International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich. Announcement of the competition “Star of Prometheus”

The International Nicholas Roerich Prize was established in the year of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and has been awarded annually since then. The main goal of the Prize is to identify high examples of human service to Culture and Society, public recognition of the selfless work of those true devotees for whom the high creativity of life and the desire for the Common Good have become a concrete and everyday matter, whose activities can become an inspiring example for the younger generation who will bear responsibility for the future of our Fatherland and the world as a whole.

Founders of the International Prize named after Nicholas Roerich: St. Petersburg State University, World Club of St. Petersburgers, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerich Family, St. Petersburg Art School named after N.K. Roerich and the International Charitable Foundation “Roerich Heritage” - formed the Organizing Committee of the Prize, which included representatives from different countries. Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Prize - General Director of the State Hermitage, President of the World Club of St. Petersburgers M.B. Piotrovsky.

The prize is awarded in the following categories:

"Artistic creativity"

"Pedagogy and Enlightenment"

“Preservation of cultural values ​​and peacemaking”

"Preservation of Roerich's heritage"

“Formation of the country’s cultural image in the world”

The awards ceremony for the Prize laureates takes place at the State Hermitage Museum under the leadership of the Chairman of the Prize Organizing Committee.

The prize is awarded to prominent representatives of domestic and world culture and creatively brilliant, but not always familiar to the general public, artists, teachers, scientific and creative workers, public figures who make a special contribution to the preservation and development of creative traditions, cultural and moral foundations. Among the laureates of past years are artists, teachers, cultural and scientific figures - those people whose hard work and active life position are united by a common sense of creation and high individual responsibility to the future.

The prize is awarded by decision of the Organizing Committee on the basis of submissions, regardless of the national, religious or social affiliation of the candidates. You can become a laureate of the Prize no more than once.

Laureates of the Prize are awarded a commemorative diploma, a medal “Laureate of the Nicholas Roerich Prize” and a cash prize.

The Organizing Committee of the International Nicholas Roerich Prize has opened the acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for the award. Applications are accepted at the address: 199034, St. Petersburg, 18th line V.O., 1. Phone number for inquiries: 323-08-85.

General requirements for the preparation of a Submission for an Award

The right to nominate for the Nicholas Roerich Prize belongs to state, public and private organizations, institutions, professional, labor and creative groups and communities, as well as the Organizing Committee of the Prize.

The submission for the award of the Nicholas Roerich Prize must contain the following documents:

1. Brief information about the organization or community representing the candidate for participation in the competition, signed by the head or authorized person - original.

2. Submission of candidacy for the Prize on the organization’s letterhead, signed by an authorized person and containing information about the Prize applicant (last name, first name, patronymic, actual postal address with zip code, telephone/fax, e-mail address) - the original, certified by the seal of the organization . The nomination in which the applicant is nominated must be indicated.

4. Additional materials and/or letters of support from organizations and individuals (at the request of the presenting organization).

The documents listed in paragraphs 2 and 3 are provided in the amount of 6 photocopies + 1 original.

Submissions and other competition documents are provided in Russian.

Materials submitted for the competition will not be returned. Submissions and other materials sent by fax or email will not be considered.

Submissions for the International Nicholas Roerich Prize are accepted by the Organizing Committee until September 20, 2017 (inclusive).

The awards ceremony for the 2017 Prize laureates will take place in October.

You can submit an application for participation in the competition, as well as get advice from the International Charitable Foundation “Roerich Heritage” at:

199034, St. Petersburg, 18th line V.O., no. 1

International Charitable Foundation "Roerich Heritage"

The Organizing Committee of the International Nicholas Roerich Prize has opened the acceptance of applications for participation in the competition for the award. Laureates of the Prize are awarded a commemorative diploma, a medal “Laureate of the Nicholas Roerich Prize” and a cash prize. The deadline for submitting applications is September 4, 2009.

The main goal of the Prize is to identify high examples of human service to Culture and Society, public recognition of the selfless work of those true devotees for whom the high creativity of life and the desire for the Common Good have become a concrete and everyday matter, whose activities can become an inspiring example for the younger generation who will bear responsibility for the future of our Fatherland and the world as a whole.

Founders of the International Prize named after Nicholas Roerich: St. Petersburg State University, World Club of St. Petersburgers, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerich Family, St. Petersburg Art School named after N.K. Roerich and the International Charitable Foundation “Roerich Heritage” - formed the Organizing Committee of the Prize, which included representatives of the countries of Europe, Asia and America. Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Prize - Director of the State Hermitage Museum, President of the World Club of St. Petersburgers M.B. Piotrovsky.

The prize is awarded in the following categories:
"Artistic creativity"
"Pedagogy and enlightenment"
“Preservation of cultural values and peacemaking"
"Preservation of Roerich's heritage"
“Formation of the country’s cultural image in the world”
The awards ceremony for the Prize laureates is taking place in the State Hermitage under the leadership of the Chairman of the Prize Organizing Committee.
The prize is awarded to prominent representatives of domestic and world culture and creatively brilliant, but not always familiar to the general public, artists, teachers, scientific and creative workers, public figures who make a special contribution to the preservation and development of creative traditions, cultural and moral foundations. Among the prize winners were 2003–2008. – artists, teachers, cultural and scientific figures - those people whose hard work and active life position are united by a common sense of creation and high individual responsibility to the future.
The prize is awarded by decision of the Organizing Committee based on submissions, regardless of from national religious or social affiliation of candidates. You can become a laureate of the Prize no more than once.
Applications are accepted at the address: 199034, St. Petersburg, 18th line V.O., 1. Phone number for inquiries: 323-08-85.
General requirements for the preparation of a Submission for an Award
The right to nominate for the Nicholas Roerich Prize belongs to state, public and private organizations, institutions, professional, labor and creative groups and communities, as well as the Organizing Committee of the Prize.
The submission for the award of the Nicholas Roerich Prize must contain the following documents:

  1. Brief information about the organization or community representing the candidate for participation in the competition, signed by the head or authorized person - original.
  2. Submission of candidacy for the Prize on the organization's letterhead, signed by an authorized person and containing information about the Prize applicant (last name, first name, patronymic, actual postal address with zip code, telephone/fax, e-mail address) - the original, certified by the seal of the organization. The nomination in which the applicant is nominated must be indicated.
  3. Recommendation-characteristic of the applicant (1-2 pages) with a description of his activities, which is the basis for nomination - the original, certified by a seal.



The International Prize named after Nicholas Roerich was established in the year of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and is awarded annually. The main goal of the Prize is to identify high examples of human service to Culture and Society, public recognition of the selfless work of those true ascetics for whom high creativity in life and the desire for the Common Good have become a concrete and everyday matter.

In 2016 the prize was awarded to:

Nomination "Artistic Creativity"

Joseph Khaimovich Kapelyan (Israel, Netanya)

Joseph Kapelyan is one of the founders and chairman of the Association of Professional Artists of Israel. Born in 1936 in Belarus. Graduated from the Leningrad Art and Graphic Pedagogical School, Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute (art department), Minsk Theater and Art Institute (graphics department). Since 1962, Joseph Kapelyan has been a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. He worked in easel and book graphics using the techniques of linocut, etching and lithography (designed more than 130 books), as well as in the genres of posters and watercolors. Since 1980 he has lived and worked in Israel. Since 1981, a quarter of a century of the artist’s life has been connected with his work as a graphic artist at the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University. From 1987 to 2005 Joseph Kapelyan is among the founders and active participants of the legendary village of artists Sa-Nur (literally - “bring light”) in Samaria. He is the author of 36 personal exhibitions in the USSR, Israel, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. I. Kapelyan’s works have been awarded numerous diplomas and are in museum collections and private collections in many countries around the world.

Nomination "Pedagogy and Enlightenment"

Lev Yakovlevich Borkin (Russia, St. Petersburg)

Candidate of Biological Sciences, zoologist, expert in the field of evolutionary genetics of animals, Chairman of the Board of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists. A famous scientist with a worldwide reputation, traveler. author of more than 400 scientific papers. Participated in a scientific program to study the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Has numerous awards. In addition to scientific activities, he is engaged in social and educational activities.

In 1989, he initiated the creation and then co-chaired the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists. Vice-President of the Union of Scientific Societies of Russia. Led four complex expeditions to the Western Himalayas, the Indian part of Tibet and western India. Based on the results of the expeditions, valuable materials were collected, transferred to the Russian Academy of Sciences for research, and a series of articles were published. For many years he has been speaking in defense of culture, science, education and enlightenment at various forums in Russia and abroad. L.Ya. Borkin is interested in the life and work of N.K. Roerich for many years. With his assistance, the museum-estate N.K. Roerich in Izvara received its second status - a specially protected natural area.

Nomination “Preservation of cultural values ​​and peacemaking”

Rostislav Borisovich Rybakov (Russia, Moscow)

Born on March 28, 1938 in Moscow. The largest Russian Indologist, specialist in problems of cultural history, intercultural interactions, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1994-2009. Doctor of Historical Sciences. Graduated from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (1966). Chief Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Eastern University, member of the Scientific Council under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and member of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific Council on Problems of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Coordinators of the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-chairman of the Russian-Indian Commission for cooperation in the field of social sciences, Honorary Chairman of the international movement "Dialogue of Eurasia", President of the international association "Peace through Culture", President of the Society of Mongolian Studies of the Russian Federation, Member of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the International Council on Asian and North- African Studies, Vice-President of the International Association of Mongolian Studies, specialist in the field of spiritual heritage of India, author of 200 scientific articles and books, awarded orders and medals of the Russian Federation, Abkhazia, India, Mongolia, Tajikistan, laureate of the Mangalam Birla Prize (India).

The prize is awarded to prominent representatives of domestic and world culture and creatively brilliant, but not always familiar to the general public, artists, teachers, scientific and creative workers, public figures who make a special contribution to the preservation and development of creative traditions, cultural and moral foundations. The prize is awarded regardless of the national, religious or social affiliation of the candidates. Among the laureates of the past years are Valery Gergiev, Valentina Matvienko, Mstislav Rostropovich, Lyudmila Verbitskaya, Mikhail Piotrovsky, Leonid Roshal and others. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Prize is the Director of the State Hermitage, President of the World Club of St. Petersburgers M.B. Piotrovsky.

International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich

about the International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich

General information

1. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich is established by the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation in order to encourage scientific research related to the study of the multifaceted scientific, philosophical and artistic heritage of outstanding figures of national and world culture - the Roerich family, as well as actions aimed at preservation and protection of this heritage.

2. The prize is awarded on a competitive basis in five categories:

  • For the best scientific work in the field of Living Ethics - philosophy of Cosmic Reality;
  • For the best research in the field of the artistic heritage of the Roerichs;
  • For contribution to the protection of the Roerichs' heritage;
  • For contribution to the development of the Museum named after N.K. Roerich;
  • For the best study of the scientific activities of the Roerichs.

3. The prize in each nomination is awarded to the applicant once.

4. To receive and consider applications, an organizing committee and jury of the Prize are formed, consisting of qualified specialists.

5. Documents not drawn up in accordance with the form or received after the specified deadline will not be considered.

6. Scientific works submitted to the competition are not reviewed and are not returned. There is no correspondence with the authors.

7. The Organizing Committee of the Prize carries out organizational and technical support for the competition: ensures that the public is informed about the competition, registers applications, checks the compliance of submitted documents with established requirements and given topics, presents selected works for consideration by the jury, organizes the procedure for awarding laureates, and informs the public about the results of the competition.

8. The Prize Jury carries out an examination and scientific assessment of competitive works and makes a final decision on awarding the Prize.

9. Works that did not pass the competition can be nominated for the Prize no more than three times. In this case, the paperwork is completed again.

10. The announcement of the start of the competition for the Helena Ivanovna Roerich Prize and its results is published annually on the websites of the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation (), the International Center of the Roerichs ( in the magazine “Culture and Time” and in other media.

11. Nominations of applicants for the Prize are not subject to publication.

12. In the absence of proper work, the Prize will not be awarded.

II. Nomination
“For the best scientific work in the field of Living Ethics -
philosophy of Cosmic Reality"

14. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich in the nomination “For the best scientific work in the field of Living Ethics - the philosophy of Cosmic Reality” is established by the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation in order to encourage scientific research related to the study of the multifaceted scientific and philosophical heritage of the Roerich family.

15. The right to nominate candidates for the Prize in this nomination belongs to the author (team of authors), research and educational institutions and organizations.

16. Author or collective monographs and manuscripts are submitted for the Prize in the nomination “For the best scientific work in the field of Living Ethics - Philosophy of Cosmic Reality”.

III. Nomination
"For the best research in the field
artistic heritage of the Roerichs"

17. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich in the nomination “For the best research in the field of the artistic heritage of the Roerichs” is established by the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation in order to encourage scientific research related to the study of the artistic creativity of the Roerich family. Preference is given to scientific works that use the methodology of the philosophy of Living Ethics.

18. The right to nominate candidates for the Prize in this nomination belongs to the author (team of authors), research and educational institutions and organizations.

19. Authors’ or collective monographs are submitted for the Prize in the nomination “For the best research in the field of the artistic heritage of the Roerichs”.

IV. Nomination
"For contribution to the protection of the Roerichs' heritage"

20. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich in the nomination “For contribution to the protection of the Roerich heritage” is established by the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation in order to encourage activities to protect and preserve the Roerich heritage.

21. The prize in this nomination is awarded to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the preservation and protection of the cultural heritage of N.K. Roerich and members of his family.

22. The right to nominate a candidate for the Prize in the nomination “For contribution to the protection of the Roerich heritage” belongs to the applicant, as well as state and public organizations, institutions, creative unions, and other individuals and legal entities.

V. Nomination
“For contribution to the development of the Museum named after N.K. Roerich”

23. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich in the nomination “For contribution to the development of the N.K. Roerich Museum” is awarded to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of the public museum named after N.K. Roerich of the International Center of the Roerichs and the preservation of its foundation - philosophical and artistic heritage of N.K. and E.I. Roerichs.

24. The right to nominate a candidate for the Prize in the nomination “For contribution to the protection of the Roerich heritage” belongs to the applicant, as well as state and public organizations, institutions, creative unions, and other individuals and legal entities.

VI. Nomination
"For the best study of the scientific activities of the Roerichs"

25. The International Prize named after Helena Ivanovna Roerich in the nomination “For the best study of the scientific activity of the Roerichs” was established in order to encourage scientific research related to the study of the multifaceted scientific activity of members of the Roerich family.

26. The right to nominate candidates for the Prize in this nomination belongs to the author (team of authors), research and educational institutions and organizations.

27. Authors or collective monographs are submitted for the Prize in the nomination “For the best study of the scientific activity of the Roerichs.”

VII. Announcement of laureates. Presentation of the Prize

28. The announcement of the laureates and the ceremonial presentation of the Prize is held annually on February 12, the birthday of the outstanding Russian philosopher Helena Ivanovna Roerich. The laureates of the Prize are awarded a gold medal and an honorary diploma.

E.I. Roerich

ROMANKOV Leonid Petrovich

ROMANKOV Leonid Petrovich

  • Born on November 1, 1937 in Leningrad.
  • Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinin.
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences. Laureate of the scientific prize named after S.I. Vavilov.
  • Member of the Leningrad City Council of the 21st convocation and 2 convocations of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. One of the authors and developers of the Charter of St. Petersburg.
  • Currently an expert at the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Innovation in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.
  • Member of the Human Rights Council of St. Petersburg.
  • Acting State Councilor of St. Petersburg, 1st class. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Pro Arte Charitable Foundation.
  • Honored Worker of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.
  • Winner of the E. Dashkova Prize for supporting libraries.
  • Member of the Writers' Union of St. Petersburg; member of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists.
  • Author of a book of poetry “Fragments”, books of prose “Contours of Light”, “Contours of Laughter”, “Dream (C)”, “Seven and a Half”, journalistic articles in the magazine “Zvezda”, newspapers in St. Petersburg.
  • Hobbies: literature, travel, archaeological expeditions, writing opera parodies.
  • Club member since 1995.


Lecture by V. I. Khodanovich “Distillery Petersburg: a century of history, 1818-1918.”

November 3, 2019 in the library named after. L.N. Tolstoy will give a lecture by V.I. Khodanovich on the facts of alcohol consumption and production in St. Petersburg.

We invite you to a meeting with V.I. Khodanovich, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, author of six books about Yekateringhof and its
surroundings from the end of the 18th century. until the middle of the twentieth century.
The lecture “Distillery Petersburg: a century of history, 1818-1918” is devoted to the most interesting facts of production and
consumption of strong alcoholic drinks in St. Petersburg, the peculiarities of production and trade, the fight for people's sobriety.
The meeting will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 15:00, in the Green Living Room of the library named after. L. N. Tolstoy at the address: V. O. 6th line, building 17.

Announcement of the competition “Star of Prometheus”

Announcement of the competition "Star of Prometheus"

Announcement of the competition

"Star of Prometheus"

The World Club of St. Petersburgers announces the International Competition of Young Talents for the “Star of Prometheus”® award, established by outstanding figures of science and culture of St. Petersburg in 1996. The competition is held with the support of the Committee for Culture and the Committee for Education of St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage children’s desire for knowledge and spiritual ideals, to develop children’s talent as the wealth of the nation.

The competition is dedicated to the memory of the first president of the World Club of St. Petersburgers, Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy.

1. Award conditions.

1.1. “Star of Prometheus” is awarded to children aged 14-17 years who have declared themselves at Russian and international Olympiads, competitions and competitions.

1.2. Awards are given in the following categories:

· scientific and technical creativity

· young leader

· journalism

1.3. The following have the right to nominate candidates:

city ​​administrations

educational institutions

· outstanding figures of science and culture from various countries of the world

1.4. To apply for the Star of Prometheus award, you must provide the following documents:

1.4.1. Nomination for an award (who nominates, in what category)

1.4.2. Information about the applicant (personal details)

last name, first name, patronymic

date and place of birth

· home address, home phone, e-mail

· mobile phone

· Full name of parents, mobile phones of parents

· number (name) of the secondary school (college, gymnasium), telephone, e-mail

· name of the institution of additional education, name of the circle, section telephone, e-mail

· Full name, position of scientific supervisor (trainer, teacher), phone number.

1.4.3. Creative characteristics (expanded, on paper and electronic media).

1.4.4. Creative and scientific works.

1.4.5. A list of diplomas and certificates for the last 3 years, confirming achievements in the relevant categories, and their photocopies.

1.4.6. Color photo of the applicant (good quality portrait on electronic media).

1.5. Proposals for the Star of Prometheus award are accepted in sealed envelopes. The envelope indicates the nomination, name and address of the Organizing Committee, and the sender's return address. The opening of envelopes is carried out at a meeting of the Organizing Committee.

1.6. The organizing committee reserves the right to use materials submitted for the competition in publications of the World Club of St. Petersburgers.

1.7. Documents submitted for the competition will not be returned.

1.8. The award ceremony is held on February 27, the birthday of the first president of the World Club of St. Petersburg, Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. Information about the place and time of the celebration will be communicated additionally.

2. Organizational structure.

2.1. The Organizing Committee accepts documents, ensures the work of the jury, prepares and conducts the solemn ceremony of awarding the “Star of Prometheus”.

2.2. The award winners are determined by a competitive jury, which includes authoritative figures in science, culture and sports.

2.3. The winner in each category is awarded the “Star of Prometheus” award, a diploma and a gift.

2.4. The results of the competition will be posted on the Club's website and covered in the media. The winners of the competition will be determined by the jury by February 20, 2020 and notified by the Organizing Committee.

2.5. Documents for participation in the competition can be sent until December 13, 2019 (inclusive) by email: [email protected], or deliver in person, or send by mail to the address: 13 line, building 78, office 232, World Club of St. Petersburgers.

Tel.: +7921930-42-81 or +7921948-58-97 E-mail: [email protected] Website:


We're together again

We're together again

The holiday began from the doorstep. As soon as you stepped over it, you immediately found yourself in a luxurious room with a huge composition of fresh flowers. The aroma of joy was spread everywhere, and no matter what your mood, you began to smile. This smile then accompanies the whole evening. Indeed, isn’t it joyful to meet friends with whom we have been together for twenty-eight years? Today the World Club of St. Petersburgers opens its twenty-ninth season at the Hermitage Hotel, the official hotel of the State Hermitage. The hotel itself is six years old.

...Glasses of champagne are clinking, leisurely conversations are heard. Joyful greetings are heard all around - as befits when meeting friends... But then the sounds of the anthem of the World Club of St. Petersburgers are heard. Everyone stands up... The ceremonial Assembly is opened by the president of the club, Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky. He congratulated the Club members on the opening of the season, and the Hermitage Hotel on its six-year anniversary. The cooperation of the State Hermitage, the World Club of St. Petersburg and the Hermitage Hotel is producing remarkable results. The evenings dedicated to the liberation of Leningrad from the siege and the Victory Day holiday deserved deep gratitude from the veterans. In response, General Director of the Hermitage Hotel Eduard Petrovich Babaev said: “Thanks to our cooperation, our programs have become deeper and more meaningful. We are all united by our love for this great city.” One would like to remember the words of the poet of the first wave of emigration: “There was one capital on earth. Everything else is just cities.”

Chairman of the Board of the World St. Petersburg Club Valentina Trofimovna Orlova told those present about what the Club will be doing in the next season. The international connections of the club will continue to develop and strengthen, which is facilitated by foreign members of the club, and visiting meetings of the club in different countries of the world, and the International “Baltic Star” awards for the development and strengthening of humanitarian ties in the countries of the Baltic region, the international “Nicholas Roerich Prize”, and the International Bookworm Award for book devotees, of which the club is one of the founders. This year the club became a partner of the Golden Trezzini competition. The purpose of the competition is to identify architectural, design and restoration projects whose artistic value allows them to be classified as works of art.

For 28 years, the Club has been cooperating with the diplomatic corps of St. Petersburg, actively fulfilling the mission of public diplomacy. Paths of cooperation between the Diplomatic and World Club of St. Petersburg have been outlined.

The youth section of the club is active, conducting excursions, lectures and conversations about St. Petersburg for social and orphanages, and there is a free student legal clinic for pensioners. The international competition of young talents “Star of Prometheus” has been announced for the 24th time in memory of the first president of the club, Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy.

The Club’s project dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern received support from Gazprom. As part of the project, a historical, source study and brightly illustrated book “The Circle of Krusenstern” will be published with translation into English and Estonian languages, round tables and quizzes will be held for schoolchildren in Russia and Estonia about the first trips around the world, the magazine “Koster” will tell schoolchildren about life of Admiral Krusenstern. Krusenstern Avenue, opened on the initiative of the World Club of St. Petersburgers, is already officially on the maps of St. Petersburg.

And recently, the city toponymic commission, in response to an appeal from the World Club of St. Petersburgers, decided to name the park on Sredeneokhtinsky Avenue named after Georg Ots, not far from the place where the famous baritone lived for some time. The club will take part in the improvement of the square and its grand opening on the day of the centenary anniversary of Georg Ots on March 21, 2020.

Under the auspices of the VIII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, a conference “Preservation and development of St. Petersburg traditions in the field of urban planning, architecture, art and urban design” will be held. The conference is held by the State Hermitage Museum, the World Club of St. Petersburgers and the Official Hotel of the State Hermitage Museum.

Round table meetings on the aesthetics of the urban environment will continue under the leadership of the president of the club, Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky.

For many years the club has had a project “Ermites. Petersburg fairy tale." The Hermits are the heroes of Alexey Bobrinsky’s book, published three times in the “Library of the World Club of St. Petersburg” series. The author of the idea is Eduard Gennadievich Matushkin, a long-time partner and friend of the club. Taking into account the humanitarian, pedagogical and educational potential of the project “Hermites. St. Petersburg Fairy Tale" for the cultural development of the younger generation, the World Club of St. Petersburgers and the animation studio "EVA Group" agreed to cooperate with each other in the preparation and implementation of the Project to create a series of short cartoons under the working title "Ermites. Guardians of St. Petersburg." Now the Ermits from book characters will become heroes of cartoons, home movies, thematic excursions, tourist routes and quests around St. Petersburg.

Partnership relations link the World Club of St. Petersburgers and the Resurrection Novodevichy Convent, which is celebrating its 170th anniversary. On October 30, on the stage of the Carnival theater and concert complex, with the participation of the World Club of St. Petersburgers, a gala concert of the Vladimir Font music festival will take place.

There was a presentation of books published in the “Library of the World Club of St. Petersburg” series: a collection of prose and poetry by Svetlana Dion, a Club member from Spain, and the book by Andrei Zakharov and Valentina Nikolaeva “Immediately send a frigate to Lubeck.” The monograph tells how a collection of paintings by Count Heinrich von Bruhl, the first minister of the Elector of Saxony and King of Poland Augustus III, was purchased for Catherine II and delivered to Russia. This is the largest foreign purchase of paintings in the history of the State Hermitage. However, until recently, it was not clear in what year it occurred: some data pointed to 1768, but the catalogs showed 1769 everywhere. This prompted the authors to take up this topic. The book was published in the year of the 255th anniversary of the State Hermitage and the 290th anniversary of the birth of Catherine II.

On this day, Georgy Vladimirovich Antsev, General Director and General Designer of the scientific and production enterprise Radar MMS, was accepted as a member of the World Club of St. Petersburgers.

Last Monday, October 14, the “Mirrors” exhibition opened at the Grand Canyon development site (154A Engels Ave., 3rd floor). Students of the design department of the Interregional Center (College) presented their works in the batik technique and painting.

The exhibition features more than 80 paintings, each of which captivates with the combination of colors and detail, as well as the inclusion of decorative elements. Landscapes, portraits, abstractions touch the finest strings of the soul, attract, excite, fill with warmth.

The exhibition “Mirrors” is supported by the “World Club of St. Petersburgers”.
You can visit it daily from 10:00 to 22:00 until October 25.