a place in medical practice? The main reason is the huge income from the sale of glasses, eye medications, and expensive surgical operations, because the ophthalmology industry is thriving and expanding every year. It brings in billions of dollars in profits, and simple and accessible methods for treating myopia, including the one described here, only interfere with this. The next reason for the lack of demand for the Bates method is the laziness of the patients themselves. This is a fairly common problem - many people cannot force themselves to regularly perform simple exercises, quitting halfway and without achieving any results.

All that is required is to perform a few basic exercises described in 1957 by K. Hackett, who for ten years further developed Bates's ideas. Restoration using this method helped improve vision in 2,180 patients, with 75% of them experiencing long-term vision improvement. A third of them stopped wearing glasses forever.


Treatment of myopia using the William Bates method includes several basic techniques:

  • passive relaxation;
  • virtual representation and recall of something;
  • palming;
  • correct breathing, blinking;
  • central fixation;
  • rocking;
  • reading small print;
  • analytical viewing;
  • quick glances;

According to Bates, only by completely eliminating light from entering the retina can the eye muscles relax. He called a simple technique that allows him to do this “palming” - “palm” translated from English means “palm”. All you need to do is look at a letter in a book, table, or any image from any distance, and then cover your eyes with your palms and mentally imagine the object you saw. If the exercise is performed correctly, then with your eyes closed the image will be a darker shade than in reality. You need to repeat this several times, while imagining the object against a darker background and in a darker color than it actually is. The image is easier to remember if it is darker.

There is another exercise that gives a good effect for myopia - you need to mentally imagine a whole spectrum of colors: yellow, green, red, blue, white and so on, and the intensity of the color should be maximum. Each color needs to be imagined in your imagination for no more than one second. The exercise should last at least 10 minutes; for convenience, you can count while doing it. You can use this technique in your free time and as much as you want. Performing exercises using the palming method is not only a good method of treatment, but also an excellent preventative measure that will help relieve visual fatigue before bed.


Bates believed that there was a close connection between the human psyche and his vision. For example, if his mental health has normalized, then his vision will improve. If a person is in an excited state, his eyes are subject to severe stress and cannot relax. According to the scientist, when people are immersed in memories, their psyche relaxes, and their vision begins to improve.

Treatment with memories can last a very long time, depending on the desire of the person himself.

All objects that you want to imagine must be somewhere nearby so that you can see them without unnecessarily straining your eyes. For the best effect, it is advisable to combine this exercise with palming.

An exercise with tables is quite effective. For this, the classic Sivtsev table is used, which you have probably seen in the office of any ophthalmologist. It should be placed in front of you to test your vision. The distance to the table should be 6 meters, and the room itself should be well lit. You should read all visible lines without much effort. Among those letters that you can clearly see, you need to choose the smallest ones, while you can palm and imagine the letters you see, just as before, darker than they actually are. After this, you need to open your eyes and look at the presented letter - it should have clear contours. Such exercises need to be repeated several times in order to make out the smallest letters over time.

Damage to glasses

The most important harm that glasses cause to myopic people is interference with the work of the transverse eye muscles. After all, glasses work instead of muscles, and those, in turn, weaken. Let's imagine a situation: a myopic person looks into the distance, his transverse ocular muscles are tense and he is wearing glasses -2. Since he sees perfectly well with glasses, he doesn’t even try to relax his muscles.

Another negative consequence of glasses is the immobilization of the eyes. After all, a person without glasses constantly moves his eyeballs, moving his gaze down, up, left or right. His longitudinal muscles are constantly working, they are well developed, their tone is high, and their working condition is excellent. If people wear glasses, they move their eyes less and move their head more, the eyes become less mobile, and the longitudinal muscles do not work properly. After some time, non-working muscle fibers degrade and atrophy.

If you want to get rid of myopia, then first of all give up glasses. They are not a substitute for full treatment. You must always remember that the eyes should be relaxed; it is not advisable to strain them often. Of course, there are cases when it is very difficult to refuse optics because you need to work, so in this situation the treatment will be less effective and will not bring the desired result. Even if you are wearing, still do the above exercises. Take time to relax more often, do not overload your eyesight. Gradually switch to weaker glasses, increase the time you spend without optics - this is the only way treatment using this method will bring tangible results. Remember: the most important thing when treating myopia is to keep your eyes relaxed.