Ministry of Transport Bobrovskaya. Interview with Veronica Bobrovskaya, deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency, to the Russian newspaper. I'll definitely go. And what will I see there


dated September 25, 2014 No. 611
On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “Real Estate Valuation (FSO No. 7)”

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3813; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3456; 2010, No. 30, Art. 3998; 20.11, No. 1 , art. 43; no. 29, art. 4291; 2014, no. 4226)

Approve the attached Federal Assessment Standard “(FSO No. 7)”.

A.V. Ulyukaev

APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
dated 25/09/2014 N 611

Federal Valuation Standard “Real Estate Valuation (FSO No. 7)”

I. General provisions

1. This Federal Valuation Standard has been developed taking into account international valuation standards and federal valuation standards “General concepts of valuation, approaches to valuation and requirements for valuation (FSO No. 1)”, “Purpose of valuation and types of value (FSO No. 2)”, “ Requirements for an assessment report (FSO No. 3)” (hereinafter referred to as FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3) and defines the requirements for conducting a real estate assessment.

2. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies the requirements and procedures established by FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3, and is mandatory for use when appraising real estate.

3. The provisions of this Federal Valuation Standard do not apply to the valuation of aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects, subsoil plots, enterprises as property complexes subject to state registration, as well as to the determination of the cadastral value of real estate using methods
mass assessment.

II. Objects of assessment

4. For the purposes of this Federal Standard, the objects of assessment may be real estate objects - developed land plots, undeveloped land plots, capital construction projects, as well as parts of land plots and capital construction projects, residential and non-residential premises, together or separately, taking into account related their property rights, if this does not contradict current legislation. For the purposes of this Federal Standard, the objects of valuation may be shares in the right to real estate.

III. General requirements for conducting an assessment

5. When collecting information about the property being appraised, the appraiser or his representative conducts an inspection of the property being appraised during a period possibly close to the appraisal date, unless otherwise specified in the appraisal assignment. In case of failure to conduct an inspection, the appraiser indicates in the evaluation report the reasons why the object of assessment was not inspected, as well as assumptions and limitations associated with the failure to conduct an inspection.

6. A joint assessment of a land plot and capital construction projects located on it in the absence of title and title documents for the land plot is carried out taking into account the rights and obligations of the owner of capital construction projects in relation to the land plot established by current legislation, as well as the typical behavior of owners in relation to similar land plot (purchase or lease).

7. In the absence of documented property rights of third parties in relation to the property being assessed, restrictions (encumbrances), as well as environmental pollution, the assessment of the object is carried out based on the assumption of the absence of such rights, restrictions (encumbrances) and pollution, taking into account the circumstances identified during the inspection , unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

IV. Assessment task

8. The task for assessing a property must contain the following additional information to that specified in paragraph 17 of FSO No. 1:

  • composition of the object of assessment, indicating information sufficient to identify each of its parts (if available);
  • characteristics of the appraised object and its appraised parts or links to documents available to the appraiser containing such characteristics;
  • rights taken into account when assessing the subject of assessment, restrictions (encumbrances) of these rights, including in relation to each part of the subject of assessment.

9. The assessment assignment may indicate other calculated values, including:

  • market rent (the estimated amount of money for which a property could be rented at the valuation date under typical market conditions);
  • costs of creation (reproduction or replacement) of capital construction projects;
  • losses (actual damage, lost profits) upon alienation of a property, as well as in other cases;
  • costs for eliminating environmental pollution and (or) reclamation of land.

V. Market analysis

10. To determine the value of real estate, the appraiser examines the market in those segments that include the actual use of the property being valued and other types of use necessary to determine its value.

11. Analysis of the real estate market is carried out in the following sequence:

a) analysis of the influence of the general political and socio-economic situation in the country and region of location of the property being assessed on the market of the property being assessed, including trends that have emerged in the market in the period preceding the date of assessment;

b) determination of the market segment to which the valued object belongs. If the real estate market is underdeveloped and there is insufficient data to provide an idea of ​​the prices of transactions and (or) offers with comparable real estate objects, it is possible to expand the study area to territories that are similar in economic characteristics to the location of the property being evaluated;

c) analysis of actual data on the prices of transactions and (or) offers with real estate objects from market segments to which the valued object can be classified under actual, as well as alternative options for its use, indicating the range of price values;

d) analysis of the main factors influencing the demand, supply and prices of comparable real estate, for example, rates of return, payback periods for investments in the real estate market, with intervals for the values ​​of these factors;

e) main conclusions regarding the real estate market in the segments necessary to evaluate the property, for example, market dynamics, demand, supply, sales volume, market capacity, motivation of buyers and sellers, liquidity, price fluctuations in the market of the property being valued and other conclusions.

The scope of research is determined by the appraiser based on the principle of sufficiency.

VI. Best use analysis

12. Highest use analysis underlies real estate market value estimates

13. The most effective use is that use of real estate that maximizes its productivity (corresponds to its highest value) and which is physically possible, legally permitted (as of the date the value of the property is assessed) and financially justified.

14. The most effective use of a real estate property may correspond to its actual use or involve other use, for example, repair (or reconstruction) of capital construction facilities existing on the land plot.

15. Analysis of the most effective use allows us to identify the most profitable use of a real estate asset, which market participants (buyers and sellers) focus on when setting the transaction price. When determining the market value, the appraiser is guided by the results of this analysis to select approaches and methods for valuing the property being appraised and selecting comparable real estate when applying each approach.

16. Analysis of the most effective use of the object being assessed is carried out, as a rule, based on space-planning and design solutions. For assessment objects, which include a land plot and capital construction objects, the most effective use is determined taking into account the existing capital construction objects. In this case, such an analysis is carried out by carrying out the necessary calculations or without them, if justifications are presented that do not require calculations.

17. An analysis of the most effective use of parts of a real estate property, for example built-in residential and non-residential premises, is carried out taking into account the actual use of other parts of this property.

18. An analysis of the most effective use of a part of a real estate property being reconstructed or subject to reconstruction is carried out taking into account the most effective use of the entire property being reconstructed.

19. The most effective use of a property valued individually may differ from its most effective use as part of a complex of real estate objects being valued.

20. The market value of a land plot built up with capital construction projects, or capital construction projects for entering this value into the state real estate cadastre, is assessed based on the type of actual use of the property being valued. In this case, the developed land plot is assessed as undeveloped, intended for use in accordance with the type of its actual use.

21. An analysis of the most effective use of a real estate property for rent is carried out taking into account the conditions of use of this property established by the lease agreement or the draft of such an agreement.

VII. Approaches to assessment

22. When applying a comparative approach to real estate valuation, the appraiser takes into account the following provisions:

a) a comparative approach is used to evaluate real estate, when it is possible to select a sufficient number of analogous objects with known transaction and (or) offer prices for evaluation;

b) real estate objects that belong to the same market segment as the object being valued and are comparable to it in terms of pricing factors are used as analogue objects. At the same time, for all real estate objects, including the one being assessed, pricing for each of these factors must be uniform;

c) when conducting an assessment, the volume of market data available to the appraiser about analogous objects and the rules for their selection for calculations must be described. The use in calculations of only part of the analogous objects available to the appraiser must be justified in the assessment report;

d) to perform calculations, specific indicators of value (comparison units) typical for a similar object that have developed on the market of the object being valued are used, in particular the price or rent per unit of area or unit of volume;

e) depending on the initial information available on the market, in the process of real estate valuation, qualitative valuation methods (relative comparative analysis, expert assessment method and other methods), quantitative valuation methods (regression analysis method, quantitative adjustment method and other methods), as well as their combinations.

When applying qualitative methods, real estate valuation is carried out by studying the relationships identified based on the analysis of transaction prices and (or) offers with similar objects or relevant information received from experts, and using these relationships to conduct an assessment in accordance with the technology of the method chosen for evaluation.

When applying the adjustment method, each analogue object is compared with the valued object according to price-forming factors (comparison elements), differences between objects in these factors are identified, and the price of the analogue object or its specific indicator is adjusted according to the identified differences in order to further determine the value of the valued object. In this case, the adjustment for each element of comparison is based on the principle of the contribution of this element to the cost of the object.

When applying regression analysis methods, the appraiser, using data from the market segment of the object being valued, constructs a pricing model that corresponds to the market for this object, from which he determines the estimated value of the sought value;

f) to compare the valuation object with other real estate objects with which transactions have been made or which are presented on the market for their completion, the following elements of comparison are usually used:

  • transferred property rights, restrictions (encumbrances) on these rights;
  • terms of financing of a completed or proposed transaction (type of payment, credit conditions, other conditions);
  • terms of sale (conditions atypical for the market, transaction between affiliates, other conditions);
  • market conditions (price changes for the period between the transaction and valuation dates, discounts to offer prices, other conditions);
  • type of use and/or zoning;
  • object location;
  • physical characteristics of the object, including the properties of the land plot, the condition of capital construction objects, the ratio of the area of ​​the land plot and its built-up area, other characteristics;
  • economic characteristics (level of operating expenses, lease terms, composition of tenants, other characteristics);
  • the presence of movable property not related to real estate;
  • other characteristics (elements) affecting the cost;

g) in addition to cost, the comparative approach can be used to determine other estimates, such as rental rates, depreciation and obsolescence, capitalization rates and discount rates.

23. When applying the income approach, the appraiser takes into account the following provisions:

a) the income approach is used to value real estate that generates or is capable of generating income streams;

b) within the framework of the income approach, the value of real estate can be determined by the direct capitalization method, the discounted cash flow method or the capitalization method using calculation models;

c) the direct capitalization method is used to evaluate real estate assets that do not require significant capital investments in their repair or reconstruction, the actual use of which corresponds to their most effective use. Determining the value of real estate objects using this method is carried out by dividing the annual income from the object corresponding to the market by the total capitalization rate, which is determined based on the analysis of market data on the ratio of income and prices of real estate objects similar to the object being valued;

d) the discounted cash flow method is used to evaluate real estate that generates or is capable of generating income streams with arbitrary dynamics of their changes over time by discounting them at a rate corresponding to the return on investment in similar real estate;

e) the capitalization method based on calculation models is used to evaluate real estate that generates regular income streams with the expected dynamics of their change. Capitalization of such income is carried out at a general capitalization rate constructed on the basis of the discount rate adopted. taking into account the return of capital model, methods and conditions of financing, as well as expected changes in income and property value in the future;

f) the structure (taking into account taxes, return of capital, rate of change in income and asset value) of the discount rates and (or) capitalization used must correspond to the structure of the discounted (capitalized) income;

g) for real estate that can be rented out, rental payments should be considered as a source of income; h) the valuation of real estate intended for running a certain type of business (for example, hotels, restaurants, gas stations) can be carried out on the basis of information about the operating activities of this business by separating from its value components that are not related to the real estate being valued.

24. When applying the cost approach, the appraiser takes into account the following provisions:

a) the cost approach is recommended to be used for the valuation of real estate - land plots built up with capital construction projects, or capital construction projects, but not their parts, for example, residential and non-residential premises;

b) it is advisable to use the cost approach to evaluate real estate if it corresponds to the most efficient use of the land plot as undeveloped and it is possible to correctly assess physical wear and tear, as well as functional and external (economic) obsolescence of capital construction projects;

c) the cost approach is recommended to be used when market activity is low, when there is insufficient data necessary to apply the comparative and income approaches to valuation, as well as to evaluate real estate for special purposes and uses (for example, linear objects, hydraulic structures, water towers, pumping stations, boiler houses , utility networks and other real estate for which there are no market data on transactions and offers);

d) in general, the value of a property, determined using the cost approach, is calculated in the following sequence:

  • determining the value of rights to a land plot as undeveloped;
  • calculation of costs for the creation (reproduction or replacement) of capital construction projects;
  • determining the entrepreneur's profit;
  • identification of wear and tear and obsolescence;
  • determining the cost of capital construction projects by summing up the costs of creating these facilities and the entrepreneur’s profit and subtracting their physical wear and tear;
  • determining the value of a real estate property as the sum of the value of rights to a land plot and the cost of capital construction projects;

e) for the purpose of determining the market value of a property using the cost approach, the land plot is assessed as undeveloped, assuming its most efficient use;

f) calculation of costs for the creation of capital construction projects is carried out on the basis of:

  • data on construction contracts (agreements) for the construction of similar facilities;
  • data on the costs of construction of similar facilities from specialized directories;
  • estimate calculations;
  • information on market prices for building materials;
  • other data;

g) the costs of creating capital construction projects are determined as the sum of the costs included in the construction and installation work directly related to the creation of these objects, and the costs associated with their creation, but not included in the construction and installation work;

h) for the purpose of assessing the market value of real estate, the amount of profit of an entrepreneur is determined on the basis of market information using extraction methods, expert assessments or analytical models, taking into account direct, indirect and opportunity costs associated with the creation of capital construction projects and the acquisition of rights to a land plot;

i) the amount of wear and tear and obsolescence is defined as the loss of real estate value as a result of physical wear and tear, functional and external (economic) obsolescence. At the same time, wear and tear and obsolescence relate to capital construction projects related to the real estate being assessed.

25. has the right to use a different calculation methodology and independently determine the method (methods) of real estate valuation within each of the selected approaches, based on the principles of materiality, validity, unambiguity, verifiability and sufficiency. In this case, the appraisal report must provide a description of the method(s) chosen by the appraiser, allowing the user of the appraisal report to understand the logic of the process of determining value and the compliance of the method(s) chosen by the appraiser with the property, the principles of appraisal, the type of value being determined and the intended use of the appraisal results.

VIII. Coordination of assessment results

26. Coordination of real estate assessment results obtained using various methods and approaches to assessment, and reflection of its results in the assessment report, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of FSO No. 1 and FSO No. 3.

27. If several valuation methods are used within any approach to real estate valuation, preliminary approval of their results is carried out in order to obtain an intermediate result of real estate valuation using this approach.

28. In the process of coordinating the intermediate results of real estate valuation obtained using different approaches, it is necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, explain the discrepancy between the intermediate results and, based on the analysis, determine the final result of the real estate valuation.

29. If there is insufficient market data necessary to implement any of the approaches to real estate valuation in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard and, within the framework of the selected approach based on the available data, it is recommended to indicate the approximate values ​​(value) of the value being assessed, which are not taken into account when final approval, but can be used as verification for the final result of real estate assessment.

30. After the approval procedure, the appraiser, in addition to indicating in the assessment report the final result of the assessment of the value of real estate, gives his judgment on the possible boundaries of the interval in which, in his opinion, this value may lie, unless otherwise indicated in the assessment assignment.

Veronika Bobrovskaya has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Legal Committee. She left St. Petersburg several years ago, and before that she managed to work in Smolny in the leadership of several committees. Including the legal one, to which she is now forced to return from federal positions.

On Monday, November 26, Veronica Bobrovskaya was appointed deputy chairman of the Legal Committee of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg. Now the committee is experiencing an acute staff shortage. Bobrovskaya became the third deputy. The acting chairman is now Ekaterina Aksenova. Another deputy is Natalya Stratonova.

Veronica Bobrovskaya has been unemployed since August. Before that, she worked in federal positions for several years. Thus, from June 2016 to August 2018, she worked at the Ministry of Transport as director of the department of state policy in the field of arrangement of checkpoints across the state border. Her departure from the ministry was due to the fact that in May Maxim Sokolov, who hired her two years earlier, left the post of Minister of Transport.

From 2013 to 2016, Bobrovskaya worked as an adviser and then as deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency. In the spring of 2016, the media predicted the resignation of deputies of the Federal Property Management Agency after the scandalous dismissal of the head of the agency, Olga Dergunova. The latter was then suspected of corruption.

Bobrovskaya moved to the capital from St. Petersburg immediately to the position of deputy head of the Moscow city property department. And before that she worked at Smolny. In 2009, Veronica Bobrovskaya, being the deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg KUGI (the committee was then headed by Igor Metelsky), on behalf of the department, signed an agreement on the merger of land plots belonging to St. Petersburg with the plots of the Okhta Public and Business Center CJSC. We are talking about Cape Okhta, where in those years the construction of the Okhta Center skyscraper was planned. Later, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Alexey Kovalev, specializing in urban protection issues, demanded that Bobrovskaya be brought to criminal liability on the grounds that, firstly, she did not have the authority to merge state-owned plots with private ones, and secondly, city plots were sold without bidding and at a price “tens of times lower than the market price.” Kovalev's demands were partially supported by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

In 2004, Bobrovskaya was appointed to the post of deputy chairman of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of the Government of St. Petersburg. Previously, she worked as head of the legal sector in the Committee on Economics and Industrial Policy, as well as deputy chairman and head of the legal examination department of the Legal Committee of the Office of the Governor of St. Petersburg. That is, in fact, Bobrovskaya has now returned to the same position that she occupied more than 15 years ago.

Let us remind you that the Legal Committee became the first department to experience the arrival of the new governor Alexander Beglov. In the first week he gave Yulia Osipova. The reason for the dismissal was a criminal case opened by the Investigative Committee on the fact of fraud in the committee. The investigation believes that in the period from April 2015 to May 2017, some legal examinations, the implementation of which was paid for from budgetary funds to commercial firms, were in fact carried out by staff members of the department. At the end of September, as part of this criminal case, the committee was searched. Yulia Osipova, who was on sick leave, was taken for questioning to the Investigative Committee.

Exactly a month after Osipova’s dismissal, by decision of the Kuibyshev court she was sent under house arrest. By that time, the investigation had charged her with theft of 14.6 million rubles. Osipova did not admit guilt.

Along with Yulia Osipova, her deputy Irina Zolotovskaya was fired in October. She later left Russia, but before leaving, she testified against her former boss.


Veronica Bobrovskaya was appointed to the Legal Committee, despite the unspoken new people operating in Smolny. Probably, such an exception was made for her due to an acute staff shortage in the committee. After the dismissal of its leadership, there were so few responsible employees in the department that it threatened to paralyze its work. On the other hand, over the years of work at the federal level, Bobrovskaya could have acquired patrons who have now achieved her appointment. It is also possible that the decision on the appointment was made back in October, and the delay is explained by bureaucratic delays.

In the fall, the Federal Property Management Agency will begin online sales of furniture, cars, fur coats and old teapots

This fall, the Federal Property Management Agency will again begin selling confiscated goods after a three-year break. According to the new rules. Will it be easier for us to buy confiscated goods - clothes and shoes, furniture, cars, fur coats, electronics? Veronika Bobrovskaya, deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta about the features of the upcoming “sale.” And she helped me look into the department’s warehouses where all this stuff is stored. There was a surprise waiting for us there.

Veronika Evgenievna, what was the reason for the “freezing” of sales of confiscated goods for almost three years?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Regulatory lack of regulation and opacity of implementation procedures, which, moreover, have not changed for almost 20 years. Since the 90s, confiscated goods were sold mainly not at auction, but through authorized agents. The Federal Antimonopoly Service drew attention to the lack of competitive conditions in 2012. In connection with this, the sale of the confiscated goods was stopped. And we had to diagnose the system and do a lot of work to introduce amendments to federal legislation.

A document from the Russian government has now been prepared, providing for new rules for the sale of property converted into state ownership. The main principle is the sale of confiscated goods on the open market at auctions. We expect its adoption in the fall.

Keys to a car that doesn't exist

That is, the confiscated property is coming out of the criminal shadow?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Criminal cases are dealt with by the competent authorities. But the reflection of the sphere of circulation of confiscated property in the public consciousness is distorted, like in a distorting mirror. After all, how do each of us usually think? Everything that is “not visible” is in the shadows, and if so, then it means they are hiding, and if they are hiding, then it is especially valuable property that can be bought for next to nothing, but an agreement must be reached.

Lack of information and confidentiality always gives rise to speculation. This is the criminal shadow you are talking about. But these are shadows of the past. Go to the warehouses, look at these “especially valuable” goods, taking into account their more than 2-year storage period.

I'll definitely go. And what will I see there?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Mostly obsolete, obsolete, uninteresting property from a commercial point of view.

Who needs, for example, rusty kettles, electrical appliances, household appliances, the real consumer value of which has fallen to zero against the backdrop of a rapidly updating market. You can smile! In the warehouses of the Federal Property Management Agency there are also keys to cars, but without cars, there are tags for jewelry - without the products themselves. Magazines in a foreign language. Furniture that has dried out.

Is it just this, Veronika Evgenievna?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Of course, in a number of cases, the Federal Property Management Agency receives expensive confiscated cars, furniture, clothing, and fur coats from customs and law enforcement agencies.

And even living creatures - bears, rare birds, flora objects. As a rule, in this case, either the rules for importing animals, or handling, or keeping are violated. Recently, for example, we received confiscated lichen. And brown bear cubs. Animals are still able to find new homes in zoos and nurseries.

It turns out that not everything you have in stock is for sale?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: It is necessary to take into account that property is confiscated due to illegal acts, including violations of rules and requirements for quality, safety of goods, and documents.

Consequently, such goods a priori cannot continue to be sold by the Federal Property Management Agency, but must be sent for recycling and destruction. In addition, confiscation includes both instruments and objects of crimes, which in the vast majority of cases also excludes the possibility of considering such objects as goods suitable for consumption. For example, an elite foreign car riddled with bullets, or a gambling table made of expensive wood, confiscated during the liquidation of an underground casino.

Then how should we understand the announcements at bus stops about “confiscation sales”?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: This is nothing more than a marketing ploy by enterprising sellers playing on stereotypes of public consciousness.

Now the territorial departments of the Federal Property Management Agency are replenishing the database with new objects that are ready for sale at open auctions, that is, goods that have or have retained commercial value and, based on the results of the examination, are approved for use - the same cars, equipment, building materials, equipment, household equipment. Fuel oil and other types of petrochemical products.

The Federal Property Management Agency plans to sell all this publicly at market prices.

And how will it be?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We are actively working on the introduction of the most modern methods of implementation - electronic auctions on electronic trading platforms. With the obligatory posting of information about all objects put up for auction on the websites of the Federal Property Management Agency, its territorial departments and on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation about auctions - This will ensure access for anyone who considers it possible to purchase confiscated goods.

In the future, these may be private or public electronic platforms. We will select those information resources that best meet the objectives of the state. The Federal Property Management Agency will no longer look like a big flea market in the eyes of the public. Although we still do not predict a large wave of consumer demand this fall.

This is understandable if there is so much illiquid stock. Discounts are needed.

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We proposed that the government approve new trading rules with a reduction in the cost of unclaimed goods.

If a product is not sold on time at the appraisers’ original market price, then automatically, without revaluation, its price is reduced by 30 percent. If the price ultimately drops by 90 percent and there is no consumer demand, then it will also automatically be processed or destroyed.

How many products in total are we talking about?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Analysis is not carried out in any single units of accounting. On average, if we count in cubic meters, there are about 120-150 thousand cubic meters of confiscated property in the warehouses of the Federal Property Management Agency today.

Customs keeps good

How do you think about reducing the cost of maintaining a confiscated property?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: One of the ideas is implementation “from the wheels”. That is, from the moment the court decision on confiscation of property comes into force until information about its sale is posted at an electronic auction, a minimum of time must pass. There is a proposal for the prompt destruction and recycling of confiscated gaming equipment and slot machines without additional time and financial costs for conducting an examination.

Another option is to reduce the “passing” of confiscated goods between different places of storage. We recently took part in a joint meeting with the heads of the Federal Customs Service, where we proposed to our colleagues to create joint warehouses.

Why here?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: 60 percent of confiscated goods are from customs authorities. Having tested the idea of ​​storing property in joint warehouses with colleagues from customs structures, you can extend it to practice with law enforcement agencies and bailiffs.

Also, already at the level of the Federal Property Management Agency itself, we have begun to create a system of state warehouses for storing confiscated goods. This will eliminate dependence on commercial organizations and their inflated prices for services for storing confiscated goods. Payment sometimes reaches 30 rubles per day per cubic meter, this is a colossal expense.

The Federal Property Management Agency is already preparing two pilot projects for state warehouses for the placement of confiscated goods in the Pskov region and Primorye. These two border regions are leaders in the supply of confiscated property from customs authorities.

Don't kill sturgeons!

In 2013, about 3 million cubic meters of illegally cut timber were identified in the country. The Federal Property Management Agency received only 100 thousand cubic meters of confiscated and seized timber. Where is the rest?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Objectively, from the moment illegally felled timber is identified until the court makes a decision on confiscation, sometimes up to two years pass. During this time, the wood either rots or is taken away.

What to do?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We proposed to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosleskhoz and regional heads the idea of ​​transferring powers to dispose of confiscated timber from the Federal Property Management Agency to the regional level.

We proceed from the fact that only regions with infrastructure will be able to ensure its storage, safety, transportation, and processing.

Its main consumers, who are primarily interested in preserving their forest wealth, are also on the ground. All proceeds from the sale of confiscated timber will go to the needs of the local budget. It is necessary to make these amendments to the Forest Code and adopt a government resolution. More than half of the regions support our proposal.

What happens to illegally caught crabs, octopuses, salmon, and other fish?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: All valuable species of fish, crabs are exactly that highly liquid, expensive product on the market that could bring enormous income to the budget. Whereas the state costs for the destruction of aquatic biological resources are significant.

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Maybe it’s worth reducing the list of valuable species of fish and crabs that are being destroyed. And open up the possibility of sales at open auctions, including for recycling.

At whose expense, by the way, is the confiscated property destroyed?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: At the expense of the owner of the property - the state. This is a very complex and expensive procedure, since it requires strict compliance with environmental and environmental legislation, the availability of special conditions, technologies, and equipment.

On average, in 2015, the federal budget allocated 12-15 rubles per day for the maintenance of one cubic meter of confiscated goods, including the costs of storage, examination, evaluation, and destruction. For comparison: in 2011-2012 the amount of funding was about 800 million rubles, today it is 590 million rubles. Destruction is one of the most expensive components after storing property.

The Federal Property Management Agency suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rosrybolovst think about this.

Veronika Evgenievna, the Federal Property Management Agency is also obliged to sell the seized property of individuals. At one time it shared powers with the bailiff service. How is it now?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: By the way, the most common misconception is that seized and confiscated property are one and the same.

If confiscated property becomes the property of the state and the Federal Property Management Agency disposes of it as the owner, then in relation to things and objects seized as part of enforcement proceedings, we only have the powers of a seller, nothing more.

But are you doing the assessment?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: The Federal Property Management Agency never evaluates or revaluates the seized property of debtors. This is the prerogative and responsibility of the bailiffs or the court.

I would like to draw the special attention of RG readers to this. Since mass conflicts and complaints from citizens, debtors and claimants related to the sale of seized and mortgaged property, primarily housing, relate specifically to the assessment of seized properties put up for sale by the Federal Property Management Agency.

That is, this question is not for you. Then please explain why, for example, I bought a car for 1.5 million rubles, and when they take it for debts, they set a much lower price.

Veronica Bobrovskaya: I will add to your example: situations with the sale of seized apartments and houses cause particular social tension. And this is understandable - people not only lose their housing, but are often left with an unpaid debt.

And why?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: People do not take into account that the law sets strict deadlines for the forced sale of seized property - 2 months. Cars and apartments must urgently find a new owner, and the creditor must receive money from the bailiffs to pay off the debt.

This is quite difficult, given the wide offer on the market. But in case of disagreement, the market valuation can be appealed within the time limits and in the manner established by the law on enforcement proceedings.

But the owner himself can sell! Why is he deprived of this right?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Such ideas are now being actively discussed. There is already a procedure in place whereby the bailiff service offers low-value property worth up to 30 thousand rubles for independent sale to debtors and individuals.

Practice shows the high efficiency of this approach. We certainly supported and support him. But we must go further - transfer the property, regardless of its estimated value, for independent sale either to the debtor himself or to the claimant, bypassing the transfer from the bailiffs for sale to the Federal Property Management Agency.

There are many ideas for reforming the system for selling seized property of debtors. The key, I would even say revolutionary, step will be the transfer of all powers of the seller from the Federal Property Management Agency to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, to the competence of bailiffs.

The system doesn't like to change. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone, and the Federal Property Management Agency is persistently moving towards changes in the procedure for the circulation of seized property.

This fall, the Federal Property Management Agency will again begin selling confiscated goods after a three-year break. According to the new rules. Will it be easier for us to buy confiscated goods - clothes and shoes, furniture, cars, fur coats, electronics? Veronika Bobrovskaya, deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta about the features of the upcoming “sale.” And she helped me look into the department’s warehouses where all this stuff is stored. There was a surprise waiting for us there.

Veronika Evgenievna, what was the reason for the “freezing” of sales of confiscated goods for almost three years?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Regulatory lack of regulation and opacity of implementation procedures, which, moreover, have not changed for almost 20 years. Since the 90s, confiscated goods were sold mainly not at auction, but through authorized agents. The Federal Antimonopoly Service drew attention to the lack of competitive conditions in 2012. In connection with this, the sale of the confiscated goods was stopped. And we had to diagnose the system and do a lot of work to introduce amendments to federal legislation. A document from the Russian government has now been prepared, providing for new rules for the sale of property converted into state ownership. The main principle is the sale of confiscated goods on the open market at auctions. We expect its adoption in the fall.

Keys to a car that doesn't exist

That is, the confiscated property is coming out of the criminal shadow?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Criminal cases are dealt with by the competent authorities. But the reflection of the sphere of circulation of confiscated property in the public consciousness is distorted, like in a distorting mirror. After all, how do each of us usually think? Everything that is “not visible” is in the shadows, and if so, then it means they are hiding, and if they are hiding, then it is especially valuable property that can be bought for next to nothing, but an agreement must be reached.

Lack of information and confidentiality always gives rise to speculation. This is the criminal shadow you are talking about. But these are shadows of the past. Go to the warehouses, look at these “especially valuable” goods, taking into account their more than 2-year storage period.

I'll definitely go. And what will I see there?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Mostly obsolete, obsolete, and from a commercial point of view, uninteresting property.

Who needs, for example, rusty kettles, electrical appliances, household appliances, the real consumer value of which has fallen to zero against the backdrop of a rapidly updating market. You can smile! In the warehouses of the Federal Property Management Agency there are also keys to cars, but without cars, there are tags for jewelry - without the products themselves. Magazines in a foreign language. Furniture that has dried out.

Is it just this, Veronika Evgenievna?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Of course, in a number of cases, the Federal Property Management Agency receives expensive confiscated cars, furniture, clothing, and fur coats from customs and law enforcement agencies.

And even living creatures - bears, rare birds, flora objects. As a rule, in this case, either the rules for importing animals, or handling, or keeping are violated. Recently, for example, we received confiscated lichen. And brown bear cubs. Animals are still able to find new homes in zoos and nurseries.

It turns out that not everything you have in stock is for sale?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: It must be taken into account that property is confiscated due to illegal acts, including violations of rules and requirements for quality, safety of goods, and documents.

Consequently, such goods a priori cannot continue to be sold by the Federal Property Management Agency, but must be sent for recycling and destruction. In addition, confiscation includes both instruments and objects of crimes, which in the vast majority of cases also excludes the possibility of considering such objects as goods suitable for consumption. For example, an elite foreign car riddled with bullets, or a gambling table made of expensive wood, confiscated during the liquidation of an underground casino.

Then how should we understand the announcements at bus stops about “confiscation sales”?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: This is nothing more than a marketing ploy by enterprising sellers playing on stereotypes of public consciousness.

Now the territorial departments of the Federal Property Management Agency are replenishing the database with new objects that are ready for sale at open auctions, that is, goods that have or have retained commercial value and, based on the results of the examination, are approved for use - the same cars, equipment, building materials, equipment, household equipment. Fuel oil and other types of petrochemical products.

The Federal Property Management Agency plans to sell all this publicly at market prices.

And how will it be?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We are actively working on the introduction of the most modern methods of implementation - electronic auctions on electronic trading platforms. With the obligatory posting of information about all objects put up for auction on the websites of the Federal Property Management Agency, its territorial departments and on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation about auctions - This will ensure access for anyone who considers it possible to purchase confiscated goods.

In the future, these may be private or public electronic platforms. We will select those information resources that best meet the objectives of the state. The Federal Property Management Agency will no longer look like a big flea market in the eyes of the public. Although we still do not predict a large wave of consumer demand this fall.

This is understandable if there is so much illiquid stock. Discounts are needed.

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We proposed that the government approve new trading rules with a reduction in the cost of unclaimed goods.

If a product is not sold on time at the appraisers’ original market price, then automatically, without revaluation, its price is reduced by 30 percent. If the price ultimately drops by 90 percent and there is no consumer demand, then it will also automatically be processed or destroyed.

How many products in total are we talking about?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: The analysis is not carried out in any single units of accounting. On average, if we count in cubic meters, there are about 120-150 thousand cubic meters of confiscated goods in the warehouses of the Federal Property Management Agency today.

Customs keeps good

How do you think about reducing the cost of maintaining a confiscated property?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: One of the ideas is implementation “from wheels”. That is, from the moment the court decision on confiscation of property comes into force until information about its sale is posted at an electronic auction, a minimum of time must pass. There is a proposal for the prompt destruction and recycling of confiscated gaming equipment and slot machines without additional time and financial costs for conducting an examination.

Another option is to reduce the “passing” of confiscated goods between different places of storage. We recently took part in a joint meeting with the heads of the Federal Customs Service, where we proposed to our colleagues to create joint warehouses.

Why here?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: 60 percent of confiscated goods come from customs authorities. Having tested the idea of ​​storing property in joint warehouses with colleagues from customs structures, you can extend it to practice with law enforcement agencies and bailiffs.

Also, already at the level of the Federal Property Management Agency itself, we have begun to create a system of state warehouses for storing confiscated goods. This will eliminate dependence on commercial organizations and their inflated prices for services for storing confiscated goods. Payment sometimes reaches 30 rubles per day per cubic meter, this is a colossal expense.

The Federal Property Management Agency is already preparing two pilot projects for state warehouses for the placement of confiscated goods in the Pskov region and Primorye. These two border regions are leaders in the supply of confiscated property from customs authorities.

Don't kill sturgeons!

In 2013, about 3 million cubic meters of illegally cut timber were identified in the country. The Federal Property Management Agency received only 100 thousand cubic meters of confiscated and seized timber. Where is the rest?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Objectively, from the moment the illegally felled timber is identified until the court makes a decision on confiscation, sometimes up to two years pass. During this time, the wood either rots or is taken away.

What to do?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: We proposed to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosleskhoz and regional heads the idea of ​​transferring powers to dispose of confiscated timber from the Federal Property Management Agency to the regional level.

We proceed from the fact that only regions with infrastructure will be able to ensure its storage, safety, transportation, and processing.

Its main consumers, who are primarily interested in preserving their forest wealth, are also on the ground. All proceeds from the sale of confiscated timber will go to the needs of the local budget. It is necessary to make these amendments to the Forest Code and adopt a government resolution. More than half of the regions support our proposal.

What happens to illegally caught crabs, octopuses, salmon, and other fish?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: All valuable species of fish, crabs are exactly that highly liquid, expensive product on the market that could bring enormous income to the budget. Whereas the state costs for the destruction of aquatic biological resources are significant.

In Russia they want to reduce the list of valuable fish and crabs, the illegal catch of which must be destroyed. Photo: RIA Novosti

What could be the solution?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Perhaps it is worth reducing the list of valuable species of fish and crabs that are being destroyed. And open up the possibility of selling at open auctions, including for recycling.

At whose expense, by the way, is the confiscated property destroyed?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: At the expense of the owner of the property - the state. This is a very complex and expensive procedure, since it requires strict compliance with environmental and environmental legislation, the availability of special conditions, technologies, and equipment.

On average, in 2015, the federal budget allocated 12-15 rubles per day for the maintenance of one cubic meter of confiscated goods, including the costs of storage, examination, evaluation, and destruction. For comparison: in 2011-2012 the amount of funding was about 800 million rubles, today it is 590 million rubles. Destruction is one of the most expensive components after storing property.

The Federal Property Management Agency suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rosrybolovst think about this.

Veronika Evgenievna, the Federal Property Management Agency is also obliged to sell the seized property of individuals. At one time it shared powers with the bailiff service. How is it now?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: By the way, the most common misconception is that seized and confiscated property are one and the same.

If confiscated property becomes the property of the state and the Federal Property Management Agency disposes of it as the owner, then in relation to things and objects seized as part of enforcement proceedings, we only have the powers of a seller, nothing more.

But are you doing the assessment?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: The Federal Property Management Agency never evaluates or revaluates the seized property of debtors. This is the prerogative and responsibility of the bailiffs or the court.

I would like to draw the special attention of RG readers to this. Since mass conflicts and complaints from citizens, debtors and claimants related to the sale of seized and mortgaged property, primarily housing, relate specifically to the assessment of seized properties put up for sale by the Federal Property Management Agency.

That is, this question is not for you. Then please explain why, for example, I bought a car for 1.5 million rubles, and when they take it for debts, they set a much lower price.

Veronica Bobrovskaya: I will add to your example: situations with the sale of seized apartments and houses cause particular social tension. And this is understandable - people not only lose their housing, but are often left with an unpaid debt.

And why?

Veronica Bobrovskaya: People do not take into account that the law sets strict deadlines for the forced sale of seized property - 2 months. Cars and apartments must urgently find a new owner, and the creditor must receive money from the bailiffs to pay off the debt.

This is quite difficult, given the wide offer on the market. But in case of disagreement, the market valuation can be appealed within the time limits and in the manner established by the law on enforcement proceedings.

But the owner himself can sell! Why is he deprived of this right?

Deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency Veronika Bobrovskaya. Photo: Victor Vasenin / RG

Veronica Bobrovskaya: Such ideas are now being actively discussed. There is already a procedure in place whereby the bailiff service offers low-value property worth up to 30 thousand rubles for independent sale to debtors and individuals.

Practice shows the high efficiency of this approach. We certainly supported and support him. But we must go further - transfer the property, regardless of its estimated value, for independent sale either to the debtor himself or to the claimant, bypassing the transfer from the bailiffs for sale to the Federal Property Management Agency.

There are many ideas for reforming the system for selling seized property of debtors. The key, I would even say revolutionary, step will be the transfer of all powers of the seller from the Federal Property Management Agency to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, to the competence of bailiffs.

The system doesn't like to change. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone, and the Federal Property Management Agency is persistently moving towards changes in the procedure for the circulation of seized property.

Business card

Veronika Evgenievna Bobrovskaya, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.

In 1992 she graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Law. She completed training at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

She worked in senior positions in the executive authorities of the city of St. Petersburg, the city of Moscow, and federal executive authorities. She has been working at Rosimushchestvo since October 2013.

Married, has a son.