International mathematical competition of non-capital cities. Competitions

The Foundation for Support of Socio-Cultural Initiatives “GS Creative Platform” is holding the IV International GS Group Competition in Mathematics among high school students from non-capital cities.

Students of grades 9, 10 and 11 from general educational institutions from Russia (with the exception of general educational institutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg), near and far abroad countries are invited to participate.

The competition is held from September to December 2017 in three stages:

  • 1st online round: September 11 – October 31, 2017;
  • 2nd online round: November 13 – November 26, 2017;
  • 3rd full-time (final) round: December 16-17, 2017.

Conditions for participation in the Competition:

Register on the Competition website from September 11 until October 31, 2017.

Complete the tasks of the 1st correspondence Internet round of the Competition during the period from September 11 to October 31, 2017 online. On November 7, the list of finalists of the 1st correspondence Internet round will be published on the Competition website 1000 (one thousand) participants selected by the jury and who received the highest number of points. Finalists are allowed to participate in the 2nd online correspondence round.

Complete the tasks of the 2nd correspondence online tour during the period from November 13 to November 26, 2017 online. On December 1, the list of finalists of the 2nd correspondence online round will be published on the Competition website 40 (forty) participants selected by the jury and who received the highest number of points. Finalists are allowed to participate in the 3rd full-time final round.

Take part in the 3rd full-time final round, which will take place from December 16 to 17, 2017 in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. The Organizer of the Competition pays for transportation, meals and accommodation for each participant in the 3rd in-person final round and one accompanying person for the duration of the final round. In the case of two or more participants traveling from the same locality, the Competition Organizer pays for transfer, food and accommodation for one accompanying person per group.

Complete the tasks of the 3rd full-time final round during the period from December 16 to 17, 2017. The jury members will determine 10 (ten) winners of the 3rd full-time final round based on the number of points scored. Summing up the results of the Competition and announcing the results of the 3rd full-time final round will take place at the award ceremony for the winners on December 17, 2017 in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. The overall results will be published on the official website of the Competition

The winners of the Competition are 10 participants of the 3rd full-time final round of the Competition, who will receive the most points based on the results of completing the tasks of the last stage.

The winners are awarded the following prizes:

11th grade students: annual scholarship from GS Group. The monthly stipend paid from September 2018 to May 2019 is 9,000 (nine thousand) rubles, including personal income tax.

Students of grades 9 and 10: electronic technology.

Dear lyceum students and teachers!

1. Registration for the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics for the 2017/2018 academic year continues. We invite students in grades 7-11 to participate!
Please note that the dates of the first round have shifted compared to previously announced (see below).

Registration, participation and completion of training tasks and tasks of the Olympiad rounds is free and free. Immediately after registration, you can complete training tasks. Approximately a third of the distance tour participants will receive diplomas and certificates, and all participants will receive certificates of participation, and teachers whose students have shown high results will receive certificates.

Details on the Olympiad home page and registration page

The Olympiad is annually included in the List of Olympiads of the RSOS, which provide benefits for admission to universities - in the draft List of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for the 2017/18 academic year, it was included at number 18, level 2. In addition, the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics received international status - see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of March 17, 2017 No. R-130

Preliminary schedule of rounds of the Olympiad 2017/2018 academic year

Distance round 1: November 29 - December 6, 2017 (at the request of the participants, the dates have been shifted compared to those originally announced so that there is no overlap with the International Experimental Physics Olympiad).
Distance Tour 2: January 21-27, 2018
Final (in-person) round for 11th grade: March 24, 2018
Final (in-person) round for grades 7-10: March 24-25, 2018

Organizing Committee of the Internet Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

2. From September 11 to October 31, 2017, the first round of the IV International
GS Group competition in mathematics for high school students (grades 9-11) from non-capital cities (in Russia, students from all settlements except Moscow and St. Petersburg can participate, in other countries - except the capitals of these countries).

Invitation from the Organizing Committee of the competition:

Dear friends!
We invite you to take part in the qualifying stage of the IV International GS Group Competition in Mathematics for high school students from non-capital cities. If you are in grades 9-11, love mathematics and dream of higher technical education, join our large-scale mathematical competition!
The competition is held in three stages:
1st online round: September 11 – October 31, 2017;
2nd online round: November 13-26, 2017;
3rd full-time (final) round: December 16-17, 2017.

To participate you need:
Register on the website before October 31, 2017
Within 1.5 hours online, complete the proposed tasks of the first stage: three tasks with answer options and five with an open solution.
On November 7, 2017, view the results of the first round on the website: 1000 schoolchildren who scored the most points will be able to take part in the second online round.

Based on the results of the second online stage, 40 finalists will be selected. The final in-person round and the award ceremony will take place on December 16-17 on the territory of the Technopolis GS innovation cluster (GS Group investment project in Gusev, Kaliningrad region). Schoolchildren and their accompanying persons will be paid for transfer, accommodation and meals.
Based on the results of the competition, 10 winners will be determined:
students in grades 9-10 will be awarded electronic equipment.
Eleventh-graders will receive monthly personal scholarships from the GS Group holding (subject to admission to a university for technical specialties that are in demand in GS Technopolis).

Test your knowledge, get a chance to make yourself known throughout the country and lay the foundation for your brilliant future now!
Organizing Committee of the competition

On September 11, 2017, the IV International Mathematics Competition for high school students from non-capital cities was launched - a global educational project of the GS Group holding with the support of leading Russian universities, educational and cultural institutions. The tasks of the first online round are already available on the website Students in grades 9–11 from all over Russia (except Moscow and St. Petersburg) and other countries are invited to participate - test their knowledge, make themselves known throughout the country and compete for valuable prizes, including annual personalized scholarships for the winners who entered to technical universities. Young mathematicians will have 2 online tours, and this complex and exciting journey of conquering the queen of sciences will end with an in-person final on December 16-17 in the Technopolis GS innovation cluster.

The first online round of the IV International Competition in Mathematics GS Group, which started on September 11, will last until October 31, 2017. To participate, schoolchildren must register on the website and complete the proposed tasks within 1.5 hours online - optionally in Russian or English. Young mathematicians will find three problems with multiple choice answers and five with open solutions. On November 7, a list of lucky winners will be published - 1000 schoolchildren who have scored the most points and will be able to take part in the second online round. This stage will take place on November 13-26, 2017, and based on its results, 40 finalists will be selected. The final in-person tour will take place on December 16-17 on the territory of the Technopolis GS innovation cluster (GS Group investment project in Gusev, Kaliningrad region). Schoolchildren and their accompanying persons will be paid for transfer, accommodation and meals.

Based on the results of the competition, 10 winners will be determined. The award ceremony will take place on December 17 at Technopolis GS. Students in grades 9–10 who win the competition will receive electronic equipment. And for eleventh-graders, the victory will be a truly significant event: throughout the year they will receive monthly personalized scholarships from the GS Group holding, subject to enrolling in a university for technical specialties that are in demand at GS Technopolis. Among them are “Information Technologies”, “Applied Mathematics and Physics”, “Electronics and Microelectronics”, “Radio Engineering”, “Telecommunications”, “Nanomaterials” and many others.

In addition to the final mathematical competition, the finalists will get acquainted with Technopolis and the rich history of the Kaliningrad region, communicate with jury members and special guests - outstanding mathematicians, experts in the field of high technology, honored figures of science and education. Among them are representatives of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, MIEP at the IPA EurAsEC, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Software Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other leading universities, educational and cultural institutions - strategic partners of the IV International Competition in Mathematics GS Group.

“The mathematics competition for high school students from non-capital cities is one of the key projects of the large-scale educational program of the GS Group. Excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg from the geography of participants allows us to attract talented schoolchildren from provincial cities, who often have fewer opportunities to obtain a high-quality higher education than their peers from the capitals. We strive to popularize technical education in the school environment, and we succeed: all five winners of the 2015 mathematics competition entered universities to study technical specialties, and among the winners of last year’s competition there were at least three such children. We are confident that they have a bright future in the field of high technology, and we are ready to discover new talents this year,” said Andrey Bezrukov, director of strategic projects and communications at GS Group.

In 2016, 4,500 schoolchildren from all over the world took part in the mathematics competition. Based on the results of the first round, 974 schoolchildren who scored the highest number of points were selected. 40 high school students from 27 Russian settlements, as well as the Republic of Belarus, qualified for the final stage of the competition. The winners were 5 students in grades 9–10 and 5 students in eleventh grade. In total, since 2013, more than 13 thousand schoolchildren have taken part in the International Mathematics Competition.

On September 11, 2017, the IV International Mathematics Competition for students in grades 9–11 from non-capital cities starts. The event organizer is an investment and industrial holding company GS Group– invites high school students to test their knowledge and compete for valuable prizes and annual scholarships, which will be paid to the winners who are admitted to universities for technical specialties. The final of the competition will take place on December 16-17 in innovation cluster "Technopolis GS" .

The IV International GS Group Competition in Mathematics will traditionally be held in three stages: two online rounds and an in-person final in the Technopolis GS innovation cluster. Students in grades 9–11 from non-capital cities of Russia (except Moscow and St. Petersburg), as well as countries near and far abroad, are invited to participate. Based on the results of the competition, 10 winners will be determined. Pupils of grades 9–10 who win the competition will receive valuable prizes - electronic equipment. And for eleventh-graders, the victory will be a truly significant event: throughout the year they will receive monthly personalized scholarships from the GS Group holding. Scholarships will be paid subject to admission to a university for technical specialties in demand at Technopolis GS. Among them are “Information Technologies”, “Applied Mathematics and Physics”, “Electronics and Microelectronics”, “Radio Engineering”, “Telecommunications”, “Nanomaterials” and many others.

The first online tour will run from September 11 to October 31, 2017. To participate, you must register on the official website of the event and complete the proposed tasks. Based on the results of the first stage, 1000 schoolchildren who scored the most points will take part in the second online round on November 13-26, 2017. 40 schoolchildren who most successfully completed the tasks of the second stage will be invited to the finals. The final in-person tour will take place on December 16-17 in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, on the territory of the unique innovation cluster “Technopolis GS”. In addition to the final mathematical competition, the finalists will get acquainted with Technopolis and the rich history of the Kaliningrad region, communicate with jury members and special guests - outstanding mathematicians, experts in the field of high technology, honored figures of science and education. Schoolchildren and their accompanying persons will be paid for transfer, accommodation and meals.

The summing up and awards ceremony for the winners will take place on December 17 at Technopolis GS.

“The mathematics competition allows us to attract talented schoolchildren from provincial cities, who often have fewer opportunities to receive a quality higher education than high school students from Moscow and St. Petersburg. By supporting talented schoolchildren aimed at development in the field of high technologies, we are preparing a worthy personnel reserve - qualified specialists who in the foreseeable future will occupy leading positions at leading Russian enterprises,” said Andrey Bezrukov, director of strategic projects and communications at GS Group.

“The GS Group competition in mathematics occupies a special place in the world of mathematical competitions and olympiads: thanks to it, schoolchildren from different regions of Russia and other countries have the opportunity to solve interesting problems, meet each other, communicate, exchange experiences, and also get acquainted with the GS Technopolis " I got a lot of pleasure from completing difficult tasks, and winning this competition made me move forward even more actively. For me, every solved problem is a real discovery, and I want there to be as many such discoveries as possible, so I think that my profession will be related to mathematics and programming,” shared the winner of the III GS Group International Competition in Mathematics Alexander Tolmachev (G . Sarov).

IN In 2016, 4,500 schoolchildren from all over the world took part in the mathematics competition. Based on the results of the first round, 974 schoolchildren who scored the highest number of points were selected. 40 high school students from 27 Russian settlements, as well as the Republic of Belarus, qualified for the final stage of the competition. The winners were 5 students in grades 9–10 and 5 students in eleventh grade. In total, since 2013, more than 13 thousand schoolchildren have taken part in the International Mathematics Competition.

The final of a mathematical competition in non-capital cities, an innovative Technopolis in small Gusev and many more interesting things...
All these words briefly describe my difficult but interesting weekend
So, on December 7-8 at the innovation center “ Technopolis GS» the city of Gusev hosted the third full-time round of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in non-capital cities.
During the first two Internet tours from more than 4,500 high school students 9-11 classes from 9 countries (Russia (76 regions of the country), Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Sweden, Estonia, Tajikistan) were selected 45 participants, who were invited to the city of Gusev. I was among those who made it to the final round.

The Olympics were supposed to take place at 10 am on December 7, but one after another, due to the vagaries of the weather in Moscow, flights were canceled, and the participants could not arrive. While waiting for the remaining participants, we and those who had already arrived visited Technopolis and the Museum of Local Lore.
By the way, the participants turned out to be very unusual. These were the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Higher School of Education, participants in international Olympiads, and holders of various grants and scholarships. Very smart guys!
But let's get back to the main thing. Technopolis GS is an innovation cluster in the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, covering an area of ​​230 hectares. More than 25 billion rubles have been invested in the project. Technopolis unites production zones ( "GS Nanotech", "Digital Television Systems", "Prankor", "First Cardboard Factory", "White Key"), research center, business incubator and residential area. Technopolis impressed me! I would really like to go on such an excursion again, because it is really interesting.
After visiting the Museum of Local Lore (and by this time I was squeezed like lemon and really wanted to sleep), we heard about such universities in St. Petersburg as SPbSU,SPbSPU And RGPU named after. A.I. Herzen from representatives of the universities themselves. This tired us even more, but the Olympics were ahead of us. Still, after waiting for the other participants, who were no less tired after the flight, at 17:39 we began to complete the tasks. Unfortunately, time was given only 2.5 hours for 8 tasks. I had to figure out very quickly what was going wrong after such a busy day.
The work was inspected Pratusevich Maxim Yakovlevich- Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Director of Physics and Mathematics school No. 239 of St. Petersburg, Maksimov Dmitry Vasilievich- Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, candidate of physics and mathematics. sciences, Maria Sorokina- graduate of Lyceum 239, St. Petersburg State University and a young teacher of higher geometry and number theory in Poland, Italy, Russia.

This morning we could get acquainted with the solutions to the problems, with our points and submit appeals. After lunch, the awards ceremony took place, which was attended by Svetlana Sergeevna Truseneva, Minister of Education of the Kaliningrad Region. Without expecting it at all, I was included in the list of winners of this competition and received certificate for an annual personal scholarship. The winners in grades 9 and 10 received Apple MacBook Air And certificate for installation of a set of equipment "Tricolor TV".

As for the prospects for this Olympiad, the organizers of the competition want to include this Olympiad in list of Olympiads that provide benefits for admission. But for this it must be carried out for at least three years.

Of course, the weekend turned out to be difficult and very eventful, but one cannot help but appreciate the significance of the competition and my participation in it.

Participate in competitions, gain new experience, meet new people, new teachers and even scientists! This is very interesting and useful!

Bogatova Alla for blog 11 "A" class