Methodical selection “Gymnastics for the eyes” in verse. Gymnastics for the eyes in verse Visual gymnastics autumn

Visual gymnastics in verse

One to the left, two to the right,

Three is up, four is down.

And now we look in circles,

To see the world better.

By training the eye muscle.

We'll see better soon,

Check it out now!

Now let's press a little

Points near your eyes.

We'll give them a lot of strength,

To strengthen it a thousand times!

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don’t be lazy to repeat.

Strengthening the eye muscles.

We'll see better right away.

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,

And we'll go around in circles.

Quickly - quickly blink

And we'll rub it a little.

Look at the tip of your nose

And look between the eyebrows.

Circle, square and triangle

Repeat three times.

We close our eyes,

We inhale slowly.

And on the exhale again

Make your eyes blink.

Now let's relax

We went to the places.

We are sitting on the bus

We look in all directions.

We look back, we look forward,

But the bus is not moving...

Below the river is deep,

At the top of the bird - high.

Brushes rustle on glass

They want to sweep away all the droplets.

The wheels are spinning

We rolled forward.

It's dark in the forest.

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

Only the owl-owl,

big head,

Sits on a branch

looks in all directions.

Right, left, up and down,

Animals, birds, oh, hold on!

looked all around -

Run after the prey!

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All the clocks go like this: tick-tock, tick-tock,

Left once, right once,

We can do this too

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

And - to the right! And one more thing

Over your left shoulder!

Hammer - hamster hamster,

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early

The hamster rubs his eyes.

Blinks - one, two, three

Inhale and exhale. Look

The stream runs far away

A mosquito squeaks on my nose.

The hamster looks higher, lower,

He looked around

Prag! and run to the hole!

The beetle flew up to the crane,

He buzzed and sang “W-w-w...”

So he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

A beetle wants to sit on your nose,

We won't let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed,

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while.

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the beetle.

Let's clap together


So that he could fly away.

And the second one ran through - drop!

The droplets began to sing, drip-drip,

Faces got wet.

They became wet.

And shake off all the droplets.

Let's run away from the rain.


I got ready to fly with him,

Left wing withdrawn

I looked.


Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

Let's close them for a little while.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little.

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

(repeat 3 - 4 times)

"Walk in the Woods"

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

We are all a little tired.

I suggest you rest.

Rest our ears

We will listen to silence.

And we close our eyes

And let them rest.

In silence imagine the sea,

Fresh wind in the open air.

A wave follows a wave,

And there is silence in the area.

Our eyes are so tired

We wrote, we drew,

Let's stand together in order,

Let's do some exercises for the eyes.

Night. It's dark outside.

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

And now everyone needs it together

Blink your eyes together.

Look to the right - to the left,

Look up and down.

Have you rested? Fine.

We repeat again.

The first drop fell - drop! (a finger shows the trajectory of its movement from above)

And the second one ran through - drop!

We looked at the sky (same thing)

The droplets began to sing, drip-drip,

Faces got wet.

We wiped them off. (wipes face with hands)

Shoes - look - (point down and look)

They became wet.

Let's move our shoulders together (shoulder movements)

And shake off all the droplets.

Let's run away from the rain.

Let's sit under a bush. (squats)


An airplane flies by (look up and move a finger behind an imaginary airplane)

I got ready to fly with him,

The right wing was withdrawn, (hands are withdrawn alternately and

I looked. follow with their gaze)

Left wing withdrawn

I looked.


We played, drew (the actions in question are performed)

Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

Let's close them for a little while.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little.

Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

(repeat 3 - 4 times)

"Walk in the Woods"

We went for a walk. Walking in place

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

The sun is shining high, they look up

Here is a fungus growing on a stump, looking down

Thrush sitting on a tree, looking up

A hedgehog rustles under a bush. look down

A spruce tree is growing on the left - an old woman, looking to the right

On the right are pine trees - girlfriends. look to the left

Where are you, berries, ah! repeat eye movements

I'll find you anyway! left - right, up - down.

We are all a little tired.

I suggest you rest.

Rest our ears

We will listen to silence.

And we close our eyes

And let them rest.

In silence imagine the sea,

Fresh wind in the open air.

A wave follows a wave,

And there is silence in the area.


The first drop fell - drop! (blink) And the second one came running - drop! (blink) We looked at the sky, (look up) The droplets began to sing. Faces got wet. (closed eyes) We wiped them.

Shoes - look - (look down) They became wet. Let's move our shoulders together

And we’ll shake off all the droplets, (we look around) We’ll run away from the rain We’ll sit under a bush, (we close our eyes)


Our scarlet flowers open their petals (look up) The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway, (blink quickly) Our scarlet flowers close their petals, (close their eyes) Quietly fall asleep, shake their heads (look around).

Gymnastics for the eyes “Beetle”

Children sit on the floor and stretch their legs forward. The index finger of the right hand is a beetle. Children turn it right, left, up, down, following the text.

The beetle flew up to the crane,

He buzzed and sang “W-w-w...”

So he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

A beetle wants to sit on your nose,

We won't let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed,

It buzzed and spun. "W-w-w..."

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while.

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

Children alternately extend their right and left arms forward, looking at the palm; then they get to their feet, stretch up on their toes and clap their hands, slowly lowering their hands.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the beetle.

Let's clap together


So that he could fly away.

“Oh, how long we wrote”

Oh, how long it took us to write - Blink your eyes.

The guys' eyes are tired.

Look all out the window - Look left - right.

Oh, how high the sun is - Look up.

We will close our eyes now - Close our eyes with our palms.

Let's build a rainbow in class - Look along the arc upwards -

Let's go up the rainbow - to the right and up - to the left.

Let's turn right, left - Turn right, left

And then we'll slide down - Look down.

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on. Close your eyes, open and

The lesson drags on for a long time -

We read a lot.

Calling won't help here,

Once my eyes are tired.

Your eyes need a rest

Everyone should know about this.

There are exactly five exercises,

It's important to remember everything.

Exercise one –

Move the books to the edge of the desk.

While sitting, lean back on the desk, take a deep breath, then lean forward on the lid of the desk, exhale.

The exercise is like this

Repeat after me five times.

Exercise two –

Train your eyes.

Leaning back on the desk, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, open your eyes.

Let's do everything at once

Repeat four times

Exercise three.

Do it with us, don't rush.

While sitting, put your hands on your waist, turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, return to I.P.

Repeat five times

Relaxing the eye muscles.

Exercise four

You need to spend a lot of strength.

While sitting, look in front of you, look at the chalkboard for 2 - 3 seconds. Extend the finger of your left hand along the midline of your face at a distance of 5–20 cm from your eyes. Move your gaze to the end of your finger and look at it for 3–5 seconds, then lower your hands.

Repeat 5 – 6 times,

Everything will work out for you.

Exercise five

It needs to be done clearly.

While sitting, stretch your arms forward, look at your fingertips. Raise your hands up - inhale, follow your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your hands (exhale).

“Fun week” gymnastics for the eyes

All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

On Monday, when they wake up,

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side and then to the left, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

We didn't yawn on Friday

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

Even though Saturday is a day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids, massage them using circular movements of your fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation)

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

Take your ball in your right hand (your gaze follows the ball)

Raise it above your head

And hold it in front of your chest.

Slowly place it on your left foot.

Hide it behind your back and touch the back of your head.

Change your hand and smile at others. (Which hand is the ball in now?)

The ball touches your right shoulder.

And it won’t be long before it comes back behind you.

From the right shin to the left foot,

Yes, on my stomach - I wouldn’t get confused.

Compiled by: Panova E.V.

Teacher of MBDOU "DSKV" No. 46


“Oh, how long we’ve been writing.”

Oh, how long have we been writing?

The guys' eyes are tired. (Blink your eyes.)

Look all out the window, (Look left and right.)

Oh, how high the sun is. (Look up.)

We will close our eyes now, (Close our eyes with our palms.)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow, (Look along the arc up to the right and up to the left.)

Let's turn right, left,

And then we'll slide down, (Look down.)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on. (Close your eyes, open them and blink them)

Parts of the body and face.

"Snout"(according to the methods of yoga).

"Sunny Bunny"(in accordance with the methods of yoga).

My sunny little bunny,

Jump onto your palm.

My sunny little bunny,

Small, like a baby.

Jump on the nose, on the shoulder.

Oh, how hot it got!

Jump on your forehead, and again

Let's ride on your shoulder.

So we closed our eyes,

And the sun plays:

Cheeks with warm rays

Gently warms.

Children extend their palm forward.

Place index finger on palm

other hand. Follow the movement with their eyes

finger, which is slowly touched at first

to the nose, again taken forward, then

successively touch one shoulder,

forehead and other shoulder, each time moving your finger away

in front of you.

The head is always in

fixed position. Close your eyes




Oh, how the leaves are flying,

All colors are burning

Maple leaf, carved leaf,

Multi-colored, painted.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

How I rustle a leaf.

But suddenly a breeze blew,

Our leaf is spinning

Flew overhead

Red, yellow, gold.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

I rustle like a leaf.

Under the guys' feet

The leaves rustle merrily,

Let's go for a walk now

And collect bouquets

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

How I rustle a leaf.

Circular eye movements:

left – up – right – down –

right – up – left – down.

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Circular eye movements:

left – up – right – down

– right – up – left – down.

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Look down.

Look up.

Look left - right.

Close their eyes and stroke

eyelids with your index finger.

"Walk in the Woods"

We went for a walk. Walking in place

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

The sun is shining high, they look up

Here is a fungus growing on a stump, looking down

Thrush sitting on a tree, looking up

A hedgehog rustles under a bush. look down

A spruce tree is growing on the left - an old woman, looking to the right

On the right are pine trees - girlfriends. look to the left

Where are you, berries, ah! repeat eye movements

I'll find you anyway! left - right, up - down.

days of the week.

"Happy week."

All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

- On Monday when they wake up

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down

The head is motionless;

(relieves eye strain).

- On Tuesday watch eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side,

and then to the left, the head motionless;

(relieves eye strain).

- On Wednesday we play blindman's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

high five and open your eyes wide;

exercise for eye relief


- Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead

place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm.

from the eyes, move your gaze to the tip

finger and look at it,

lower your hand.

Strengthens the eye muscles and

improves their coordination

- On Friday we didn't yawn

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down,

left and up; and back: left, down,

to the right and up again;

improves complex movements

At least on Saturday day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the top right

corner, then bottom left; translate

look at the upper left corner and lower

improves complex

eye movements

- On Sunday we'll sleep

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids and massage them

using circular movements of the fingers:

upper eyelid from nose to outer

edge of the eyes, lower eyelid from the outer

edges towards the nose, then vice versa

relaxes muscles and improves

blood circulation

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

"Days of the week."


Monday to kindergarten

The bunnies jumped up.

(Jumping on two legs)

Loved them deeply

Girls and boys.

(Wrap your arms around yourself)

They were invited to dance

Put your legs out together

(They put their legs forward one by one)

Sit to the right

Turn to the right with a squat,

look back

Sit to the left

Turn to the right with a squat,

look back

And then spin around boldly.

(Spin around)

And the guys' palms,

It's like the leaves are rustling.

(Rub your palms together).


He flew to us on Tuesday

Long-legged stork,

(Swing your arms up and down)

He walked through the swamp

(Walking in place, raising your knees high)

I got fish and frogs,

Bent over, straightened up,

(Bend forward, arms back)

Looking into the distance at the edge of the swamp

Look into the distance, putting the river to your head,

like a visor

And on the nose. Oh, where is he?

Look at the finger put forward, bring it to the nose, without taking your eyes off the finger

The stork flew home

Wave your arms up and down

We wave to him.

Wave with one hand or two at the same time


On Wednesday the elephant came to us,

Taught me to stomp my feet,

(Walking in place)

And do the bends,

(Bends forward)

And stand on tiptoes.

(We rise on our toes)

We'll shake our heads

Like a trunk with you.

Circular turns of the head and gaze

look: up, right, down, left and back

Let's play hide and seek

We close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five,

We are going to look for the elephant.

Five, four, three, two, one,

The elephant goes to the store.

Close your eyes tightly with your fingers,


And on Thursday she came to us

Sly little fox

Walking in place imitates soft

fox steps

Showed her red ponytail

So soft and fluffy.

Torso turns right and left

with your eyes, trying to look as best you can

We sat and stood

Hidden like a fox


Looked for a mouse in a hole

Crouch down and use your fingers to

would rake the ground

Such miracles!

Stand up and spread your arms to the sides,

raising your shoulders.


The bear came on Friday

(Walking in place imitates the steps of a bear)

He found honey in the forest,

Hands seem to be holding a barrel in front of you

honey, squats with torso rotation

right, left)

On a high tree,

Where are the prickly needles?

Look up and down. Fingers

spread apart like needles

We'll ask the bees for honey

(Shake your hands)

Autumn has come outside,


Soon the bear will go to bed,

(They squat slowly)

He will suck his paw.

Head tilts to the right, left, hands under

The bees gave honey

The whole deck.

(Clap their hands and jump on two legs)


We invited you on Saturday

(Waving your arms towards yourself)

Fast squirrels for lunch.

Torso turns to the right,

to the left with a squat

We cooked cabbage soup,

Both hands are clasped together

circular movements, both arms, torso

turns to follow the hands

We prepared cutlets.

Palms lying one on top of the other,

change places

The squirrels came to visit,

(Jumping in place)

We looked at the tables...

(Open your eyes wide and close them tightly)

They ran back into the forest

(Running in place)

They're looking for nuts.

(Knock fists together)


Sunday is a day off

We're going for a walk with you.

(Walking in place)

We look to the right

Turn your torso to the right, look

looking back

We look to the left,

Turn your torso to the left, look

looking back

We don't find out anything.

(Spread your arms to the sides and be surprised)

Here is the fence, and behind the fence,

Arms extended in front of you, hands

turned vertically, fingers spread

like needles.

A menacing dog walks around barking,

move both hands simultaneously to the right

to the left, eyes follow hands

The cow mooed

(Tilting the torso forward)

The locomotive started working


(Simulation of a moving train on the spot)

And the horse beats with its hoof,

Offers a ride.

Hands on the belt, raise and lower

right and then left legs

We're on this carousel

They wanted to go for a ride.

(Random circular movements with your hands).


Eye massage “Undressing the bow”(according to the Chinese method).



The wind is blowing in our faces. They blink their eyelids frequently.
The tree swayed. Without turning their heads, they look left and right.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter... They slowly squat down, lowering their eyes down.
The trees are getting higher and higher! They stand up and look up.

"Christmas tree".


Here is a clearing, and around

Spread your arms to the sides.

The linden trees lined up in a circle.

Clasp your rounded arms above your head.

The linden trees are noisy

The winds hum in their leaves.

Hands up, swing them from the side

to the side.

The tops are bent down

Lean forward.

And they rock them and rock them.

Bend over and shake your body.

After rain and thunderstorms

Straighten up, raise your arms.

Linden trees shed streams of tears.

gently lower your hands, fingering


Each leaf has a tear

Hands down, energetically

Must be thrown onto the paths.

shake the brushes.

Drip and drip, drip and drip -

Clap your hands, describe with your hands

Drops, drops, drops, drips!

Circle in one and other directions.

How weak the leaf is!

“Drop” your hands.

He will wash himself with the rain,

Stroke one first, then

It will get stronger every day.

other hand, clench your fists.



The hats are burning like coins. (Children look into the distance.)
The hats ripple in the eyes of the boys. (They blink their eyes frequently.)


(Children make eye movements in accordance with the text)
The donkey walks and chooses
Doesn't know what to eat first.
The plum is ripe at the top,
And nettles grow below,
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga,
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,
Below is fresh grass,
On top there are juicy tops.
My head is spinning
The leaves are spinning in the eyes,
(Circular movements are performed with the eyes.)
I couldn't choose anything
And he fell to the ground without strength.
(Close eyes.)

Hammer - hamster hamster,
Striped barrel.
Khomka gets up early
The hamster rubs his eyes.
Blinks - one, two, three
Inhale and exhale. Look
The stream runs far away
A mosquito squeaks on my nose.
The hamster looks higher, lower,
Right, left, further, closer...
He looked around
Jump! and run to the hole!


« Birds in the yard."

PHYSICAL TRAINING. Healthy lifestyle

And now, and now
Eye gymnastics for everyone.
We close our eyes tightly,
Let's open it together.
Close it tightly again
And we open them again.
We can safely show
How we can blink.
Don't turn your head
Look to the left
Look to the right.
Eyes to the left, eyes to the right -
Great exercise.
Eyes up, eyes down,
Work hard, don't be lazy!
And look around.
Sit straight and level.
Sit upright, straight,
Cover your eyes with your hands.

The eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
It is possible to see everything with the eye -
Where is the window and where is the cinema?
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.


Winter. Winter fun.


White flakes white fluff

Smooth and calm

Circling above the trees

And above the bell tower.

Slowly lower from top to bottom

first the right hand, then the left.

Every house and every bush warms and dresses.

Alternately stretches his arms to the right and left.

Snow coat and

Snow hat.

Extend your arms forward and touch your forehead with them.

White flakes white fluff

It's falling from the sky,

Sheltering the white light

A white blanket.

Raise and lower your hand from the level

chest to waist.

To the left, in front,

Behind and to the right

Use your index finger to touch the left

shoulders, extend your arms forward,

touch your right shoulder.

Trees and grass slept sweetly until spring.

Cover your eyes with your palms.

This will cover a lot.

Snow overnight!

Spread your arms to the sides, eyes wide

This is how they fly

Sleigh down the hill!

Half-close your eyes, gently stroke

middle fingers eyelids from the bridge of the nose

to the temples.

Children are happy about the snow -

The ringing song is heard!


The “Lanterns” started spinning and spinning

White snowflakes. Raise your hands up and look

They flew up in a white flock. on them

Light fluff. Slowly lower your arms and

The evil blizzard has calmed down a little. follow them with your gaze.

They settled down everywhere.

They sparkled like pearls - spread your hands one by one

Everyone marvels at the miracle. to the sides and follow them

They sparkled and sparkled. Do it with your hands

white girlfriends. scissor movement

We hurried for a walk. Step on the spot.

Children and old ladies.


(Children perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher).

Take snowballs in your hands,

And look at them.

Now pick them up

Up, look at them.

You will lower the snowballs down,

And look at them again.

Snowball to the right,

Snowball to the left.

“Draw” the circle skillfully.

The snow is close, in the distance,

Look carefully.

This is the kind of snow we have,

Smile at him, buddy.

Quickly, quickly you blink,

Now get into the game.

Parts of the day.

"Magic Dream"

Eyelashes drooping...

Eyes are closing...

We are resting peacefully...

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Our hands are resting...

They rest... They fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And relax-ble-on...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply... (Pause.)

We are resting peacefully...

We fall asleep in a magical sleep... (Louder, faster, more energetic.)

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Let's clench our fists tighter.

We raise them higher.

Let's reach out! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up!


Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

(repeat 3 - 4 times)


We are all a little tired.

I suggest you rest.

Rest our ears

We will listen to silence.

And we close our eyes

And let them rest.

In silence imagine the sea,

Fresh wind in the open air.

A wave follows a wave,

And there is silence in the area.

Our eyes are so tired

We wrote, we drew,

Let's stand together in order,

Let's do some exercises for the eyes.

Night. It's dark outside.

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

And now everyone needs it together

Blink your eyes together.

Look to the right - to the left,

Look up and down.

Have you rested? Fine.

We repeat again.



Remember the calendar:

Winter – December, January, February.

Eye movements left and right.

Behind them are March, April and May -

Spring has come, take off your coat!

Eye movements down and up

June, July and August – summer!

Autumn runs with a briefcase behind:

Circular movements of the eyes

clockwise and counterclockwise

September, October, November will pass,

Close your eyes, then

blink 10 times

Repeat 2 times.

Wild animals.


The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker. They sharply move their gaze to the right and left.
She treated the guest deliciously.
Well, look, woodpecker! They look up and down.
Here are nuts-1,2,3.
Having had lunch, the woodpecker and the squirrel blink their eyes.
And he went to play burners. Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index finger.


Each child takes a bunny on a stick.


A hedgehog walked through the clearing,

- walking in place

He was looking for honey mushrooms.

Turns the head to the right and left;

He squinted his eyes and opened them

Squint and open your eyes;

But I didn’t see any mushrooms

Spread your arms to the sides;

He looked up, he looked down

Look up and down;

I quietly puffed

Say “puff”, “puff”, “puff”;

Looked left, looked right

The head is motionless, look

left – right;

Suddenly I saw a great mushroom!

Close and open your eyes wide;

He looked back again

Place your hands behind your back;

Over the left shoulder

Turn your head to the left and look

Through the right one more

- turn your head to the right, look

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And the fungus carried away on the back.

Walk in place, raising your legs high.

Raise the carrot up and look at it. They look up.
Just look with your eyes: up and down, left and right. Eyes look up and down,


Hey bunny, skillful! Blinks his eyes. They blink their eyes.
Closes his eyes.

The eyes are closed.
The bunnies took the carrots and danced merrily with them.

"White hare."

The white hare answered:

They blink their eyes quickly.

Where did you run after the bast?

The white hare answered: Bow and straighten your head

“I didn’t run, I jumped.” forward, closing your eyes.

White hare, white hare, Again quickly squeeze and

Well, where did you have lunch? open your eyelids.

The white hare answered: Head tilts left and right.

“I was hungry today.” Cover your eyes with your palms, relaxing your eyes.

“How we helped Mishka.”

We walked in the forest for a long time, (Hands on the belt, walking in place)

Our legs are not tired.

Your arms aren’t tired either, (Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder level)

At least they drew a little. (Bend at the elbow joint)

Let's raise our hands (Raise our hands up and look at our palms)

Pump strong strength. (Put your hands down and look at your toes)

The left hand is strong, extend the left hand to the side), look to the left)

The right hand is strong. (Extend your right arm to the side), look to the right)

The left leg is strong, look at the toe

The right leg is strong. Take a step forward with your right foot,

We clench our fists tightly, carry out in accordance with the words

We bend our arms at the elbows.

One, two, three, four

We will open our eyes wider.

Bear, jump with us,

They've collected the strength for you. (Jumping in place)

Sleep sweetly in your den. (Sit down, close your eyes with your palms)


A red fox walks, close your eyes tightly and open your eyes.

He squints his sly eyes.

The cunning fox looks, stretch out your right hand forward,

Looking for somewhere to make some money. On which all fingers except


clenched into a fist. Move your hand to the right

left and follow

following the movement of the index finger with the eyes,

without turning your head.

The fox went to the market, raise your hand and lower it,

I looked at the product. following with your eyes.

I bought a cod for myself, make a circle with my hand clockwise, and a balalaika for the foxes. against her.

"A bear wanders through the forest."

A bear wanders through the forest.
He walks from oak to oak. Walking “waddle”, slightly bent,

“raking” with slightly bent arms.

He finds honey in hollows and puts it in his mouth. (Depict how he takes out and eats honey.)
Licking his paw
Sweet tooth clubfoot,
And the bees swoop in, (“Swing away the bees.”)
The bear is driven away.
And the bees sting the bear: (Move your hand forward and alternately touch your nose and cheeks.)

Don't eat our honey, you thief! We follow the movement of the finger with our eyes,

trying not to turn your head.

Walking along a forest road
The bear goes to his den. (Waddle walking.)
Lies down, falls asleep (Lie down, hands under your cheek.)
And he remembers the bees. (I. Lopukhina)

The bear sat down on a log,

Sitting on a chair, they raise their heads up and move their eyes left and right in the rhythm of the poem.

I started looking at the sun.

Don't look at the light, bear!

Your eyes may get sore!

Cover your eyes with your palms.

Three bears were walking home

Dad was big - big.

Mom is shorter with him

And my son is just a little baby.

He was very small

He walked around with rattles.

Ding-ding, ding-ding!

Look closely, but without blinking (without tension) for 10 seconds.

Close your eyelids and then blink several times (15 times). Repeat 5-6 times.



There's a sparrow outside the window

Jumping on the branches

Wants to tell something

To our little children.

We'll look with our eyes

A smart sparrow.

The eyes are looking, looking for the bird.

Where is the little bird?

(Look into the distance).



Long-tailed Magpie

Bustle white-sided.

Flying through the forest

Collects news.

Right-left, right-left

Everything flies every now and then.

From branch to branch

It flies off a little.

Up and down, up and down.

Just don’t be lazy to look.

It will crackle and chatter,

As if someone was tickling her.

Well, magpie is a fidget,

We closed our eyes.

Fly away quickly

Don't bother us anymore.

Follow with your eyes


birds "far - close"

Eye movement left and right

Moving your eyes up and down

Follow with your eyes in a circle

in one direction and the other;

Blink and close your eyes

It's dark in the forest.
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
Only the owl-owl,
big head,
Sits on a branch
looks in all directions.
Right, left, up and down,
Animals, birds, oh, hold on!
I looked all around -
run after the prey!


Rotate your eyes clockwise, “drawing” the largest possible circle on the wall. Same counterclockwise


At the count of 1-4 they closed their eyes, at 5-6 they opened their eyes wide and looked into the distance.

Animals of hot countries.

"Limpopo"(based on V. Bazarny’s technology).

And in Africa, and in Africa,

On the black Limpopo

Sits and cries in Africa

Sad Hippopo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa.

Sits under a palm tree

And by sea from Africa

He looks without rest:

Isn't he going on a boat?

Doctor Aibolit?

But look, some kind of bird

It rushes closer and closer through the air.

Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird

And he waves his hat and shouts loudly

"Long live sweet Africa!"

They sit cross-legged, slowly,

in the rhythm of the poem

move pupils to the left

They look up and down.

Fingers folded

pipe and look

into the “pipe” first with the right

eye, then left.


One, two - the elephant goes to the right, eye movements left and right.

Three, four - and now to the left, Repeat 4-5 times.

Five, six - the path lies straight,

Seven, eight - we start all over again.

An elephant is walking along the path. Eye movements up and down

Looks down, just like in the picture. right-left.

Looks up, to the sides. Repeat 5-6 times.

Well, do the same yourself.

Our little elephant sat down to rest. Close your eyes, open them.

As soon as he decided to fall asleep, he made circular movements with his eyes.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Repeat 4-5 times.

A bee appeared in the forest.

And, circling, circling, buzzing.

How to stop her?

Our little elephant looked into the distance. Open your eyes, close them. (5-6 r)

Peoples of the world "Indian Hawkeye".

An Indian named Hawkeye has excellent eyesight. He is the best hunter in his tribe. Do you guys want to have good eyesight too? Hawkeye will help us.

The eyes are resting. Hawkeye covers his eyes with his palms, closing them. He listens to the whisper of the wind, the sound of water, the cry of birds.

Keep your palms for

Hawkeye looks up at the sky, he determines the weather. Looks at the ground.

Repeat 4-5 times.

Hawkeye looks at a nearby tree, at a distant lake.

Repeat 4-5 times.

Hawkeye turns to the right, draws his bow. Looks to the left.

Repeat 4-5 times

Hawkeye prevents dust and wind from getting into his eyes; he blinks quickly.

Blinking eyes – 3

approach 10 times

Transport. Traffic rules


We are sitting on the bus
We look in all directions.
We look back, we look forward,
But the bus is not moving...
Below the river is deep,
At the top of the bird - high.
Brushes rustle on glass
They want to sweep away all the droplets.
The wheels are spinning
We rolled forward.

The city is full of traffic

Cars running in a row

Colored traffic lights

They burn day and night.

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

The red eye stares straight ahead

This is a strict traffic light.

The driver waited a little,

Looked out the window again

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye

He winked and said:

“You can go, the way is open!”

Slowly open and close your eyes;

blink quickly


They rush through the city from morning until night
Cars of all brands, very beautiful.
(Children perform circular movements with their eyes.)
They will go right, left, around -
(Perform eye movements left and right.)
Cars are free both night and day.
(They blink their eyes.)


"Traffic light".

Along the road, as if in a fairy tale, the gaze moves up and down

A three-eyed bird lives on a pole. The gaze is moved to the right, to the left.

Everything blinks and blinks, They blink their eyes.

Doesn't fall asleep for a moment. They open their eyes wide.

She guards the transport, her eyes are closed.

Provides a path for pedestrians. Eyes open and close wide.

(repeat 2 – 3 times)



Eye movements up and down. Smoothly, 8–10 times.

There is no funnier game:

Our eyes are painters.

(Sit up straight and tune in.)

We paint fences

Up - down - once,

Up - down - two (and so on up to 8 times).

Our eyes are great,

They work in harmony.

(Blink lightly.)


We need to exercise our eyes,

So that we can see the treasure.

Children draw with their eyes a boat (2 times), a rainbow (2 times), a circle in one direction and the other (3 times); They blink their eyes quickly and cover them with their palms, feeling the warmth.

Our army. Victory Day.

« Shooting with the eyes."

Move your eyes all the way to the left and right (8-10 times) without causing them to tire.

Mom's holiday.

The finger moves to the nose,

And then back,

look at him

We are very pleased!

Extend your hand forward. Watch the tip of your finger, slowly bringing it closer to your nose, and then just as slowly moving it back.

Now close your eyes

And stroke with your hands,

We'll dream with you

About my beloved mother.

Close your eyes, stroke your eyelids.



Everything has woken up from sleep, which means spring has come to us.
The sun is getting warmer, let's go for a walk soon!
Throwing the fingers out of the fist while simultaneously
raising your arms up to the sides
On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow.
The right hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze.

On the left - a fast stream flowed from the hillock to the river.
The left arm is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze
We made a boat
Place your palms in front of your chest

They decided to let it into the stream.
Removing folded palms forward from yourself
Sail away, my little boat, straight to the blue river!
We wave our palms, saying goodbye to the boat
This is how fun it is to play and walk on a spring day!
Light bouncing in place
The earth breathes freshness, I will breathe “spring” too!


(Children perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher)

Take flowers in your hands,

And look at them.

Now pick them up

Up, look at them.

You will lower the flowers down,

And look at them again.

Flower to the right,

Flower to the left.

“Draw” the circle skillfully.

The flower is close, but in the distance,

Look carefully.

This is our flower,

Smile at him, buddy.

Quickly, quickly you blink,

And follow the commands.

My city. House. Apartment.


Raise your eyes up and down.

We close our eyes, these are the miracles. Close both eyes.
Our eyes are resting and doing exercises. Continue

stand with closed

And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river. They open their eyes,

draw with their eyes

Let's draw the letter o, it turns out easy. Draw the letter o with your eyes.
Let's lift up, look down, Eyes look up,


Let's turn right, left, Eyes look left and right.
Let's start practicing again. Eyes look up and down.

Mom's Helpers.


You are panicles,

Sweep away the fatigue.

Eyes for us

Refresh well. (Blinking eyes).


"Golden Khokhloma"

And now again gymnastics for the eyes. (Children perform these movements while standing)

We close our eyes tightly,

We open them wide.

We all know how to blink

And “draw” with your eyes. (Raise your eyes up, make them circular

rotation clockwise and counterclockwise

The branch turned to the left. Extend your left arm to the side

at shoulder level, look to the left

with a motionless head

And wrapped herself in a ring. (Bend your left arm at the elbow)

Curved nicely to the right, (Extend your right arm to the right side at shoulder level, look to the right with your head motionless)

The sheet turned out great! (Bend your right arm at the elbow)

Next to the three-fingered leaf (Sit down)

Strawberries in scarlet color (Crap your knees with your hands, look down)

Beamed, rose, rise on tiptoes and stretch

hands up, look at palms

Filled with sweet juice.

And the grass is like a fringe (Bends the body to the sides)

Golden Khokhloma! (Put your hands down)


Our delicate flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

They opened their eyes and looked left and right. They waved their eyelashes.


One, two, three

Fasten your seat belts. Rocket fly high.

Astronauts, take a deep breath.

Look out the window, suddenly!

There are only miracles around.

In the air, like swallows, we soar

We fly from compartment to compartment.

We have difficulty sitting down in a chair

It's even harder to stay in it...

Here we are landing on Earth,

So that you and I can gain knowledge.

Gymnastics with candles: fixing your gaze on the candle flame (until your eyes get tired).

Electrical appliances.

"At the computer."

We played with the computer. (Sitting, rub your face with your palms)

Oh, our eyes are tired, (Lightly cover your eyes with your eyelids)

We need to give our eyes a rest,

We'll blink quickly. (blink quickly)

One, two, three, four, five,

We'll blink quickly.

Now let’s close our eyes, (Do the exercises as directed)

Let's open wide again.

Once we close, twice we open,

Three - we will close, on four we will open again.

One, two, three, four, five

We will not tire of closing.

And the palms of the eyes

We will close without haste,

Let's sit in the dark.

Black paint everywhere.

Now let’s imagine right away,

A vase black with soot.

Everything is black and black all around:

The sky is black, the house is black.

We will open our eyes again,

We'll set them up for work.



The flower was sleeping. Close your eyes, relax, massage

eyelids, slightly

pressing them clockwise and counterclockwise.

And suddenly I woke up, (Blink my eyes.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (Raise your hands up (inhale), look at your hands.)

He woke up, stretched, (Arms bent to the sides (exhale).)

He soared up and flew. (Shake your brushes, look left and right.)



Blink your eyes quickly and easily (eyelids are like “butterfly wings”). This relaxing movement should be performed after each exercise.

"Fly"(according to the yogi method).

The fly buzzed loudly

She began to hover over the baby elephant

Fly, fly flew

And she sat on the little elephant’s nose.

The fly flew again

And she sat on my ear.

Fly up and fly down.

Well, Baby Elephant, watch out!

Stretch your hand forward and describe

index finger in the air circle,

tracking the movement with your eyes.

Touch your finger to the tip of your nose,

focus your gaze on the tip of your finger.

Touch your ear, tracing the movement

finger with a glance within sight, not

turning their heads. Also slow

touch the second ear, traced

gaze movements.

They move their gaze sharply to the right, left,

up, down, fixed it on the tip of the finger.


Hands behind the back, head back. (Close your eyes, relax.)

Let your eyes look at the ceiling. (Open your eyes, look up.)

Let's lower our heads and look at the desk. (Down.)

And again up - where is the fly flying? (Up.)

Let's turn our eyes and look for her. (To the sides.)

And we read again. A little more.


This is what a dragonfly is like - like a pea's eyes (figure eight trajectory).

Left, right, top, forward (look at the text with your eyes).

Well, just like a helicopter (in a big circle).

We're flying high (looking up).

We're flying low (looking down).

We fly far (look in a large circle).

We are flying close (looking in a small circle).

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don’t be lazy to repeat.

Strengthening the eye muscles.

We'll see better right away.

Fish. Reservoirs.


The fish are having fun

In clean warm water,

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Eyes - fish - close them, open them, close them with your hands and stroke your eyelids with your fingers.



Rain clouds have arrived: Shake raised up

Let it rain, let it rain! hands, look at them.

The rains are dancing, lower your hands smoothly,

As if alive: fingering,

Drink, rye, drink! tracing the movements with your eyes.

And rye, bending to the ground. Bend over, making soft,

Green, springy movements with hands.

Drinks, drinks, drinks. Look down.

And the warm rain is restless. Show with index finger

It pours, it pours, it pours. finger movement from top to bottom

and follow it with your gaze.

Rain, rain, more rain. They look up.
Drops, drops, don’t be sorry. They look down.
Just don't kill us. Make circular movements with their eyes.
Don't knock on the window in vain.

"A ray of sunshine."

A ray, a mischievous ray,
Come play with me. They blink their eyes.
Come on, little ray, turn around,
Show yourself to me. Make circular movements with their eyes.
I'll look to the left,
I will find a ray of sunshine. They look away to the left.
Now I'll look to the right
I will find the ray again. They look away to the right.



School. School supplies.


"In the yard".
On the mountain we see a house.
Lots of greenery around:
Children look up

Perform circular

eye movements.
Here are the trees, here are the bushes,
(Look left and right)
Here are fragrant flowers.
(Look ahead.)

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,
And we'll go around in circles.
Quickly - quickly blink
And we'll rub it a little.

Look at the tip of your nose
And look between the eyebrows.
Circle, square and triangle
Repeat three times.

We close our eyes,
We inhale slowly.
And on the exhale again
Make your eyes blink.
Now let's relax
We went to the places.

The lesson drags on for a long time -

You've read a lot.

Calling won't help here,

Once my eyes are tired.

Your eyes need a rest

Everyone should know about this.

There are exactly five exercises,

It's important to remember everything.

Exercise one -

Move the books to the edge of the desk.

(While sitting, lean back on the desk, take a deep breath, then lean forward on the desk lid, exhale.)

The exercise is like this

Repeat after me five times.

Exercise two -

Train your eyes.

(Lean back on the desk, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, open your eyes.)

Let's do everything at once

Repeat four times.

Exercise three.

Do it with us, don't rush.

(While sitting, put your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, return to I. p.)

Repeat five times

Relaxing the eye muscles.

Four per exercise

You need to spend a lot of strength.

While sitting, look in front of you, look at the chalkboard for 2-3 seconds. Extend the finger of your left hand along the midline of your face at a distance of 5-20 cm from the eyes. Move your gaze to the end of your finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then lower your hand.

Repeat 5-6 times

Everything will work out for you.

Exercise five

It needs to be done clearly.

While sitting, stretch your arms forward, look at your fingertips. Raise your hands up - inhale, follow your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your hands (exhale).

"Writing with your nose."

Close your eyes and use your nose as a brush to paint in the air.

The exercise reduces tension and provides an opportunity for eye vibration.


And now, and now

Eye gymnastics for everyone.

We close our eyes tightly,

Let's open it together.

Close it tightly again

And we open them again.

We can safely show

How we can blink.

Don't turn your head

Look to the left

Look to the right.

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right -

Great exercise.

Eyes up, eyes down,

Work hard, don't be lazy!

And look around.

Sit straight and level.

Sit upright, straight,

And close your eyes with your hands


Sit up straight, take a bead on a string, eyes look at it and perform movements in accordance with the text.

One, two, three, four, five - we'll look for the bead.

She wanted to play and went upstairs, but suddenly she flew away.

Once - to the left,

Two - to the right,

Three - up

Four is down.

And now he looks around in circles to see the world better.

We'll see better soon, you'll see for yourself now.

"Far - close."

The exercise is carried out by a teacher who first names a distant object, and after 2-3 seconds - an object located close. Students need to quickly find the objects that the teacher names.

“I’m looking far away.”

Eye strain is also relieved by simply looking into the distance.

Children come to the window and look into the distance.

(The teacher reads slowly).

I sit high, I look far away...

No, we don’t waste time:

We look into the distance with interest.

Find an object in the distance

Look at him, look at him

Look through it...

Explore, examine and observe,

Help relieve tension in the eyes.

"Blind Man's Bluff."

Closing the eyes. Strengthens eye muscles, relieves tension.

Children read the words while closing their eyes. You have to close your eyes so that you can see the black field every time.

Now we'll play blind man's buff:

We squeeze our eyelids tightly,

We hold, we hold, we strain...

And we calmly relax.

A neighbor was sitting next to me at the desk.

I closed my eyes and my neighbor was gone!

Now don't turn your head,

And we can’t find anyone in our class.

I open my eyes and my neighbor is there.

We do eye exercises together.


Gingerbread man ruddy side

Sitting on the window

I looked into the forest.

He jumped down onto the path,

He met Murka, a cat.

The cat got scared

And she climbed up the Christmas tree.

(Visual gymnastics with objects).

Following an object with your eyes.


On the glass, just below eye level, stick a small stamp or picture measuring 3 by 3 or 4 by 4 cm. The picture should be cheerful, clearly drawn and best in green tones. Outside the window in the distance, select an object with vague outlines.

As vision is restored, we change the object, but always select it at such a distance that it is not clearly visible. But we don’t change the distance between the picture and the eyes: 20–25 cm!

Duration of work - 10 minutes (1-2 minutes is enough in a lesson). Don't think about time! Within 3–5 seconds. We look at the drawing in the picture, then we turn our gaze to the selected object outside the window, and we look at it over the stamp glued to the glass. Then also 3-5 seconds. We look at this object and again smoothly turn our gaze to the picture.

If tension arises, to relax your muscles, blink lightly and bat your eyelashes!

This exercise should be performed 2 times a day during daylight hours, but the interval should be at least 2 hours.

Mark on our window glass

Let's look at it very carefully.

We find an object outside the window in the distance,

Trying to look at him carefully.

And again we look at the brand,

We find small details -

And again to a distant object...

And we get a wonderful effect:

I can clearly see far away!

Everything is very simple and easy!


Let's rub our palms together

Let's warm them up a little. (Rub their palms.)

Let's press our fingers tightly together,

We don’t allow light to penetrate through them. (They make boats.)

Palms are our boats:

Let's close our left eye with one,

The other one will close the right eye. (Close eyes.)

Now is the time to think about good things.

Eyes closed, palms not touching...

Now the stress is being relieved from them.

(They think about good things. The teacher can give various kinds of instructions such as: “Our eyes are good, our eyes are resting,” etc.)

Let's quietly remove our palms,

Let's open our eyes slowly.

What became more clearly visible

We won’t hide it from you, friends.


Terem-terem-teremok! Movement of the eyes left and right.
He is not short, not tall, moving his eyes up and down.
The rooster sits upstairs

He screams to the crow. They blink their eyes.

Subject: « Vegetables and fruits."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


The donkey walks, chooses,

Doesn't know what to eat first.

The plum is ripe at the top,

And nettles grow below,

On the left - beets,

on the right - rutabaga,

On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,

Below is fresh grass,

On top there are juicy tops.

My head is spinning

The leaves are spinning in the eyes,

I couldn't pick anything up

And he fell to the ground without strength.

I. Lopukhina

Children reach forward

right index finger,

move it freely and follow it with their eyes.

Look up.

Look down.

Look down. Look up.

Circular movements of the eyes.

Close your eyes.

Topic: “Vegetables and fruits.” Our garden bed.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's look for vegetables.

What's growing in our garden bed?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

There's a radish, there's a salad.

Our garden bed is a treasure.


Circular movementsthrough the manholes.

Look down.

Left - right.

Blink your eyes.

Subject: « Vegetables and fruits.” Fruit riddle.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

One, two, three, four, five,

There is a pear in front of us,

Juicy, but not to be eaten.

On the left, on the table - lemon -

Fruit Mr. Baron,

On the right is an apple in a basket.

It was bought in a store

Well, below is an orange,

There's one lying on the floor.

How many fruits have you counted?

Four fruits - you guessed it right!

Children look ahead.

Children look to the left.

Children look to the right.

The children look down.

Subject: « Vegetables and fruits."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Zaya looks at the carrot

He looks for a long time without blinking,

If he closes his eyes,

What if the carrots disappear?

He doesn't take his eyes off the carrot -

Moves his eyes left and right.

Finally I couldn't resist

As soon as he blinked, he ate a carrot!

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Topic: "Mushrooms". Honey mushrooms.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Look around: how many mushrooms are there!

Mushroom caps are like coins burning,

The hats make the boys' eyes dazzle.

Eye movements left and right.

Children look into the distance.

Blink your eyes frequently.

Topic: "Berries".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

For berries.

Strawberries are ripening on the right,

On the left are sweet blueberries,

On the right - red lingonberries,

Blackberries are ripening on the left.

We'll pick all the berries,

Let's rest and then go home.

Eye movements left and right.

Close the eyelids of both eyes for 3-5 seconds,

repeat 6-8 times.

Topic: "Berries".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Bunches of rowan berries burn in the sun,

Rowan ripples in the eyes of the guys.

Close your eyes tightly and open them wide

5-6 times in a row with an interval of 30 seconds.

Look at a bright light for 3 seconds,

then close your eyes with your hand and let them

rest, repeat 3 times.

Topic: "Berries".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Wild berries.

Picking strawberries

We are looking for delicious blueberries,

Blueberries, stone fruits,

Sourish lingonberries.

According to the direction given by the teacher

children move their gaze.

Theme: Animals.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


There is a big Christmas tree.

That's how tall it is.

She has big branches

This is the width.

There are even cones on the tree,

A vn Izu is a bear's den.

winterthe clubfoot sleeps there

And sucks his paw in the den.

Movements of the eyes from bottom to top.

Eye movements from left to right.

Look up.

Downward eye movements.

Cover your eyes.

Theme: Animals.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Little white Vaska walks,

Vaska's tail is gray,

Only mice will scratch

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

The claws are straightened,

the eyes close.

Vaska is guarding the mice,

pretended to be asleep.

Index fingers of both hands

bring it to the outer corners of the eyes

and pull them to make your eyes narrow

into the slit, blinking frequently at the same time.

Lower your hands and relax for 2-3 seconds.

Theme: Animals.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Once upon a time in the forest.

One autumn day in the forest

the cone hung in plain sight.

The cone looked at everyone

and hung quietly.

Moose said it was low

And the little bunny is high,

Squirrel said - close,

And the hedgehog is far away.

Look at the index finger

outstretched arm.

Downward eye movements.

Eye movements upward.

Movement of the eyes to the tip of the nose.

Eye movements into the distance.

Theme: Animals.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

3 bears.

3 bears were walking home.

Dad was big - big

Mom is shorter with him,

And my son is just a little one.

He walked around with rattles.

Ding-ding, ding-ding!

Eye movements upward.

Eye movements forward.

They look down.

Look closely, but without blinking

(no voltage) 10 sec.

Close your eyelids and then blink

several times (15 times).

Repeat 5-6 times.

Topic: "Animals".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Little bear.

The little bear stretched

Once I looked to the right,

2 - looked to the left.

He spread his paws to the sides,

Apparently I didn’t find any honey.

Eye movements up..


To the left.

They look into the distance and spread their arms.

Close your eyes.

Topic: "Flowers".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Every bud

I'd be glad to bow down

Left and right

Back and forth.

From the wind and heat these buds

They hid quickly in the flower


Eye movements


Close your eyelids.

Topic: "Flowers".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Fragrant flowers.

On the mountain we see a house,

Lots of greenery around

Here are the trees, here are the bushes,

Here are fragrant flowers.

Raise your eyes up..

Circular movements of the eyes.

Look left - right.

Look ahead.

Subject: "Autumn".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Autumn forest.

Here is the autumn forest!

It contains many fairy tales and miracles!

On the left are pine trees, on the right is oak,

Woodpecker from above, knock and knock.

Close your eyes, open them

And hurry home!

Circular movements of the eyes.

Eye movements left - right.

Eye movements up and down.

Eye movements over text.

Theme: "Autumn".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Autumn! Our entire poor garden is crumbling.

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

A. Tolstoy

up and down.

Circular movements of the eyes left and right.

Look into the distance. Close your eyes.

Theme: "Autumn".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Leaf fall.

Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying,

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sun sky

Yellow yard, yellow house

The whole earth is yellow all around.


Eye movements up and down.

Eye movements left - right.

Movements of the eyes upward, in a circle.

Movement of the eyes downward, into the distance.

Eye movements in a circle.

Theme: "Autumn". Autumn leaf.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

I look at the leaf

I turn my eyes to the left,

I turn my eyes to the right,

I look up and I look down.

I close my eyes tightly

And I open it quietly

I look at the leaf in the distance:

“Hello, autumn,” I say.

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Topic: "Winter".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Snow-snowball, snow-snowball

It creeps along the path.

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,

White blizzard.

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,

The paths were covered in snow.

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,

Melts in the palm of your hand.

Frequent blinking of the eyes.

Eye movements left - right.

Frequent blinking of the eyes.

Circular movements of the eyes.

Frequent blinking of the eyes.

Look into the distance.

Frequent blinking of the eyes.

Look at the palm.

Topic: "Winter". Snowflake.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Snowflake - the fluff is spinning and flying.

A snowflake - the fluff does not melt, does not melt.

Now it has sank almost to the ground,

It's gone up, look, look!

It's spinning on the left and spinning on the right,

It flies into the sky, then falls to the ground.

Put your palm up, look, don’t yawn,

Blow on it and say: “Fly away!”

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Topic: "Winter". Winter forest.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

We came to the winter forest.

How many miracles there are here!

On the right - birch trees in fur coats stand

On the left - the Christmas trees are looking at us

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky,

So the bunny galloped,

He ran away from the fox

This is a gray wolf prowling,

He's looking for prey!

We'll hide now

Then he won't find us!

Only the bear sleeps in its den,

So he will sleep all winter,

Bullfinches fly by, how beautiful they are

There is beauty and peace in the forest, and it’s time for us to go home.

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Wide - narrow open

eyes 5 – 6 times.

Mentally spinning a snowball

in both directions 10 sec.

Theme: "Spring".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Spring, spring!

Spring has come!

She brought warmth on her wings.

And here in the very sunshine

With your head held high

The blue snowdrop blossomed.

V. Kovalko

Rub your palms together

And cover your closed eyes with them.

Open your eyes wide.

Blink your eyes.

Topic: "Birds".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


There is a cockerel in front of us.

He pecks grain from the ground.

On the left - the chicken is walking,

On the right - a duck is swimming.

The sun is shining brightly from above,

Warms everyone in the world.

Look into the distance.

Look down.

Look left.

Look to the right.

Look up.

Blink your eyes quickly.

Topic: "Birds".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


In the skythe lark sang,

The bell rang.

Frolic in the heights.

Hid the song in the grass

The one who finds the song

Will be happy all year round

Eye movements upward.

Downward eye movements.

Frequent blinking of the eyes.

Topic: "Transport".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

In the city.

Buses and trams go around the city,

Drivers lead them along the routes

They will go right, left, around

Cars are free both at night and during the day.

Circular movements of the eyes.

Eye movements left, right.

Clap your eyes.

Topic: "Transport".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


They rush through the city from morning until night

Cars of all brands, very beautiful,

They will go right, left, around,

Cars are free both night and day.

N. Nishcheva

Eye movements in a circle

eye movements to the right, left,

all around.

Children close their eyes and open them.

Topic: "Transport".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

To the moon.

We respect all our elders,

We don't offend the younger ones

We walk and read.

We dream of flying to the moon.

A. Gridneva

Look up.

Look down.

Eye movements from right to left.

Look up.

Topic: "Transport".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


An airplane flies by.

I got ready to fly with him

He took the right wing back and looked,

He took the left wing back and took a look.

I'm starting the engine

And I look carefully

I rise up, I fly.

I don't want to go back.

Eye movements upward.

Eye movements to the right.

Eye movements to the left.

Circular movements of the eyes.

Eye movements upward.

Topic: "Insects."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Look at the guys

Now to the sky - there the birds are flying,

Below, on the grass, a beetle is crawling,

And on the left - a tree grows,

To the right - scarlet flowers,

Closing your eyes, smell it.

A butterfly circles above them,

A large bumblebee is buzzing next to her.

Look ahead.

Eye movements upward.

Movement of the eyes down to the left. Right.

Close your eyes, then open them.

To the left.


Topic: "Insects."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Two butterflies.

Two butterflies were flying

They looked at each other,

And they flew to the flower together.

Blink your eyes quickly.

Look at the tip of your nose.

Eye movements left and right.

Topic: "Insects."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


The motley wings flicker.

Butterflies fly in the field.

One - two - three - four,

They flew and circled.

Open and close your eyes wide.

Children look into the distance.

Perform circular movements with your eyes.

Blink your eyes frequently

then close your eyes.

Topic: “Insects.”

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


See, the butterfly is flying.

We'll keep an eye on her.

The butterfly flies to the left,

He tells us to look to the left.

Flew to the right

We looked to the right.

So she flew higher

She suddenly sank lower.

E If we close our eyes,

We will see her as if in a fairy tale.

Bright, airy,

Obedient to the breeze

She didn’t sit with us for a long time,

She fluttered away and flew away.

Children look at a bright butterfly

move the hand with the butterfly to the left,

the children follow her only with their eyes,

analogous to the right side.

Look up

look down.

children close their eyes

children open their eyes and watch

for the flight.

Subject : "Insects".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


That's what a dragonfly is

Like pea eyes

And she’s like a helicopter

To the left. right,

Back, forward.

V. Kovalko

Circular movements of the eyes.

Circular movements of the eyes

the other way.

Left, right.

Look into the distance and at the tip of your nose.

Topic: "Insects". Bug.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

A beetle flew into our group,

He buzzed and sang: w-w-w,

So he flew to the right, everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left, everyone looked to the left.

Our beetle has landed,

It buzzed and spun - W-w-w-w-w-w

Beetle, here is your right palm, sit on it for a while.

Beetle, here is your left palm, sit here for a little while.

The beetle flew up and sat on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes, but we didn’t get the beetle.

Let's clap together - clap - clap - clap,

So that he could fly out the window.

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Topic: "Toys".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


I'm cheerful like a spinning top

I forgot about things.

I started to spin

I can't stop

S. Levina, S. Tukacheva

Circular movements of the eyes.

Subject : « Forest".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

The sun is rising.

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher.

By night the sun will go down

Below, below, below.

Okay, okay

The sun laughs.

And under the sun for us

Life is good.

Eye movements upward.

Downward eye movements.

Children blink their eyes frequently.

Children open wide

and then close their eyes.

Subject:« Forest"

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Let's dream with you.

Let's close our eyes and imagine:

It's like we're walking through the forest,

We collect mushrooms and cones.

On the left - the berries are blooming,

And on the right there are mushrooms growing.

Below there are pine cones and grass,

And from above - the sky is blue

Open your eyes, children,

So we came out of the fairy tale.

Children close their eyes.

Circular movements of the eyes.

Eye movements to the left.

Eye movements to the right.

Downward eye movements.

Eye movements up..

Open your eyes.

Subject: "Trees".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Linden trees.

Here is a clearing, and around

The linden trees lined up in a circle.

The linden trees are rustling,

The winds hum in their leaves,

The tops are bent down,

And they pump them and rock them...

Oscillatory movements of the eyes

from right to left, then from left to right.

Children make eye movements

up - down, down - up...

Subject : "Trees".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts left and right,

The wind blows - blows,

Tears leaves from a tree.

Eye movements left and right. Eye movements up and down.

Blink your eyes quickly.

Topic: "Nature".

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Curious Varvara.

Looks to the left

Looks to the right.

Looks up

Looks down.

I sat down a little on the ledge,

And she fell down from him!

Children make eye movements

according to the text.

Look at the tip of your nose.

Look down.

Topic: “Man. Body parts."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Be healthy!

To make your eyes sharper,

And wear glasses so as not to walk,

I suggest repeating these necessary movements.

Let's look at the distance and under the feet.

Left, right quickly.

I was surprised - what is it?

And we will close them quickly.

Now rotate in a circle, like the hand of a clock.

Open your eyes.

And back to work. Be healthy!

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Topic: “Man. Body parts."

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises


Do you see your palm?

Move it back a little

Look behind your palm -

What will you see in the distance?

Bring your palm close to your eyes,

Gradually remove your palm from your eyes.

Look into the distance.

Topic: "Man". Tailors.

Speech accompaniment

Visual exercises

Gymnastics according to the table of V.F. Bazarny.

Early morning exercise

All the tailors ran.

They squat together and don’t know how to get tired.

Legs are exposed

Everyone sat in a circle, looked to the left,

We looked to the right, threaded the needle,

They wanted to sew a shirt.

Children perform movements

eyes on the text.

Human"(music and lyrics by M. Penkovskaya)

In the morning the sun rises, Stretch with arms raised to the sides.
Doesn't let the boys sleep.
Eyes wake up Frequent blinking of the eyes.
They smile at the sun. Turn your head to the side with a smile.

We rubbed them a little Close your eyes and lightly rub your eyelids with the sides

We immediately looked out the window – squeezing the rest into a fist, moving from the nose to the temples and back.
We saw a warm ray,
They caught it in the palm of their hand. Direct your gaze into the distance (look out the window).

He jumps and hops from the palm of his hand, Stretch your arms forward, trying to “reach the ray,”
On the head, on the toe.
I want to catch him , bring your palms to your face - watch the movement of your palms with your eyes.
I'm shaking my head.

I'll hide and close my eyes, Cover your eyes with your palms, close your eyes
I will smile, I will frown. Smile, frown.

I'm stamping my feet,
I'll clap my hands.

Come quickly, my friend, Perform “walking” movements with your index finger
Let's draw a circle. and the middle fingers of the right hand on the open palm of the left hand. Grasping movements with hands in front of you at eye level, further and closer; turns the head to the sides: head to the right - movements with the right hand while fixing the gaze; the same - to the left.

Sit on my finger
And frolic with me. Stomp your feet.
You are cheerful, mischievous,
Now run home! Clap your hands.

Exercises to prevent vision and activate the work of the eye muscles.

1. "Eyes."

In order to be sharp-sighted, we need to turn our eyes.

Rotate your eyes in a circle for 2-3 seconds.

2. "Eyes."

To keep our eyes sharp, we’ll barely rub them.

Massage the upper and lower eyelids for a minute without closing your eyes.


Let's draw a big circle and look around.

Make joint movements with your eyes and outstretched tongue, rotating them in a circle (from side to side).

4. "Eyes."

To become vigilant, we need to put pressure on our eyes.

Using three fingers of each hand, lightly press the upper eyelid of the corresponding eye and hold for 1-2 seconds.

5. "Eyes."

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, up and down and all over again.

Raise your eyes up. Lower your eyes. Turn your eyes to the right side, then to the left.

6. "Eyes."

Blink quickly and quickly. Then give your eyes a rest.

Blink quickly for 1-2 minutes.

7. "Eyes."

You need to open your eyes, it’s a miracle so as not to miss it.

Open and close your eyes wide at intervals of 30 seconds.

8. "Eyes."

We will draw a triangle, a circle, a square in a row.

Draw geometric shapes with your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.



Pinocchio stretched,Stand on their toes, raise their arms and look at


Turned left and right
Looked up and down
And he sat down quietly.Without turning their heads, they look up and down, left and right.


My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, cyan,

Can't keep up with you.

Look left - right, down - up

Circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times.

"Funny Ball" .
The cheerful ball ran at a gallop.
(Children look into the distance.)
Rolled into the garden
Got to the gate
(Look at the tip of the nose, into the distance.)
Rolled under the gate
(Look down.)
I reached the turn.
(Perform circular movements with the eyes.)
There I got under a wheel.
It burst, popped - that's all.
(Close eyes.)

"Two balls."

- Listen to a fairy taleIP: back straight, head straight, motionless.

about two balls. They are big

naughty girls, they love to run,

jump so fast that we

we can't catch up with them, so we

We will “catch up” with them with our eyes.

Once upon a time at Irinka's

Two balls in one basket:

Red - important and pot-bellied,

The little ball is a roguish one,

Cheerful marmoset -

He interfered with everyone as best he could!

Big ball and tiny ball

One day they started to gallop.

Right-left big ball

Jumped very well!Repeat 5 times

Once and twice, back and forth,

You'll never catch up!

The little ball is very bouncy,Eye movements left and right.

Jumps, jumps as he wants,Repeat 5 times.

Up and down, up and down,

Got caught and hung.

And he doesn’t know how to get out.Moving your gaze diagonally.

The big ball does not lose heart.Repeat 5 times.

Jumps briskly - hop and hop,

From bottom to top, obliquely,

From top to bottom, diagonally.

Helped the little ball.

Little ball thought a little,Shifting your gaze from far to near.

Suddenly he started galloping again!Repeat 3 times.

Jumped into the distance, back to the place,

Once and twice back and forth.

Jumped and jumped...


He is looking for a huge ball.

Rolled after each otherCircular movements of the eyes clockwise

They're tumbling around in circles. arrow and against it.

Somersault, somersault,Repeat 3 times.

My head is spinning!

They splashed around in the trough,Blinking your eyes without muscle tension.

We swam in the water.Repeat 4 times.

Water got into their eyes,

They closed their eyes at once,

Once - opened, twice - closed,

And the water ran away.

They were taken out of the trough,Stroking the eyelids from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

They took a very long time to wipe.

Dry-dry, clean-cleanRepeat 4 times.

A scented towel.

Here we go again at Irinka'sRub your palms together and cover your eyes with them.

Two balls are in a basket.

Close your eyes, children,Hold your palms for 30 s.

Our fairy tale has ended.


“Oh, how long we’ve been writing.”

Oh, how long have we been writing?

The guys' eyes are tired.(Blink your eyes.)

Look all out the window(Look left and right.)

Oh, how high the sun is.(Look up.)

We'll close our eyes now,(Close your eyes with your palms.)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow,(Look in an arc up to the right and up to the left.)

Let's turn right, left,

And then we'll slide down(Look down.)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.(Close your eyes, open them and blink them)

Body and face parts

"Snout" (according to the methods of yoga).

The nose looks left and right,

The nose looks up and down.

What did the sly little nose see?

Well, where have we gone?

Shift their gaze sharply to the right and left

They move their gaze up and down sharply.

Gently run your index fingers over your eyelids.

"Sunny Bunny" (in accordance with the methods of yoga).

My sunny little bunny,

Jump onto your palm.

My sunny little bunny,

Small, like a baby.

Jump on the nose, on the shoulder.

Oh, how hot it got!

Jump on your forehead, and again

Let's ride on your shoulder.

So we closed our eyes,

And the sun plays:

Cheeks with warm rays

Gently warms.

Children extend their palm forward.

Place the index finger of the other hand on the palm. They trace with their eyes the movement of the finger, with which they first slowly touch the nose, move it forward again, then successively touch one shoulder, forehead and the other shoulder, each time moving the finger in front of them.

The head is in a fixed position all the time. Cover your eyes with your palms.



Autumn spread paint along the edges,

I quietly moved my brush along the leaves.

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,

The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,

Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

Circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times. (repeat 2 times).


Oh, how the leaves are flying,

All colors are burning

Maple leaf, carved leaf,

Multi-colored, painted.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

How I rustle a leaf.

But suddenly a breeze blew,

Our leaf is spinning

Flew overhead

Red, yellow, gold.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

I rustle like a leaf.

Under the guys' feet

The leaves rustle merrily,

Let's go for a walk now

And collect bouquets

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

How I rustle a leaf.

Circular eye movements:

left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down.

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down.

Look left - right.

Look up and down.

Look down.

Look up.

Look left - right.

"Walk in the Woods"

We went for a walk.Walking in place

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

The sun is shining above,look up

Here is a fungus growing on a stump,look down

A blackbird sits on a tree,look up

A hedgehog rustles under a bush.look down

On the left there is a spruce growing - an old woman,look to the right

On the right are pine trees - girlfriends.look to the left

Where are you, berries, ah!repeat eye movements

I'll find you anyway!left - right, up - down.

days of the week

"Happy week."

- All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

- On Monday when they wake up

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Tuesday watch eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side and then to the left, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Wednesday we play blindman's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

Close your eyes tightly, count to five and open your eyes wide; (exercise to relieve eye strain)

- Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

- On Friday we didn't yawn

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

At least on Saturday day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

- On Sunday we'll sleep

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids, massage them using circular movements of your fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation)

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!



The donkey walks and chooses

Doesn't know what to eat first.

The plum is ripe at the top,

And nettles grow below,

On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga,

On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,

Below is fresh grass,

On top there are juicy tops.

I couldn't choose anything

And he fell to the ground without strength.

Circle your eyes.

Look up.

Look down.

Look left - right

Left - right.

Look down.

Look up.

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times (repeat 2 times)


One, two, three, four, five.

Let's look for vegetables.

What's growing in our garden bed?

Cucumbers, sweet peas.

There's a radish, there's a salad -

Our garden bed is a treasure!

Children perform circular movements with their eyes

Look up and down.

Look left, right.

Blink quickly.


"Christmas tree".

That's how tall it is.

It has big branches.

This is the width.

There are even cones on the tree,

And below is the bear’s den.

The clubfoot sleeps there during the winter

And sucks his paw in the den.

Perform eye movements.

Look from bottom to top.

Look from left to right.

Look up.

Look down.

Close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times.


Here is a clearing, and around

Spread your arms to the sides.

The linden trees lined up in a circle.

Clasp your rounded arms above your head.

The linden trees are noisy

The winds hum in their leaves.

Hands up, swing them from side to side.

The tops are bent down

Lean forward.

And they rock them and rock them.

Bend over and shake your body.

After rain and thunderstorms

Straighten up, raise your arms.

Linden trees shed streams of tears.

Gently lower your hands, moving your fingers.

Each leaf has a tear

Hands down, energetically

Must be thrown onto the paths.

shake the brushes.

Drip and drip, drip and drip -

Clap your hands, describe with your hands

Drops, drops, drops, drips!

Circle in one and other directions.

How weak the leaf is!

“Drop” your hands.

He will wash himself with the rain,

Stroke one first, then

It will get stronger every day.

other hand, clench your fists.



Everyone visits the patient

All the patient is treated to:

Who cloudberries

Who has blueberries?

Some dried strawberries.

They look up and down, left and right.


The hats are burning like coins.(Children look into the distance.)
The hats ripple in the eyes of the boys.(They blink their eyes frequently.)



Now the window has opened, They spread their arms to the sides.
The cat went out onto the ledge. They imitate the soft, graceful gait of a cat.

The cat looked up. They look up.
The cat looked down. They look down.
Here I turned to the left. They look to the left.
She watched the flies. The gaze traces the “fly” from the left shoulder to the right.

Stretched and smiled
And she sat down on the ledge. Children squat.
She turned her eyes to the right,
I looked at the cat. They look straight.
And covered them with her hands. Cover your eyes with your hands.

We'll ride a horse (Follow the object with your eyes.)

Right - left. (Right - left.)

Up - down. (Up - down.)

"My puppy" (E. Ranneva).

I drew a puppy, cute and funny. (big circle)

I can't find a friend like him in the whole world! (small circle)

He extends his paw (along the figure eight trajectory).

And he looks sly.

I wish I could escape from the drawing - the sun is shining on the right (look with our eyes to the right).

On the left the meadow is blooming cheerfully (let's look to the left with our eyes,

The river runs into the distance (let's look down).

In another large picture

The horse flies up to the clouds (let's look up).

(Children make eye movements in accordance with the text)
The donkey walks and chooses
Doesn't know what to eat first.
The plum is ripe at the top,
And nettles grow below,
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga,
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry,
Below is fresh grass,
On top there are juicy tops.
My head is spinning
The leaves are spinning in the eyes,
(Circular movements are performed with the eyes.)
I couldn't choose anything
And he fell to the ground without strength.
(Close eyes.)

Poultry birds

« Birds in the yard."

There is a cockerel in front of us -

He pecks grain from the ground.

(Children look ahead.)

"Looking down)

On the left - the chicken is walking,
On the right - a duck is swimming.
The sun is shining brightly from above,
Warms everyone in the world.

(Look to the left,



Winter. Winter fun


White flakes white fluff

Smooth and calm

Circling above the trees

And above the bell tower.

Slowly lower your right hand from top to bottom, then your left.

Every house and every bush warms and dresses.

Alternately stretches his arms to the right and left.

Snow coat and

Snow hat.

Extend your arms forward and touch your forehead with them.

White flakes white fluff

It's falling from the sky,

Sheltering the white light

A white blanket.

Raise and lower your arm from chest level to waist.

To the left, in front,

Behind and to the right

Touch your left shoulder with your index finger, extend your arms forward, touch your right shoulder.

Trees and grass slept sweetly until spring.

Cover your eyes with your palms.

This will cover a lot.

Snow overnight!

Spread your arms to the sides and open your eyes wide.

This is how they fly

Sleigh down the hill!

Half-close your eyes, gently stroke your eyelids with your middle fingers from the bridge of your nose to your temples.

Children are happy about the snow -

The ringing song is heard!


Spun, spun"Lanterns"

White snowflakes.Raise your hands up and look

They flew up in a white flock.on them

Light fluff.Slowly lower your arms and

The evil blizzard has calmed down a little.follow them with your gaze.

They settled down everywhere.

They sparkled like pearls -Spread your hands alternately

Everyone marvels at the the sides and follow them

Sparkled, sparkledDo it with your hands

white girlfriends.scissor movement

Let's go for a walkStep in place.

Children and old ladies.

Wild animals.


The squirrel was waiting for the woodpeckerThey move their gaze sharply to the right and left.
She treated the guest deliciously.
Well, look, woodpecker!
They look up and down.
Here are nuts-1,2,3.
A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel
They blink their eyes.
And he went to play burners.Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index finger.


Each child takes a bunny on a stick.

The bunny jumped to the right,

Everyone saw the bunny.

The bunny jumped to the left

Everyone saw it with their eyes.

Bunny - to the right, bunny to the left.

Oh, what a brave little bunny!

The bunny jumps up and down.

Look at the bunny.

The bunny hid from us.

There is no need to open your eyes.

Children follow the movements of the bunny with their eyes, the head remains in a fixed position.

They hide the bunny behind their back, turning their head, looking over their right shoulder, then over their left.

Close your eyes for a few seconds.


A hedgehog walked through the clearing,

- walking in place

He was looking for honey mushrooms.

- turning the head to the right and left;

He squinted his eyes and opened them

- squint and open your eyes;

But I didn’t see any mushrooms

-spread your arms to the sides;

He looked up, he looked down

- look up and down;

I quietly puffed

-say “puff”, “puff”, “puff”;

Looked left, looked right

- head motionless, look left - right;

Suddenly I saw a great mushroom!

- close and open your eyes wide;

He looked back again

- hide your hands behind your back;

Over the left shoulder

-turn your head to the left, look back;

Through the right one more

- turn your head to the right, look back;

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And the fungus carried away on the back.

-walking in place, raising your legs high.

“How we helped Mishka.”

We walked in the forest for a long time,(Hands on waist, walking in place)

Our legs are not tired.

My hands aren't tired either,(Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level)

At least they drew a little.(Bend at the elbow joint)

Let's raise our hands(Raise your hands up and look at your palms)

Pump strong strength.(Put your hands down and look at your toes)

The left hand is strong(Extend your left arm to the side, look to the left)

The right hand is strong.(Extend your right arm to the side, look to the right)

The left leg is strong(Take a step forward with your left foot, look at the toe

extended leg)

The right leg is strong.(Take a step forward with your right foot, look at

toe of outstretched foot)

We clench our fists tightly,Execute according to words)

We bend our arms at the elbows.

One, two, three, four

We will open our eyes wider.

Bear, jump with us,

They've collected the strength for you.(Jumping in place)

Sleep sweetly in your den.(Sit down, close your eyes with your palms)


A red fox walksClose your eyes tightly and open your eyes.

He squints his sly eyes.

The sly fox looksExtend your right hand forward

Looking for somewhere to make some money.on which all fingers, except the index,

clenched into a fist. Move your hand left and right and follow

following the movement of the index finger with the eyes,

without turning your head.

The fox went to the market,Raise your hand and put it down

I looked at the product.following with your eyes.

I bought myself a codDescribe a circle with your hand clockwise and the foxes balalaika.against her.


The bear sat down on a log,

Sitting on a chair, they raise their heads up and move their eyes left and right in the rhythm of the poem.

I started looking at the sun.

- Don't look at the light, bear!

Your eyes may get sore!

Cover your eyes with your palms.



There's a sparrow outside the window

Jumping on the branches

Wants to tell something

To our little children.

We'll look with our eyes

A smart sparrow.

The eyes are looking, looking for the bird.

Where is the little bird?

(Look into the distance).


Long-tailed Magpie

Bustle white-sided.

Flying through the forest

Collects news.

Right-left, right-left

Everything flies every now and then.

From branch to branch

It flies off a little.

Up and down, up and down.

Just don’t be lazy to look.

It will crackle and chatter,

As if someone was tickling her.

Well, magpie is a fidget,

We closed our eyes.

Fly away quickly

Don't bother us anymore.

- follow the movement with your eyes

birds “far - close” 6-8 times;

- eye movement left and right 6-8 times;

-move your eyes up and down 6-8 times

- trace with your eyes in a circle in one direction and the other;

- blink and close your eyes.

It's dark in the forest.
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
Only the owl-owl,
big head,
Sits on a branch
looks in all directions.
Right, left, up and down,
Animals, birds, oh, hold on!
I looked all around -
run after the prey!


At the count of 1-4 they closed their eyes, at 5-6 they opened their eyes wide and looked into the distance.



We are sitting on the bus
We look in all directions.
We look back, we look forward,
But the bus is not moving...
Below the river is deep,
At the top of the bird - high.
Brushes rustle on glass
They want to sweep away all the droplets.
The wheels are spinning
We rolled forward.


The city is full of traffic

Cars running in a row

Colored traffic lights

They burn day and night.

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

The red eye stares straight ahead

This is a strict traffic light.

The driver waited a little,

Looked out the window again

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye

He winked and said:

“You can go, the way is open!”

Slowly open and close your eyes;

blink quickly


They rush through the city from morning until night
Cars of all brands, very beautiful.
(Children perform circular movements with their eyes.)
They will go right, left, around -
(Perform eye movements left and right.)
Cars are free both night and day.
(They blink their eyes.)


An airplane flies by

I got ready to fly with him.

He took the right wing back and looked.

He took the left wing back and looked.

I'm starting the engine

And I look carefully

I rise up, I fly

I don't want to go back.

- look up

- move your hands away, follow with your gaze.

-rotational movements with your hands in front of you, follow with your eyes.

- stand on your toes, follow the wavy line with your eyes;

- blink and close your eyes.

"Traffic light".

By the road, like in a fairy tale, Gaze moves up and down

A three-eyed bird lives on a pole.The gaze is moved to the right, to the left.

Everything blinks and blinksThey blink their eyes.

Doesn't fall asleep for a moment.They open their eyes wide.

She guards the transportThe eyes are closed.

Provides a path for pedestrians.Eyes open and close wide.

(repeat 2 – 3 times)



Eye movements up and down. Smoothly, 8–10 times.

There is no funnier game:

Our eyes are painters.

(Sit up straight and tune in.)

We paint fences

Up - down - once,

Up - down - two(and so on up to 8 times).

Our eyes are great,

They work in harmony.

(Blink lightly.)


We need to exercise our eyes,

So that we can see the treasure.

Children draw with their eyes a boat (2 times), a rainbow (2 times), a circle in one direction and the other (3 times); They blink their eyes quickly and cover them with their palms, feeling the warmth.


The watchmaker narrowed his eye,(Close one eye. Close the other eye.)

He fixes the watch for us.(Open your eyes.)

( S. Marshak)



Everything has woken up from sleep, which means spring has come to us.
The sun is getting warmer, let's go for a walk soon!
Throwing the fingers out of the fist while simultaneously
raising your arms up to the sides
On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow.
The right hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze
On the left - a fast stream flowed from the hillock to the river.
The left arm is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze
We made a boat
Place your palms in front of your chest
They decided to let it into the stream.
Removing folded palms forward from yourself
Sail away, my little boat, straight to the blue river!
We wave our palms, saying goodbye to the boat
This is how fun it is to play and walk on a spring day!
Light bouncing in place
The earth breathes freshness, I will breathe “spring” too!


(Children perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher)

Take flowers in your hands,

And look at them.

Now pick them up

Up, look at them.

You will lower the flowers down,

And look at them again.

Flower to the right,

Flower to the left.

“Draw” the circle skillfully.

The flower is close, but in the distance,

Look carefully.

This is our flower,

Smile at him, buddy.

Quickly, quickly you blink,

And follow the commands.



Our delicate flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

They opened their eyes and looked left and right. They waved their eyelashes.



The flower was sleeping( Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, lightly

pressing them clockwise and counterclockwise.)

And suddenly I woke up(Blink your eyes.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore(Raise your hands up (inhale), look at your hands.)

He perked up, stretched,(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).)

He soared up and flew.(Shake your brushes, look left and right.)



(extend their right hand forward, focus their gaze on the index finger. Draw figure eights, circles, curved lines in the air and trace them with their gaze)
(they touch their left palm with their finger - the mosquito sits down).
(clap the left palm with the right palm).


Blink your eyes quickly and easily (eyelids are like “butterfly wings”). This relaxing movement should be performed after each exercise.

"Fly" (according to the yogi method).

The fly buzzed loudly

She began to hover over the baby elephant

Fly, fly flew

And she sat on the little elephant’s nose.

The fly flew again

And she sat on my ear.

Fly up and fly down.

Well, Baby Elephant, watch out!

Extend your hand forward and describe a circle in the air with your index finger, tracing the movement with your eyes.

Touch your finger to the tip of your nose, focus your gaze on the tip of your finger.

They touch the ear, tracing the movement of the finger with their gaze within the range of visibility, without turning their head. They also slowly touch the second ear, tracing the movements with their eyes.

They move their gaze sharply to the right, left, up, down, fixating it on the tip of their finger.


I pulled a cobweb
He rocked and fell asleep.
Hello, hello, sunshine,
The sun is a cheerful one.

(children pull out a spider on a stick in front of them)
(focus their gaze on the spider and, pronouncing the words, move the stick up, down, right, left, tracing the movement with their gaze)

(close their eyes, lowering the spider down)
(blink eyes quickly)


Hands behind the back, head back.(Close your eyes, relax.)

Let your eyes look at the ceiling.(Open your eyes, look up.)

Let's lower our heads and look at the desk.(Down.)

And again up - where is the fly flying?(Up.)

Let's turn our eyes and look for her.(To the sides.)

And we read again. A little more.


This is what a dragonfly is like - like a pea's eyes (figure eight trajectory).

Left, right, up, forward (we look at the text with our eyes).

Well, just like a helicopter (in a large circle).

We're flying high (look up).

We're flying low (look down).

We fly far (look in a big circle).

We're flying close (look in a small circle).

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don’t be lazy to repeat.

Strengthening the eye muscles.

We'll see better right away.


"Fish" .

The fish swam, dived,

The fish wagged its tail.

Up and down, up and down.

Fish, fish, don't be lazy!

- follow the movement of the fish up and down with your eyes (6-8 times);

Over the waves, over the waves,

Here and there, here and there.

-tracing the eyes along a wavy line to the right and left (6-8 r.)

That's what it is, a goldfish.

- blink your eyes.


The fish are having fun

In clean warm water,

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Eyes - fish - close them, open them, close them with your hands and stroke your eyelids with your fingers.



Rain clouds have arrived:Shake raised up

Let it rain, let it rain!hands, look at them.

The rains are dancingSlowly lower your hands

Like alive:fingering

Drink, rye, drink!tracing the movements with your eyes.

And rye, bending to the groundBend over, making soft,

Green,springy hand movements.

Drinks, drinks, drinks.Look down.

And the warm rain is restlessShow with index finger

It pours, it pours, it pours.finger movement from top to bottom

and follow it with your gaze.

Rain, rain, more rain. They look up.
Drops, drops, don’t be sorry. They look down.
Just don't kill us.
Don't knock on the window in vain.

"A ray of sunshine."

A ray, a mischievous ray,
Come play with me. They blink their eyes.
Come on, little ray, turn around,
Show yourself to me. Make circular movements with their eyes.
I'll look to the left,
I will find a ray of sunshine. They look away to the left.
Now I'll look to the right
I will find the ray again. They look away to the right.


The sun is rolling in the sky

Like a yellow ball,

He'll hide behind a cloud

Then he jumps through the trees.

Walked around, turned around

And it rolled behind a cloud.

following the movement of the sun with your eyes

up - down, right - left.

- movement of the eyes in a circle in one direction and the other.

- blink and close your eyes.


Gymnastics for the eyes relieves eye tension, strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination. It can be done as a pause and relief during children's activities that require perseverance and put strain on the eyesight. So that children can show their activity, it is better to conduct all activities with them in a playful way and use gymnastics for the eyes in verse.

When selecting gymnastics for the eyes, the age, state of vision and speed of reaction of the child are taken into account. Children should not get tired during visual gymnastics. Visual gymnastics should be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. You need to monitor eye strain, and after gymnastics, practice relaxation exercises. For example: “Now relax your eyes, blink often, often, lightly, lightly. Almost like a butterfly flaps its wings.” After eye exercises, you can do various grimaces to relieve tension and articulation exercises.

Below are many options for children's gymnastics for the eyes in verse. You can choose age-appropriate visual gymnastics for preschoolers and elementary school students.


All week in order,
The eyes are doing exercises.
On Monday, when they wake up,
The eyes will smile at the sun,
Look down at the grass
And back to heights.
(raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless)

On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,
They look here and there,
They go left, they go right
They will never get tired.
(turn your eyes to the right and then to the left, head motionless)

On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,
Close our eyes tightly.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's open our eyes.
We close our eyes and open
So we continue the game.
(close your eyes tightly, count to five and open your eyes wide)

On Thursdays we look into the distance
There's no time for this,
What's near and what's far
You should look at your eyes.
(look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, move your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand)

We didn't yawn on Friday
The eyes ran around.
Stop, and again
Run in the other direction.
(raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again)

Even though Saturday is a day off,
We are not lazy with you.
We look for corners,
To make the pupils move.
(look at the upper right corner, then lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right)

We'll sleep on Sunday
And then we'll go for a walk,
To harden your eyes
You need to breathe air.
(close your eyelids, massage them using circular movements of your fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa)

No gymnastics, friends,
Our eyes cannot live!


The watchmaker narrowed his eye, (close one eye)
He fixes the watch for us. (close other eye, open eyes)


The tree cried at first from the warmth of home, (rub eyes)
In the morning I stopped crying, (blink your eyes)
I began to breathe. Alive. (breathe)


The flower was sleeping (close your eyes, relax)
And suddenly I woke up (massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise)
I didn't want to sleep anymore (blink your eyes)
He perked up, stretched, (raise your arms up - inhale, look at your hands, arms bent to the sides - exhale)
He soared up and flew. (shake your brushes, look left and right)


Here is a big Christmas tree, (perform eye movements)
That's how tall it is. (look from bottom to top)
It has big branches.
This is the width. (look from left to right)
There are even cones on the tree, (look up)
And below is the bear’s den. (look down)
The clubfoot sleeps there during the winter (close your eyes, then blink 10 times and repeat)
And sucks his paw in the den.


The sun played hide and seek with the clouds. (look with your eyes)
The sun of the flying cloud counted: (right-left)
Gray clouds, black clouds. (up and down)
Lungs - two things,
Three heavy ones.
The clouds hid, the clouds were gone.
The sun was shining in full force in the sky. (cover your eyes with your palms)
Selling the sun (blink eyes) at a fun fair
The dresses are multi-colored, bright - bright.
Cheerful people came to the fair.
The whole garden visited the fair.


We saw a snowflake (children take a snowflake in their hand)
They played with a snowflake. (pull the snowflake forward in front of you, focus your gaze on it)
Snowflakes flew to the right, (move the snowflake to the right, follow the movement with your gaze)
The children looked to the right.
Now the snowflakes have flown, (move it to the left, follow it with your gaze)
The children looked to the left.
The wind lifted the snow up
And he lowered it to the ground... (raise the snowflakes up and down)
Children look up and down.
All! They lay down on the ground. (spin around and sit down, lowering the snowflake to the floor)
We close our eyes, (cover your eyes with your palms)
The eyes are resting. (children fold snowflakes and sit down)


My cheerful, ringing ball, (look left-right)
Where did you run off to? (look down - up)
Red, blue, cyan,
Can't keep up with you. (close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times)


The first drop fell - drop! (show the trajectory of the drop with a finger from above, eyes up)
And the second one came running - drop! (the same)
We looked at the sky (look up)
The droplets sang “drip-drip”,
Wet their faces
We wiped them off. (they wipe their face with their hands)
Shoes - look - (point with hands down and look down with eyes)
They became wet.
Let's move our shoulders together (shoulder movements)
And shake off all the droplets
From the rain
Let's run away
Let's sit under a bush. (squat, blink eyes)


Autumn spread paint along the edges,
I quietly moved my brush along the leaves. (circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down)
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed, (look left - right)
The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green. (look up - down)
Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,
Look - autumn is dressed in gold!


Oh, how the leaves are flying,
All colors are burning
Maple leaf, carved leaf, (look left - right)
Multi-colored, painted. (look up - down)
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
How I rustle a leaf.
But suddenly a breeze blew, (circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down)
Our leaf is spinning (look left - right)
Flew overhead (look up - down)
Red, yellow, gold.
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
I rustle like a leaf.
Under the guys' feet (look down)
The leaves rustle merrily, (look up)
Let's go for a walk now
And collect bouquets (look left - right)
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
How I rustle a leaf. (close eyes, stroke eyelids with index finger)


The donkey walks and chooses
Doesn't know what to eat first. (circle with eyes)
The plum is ripe at the top, (look up)
And nettles grow below, (look down)
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga, (look left-right)
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry, (look left-right)
Below is fresh grass, (look down)
On top there are juicy tops. (look up)
I couldn't choose anything
And he fell to the ground without strength. (close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times)


We close our eyes, these are the miracles (close both eyes)
Our eyes are resting, doing exercises (continue to stand with eyes closed)
And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river. (open their eyes, draw a bridge with their gaze)
Let's draw the letter "O", it turns out easy (draw the letter “O” with the eyes)
Let's lift up, look down (eyes look up, look down)
Let's turn right, left ( eyes move left and right)
Let's start practicing again. (eyes look up and down)


This is what a dragonfly is like - like pea eyes.
(make glasses with fingers)
Left-right, back-forward-
(eyes look left and right)
Well, just like a helicopter.
(circular eye movements)
We're flying high.
(look up)
We're flying low.
(look down)
We fly far.
(look ahead)
We fly close.
(look down


(eye movement left and right)
He is not low, not high,
(eye movement up and down)
The rooster sits upstairs
He screams to the crow.
(blink their eyes)


Rain, rain, more rain.
(look up)
Drops, drops, don’t be sorry.
(look down)
Just don't kill us.
(make circular movements with eyes)
Don't knock on the window in vain.


The cat sits in the sun
Eye closed, other closed
(close both eyes in turn)
The cat plays "Blind Man's Bluff"
(close your eyes tightly)
-Who are you playing with, Vasenka?
- Meow, happy sunshine!
(open both eyes)


There is a swing in the meadow:
Up and down, up and down
(look up and down with your eyes)
I'll run and swing
Up and down, up and down
(look up, down)


The sun goes around in circles,
(rotational eye movements)
The deer is dozing.
(eyes closed)
You and I are walking through the meadow quietly, quietly.
(open your eyes)
We walk along the edge of the forest and find a path.
(look down)
Here's a magpie on top
(look up)
Cleans the back with its beak.


Our scarlet flowers open their petals (look up)

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway, (blink quickly)

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals, (close your eyes)

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. (look around)


In the morning, drops of dew: drip, drip, drip.
(blink three times)
Like a ringing clock: drip, drip, drip.
(blink three times)
It became dry and warm: drip, drip, drip.
(blink three times)
So the morning is over: cap!
(blink once)


We went for a walk. (walk in place)

Mushrooms - look for berries

How beautiful this forest is.

It is full of different miracles.

The sun is shining above, (look up)

Here is a fungus growing on a stump, (look down)

A blackbird sits on a tree, (look up)

A hedgehog rustles under a bush. (look down)

On the left there is a spruce growing - an old woman,

(look to the right)

On the right are pine trees - girlfriends. (look left)

Where are you, berries, ah! (repeat eye movements)

I'll find you anyway! (left - right, up - down)


Children sit on the floor and stretch their legs forward. The index finger of the right hand is a beetle. Children turn it right, left, up, down, following the text.

The beetle flew up to the crane,

He buzzed and sang “W-w-w. »

So he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

A beetle wants to sit on your nose,

We won't let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed,

It buzzed and spun. “W-w-w. »

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while.

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

Children alternately extend their right and left arms forward, looking at the palm; then they get to their feet, stretch up on their toes and clap their hands, slowly lowering their hands.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the beetle.

Let's clap together


So that he could fly away.


Sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Look at your left shoulder. Then look straight ahead. Now look at your right shoulder. Try to see as far as possible on the right. Look straight ahead.

Curious Varvara
Looks to the left...
Looking to the right...
And then forward again.
Here you can rest a little;
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...

The movements are repeated twice in each direction.

Now raise your head up. Look at the ceiling. Slowly tilt your head back as far as possible! How tense your neck is! Unpleasant! It's hard to breathe! Straighten up! It became easy, I could breathe freely. Listen and do as I do.

Now slowly lower your head down. Stand up straight. The neck is relaxed. Nice. Breathes well. Listen and repeat these words.

Now let's look down -
The neck muscles are tense!
Let's go back -
Relaxation is nice!
The neck is not tense
And relaxed-a-ble-na...

You have calmed down and relaxed. You can breathe easily and pleasantly.


The children remain sitting at their desks.

Your eyes need a rest. (guys close their eyes)
You need to take a deep breath. (deep breath, eyes still closed)
The eyes will run around. (eyes open, pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
They will blink many, many times (frequent blinking of eyes)
My eyes felt good. (lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)
Everyone will see my eyes! (eyes open, smiling)

The lesson drags on for a long time
You've read a lot.
Calling won't help here,
Once my eyes are tired.
Your eyes need a rest
Everyone should know about this.
There are exactly five exercises,
It's important to remember everything.
Exercise one -
Move the books to the edge of the desk.

(While sitting, lean back on the desk, take a deep breath, then lean forward on the desk lid, exhale)

Exercise two
Repeat after me easily.
You can't close your eyes and open them,
Train your eyes.

(Lean back on the desk, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, open your eyes)

Let's do everything at once
Repeat four times.
Exercise number three.
Do with us and see.

(While sitting, put your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, then sit up straight again)

Repeat five times
Relaxing the eye muscles.
Exercise four
There is nothing more difficult in the whole world.
We begin with attention
And we do it clearly

(Sitting, look in front of you, look at the chalkboard for 2-3 seconds. Extend the finger of your left hand along the midline of your face at a distance of 5-20 cm from the eyes. Turn your gaze to the end of the finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then hand lower)

Repeat 5-6 times
Everything will work out for you.
Exercise number five
It needs to be done clearly.

(While sitting, stretch your arms forward, look at your fingertips. Raise your arms up - inhale, follow your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your arms - exhale.)

Oh, how long have we been writing?
The guys' eyes are tired. (blink your eyes)
Look all out the window (look left-right)
Oh, how high the sun is. (look up)
We'll close our eyes now, (cover your eyes with your palms)
Let's build a rainbow in class
Let's go up the rainbow, (look in an arc up to the right and up to the left)
Let's turn right, left,
And then we'll slide down (look down)
Squint your eyes hard, but hold on. (close your eyes, open them and blink them)


One - left, two - right, (look left, look right)
Three is up, four is down. (look up, look down)
And now we look in circles, (circular movements of the eyes: left – up – right – down – right – up – left – down)
To see the world better.
Let's look closer, further,
By training the eye muscle.
We'll see better soon,
Check it out now!
Now let's press a little
Points near your eyes.
We'll give them a lot of strength,
To strengthen it a thousand times! (blink quickly)

We do gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don’t be lazy to repeat.

Strengthening the eye muscles.

We'll see better right away.


Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,

And we'll go around in circles.

Quickly - quickly blink

And we'll rub it a little.

Look at the tip of your nose

And look between the eyebrows.

Circle, square and triangle

Repeat three times.

We close our eyes,

We inhale slowly.

And on the exhale again

Make your eyes blink.

Now let's relax

We went to the places.

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

And - to the right! And one more thing

Over your left shoulder!

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


We are sitting on the bus

We look in all directions.

We look back, we look forward,

But the bus is unlucky.

Below the river is deep,

At the top of the bird - high.

Brushes rustle on glass

They want to sweep away all the droplets.

The wheels are spinning

We rolled forward.

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


It's dark in the forest.

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

Only the owl-owl,

Big head

Sits on a branch

Looks in all directions.

Right, left, up and down,

Animals, birds, oh, hold on!

I looked around -

Run for the loot!

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


Eyelashes droop...
Eyes are closing...
We are resting peacefully...
We fall asleep in a magical sleep...
It's easy to breathe...
Exactly... deep...
Our hands are resting...
Resting... Falling asleep...
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...
Lips part slightly...
Everything is wonderfully relaxing...
Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...
We are resting peacefully...
We fall asleep in a magical sleep...
(louder, faster, more energetic)
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
Let's clench our fists tighter.
We raise them higher.
Let's reach out! Smile!
Everyone open their eyes and stand up!

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All the clocks go like this: tick-tock, tick-tock,

Left once, right once,

We can do this too

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


Hammer - hamster hamster,

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early

The hamster rubs his eyes.

Blinks - one, two, three

Inhale and exhale. Look

The stream runs far away

A mosquito squeaks on my nose.

The hamster looks higher, lower,

He looked around

Jump and run into the hole!

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


We played and drew

Our eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

Let's close them for a little while.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little.

(children perform movements in accordance with the text)


Night. It's dark outside.

We need to close our eyes.

One, two, three, four, five

You can open your eyes.

We count to five again

We close our eyes again.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's open them again.

(children perform movements in accordance with the text,repeat 2 - 3 times)

Each of the exercises should be repeated several times (first 2-3 times, then, when the child already knows what to do - 5-7 times). When voicing exercises to your child, be sure to do them with him: a clear example sometimes works better than any words.

1. “Blind Man’s Bluff.” Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds and then open them.

2. “Butterfly”. Blink your eyes like a butterfly flaps its wings - quickly and easily.

3. “Traffic light.” Alternately close your left and then your right eye, just like a railway traffic light is blinking.

4. “Up and down.” Look up first, then down, without tilting your head.

5. “Watch.” Let your eyes look now to the right, now to the left, like a watch: “tick-tock.” Repeat this exercise 20 times.

6. “Tic-tac-toe.” Draw a large circle with your eyes clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Now draw a cross: first look up to the right, then down to the left, and then vice versa, drawing two conventional lines crosswise with your gaze.

7. "Square". Imagine a square. Shifts the gaze from the upper right corner to the lower left - to the upper left, to the lower right. Once again, simultaneously look at the corners of the imaginary square.

8. “Draw with the nose.” Close your eyes. Imagine that the nose has become long and draw an object, a letter, etc.

9. “Expanding the field of vision.” Place the index fingers of both hands in front of you, with your eye following each finger. Spread your fingers apart and bring them together. Bring them together and point them in opposite directions to other people's places, but each eye is watching its own finger. Return them to their places.

10. “Peeping Game.” Don’t blink your eyes for as long as possible. When you blink, close your eyes and relax, imagining that you are sleeping.

11. “Massage”. Close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with your fingers.

12. “Far-close.” Focus your gaze first on an object that is located at the opposite end of the room (closet, chalkboard, etc.) and look at it for 10 seconds. Then slowly move your gaze to a nearby object (for example, your finger) and also look at it for 10 seconds.

13. “Focus”. Look, without taking your eyes off, at a moving object (your hand). In this case, the hand should be clearly visible, and all other objects in the distance should be blurry. Then focus your gaze, on the contrary, on the background objects.

14. “Let’s make faces.” Draw the faces of various animals or fairy-tale characters. The grimace of a hedgehog - the lips are extended forward - left - right - up - down, then in a circle to the left, to the right.